• Tutorial: Mounting smartphone sdcard & external sdcard onto Windows ove

    From Andy Burnelli@21:1/5 to All on Fri May 20 03:08:41 2022
    XPost: alt.comp.freeware, alt.internet.wireless

    Tutorial: Mounting smartphone sdcard & external sdcard
    onto Windows over Wi-Fi as a driver letter
    using only a free, ad-free Android WebDAV server

    Posted out of the goodness of my heart to help others mount their
    smartphone internal and external storage more easily than it took me.

    Note my Android 12 phone is not rooted & it has no Google account set up.

    The phone is connected to a hidden broadcast SSID on a static IP address
    with a random MAC address assigned on every connection to the home router.

    I did not set my home router to reserve any specific IP address for DHCP because each Android 12 connection, by default, randomizes the MAC address
    upon every Wi-Fi connection; so my home router is set to hand out DHCP IP address only _after_ that low IP address range _and_ my phone is set to
    a static IP address of which is _below_ the router DHCP range.

    Note also that it's common convention that "DavWWWRoot" is a keyword for
    the WebDav server "Home Directory", which you will see being used below.

    Today I switched from this ad-based free WebDav server with a simple setup,
    but which wouldn't (for some reason) mount the external sdcard over Wi-Fi:
    *WebDAV Server* by The Olive Tree
    Free, +ads, requires gsf, rated 3.5, 100K+ installs
    <https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.theolivetree.webdavserver> Which was initially chosen simply because it works well out of the box.

    Instead, I switched to this WebDav server which has a more complex setup.
    *WebDAV Server - BestDAV* by ZQ Software
    Free, ad free, gsf free, rated 3.4, 10K+ installs

    The setup is tricky as you must know a few things that you manually set.

    For example, you'll need an _accurate_ filespec for your Home Directory.
    Note that _many_ Android file explorers _simplify_ the visible filespecs!

    Hence, I chose this file explorer because it shows the _real_ filespec:
    *X-plore File Manager* by Lonely Cat Games
    Free, ad free + inap$, requires gsf, rated 4.5, 10M+ installs

    Using X-Plore, I noted the actual filespec to my internal sdcard folder:
    And I noted the actual filespec to my external sdcard top level folder:
    /storage/0000-0001 <== long ago I had named that sdcard using Windows 10

    In the BestDav server, I set the following settings manually:
    Web server setting:
    Website Home Directory = /storage/emulated/0
    Server Port = 8080
    Bind to Local IP = any
    Concurrent Connections = 8
    Allow notifying status = checked
    SSL settings:
    Enable SSL = unchecked
    Use our SSL certificate = unchecked
    Key Store File = unset
    Key Store Type = BKS (vs PKCS12)
    Key Store Password = unset (XXXXXXXXXX)
    Key Manager Password = unset (XXXXXXXXXX)
    Allow HTTP digest authentication = unchecked
    Setup Users = (I will do that later)
    Setup Resources = (I will do that later)
    Setup Allowed IPs = unset
    Default features:
    Allow the Default Home Page(_home.html) = checked
    Allow Browsing Directory from Web Page = checked
    Allow Uploading File from Web Page = checked
    Allow WebDAV LOCK/UNLOCK method = checked
    Start server on boot = unchecked
    Start server when WIFI connected = unchecked
    Specify the SSID of the WIFI network = any
    Keep the Wi-Fi lock = checked
    Keep the device alive = checked
    Device Discovery:
    Enable Bonjour Discovery = checked
    Log Setting:
    Enable Logging = checked
    Log file directory = [SDCARD]/weblog/
    Maximum preserved days = 7
    Receive message from Web:
    Allow receiving message from web = checked
    Vibrate when message is received = checked
    Play sound when message is received = checked
    Message Ringtone = defValue

    Now click the "USERS" & "FOLDERS" buttons to set up the users and the
    resources so that Windows can mount Android as a drive letter over Wi-Fi.

    I created a new user named "foobar" with a password of "snafu".
    If you don't wish to set up a user, you can allow everyone to connect.

    Note that "foobar" is _not_ the Windows 10 user, nor is "snafu" its
    password, but you can set the user/password to that of your Windows user.

    Note the GUI takes getting used to, where doubleclicking is required
    to begin editing the users and passwords that you created for them.

    I created a "Resource/Access Right" of "/" with the following permissions
    / === /storage/emulated/0 === everyone (_)none (_)Read only (o)Read/Write
    / === /storage/emulated/0 === foobar (_)none (_)Read only (o)Read/Write

    Note that "/" here indicates the "DavWWWRoot" folder which is whatever
    you set your "Home Directory" to (as all three terms are equivalent).

    Then I pressed the Android BestDav server button "START SERVER".
    This reports the URI you can use if you wish to connect using a browser. <== note I didn't use SSL but I could have

    On Windows, I entered this command as a typical user:
    net use Z: \\\DavWWWRoot /user:foobar snafu
    The command completed successfully.

    On Windows, that created a new mount point over Wi-Fi named:
    DavWWWRoot (\\ (Z:)
    Which the Windows File Explorer and the Windows command line respects.
    Volume in drive Z has no label.
    Volume Serial Number is 0000-0000

    Directory of Z:\

    05/15/2022 08:29 AM <DIR> .
    05/15/2022 08:29 AM <DIR> ..
    12/29/2021 12:15 AM <DIR> Samsung
    02/02/2022 06:19 AM <DIR> Android
    02/22/2022 07:52 AM <DIR> Music
    05/17/2022 05:58 PM <DIR> Pictures
    12/29/2021 12:15 AM <DIR> Ringtones
    12/29/2021 12:15 AM <DIR> Alarms
    12/29/2021 12:15 AM <DIR> Notifications
    05/15/2022 08:29 AM <DIR> DCIM
    04/16/2022 03:06 PM <DIR> Movies
    05/16/2022 01:33 AM <DIR> Download
    01/30/2022 06:04 AM <DIR> flore
    04/08/2022 12:28 AM <DIR> Documents
    12/29/2021 12:15 AM <DIR> Audiobooks
    01/03/2022 10:33 PM <DIR> .face
    01/01/2022 02:50 PM <DIR> Aurora
    05/20/2022 02:14 AM <DIR> 0000 <== my tattletale folder
    01/05/2022 06:12 PM <DIR> navigator
    01/05/2022 11:17 PM <DIR> .UTSystemConfig
    05/17/2022 05:45 PM <DIR> .DataStorage
    04/21/2022 11:45 PM <DIR> MotionDetectorPro
    04/22/2022 08:17 PM <DIR> ACRCalls
    05/06/2022 02:16 AM <DIR> vysor
    02/08/2022 10:05 PM <DIR> Unlocked
    02/22/2022 11:18 AM <DIR> Cellular Info
    02/22/2022 10:42 AM <DIR> Cellular_Connection_Monitor
    02/22/2022 03:56 PM <DIR> InternetConnectionAlert
    02/27/2022 03:27 AM <DIR> rfsignaldata
    02/27/2022 03:45 AM <DIR> data
    04/07/2022 09:49 PM <DIR> carbon
    04/08/2022 02:02 AM <DIR> AppBackup
    04/16/2022 06:02 AM <DIR> OSSLog
    04/16/2022 06:11 AM <DIR> .csproduct
    05/03/2022 09:46 PM <DIR> Podcasts
    05/03/2022 09:46 PM <DIR> Recordings
    05/05/2022 03:05 PM <DIR> BARIA
    05/15/2022 07:25 AM <DIR> GCam
    05/15/2022 08:05 AM <DIR> temp
    05/15/2022 08:29 AM <DIR> hudunrecorder
    05/15/2022 08:29 AM <DIR> .hudundevice
    0 File(s) 134,628 bytes
    41 Dir(s) 76,833,701,888 bytes free

    That gave me read permission from Windows 10 over Wi-Fi of the entire
    sdcard, including folders where I did not have write permission; but
    crucially, in folders I had created on Android, I _did_ have write
    permission from Windows 10 File Explorer (which is fine by me that way).

    Now it's time to see the _external_ sdcard, instead of the internal sdcard.

    I disconnected the mount point on Windows using the right click menu item
    of the same name and killed the WebDav server on Android but I found out
    later that you don't even need to disconnect the mount point from Windows.

    With the WebDav server off on Android, in the WebDav server settings
    I changed the Android WebDav server setting for the "Home Directory":
    FROM: /storage/emulated/0
    TO: /storage/0000-0001
    And then I restarted the Android WebDav server.
    And re-ran the Windows command:
    net use Z: \\\DavWWWRoot /user:foobar snafu


    On Windows, that created a new mount point over Wi-Fi named:
    DavWWWRoot (\\ (Z:)
    Which the Windows File Explorer and the Windows command line respects.
    Volume in drive Z has no label.
    Volume Serial Number is 0000-0000

    Directory of Z:\

    05/17/2022 10:41 AM <DIR> .
    05/17/2022 10:41 AM <DIR> ..
    05/03/2021 08:17 AM <DIR> System Volume Information
    12/24/2021 05:48 PM <DIR> Music
    01/31/2022 01:57 AM <DIR> Android
    12/24/2021 05:48 PM <DIR> Podcasts
    12/24/2021 05:48 PM <DIR> Ringtones
    12/24/2021 05:48 PM <DIR> Alarms
    12/24/2021 05:48 PM <DIR> Notifications
    03/12/2022 12:24 AM <DIR> DCIM
    12/24/2021 05:48 PM <DIR> Movies
    04/13/2022 07:19 PM <DIR> Download
    01/05/2022 06:12 PM <DIR> navigator
    12/24/2021 05:48 PM <DIR> Documents
    12/24/2021 05:48 PM <DIR> Audiobooks
    05/20/2022 02:29 AM <DIR> 0001 <== my tattletale folder
    04/13/2022 09:16 PM <DIR> Pictures
    04/07/2022 09:49 PM <DIR> carbon
    04/13/2022 07:24 PM <DIR> Toon
    05/03/2022 09:46 PM <DIR> Recordings
    0 File(s) 73,728 bytes
    20 Dir(s) 76,831,617,024 bytes free

    Finally, I can see (read and write) mounted as a drive letter over Wi-Fi
    the Android 12 external sdcard using the Windows 10 File Explorer.

    As before, from Windows, I can create a directory not in the top level
    but in lower levels in folders I had previously created on Android, which
    is fine by me.

    Apparently it's all in the settings, which is why I was careful to document
    the settings I used so that others can more easily follow in my stead.

    In summary, given I purposefully chose free software, anyone can run this step-by-step cut-and-paste tutorial to connect their entire Android phone
    over Wi-Fi to their Windows computer for seamless bidirectional file

    The hope is that this tutorial is useful to you, and, better yet, that
    someone out there knows more than I do about this who can improve it.

    That way we all benefit from the effort that went into writing this up.
    Posted out of the goodness of my heart to help others & to learn from them.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From John C.@21:1/5 to Andy Burnelli on Thu May 19 23:48:06 2022
    XPost: alt.comp.freeware, alt.internet.wireless

    Andy Burnelli wrote:
    Tutorial: Mounting smartphone sdcard & external sdcard          onto Windows over Wi-Fi as a driver letter          using only a free, ad-free Android WebDAV server

    Posted out of the goodness of my heart to help others mount their
    smartphone internal and external storage more easily than it took me.
    (big snip)

    So... why did you crosspost this into the alt.comp.freeware newsgroup?

    John C. BS206. No ad, CD, commercial, cripple, demo, nag, pirated,
    share, spy, time-limited, trial or web wares for me please. I filter out
    posts made from Google Groups and cross-posted (sent to more than one
    newsgroup at a time) messages. I recommend you do likewise.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From allen@21:1/5 to John C. on Sun May 22 16:47:54 2022
    XPost: alt.comp.freeware, alt.internet.wireless

    "John C." <r9jmg0@yahoo.com> said:

    So... why did you crosspost this into the alt.comp.freeware newsgroup?

    I think he did that because it uses freeware.
    He even said it in the title.
    And in the body too.

    How did you miss all the freeware?

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From John C.@21:1/5 to allen on Sun May 22 18:19:05 2022
    XPost: alt.comp.freeware, alt.internet.wireless

    allen wrote:
    "John C." <r9jmg0@yahoo.com> said:

    So... why did you crosspost this into the alt.comp.freeware newsgroup?

    I think he did that because it uses freeware.
    He even said it in the title.
    And in the body too.

    How did you miss all the freeware?

    The "comp" in alt.comp.freeware refers to computer, not smart phone.

    John C. BS206. No ad, CD, commercial, cripple, demo, nag, pirated,
    share, spy, time-limited, trial or web wares for me please. I filter out
    posts made from Google Groups and cross-posted (sent to more than one
    newsgroup at a time) messages. I recommend you do likewise.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From John C.@21:1/5 to John C. on Mon May 23 03:22:13 2022
    XPost: alt.comp.freeware, alt.internet.wireless

    John C. wrote:
    allen wrote:
    "John C." <r9jmg0@yahoo.com> said:

    So... why did you crosspost this into the alt.comp.freeware newsgroup?

    I think he did that because it uses freeware.
    He even said it in the title.
    And in the body too.

    How did you miss all the freeware?

    The "comp" in alt.comp.freeware refers to computer, not smart phone.

    The problem is that Andy Burnelli's posts are kind of long and detailed.
    It takes a while to figure out that they're not about computers
    sometimes, so they're actually cluttering up ACF. There are some
    newsgroups just for smartphones:


    and some just for cellphones in general:


    but they don't get a lot of traffic. Probably because most people are
    using forums now. Tom's Guide website has some:


    and there are many others:


    ACF though, is supposed to be for computers, and has been around since
    long before cell phones in general even existed in common useage.

    However, it's easy enough to killfile Burnelli and I have done so.

    John C. BS206. No ad, CD, commercial, cripple, demo, nag, pirated,
    share, spy, time-limited, trial or web wares for me please. I filter out
    posts made from Google Groups and cross-posted (sent to more than one
    newsgroup at a time) messages. I recommend you do likewise.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Andy Burnelli@21:1/5 to sticks on Tue May 24 06:59:35 2022
    XPost: alt.comp.freeware, alt.internet.wireless

    sticks wrote:

    Can I mount an Android phone to the Windows file system wirelessly, that is >>> without a USB connection?


    The link above, even though it was bracketed, was broken for me. I'm
    just wondering why?

    That link is to the fully freeware solution using M$ Windows freeware.

    Try this method of keeping the link in one line (let me know if it worked):
    *How to Link an Android Phone to a Windows 10 PC With Microsoft Phone Link*

    That method uses two applications, one on Windows and the other on Android (although for most Samsung phones, the Android app is already installed).
    *What Is Microsoft Phone Link on Windows 10 and 11?*

    Here is the Android app, which has had half a billion installs already!
    *Link to Windows* by Microsoft Corporation
    Free, ad free, requires gsf, rated 3.9, 500M+ installs

    Interestingly my Samsung isn't listed as having the app by default, but
    it's there, or at least an app with the same name is there by default.

    Ah, I spoke too soon... it's on this longer detailed list, that's why:

    For Windows, apparently, Microsoft claims it's already installed on both Windows 10 and Windows 11 (but I didn't see it on my Windows 10 Pro).

    I don't use this method but half a billion people do, so it must work.
    Note that it's a fully Windows freeware solution that most people use.
    Posted out of the goodness of my heart to help others & to learn from them.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Andy Burnelli@21:1/5 to Andy Burns on Tue May 24 06:57:58 2022
    XPost: alt.comp.freeware, alt.internet.wireless

    Andy Burns wrote:

    MajorLanGod wrote:

    Can I mount an Android phone to the Windows file system wirelessly, that is >> without a USB connection?

    See recent webDAV threads here or in c.m.android.

    In the Android newsgroup the same question was asked where Steve responded first with FTP, and, in response, I outlined _all_ the known methods we've tested over the years, so rather than repeat all that effort, I'll paste it here so not only will the OP benefit from those years of effort testing
    every known freeware solution, but so will others on the Windows platform.

    Note that _most_ of the software below is Windows freeware, but some is
    Android freeware (and some, like the M$ solutions, requires both!).

    sms wrote:

    Mount the phone as network storage

    Use an Android FTP app, i.e. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.medhaapps.wififtpserver.pro

    See <https://www.guidingtech.com/use-ftp-server-file-transfer-android/>

    To be purposefully helpful, below is a summary of tested connections.

    For the technically competent, Frank Slootweg and I spent a ton of time analyzing _all_ the possible networking solutions over Wi-Fi years ago.
    a. FTP freeware eservers
    b. HTTP freeware servers/WebDAV freeware servers
    c. SMB/Cifs/Samba freeware clients
    d. MTPfs/LibMTP freeware tools
    e. KDEConnect freeware tools
    f. NitroShare freeware tools
    g. Kies tools (I'm not sure if they're freeware though)
    h. Vysor/Scrcpy freeware tools

    A freweare FTP server on Android, as Steve suggested, works reasonably
    well, where the two I suggest are "primitive FTP" & "FTP Server (free)".

    The problem with FTP servers is that they will allow Windows to connect as
    a network storage, as Steve mentioned, but not as a Windows drive letter.

    The freeware WebDav servers, on the other hand, do allow the Android phone
    to be connected to Windows as a drive letter.

    The two WebDAV servers I suggest are "The Olive Tree WebDAV server" and "BestDAV WebDAV server".

    Of course, plenty of the other solutions above use Windows freeware too.
    Posted out of the goodness of my heart to help others who ask for advice.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Andy Burnelli@21:1/5 to Paul on Tue May 24 06:54:07 2022
    XPost: alt.comp.freeware, alt.internet.wireless

    Paul wrote:

    On 5/23/2022 8:51 PM, MajorLanGod wrote:
    Stan Brown <the_stan_brown@fastmail.fm> wrote in


    I have been using this for quite a while, but what I am looking for is the >> ability to mount the storage on the Android device to the Windows file
    system so it appears just like another drive.AFAIK that can't be done with >> link to android.

    In other words, I want to be able to see my phone in a File Explorer
    window, right-click on it, and wander around my Android storage as if it
    was directly connected to my PC

    That works best, when someone wants you to have that flavor of access.


    "Android File System Hierarchy Explained:


    How To Access The Root Files In Android?"

    I think the ChromeOS I installed using Neverware,
    had more partitions than that. I wasn't particularly
    interested in any of the content, except to note that
    there seemed to be an awful lot of partitions on
    the disk when I looked later.

    One reason for slicing it up like that, is to make
    some parts harder to get at, than others.


    No sense repeating what is already in the detailed step by step tutorial
    which Andy Burns already spoke about in the first response to the OP.
    <https://i.postimg.cc/BvJdKWzt/webdav06.jpg> Both sdcards mounted>

    *Tutorial: Mounting smartphone sdcard & external sdcard onto Windows*
    *over Wi-Fi as a driver letter using a free/ad-free Android WebDAV server*

    This command mounts the entire Android filesystem (including root) as a
    drive letter over Wi-Fi using only freeware that is readily available.
    net use Z: \\\DavWWWRoot /user:foobar snafu

    Here's a dir command on the system folder (and I'm _not_ rooted).
    Volume in drive Z has no label.
    Volume Serial Number is 0000-0000

    Directory of Z:\

    12/31/2008 04:00 PM <DIR> .
    12/31/2008 04:00 PM <DIR> ..
    05/03/2022 09:43 PM <DIR> efs
    12/31/2008 04:00 PM <DIR> debug_ramdisk
    01/01/1970 01:00 AM 0 publiccert.pem
    12/31/2008 04:00 PM <DIR> second_stage_resources
    12/31/2008 04:00 PM <DIR> odm_dlkm
    12/31/2008 04:00 PM <DIR> vendor
    01/01/1970 01:00 AM 0 data_mirror
    05/15/2022 08:29 AM <DIR> sdcard
    01/01/1970 01:00 AM 0 audit_filter_table
    05/21/2022 08:44 PM <DIR> apex
    12/31/2008 04:00 PM <DIR> lost+found
    12/31/2008 04:00 PM <DIR> etc
    01/01/1970 01:00 AM 0 dpolicy
    01/01/1970 01:00 AM 0 spu
    05/21/2022 08:44 PM <DIR> data
    05/24/2022 06:44 AM <DIR> dev
    12/31/2008 04:00 PM <DIR> vendor_dlkm
    01/01/1970 01:00 AM 0 omr
    12/31/2008 04:00 PM <DIR> acct
    12/31/2008 04:00 PM <DIR> oem
    12/31/2008 04:00 PM <DIR> optics
    01/01/1970 01:00 AM 0 linkerconfig
    12/31/2008 04:00 PM <DIR> prism
    12/31/2008 04:00 PM <DIR> system_ext
    01/01/1970 01:00 AM 0 sepolicy_version
    12/31/2008 04:00 PM <DIR> bin
    01/01/1970 01:00 AM <DIR> proc
    05/21/2022 08:44 PM <DIR> sys
    05/21/2022 08:44 PM <DIR> storage
    05/21/2022 08:44 PM <DIR> mnt
    05/03/2022 09:43 PM <DIR> cache
    12/31/2008 04:00 PM <DIR> odm
    01/01/1970 01:00 AM 0 init.environ.rc
    01/01/1970 01:00 AM 0 init.container.rc
    12/31/2008 04:00 PM <DIR> product
    01/01/1970 01:00 AM <DIR> config
    12/31/2008 04:00 PM <DIR> system
    01/01/1970 01:00 AM 0 postinstall
    01/01/1970 01:00 AM 0 metadata
    01/01/1970 01:00 AM 0 carrier
    13 File(s) 0 bytes
    29 Dir(s) 65,016,954,880 bytes free

    I didn't check if anything is missing, but that sure _looks_ like the
    entire file system of the Android root (even as I'm not rooted).

    Isn't it?

    BTW, if someone can explain what's the key difference between an HTTP
    server and a WebDAV server, that might be useful to the group at large.
    Posted out of the goodness of my heart to help others do what I do.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Andy Burnelli@21:1/5 to MajorLanGod on Tue May 24 07:00:58 2022
    XPost: alt.comp.freeware, alt.internet.wireless

    MajorLanGod wrote:

    Can I mount an Android phone to the Windows file system wirelessly, that is without a USB connection?

    This is the exact same one-line question the OP posted to the Android newsgroup, (which is fine), but rather than type up a new response given
    all the work I put into responding there, I'll just paste what I wrote
    there to help him out, and, I'll add them to this thread.

    Note that this uses Windows freeware, in addition to Android freeware.

    MajorLanGod wrote:

    How can I make my Android phone appear as a device in Windows File Explorer without having a USB connection to my PC, aka over Wi-Fi?

    I would like to be purposefully helpful to answer your question.

    Given there are _many_ potential solutions, there probably isn't enough information in your one sentence to steer you toward the best solution.

    Yet, to keep being purposefully helpful, I would suggest at first the most _common_ Wi-Fi solution, which works especially well with some phones.

    *Together is better with Microsoft and Samsung*

    *How to use Microsoft Your Phone Companion on your Galaxy smartphone* <https://insights.samsung.com/2022/03/07/how-to-use-microsoft-your-phone-companion-on-your-galaxy-smartphone-3/>

    *Set up Link to Windows with your Samsung Galaxy phone*

    *Samsung Galaxy Phones and Link to Windows*

    That works especially well with Samsung because the app is native on
    Samsung phones, but you can also download the app onto other brands.

    Windows software:
    *Introducing Microsoft Phone Link*

    Android software:
    *Link to Windows*

    Note Microsoft keeps changing the name of the app on Windows.

    In summary, if your phone is a Samsung, then the Android software is
    already on there, but even if it's not, it "should" work on most phones.

    To be clear, there are _many_ solutions. I don't use the solution above,
    for example, but _most_ people will be using that Microsoft Wi-Fi setup.
    Posted out of the goodness of my heart to help others who ask for advice.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Roberto Stamigna@21:1/5 to All on Tue Aug 9 10:26:14 2022
    Good evening and thanks for the fantastic guide.

    I have the following problem.

    When I change the administrative rights in the folders they do not remain saved.
    (FOLDERS: I created a "Resource/Access Right" of "/" with the following permissions ...)

    Anyone have suggestion?

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Roberto Stamigna@21:1/5 to All on Tue Aug 9 10:21:30 2022
    Il giorno martedì 24 maggio 2022 alle 08:00:40 UTC+2 Andy Burnelli ha scritto:
    MajorLanGod wrote:

    Can I mount an Android phone to the Windows file system wirelessly, that is
    without a USB connection?
    This is the exact same one-line question the OP posted to the Android newsgroup, (which is fine), but rather than type up a new response given
    all the work I put into responding there, I'll just paste what I wrote
    there to help him out, and, I'll add them to this thread.

    Note that this uses Windows freeware, in addition to Android freeware.

    MajorLanGod wrote:

    How can I make my Android phone appear as a device in Windows File Explorer
    without having a USB connection to my PC, aka over Wi-Fi?

    I would like to be purposefully helpful to answer your question.

    Given there are _many_ potential solutions, there probably isn't enough information in your one sentence to steer you toward the best solution.

    Yet, to keep being purposefully helpful, I would suggest at first the most _common_ Wi-Fi solution, which works especially well with some phones.

    *Together is better with Microsoft and Samsung* <https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/sync-across-your-devices?r=1>

    *How to use Microsoft Your Phone Companion on your Galaxy smartphone* <https://insights.samsung.com/2022/03/07/how-to-use-microsoft-your-phone-companion-on-your-galaxy-smartphone-3/>

    *Set up Link to Windows with your Samsung Galaxy phone* <https://www.samsung.com/us/support/answer/ANS00083910/>

    *Samsung Galaxy Phones and Link to Windows* *https://www.samsung.com/us/support/answer/ANS00087844/*

    That works especially well with Samsung because the app is native on
    Samsung phones, but you can also download the app onto other brands.

    Windows software:
    *Introducing Microsoft Phone Link* <https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/phone-link>

    Android software:
    *Link to Windows* <https://play.google.com/store/search?q=link%20to%20windows&c=apps>

    Note Microsoft keeps changing the name of the app on Windows.

    In summary, if your phone is a Samsung, then the Android software is
    already on there, but even if it's not, it "should" work on most phones.

    To be clear, there are _many_ solutions. I don't use the solution above,
    for example, but _most_ people will be using that Microsoft Wi-Fi setup.
    Posted out of the goodness of my heart to help others who ask for advice.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)