• Bug#845297: Git hooks for translation versions

    From Lev Lamberov@21:1/5 to All on Tue Aug 22 23:30:03 2017
    XPost: linux.debian.bugs.dist


    I was playing with git hooks and realized that they could be used in
    migration of the Debian website content from CVS to git and saving
    CVS-style translation versions (even throw away "1." part from 1.x and
    keep just x). I guess this will make the migration for translators
    easier and will not require to completely rewrite translation check
    scripts (although some changes will be needed).

    Let's store CVS-style version of every translatable file somewhere (in
    file, database, or another VCS, "db" hereafter). When someone pushes
    changes to the repository these changes are checked with git hook to
    fetch a list of changed files. I propose to use update hook, because (1)
    it get ref name to update, old and new object names as parameters, (2)
    git will accept push only in case when update hook returns 0. The (2) is important because we don't want to accept changes which are not
    reflected in db.

    I've wrote some skeletion script, please find it attached. All prints
    there are just for debugging purposes, and output is forwarded to git send-pack, so user will see it. Currently, it doesn't support merges, so
    only one parent commit for a given commit.

    Say the last commit on the server is eab5, and there are two file, aaa
    (version 1.2) and bbb (version 1.7). Someone makes three commits, f3ea
    (aaa changed), f2e6 (bbb changed), and d4e3 (both aaa and bbb changed),
    and pushes them to the server. The script fetches a list of new commits
    (f3ea, f2e6, d4e3) starting from the already known commit (eab5, not
    included) to the last new commit (d4e3, included), and iterates through
    the list. Since we have three commits there will be three iterations,
    each will produce a list of changed files. That is, we will get three
    lists: (aaa), (bbb), (aaa, bbb). What follows will depend on design
    details. I can see two possible ways:

    1. Update db as follows: aaa=1.4, bbb=1.8 (one version bump per commit)
    2. Update db as follows: aaa=1.3, bbb=1.8 (one cumulitive version bump
    per file for all commits)

    I'm not sure which way is better. We could also store not just the
    current version, but rather version history with commit ids
    corresponding to each version. I don't think I ever saw reverts in
    website content CVS, but guess it also should be taken into account (and
    it will require some additional work).

    I agree that it may require a lot of work, but still it is an additional alternative to consider. I'd say that gettext and po4a are good
    candidates, but there are some particular shortcomings already mentioned
    in the wiki.

    Lev Lamberov

    IyEvdXNyL2Jpbi9lbnYgcGVybAoKdXNlIHdhcm5pbmdzOwp1c2UgYXV0b2RpZTsKdXNlIHN0cmlj dDsKCnByaW50ICJSdW5uaW5nIHVwZGF0ZSBob29rLi4uXG4iOwoKIyBIb29rIHRha2UgdGhyZWUg cGFyYW1ldGVyczogdGhlIG5hbWUgb2YgcmVmIHRvIHVwZGF0ZSwgb2xkIG9iamVjdCBuYW1lLCBu ZXcgb2JqZWN0IG5hbWUKbXkgKCRyZWZuYW1lLCAkb2xkLCAkbmV3KSA9IEBBUkdWOwoKIyBDaGVj ayB0aGF0IHdlIGFyZSBnb2luZyB0byB1cGRhdGUgcmVmL2hlYWRzL21hc3RlcgppZiAoJHJlZm5h bWUgZXEgJ3JlZnMvaGVhZHMvbWFzdGVyJykgewogICAgcHJpbnQgIlVwZGF0ZSBmb3IgJHJlZm5h bWVcbiI7CiAgICBwcmludCAiT0xEIGlzOiAkb2xkXG4iOwogICAgcHJpbnQgIk5FVyBpczogJG5l d1xuIjsKICAgICMgR2V0IGEgbGlzdCBvZiBjb21taXQgaWRzIGZyb20gJG9sZCB0byAkbmV3CiAg ICBjaG9tcChteSBAcmV2aXNpb25zID0gYGdpdCByZXYtbGlzdCAtLXJldmVyc2UgJG9sZC4uJG5l d2ApOwogICAgIyBJdGVyYXRlIHRocm91Z2ggYSBsaXN0IG9mIGNvbW1pdCBpZHMKICAgIGZvcmVh Y2ggKEByZXZpc2lvbnMpIHsKICAgICAgICBwcmludCgiQ1VSUkVOVDogJF9cbiIpOwogICAgICAg ICMgR2V0IGEgcGFyZW50IGNvbW1pdCBpZCBmb3IgdGhlICRfCiAgICAgICAgY2hvbXAobXkgJHBh cmVudCA9IChzcGxpdCAnICcsIGBnaXQgcmV2LWxpc3QgLS1wYXJlbnRzIC1uIDEgJF9gKVstMV0p OwogICAgICAgIHByaW50ICJQQVJFTlQ6ICRwYXJlbnRcbiI7CiAgICAgICAgIyBHZXQgYSBsaXN0 IG9mIGZpbGVzIGNoYW5nZWQgYmV0d2VlbiAkcGFyZW50IGFuZCAkXwogICAgICAgIGNob21wKG15 IEBjaGFuZ2VkX2ZpbGVzID0gYGdpdCBsb2cgLS1wcmV0dHk9XCJmb3JtYXQ6XCIgLS1uYW1lLW9u bHkgJHBhcmVudC4uJF9gKTsKICAgICAgICBwcmludCAiQ0hBTkdFRCBGSUxFUzogQGNoYW5nZWRf ZmlsZXNcbiI7CiAgICB9Cn0gZWxzZSB7CiAgICAjIEV4aXQgd2l0aCBub24temVybyB2YWx1ZSwg c28gcHVzaCBpcyByZWplY3RlZAogICAgZXhpdCAxOwp9Cg==

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