• Bits from the DPL for November 2019

    From Sam Hartman@21:1/5 to All on Tue Dec 3 03:30:02 2019
    It was a busy November in DPL land, but I'll get to that in a moment.

    I like to start out by focusing on some group in Debian. In October and November I had the opportunity to get to know the DebConf committee
    better. The DebConf committee is responsible for choosing the location
    of DebConf, for helping make sure that the broader DebConf team works
    smoothly, and for giving advice. Because of a number of resignations, I
    needed to focus on the DebConf committee to fill vacancies.

    It was a great process. The continuing members and I spoke about what qualifications we were looking for. We then talked about attributes
    we'd like to see in the committee. I raised an concern I had about the delegation (we decided to make no change).
    Then Daniel Lange made a call for nominations. We got both self
    nominations and nominations of others.

    I was nervous because back when I was on the Technical Committee, we
    always had trouble finding enough people who would answer our call for nominations. I guess DebConf is more fun than the TC:-) We got a large
    number of qualified candidates.

    Along the way, I felt like I got a better feel for the people involved,
    and some of the interesting challenges that DebConf faces.
    There's already been great discussion of how to balance the needs of
    local groups organizing DebConf against the larger community goals.
    Plus, work on Debconf 20 is starting to speed up.

    In this issue:

    To skim, find sections you care about and check the summary paragraph at
    the top to see if you want to read more.

    * Git Packaging
    * General Resolution on Init Systems
    * Being Excellent to Each Other
    * Upcoming DPL Travel
    * Treasurer Team Delegation Upcoming
    * In case You Missed It

    Git Packaging

    We received enough comments and I believe we have a rough consensus
    supporting the discussion so far. [1] [2]


    I did not yet get a chance to write up the announcement of that
    discussion because I was very focused on init systems this month.
    In [2] I said that I wanted to move forward on a round 3 focusing on
    branch formats and similar. I'm holding off until after the holidays on
    that effort. I'm likely to try and hold the discussion for round 3 and
    fold the debian-devel-announce writeup of rounds 2 and 3 together. My rationale is that a couple of people commented that it would be better
    to have more clear recommendations on branch format, and if we can get
    that in round 3 of the discussion, we can fold that into something more
    useful for everyone.

    But right now, I don't think we're focused on Git packaging; at least I
    know that's not my current focus.


    Init Systems Resolution

    We're coming up on a vote about the role of init systems, how we use
    systemd facilities unrelated to starting daemons, and how we approach non-systemd init systems [3]. I think this is a important vote for the
    project and I encourage you to take the time to read about the
    proposals. Resources that might be helpful are at the end of this section.

    This vote is about more than just init systems. It's about the trade
    offs we make as a project. Generally we like to be able to encourage
    people in our community to work on whatever they like. But sometimes,
    to support that work, the rest of us need to help out: reviewing
    patches, commenting on proposals, integrating patches in related
    systems. One of our core principles is that we are not obligated to do
    work. But in order to get software into a release, we do have to do
    certain things. And when we look at staffing project-wide resources
    like the delegated teams, we work to make sure that we have the right
    people so that work gets done. This vote is about how we handle
    conflicts between a minority who would like to get something done in
    Debian and others who must look at that work as much as it is about init systems and systemd.

    I tried something new with this discussion. In the past only strong
    proponents of a particular option have proposed that option. Instead I
    tried to facilitate a GR process. I went out and talked to people on
    multiple sides of the issues. I did try to look for people who were
    willing to understand (if not agree with) other perspectives, and I
    tried to look for people who I could communicate with very effectively.

    My hope is that by coming to the community with some options, we could
    focus on refining options and seeing if their were viewpoints that were
    not represented. My hope was that we could skip the stage of arguing
    over what question we were trying to solve. We're not going to agree on
    what the question is: for some it is about init systems; for others it
    is about systemd facilities beyond init systems. For some it is about resolving specific issue, for others it is about what the project's
    general principles should be. For some it is about whether Debian
    continues to accept contributions of anyone willing to do the work,
    while others view it as a set of trade offs. We're not going to agree
    on what the key points are, but that's okay because we have a great
    voting system.

    Also, when one person presents an option, it's inherently somewhat confrontational. There's the question of whether we should be having a
    GR at all. There's one option, and we sometimes focus on arguing about
    that option. We argue and try to persuade rather than letting the vote
    make the decision. I hoped to side step that by quickly getting to a
    point where we were going to have a GR and where we had multiple
    options. I hoped that by doing that we could focus on refining and
    adding to those options and work together.

    I think it worked great. This discussion has been a lot of work from a
    lot of people. From my standpoint, with few exceptions, it's been a
    great discussion. It's been very productive. Most of the options
    received refinement. I think we have a very good ballot for the

    Perhaps it is just that time has passed since the last GR we had on this
    topic. But I believe it is more than that: I think that the
    facilitation work I did was also helpful, and hope that future DPLs will consider how they can work to help the project in time of GR.

    Very soon, we will reach the right time to make a call for votes. Based
    on feedback I received, I plan to extend the voting period an additional
    week because we're unsure how the holidays will effect things.

    Even though the discussion has been positive, this is hard. There is no
    answer where everyone's going to be happy. People may leave based on
    what we decide here. What I said about compassion last time around [4]
    will apply even more this time. Wow, I just re-read that message, and
    yes, I think that sort of care is something we need now, throughout the
    voting period, and after. We can help each other out even when we
    disagree. Let's try and be a community as this goes forward. We can
    reach out especially to people who hold different views. Let them know
    they are valued. Help them understand ways in which they can still
    contribute. If they decide Debian is no longer where they want to be,
    we can offer gratitude for their past work, compassion for now, and
    hopes for whatever future homes they find. If we can offer things that
    make it easier for members of our community to continue to feel welcome
    in Debian, I hope we do that.

    Unfortunately, we had such a great discussion that there was *a lot* of
    it. So, if you're looking for better understanding there's a lot of
    material you could read. At a minimum, there are the proposal texts at
    [3]. Beyond that minimum, I wrote a blog post that attempts to compare
    the options to help voters [5]. Ian Jackson wrote a similar blog post
    [6] a while earlier. There are a couple of options that got their own
    posts. I wrote [7] discussing Proposal B. Guillem Jover believes that
    we should be focusing on general principles rather than specific issues
    and wrote a post [8] explaining his Proposal G, which hopes to do that.
    If you get through those summaries, there are plenty of messages on
    debian-vote for you to sink your teeth into.

    [3]: https://www.debian.org/vote/2019/vote_002
    [4]: https://lists.debian.org/debian-devel/2014/11/msg00133.html
    [5]: https://hartmans.livejournal.com/99642.html
    [6]: https://diziet.dreamwidth.org/3482.html
    [7]: https://hartmans.livejournal.com/99395.html

    Being Excellent to Each Other

    TL;DR: Saying "I disagree, even I disagree and it would be really bad
    if Debian did x," is a *lot* easier to read than "you're wrong or that's stupid." How we express disagreement can be the difference from a fun
    and enjoyable Debian and a place that really sucks to be around.

    For the most part, being DPL has been a wonderful job. Even the recent discussions around init systems have been rewarding. They have been
    hard and intense, and they have taken up a lot of time. But that's the
    DPL job, and it can be very worthwhile.

    We disagree with each other often. Being disagreed with is also part of
    the DPL job. I've had people express really strong disagreement in ways
    that is relatively easy to hear.

    Yet there are a few messages (and sadly a few individuals who
    consistently) express disagreement in ways that make Debian kind of
    miserable to be part of. One fairly negative interaction in October had
    me at such an emotional low that I more or less ignored all but the most
    urgent tasks for about a week.

    Recently I was talking to a long-time contributor and said that I felt
    bullied. He had seen the interaction we were talking about and said
    that in the situation we were discussing he would feel bullied in my
    That was validating: it's nice to know it's not all in your head. But
    it also gave me pause. I don't want to promote a Debian where people
    push others around.

    The DPL job does involve disagreement. But neither I, nor any other DPL
    has signed up to be the project's punching bag. We aren't here for you
    to take out your strong emotions on. The DPL job is challenging enough
    without feeling dehumanized and disrespected.

    It's not just me. And fortunately today we've seen some great
    discussion of what it is about disagreement that makes it horrible to experience [9] [10]. Disagreement is easier to hear when there's room
    for the disagreement. When you state your disagreement as if there is
    room for the other side. As Russ says, "Stating these
    opinions as if they're uncontrovertible facts contributes to emotional
    burnout and makes Debian a less enjoyable project to interact with."

    I find that true of my experience in Debian. Even when 20 people pop up and say they disagree with me it can be OK. But when one or two people
    (especially if I respect their opinion) state their disagreement in such
    a way that they imply my opinion is beneath consideration, Debian is a
    hard place to be. Similarly, when they know there is disagreement and
    in response to that disagreement they state their position as a fact, completely ignoring the existence of other positions or of explanations
    of why they may be wrong, Debian is difficult.

    Please let us work on how we approach disagreement and work to make
    Debian a better place to be.

    One way we can work on this is to reach out (often in private) when
    we're hurt or when something comes across as problematic. I've done
    that a couple of times recently and gotten some very positive results.
    (If I've had such a conversation with you recently, thanks! Those conversations really do help.) Sometimes we'll learn that it is a
    language difference. Sometimes we'll better understand constraints that someone else is facing.

    Sometimes, as Russ did today, replying to the list is important.
    Knowing that we're not alone and that Debian does value creating a
    positive climate matters.

    [9]: https://lists.debian.org/msgid-search/87r21m7gg2.fsf@hope.eyrie.org

    Upcoming DPL Travel

    I will be attending the Thursday of the mini-debcamp prior to FOSDEM
    [11]. For the first time, I'm attending FOSDEM[12]. Then I hope to see
    some of you at Copyleftconf [13]. I'm very interested in meeting people
    and having any discussions that would advance Debian or cooperation with
    Debian at these events.

    [11]: https://wiki.debian.org/DebianEvents/be/2020/MiniDebCamp
    [12]: https://fosdem.org/2020/
    [13]: https://2020.copyleftconf.org/

    Treasurer Team Delegation

    Now that the DebConf Committee delegation is done, treasurer team is up
    next in the delegation queue.
    We've already received a number of volunteers back in July and August.
    We've done some of the preliminary work of discussing who is still

    I think there are a couple of questions where it would be valuable to
    get some feedback.
    Then we can confirm what tasks are most important to the project from a treasurer team and choose the right staff to get those tasks done.

    This process has been going slower than the treasurer team would like.
    I regret that, but delegations can be very important for all of us.

    In Case you Missed It

    When I said I was going to write a Bits from the DPL Mail, my wife
    asked if I was writing to tell Debian that going to the beach was a
    great solution to stress and making community better. I hadn't been
    planning on that.
    But in case you missed it, vacations in good locations with the right
    people are a wonderful way to make everything better.

    * There is an ongoing Debian Med bug squashing sprint in December [14]

    * Debian Janitor is a cool new project that tries to apply lintian-brush
    more automatically. This also isn't the kind of thing that normally
    goes here, but the project sounded so cool to me I was bouncing up and
    down so I decided to share. [15]

    * There is a mini Debcamp prior to FOSDEM at the end of January [11]

    [11]: https://wiki.debian.org/DebianEvents/be/2020/MiniDebCamp
    [14]: http://blog.alteholz.eu/2019/12/debian-med-bug-squashing-2/
    [15]: https://www.jelmer.uk/debian-janitor.html

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