• Question to candidates: Addressing Bandwidth Challenges in Debian

    From Nilesh Patra@21:1/5 to All on Mon Mar 25 20:00:03 2024
    It is no secret that most (probably all?) teams (delegated and otherwise packaging/developer teams) in Debian struggle with limited
    developer time and almost everything in Debian needs help.
    In quite a few teams that I've seen and also been a part of, there
    are only 3-4 people sharing a bulk of workload, sometimes
    it is even worse and there are 1-person teams too -- teammetrics stats
    can shed some light on it[1].

    This imbalance can lead to exhaustion, burnouts, et. al. and having
    a low bus factor also poses an issue for stale packages/development
    in the corresponding teams when the people doing a lot of work
    there become busy with RL and can't dedicate much time.

    Do you have any plans to address this or any strategies so the workload
    could be somewhat better managed making this sustainable?
    (I know outreach to get new people onboard is one option but I'm looking
    for more opinions/points here.)

    [1]: https://wiki.debian.org/Teammetrics/API

    PS: While this question is for DPL candidates, anyone is free to chime in.



    iHUEABYIAB0WIQSglbZu4JAkvuai8HIqJ5BL1yQ+2gUCZgHIvwAKCRAqJ5BL1yQ+ 2vPUAQD+O+fPnDGiwgVqdQblI0jtBBhFWuMw7HvDJw7WfUzkcAEA8i56ODgSrSUt G0loOYChC0OLhXiFAm5PNz8WE3nDEQ0=
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  • From Andreas Tille@21:1/5 to All on Tue Mar 26 21:00:02 2024
    Hi Nilesh,

    Am Tue, Mar 26, 2024 at 12:26:00AM +0530 schrieb Nilesh Patra:
    It is no secret that most (probably all?) teams (delegated and otherwise packaging/developer teams) in Debian struggle with limited
    developer time and almost everything in Debian needs help.
    In quite a few teams that I've seen and also been a part of, there
    are only 3-4 people sharing a bulk of workload, sometimes
    it is even worse and there are 1-person teams too -- teammetrics stats
    can shed some light on it[1].

    Thanks for refering to teammetrics which is one of my pet projects on
    one hand and an example for the problem on the other hand since I'm more
    or less running it alone. In contrast to other more important 1-person
    teams this is not a cruxial one, luckily. It also does not cut much
    from my time since I don't to some development work in it - just keep up
    and running what was done in a GSoC project.

    This imbalance can lead to exhaustion, burnouts, et. al. and having
    a low bus factor also poses an issue for stale packages/development
    in the corresponding teams when the people doing a lot of work
    there become busy with RL and can't dedicate much time.

    I addressed this in paragraph "Building redundancy" of my platform (but
    avoided the term "bus factor" using other known reasons for leaving the project).

    Do you have any plans to address this or any strategies so the workload
    could be somewhat better managed making this sustainable?

    I will try my best since I consider this a cruxial problem in Debian. I personally see one tasks of the DPL to spot tasks in Debian that are not sustainable in the sense you wrote and I'm happy about hints. My first
    step would be to talk to those 1-person "teams". But the issue might be complex and might be even caused by the volunteer based organisation of
    Debian. Let me give two personal examples (none affecting really
    critical things inside Debian).

    Positive example: I'm extremely happy that the Debian Med team is
    showing increased acticity by other team members after I nominated
    myself for DPL. I consider this as great fruits of our cooperative work
    to form a healthy team over 22 years and I'm really happy about this.

    Regarding the 1-person teams I think step zero is that the single team
    member admits that there is a problem. Example: Unfortunately in R pkg
    team where I'm doing the vast amount of work this did not worked. My
    mail where I admited to have no time[2] has lead to two further
    confirmations of time constraints. But I think at least step zero is
    done. (Advertising: Maintaining R packages is in most cases very easy.
    The process to upgrade packages as well as to package dependencies is
    de facto automated. If you are using R please join the team.)

    In general I believe that a DPL is limited in effectiveness if people
    don't to that step zero. It seems that within Debian, there are
    individuals with exceptional technical skills who may also experience a syndrome where they feel they are the sole individuals capable to do
    certain tasks. This might make step one even harder: Document what you
    are doing, seeking actively for more team members and teach them kindly.

    This step is time-consuming, especially for individuals with significant
    time constraints. Investing time without a clear vision of success poses
    a challenge - ensuring that the new team member can effectively handle
    the pending tasks while also committing to the role for a long time to
    make it really sustainable.

    I have no good ideas how to solve this dilemma inside our volunteer organisation. I know that Freexian is paying people for LTS support.
    This is nice. For the Etch release we had quite a discussion about
    paying release managers. I know lots of pros and cons about paying
    people from Debian funds. I think it is better if we could convince
    companies to pay Debian developers and permit them to use their payed
    time to spent on Debian tasks than paying single persons from Debian
    funds. To give some example: The 32bit time_t 64bit transition is done
    to support special hardware applications. Companies who are depending
    from ARM 32bit support could hire people who care for ARM 32 ports
    inside Debian. I consider this some win-win-situation.

    It might be worth trying to browse the list "Who is using Debian"[3] to
    explain those companies or the list of sponsors of DebConf, tell them
    about issues we could fix if they would hire someone with the dedicated
    job to work on this problem inside Debian.

    BTW, I see jobs in Debian which are not tackled at all (=0-person
    teams?). There could be somehow a team that works actively to speed up
    Debian trends (thanks a lot to Lucas Nussbaum for maintaining this[4])
    and work down the list of "code smells". I did so from time to time and

    1. Packages that show no visible sign of maintenance in need of
    beeing salvaged[5]
    2. Unattended but easy to fix bugs
    3. Packages that could/should be probably be removed without harm
    but nobody cares

    IMHO we need people to do this job to maintain the level of quality we
    want to provide to our users.

    (I know outreach to get new people onboard is one option but I'm looking
    for more opinions/points here.)

    To my perception outreach is more targeting at newcomers which might
    need a long learning time to be fit for key tasks which you tried to
    address if I understood you correctly. While I consider outreach a very important way to attract new contributors I do not see this as an
    instant solution for what you had in mind above.

    However, I'd see potential to staff those 0-person teams whith outreach students since bug triaging and package modernising might be some
    interesting learning. But it needs a strong mentor to navigate those
    students around pitfalls.

    Hope this answers your question.

    Kind regards

    [1]: https://wiki.debian.org/Teammetrics/API

    [2] https://lists.debian.org/debian-r/2024/03/msg00000.html
    [3] https://www.debian.org/users/
    [4] https://trends.debian.net/
    [5] https://wiki.debian.org/PackageSalvaging


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  • From Sruthi Chandran@21:1/5 to All on Sat Apr 6 09:50:02 2024
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    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
    <div class="moz-cite-prefix">On 26/03/24 00:26, Nilesh Patra wrote:<br>
    <blockquote type="cite"
    <pre wrap="" class="moz-quote-pre">It is no secret that most (probably all?) teams (delegated and otherwise
    packaging/developer teams) in Debian struggle with limited
    developer time and almost everything in Debian needs help.
    In quite a few teams that I've seen and also been a part of, there
    are only 3-4 people sharing a bulk of workload, sometimes
    it is even worse and there are 1-person teams too -- teammetrics stats
    can shed some light on it[1].
    I completely agree with you. We definitely have shortage of
    volunteers for different teams.<br>
    <blockquote type="cite"
    <pre wrap="" class="moz-quote-pre">
    This imbalance can lead to exhaustion, burnouts, et. al. and having
    a low bus factor also poses an issue for stale packages/development
    in the corresponding teams when the people doing a lot of work
    there become busy with RL and can't dedicate much time.

    Do you have any plans to address this or any strategies so the workload
    could be somewhat better managed making this sustainable?
    (I know outreach to get new people onboard is one option but I'm looking
    for more opinions/points here.)</pre>
    <p>To be honest, I do not have any solid plan or strategy to deal
    with this issue. The lack of volunteers to take up tasks is not
    just an issue with Debian, but is common in other free software
    groups or any volunteer based groups. </p>
    <p>As a DPL, one thing I plan to do is review the delegated teams
    and talk to them to know if they are understaffed and/or
    overloaded and address the issue appropriately. Also, I would be
    interested to hear from Debianites if they have some interesting
    <p>Another thing I have in mind is to interact and learn from other
    free software/volunteer groups how they are coping up with this
    bandwidth issue.<br>
    <blockquote type="cite"
    <pre wrap="" class="moz-quote-pre">

    [1]: <a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="https://wiki.debian.org/Teammetrics/API">https://wiki.debian.org/Teammetrics/API</a>

    PS: While this question is for DPL candidates, anyone is free to chime in.





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