• General Resolution: Voting secrecy: Second call for votes

    From Debian Project Secretary - Kurt Roe@21:1/5 to All on Sat Mar 19 12:10:01 2022

    This is the second call for votes for the General Resolution about
    voting secrecy.

    Voting period starts 2022-03-13 00:00:00 UTC
    Votes must be received by 2022-03-26 23:59:59 UTC

    The following ballot is for voting on changing the resolution process.

    This vote is being conducted as required by the Debian Constitution.
    You may see the constitution at https://www.debian.org/devel/constitution.
    For voting questions or problems contact secretary@debian.org.

    The details of the general resolution can be found at: https://www.debian.org/vote/2022/vote_001

    Also, note that you can get a fresh ballot any time before the end of
    the vote by sending a signed mail to
    with the subject "gr_vote_secrecy".

    To vote you need to be a Debian Developer.


    To cast a vote, it is necessary to send this ballot filled out to a
    dedicated e-mail address, in a signed message, as described below.
    The dedicated email address this ballot should be sent to is:


    The form you need to fill out is contained below in this
    message, marked with two lines containing the characters
    '-=-=-=-=-=-'. Do not erase anything between those lines, and do not
    change the choice names.

    There are 4 choices in the form, which you may rank with numbers between
    1 and 4. In the brackets next to your preferred choice, place a 1.
    Place a 2 in the brackets next to your next choice. Continue until you
    reach your last choice. Do not enter a number smaller than 1 or larger
    than 4.

    You may skip numbers, leave some choices unranked, and rank options
    equally. Unranked choices are considered equally the least desired
    choices, and ranked below all ranked choices.

    To vote "no, no matter what", rank "None of the above" as more desirable
    than the unacceptable choices, or you may rank the "None of the above"
    choice and leave choices you consider unacceptable blank. (Note: if the
    "None of the above" choice is unranked, then it is equal to all other
    unranked choices, if any -- no special consideration is given to the
    "None of the above" choice by the voting software).

    Finally, mail the filled out ballot to: gr_vote_secrecy@vote.debian.org.

    Don't worry about spacing of the columns or any quote characters (">")
    that your reply inserts.

    NOTE: The vote must be GPG signed (or PGP signed) with your key that is
    in the Debian keyring. You may, if you wish, choose to send a signed,
    encrypted ballot: use the vote key appended below for encryption.

    The voting software (Devotee) accepts mail that either contains only an unmangled OpenPGP message (RFC 2440 compliant), or a PGP/MIME mail
    (RFC 3156 compliant). To avoid problems I suggest you use PGP/MIME.


    This is a non-secret vote. After the voting period is over the details on
    who voted what will be published. During the vote itself the only
    information that will be published is who voted.

    You can encrypt your message to the voting system to keep your vote secret until the end of the voting period. The software will also try to keep
    your vote secret and will encrypt the reply it sends to you.


    - - -=-=-=-=-=- Don't Delete Anything Between These Lines =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 6acf7f89-3eb2-492c-8715-98ae65b5f9d2
    [ ] Choice 1: Hide identities of Developers casting a particular vote
    [ ] Choice 2: Hide identities of Developers casting a particular vote and allow verification
    [ ] Choice 3: Reaffirm public voting
    [ ] Choice 4: None of the above
    - - -=-=-=-=-=- Don't Delete Anything Between These Lines =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-



    Choice 1: Hide identities of Developers casting a particular vote =================================================================


    During the vote for GR_2021_002, several developers said they were uncomfortable voting because under the process at that time, their name
    and ballot ranking would be public.
    A number of participants in the discussion believe that we would get
    election results that more accurately reflect the will of the developers
    if we do not make the name associated with a particular vote on the
    tally sheet public.
    Several people believed that the ranked votes without names attached
    would still be valuable public information.

    This proposal would treat all elections like DPL elections.
    At the same time it relaxes the requirement that the secretary must
    conduct a vote via email. If the requirement for email voting is
    removed, then an experiment is planned at least with the belenios voting
    system [1]. belenios may provide better voter secrecy and an easier
    web-based voting system than our current email approach.
    If this proposal passes, adopting such an alternative
    would require sufficient support in the project but would not require
    another constitutional amendment.

    [1]: https://lists.debian.org/YhoTRIxtz3AIpO+g@roeckx.be

    This proposal increases our reliance on the secretary's existing power
    to decide how votes are conducted. The lack of an override mechanism
    for secretary decisions about how we conduct votes has not been a
    problem so far. However, if we are going to rely on this power to
    consider questions like whether the project has sufficient consensus to
    adopt an alternate voting mechanism, we need an override mechanism.
    So, this proposal introduces such a mechanism.

    Summary of Changes

    1) Do not make the identity of a voter casting a particular vote

    2) Do not require that votes be conducted by email.

    3) Clarify that the developers can replace the secretary at any time.

    4) Provide a procedure for overriding the decision of the project
    secretary or their delegate. Overriding the decision of what super
    majority is required or overriding the determination of election
    outcome requires a 3:1 majority. The chair of the technical committee
    decides who conducts such votes.

    6) Codify that our election system must permit independent verification
    of the outcome given the votes cast and must permit developers to
    confirm their vote is included in the votes cast.

    General Resolution

    The developers resolve to make the changes to the Debian Constitution
    embodied in git commit ed88a1e3c1fc367ee89620a73047d84a797c9a1d.
    As of February 23, 2022, this commit can be found at https://salsa.debian.org/hartmans/webwml/-/commit/ed88a1e3c1fc367ee89620a73047d84a797c9a1d

    For convenience a word-diff of the changes is included below. In case
    the diff differs from the commit, the commit governs.

    @@ -179,9 +179,27 @@ earlier can overrule everyone listed later.</cite></p>

    [-<p>In case of-]{+<p>Appoint+} a [-disagreement between-]{+new secretary. In the normal case ( &sect;7.2) where+} the project
    leader and {+secretary agree on+} the [-incumbent-]{+next+} secretary, [-appoint a new secretary.</p>-]{+this power of+}
    {+ the developers is not used.</p>+}
    {+ <p>Override a decision of the project secretary or their+}
    {+ delegate.</p>+}

    {+ <p>Overriding the determination of what super majority is required+}
    {+ for a particular ballot option or overriding the determination of+}
    {+ the outcome of an election requires the developers to agree by a+}
    {+ 3:1 majority. The determination of the majority required to+}
    {+ override a decision of the secretary is not subject to+}
    {+ override.</p>+}

    {+ <p>The chair of the technical committee decides who acts as+}
    {+ secretary for a general resolution to override a decision of the+}
    {+ project secretary or their delegate. If the decision was not made+}
    {+ by the chair of the technical committee, the committee chair may+}
    {+ themselves act as secretary. The decision of who acts as secretary+}
    {+ for such a general resolution is not subject to override.</p>+}

    <h3>4.2. Procedure</h3>
    @@ -228,9 +246,10 @@ earlier can overrule everyone listed later.</cite></p>
    Votes are taken by the Project Secretary. Votes, tallies, and
    results are not revealed during the voting period; after the
    vote the Project Secretary lists all the votes {+cast in sufficient detail that anyone may verify the outcome of the election from the votes cast. The+}
    {+ identity of a developer casting a particular vote is not made+}
    {+ public, but developers will be given an option to confirm their vote is included in the votes+} cast. The voting period is 2 weeks, but may be varied by up
    to 1 week by the Project Leader.

    @@ -247,7 +266,7 @@ earlier can overrule everyone listed later.</cite></p>

    <p>Votes are cast[-by email-] in a manner suitable to the Secretary.
    The Secretary determines for each poll whether voters can change
    their votes.</p>
    @@ -371,8 +390,7 @@ earlier can overrule everyone listed later.</cite></p>

    <li>The next two weeks are the polling period during which
    Developers may cast their votes. [-Votes in leadership elections are-]
    [- kept secret, even after the election is finished.</li>-]{+</li>+}

    <li>The options on the ballot will be those candidates who have
    nominated themselves and have not yet withdrawn, plus None Of The

    Choice 2: Hide identities of Developers casting a particular vote and allow verification


    Give the opportunity to vote for secret voting without needing to
    additionally vote for unrelated/only slightly related
    constitution changes;
    for example for the change of mode of voting
    from email to something not defined.

    As it was mentioned in the discussion,
    there might be no consensus on which options are direcly related -
    This option regards the need to allow verification (6))
    as directly related to secret votes, because otherwise
    they would become completely unverifiable.

    Summary of Changes

    1) Do not make the identity of a voter casting a particular vote

    6) Codify that our election system must permit independent verification
    of the outcome given the votes cast and must permit developers to
    confirm their vote is included in the votes cast.

    <h3>4.2. Procedure</h3>
    @@ -228,9 +246,10 @@ earlier can overrule everyone listed later.</cite></p>
    Votes are taken by the Project Secretary. Votes, tallies, and
    results are not revealed during the voting period; after the
    vote the Project Secretary lists all the votes {+cast in sufficient detail that anyone may verify the outcome of the election from the votes cast. The+}
    {+ identity of a developer casting a particular vote is not made+}
    {+ public, but developers will be given an option to confirm that their vote is included in the votes+} cast.

    @@ -371,8 +390,7 @@ earlier can overrule everyone listed later.</cite></p>

    <li>The next two weeks are the polling period during which
    Developers may cast their votes. [-Votes in leadership elections are-]
    [- kept secret, even after the election is finished.</li>-]{+</li>+}

    Choice 3: Reaffirm public voting

    Since we can either have secret and intransparent voting, or we can have
    open and transparent voting, the project resolves to leave our voting
    system as it is.


    The GR proposal for secret voting is silent on implenentation details,
    probably because secret and transparent voting is, well, impossible to
    achieve fully, so this GR is bound to a similar fate as the 'publish debian-private' vote, which was voted for and then was never implemented.

    A voting system which is transparent only to some, is undemocratic and
    will lead to few people in the know, which is diagonal to Debians goals
    of openness and transparency.

    And then, early 2022 is not the time for rushed changes like this, which
    is also why I explicitly want to see "keep the status quo" on the ballot,
    and not only as "NOTA", but as a real option.

    Choice 4: None of the above

    This is the default option. Rank this option higher than the unacceptable choices.


    The responses to a valid vote shall be signed by the vote key created
    for this vote. The public key for the vote, signed by the Project
    secretary, is appended below.


    mQINBGIs0tMBEACuLjJ6zBlCT9+nvzQdhZuuxg9ECSYZu8z0ZJ3RnqMkpw+45Riv jmxlOC6bbkFloRdDrhNTIFFgdp92/sFnWwd0rQ6SvZbVGjiaXTggO4gIoXWGCJyd QGNAeUp7DIoORTok1HanzmSue0xJU+rZRUk3ACbN7hrlw1wC9UcOX2pptVeubcVL fh/iZL6TJlgcZT5mWTpt1qkNHh/Y2uPIafzGmOWSM7AithGDEtw3MaGdH9hli7qo zgx+3CcZBIAI+bHb9Xfnx3b1qRmC6kFOpETBbzBDz1g66xlSu8aYM1ldIgiDSyip 2GICxmNzCB5LvdQ6wxCMuzRg/a8hYYwbNpdxpzvMbJkqMqPTpCncmxwZR7w6eo9b U1Rab6ILyIjrFn7UrkIYSKnPG8muI0OCgMJcecx9s/r2MVphQKnA0/H/+HHJ19KV aWfnxqVnT/DbeKWMLYyv0A8+anownroHmhUOJUB5vbJV4qEWLnFMQ9lkxra2esZF voGgk9+hXgPjcNz3D+lK51is0x6MBYqlfa32YrzbP+vrYws1j8+V+d2bbxQ5pNMs B3IAqCLJxWTMIFAAl4ENu/R+kgdHJYkTAADO+puv/LA5DtvSwnswhPMEsenjROi4 bJMmOfapGPlRBzD038K+d8Dt/wtyf/V1tm+GopUB/YaQ9l8BQZBshOgFgQARAQAB tDBWb3Rpbmcgc2VjcmVjeSA8Z3Jfdm90ZV9zZWNyZWN5QHZvdGUuZGViaWFuLm9y Zz6JAj4EEwEIACgFAmIs0tMCGwMFCQAbr4AGCwkIBwMCBhUIAgkKCwQWAgMBAh4B AheAAAoJEIibeWkr1bTjVqYP/3ra2wGH/L5TWI2ohEkvFmg53/NAE33wmgjtjnbU tZkEQPWvCbeg6iJKgk7O4AAx9XgUu0HFRY+FQSN4lsC+SyaG53WQ9baDGia6jc4Y iHMgELdOPNC47yp4qC30AV6nBptjjJv2QyYq8gOej/I2hSf5YtpdnA7Q3lsymA9E +iPIcV1QO9IX0WU3+6Hu3PP7rKugJTsM1YjlrOzjHB3WAPyngw38drcIxBc/d7Uy 1FRD/l2I5SBvRPOEiZH/2hZXbeT1yQkphwTVpHfsBtkPxnv5ERILBWRVOW5lKcg4 yyXASzkbngaIbfacgC0b17WfEvX+yeKWFAeEn2/A0uRrVkgjY1yT7kfFq8OFNqRc v9FW3PQDG6pFMKdtvzaI0PMujclXhtp29FzHqBGdLiOuJgn6qJ0IfUoKPtGR7J6o AiB7ojGH14wiXxWJA8cQpyxz1+6x3bCvxlDU+TW3qn1WNYDON+1USVpwOvUct8ru jn2a2OoFYxI2gun1ZPuqQdhHyTKuVhNJ5674NlmBVGG1YlQWQVxElEreMkqUdS17 w8CjNEu+yCkl3dsQuZLdOrIcgEqSZt22i6HA5hldWD8JiJ46iMsEZIfYelqHBuDe J+OmT4PR0Q/klrwA3Jq06xEr/o2RvDzzvT39KW4QBOVZiQPwLV/8BIQ/TDqoIvoI NjoyiQIzBBABCgAdFiEE5eUlYN2RxVbdvaXQIGTFNkHCXl0FAmIs0yoACgkQIGTF NkHCXl2QpQ/8CHQeNMwzDqxu6mR9wrOuM37J5QoHX1wUbr5yXVqOXpVjPHLvbRWW OVf798x+jQ92NFUi1ANYn2nr9Fgtp0YNkpX3w8nd32j3SivtB1+TeoFXJbvtJbT+ F3KI0X63FTFiuNLU3rcupO+b78jRO3awJnxw3eiWM6KGAraE146mqVIk5PBJFF0h RJkg+GK5SLZ0otRpNAquoN6HcX9ToLGc2HlDL8S4IWVqFKPh8R8Eb6RbKEjM4htj 2azL06CCHZlACrg3I68zO9bhRXdwbyOzbQ6M3jymvSqJl0fB9DTDAFzaG1LhF+00 ghXqqJeAexQzcN5tZ0Xc4ZZfNFjvGBVmBoucHHO11L2CwNZPzH2DrLPuH6KzsmoE wq/XHiLAonqHIsc/YM32l98v+8Ro1LreyGqc1KYKvKnvlDg1C3KKK6ObcDsL02IL yw2Ksu4ZJLv73aqOjw/B04Qyf82JKVGkmVe7FwjjsZLDDrH1ZcZ03g2057Du0A/r 2bm6Y6+dmYyrjWfKmAVJRbPHttnt7T2OUJSg8oThBBe3FKTq5O1i5Vba+cjHP/QR YLZtumRi9JdACs6VI6KcJbf7rvTd6NcOp3NNjog5NgjAhuVjTQAi5364QAlYO2q/ 7KA/UlciI2jyYOu5oirFeOGLCo98rqeoIi+tf7whXT6z+cqCvcv0L/+5Ag0EYizS 0wEQAMi+pNlhNpgmUW8NGNKowBbj1HjZnSMNCeuJl4J0pit6WzF6ulLY0uuA9rEu /EO46tGU2iHu1QzLTmtpj480mm9FPLiJAv8dooKRCyjdkR9hw33iCZSI/u8pKI1i +EbovJEVVvX2g5ci1cMQ7G8uRhC3GQ/63yBiWQ6OT+retorKFAnQY14S1i8r8eU1 gEuTOJsUU/J8XylrMOSSfkU5NnyE9fZzB07+1e8mrsXlq9qQhntcdCQ46q7f87vw iG5gzdXhy7tYpNHUd9syZyQMTYxxq4gaU8B9cHX5RUFqvwTR9WqBrv8qMeWNzZbg IYnVCyS6f44lWtyopSUSw5aAOwYyYyIfIL9iym1rRJqReIUYA5fT5kSchbR9LUAI Pfo/mZII8uCqirD+l3cDn9syiuATW5ubnVlCGWLFdbtZkrPmwU7n38Q7YrZK59o7 cHR1lQ5qwim5B0fF90Qo/nRgwOk4fWNxhlwMCdUoeHtoAZSmuDPK8oDp6SqVdxaW Qrsx2hnG6rKoclVMwTyEyNazcDaq9ZzMlIFRArw791J/lK3MtxnsXz3t2vonbEe1 mvblJ8celOd3NwZU1JDtJxSrNXgI1YJxtyu53m3rlWE7G9/s7JrEpS1fbyDux+Uo dWc8LifnOD/AKKINNM0mJOyfcZa9wg1/rtyKMJ1zgHkZA25RABEBAAGJAiUEGAEI AA8FAmIs0tMCGwwFCQAbr4AACgkQiJt5aSvVtOONlBAAqbbaZ3+iVNxppqjxB3+Q /v/olcD2OHBT7qRG5Lflkg/NucjxfF/6OGcRk2dX4kRxefEBG1B2gLsbrUKXnPCP Z97ElV5OuMXOrWmYa8XYLLK3nee/b5wxAKQp60qhcD7qdmWigAnZXOLhZjeRsRym QsC2Zqs4vRFKKgZ+SftMRIZ1C9lLXeaWvyZm+szxUz6v82hpwVhHMirJCBa+DM/b WXwOnlEF7j/8M1noMzUJaYXXOYVHjJSCJkWV4vvlVwKp1MNKdbYwq7jKHZxdxBMB y9w4TReIlNYLgaGzo94rBA9MVF4OOniLjEHZKx303IOSFqZlnFtEAHZUGON6uVBC 40nISOGgLON2BKej8kRR+5u46m1x7mleeX0cUMLZGTvTNSfgedpCaGGcyWXRTJjh Nl/tEb6FJ5n2YAmNg7rx6EgGw7KcGzhLwcEIhess4zAjjOMYMXsG+xHe8jLMMA+v dl/h62M+KKWne7zTraPvruPfSNazi4dZ+OQSGd1IU7THIQeLzPQy3xmaGODCT2Rb rgG5a3UmG3beq8INyM32dTCPBdaylVEvHCFV7pLJQqV4rbsjI4y1Pj80Q1nKAWd6 KaEdm9RLst8dlGr/yqF2eKW6Anrq0BnIk2P+1WUNT6kYw3uR54zEMJsEyHhGthHv rBx9Eic2hgSnl4hB+jxtJJ0=


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    -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----

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