• Re: help needed to manage s390x host for ci.debian.net

    From Philipp Kern@21:1/5 to All on Sun Feb 12 20:40:02 2023
    On 11.02.23 18:18, Paul Gevers wrote:
    * [suspect 1] network issues between the s390x and the main ci.d.n
    server (the results (log files) of the autopkgtests are transferred to
    the main server). Our ppc64el hosts are also located at Marist, so I
    would expect commonality here, but also ppc64el isn't performing great,
    so maybe part of the problem is common.

    Do you have any kind of statistics on the network connections? I.e. how
    often it reconnects and how long it takes to reconnect? The Marist
    network has a very weird firewall inbound (e.g. if I do too many SSH
    requests in a row, I'm backholed) - so I would not be surprised if there
    is some weirdness there.

    Kind regards
    Philipp Kern

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Paul Gevers@21:1/5 to Philipp Kern on Sun Feb 12 22:40:01 2023
    To: debian-s390@lists.debian.org (debian-s390)
    To: barton@velocitysoftware.com
    To: flint@flint.com (Paul Flint)
    Copy: debian-ci@lists.debian.org (Debian CI team)

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    SGkgUGhpbCBhbmQgYWxsIG90aGVycyBvZmZlcmluZyBoZWxwLA0KDQpPbiAxMi0wMi0yMDIz IDIwOjMyLCBQaGlsaXBwIEtlcm4gd3JvdGU6DQo+IE9uIDExLjAyLjIzIDE4OjE4LCBQYXVs IEdldmVycyB3cm90ZToNCj4gIMKgKiBbc3VzcGVjdCAxXSBuZXR3b3JrIGlzc3VlcyBiZXR3 ZWVuIHRoZSBzMzkweCBhbmQgdGhlIG1haW4gY2kuZC5uDQo+PiBzZXJ2ZXIgKHRoZSByZXN1 bHRzIChsb2cgZmlsZXMpIG9mIHRoZSBhdXRvcGtndGVzdHMgYXJlIHRyYW5zZmVycmVkIHRv IA0KPj4gdGhlIG1haW4gc2VydmVyKS4gT3VyIHBwYzY0ZWwgaG9zdHMgYXJlIGFsc28gbG9j YXRlZCBhdCBNYXJpc3QsIHNvIEkgDQo+PiB3b3VsZCBleHBlY3QgY29tbW9uYWxpdHkgaGVy ZSwgYnV0IGFsc28gcHBjNjRlbCBpc24ndCBwZXJmb3JtaW5nIA0KPj4gZ3JlYXQsIHNvIG1h eWJlIHBhcnQgb2YgdGhlIHByb2JsZW0gaXMgY29tbW9uLg0KPiANCj4gRG8geW91IGhhdmUg YW55IGtpbmQgb2Ygc3RhdGlzdGljcyBvbiB0aGUgbmV0d29yayBjb25uZWN0aW9ucz8gSS5l LiBob3cgDQo+IG9mdGVuIGl0IHJlY29ubmVjdHMgYW5kIGhvdyBsb25nIGl0IHRha2VzIHRv IHJlY29ubmVjdD8gVGhlIE1hcmlzdCANCj4gbmV0d29yayBoYXMgYSB2ZXJ5IHdlaXJkIGZp cmV3YWxsIGluYm91bmQgKGUuZy4gaWYgSSBkbyB0b28gbWFueSBTU0ggDQo+IHJlcXVlc3Rz IGluIGEgcm93LCBJJ20gYmFja2hvbGVkKSAtIHNvIEkgd291bGQgbm90IGJlIHN1cnByaXNl ZCBpZiB0aGVyZSANCj4gaXMgc29tZSB3ZWlyZG5lc3MgdGhlcmUuDQoNCkkgaGF2ZSBtdW5p biBbMV0sIGJ1dCBhcyBzYWlkLCBJJ20gbm90IGEgdHJhaW5lZCBzeXNhZG1pbi4gSSBkb24n dCBrbm93IA0Kd2hhdCBJJ20gbG9va2luZyBmb3IgaWYgeW91IGFzayAic3RhdGlzdGljcyBv biB0aGUgbmV0d29yayIuDQoNCkFsc28sIEkgaGF2ZSBubyBleHBlcmllbmNlIHdpdGggczM5 MHggZXhjZXB0IGZvciBkZXBsb3lpbmcgdGhlIERlYmlhbiANCnNvZnR3YXJlIG9uIHRoZSBz ZXJ2ZXIgc2V0dXAgYnkgUGhpbC4gQWxsIHRoZSBxdWlya3Mgb2YgczM5MHggYXJlIGJleW9u ZCBtZS4NCg0KSSBjYW4gcHJvdmlkZSBsb2dnaW5nIGZyb20gdGhlIGhvc3QsIGJ1dCBJJ2xs IG5lZWQgZGV0YWlsZWQgaW5zdHJ1Y3Rpb25zIA0Kb2Ygd2hhdCBwZW9wbGUgZmluZCB1c2Vm dWwgdG8gbG9vayBhdC4gUmVjZW50bHkgQW50b25pbyB0YXVnaHQgbWUgYSANCnRyaWNrIHRv IHByb3ZpZGUgdGVtcG9yYXJ5IGFjY2VzcyB0byBhIGx4YyBjb250YWluZXIgb24gYW55IG9m IG91ciANCmhvc3RzLCBzbyBpZiBpdCBoZWxwcyB0byBiZSBvbiB0aGUgaG9zdCAoYnV0IGlu c2lkZSBseGMpIHdlIGNhbiBwcm92aWRlIA0KZm9yIHRoYXQuDQoNClBhdWwNCg0KWzFdIA0K aHR0cHM6Ly9jaS5kZWJpYW4ubmV0L211bmluL2NpLXdvcmtlci1zMzkweC0wMS9jaS13b3Jr ZXItczM5MHgtMDEvaW5kZXguaHRtbA0K



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  • From Philipp Kern@21:1/5 to Paul Gevers on Mon Feb 13 09:00:01 2023

    On 12.02.23 22:38, Paul Gevers wrote:
    I have munin [1], but as said, I'm not a trained sysadmin. I don't know
    what I'm looking for if you ask "statistics on the network".

    This is more of a software development / devops question than a sysadmin question, but alas. What I am interested in is *application-level*
    logging on reconnects. Presumably the connection to RabbitMQ is
    outbound? Is it tunneled? Does your application log somewhere when a
    reconnect happens? Does it say when it successfully connected?

    I'd expect good software to log something like this:

    [10:00:00] Connecting to broker "rabbitmq.debci.debian.net:12345"...
    [10:00:05] Connected to broker "rabbitmq.debci.debian.net:12345".

    And also:

    [10:00:00] Connecting to broker "rabbitmq.debci.debian.net:12345"...
    [10:00:01] Connection to broker "rabbitmq.debci.debian.net:12345"
    failed: Connection refused

    Kind regards
    Philipp Kern

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Paul Gevers@21:1/5 to Dipak Zope1 on Thu Feb 16 18:00:01 2023
    To: pkern@debian.org (Philipp Kern)
    To: debian-s390@lists.debian.org (debian-s390)
    To: barton@velocitysoftware.com (barton@velocitysoftware.com)
    To: flint@flint.com (Paul Flint)
    To: williamdes@wdes.fr (William Desportes)
    Copy: debian-ci@lists.debian.org (Debian CI team)

    This is an OpenPGP/MIME signed message (RFC 4880 and 3156) --------------E8zAMTJo4PdF4cVuXgbTHezZ
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    SGksDQoNCk9uIDEzLTAyLTIwMjMgMTU6NTksIERpcGFrIFpvcGUxIHdyb3RlOg0KPiBUaGVy ZSBpcyBzb21lIGlzc3VlIHdpdGggNS4xMC4wLTIxIGtlcm5lbCBhbmQgd2UgYXJlIHdvcmtp bmcgb24gaXQuIFRoaXMgDQo+IGNhbiBjYXVzZSBwZXJmb3JtYW5jZSBpbXBhY3Qgb24gQ0kg c2VydmVycy4NCg0KSSBoYXZlIHJlYm9vdGVkIHRvIHRoZSBvbGQga2VybmVsIHllc3RlcmRh eS4gVGhhdCBoZWxwcyBhIGJpdCBpbmRlZWQsIA0KYWx0aG91Z2ggbW9zdCBvZiB0aGUgaXNz dWVzIEkgcmVwb3J0ZWQgcHJlZGF0ZSB0aGF0IGtlcm5lbCB1cGdyYWRlLg0KDQo+IEFzIFBh dWwgbWVudGlvbmVkIHdlIGhhdmUgdXBncmFkZWQgQ0kgc2VydmVycyB0byBiZXR0ZXIgY2Fw YWNpdHkgaW4gTWF5IA0KPiBsYXN0IHllYXIuIElzIHRvZGF54oCZcyBwZXJmb3JtYW5jZSB3 b3JzZSB0aGFuIHdoYXQgd2Ugb2JzZXJ2ZWQgcmlnaHQgDQo+IGFmdGVyIHVwZ3JhZGU/DQoN CkFzIHlvdSBjYW4gc2VlIGUuZy4gaGVyZSBbMSwyXSBpdCBjb21lcyBhbmQgZ29lcyAoYWxi ZWl0IHNvbWV0aW1lcyB0aGUgDQpxdWV1ZSB3YXMgZW1wdHkpLiBJIGRvbid0IHRoaW5rIGl0 cyB2ZXJ5IGRpZmZlcmVudCwgSSBqdXN0IG5ldmVyIGdvdCBvdXQgDQpvZiB0aGUgczM5MHgg aG9zdCB3aGF0IEkgd2FzIGV4cGVjdGluZy4gTG9uZyB0aW1lIEkgYmxhbWVkIGl0IG9uIHRo ZSANCiJzdGVhbGluZyIgdGhhdCBoYXBwZW5zIG9uIGEgc2hhcmVkIGhvc3QsIGJ1dCBJIHRo aW5rIHRoZXJlJ3MgbW9yZS4NCg0KWzFdIA0KaHR0cHM6Ly9jaS5kZWJpYW4ubmV0L211bmlu L2NpLXdvcmtlci1zMzkweC0wMS9jaS13b3JrZXItczM5MHgtMDEvZGViY2lfcGFja2FnZXNf cHJvY2Vzc2VkLmh0bWwNCg0KWzJdIA0KaHR0cHM6Ly9jaS5kZWJpYW4ubmV0L211bmluL2Np LXdvcmtlci1zMzkweC0wMS9jaS13b3JrZXItczM5MHgtMDEvY3B1Lmh0bWwNCg0KPiBJcyB0 aGUgcGVyZm9ybWFuY2UgZGV0ZXJpb3JhdGVkIGNvbnNpc3RlbnRseSBvdmVyIHBlcmlvZCAN Cj4gb2YgdGltZSBvciBzdWRkZW5seSBvYnNlcnZlZD8gSXMgdGhlcmUgYW55IGluY2lkZW5j ZSDigJMgbGlrZSANCj4gY2hhbmdlL3VwZ3JhZGUgaW4gc29mdHdhcmUgb3IgaGFyZHdhcmUg Y29tcG9uZW50IHdoaWNoIGlzIGNvaW5jaWRpbmcgDQo+IHdpdGggaXQgaWYgaXQgaXMgc3Vk ZGVuIGNoYW5nZT8NCg0KSmFtZXMgQWRkaXNvbiBzdWdnZXN0ZWQgaW4gWzNdIHRvIGluY3Jl YXNlIGEgcHJlZmV0Y2ggY291bnRlciBpbiBhbXFwIA0KKGFsdGhvdWdoIGl0cyB0aGUgc2Ft ZSBvbiBhbGwgaG9zdHMpOyBJIGhhdmUgZG9uZSBzbyBvbiB0aGUgczM5MHggaG9zdCANCmFu ZCBhdCBsZWFzdCBpbml0aWFsbHkgaXQgc2VlbXMgdG8gaGVscCBrZWVwaW5nIHRoZSBob3N0 IGJ1c2llci4NCg0KWzNdIGh0dHBzOi8vc2Fsc2EuZGViaWFuLm9yZy9jaS10ZWFtL2RlYmNp Ly0vaXNzdWVzLzkyI25vdGVfMzgxMzA2DQoNClBhdWwNCg==



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    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Antonio Terceiro@21:1/5 to Paul Gevers on Fri Feb 17 17:10:01 2023
    On Tue, Feb 14, 2023 at 09:42:09PM +0100, Paul Gevers wrote:
    Hi Phil,

    On 13-02-2023 08:57, Philipp Kern wrote:
    On 12.02.23 22:38, Paul Gevers wrote:
    I have munin [1], but as said, I'm not a trained sysadmin. I don't
    know what I'm looking for if you ask "statistics on the network".

    This is more of a software development / devops question than a sysadmin question, but alas.

    I acknowledge that my reach out was broad and didn't only cover s390x.

    What I am interested in is *application-level* logging on reconnects. Presumably the connection to RabbitMQ is outbound?

    Our configuration can be seen here: https://salsa.debian.org/ci-team/debian-ci-config/-/blob/master/cookbooks/rabbitmq/templates/rabbitmq.conf.erb

    Is it tunneled? Does your application log somewhere when a reconnect happens? Does it say when it successfully connected?

    I'd expect good software to log something like this:

    [10:00:00] Connecting to broker "rabbitmq.debci.debian.net:12345"... [10:00:05] Connected to broker "rabbitmq.debci.debian.net:12345".

    And also:

    [10:00:00] Connecting to broker "rabbitmq.debci.debian.net:12345"... [10:00:01] Connection to broker "rabbitmq.debci.debian.net:12345"
    failed: Connection refused

    @terceiro; I haven't seen these kind of logs on the worker hosts. Do you
    know if they exist or if we can generate them?

    The worker does log it's initial connection, see below.

    I think I'm seeing something on the main host. admin@ci-master:/var/log/rabbitmq$ sudo grep rabbit@ci-master.log | grep -v '\[info\]' | grep -v '\[warning\]'
    2023-02-14 00:00:37.522 [error] <0.30951.85> closing AMQP connection <0.30951.85> ( ->
    2023-02-14 02:27:56.050 [error] <0.15184.87> closing AMQP connection <0.15184.87> ( ->
    2023-02-14 02:36:05.496 [error] <0.17479.87> closing AMQP connection <0.17479.87> ( ->
    2023-02-14 04:06:13.869 [error] <0.16105.88> closing AMQP connection <0.16105.88> ( ->
    2023-02-14 04:15:27.696 [error] <0.19038.88> closing AMQP connection <0.19038.88> ( ->
    2023-02-14 20:05:38.702 [error] <0.23586.97> closing AMQP connection <0.23586.97> ( ->

    and a lot more warnings (220 times in 20 hours) as well; like:
    2023-02-14 20:05:09.011 [warning] <0.20860.97> closing AMQP connection <0.20860.97> ( ->, vhost: '/', user: 'guest'):

    And a lot (around 544) (obviously I don't know if that's only or even includes the s390x host):
    client unexpectedly closed TCP connection

    root@ci-worker-s390x-01:~# journalctl -u debci-worker@1.service --since='2 days ago' -t debci -b 0 | grep amqp
    Feb 15 15:10:21 ci-worker-s390x-01 debci[663]: I: Connecting to AMQP queue debci-tests-s390x-lxc on amqps://ci-master.debian.net
    Feb 15 17:58:53 ci-worker-s390x-01 debci[2740543]: I: Connecting to AMQP queue debci-tests-s390x-lxc on amqps://ci-master.debian.net
    Feb 15 19:23:40 ci-worker-s390x-01 debci[1855652]: I: Connecting to AMQP queue debci-tests-s390x-lxc on amqps://ci-master.debian.net
    Feb 15 19:28:12 ci-worker-s390x-01 debci[1939916]: retry: amqp-publish returned 1, backing off for 10 seconds and trying again...
    Feb 15 20:50:51 ci-worker-s390x-01 debci[783145]: I: Connecting to AMQP queue debci-tests-s390x-lxc on amqps://ci-master.debian.net
    Feb 15 21:36:25 ci-worker-s390x-01 debci[1966510]: retry: amqp-publish returned 1, backing off for 10 seconds and trying again...
    Feb 15 22:21:43 ci-worker-s390x-01 debci[3243793]: retry: amqp-publish returned 1, backing off for 10 seconds and trying again...
    Feb 16 00:29:41 ci-worker-s390x-01 debci[4119188]: I: Connecting to AMQP queue debci-tests-s390x-lxc on amqps://ci-master.debian.net
    Feb 16 01:21:26 ci-worker-s390x-01 debci[2097411]: I: Connecting to AMQP queue debci-tests-s390x-lxc on amqps://ci-master.debian.net
    Feb 16 03:02:20 ci-worker-s390x-01 debci[1133799]: I: Connecting to AMQP queue debci-tests-s390x-lxc on amqps://ci-master.debian.net
    Feb 16 06:40:46 ci-worker-s390x-01 debci[953820]: I: Connecting to AMQP queue debci-tests-s390x-lxc on amqps://ci-master.debian.net
    Feb 16 08:00:24 ci-worker-s390x-01 debci[2875496]: I: Connecting to AMQP queue debci-tests-s390x-lxc on amqps://ci-master.debian.net
    Feb 16 09:59:09 ci-worker-s390x-01 debci[3864527]: I: Connecting to AMQP queue debci-tests-s390x-lxc on amqps://ci-master.debian.net
    Feb 16 11:47:09 ci-worker-s390x-01 debci[2310984]: I: Connecting to AMQP queue debci-tests-s390x-lxc on amqps://ci-master.debian.net
    Feb 16 14:08:01 ci-worker-s390x-01 debci[1968077]: I: Connecting to AMQP queue debci-tests-s390x-lxc on amqps://ci-master.debian.net
    Feb 16 16:58:24 ci-worker-s390x-01 debci[2496027]: I: Connecting to AMQP queue debci-tests-s390x-lxc on amqps://ci-master.debian.net
    Feb 16 18:40:23 ci-worker-s390x-01 debci[1074224]: I: Connecting to AMQP queue debci-tests-s390x-lxc on amqps://ci-master.debian.net
    Feb 16 20:35:15 ci-worker-s390x-01 debci[824124]: I: Connecting to AMQP queue debci-tests-s390x-lxc on amqps://ci-master.debian.net
    Feb 16 22:23:07 ci-worker-s390x-01 debci[3567266]: I: Connecting to AMQP queue debci-tests-s390x-lxc on amqps://ci-master.debian.net
    Feb 17 01:16:26 ci-worker-s390x-01 debci[40757]: I: Connecting to AMQP queue debci-tests-s390x-lxc on amqps://ci-master.debian.net
    Feb 17 04:22:34 ci-worker-s390x-01 debci[1275755]: I: Connecting to AMQP queue debci-tests-s390x-lxc on amqps://ci-master.debian.net
    Feb 17 06:24:45 ci-worker-s390x-01 debci[448310]: I: Connecting to AMQP queue debci-tests-s390x-lxc on amqps://ci-master.debian.net
    Feb 17 08:26:47 ci-worker-s390x-01 debci[830390]: I: Connecting to AMQP queue debci-tests-s390x-lxc on amqps://ci-master.debian.net

    So, for example, we sometimes see errors when publishing results (the
    retry: lines), so maybe we are also having problems getting jobs.

    Also, it seems the client connects again several times a day, what is definitively not normal (the amqp connection is supposed to be
    persistent). I checked for example one of the arm64 on the Huawei cloud
    -- since it's also not inside AWS, but on a different network path --
    and it didn't need to reconnect even once in the last full days, having processed > 500 jobs in that time.

    So there is for sure something wrong with the client-server connection
    there. Reworking the client for robustness is on my TODO list for a


    iQIzBAABCAAdFiEEst7mYDbECCn80PEM/A2xu81GC94FAmPvpXcACgkQ/A2xu81G C97zWQ/+NopnKocwuJNU1p5nYUbk7xGpxjo2qR7rxKu97124OOmJh4o0LrjtqyPk xhxJ2gNdZHeYptW4E+sAA0MfgCJNBDugn7QnmKs+oIn0lkAD2XztPm7ybLvNxJnN iPOghTC6q/ZwTr+pEskxqZW6CN4yRsxTx6PjD2UdVNeXF8X07Why0FQw+xx3rhMb VCM4bXp2Fnt4D4fBdu5ifLu7tQ1jB4bfH2mW/QPhht6PlIbhWGqyWAsaSWRDXn3M KfR6h0JPcoIuk8UZnbKGL2IFmy+4QxEXUjXT+HEvlEV8pS0j6ioIJ3Ji0wh6nhi5 JIhy1nNzmQisEgjTgknOP/cJF2X5UA4E09H2GXw48ugIu1mGu0WGtw1CADOIF1Qg nfbYkGhj13UmqhJ37OscqOTrpIgvPl6Z3Tk2tNUEzfqH0vhyZF2tH+8jjtxxpFqP XRcSx1HC7GRie746xYBgjektumuWMMsLUr0dhH0WunChTot9ULtptnewobPWmwAk BUCdEwhmiCWVfZ0QJnW6GsyKSbJJ2QfzeHZam1FyfVI7Fb7T5XyCQX3tvoxcRzLx eWxDhy66DaumgexVB1tHNF40N81Ue/CVS7DCVnLVBB1mMxeOKFjXGZy2yqwqDwnS hxKAydCAU4qet/LzAjf0xPWOQ3hojnNU+8d9bjdfD9sJKI94KP0=
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    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From James Addison@21:1/5 to All on Sat Feb 18 15:40:01 2023
    James Addison suggested in [3] to increase a prefetch counter in amqp (although its the same on all hosts); I have done so on the s390x host and at least initially it seems to help keeping the host busier.

    Thanks for applying that - I was hoping that the change might also
    result in reductions in the debci queue size for s390x, but that
    doesn't appear to have happened, going by https://ci.debian.net/munin/debian.net/ci-master.debian.net/debci_queue_size.html

    [3] https://salsa.debian.org/ci-team/debci/-/issues/92#note_381306

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Philipp Kern@21:1/5 to Antonio Terceiro on Sat Feb 18 16:30:01 2023

    On 17.02.23 17:04, Antonio Terceiro wrote:
    So there is for sure something wrong with the client-server connection
    there. Reworking the client for robustness is on my TODO list for a

    There's a lot of these:

    Feb 14 08:56:25 ci-worker-s390x-01 debci[1155941]: waiting for header frame: a SSL error occurred

    But alas, the worker will fail and immediately restart. But what's more concerning is the context:

    Feb 14 08:39:50 ci-worker-s390x-01 debci[1355790]: bacula testing/s390x tmpfail
    Feb 14 08:56:25 ci-worker-s390x-01 debci[1155941]: waiting for header frame: a SSL error occurred

    This looks pretty common:

    Feb 14 00:45:12 ci-worker-s390x-01 debci[2652291]: libgd2 testing/s390x fail Feb 14 01:01:48 ci-worker-s390x-01 debci[546227]: waiting for header frame: a SSL error occurred

    Feb 14 02:45:30 ci-worker-s390x-01 debci[1209706]: mmdebstrap testing/s390x pass
    Feb 14 03:02:05 ci-worker-s390x-01 debci[3642098]: waiting for header frame: a SSL error occurred

    Feb 14 04:40:10 ci-worker-s390x-01 debci[12655]: cacti testing/s390x tmpfail Feb 14 04:56:51 ci-worker-s390x-01 debci[3015158]: waiting for header frame: a SSL error occurred

    So we seem to lose at least 15 minutes of worker time when that happens.
    The failures are sometimes but not necessarily correlated:

    Feb 17 01:07:17 ci-worker-s390x-01 debci[1149352]: waiting for header frame: a SSL error occurred
    Feb 17 01:13:46 ci-worker-s390x-01 debci[552417]: waiting for header frame: a SSL error occurred
    Feb 17 01:16:19 ci-worker-s390x-01 debci[1261598]: waiting for header frame: a SSL error occurred
    Feb 17 01:21:02 ci-worker-s390x-01 debci[1487252]: waiting for header frame: a SSL error occurred
    Feb 17 01:53:30 ci-worker-s390x-01 debci[3589185]: waiting for header frame: a SSL error occurred
    Feb 17 02:03:24 ci-worker-s390x-01 debci[4184831]: waiting for header frame: a SSL error occurred
    Feb 17 02:18:31 ci-worker-s390x-01 debci[3986861]: waiting for header frame: a SSL error occurred
    Feb 17 02:41:11 ci-worker-s390x-01 debci[4167140]: waiting for header frame: a SSL error occurred
    Feb 17 05:44:55 ci-worker-s390x-01 debci[1543385]: waiting for header frame: a SSL error occurred
    Feb 17 05:47:10 ci-worker-s390x-01 debci[2598734]: waiting for header frame: a SSL error occurred
    Feb 17 06:24:39 ci-worker-s390x-01 debci[1275755]: waiting for header frame: a SSL error occurred
    Feb 17 06:50:05 ci-worker-s390x-01 debci[3680449]: waiting for header frame: a SSL error occurred
    Feb 17 07:33:09 ci-worker-s390x-01 debci[107515]: waiting for header frame: a SSL error occurred
    Feb 17 07:48:04 ci-worker-s390x-01 debci[2816244]: waiting for header frame: a SSL error occurred
    Feb 17 07:54:07 ci-worker-s390x-01 debci[2284573]: waiting for header frame: a SSL error occurred
    Feb 17 12:40:38 ci-worker-s390x-01 debci[4069122]: waiting for header frame: a SSL error occurred
    Feb 17 15:39:40 ci-worker-s390x-01 debci[3343838]: waiting for header frame: a SSL error occurred
    Feb 17 20:23:33 ci-worker-s390x-01 debci[3531969]: waiting for header frame: a SSL error occurred
    Feb 17 21:21:28 ci-worker-s390x-01 debci[1815008]: waiting for header frame: a SSL error occurred
    Feb 17 23:28:02 ci-worker-s390x-01 debci[2830093]: waiting for header frame: a SSL error occurred
    Feb 18 01:38:13 ci-worker-s390x-01 debci[3999976]: waiting for header frame: a SSL error occurred
    Feb 18 04:21:49 ci-worker-s390x-01 debci[1774710]: waiting for header frame: a SSL error occurred
    Feb 18 04:21:53 ci-worker-s390x-01 debci[1530267]: waiting for header frame: a SSL error occurred
    Feb 18 04:43:09 ci-worker-s390x-01 debci[2484158]: waiting for header frame: a SSL error occurred
    Feb 18 04:54:21 ci-worker-s390x-01 debci[3870455]: waiting for header frame: a SSL error occurred
    Feb 18 06:46:27 ci-worker-s390x-01 debci[632005]: waiting for header frame: a SSL error occurred
    Feb 18 06:52:56 ci-worker-s390x-01 debci[516286]: waiting for header frame: a SSL error occurred
    Feb 18 09:41:23 ci-worker-s390x-01 debci[57375]: waiting for header frame: a SSL error occurred

    It doesn't look like amqp-consume has a lot of options in this space. I
    do wonder if a Wireguard tunnel would help, if only to move this from a firewall-mediated TCP stream to a couple of UDP packets that are less
    likely to be filtered. But I don't know how amenable the firewall is to
    these either.

    I'm personally not a friend of munin because it makes math on the graphs
    hard. Do you have an idea how many packages the s390x manages to process
    per day and how that compares to the other workers? PubSub queues are
    not the easiest to introspect and I'd like to know how far we are off in
    intake into the queue per day vs. what we can process.

    Kind regards and thanks
    Philipp Kern

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Philipp Kern@21:1/5 to Paul Gevers on Mon Feb 20 21:50:02 2023
    On 16.02.23 17:49, Paul Gevers wrote:
    As you can see e.g. here [1,2] it comes and goes (albeit sometimes the
    queue was empty). I don't think its very different, I just never got out
    of the s390x host what I was expecting. Long time I blamed it on the "stealing" that happens on a shared host, but I think there's more.


    So a pet peeve of mine are unitless graphs. Can we please annotate what
    the unit is? If we're looking at "Packages processed by architecture"[1]
    (which again, isn't a workable unit), then we see that s390x does not
    have a bad average, nor an overly bad max - given that it's with one
    worker instead of like 14 for amd64 and 10 for arm64?

    The average/max for the week is double for amd64 vs. s390x, so what does
    the queue size mean? Is there still obsolete work in the queue as well
    or does every item have the same value? (There's no way right now it can
    catch up with that many items in the queue. Although that again depends
    on the unit...)

    Kind regards
    Philipp Kern

    [1] https://ci.debian.net/munin/debian.net/ci-master.debian.net/debci_total_packages_processed.html

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Paul Gevers@21:1/5 to Dipak Zope1 on Tue Feb 21 20:50:01 2023
    To: pkern@debian.org (Philipp Kern)
    To: debian-s390@lists.debian.org (debian-s390)
    To: barton@velocitysoftware.com (barton@velocitysoftware.com)
    To: flint@flint.com (Paul Flint)
    To: williamdes@wdes.fr (William Desportes)
    Copy: debian-ci@lists.debian.org (Debian CI team)

    This is an OpenPGP/MIME signed message (RFC 4880 and 3156) --------------rKvqOcGKICAQwI50WMTPmHpW
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    SGksDQoNCk9uIDIxLTAyLTIwMjMgMTc6NDYsIERpcGFrIFpvcGUxIHdyb3RlOg0KPiBJIGFt IHdvbmRlcmluZyB3aGV0aGVyIHdlIGhhdmUgZG93bmdyYWRlZCB0aGUgbWFjaGluZXMgdG8g NS4xMC4wLTIwIA0KPiBrZXJuZWwgdG8gZ2V0IHJpZCBvZiB0aGUga2VybmVsIGJ1Zy4NCg0K SSB0aGluayBJIG1lbnRpb25lZCBpdCBiZWZvcmUsIHdlIGRvd25ncmFkZWQgaW5kZWVkOg0K cm9vdEBjaS13b3JrZXItczM5MHgtMDE6fiMgdW5hbWUgLWENCkxpbnV4IGNpLXdvcmtlci1z MzkweC0wMSA1LjEwLjAtMjAtczM5MHggIzEgU01QIERlYmlhbiA1LjEwLjE1OC0yIA0KKDIw MjItMTItMTMpIHMzOTB4IEdOVS9MaW51eA0KDQo+IENhbiB3ZSBjaGVjayBpZiB0aGUgcGF0 Y2ggc29sdmVzIGFueSBvZiB0aGUgQ0kgaXNzdWVzPw0KDQpJZiB0aGVyZSdzIGEgcGFja2Fn ZSBhdmFpbGFibGUgc29tZXdoZXJlLCBJIGNhbiBpbnN0YWxsIGl0LCBidXQgSSANCmN1cnJl bnRseSBkb24ndCBoYXZlIHRoZSB0aW1lIChub3IgdGhlIHdpbGwsIHNvcnJ5KSB0byBsZWFy biBob3cgdG8gDQpidWlsZCBEZWJpYW4gczM5MHgga2VybmVsIHBhY2thZ2VzLg0KDQpQYXVs



    wsB5BAABCAAjFiEEWLZtSHNr6TsFLeZynFyZ6wW9dQoFAmP1HyYFAwAAAAAACgkQnFyZ6wW9dQr+ yAf/VgWpy++2EDYSa/KqcOgtbtiSxcHpGFoJuw/c72A9jMtcsAucgyz75X20jXWQhmKjavR2RSLt y2MqRtjhnzqnQuXn8Q1wqsE3E0q1fFgT4VoK+Jxshf5FXTCSUFcr9ZR3+AJmRvpLf14KfPyhpWYm G6zPWepiJJdDvCpTOk6u1+1fVHlkoov+UhYgLcjZvsPbJSUQiSfNMsKkTJSmcAbaUyvKAp7xO1QL cpamgugR6OWBUN0R3ZJHpoAOqmCW8Gk3wSuWfiq3nGc9ouZEERjoc0e1ONE1vUsN7uEpI6GA44dz CIYQ2gfh8gDVFYl1B9LBQRvZdh+MDm642gptFLv8hw==
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    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From James Addison@21:1/5 to James Addison on Tue Feb 28 02:00:01 2023
    Attempting to sum together what look, to me, like a pair of 2s:

    * The s390x Debian CI queue size[1] is growing again.

    * A recent bug report[2] by Dipak describes userspace processes
    getting stuck on an s390 Linux kernel version that Debian's CI infra
    has been using

    The bug does seem to have caused CI package build timeouts, as Paul
    and others have discussed[3]. I was skeptical about the
    kernel-as-cause theory, but now agree with it.

    Perhaps the timeouts explain the queue backlog?

    Also note: Sumanth has offered a fix as an s390 kernel patch[4], and
    it is pending -- that is, the fix has been uploaded and is awaiting
    general availability after a delay for people to review the relevant
    changes -- for distribution in Debian stable.

    I'm puzzled by some conflicting data, though: the ppc64 queue _isn't_
    growing currently. Why did it follow the s390x trend so closely
    during the previous queue buildup, and yet doesn't appear to be doing
    so this time?

    [1] - https://ci.debian.net/munin/debian.net/ci-master.debian.net/debci_queue_size.html

    [2] - https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=1031753

    [3] - https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=1030545

    [4] - https://lists.debian.org/debian-kernel/2023/02/msg00124.html

    On Sat, 18 Feb 2023 at 14:23, James Addison <jay@jp-hosting.net> wrote:

    James Addison suggested in [3] to increase a prefetch counter in amqp (although its the same on all hosts); I have done so on the s390x host and at least initially it seems to help keeping the host busier.

    Thanks for applying that - I was hoping that the change might also
    result in reductions in the debci queue size for s390x, but that
    doesn't appear to have happened, going by https://ci.debian.net/munin/debian.net/ci-master.debian.net/debci_queue_size.html

    [3] https://salsa.debian.org/ci-team/debci/-/issues/92#note_381306

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Paul Gevers@21:1/5 to James Addison on Tue Feb 28 21:10:01 2023
    Copy: debian-ci@lists.debian.org (Debian CI team)
    Copy: Dipak.Zope1@ibm.com (Dipak Zope1)
    Copy: pkern@debian.org (Philipp Kern)
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    Copy: barton@velocitysoftware.com (barton@velocitysoftware.com)
    Copy: flint@flint.com (Paul Flint)
    Copy: williamdes@wdes.fr (William Desportes)
    Copy: sumanthk@linux.ibm.com

    This is an OpenPGP/MIME signed message (RFC 4880 and 3156) --------------i9zHv0SCgulgPSLmiqSaVjah
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    SGksDQoNCk9uIDI4LTAyLTIwMjMgMDE6MzksIEphbWVzIEFkZGlzb24gd3JvdGU6DQo+IEF0 dGVtcHRpbmcgdG8gc3VtIHRvZ2V0aGVyIHdoYXQgbG9vaywgdG8gbWUsIGxpa2UgYSBwYWly IG9mIDJzOg0KPiANCj4gICAgKiBUaGUgczM5MHggRGViaWFuIENJIHF1ZXVlIHNpemVbMV0g aXMgZ3Jvd2luZyBhZ2Fpbi4NCg0KWWVzLCBidXQgdGhpcyB0aW1lIGl0J3MgYmVjYXVzZSBz b21lIHRlc3Qgc2VlbXMgdG8gYmUgbWlzYmVoYXZpbmcgKG9ubHkgDQpvbiBzMzkweCBvciBi aWcgZW5kaWFuIG9yLi4uICkgYW5kIGZpbGxzIHRoZSBkaXNrIChhbmQgZ2V0cyBraWxsZWQg YnkgYSANCmNyb24gam9iIGFuZCByZXN0YXJ0cykuIEknbSBzdXNwZWN0aW5nIGRvbGZpbiAo YW5kIHB5dGhvbi1vc2xvLmRiKSBhdCANCnRoZSBtb21lbnQuDQoNCj4gICAgKiBBIHJlY2Vu dCBidWcgcmVwb3J0WzJdIGJ5IERpcGFrIGRlc2NyaWJlcyB1c2Vyc3BhY2UgcHJvY2Vzc2Vz DQo+IGdldHRpbmcgc3R1Y2sgb24gYW4gczM5MCBMaW51eCBrZXJuZWwgdmVyc2lvbiB0aGF0 IERlYmlhbidzIENJIGluZnJhDQo+IGhhcyBiZWVuIHVzaW5nDQoNCldlIHJldmVydGVkIHRv IHRoZSBwcmV2aW91cyBrZXJuZWw6DQpyb290QGNpLXdvcmtlci1zMzkweC0wMTp+IyB1bmFt ZSAtYQ0KTGludXggY2ktd29ya2VyLXMzOTB4LTAxIDUuMTAuMC0yMC1zMzkweCAjMSBTTVAg RGViaWFuIDUuMTAuMTU4LTIgDQooMjAyMi0xMi0xMykgczM5MHggR05VL0xpbnV4DQoNClBh dWwNCg==



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    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Elizabeth K. Joseph@21:1/5 to elbrus@debian.org on Tue Apr 18 22:50:01 2023
    On Sun, Feb 12, 2023 at 1:39 PM Paul Gevers <elbrus@debian.org> wrote:
    I can provide logging from the host, but I'll need detailed instructions
    of what people find useful to look at. Recently Antonio taught me a
    trick to provide temporary access to a lxc container on any of our
    hosts, so if it helps to be on the host (but inside lxc) we can provide
    for that.

    I had a call with Dipak this morning to discuss some of how we can
    help, between my Linux admin and networking experience, and what we
    can otherwise pull together on the Z side at IBM, we're eager to see
    what we can do to make these systems a bit quicker. I think access to
    the host in an LXC container would be valuable, especially if we're
    still having any issues with SSH timeouts and could see about

    I noticed that the Munin graphs are showing that the queue problems
    from earlier this year seem to have been reduced now, is that correct,
    or has the VM just not been restarted lately? It would be helpful to
    have a starting point.

    Many thanks.

    Elizabeth K. Joseph || Lyz || pleia2

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Paul Gevers@21:1/5 to Elizabeth K. Joseph on Thu Apr 20 08:30:01 2023
    Copy: pkern@debian.org (Philipp Kern)
    Copy: debian-s390@lists.debian.org (debian-s390)
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