• CTTE requesting questions for DebConf20 BoF

    From Sean Whitton@21:1/5 to All on Sun Jul 26 22:40:02 2020
    Hello everyone,

    The Technical Committee are planning a BoF for DebConf20. Most of it
    will be a Q&A session, and we want to collect questions in advance, in
    addition to answering {follow-up ,}questions asked during the session.

    A general hope is that this should increase the quality of our answers,
    but more specifically, we want to use the BoF to firm up our ideas about
    the future of the TC, and we think this goal will be better served if
    talking points are submitted in advance.

    Please find below a description of our current thoughts about the future
    of the TC. We have highlighted points and issues which we think should
    be discussed at the BoF, so if you have ideas or questions to ask
    specifically on those points, please do submit them. If we amend the
    text below, you can find the latest version at [1].

    More general questions are welcome too.

    Based on what we receive, we will curate a list of talking points before
    the session, and structure the BoF around them.

    Please address your questions and talking points to <debian-ctte@lists.debian.org>, preferably in reply to this message for
    easier collation.

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    The technical committee has served the project for many years, acting as
    a conflict resolution body of last resort. The TC is established in the
    Debian Constitution,[2] which means that it's a highly regulated body
    and it's hard to change it. The current setup of the TC has several
    problems that need to be addressed.

    This document is split between first a description of the current
    situation and the problems identified, followed by a bunch of different proposals that we could implement to try to solve said problems.



    Because everything is mandated to be public, discussions must take place
    in a public forum where anybody can jump in and add wood to the
    fire. This can be very taxing, so there are community members that just
    check out and refuse to participate in the discussion even when their
    input would be valuable. And even those who participate can feel that
    their voice is being drowned by whoever sends the most emails. The
    committee strives to hear all opinions equally regardless of how many
    emails were sent, but the participants of the discussion can still end
    up with a bitter taste because of how it devolved.

    Going to the TC is seen as a nuclear option, as a stick to beat others
    with. This is partly because of how the Constitution establishes that
    the role of the committee if to be a last resort decision maker. But
    also because of historical reasons that are very hard to change, even
    when the committee members have all changed by now.

    People don't like being on the "losing" side of a decision, but even if
    they are on the "winning" side of it, lots of people don't want the
    level of flamewar and attention that an issue raised to the TC
    brings. Some people would rather orphan a package than participate in a discussion with the TC.

    Social vs Technical

    Most of the problems that reach the TC are not purely technical. There's
    a lot of "human stuff" going on. People with different goals or
    interests that fail to agree on how to move forward, but the conflict is
    not at the technical side. For discussions around social issues,
    discussing in the open is like being on public trial. It's very
    stressful and very hard to find a good resolution.

    On top of this, because this is the *Technical* committee, we're forced
    to focus on the technical side of a problem. In various occasions this
    means that there's really no solution we can offer. We're not explicit mediators, we don't have the authority to be mediators and we're
    definitely not set up in a way that leads to good mediation outcomes.


    In many occasions in the past, the committee took too long to make a
    decision. There's many reasons for this. Perhaps we wanted to be
    thorough in looking at the problem from all angles. Perhaps we wanted to explore different alternatives to solve the issue. Perhaps we were busy
    with other priorities and the discussion just moved slowly. Whatever the
    case, the long time to resolution also devalues the role that the
    committee has in solving issues (technical or not technical).

    If the TC is going to be of value to the project it needs to act quickly
    when dealing with urgent matters (for example, right before a freeze).

    It's important to note that the questions brought to the TC typically
    have no easy and quick solution, that's why they were brought to the TC
    in the first place. Still, we could do a lot better.

    No design work

    One of the constraints that the TC has to deal with is that we can't do
    any design work, it can only choose between options already presented to
    it. A consequence here is that even when we have a group of experienced individuals from different areas of Debian that can maybe come up with
    great ideas to solve a problem, we can't really put those ideas to work,
    as we can't do design work. Several times it has happened that a
    discussion that was interesting in nature had to be stopped because we
    were falling into the trap of doing design work.

    This has the added consequence that the TC is seen (by some) as not
    providing any value to the project, because we aren't creating anything,
    "we just say no".

    Also, related to this is the fact that the TC has the power to make
    technical decisions that developers then need to implement, without
    being involved in either the design or the implementation of those
    decisions. This can be seen by some developers as too much power with
    too little responsibility.

    No-decision decision

    A lot of the issues that come to the TC end up being closed with us
    declining to rule. There can be many reasons for this:

    * We were asked to override a delegate (which we can't do)

    * We were asked to do design work (which we also can't do)

    * We were asked for advice and gave some advice (no ruling is required
    for giving advice).

    * The issue got resolved on its own before the TC reached a decision
    (see the "Speed" section above).

    This might be ok and be part of the nature of the TC. Some committee
    members hold that this is fine and that it's not a problem. Still, it's something to take into account when thinking about the current


    There's a bunch of things that we can do. Some may imply changing the Constitution, some may not. We should consider how to maximise the value
    that the TC brings to the project, not how hard the proposal would be to implement (i.e. it's ok if we need to change the Constitution). Some of
    these proposals complement each other, while others contradict each
    other. They are here to spark thought, not as a thought out plan
    (yet). We should adopt the subset that makes the most sense.

    Private Discussions

    One way to solve the perception issue is to have a way for people to
    have private discussions with the TC.

    There's a range of options between being fully private (moving the TC
    mailing list to private, having a private IRC channel and only informing
    people of decisions in public when they are final) and fully public
    (basically the current state - while we do have a private mailing list,
    it's very rarely used, practically everything happens in the open).

    The fully private extreme would hurt the committee's credibility and
    probably lead to a lot of miscommunication. But it should be possible
    to find a middle point in this range that still keeps important
    discussions in the open while allowing social issues to be solved

    It's common for DDs to communicate between them in private and there's
    no reason why people couldn't approach the TC privately, as long as the important decisions and discussions are still done publicly.

    **Proposal 1**: let developers raise issues privately to the TC when
    they feel that they need advice or help in dealing with a hairy
    issue. Issues that need a public vote would still need to be raised and discussed in public, but issues that would lead to a "no-decision"
    decision, can reach a more friendly resolution this way. This proposal
    implies having a documented way of raising an issue privately and a set
    of expectations of what happens when this action is taken.

    As long as no decisions are made in private, this wouldn't require a
    change to the Constitution. However, it might be good to amend section
    6.3 to make explicit which discussions can happen privately and which
    ones need to happen publicly.

    Mediation body

    The project as a whole will always need help solving disagreement that
    is social rather than technical in nature. In different ocassions, this
    role has been played by the DPL, the TC, the Community team (pka Anti-Harassment team). None of these are actually explicitly designated
    as mediation bodies, which sometimes gets in the way of achieving the
    desired resolution. So, it might make sense to designate a body
    explicitly for that.

    As work done inside the Debian is inherently technical, it's hard for an
    issue to be *purely non-technical*, there's always something technical
    behind the conflict. But in many conflicts, the *issue that needs
    solving* is of a social nature rather than a technical nature.

    **Proposal 2**: Explicitly delegate the mediation task for solving
    social conflict between developers, when no code-of-conduct violation is
    in place. This could be to:

    a. A new group of developers
    b. The Community Team
    c. The Technical Committee.

    Regardless of who is delegated for this task, involved processes would
    need to be well documented, so that Debian community members know what
    to expect when they get involved in a mediation.

    If the TC is chosen as the mediation body, this would require a change
    in the Constitution. Otherwise, it's just a DPL delegation.

    Whether or not the TC is chosen as the mediation body this can help
    define the role of the TC in Debian. If chosen, then we need to
    establish the necessary processes. If some other body is chosen, then we
    can re-direct social issues to this team and help find quicker solutions
    to problems.

    Allow design work

    As mentioned, the restriction on the TC only being able to choose
    between options limits the work that the TC can do. It also limits the legitimity that the committee has, because it's seen as a bunch of
    people that just issue decisions without doing any of the work.

    One possibility would be to allow design work to happen from the TC in
    the form of proposals. These proposals wouldn't have the weight of a TC decision that must be implemented and would instead act as guidance on
    how a certain problem might be resolved. This would be a significant
    change in the role of the TC, over time it would mean that the work done
    as TC members changes more to "thinking up solutions" than to "just
    saying no".

    **Proposal 3**: Modify the Constitution to allow the TC to do design
    work in the form of proposals. These proposals wouldn't override
    developers or tell individual maintainers what to do, but rather should
    guide the project towards a technical goal.

    Allow the TC to be invoked early

    The requirement to make decisions as a measure of last resort means that
    by the time the committee is called to action, most issues have already
    become a flamewar where no matter the result people will end up
    unhappy. Removing this requirement would allow the TC to get involved
    earlier, helping developers find consensus rather than beating them with
    a stick.

    For this change to be successful, there should be a clear way of
    invoking the TC that doesn't imply a "nuclear option". A way of asking
    for help solving a technical disagreement without generating resentment.

    Developers don't always know how to solve problems before bringing them
    to the TC and that's ok. If we can find a way to let the TC help with
    conflict without creating "winners" and "losers" we could make it a much
    more useful body.

    **Proposal 4**: Modify the Constitution to allow the TC to get invoked
    early, clarifying how that works.

    Split responsibilities into separate groups -------------------------------------------

    Some of the criticism that the TC has received is that it has too many
    roles, some of them explicit (make decisions when developers can't
    agree, overrule a developer, give advice) and some implicit (mediate
    social conflict, act as a group of elders). And so instead of adding
    more explicit roles (as seen in proposals 2 and 3 above), it would be
    better to split these roles into separate bodies, created from scratch:

    * Advisory body (give advice § 6.1.5, make technical proposals
    [Proposal 3])

    * Mediation body (solve social conflict [Proposal 2])

    * Technical decision resolution body (decide when developers can't
    agree § 6.1.2, override developers, § 6.1.4)

    **Proposal 5**: Abolish the TC and split it into separate roles. This
    would of course require changing the Constitution and there are a bunch
    of open questions regarding who gets to do what and how the members of
    each body should be elected.

    Please note that the TC members don't actually want this, but this
    proposal has been included here for completeness as it has been
    suggested by other developers during discussions. There's a lot of
    unknowns of what exactly this proposal would look like and in order for
    it to get adopted someone would need to clearly outline each of the
    roles, resposibilities and processes.

    People that want this proposal to actually happen would need to
    volunteer time and energy to make it a reality.

    [1] https://salsa.debian.org/debian/tech-ctte/-/blob/master/talks/rethinking-the-tc.md
    [2] https://www.debian.org/devel/Constitution#item-6

    Sean Whitton

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