• supermajority requirements and their inheritance (was: Re: Changing how

    From Ansgar@21:1/5 to Kurt Roeckx on Tue Sep 6 08:10:01 2022
    On Mon, 2022-09-05 at 21:51 +0200, Kurt Roeckx wrote:
    You can argue that the developers making the installer and live images,
    and those maintaining the website can make those decisions. You can even
    say that they have made decisions. So those options could be seen as overriding a Developer, using the power of the Technical Committee.

    Assuming we actually went that way, 6.1.4 requires a 3:1 majority, but
    4.1.4 only a 2:1 majority. I think we take the highest majority
    requirement in that case, so 3:1.

    I think it is bad to transfer supermajority requirements among one
    group of voters (tech-ctte) to a very different group of voters (all
    DD). Though I agree the constitution is not clear on this.

    It might be better to just get rid of both supermajority requirements:
    if 50% of all DDs agree on some implementation detail, it's probably
    fine to do it that way. I don't see a good reason to require 67% to
    agree: that would be the supermajority requirement for constitutional
    changes in several countries (e.g., Germany).

    The last part makes me think that the 3:1 supermajority requirement is
    probably also too high... Because of the low number of voters in tech-
    ctte it is practically often even higher than 3:1. So one should
    probably also drop or at least lower it for tech-ctte decisions and
    maybe lower it to 2:1 for changes to the constitution or foundation
    documents, matching real-life constitutional changes.


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  • From Kurt Roeckx@21:1/5 to Ansgar on Tue Sep 6 08:50:01 2022
    On Tue, Sep 06, 2022 at 08:09:15AM +0200, Ansgar wrote:
    On Mon, 2022-09-05 at 21:51 +0200, Kurt Roeckx wrote:
    You can argue that the developers making the installer and live images,
    and those maintaining the website can make those decisions. You can even say that they have made decisions. So those options could be seen as overriding a Developer, using the power of the Technical Committee.

    Assuming we actually went that way, 6.1.4 requires a 3:1 majority, but 4.1.4 only a 2:1 majority. I think we take the highest majority
    requirement in that case, so 3:1.

    I think it is bad to transfer supermajority requirements among one
    group of voters (tech-ctte) to a very different group of voters (all
    DD). Though I agree the constitution is not clear on this.

    It might be better to just get rid of both supermajority requirements:
    if 50% of all DDs agree on some implementation detail, it's probably
    fine to do it that way. I don't see a good reason to require 67% to
    agree: that would be the supermajority requirement for constitutional
    changes in several countries (e.g., Germany).

    Note that 3:1 is more like 75%, 2:1 is like 67%.


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  • From Richard Laager@21:1/5 to All on Tue Sep 6 23:10:01 2022
    This is an OpenPGP/MIME signed message (RFC 4880 and 3156) --------------Gw7MKvR0PPrMZTIs00YBdN0h
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