• Re: [gentoo-user] KDE Plasma sound not working

    From Julien Roy@21:1/5 to Peter Humphrey on Wed Jun 15 05:00:02 2022

    I'm not sure if my previous email went through correctly, so I will try

    A few suggestions to pin point the source of your problem:

    - Try with a different audio device to test if the issue is localized to
    this USB dongle, or if it is "system wide",

    - Install a different DE (or perhaps a WM would be faster), to see
    whether this is KDE-related, or system wide,

    - Take a copy/backup/snapshot of your new user account before the issue
    occurs, and compare it (specifically the config files) to the account
    after the issue appears. This may help you find out if KDE is doing
    something fishy with a config file somewhere that triggers the problem. Alternatively, you could also revert to the snapshot and see if that
    fixes the problem. If so, then you might want to take more granular
    snapshots (specific folders or files), and restore specific folders as
    the issue appears, to figure out where exactly the problem is located.

    As for the drive that wants to mount itself, I don't think it is related
    to this audio problem, but KDE (and DEs in general) have settings to
    allow mounting devices (automatically) through the DE itself rather than
    fstab, which explains why the noauto setting is being ignored : check
    the settings in KDE to see if it's setup to auto mount devices.



    On 6/14/22 22:00, Peter Humphrey wrote:
    Hello list,

    I thought it was time to start a fresh thread, so here it is.

    I still have no working sound. I keep thinking I've fixed the problem, only to
    be proved wrong at the next reboot. The hardware is a USB dongle with a Unitek
    Y-247A chipset and I'm using an ordinary 3.5mm wired connection.

    The problem seems to be in my user account, because I can create a new user, then adjust control panel values to suit, logging out and in after each change. The sound keeps operating as it should - until I reboot, and then it's

    By 'dead' I mean (a) it's silent, and (b) when I click the control panel button to test a speaker, the icon changes colour to show it's working, but it
    just hangs and never comes back.

    This reminds me of another problem, in which Konsole windows are not always restored after a login. This has still not been fixed; two bugs refer:

    1. https://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=819459
    2. https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=445862

    Something else also changes at the first reboot after creating a new user account: a dialogue box opens requesting permission to mount a partition - but
    that partition is one of several marked 'noauto' in fstab. (Screen shot attached.)

    What can possibly live under /home/prh and cause all this disruption? I might suspect I'd been hacked, but I've rebuilt a new system several times, and I've
    lost count of the times I've thrown away my user account and started again.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Julien Roy@21:1/5 to All on Wed Jun 15 04:30:01 2022
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    -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Peter Humphrey@21:1/5 to All on Wed Jun 15 13:00:01 2022
    On Wednesday, 15 June 2022 03:21:51 BST Julien Roy wrote:

    A few suggestions to pin point the source of your problem:

    Thanks for you help.

    - Try with a different audio device to test if the issue is localized to
    this USB dongle, or if it is "system wide",

    The evidence points squarely away from the hardware. I can't see this being anything other than a misconfiguration or a coding error.

    - Install a different DE (or perhaps a WM would be faster), to see
    whether this is KDE-related, or system wide,

    I may do that.

    - Take a copy/backup/snapshot of your new user account before the issue occurs, and compare it (specifically the config files) to the account
    after the issue appears. This may help you find out if KDE is doing
    something fishy with a config file somewhere that triggers the problem. Alternatively, you could also revert to the snapshot and see if that
    fixes the problem. If so, then you might want to take more granular
    snapshots (specific folders or files), and restore specific folders as
    the issue appears, to figure out where exactly the problem is located.

    I do something like that by copying a good user account as a basis for the
    next iteration. The problem is just the fineness of granularity that's needed, now that a coarse grain hasn't helped. Hey-ho. Here we must go again...

    As for the drive that wants to mount itself, I don't think it is related
    to this audio problem, but KDE (and DEs in general) have settings to
    allow mounting devices (automatically) through the DE itself rather than fstab, which explains why the noauto setting is being ignored : check
    the settings in KDE to see if it's setup to auto mount devices.

    Setting all devices to no-automount hasn't helped.


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Julien Roy@21:1/5 to Peter Humphrey on Wed Jun 15 18:40:01 2022
    On 6/15/22 06:52, Peter Humphrey wrote:

    I do something like that by copying a good user account as a basis for the next iteration. The problem is just the fineness of granularity that's needed,
    now that a coarse grain hasn't helped. Hey-ho. Here we must go again...

    What is certain is that the issue is caused by a file in your home
    directory, since creating a new user fixes the problem.

    What may help you to be more specific with this would be to list what
    files were modified since the last time audio worked; for example, `find
    $HOME -mtime 0` will show files modified in the last 24 hours

    You might want to run this command on .config or .kde directories to see
    what could have changed, although it's true that it might take a while
    to pin point it...

    Another option, since you mention that you re-created your user multiple
    times, is to just delete specific folders, reboot, and try audio. Maybe
    start with .config as that would be the most obvious culprit. If that
    doesn't work, try .kde (not sure if that folder is in ~/  or ~/.config),
    then other directories.

    Also, did you check `dmesg` to see if there are any errors related to
    the audio device/driver? Try `dmesg --level=err,warn`



    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Michael@21:1/5 to All on Wed Jun 15 18:42:34 2022
    On Wednesday, 15 June 2022 03:00:16 BST Peter Humphrey wrote:
    Something else also changes at the first reboot after creating a new user account: a dialogue box opens requesting permission to mount a partition - but that partition is one of several marked 'noauto' in fstab. (Screen shot attached.)

    What can possibly live under /home/prh and cause all this disruption? I
    might suspect I'd been hacked, but I've rebuilt a new system several times, and I've lost count of the times I've thrown away my user account and
    started again.

    As it has already been commented the udisks points to desktop automounting function doing its thing here. There a number of options to configure for all devices and selected devices. However, I can't recall this pop up on new user accounts here, but I do not run any nvme devices to know if it is any different.

    iQIzBAABCAAdFiEEXqhvaVh2ERicA8Ceseqq9sKVZxkFAmKqGgoACgkQseqq9sKV Zxlw3g/+KJXE/hiS/VUFz0sV/DJZ7tcQxVTL0nJxb4Y8SJZTbiyfw64OPvFc1yJz XBXswTNZzrNgnEwM5T5SY1Xj8d8H+0iedvRO5hByzcJSbrrKHmMe1XW8SuDQ6YK0 88Q1twQhXtQvn4JO05Bya3+1ueAE92tTQUBvcl3PtZ8JT2lD4CJo5JaBO+0Grzb3 KmV8NiPUGQytQyCDE22UNyA9YWJJsnjpCgk8jF+0VuHuz+ogvOKcuN/7+f62t7vu h+ICix8xarJcWanFYqUj2T8K2W7THhTkUxloR5bdrA8KmB3KoM4bTIMfR7cnKUWO B0ifZqRJmLlcMqMJf9lsd79bS4Cpd+3tgwsDuYnQpEOgHvLBl6FCesYHHT8jDqnP sjvkNEeHuRlak69WsU45nKhEbMaIQQHyZFuY56iVeeVk8gM0yASUSw14pjyJTs/o RCD7uI3K7T3Mm56wKih+cgU04fLmmMNx+eOhByBPOgcKm6yPDWxEO6LozHyARRy1 8YOvMWOTZga5dNhLCDHCEryEZP1wk08tiyBX7M9rgDqpxqhDfH2gAXV8V/cDZaz0 b1YCzCqkCbNcJbmgKJ7PbxEBmofhja43FMD4/Sbb4VSGle921nJobc6zt1qxCqUN EnRlL+uKSucRPP6xQOdXwuZ5n2luHs6YDCdfrVNJCI9DNKYo7Vw=
    -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Michael@21:1/5 to All on Wed Jun 15 18:29:52 2022
    On Wednesday, 15 June 2022 17:29:54 BST Julien Roy wrote:
    On 6/15/22 06:52, Peter Humphrey wrote:
    I do something like that by copying a good user account as a basis for the next iteration. The problem is just the fineness of granularity that's needed, now that a coarse grain hasn't helped. Hey-ho. Here we must go again...
    What is certain is that the issue is caused by a file in your home
    directory, since creating a new user fixes the problem.

    What may help you to be more specific with this would be to list what
    files were modified since the last time audio worked; for example, `find $HOME -mtime 0` will show files modified in the last 24 hours

    You might want to run this command on .config or .kde directories to see
    what could have changed, although it's true that it might take a while
    to pin point it...

    Another option, since you mention that you re-created your user multiple times, is to just delete specific folders, reboot, and try audio. Maybe
    start with .config as that would be the most obvious culprit. If that
    doesn't work, try .kde (not sure if that folder is in ~/ or ~/.config),
    then other directories.

    Also, did you check `dmesg` to see if there are any errors related to
    the audio device/driver? Try `dmesg --level=err,warn`



    I can't recall if among various things Peter has tried is to boot and login into Plasma, without the USB audio dongle plugged in. Then plug it in and check dmesg and syslog, as well as udevadm:

    udevadm monitor --subsystem-match=usb --property

    Also, if there is some specific audio driver module used with this dongle, try compiling it as a module and modprobe it manually.

    Hopefully, checking differences between the working and non-working user profiles before/after a reboot will elicit something meaningful.

    iQIzBAABCAAdFiEEXqhvaVh2ERicA8Ceseqq9sKVZxkFAmKqFxAACgkQseqq9sKV ZxmSZQ//dHmAiKyiVbkJI5vcr3gbXlJ30CDpcV1VSt+HQhOXrq4DSRV6WHsVnDTw url2HyIZFWLBMuM/L5v8QOPpjgOFR+hlOJLDDoeELR4NYTDRKs6mwIHRfMr/DxFw 59qpHYwtQWSWH13zHqRz74Tc65k1wQ9ylu5Z4B2z58tiSHW1NHBeyECs4ObUsW6f Pb+lN4DvXjDILCSdsBwzh/mQ0T3Bi3pwMX3AHeiTbzZ15sk4cXESp3xhGsNdGUax NbcCJF3uS5XtiIR7RCzBNTx40m32609VOfzwzV+zcf6+Z+IAR9f6pu52TI1gkZZc Zl1PvomoVW+BLyKnWm2aPpA892xI7ORsOdR7Bh4TD1BZ66DdL5OssyHQmlc/fRES DAuWNxVP8VEhohk1kY7mSh1THcC5iW3q2Ud3ru+qubS6DbrZno3a2Sk1buNLEjdA /82bpDwqf3/u7L3iFN34/ENmOErcHBkWgC/mLBRajDoreHXXhauEudIs3gpsbAIp 69ljs7gOYP/kaGbUlq74cC2EKTrCWVKXoGSwsXn5XNn6rDPMzqYVhXtoO5+YpxYL m7jIl6lRmxDU7yiZiY7LAJg7XiUMPQaAkm6WTx0YhFiH/rCITCBQfDSXVcFiFY33 R3Q7ZlJompqHnfyI3MM3mk8sVydOzlW227Ae84kqd0+/Qeg9PTk=
    -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Peter Humphrey@21:1/5 to All on Thu Jun 16 18:30:01 2022
    On Thursday, 16 June 2022 17:10:38 BST Peter Humphrey wrote:
    On Wednesday, 15 June 2022 17:29:54 BST Julien Roy wrote:
    On 6/15/22 06:52, Peter Humphrey wrote:
    I do something like that by copying a good user account as a basis for the
    next iteration. The problem is just the fineness of granularity that's needed, now that a coarse grain hasn't helped. Hey-ho. Here we must go again...

    What is certain is that the issue is caused by a file in your home directory, since creating a new user fixes the problem.

    Having spent several hours at this today, I've concluded that the problem is caused by the Startpage add-on to Firefox. Specifically, startpage 1.3 and Firefox 71.10. Early in the stepwise setting everything up, I started


    Firefox, set its typefaces and so on, then installed Startpage. The sound system stopped working instantly. I removed Startpage and the sound came back. A reboot confirmed that no lasting damage had been done. So, I'm now using 'EU Startpage - Unofficial', which seems to working well so far.

    What may help you to be more specific with this would be to list what
    files were modified since the last time audio worked; for example, `find $HOME -mtime 0` will show files modified in the last 24 hours

    You might want to run this command on .config or .kde directories to see what could have changed, although it's true that it might take a while
    to pin point it...

    Another option, since you mention that you re-created your user multiple times, is to just delete specific folders, reboot, and try audio. Maybe start with .config as that would be the most obvious culprit. If that doesn't work, try .kde (not sure if that folder is in ~/ or ~/.config), then other directories.

    I'll stick with the system I have for the moment, thanks. I'll also report the problem to the developers.

    Also, did you check `dmesg` to see if there are any errors related to
    the audio device/driver? Try `dmesg --level=err,warn`

    Thanks for your ideas, Julien.


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Peter Humphrey@21:1/5 to All on Thu Jun 16 18:20:01 2022
    On Wednesday, 15 June 2022 17:29:54 BST Julien Roy wrote:
    On 6/15/22 06:52, Peter Humphrey wrote:
    I do something like that by copying a good user account as a basis for the next iteration. The problem is just the fineness of granularity that's needed, now that a coarse grain hasn't helped. Hey-ho. Here we must go again...
    What is certain is that the issue is caused by a file in your home
    directory, since creating a new user fixes the problem.

    Having spent several hours at this today, I've concluded that the problem is caused by the Startpage add-on to Firefox. Specifically, startpage 1.3 and Firefox 71.10. Early in the stepwise setting everything up, I started Firefox, set its typefaces and so on, then installed Startpage. The sound system
    stopped working instantly. I removed Startpage and the sound came back. A reboot confirmed that no lasting damage had been done. So, I'm now using 'EU Startpage - Unofficial', which seems to working well so far.

    What may help you to be more specific with this would be to list what
    files were modified since the last time audio worked; for example, `find $HOME -mtime 0` will show files modified in the last 24 hours

    You might want to run this command on .config or .kde directories to see
    what could have changed, although it's true that it might take a while
    to pin point it...

    Another option, since you mention that you re-created your user multiple times, is to just delete specific folders, reboot, and try audio. Maybe
    start with .config as that would be the most obvious culprit. If that
    doesn't work, try .kde (not sure if that folder is in ~/ or ~/.config),
    then other directories.

    I'll stick with the system I have for the moment, thanks. I'll also report the problem to the developers.

    Also, did you check `dmesg` to see if there are any errors related to
    the audio device/driver? Try `dmesg --level=err,warn`

    Thanks for your ideas, Julien.


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Julien Roy@21:1/5 to Peter Humphrey on Fri Jun 17 03:30:01 2022
    On 6/16/22 12:10, Peter Humphrey wrote:

    Having spent several hours at this today, I've concluded that the problem is caused by the Startpage add-on to Firefox. Specifically, startpage 1.3 and Firefox 71.10. Early in the stepwise setting everything up, I started Firefox,
    set its typefaces and so on, then installed Startpage. The sound system stopped working instantly. I removed Startpage and the sound came back. A reboot confirmed that no lasting damage had been done. So, I'm now using 'EU Startpage - Unofficial', which seems to working well so far.

    It's really weird that a Firefox add-on would cause system-wide sound to
    stop working!

    Anyway, glad that you figured it out


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Peter Humphrey@21:1/5 to All on Fri Jun 17 08:40:01 2022
    On Friday, 17 June 2022 02:28:26 BST Julien Roy wrote:

    It's really weird that a Firefox add-on would cause system-wide sound to
    stop working!

    Well, it may not be system-wide, but yes - you see why I took so long to find it!

    Anyway, glad that you figured it out



    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Michael@21:1/5 to All on Fri Jun 17 09:55:17 2022
    On Friday, 17 June 2022 07:35:54 BST Peter Humphrey wrote:
    On Friday, 17 June 2022 02:28:26 BST Julien Roy wrote:
    It's really weird that a Firefox add-on would cause system-wide sound to stop working!

    Well, it may not be system-wide, but yes - you see why I took so long to
    find it!

    It is even more weird this add-on provides just a search engine! It's not as if the add-on is related to a media player, or something you could expect it might need to touch audio.

    I tried it on a plasma desktop and I can replicate the problem. However, I noticed if I go into Configure Audio Devices and select 'Analogue Stereo' and then 'Analogue Stereo Duplex' back & forth, the audio starts playing again. This is with a hard wired audio, no bluetooth.

    Any idea what the difference is between the various StartPage add-ons? Is StartPage to be trusted, anymore than all the rest mass surveillance corporates?

    iQIzBAABCAAdFiEEXqhvaVh2ERicA8Ceseqq9sKVZxkFAmKsQXUACgkQseqq9sKV ZxnlehAAkHDSiFiz7VEZ8RzEWSQoeIbzD6op/F1UkJ+pIne4RI4U4NkOzpipbgWS HuuhU91AF70QiORsCOEDgow5b/mIboeq1zSOY3q/hC0eVM9Yt0GkMvVBJkgXVIYh U8Noq5RqO9546sTEbDDeYyr/y3UtnQ8cDivvuVc9Tgh5opkNG6pw4OT6T6wv9MuX fGMvUULT3kVaEEAoXf26RwbOLNzcYd3JUZTmT92UQ0rlGbQIu0e5L3iUlvTpc0uh v8ZKR27Pxs7shWiea3BmAii0AvClScYpPcKmR+P3bZYE+4z33Vr9PXicMCnIe98a 0YZN4pqyF6C69O2j1h45ufLZCSfIT2+AH0/vN7n1LRKMMBIj6yPb23ojI0Ea5IxM WVocJzvOF3qSKav5ar59Y4S6pqjz8SfXx5hrGaO8Y3tRgkSSzALdFAP4FQnrxteE TXW4lOQRoonVAAeArWFv0e8YD4oC7ADfcD9wViXB7G3v9pSTquV8Fzpit+4fRFkc Sn6YA4W+ATVlJaEPkOi1CebZgx/UtrWlK3fPup1LWVfLnDpTig9R5N9X0n8PGHKJ QSDrFP3wQfYtTz162UHOYXmr9iWBC1n4aP1zkjC8Oll+zgtYdzhLuyJCVnaN+76x BScQKvVHOnsgwG7FsotgulyKSOhDnxvqRyycIFez3UOmFHt8+2A=
    -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Peter Humphrey@21:1/5 to All on Fri Jun 17 13:30:02 2022
    On Friday, 17 June 2022 09:55:17 BST Michael wrote:
    On Friday, 17 June 2022 07:35:54 BST Peter Humphrey wrote:
    On Friday, 17 June 2022 02:28:26 BST Julien Roy wrote:
    It's really weird that a Firefox add-on would cause system-wide sound to stop working!

    Well, it may not be system-wide, but yes - you see why I took so long to find it!

    It is even more weird this add-on provides just a search engine! It's not
    as if the add-on is related to a media player, or something you could
    expect it might need to touch audio.

    I assume it's an inadvertent error: overwriting something it shouldn't. Don't ask me what, though.

    I tried it on a plasma desktop and I can replicate the problem. However, I noticed if I go into Configure Audio Devices and select 'Analogue Stereo'
    and then 'Analogue Stereo Duplex' back & forth, the audio starts playing again. This is with a hard wired audio, no bluetooth.

    No BT here either; I gave up on that some time ago.

    Any idea what the difference is between the various StartPage add-ons?

    I have noticed that the ordinary startpage has started behaving differently in recent versions. For instance, I searched for 'Best ...' once, and from then on, when I opened a tab and typed a B, that 'Best ...' appeared, in bold,
    right at the top. It couldn't be removed, even by deleting the add-on and rebooting. I won't be using that again.

    Is StartPage to be trusted, anymore than all the rest mass surveillance corporates?

    I don't know; is that what they do? Have you looked at https:// eu.startpage.com/ ?


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Michael@21:1/5 to All on Fri Jun 17 15:27:49 2022
    On Friday, 17 June 2022 12:19:58 BST Peter Humphrey wrote:
    On Friday, 17 June 2022 09:55:17 BST Michael wrote:

    Is StartPage to be trusted, anymore than all the rest mass surveillance corporates?

    I don't know; is that what they do? Have you looked at https:// eu.startpage.com/ ?

    They were bought out by a US advertising company 3 years ago and for more than a decade have not had had an independent audit on the way data privacy is handled. Statements provided by the CEO attempting to assuage users' nervousness on the new ownership structure and its impact on privacy, appear
    to be an exercise in doublethink:

    https://old.reddit.com/r/StartpageSearch/comments/djshn3/ hello_reddit_startpage_mod_team/


    I'm not saying they're any worse than all the other contenders in this space, but I do wonder if there is such a think as a search engine which respects users' privacy (... asking for a friend).

    iQIzBAABCAAdFiEEXqhvaVh2ERicA8Ceseqq9sKVZxkFAmKsj2UACgkQseqq9sKV Zxk0hA/8CwN4V9xXCKICeYlyEKouCOaTg7t5162OAj1FLSQdTR9siNxb/J3FX4s9 Z4pNoRO1ljjgjqVzxFoTcvGpYH5nYcUljmPo5h1CtDf/VuTmQRIeK3OCsILuZ052 ZkkPQsbPOi1g1JspuItqA5ReCmFgPyUrhCyQ9EQ1THceklnM49fgGd2I9R5QSnQx ACFrPu9ouZbDLL8X+HRJx91K0gSKs353o643pYt1EUE5tOApY9UG5lvnyeOn6joQ uSzMh6ahSytsTTLeRo+3DKn+PPrwVthlsEQ6kIUi1eT+XtQAzSx7u8CJ0houieZM FoJ1NUQKoPlbisfv1aeN556tKqOxS9NdmZNf2+I603f3worIC0yZJhhuPCoFjw9Z QAHKzwIxCn4off/EkHSTDzLWqjOuwq8fXupc30ZpmmxBRCiOm1Sz5oseC40+536+ Hc0XDh56R83NRIbxvIVz5qiG8oHwPDFn91JN9X7TbSWK42Dp2P+P9Hj7IH0NGpAB YhH8a8tFpCljuoBYRt/URABtuZop2cgQnJDTZ972Nb96A7MlEPoCnyN0/m/VwSnG LhdIrV6g1v8FfF98IFX3z8QoZKTRj93sz+wMFKcU9zWFrWBecTRnoNaFr+5OgSSM r9eWqxWMAZJAcCb8f4gafGlmrr5jo5n5pTkoP/r71LU62yA7zqY=
    -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Anna =?utf-8?B?4oCcQ3liZXJUYWlsb3Li@21:1/5 to All on Fri Jun 17 17:00:01 2022
    I'm not saying they're any worse than all the other contenders in this space, but I do wonder if there is such a think as a search engine which respects users' privacy (... asking for a friend).

    Decent ones:
    - SearchX
    - Whoogle

    Shitty ones:
    - YaCy

    Specialized ones:
    - Search My Site
    - Wiby

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Peter Humphrey@21:1/5 to All on Sat Jun 18 14:00:01 2022
    On Thursday, 16 June 2022 17:10:38 BST Peter Humphrey wrote:

    ... I'll also report the problem to the developers.

    Done that. It seems that a newer version of FF is unaffected. Startpage in version 101.0.1does not kill the sound. I did tell them that 91.10.0 is the latest version in the portage tree; we'll see if that causes a change.


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Julien Roy@21:1/5 to All on Sat Jun 18 14:40:01 2022
    This is an OpenPGP/MIME signed message (RFC 4880 and 3156) --------------0zb8NBIhvxkX8KC5EY7TyFD6
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    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Peter Humphrey@21:1/5 to All on Sat Jun 18 16:00:02 2022
    On Saturday, 18 June 2022 13:30:16 BST Julien Roy wrote:

    By default, only the LTS/ESR release of Firefox is unmasked (or marked
    as stable), of which the latest version is 91.10.0, however, if you
    unmask it, you can use the latest Firefox version, currently 101.0.1.
    Though unmasking Firefox leads to more frequent rebuilds since the rapid release has, well, frequent releases.

    Yes, and that's a good reason for not doing so. I have another machine running ~amd64; this one's stable for everyday use. Well, it's supposed to be stable. :)

    I did keyword firefox to test SP against the sound system, but I've reverted to the older version.

    As a side note, by default, searching using `emerge --search` does not
    show the available masked versions (not sure if an option exists to
    change that). One option that I recommend is to install app-portage/eix,

    Yes, I've been using it for many years.


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)