• some questions about the Greek translation of the release notes

    From galas@21:1/5 to All on Sun May 21 15:10:01 2023
    Dear friends!

    I am Emmanuel Galatoulas, long term contributor to the Greek translation
    of the Installation Guide as well as of the Release Notes. My Salsa
    username is galaxico-guest.

    Checking, just before the release of Debian 12/Bookworm, the status of the Greek translation of the release notes I find in the statistics pages that
    the percentage of the Greek translation (el) in stable (I suppose
    bullseye) is 92.71%

    - https://www.debian.org/releases/stable/statistics.html

    whereas for the testing (Debian 12/Bookworm) is 100%.

    - https://www.debian.org/releases/testing/statistics.html

    This is in accordance with the statistics for the po files in the Git
    project (https://salsa.debian.org/ddp-team/release-notes).

    However, checking the web pages in


    say for amd64, I realised that there are some untranslated bits here and
    there, which is somehow confusing, since as I said all the relevant files
    in the git project has been translated.

    Trying to find an explanation, I found that in the git project except the master branch there are also branches for the various releases, amongst
    them a "bookworm" branch. In this branch there do appear two files with
    some not-ready or untranslated bits (the files issues.po and

    So, here is my question: should I complete the translation of these two
    files in the branch "bookworm" for the Greek translation for the release
    to be completed? Is it permitted to work with branches other than the

    I would be grateful for an answer clarifying the situation since, as you realise, I am exciting (as everybody) about the imminent release of Debian
    12 and equally eager for the Greek translation of the release notes to be available to our Greek community and users.

    Accept my sincere thanks for your hard work for such an exciting release
    of our Debian!

    with best regards

    Emmanuel Galatoulas

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  • From Jean-Pierre Giraud@21:1/5 to All on Sun May 21 17:40:01 2023
    Le dimanche 21 mai 2023 à 15:53 +0300, galas a écrit :
    Dear friends!

    I am Emmanuel Galatoulas, long term contributor to the Greek
    of the Installation Guide as well as of the Release Notes. My Salsa
    username is galaxico-guest.

    Checking, just before the release of Debian 12/Bookworm, the status
    of the
    Greek translation of the release notes I find in the statistics pages
    the percentage of the Greek translation (el) in stable (I suppose
    bullseye) is 92.71%

    - https://www.debian.org/releases/stable/statistics.html

    whereas for the testing (Debian 12/Bookworm) is 100%.

    - https://www.debian.org/releases/testing/statistics.html

    This is in accordance with the statistics for the po files in the Git
    project (https://salsa.debian.org/ddp-team/release-notes).

    However, checking the web pages in


    say for amd64, I realised that there are some untranslated bits here
    there, which is somehow confusing, since as I said all the relevant
    in the git project has been translated.
    The stats check the number of translated strings in yours files but
    don't take account of the strings introduced in the new files version.

    Trying to find an explanation, I found that in the git project except
    master branch there are also branches for the various releases,
    them a "bookworm" branch. In this branch there do appear two files
    some not-ready or untranslated bits (the files issues.po and

    So, here is my question: should I complete the translation of these
    files in the branch "bookworm" for the Greek translation for the
    to be completed? Is it permitted to work with branches other than the

    I would be grateful for an answer clarifying the situation since, as
    realise, I am exciting (as everybody) about the imminent release of
    12 and equally eager for the Greek translation of the release notes
    to be
    available to our Greek community and users.

    Accept my sincere thanks for your hard work for such an exciting
    of our Debian!

    with best regards

    Emmanuel Galatoulas

    Hi Emmanuel,
    I looked at the greek issues.po file, it seems up-to-date for bullseye
    release, but you have to update it to be sync with the bookworm
    release. As noted in the README.tranlsators file lines 66-67 https://salsa.debian.org/ddp-team/release-notes/-/blob/master/README.translators

    "* To update your language files against the English original, use:
    $ make updatepo LINGUA=de "

    In this way, you will have all greek files synced with the last English
    Best regards,
    Jean-Pierre Giraud
    French Translation Team

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    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Paul Gevers@21:1/5 to galas on Tue May 23 14:20:01 2023
    To: debian-doc@lists.debian.org

    This is an OpenPGP/MIME signed message (RFC 4880 and 3156) --------------txE1nbNTfXDHXMGecu0DzH8N
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