• Misc Developer News (#53)

    From Paul Wise@21:1/5 to All on Fri Oct 23 04:40:01 2020
    The news are collected on https://wiki.debian.org/DeveloperNews
    Please contribute short news about your work/plans/subproject.

    In this issue:
    + Archive rebuilds as a service
    + A link to other distros
    + Collaborators needed for derivatives census
    + crossgrader accepted into unstable
    + New Debian mailing lists: e-learning, Scheme, AI/ML, Xen
    + New IRC channel: #debian-ai
    + Lenovo discounts for Debian Developers

    Archive rebuilds as a service

    Lucas Nussbaum announced[1] that he is able to run archive rebuilds on a
    quite regular basis and offers to do them on behalf of others. Archive
    rebuilds can be useful find FTBFS bugs or to test new versions of
    compilers, interpreters, or other packages that are common build-depends.
    If that is useful for you or your team, please get in touch with him. You
    will need an explanation of why the rebuild test is needed, a script that
    customizes a chroot and a list of source packages to test-build. There
    may be a few weeks of waiting, due to gathering several rebuilds into

    -- Paul Wise

    [1] https://lists.debian.org/msgid-search/20201013151720.GA14643@xanadu.blop.info

    A link to other distros

    The Debian package tracker now[2] has an "other distros" link. This
    brings you to a page containing metadata about how the upstream of the
    current Debian package has been packaged in other distributions. This
    page is provided by the Repology[3] service, which monitors a large
    number of package repositories and other sources. You can use this page
    to connect with your fellow packagers, view patches available in other
    distros, look up bugs reported in other distros, find packaging
    tips/tricks/tweaks/differences, adopt some of these things and or talk to
    upstream about these things. The Repology service is Free Software and
    monitors packages from[4] Linux/BSD distros, third-party
    Linux/Unix/non-Unix package repos, language-specific package repos, news
    sites and other sources. Your DDPO[5] page also links to your Repology
    maintainers[6] page, where you can see outdated versions and URL problems
    for your packages.

    -- Paul Wise

    [2] https://salsa.debian.org/qa/distro-tracker/commit/894cb4fe7364579fde3b8005215421a1ecab6c82
    [3] https://repology.org/
    [4] https://repology.org/#repos-footnote
    [5] https://qa.debian.org/developer.php
    [6] https://repology.org/maintainers/

    Collaborators needed for derivatives census -------------------------------------------

    I'm looking for[7] collaborators on the Debian derivatives census[8],
    which aims to integrate[9] derivatives with the Debian community and
    infrastructure. I'm looking for folks who are not very involved in Debian
    and would like to increase their involvement. The census involves a
    mixture of information, social and technical work. I believe the census
    is valuable to Debian and to derivatives and that it helps build mutually
    beneficial connections between Debian and the wider community of Free
    Software distributions.

    -- Paul Wise

    [7] https://lists.debian.org/msgid-search/e5e75cd7a4ecfd9129b31af2daed9054606b0860.camel@debian.org
    [8] https://wiki.debian.org/Derivatives/Census
    [9] https://wiki.debian.org/Derivatives/Integration

    crossgrader accepted into unstable

    My Google Summer of Code 2020 project[10], crossgrader, has been accepted
    from NEW[11]. The repository for the package can be found here[12].
    crossgrader automates the process of changing the architecture of a
    Debian install. Please give it a whirl and let me know if you have any

    -- Kevin Wu <kevin@kevinniuwu.com>

    [10] https://wiki.debian.org/SummerOfCode2020/ApprovedProjects/ArchitectureCrossGrade
    [11] https://packages.debian.org/sid/crossgrader
    [12] https://salsa.debian.org/crossgrading-team/debian-crossgrading/

    New Debian mailing lists: e-learning, Scheme, AI/ML, Xen --------------------------------------------------------

    Alexander Wirt announced[13] the creation of the debian-academy[14]
    (Debian e-learning platform), debian-scheme[15] (packaging for the
    Scheme programming language), debian-ai[16] (artificial intelligence,
    machine learning & hardware acceleration) and debian-xen[17] (packaging
    of Xen) mailing lists and the disabling of the debian-research list.

    -- Paul Wise

    [13] https://lists.debian.org/msgid-search/20200910204112.GF11693@lisa.snow-crash.local
    [14] https://lists.debian.org/debian-academy/
    [15] https://lists.debian.org/debian-scheme/
    [16] https://lists.debian.org/debian-ai/
    [17] https://lists.debian.org/debian-xen/

    New IRC channel: #debian-ai

    You might have heard of the new Debian AI Team, the new mailing list
    being debian-ai[18], there's now also an IRC channel for your convenience
    (#debian-ai on OFTC). For the curious here's the QA page[19] with a list
    of packages already maintained by the team.

    -- Gurkan Myczko

    [18] https://lists.debian.org/debian-ai/
    [19] https://qa.debian.org/developer.php?email=debian-ai%40lists.debian.org

    Lenovo discounts for Debian Developers

    Lenovo[20] now offers discounts for any Lenovo equipment for all active
    Debian Developers, for now in their US[21] and Canada[22] portals
    (working on getting other geographies up and running).

    DDs should register in the portal corresponding to their geographic zone
    with their @debian.org mail address.

    More details in this message[23] (and the corresponding thread) and the
    "Lenovo+Debian" DebConf20 talk[24].

    -- Laura Arjona Reina

    [20] http://www.lenovo.com
    [21] http://www.lenovo.com/us/en/Linux
    [22] http://www.lenovo.com/ca/en/linuxca
    [23] https://lists.debian.org/msgid-search/f6d81cff-08ce-3804-121e-d76c0c84fa86@lenovo.com
    [24] https://debconf20.debconf.org/talks/67-lenovo-debian/




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