• Editing the Image that Shows for my Custom Templates

    From Matt@21:1/5 to All on Thu Jun 16 11:50:59 2022
    I have custom templates that I have created and shared with my team and they are sitting in a shared directory. They access them by changing their WorkGroup Templates directory to this shared directory, then by going to File, New, Shared. 3 Templates
    show up in the list below, but all 3 documents are not really distinguishable other than their name.

    Is there a way to edit the way these Templates show up in this selector list? I honestly have tried searching for this answer and it's a complete circle jerk when you search for, "how to you change the way a template looks in the template selector."
    Every document assumes you want to modify the template itself and not the way it looks in this File, New, Shared menu. I guess if I knew what this menu was actually called, it might help, but instead I'm here asking you.

    Any suggestions?

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