• Sun Ultra 25 / Debian 12 install/progress

    From Ignacio Soriano Hernandez@21:1/5 to All on Wed Nov 8 11:20:01 2023

    just a short heads-up because I did not find teh Ultra 25 on the list of "supported" systems.
    I wanted to give it a try and can confirm that it boots from CD and gets
    into the "Select a language" screen but the keyboard is not working.

    System: Sun Ultra 25, 1 GB RAM, 250 GB SATA, XVR-300, kbd/mouse connected
    to the USB ports

    I will try a serial install once I find the adaptor.



    <div dir="ltr">Hi,<div><br></div><div>just a short heads-up because I did not find teh Ultra 25 on the list of &quot;supported&quot; systems.</div><div>I wanted to give it a try and can confirm that it boots from CD and gets into the &quot;Select a
    language&quot; screen but the keyboard is not working.</div><div><br></div><div>System: Sun Ultra 25, 1 GB RAM, 250 GB SATA, XVR-300, kbd/mouse connected to the USB ports</div><div><br></div><div>I will try a serial install once I find the adaptor.</div><

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
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  • From Ignacio Soriano Hernandez@21:1/5 to All on Fri Nov 10 20:00:01 2023
    SGkgQWRyaWFuLA0KDQpzbyBpbnN0YWxsZWQgaXQgd2l0aCB0aGUgbGF0ZXN0IGltYWdlIHlvdSBo YWQgcG9zdGVkLiBJdCBib290cyBpbnRvIHRoZSBsb2dpbiBidXQgVVNCIGlzIG5vdCBzdXBwb3J0 ZWQsIHNvIG9ubHkgdGVybWluYWwuDQoNCldoYXQgSSB3YXMgZmVlbGluZyBpcyB0aGF0IGV2ZW4g NS4xNiBpcyB2ZXJ5IHVuc3RhYmxlIC4uIGEgc2ltcGxlIGFwdCBpbnN0YWxsIG9wZW5zc2gtc2Vy dmVyIGNyYXNoZWQgdGhlIG1hY2hpbmUuDQoNCkJ0dy4gV2hhdCBpcyB0aGUgcmVjb21tZW5kZWQg d2F5IG9mIHVwZGF0aW5nIHRoZSBrZXlyaW5nIHNvIHRoYXQgSSBjb3VsZCBpbnN0YWxsIHNvbWUg ZnVydGhlciBwYWNrYWdlcyBhbmQgYSBkZXNrdG9wPyBXaGF0IGl0IGJlIHBvc3NpYmxlIHRvIGV4 aXQgdG8gdGhlIHNoZWxsIHdpdGhpbiB0aGUgaW5zdGFsbGVyIHRvIHVwZGF0ZSB0aGUga2V5cmlu ZyBzbyB0aGF0IGl0IGNvdWxkIHVzZSB0aGUgbWlycm9yIHRvIGdldCB0aGUgcGFja2FnZXM/IA0K DQpUaGFua3MgYSBsb3QgZm9yIHlvdXIgc3VwcG9ydC4NCg0KQ2hlZXJzDQoNCklnZ2kNCg0K77u/ QW0gMDkuMTEuMjMsIDE2OjA5IHNjaHJpZWIgIkpvaG4gUGF1bCBBZHJpYW4gR2xhdWJpdHoiIDxn bGF1Yml0ekBwaHlzaWsuZnUtYmVybGluLmRlIDxtYWlsdG86Z2xhdWJpdHpAcGh5c2lrLmZ1LWJl cmxpbi5kZT4+Og0KDQoNCkhpIElnZ2khDQoNCg0KT24gVGh1LCAyMDIzLTExLTA5IGF0IDE1OjE2 ICswMTAwLCBJZ25hY2lvIFNvcmlhbm8gSGVybmFuZGV6IHdyb3RlOg0KPiBMb2FkaW5nIExpbnV4 IDYuNS4wLTQtc3BhcmM2NCAuLi4NCj4gTG9hZGluZyBpbml0aWFsIHJhbWRpc2sgLi4uDQo+IA0K PiBbIDAuNzIxNTUwXSBwY2kgMDAwMDowNToxZC4wOiB1bnN1cHBvcnRlZCBQTSBjYXAgcmVncyB2 ZXJzaW9uICg0KQ0KPiBbIDcuMTM1MDc1XSBVbmFibGUgdG8gaGFuZGxlIGtlcm5lbCBwYWdpbmcg cmVxdWVzdCBhdCB2aXJ0dWFsIGFkZHJlc3MgMDAwNDA2MTMxMDA0MDAwMA0KPiBbIDcuMjMwMjgz XSB0c2stPnttbSxhY3RpdmVfbW19LT5jb250ZXh0ID0gMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDA0MA0KPiBbIDcu Mjk3MjIyXSB0c2stPnttbSxhY3RpdmVfbW19LT5wZ2QgPSBmZmYwMDAwMjExYzMwMDAwDQo+IFsg Ny4zNjU1NTZdIFVuYWJsZSB0byBoYW5kbGUga2VybmVsIHBhZ2luZyByZXF1ZXN0IGF0IHZpcnR1 YWwgYWRkcmVzcyAwMDA0MDYxMTEwMTg0MDAwDQo+IFsgNy40NjA3NzRdIHRzay0+e21tLGFjdGl2 ZV9tbX0tPmNvbnRleHQgPSAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDNkDQo+IFsgNy41Mjc3NTNdIHRzay0+e21t LGFjdGl2ZV9tbX0tPnBnZCA9IGZmZjAwMDAyMTFjMDQwMDANCj4gWyA3LjY2MTQyNF0gS2VybmVs IHBhbmljIC0gbm90IHN5bmNpbmc6IGNvcnJ1cHRlZCBzdGFjayBlbmQgZGV0ZWN0ZWQgaW5zaWRl IHNjaGVkdWxlcg0KPiBbIDcuNzYxODM1XSBQcmVzcyBTdG9wLUEgKEwxLUEpIGZyb20gc3VuIGtl eWJvYXJkIG9yIHNlbmQgYnJlYWsNCj4gWyA3Ljc2MTgzNV0gdHdpY2Ugb24gY29uc29sZSB0byBy ZXR1cm4gdG8gdGhlIGJvb3QgcHJvbQ0KPiBbIDcuOTA0Mjk4XSAtLS1bIGVuZCBLZXJuZWwgcGFu aWMgLSBub3Qgc3luY2luZzogY29ycnVwdGVkIHN0YWNrIGVuZCBkZXRlY3RlZCBpbnNpZGUgc2No ZWR1bGVyIF0tLS0NCj4gDQo+IEFuZCB0aGlzIGhhcHBlbnMgdmlhIHRoZSBzZXJpYWwgY29uc29s ZSwgbm8gVVNCIGRldmljZXMgY29ubmVjdGVkLg0KDQoNCkNhbiB5b3UgdHJ5IGFuIG9sZGVyIGlt YWdlPyBJIHVzZWQgYW4gaW1hZ2UgZnJvbSBsYXN0IHllYXIgd2hlbiBJIGluc3RhbGxlZCBEZWJp YW4gaW5zaWRlDQp0d28gU1BBUkMgVDQtMSBMRE9NcyB3aGljaCBJIGhhdmUgZnJlc2hseSBzZXQg dXAgZm9yIERlYmlhbiBQb3J0czoNCg0KDQo+IGh0dHBzOi8vY2RpbWFnZS5kZWJpYW4ub3JnL2Nk aW1hZ2UvcG9ydHMvc25hcHNob3RzLzIwMjItMDMtMjQvZGViaWFuLTExLjAuMC1zcGFyYzY0LU5F VElOU1QtMS5pc28gPGh0dHBzOi8vY2RpbWFnZS5kZWJpYW4ub3JnL2NkaW1hZ2UvcG9ydHMvc25h cHNob3RzLzIwMjItMDMtMjQvZGViaWFuLTExLjAuMC1zcGFyYzY0LU5FVElOU1QtMS5pc28+DQoN Cg0KSSBoYXZlIHNlZW4gc29tZSBpc3N1ZSB3aXRoIG1vc3QgcmVjZW50IGtlcm5lbHMgb24gU1BB UkMgd2hpY2ggaXMgd2h5IEkgaGF2ZSBjdXJyZW50bHkgYm9vdGVkDQpvbmUgTERPTSBpbnRvIGtl cm5lbCA1LjE2LjE0Lg0KDQoNCldoZW4geW91IGluc3RhbGwgd2l0aCB0aGUgaW1hZ2UgYWJvdmUs IHlvdSB3aWxsIGJlIGFibGUgdG8gYm9vdCBpbnRvIGtlcm5lbCA1LjE2LjE0IGZyb20gR1JVQi4N Cg0KDQpOb3RlOiBEdWUgdG8gdGhlIGV4cGlyZWQgQVBUIGtleXMgaW4gdGhlIGFib3ZlIGltYWdl LCB5b3Ugc2hvdWxkIHNraXAgdGhlIG1pcnJvciBzZXR1cCBkdXJpbmcNCmluc3RhbGxhdGlvbiB3 aGljaCB3aWxsIGZhaWwgdW5sZXNzIHlvdSBpbnN0YWxsZWQgdGhlIHVwZGF0ZWQgRGViaWFuIFBv cnRzIEFyY2hpdmUgS2V5cmluZw0KcGFja2FnZS4NCg0KDQpBZHJpYW4NCg0KDQotLSANCi4nJ2Au IEpvaG4gUGF1bCBBZHJpYW4gR2xhdWJpdHoNCjogOicgOiBEZWJpYW4gRGV2ZWxvcGVyDQpgLiBg JyBQaHlzaWNpc3QNCmAtIEdQRzogNjJGRiA4QTc1IDg0RTAgMjk1NiA5NTQ2IDAwMDYgNzQyNiAz QjM3IEY1QjUgRjkxMw0KDQoNCg==

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  • From Connor McLaughlan@21:1/5 to glaubitz@physik.fu-berlin.de on Wed Nov 29 22:00:01 2023
    On Sun, Nov 12, 2023 at 8:48 PM John Paul Adrian Glaubitz <glaubitz@physik.fu-berlin.de> wrote:

    Hi Iggi!

    On Fri, 2023-11-10 at 18:56 +0000, Ignacio Soriano Hernandez wrote:
    so installed it with the latest image you had posted. It boots into the login but USB is not supported, so only terminal.

    Can you post the output of "lsusb" and "lspci" so I can see what kind of
    USB controller your machine has? Maybe it's just disabled in the Debian kernel configuration.

    What I was feeling is that even 5.16 is very unstable .. a simple apt install openssh-server crashed the machine.

    Kernel after 4.19 were actually not very stable on older SPARCs like yours while there were no problems on the newer SPARCs like T2, T3, T4 and so on.

    Bisecting these kernel issues on my Ultra 45 is still on my TODO list.

    If you want to have a stable kernel, use this image from July 2019 and make sure you always boot the machine into kernel 4.19 from GRUB:


    Btw. What is the recommended way of updating the keyring so that I could install some further packages and a desktop? What it be possible to exit
    to the shell within the installer to update the keyring so that it could use the mirror to get the packages?

    You can download and install the keyring package like this:

    # wget http://ftp.ports.debian.org/debian-ports/pool/main/d/debian-ports-archive-keyring/debian-ports-archive-keyring_2023.02.01_all.deb
    # dpkg -i debian-ports-archive-keyring_2023.02.01_all.deb

    Thanks a lot for your support.

    You're welcome and sorry for the current issues you're seeing.

    I haven't had time to work on Debian's sparc64 port for a while and only recently had the time to setup the two new SPARC T4-1 that we purchased
    for Debian.

    These machines are running now and I am currently going through all kind
    of packages which have regressed on sparc64 and I'm filing bug reports and sending patches upstream.

    Also, I am going to updated debian-installer images soon so you can test
    a more recent kernel.


    .''`. John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
    : :' : Debian Developer
    `. `' Physicist
    `- GPG: 62FF 8A75 84E0 2956 9546 0006 7426 3B37 F5B5 F913

    Hello All,

    just for reference, i was experiencing the same usb problem on my
    Ultra 25 as mentioned here: https://lists.debian.org/debian-sparc/2022/12/msg00000.html

    So for newer kernels than 5.6.0 usb is dying during boot rendering
    mouse and keyboard unusable on the machine.


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Ignacio Soriano Hernandez@21:1/5 to John Paul Adrian Glaubitz on Thu Nov 30 20:50:01 2023
    Hi Adrian,

    thanks a lot.

    Once a new image is available I will try it out.



    On 11/12/23 20:47, John Paul Adrian Glaubitz wrote:
    Hi Iggi!

    On Fri, 2023-11-10 at 18:56 +0000, Ignacio Soriano Hernandez wrote:
    so installed it with the latest image you had posted. It boots into the
    login but USB is not supported, so only terminal.
    Can you post the output of "lsusb" and "lspci" so I can see what kind of
    USB controller your machine has? Maybe it's just disabled in the Debian kernel configuration.

    What I was feeling is that even 5.16 is very unstable .. a simple apt
    install openssh-server crashed the machine.
    Kernel after 4.19 were actually not very stable on older SPARCs like yours while there were no problems on the newer SPARCs like T2, T3, T4 and so on.

    Bisecting these kernel issues on my Ultra 45 is still on my TODO list.

    If you want to have a stable kernel, use this image from July 2019 and make sure you always boot the machine into kernel 4.19 from GRUB:

    Btw. What is the recommended way of updating the keyring so that I could
    install some further packages and a desktop? What it be possible to exit
    to the shell within the installer to update the keyring so that it could
    use the mirror to get the packages?
    You can download and install the keyring package like this:

    # wget http://ftp.ports.debian.org/debian-ports/pool/main/d/debian-ports-archive-keyring/debian-ports-archive-keyring_2023.02.01_all.deb
    # dpkg -i debian-ports-archive-keyring_2023.02.01_all.deb

    Thanks a lot for your support.
    You're welcome and sorry for the current issues you're seeing.

    I haven't had time to work on Debian's sparc64 port for a while and only recently had the time to setup the two new SPARC T4-1 that we purchased
    for Debian.

    These machines are running now and I am currently going through all kind
    of packages which have regressed on sparc64 and I'm filing bug reports and sending patches upstream.

    Also, I am going to updated debian-installer images soon so you can test
    a more recent kernel.


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)