• live-installer update for Bookworm?

    From Roland Clobus@21:1/5 to All on Mon Apr 10 10:00:01 2023
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    SGVsbG8gaW1hZ2VzLXRlYW0sDQoNCkkndmUgd29uZGVyZWQgd2h5IHRoZSBpbnN0YWxsYXRp b24gc3RpbGwgdGFrZXMgYSBsb25nIHRpbWUgYWZ0ZXIgaXQgaGFzIA0KZmluaXNoZWQgaW5z dGFsbGluZyBmcm9tIGEgbGl2ZSBpbWFnZSwgYXMgc2VlbiBvbiBvcGVuUUEgWzFdLg0KDQpJ dCB0dXJucyBvdXQgdGhhdCB0aGUgcGFja2FnZSAnbGl2ZS1pbnN0YWxsZXInICh3aGljaCBp cyBhIHVkZWItb25seSANCnBhY2thZ2UpIGluIEJvb2t3b3JtIHN0aWxsIGlzIGF0IHZlcnNp b24gNTcgWzJdLCB3aGlsZSB0aGUgZml4IHdhcyANCnJlbGVhc2VkIGF0IHZlcnNpb24gNTgu DQoNCkNvdWxkIHRoZSBwYWNrYWdlIGJlIHVuYmxvY2tlZD8gKEFuZC9PciB3aWxsIHRoZXJl IGJlIGFuIGluc3RhbGxlciBSQzI/KQ0KVGhlIG5ldyB2ZXJzaW9uIG9mIGxpdmUtaW5zdGFs bGVyIGlzIHdvcmtpbmcgY29ycmVjdGx5LCBhcyBjYW4gYmUgc2VlbiANCmJ5IGEgc2lkIGJ1 aWxkIG9mIHRoZSBsaXZlIGltYWdlIG9uIG9wZW5RQSBbNF0uDQoNCldpdGgga2luZCByZWdh cmRzLA0KUm9sYW5kIENsb2J1cw0KDQpbMV0gaHR0cHM6Ly9vcGVucWEuZGViaWFuLm5ldC90 ZXN0cy8xMzk3MDIjc3RlcC9jb21wbGV0ZV9pbnN0YWxsLzQ0DQpbMl0gaHR0cHM6Ly9wYWNr YWdlcy5kZWJpYW4ub3JnL3NlYXJjaD9rZXl3b3Jkcz1saXZlLWluc3RhbGxlcg0KWzNdIA0K aHR0cHM6Ly9zYWxzYS5kZWJpYW4ub3JnL2luc3RhbGxlci10ZWFtL2xpdmUtaW5zdGFsbGVy Ly0vY29tbWl0L2NjZGEwN2U3N2Y2ZjIwNzExNTY5NDFhM2M1M2ZkMTAwZGNiZjU0NDANCls0 XSBodHRwczovL29wZW5xYS5kZWJpYW4ubmV0L3Rlc3RzLzEzODQ3OC92aWRlbz9maWxlbmFt ZT12aWRlby5vZ3YNCiAgICAgU2VlIHRoZSBtb3ZpZSBhdCAwOjUwLTA6NTYNCg==



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    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Cyril Brulebois@21:1/5 to All on Mon Apr 10 10:20:01 2023
    Hi Roland,

    Roland Clobus <rclobus@rclobus.nl> (2023-04-10):
    It turns out that the package 'live-installer' (which is a udeb-only
    package) in Bookworm still is at version 57 [2], while the fix was
    released at version 58.

    Could the package be unblocked? (And/Or will there be an installer

    (Yes to RC2, maybe even RC3.)

    The new version of live-installer is working correctly, as can be seen
    by a sid build of the live image on openQA [4].

    I asked Jonathan on IRC while preparing RC1 (slightly edited):

    [ kibi] highvoltage: I don't think you answered my live-installer question?
    [ highvoltage] kibi: I didn't think it warranted an unblock
    [ highvoltage] kibi: but if it did for roland's changes then he could file one
    [ kibi] highvoltage: ok, ta

    Besides the obviously missing `dch -r` call (“Mon, 15 Apr 2019” was
    quite surprising for something uploaded in March 2023), there are lots
    of changes that are nowhere suitable at this stage of the release

    That plus Jonathan's answer triggered my deciding against unblocking the package on my own (with my d-i release manager hat). That being said, if
    the release team is willing to unblock the package as is, that'd be fine
    with me. I suppose it'll be suggested to cherry-pick the desired
    change(s) and to upload 57+deb12u1 via tpu, or to back out the undesired changes and proceed with 59 via unstable. (Both are fine from a d-i
    point of view, as long as the package reaches testing in the end.)

    Cyril Brulebois (kibi@debian.org) <https://debamax.com/>
    D-I release manager -- Release team member -- Freelance Consultant


    iQIzBAABCgAdFiEEtg6/KYRFPHDXTPR4/5FK8MKzVSAFAmQzxU0ACgkQ/5FK8MKz VSAFSQ//QeLoE1xocon2+LSdk2jw0rNU89+Oj70ym7mk7ilfukZKvezvDwvPDcC9 FVVK2Uwnon5LKsLs/xO//2WWPS8t/Dqz+7oJZmKdf0VUK6mqyNjrcppzQOZtEy78 TjwFK4237/s0rWfxaZcn62Nn4G6E8q2VvOgxk9JffndbwJL5/LBJY6zVDV+Wd9nw iG0xhdhTTY+UL696hL8J/xMT6q7JaaC9urQInr/M23f8SkjzeGrmF0CSOTiWfgwz 2gpLwT3B7ZtEFNXJXlaUN/yf0TH75rAt49FCTsX0dqHWl4Z2pgQsycNbS/koUA7L hZdjUashgdEu1Fm+gSyUNJYSuzG/GeXq0hBstncmN1/wMxONZlu7Xc8JHMSKp08g G1nx5OxrI9pmKnt7IjXQXf/Rv0X0vZjL6B+0ZtCEvyEKQSvfi1xZoYNuTIrW7VWH sYPCSl52ybsIjJo4VNiUqD87CDHiboo4uja9fmj4VFQ66jXx1k42wJRPDiQtE6LO 3zAd+Nybu3B+1R/u1Z+s7/+Cvcg+xq9IOMxXTmVF0Vu3G6AcrfNAj25kh0ui4Wtz nt4V94WkRTy69X+3zPw7dYDPl+2/i/Rto3aa5WU1u8Ec+n1OO0yDGXMUPRpSs7Ct b/2otPXXX4luMuKSUWQPulUIo33PLCBYiA3Or09SKmxP0i64hM0=
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    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
  • From Cyril Brulebois@21:1/5 to All on Mon Apr 10 11:30:01 2023
    Roland Clobus <rclobus@rclobus.nl> (2023-04-10):
    Aside from Janitor, modernisation and lintian corrections, my change was the only functionality change in four years (as seen by diffoscope, see below).

    Maybe, but one shouldn't have to resort to diffoscope to figure this out
    at this stage of the release cycle.

    There is no autopkgtest, but the openQA run for sid shows that the change
    has its intended effect.

    If I had known that I would need to file an unblock request, I would have done so, but the timing (patch, merge, release) was rather unfortunate.


    It is certainly not a release critical issue, but I personally find it quite annoying to have to wait about 30 minutes for the installation, and then to read 'Installation is complete, so it is time to boot into your new system', press a key and then wait another 2-3 minutes before the reboot is actually performed, while the additional waiting time could have been incorporated into the longer non-interactive phase.

    Looks like unacceptable/silly delay to me, esp. if a fix is already
    available and has been confirmed to have the right effects. Please get
    in touch with the release team to get that fixed in Bookworm.

    (This reminds me of avoiding one update-initramfs call for each firmware package installation, meaning 1+ minutes instead of 10-15 seconds): I
    didn't file a bug report for it, so I'm not sure whether I would have
    called that serious or important or something else, but that's definitely something that's annoying enough and easy to fix that I'm happy to fix
    even if it doesn't exactly follow the letter of the freeze policy. But
    several minutes? Even stronger feeling towards getting the fix merged.)

    Disclaimer: I haven't looked at the diff.

    Cyril Brulebois (kibi@debian.org) <https://debamax.com/>
    D-I release manager -- Release team member -- Freelance Consultant


    iQIzBAABCgAdFiEEtg6/KYRFPHDXTPR4/5FK8MKzVSAFAmQz1P4ACgkQ/5FK8MKz VSBReg/9EI+JE5J6/fuFu8zv+p0I/4wmou+c3z4mefrWE8uS8nWx44BtzPjlpH56 RwcLlCgzigxiHNCPpr46BlpESDj40MzjFkfG96gOVoekvvmxtJTPIalr2UMuNUsY V+kqNd9QmgvnlUpgZ6LTF8tGeBCr0meP+LRLKoT+2YUboAp5JFfoYwmLIqw57Kow T07kz2B3nwfYPyn6XiSJ8HNQwMcpQNyF6Gfa+6BhnDIKUV5E9F4HYlngimtzsH6K y88Xu4VTcsjoPrL0aTbMcYLZF3mxrT7HdC2Oyrh/lQLkndgJXIxuWUdB86oi9ADB ENVCz3wDUWRfTo6bL5kfIdJ4PUVECvVTo9ao2R2LCmD/OmxArhNihyrQOKV+WHNS xUiC2tkuoWPPfKDmOMYHXwRGSde15BHZopG+0JFxmsqShcqfGLp9+0Msd3h7PTgq Y+nL0OdlyijBH8aUu3MplvhTxpc2XKHNo9HfxvO+9xcA/x9p5tBX4BJoHDxkn/P8 SeucACedl1IfKIVmAvv0lb/5tehZR54bE09wOtc/dlWPca6mj0edsBKS80+qNZKv DnK6EvtMUy98NmNJKF2pTqwW4x42m1EO/zh/N8U57VcCpl2B03xJqdsLnvfe0xUa OSWjga8xqN0fWexbuMibDs/BDhL0kshozv3iowCzPnz0cNmqkQg=
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