• First virtual Bug Squashing Party in Salzburg/Austria April 24-25 2021

    From Bernd Zeimetz@21:1/5 to All on Sun Feb 7 14:50:02 2021
    Hash: SHA256

    First virtual Bug Squashing Party in Salzburg/Austria April 24-25 2021 =======================================================================

    Let's release bullseye! (.. or make the time to the release shorter ..)

    As the pandemic situation does not allow us to have the usual BSP
    happen at our office [CONOVA] in Salzburg, we would like to organize a
    virtual Bug Squashing Party instead [BSPSBG]!

    [CONOVA] https://www.conova.com/
    [BSPSBG] https://wiki.debian.org/BSP/2021/04/virtual-Salzburg

    The exact details are TBA, but most likely we'll have a matrix bridge
    to IRC and jitsi, so people can join with audio/video/text only.

    Our plan...

    * is to ship goodie bags to all active participiants within 
    Europe. For those outside of the european tax area we'll try to find
    a solution together with you, but can't make any promises.
    As this requires lots of organization, please register as soon as you
    know that you'll participate. We'll ask you for shipment details

    * Yoga (with the office chair) and/or sports intermissions. Our
    trainers will find suitable exercises for everybody. Please note that
    joning with video and audio is required. Let us know if you are
    interested to make sure we can plan ahead.

    * having virtual Datacenter Tours trough our brand new datacenter.
    instead of having the usual hike trough our office/DC building, we'll
    take you on a virtual tour trough our new DC building in the south of

    * gaming intermissions. Maybe pioneers or other group games from the
    Debian games collection.

    The "official" parts will happen between 12pm and 10pm on the 24/25th
    of April, but of course you'll be able to squash bugs around the clock.

    Even if you are not a Debian Developer or Contributor yet, but
    interested in fixing bugs and helping Debian, don't hesitate to join!
    There will be enough people around to sponsor your uploads. More
    information about BSPs and RC-Bugsquashing can be found at [WIKBSP],
    [PRIMER] and [BDOR-C].

    [WIKBSP] http://wiki.debian.org/BSP
    [PRIMER] http://people.debian.org/~vorlon/rc-bugsquashing.html
    [BDOR-C] http://bugs.debian.org/release-critical/

    Hope to see you here!


    - --
    Bernd Zeimetz Debian GNU/Linux Developer
    http://bzed.de http://www.debian.org
    GPG Fingerprint: ECA1 E3F2 8E11 2432 D485 DD95 EB36 171A 6FF9 435F


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