• [gentoo-dev] [RFC] Gentoo Bugzilla: new resolution for bugs closed due

    From =?UTF-8?Q?Micha=C5=82_G=C3=B3rny?=@21:1/5 to All on Wed Feb 7 12:10:02 2024

    I think we should add a new bug resolution that would more precisely
    cover closing bugs due to packages being removed. Right now, whichever resolution we use (be it WONTFIX, OBSOLETE, etc.), we aren't able to
    easily distinguish whether the resolution was used "normally" or due to
    last rites.

    Having a dedicated resolution (technical name RESO/PKGREMOVED) would
    make this clear. Furthermore, it would make it easier to reopen bugs
    if the packages are ever reintroduced.


    Best regards,
    Michał Górny


    iQFGBAABCgAwFiEEx2qEUJQJjSjMiybFY5ra4jKeJA4FAmXDY5gSHG1nb3JueUBn ZW50b28ub3JnAAoJEGOa2uIyniQO5c8H/1zVqLupgFsPg9r/8VJmszpf7qSysfrJ DLDzhdeKO0BDx+vdxtaa1FFYPqR40zN+x8TG53O9JcZtiGyAuoluzbMhkuBukqgR SX0zZFJDW/h2uevgMhkYFmd99lPXEpSzXls2BIqk5xD/3QkDJjqMJ8rJBpD0vVRK pd0ZIA96Z8fcDWaYJ2z6W/rVPiXqIPzY7UiFWvXUcqW0gGjMnsuBzUQLq41DRB5n EHFpqW/sAasCRD9UOo8erM8e3uTD63oTAF/AeWOUH9AptQwcjd9u/w4xfSVK+qvI auBBa5/syBVVNIKP6Qb2gzxP6tJbB6eZTM7eo/66kAR0YhXh/3SP6Yw=
    -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Ionen Wolkens@21:1/5 to All on Wed Feb 7 12:50:01 2024
    On Wed, Feb 07, 2024 at 12:03:52PM +0100, Michał Górny wrote:

    I think we should add a new bug resolution that would more precisely
    cover closing bugs due to packages being removed. Right now, whichever resolution we use (be it WONTFIX, OBSOLETE, etc.), we aren't able to
    easily distinguish whether the resolution was used "normally" or due to
    last rites.

    Having a dedicated resolution (technical name RESO/PKGREMOVED) would
    make this clear. Furthermore, it would make it easier to reopen bugs
    if the packages are ever reintroduced.


    Sounds like it could be useful (that or some other way to identify
    these if preferred), but think something that's missing either way
    would be a way to automate/streamline it preferably without scripts.
    Like additional actions for commit summaries (aka like 'Closes:').

    In general think not many want to use bugz or do it manually on
    removal. So these are often not even closed WONTFIX/OBSOLETE but
    rather as FIXED through 'Closes:' regardless of what the devmanual
    says (currently it instructs to do WONTFIX).


    iQEzBAABCAAdFiEEx3SLh1HBoPy/yLVYskQGsLCsQzQFAmXDbV4ACgkQskQGsLCs QzSlMQf/coUUOEv4x09aBY/V1ojXgqsRSTv8JI96JBGxi/TrHLOdqn3UHt1Kj/Pj jaYWV/jJUfifYLa9s++CwVMsAsKkhZ6qN6k4+N2bX1bSbv8GmNn3Xm0/bCy2BYdJ BbknZC+az2F1DPcP2w82G8idEAhoB2fLLuGb3CV/I3gbTZHZqXXpOz9ENEub8Y47 Y01LKiqGcWxia2JDXxTmkHiBRgGd9KkqH5Hrw7vUBO678lqvwz69/j/nZj6+4D8M SuFI3dRlKEyKFZEwJ6pzasgzH0zCW77dXP/fwvaSmpnMRibdLf01zbUP+dwTndhV TQdXu86JaZBjFqIOiAn7IAOiD+fHsA==
    -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Jonas Stein@21:1/5 to All on Wed Feb 7 23:50:01 2024
    This is an OpenPGP/MIME signed message (RFC 4880 and 3156) --------------JBCkzEXmqujkvYashaRQ3pDH
    Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64

    PiBJIHRoaW5rIHdlIHNob3VsZCBhZGQgYSBuZXcgYnVnIHJlc29sdXRpb24gdGhhdCB3b3Vs ZCBtb3JlIHByZWNpc2VseQ0KPiBjb3ZlciBjbG9zaW5nIGJ1Z3MgZHVlIHRvIHBhY2thZ2Vz IGJlaW5nIHJlbW92ZWQuICBSaWdodCBub3csIHdoaWNoZXZlcg0KPiByZXNvbHV0aW9uIHdl IHVzZSAoYmUgaXQgV09OVEZJWCwgT0JTT0xFVEUsIGV0Yy4pLCB3ZSBhcmVuJ3QgYWJsZSB0 bw0KPiBlYXNpbHkgZGlzdGluZ3Vpc2ggd2hldGhlciB0aGUgcmVzb2x1dGlvbiB3YXMgdXNl ZCAibm9ybWFsbHkiIG9yIGR1ZSB0bw0KPiBsYXN0IHJpdGVzLg0KPiANCj4gSGF2aW5nIGEg ZGVkaWNhdGVkIHJlc29sdXRpb24gKHRlY2huaWNhbCBuYW1lIFJFU08vUEtHUkVNT1ZFRCkg d291bGQNCj4gbWFrZSB0aGlzIGNsZWFyLiAgRnVydGhlcm1vcmUsIGl0IHdvdWxkIG1ha2Ug aXQgZWFzaWVyIHRvIHJlb3BlbiBidWdzDQo+IGlmIHRoZSBwYWNrYWdlcyBhcmUgZXZlciBy ZWludHJvZHVjZWQuDQoNCk5pY2UgaWRlYS4NCg0KUkVTTy9QS0dSRU1PVkVEIHNvdW5kcyB2 ZXJ5IHJlYXNvbmFibGUgdG8gbWUuDQoNCkJ5IHRoZSB3YXkgZGViaWFuIGNhbGxzIGl0ICJh cmNoaXZlZCIgYXMgaW4NCmh0dHBzOi8vYnVncy5kZWJpYW4ub3JnL2NnaS1iaW4vYnVncmVw b3J0LmNnaT9idWc9NjA5ODQ1DQoNCi0tIA0KQmVzdCwNCkpvbmFzDQoNCg==



    wsB5BAABCAAjFiEE84qjnRh6gS99k6Si4XQFRgm/aJkFAmXECFgFAwAAAAAACgkQ4XQFRgm/aJlJ rgf9GuFC0PKy58w+TSrZPndFACmm3sNUabWWkF0yDHliHQkL6zRVNRT5eSES6sAaYUsi7WtI123m FS8QpoGyNflJKn5pQTFrDj1nJ6Czf/XIwUrDxileNpAH0h+WYIkUgafpD34urEdzT9+xLotY9x+1 TFIsWWkSNTuSQfCdHEvl2dLf+ZmlO3xqeY4p9+imP2zVL6j10FwCDrw2/2OWKENSJ1uIEdyVs/xy Szf3z/8Z21XNHht5+M1cI7GRHh5YnbQqOhy2oLS0tfHdiOJ1fsB3S+lUtcJWgds7RpKWnn/1kvGH J6hBSLxr9Nr2dE8/wXjNr9cRCyyL/qbnCc93odXnIA==
    -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Sam James@21:1/5 to Ionen Wolkens on Thu Feb 8 08:10:01 2024
    Ionen Wolkens <ionen@gentoo.org> writes:

    [[PGP Signed Part:Undecided]]
    On Wed, Feb 07, 2024 at 12:03:52PM +0100, Michał Górny wrote:

    I think we should add a new bug resolution that would more precisely
    cover closing bugs due to packages being removed. Right now, whichever
    resolution we use (be it WONTFIX, OBSOLETE, etc.), we aren't able to
    easily distinguish whether the resolution was used "normally" or due to
    last rites.

    Having a dedicated resolution (technical name RESO/PKGREMOVED) would
    make this clear. Furthermore, it would make it easier to reopen bugs
    if the packages are ever reintroduced.


    Sounds like it could be useful (that or some other way to identify
    these if preferred), but think something that's missing either way
    would be a way to automate/streamline it preferably without scripts.
    Like additional actions for commit summaries (aka like 'Closes:').

    In general think not many want to use bugz or do it manually on
    removal. So these are often not even closed WONTFIX/OBSOLETE but
    rather as FIXED through 'Closes:' regardless of what the devmanual
    says (currently it instructs to do WONTFIX).

    Agreed. I like the idea, but for me, it's a non-starter unless we commit
    to doing this (some bug tag like 'Removed:' or 'Last-rited:' or w/e for commits) as well. It ends up being asked to be ignored/forgotten otherwise.

    --=-=-Content-Type: application/pgp-signature; name="signature.asc"


    iOUEARYKAI0WIQQlpruI3Zt2TGtVQcJzhAn1IN+RkAUCZcR8F18UgAAAAAAuAChp c3N1ZXItZnByQG5vdGF0aW9ucy5vcGVucGdwLmZpZnRoaG9yc2VtYW4ubmV0MjVB NkJCODhERDlCNzY0QzZCNTU0MUMyNzM4NDA5RjUyMERGOTE5MA8cc2FtQGdlbnRv by5vcmcACgkQc4QJ9SDfkZCylwD5AX6HwBp86leSp7Whi2cRMFEaW3pWdkTDwzcX V/Zp0n4A/j5nGxZyFdb1fInRSKVzT9nitXgZrokIkxTVYr3RWNEM
    -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From =?UTF-8?Q?Micha=C5=82_G=C3=B3rny?=@21:1/5 to All on Wed May 8 11:30:02 2024
    On Wed, 2024-02-07 at 12:03 +0100, Michał Górny wrote:

    I think we should add a new bug resolution that would more precisely
    cover closing bugs due to packages being removed. Right now, whichever resolution we use (be it WONTFIX, OBSOLETE, etc.), we aren't able to
    easily distinguish whether the resolution was used "normally" or due to
    last rites.

    Having a dedicated resolution (technical name RESO/PKGREMOVED) would
    make this clear. Furthermore, it would make it easier to reopen bugs
    if the packages are ever reintroduced.


    Given no opposition, I've added RESO/PKGREMOVED now.

    Best regards,
    Michał Górny


    iQFGBAABCgAwFiEEx2qEUJQJjSjMiybFY5ra4jKeJA4FAmY7RK8SHG1nb3JueUBn ZW50b28ub3JnAAoJEGOa2uIyniQOx/YH/j+V2kypFp2oPLktkZtvt6zS3t01WMBj Rq14u18OU5TK9ZO9Yfe68QDd962lPjYPZjW3wZSwqDQieoxy+tZ0Iv8sMKFPtpk9 usJDVmG6wqkQf14rjFP99VFvmmvw3zgqWgy46Jx22CAFYPmZQyhx7qriDsLyptFd 32YUgbK8Pj6jNeb2HDqJcSpsrBegOdQRZhthGLJY6NmXOShWNMR0I9DmcK6qPhTJ mpAk8TemUsICh8LZDA0Mwhfp1DAz3R0poiS5nsQ7RvqQEVvktFQ8mKQ2+LKtw9Fq sm1V5nYUxRA5BJxOWjCyx18a7a11EvyC5S6q1lzmh1KjJA17MtIuWAM=
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    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)