• Re: Survey proposal about the usage of money in Debian

    From Raphael Hertzog@21:1/5 to All on Wed Feb 2 14:30:02 2022
    XPost: linux.debian.project, linux.debian.www


    I have received some private feedback that a few questions were heavily
    biased towards technical roles. That bias is certainly real as this is where
    I come from and the kind of work that I'd like to fund with Freexian is
    mostly technical.

    That said the survey would certainly be more useful to Debian if we could expand it to cover a few non-technical areas.

    I left below the 2-3 questions that would benefit from being expanded. I
    put in copy a few teams that are currently not listed and that might be
    able to suggest new possible use of money in the context of their team.

    For the full context, please read https://lists.debian.org/debian-project/2022/01/msg00024.html. We welcome
    your suggestions, either by reply to the mailing list or by MR against https://salsa.debian.org/freexian-team/misc-drafts/

    Select the teams to which you regularly contribute:

    * Release team
    * FTPmasters (archive team)
    * System Admistrators ("DSA")
    * Security team
    * Long Term Support team
    * Quality Assurance ("QA")
    * Debian Installer
    * Debian CD images
    * One (or more) packaging teams

    For each possible use of Debian's money quoted below, please indicate if
    such a use is a "good idea", "good idea in some specific cases", "bad
    idea" or if it's "totally unacceptable". Select "uncertain" if you can't
    make up your mind.

    * Paying for package maintenance (handling bugs, new upstream release,
    improving packaging, etc.)
    * Paying for the initial packaging of software new to Debian.
    * Paying for development of new features/improvements for
    Debian-specific infrastructure (e.g. bugs.debian.org,
    tracker.debian.org, dak, etc.)
    * Paying development of new features/improvements to Debian specific
    software (e.g. dpkg, apt, debhelper, lintian, etc.)
    * Paying development of new tools to experiment new workflows or new
    * Paying technical writers to improve the documentation for new
    * Use Debian funds to help the Debian Project Leader (DPL) role in some
    * Pay Debian contributors to complete large scale changes in a
    reasonable time frame
    * Pay specialist porters to support release architectures at risk of
    being dropped from Debian releases due to lack of porters.

    For each role listed below, please answer the following question: Should
    this Debian role include a stipend or otherwise be funded to allow more
    time to fulfill the obligations of the role? (yes/no/unsure/no opinion)

    * Debian Project Leader (DPL)
    * Debian Release Manager
    * In general
    * During the freeze
    * Member of the archive team ("ftpmasters")
    * In general
    * Those who process NEW and RM
    * Member of the Security team
    * Member of the LTS team
    * Member of the Technical Committee
    Raphaƫl Hertzog

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