• DD's, Debian Mentors needs you!

    From Phil Wyett@21:1/5 to All on Sat Jul 6 15:50:01 2024
    Hi all DD's

    Debian Mentors[1] always struggles to find available Debian Developers for final reviewing and
    sponsoring of packages submitted too our part of the project.

    We believe some packages are ready or very close to the quality for sponsorship and we would request
    any DD who has the time and is willing, to have a look at one or more of the packages below and
    possibly sponsor them into Debian.

    Mentors page:
    Request For Sponsorship (RFS): https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=1065008

    Mentors page:
    Request For Sponsorship (RFS): https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=1074542

    Mentors page:
    Request For Sponsorship (RFS): https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=1074552

    Mentors page:
    Request For Sponsorship (RFS): https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=1074553

    Mentor page:
    Request For Sponsorship (RFS): https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=1074592

    Your assistance will be extremely appreciated and if announcing a few at a time on the 'devel' list
    works, this could become a weekly thing.

    [1] https://mentors.debian.net




    Internet Relay Chat (IRC): kathenas

    Website: https://kathenas.org

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/kathenasorg/

    Buy Me A Coffee: https://buymeacoffee.com/kathenasorg


    iQJOBAABCgA4FiEEcKCsRax3nv6E9jrtckqptS8CTIsFAmaJSnMaHHBoaWxpcC53 eWV0dEBrYXRoZW5hcy5vcmcACgkQckqptS8CTIszwA/+K7WuShIFRi3Gu2SHfb0L DScMMpPGqTc5Z159v23ZOmqxIaoPX4H4jTTjUiiaQjQVWte4Q5YyxVZTiRsuMXwH 2rEQo3MWuXz+UkknZd6GZ93to5kJvVI4hubcACj7uhDJPz8DsTOQnKftjG1UFKWT xI075z4hvwbnIqQkd+05jppQJCpIxk0qny2qIMd0cD9wji6DLT3dsSkEKZjtr05X sHx3+Jwd9ibCxYsbkaJtq6zMZCQu1tPj1T43dOgmv74JRZukRIfLtBNYfC7uII8y BlbVJ7IXSxMnZ02//sBBcsyV2ZsPO/7y2bFKtFcwJ+7bSDISKKTvWebP+x1C6S37 6RcyVh1IXLekcyCKnUSat5QpGvLFtTS2THRfnLul/Lp8ICDjgtRHxZAAqXHlWPM/ Oppopd9HLSZ1gVPs5xlnk4bxj4xRyZz12jA625dh2FgfvWsbF+jVPskpGZb+mRGn rWP3lUu3X07elD051xKwlUZ8z4YV6m5E0aDEgbouHa4BvdR5W72UutcDs/nwIsvt 1E0EHlNMxfaCD+NsyY4NTEu16o3EmFSZu/OQxQOTTyJxyFSYvbp71i7Mlu0S6A+4 iIz8Ee9xAmoRm2DNyFWREEDYs4Fv21FMRx4G2zOgUAiGQj1uR5ZX0BMj8hjzWsRX
  • From Soren Stoutner@21:1/5 to All on Sat Jul 6 09:55:25 2024
    Copy: philip.wyett@kathenas.org

    On Saturday, July 6, 2024 6:45:33 AM MST Phil Wyett wrote:
    Hi all DD's

    Debian Mentors[1] always struggles to find available Debian Developers for final reviewing and sponsoring of packages submitted too our part of the project.

    We believe some packages are ready or very close to the quality for sponsorship and we would request any DD who has the time and is willing, to have a look at one or more of the packages below and possibly sponsor them into Debian.

    Mentors page:
    Request For Sponsorship (RFS): https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=1065008

    Mentors page:
    Request For Sponsorship (RFS): https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=1074542

    Mentors page:
    Request For Sponsorship (RFS): https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=1074552

    Mentors page:
    Request For Sponsorship (RFS): https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=1074553

    I will take dmidecode.

    Mentor page:
    Request For Sponsorship (RFS): https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=1074592

    Your assistance will be extremely appreciated and if announcing a few at a time on the 'devel' list works, this could become a weekly thing.

    [1] https://mentors.debian.net



    Soren Stoutner

    iQIzBAABCgAdFiEEJKVN2yNUZnlcqOI+wufLJ66wtgMFAmaJdv0ACgkQwufLJ66w tgMvShAApmftrmYSOsx6e9FsodhMJfAKOX6tl347ZR/y6pOgqLFYYBJFIi/StTkg uLqoNsMn8A2XwLyyBWYZBAOuwANNxAaapq/OTiqKwqwzOPiCwARcRjS8crUH74F2 TYN38MaZlWiKuJXT4VllLswoDPohOcihaAPjRB0N0z6Stc3bG0zgouyqLYMlQLnr iH3rJIA7rKl19updl4V1nZe+glck2LLwW06COilzrXKq9oUZtFcvIoziBz24HGZP dIkAxT2hZGNSiOBU5r/ZR68XXXAGtIRG7+yBpUCQh0FitmwU5dmXIuc0V69PQ1Zs +hb0Zu+hZ6n6npAplVXweLmQYvJ5X2wx6RLC5HFu+0qAtLKOW5h4tZ/BRleMJy+f x4z5jLovVRvVRFV+b8I/zeq+BCtXk+oJJJ2Pg+gpCKDY5/+QPYoYkB+OcUjAuGMH rQS1zhhaOplIUjrNne25gp9nmaAc6l9uodaYk/uIRANjkMAPn4CNhE9Yrq/RPyQ5 S5+z5WGvOBQyn9mI5W8gLoa046g3HaZw6fVfj0LP53L/CF0igsOfQEQwYIITiVBq j/8/BcmvkjnI/ST+v2pSTWM+suyje422g1p9Y91iflfZDYW8YjyzsAZ9WUGIfu9y 5dky6xfKu47d092PkxPU7InHVpxYGEGUjGWCWzWVeePKLTKve7E=
    -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From =?UTF-8?B?eGlhbyBzaGVuZyB3ZW4o6IKW5@21:1/5 to All on Sun Jul 7 02:00:01 2024
    To: support@mentors.debian.net

    This is an OpenPGP/MIME signed message (RFC 4880 and 3156) --------------QUoUEvHZDbdSA1smBX6boQ35
    Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64

    SGksDQoNCiAgU3VwcG9ydCB0aGlzIGJlY29tZSBhIHdlZWtseSB0aGluZyBvciBhIG1vbnRo bHkgdGhpbmcuDQoNCkNhbiBtZW50b3JzLmRlYmlhbi5uZXQgc2VudCBwYWNrYWdlIGxpc3Qg dG8gIGRlYmlhbi1kZXZlbCBhdXRvbWF0aWNhbGx5Pw0KDQpSZWdhcmRzLA0KeGlhbyBzaGVu ZyB3ZW4NCuWcqCAyMDI0LzcvNiAyMTo0NSwgUGhpbCBXeWV0dCDlhpnpgZM6DQo+IEhpIGFs bCBERCdzDQo+IA0KPiBEZWJpYW4gTWVudG9yc1sxXSBhbHdheXMgc3RydWdnbGVzIHRvIGZp bmQgYXZhaWxhYmxlIERlYmlhbiBEZXZlbG9wZXJzIGZvciBmaW5hbCByZXZpZXdpbmcgYW5k DQo+IHNwb25zb3Jpbmcgb2YgcGFja2FnZXMgc3VibWl0dGVkIHRvbyBvdXIgcGFydCBvZiB0 aGUgcHJvamVjdC4NCj4gDQo+IFdlIGJlbGlldmUgc29tZSBwYWNrYWdlcyBhcmUgcmVhZHkg b3IgdmVyeSBjbG9zZSB0byB0aGUgcXVhbGl0eSBmb3Igc3BvbnNvcnNoaXAgYW5kIHdlIHdv dWxkIHJlcXVlc3QNCj4gYW55IEREIHdobyBoYXMgdGhlIHRpbWUgYW5kIGlzIHdpbGxpbmcs IHRvIGhhdmUgYSBsb29rIGF0IG9uZSBvciBtb3JlIG9mIHRoZSBwYWNrYWdlcyBiZWxvdyBh bmQNCj4gcG9zc2libHkgc3BvbnNvciB0aGVtIGludG8gRGViaWFuLg0KPiANCj4gTWVudG9y cyBwYWdlOg0KPiBodHRwczovL21lbnRvcnMuZGViaWFuLm5ldC9wYWNrYWdlL2hleHdhbGsv DQo+IFJlcXVlc3QgRm9yIFNwb25zb3JzaGlwIChSRlMpOg0KPiBodHRwczovL2J1Z3MuZGVi aWFuLm9yZy9jZ2ktYmluL2J1Z3JlcG9ydC5jZ2k/YnVnPTEwNjUwMDgNCj4gDQo+IE1lbnRv cnMgcGFnZToNCj4gaHR0cHM6Ly9tZW50b3JzLmRlYmlhbi5uZXQvcGFja2FnZS91cmlwYXJz ZXIvDQo+IFJlcXVlc3QgRm9yIFNwb25zb3JzaGlwIChSRlMpOg0KPiBodHRwczovL2J1Z3Mu ZGViaWFuLm9yZy9jZ2ktYmluL2J1Z3JlcG9ydC5jZ2k/YnVnPTEwNzQ1NDINCj4gDQo+IE1l bnRvcnMgcGFnZToNCj4gaHR0cHM6Ly9tZW50b3JzLmRlYmlhbi5uZXQvcGFja2FnZS9tYWls Z3JhcGgvDQo+IFJlcXVlc3QgRm9yIFNwb25zb3JzaGlwIChSRlMpOg0KPiBodHRwczovL2J1 Z3MuZGViaWFuLm9yZy9jZ2ktYmluL2J1Z3JlcG9ydC5jZ2k/YnVnPTEwNzQ1NTINCj4gDQo+ IE1lbnRvcnMgcGFnZToNCj4gaHR0cHM6Ly9tZW50b3JzLmRlYmlhbi5uZXQvcGFja2FnZS9k bWlkZWNvZGUvDQo+IFJlcXVlc3QgRm9yIFNwb25zb3JzaGlwIChSRlMpOg0KPiBodHRwczov L2J1Z3MuZGViaWFuLm9yZy9jZ2ktYmluL2J1Z3JlcG9ydC5jZ2k/YnVnPTEwNzQ1NTMNCj4g DQo+IE1lbnRvciBwYWdlOg0KPiBodHRwczovL21lbnRvcnMuZGViaWFuLm5ldC9wYWNrYWdl L3NlbGludC8NCj4gUmVxdWVzdCBGb3IgU3BvbnNvcnNoaXAgKFJGUyk6DQo+IGh0dHBzOi8v YnVncy5kZWJpYW4ub3JnL2NnaS1iaW4vYnVncmVwb3J0LmNnaT9idWc9MTA3NDU5Mg0KPiAN Cj4gWW91ciBhc3Npc3RhbmNlIHdpbGwgYmUgZXh0cmVtZWx5IGFwcHJlY2lhdGVkIGFuZCBp ZiBhbm5vdW5jaW5nIGEgZmV3IGF0IGEgdGltZSBvbiB0aGUgJ2RldmVsJyBsaXN0DQo+IHdv cmtzLCB0aGlzIGNvdWxkIGJlY29tZSBhIHdlZWtseSB0aGluZy4NCj4gDQo+IFsxXSBodHRw czovL21lbnRvcnMuZGViaWFuLm5ldA0KPiANCj4gUmVnYXJkcw0KPiANCj4gUGhpbA0KPiAN Cg0KLS0gDQrogpbnm5vmlocgeGlhbyBzaGVuZyB3ZW4NCmh0dHBzOi8vd3d3LmF0emxpbnV4 LmNvbSDjgIrpk5zosYzosYYgTGludXjjgIvln7rkuo4gRGViaWFuIOeahCBMaW51eCDkuK3m locg5qGM6Z2iIA0K5pON5L2c57O757ufDQpEZWJpYW4gUUEgcGFnZTogDQpodHRwczovL3Fh LmRlYmlhbi5vcmcvZGV2ZWxvcGVyLnBocD9sb2dpbj1hdHpsaW51eCU0MHNpbmEuY29tDQpE ZWJpYW4gc2Fsc2E6IGh0dHBzOi8vc2Fsc2EuZGViaWFuLm9yZy9hdHpsaW51eC1ndWVzdA0K R251UEcgUHVibGljIEtleTogMHgwMDE4NjYwMjMzOTI0MENCDQo=



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    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From =?UTF-8?B?T3R0byBLZWvDpGzDpGluZW4=?@21:1/5 to All on Sun Jul 7 02:50:01 2024

    https://mentors.debian.net/package/uriparser/ https://mentors.debian.net/package/mailgraph/

    This is the same maintainer, I can take this on.


    I have worked with this maintainer before, I can help him now too.

    After this Hexwalk still needs a mentor.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Phil Wyett@21:1/5 to All on Sun Jul 7 03:10:01 2024
    On Sat, 2024-07-06 at 17:42 -0700, Otto Kekäläinen wrote:

    https://mentors.debian.net/package/uriparser/ https://mentors.debian.net/package/mailgraph/

    This is the same maintainer, I can take this on.


    I have worked with this maintainer before, I can help him now too.

    After this Hexwalk still needs a mentor.

    Hi Otto,

    Many thanks for giving your time.

    selint has been picked up by Pierre Gruet <pgt@debian.org> via the Request For Sponsorship (RFS)
    bug[1], so I think that one is OK. The other two are happily yours. :-)

    [1] https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=1074592




    Internet Relay Chat (IRC): kathenas

    Website: https://kathenas.org

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/kathenasorg/

    Buy Me A Coffee: https://buymeacoffee.com/kathenasorg


    iQJOBAABCgA4FiEEcKCsRax3nv6E9jrtckqptS8CTIsFAmaJ6j4aHHBoaWxpcC53 eWV0dEBrYXRoZW5hcy5vcmcACgkQckqptS8CTIt+xg//eGRR7cXfqOKpr650uz/C YnJ6iHufv+hcap8H2Wh5hYasmais9f+JjX63B/WdRTW5jpS1QTZNHwH+Gdx9dcV6 vZ3cwv3mdrqQ+CtGmINdweNDeT0F+Tgy5PSiRTYPF65uzlKFXAudVrQDIhBgzFtv OV7pqpYKHPXZ6FjL6/nRq5fAv+po5pNNKX+uHJTBnMPNH2gZww95kB07JFqpkS53 RObguThdezMpdbnpxEGO7V04KnBLpZMYau1qwA+szj2/2ZVkoo0PYj6q1HkVwZTc 8CinlW4gFk2ZprqgaN/+X4X5S5tWadBY5CqfDXRQeldmAjbrAoCIimtCE+Q5nS8X f+k2MVWIl29YGb+lTXV5rD0JQb3h8HIV8VKQhrGY8wgyi25K6UUS5uozLiasc2E7 68SwBz/7vGeS6veoMFmXq+gV6cWfOwv/GlJp9nctmy2LZN3AThDWLGxb6tSCvHJv 8vjvDuKKsZ1V3bsi1L6/LU7k2mU2MHFw/c1YOG1P4nFPDAL6PddlIfU71Kvt8Cch TnmMDsCHF0vAzQ5tKi3X2YPp1/rH2ytef+k/QsG28ROo7jfGV3+IasDg0PmNsLzM Xkm+J9KcY+G1rwG56To3F3qi6IjOyzcMyUI7HW0CuhGM1RrW7Bji0zfKJbxA6Dje
  • From Phil Wyett@21:1/5 to All on Sun Jul 7 03:20:01 2024
    On Sun, 2024-07-07 at 07:41 +0800, xiao sheng wen(肖盛文) wrote:

    Support this become a weekly thing or a monthly thing.

    Can mentors.debian.net sent package list to debian-devel automatically?

    xiao sheng wen
    在 2024/7/6 21:45, Phil Wyett 写道:
    Hi all DD's

    Debian Mentors[1] always struggles to find available Debian Developers for final reviewing and
    sponsoring of packages submitted too our part of the project.

    We believe some packages are ready or very close to the quality for sponsorship and we would request
    any DD who has the time and is willing, to have a look at one or more of the packages below and
    possibly sponsor them into Debian.

    Mentors page:
    Request For Sponsorship (RFS): https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=1065008

    Mentors page:
    Request For Sponsorship (RFS): https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=1074542

    Mentors page:
    Request For Sponsorship (RFS): https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=1074552

    Mentors page:
    Request For Sponsorship (RFS): https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=1074553

    Mentor page:
    Request For Sponsorship (RFS): https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=1074592

    Your assistance will be extremely appreciated and if announcing a few at a time on the 'devel' list
    works, this could become a weekly thing.

    [1] https://mentors.debian.net



    肖盛文 xiao sheng wen
    https://www.atzlinux.com 《铜豌豆 Linux》基于 Debian 的 Linux 中文 桌面
    Debian QA page: https://qa.debian.org/developer.php?login=atzlinux%40sina.com
    Debian salsa: https://salsa.debian.org/atzlinux-guest
    GnuPG Public Key: 0x00186602339240CB

    Hi Xiao and all,

    I am not sure if this could be done automatically. Mentors uses the expo platform and that will take
    some research and discussion to see what maybe could be done. We could create a wiki page with ready
    packages for DD attention that could be forwarded in a mail to this list at a set interval. Maybe
    more experienced DDs/Contributors to Mentors such as Andrey Rakhmatullin may have more insight than
    I here.




    Internet Relay Chat (IRC): kathenas

    Website: https://kathenas.org

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/kathenasorg/

    Buy Me A Coffee: https://buymeacoffee.com/kathenasorg


    iQJOBAABCgA4FiEEcKCsRax3nv6E9jrtckqptS8CTIsFAmaJ64waHHBoaWxpcC53 eWV0dEBrYXRoZW5hcy5vcmcACgkQckqptS8CTIsD7g//ThY+/I7LMIGWkWRU9E/j j2fr1ToEDdLT0BBn41p5BG8oG2CpN2rPsxHtkVDpuMFCLu8fuhxjhT33lTlAp1FW WKymqfQpR2pN+KcOvUTnpxFKx8o1UhYimXDZinzN8em5SnHnD5jO9Sbk140Y7Bje CyEw9ERVff1SPLzrT1e1GNxklKwbYIJxw3iX6x8IZ+UmeVNW6pirvUGXshDIUx9C AcqBV69ZhXj456V4AEPW19deHnMTMU5jUPzvDFzbPki1R26MsrP2oURx6k6kbJak vk7cgh1K4+cIL0EAEzxbNKd3/Me7MnPnI2kmRHLxtJCk04vzO7I5XKAhTMcloND9 QxGbp85/xZRyu6NBpdVQ3gQNxNozA9bv/wKX+anZwpzuU+FHEVXFl6IPauVweMZj GGNOXvF7YzotpAIdIcI0vgU1oqvr+rPe/pxMmEgUd2AuR8ntKxzJ1rVtqrEzk5BR Q8PY2qGj93dT8N996hJ1ny0iJih2aZ2je5LrqUiSi3L+m54k9X5bL8exdwVrUoAa Splee+E1A0IFHcNb+rTd3Vm7IHVU5qtxrrOa6BvXOiGGuOLEGKmfr04bSvtJ8cSZ L3pWTgzAN13iz7E8OVldbaPH+uy5dvQAKl/VDpBkbW3TQHaAQyVpi8e1P+P3WpwO
  • From Andrey Rakhmatullin@21:1/5 to All on Sun Jul 7 07:40:01 2024
    On Sun, Jul 07, 2024 at 07:41:25AM +0800, xiao sheng wen(肖盛文) wrote:

    Support this become a weekly thing or a monthly thing.

    Can mentors.debian.net sent package list to debian-devel automatically?

    The list of open RFSes is always available at https://bugs.debian.org/sponsorship-requests

    WBR, wRAR


    iQJhBAABCgBLFiEEolIP6gqGcKZh3YxVM2L3AxpJkuEFAmaKKH0tFIAAAAAAFQAP cGthLWFkZHJlc3NAZ251cGcub3Jnd3JhckBkZWJpYW4ub3JnAAoJEDNi9wMaSZLh 0MEP/iG0Fhwg3/bImU2dTEKNO1SbBAlet2eqKbWPgGhePUri6en3IMvS4xUas9IM wotl3mYVnapPBLSSBfCb+SB+91DOw8BL8OSCADrwiMljqXfoE3xYzqK5EcEN2D+y NYjH1wGekKzsSqKXCz3helJE4gELIn6zlLlYstzewgXy7TtkirwhlJKfJbJ+9JmI n31WJhu2PuauoaedmmXee3WWOKLsa0gXV6sIGSINN0ZM0tGQQHMV17xAtXKkPzbS 0V/0vECzkiPVs+ne0Qd2HbqclEFt/Ib8kZE0dKLVwbj9/dwHbevx2Uk39w5DuSdv C/UQu8yhMxCJj2waBWOrIKpWSL+ITuZH2FTf3Nr77tphdVHWiwKwVfoDgu6wIqmr BagEXD2Agz0qHBAzkzzlrHzQkWAQIHX61+JYd8iv+Nifs5Fg0mMhPc+Ue9gKguvf jKif3I2gyq+nHYxLDg4jpkPd2U51V+wQT6ygbgWzTV6rwY5HzIFXnwoIcth7KLQJ 3xfWxMBTiftpO1dKTsHvbwAXUvjcGOM0lEjWPYs+yUvk+DW10teAqCfT563S7bkN A8G3esfXeIqmz14m2y4oDSkkaz2aqAUB5ruEla/5SSdUAr6yhyPAyIk/UBEOFEq7 eaGytMt83kWUlR1rIepnHiSjGHHro7t05lR6g1mmHeRhH5fz
    -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Andreas Tille@21:1/5 to All on Sun Jul 7 08:00:01 2024
    Hi Phil,

    thanks for advertising Debian Mentors.

    Am Sat, Jul 06, 2024 at 02:45:33PM +0100 schrieb Phil Wyett:
    Hi all DD's

    Debian Mentors[1] always struggles to find available Debian Developers for final reviewing and
    sponsoring of packages submitted too our part of the project.

    One thing I'm missing on mentors.d.n is that I it does not advertise
    existing teams. It happened from time to time that there was some
    sponsoring request of Debian Science, Debian Med or Debian Python Team
    related packages (surely others I did not notices). Asking on the
    relevant lists very easily helps getting the package in question
    sponsored. I have a personal sponsoring policy that I only sponsor from
    a Git repository in a team I'm working in. This has the advantage I can
    easily help by pushing some commit with extensive comment to teach the
    sponsee in some direct way. Making a sponsee aware how to work together
    with a team inside Debian is IMHO very important.

    Thus I would welcome if there could be some explicit hint to mentees
    to relevant teams.

    Kind regards

    PS: Please do not understand my remark related to the packages below
    just a general remark fitting the subject.

    We believe some packages are ready or very close to the quality for sponsorship and we would request
    any DD who has the time and is willing, to have a look at one or more of the packages below and
    possibly sponsor them into Debian.

    Mentors page:
    Request For Sponsorship (RFS): https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=1065008

    Mentors page:
    Request For Sponsorship (RFS): https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=1074542

    Mentors page:
    Request For Sponsorship (RFS): https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=1074552

    Mentors page:
    Request For Sponsorship (RFS): https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=1074553

    Mentor page:
    Request For Sponsorship (RFS): https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=1074592

    Your assistance will be extremely appreciated and if announcing a few at a time on the 'devel' list
    works, this could become a weekly thing.

    [1] https://mentors.debian.net




    Internet Relay Chat (IRC): kathenas

    Website: https://kathenas.org

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/kathenasorg/

    Buy Me A Coffee: https://buymeacoffee.com/kathenasorg


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Soren Stoutner@21:1/5 to All on Sat Jul 6 23:18:20 2024
    Copy: philip.wyett@kathenas.org

    After reading a number of comments to the email below, I thought I would provide a bit of context for this email and Phil’s excellent work on Mentors.

    Recently Phil has taken it upon himself to triage every package that requests sponsorship on mentors.debian.net. Here is an example of the work he does:


    When he feels a package is ready for sponsorship, he indicates that with an email to the list.


    In some cases, nobody picks these up. The email below was sent to debian- devel with a curated list of packages that Phil has already reviewed and feels are ready for a DD to sponsor.

    At any point, anyone can look at all of the packages on Mentors requesting a sponsor.


    But I have found Phil’s work to be very helpful, as I have limited time to handle sponsorships. When I look at a package Phil has endorsed, I can be sure that the simple and obvious things have already been taken care of.

    I would heartily hope that Phil continues to send periodic emails to debian- devel with lists of packages that he considers ready, but that are languishing on the vine because nobody has noticed them. I would also encourage anyone else to get involved in this process if they feel so inclined. I think that one of the most important aspects of attracting people to Debian is to make it easy for someone who is not yet a DD or DM to submit packages and have them be reviewed promptly. There is probably nothing as demotivating to a first-time contributor as putting a lot of effort into a package, having it be in good shape, and then never having it be sponsored simply because it didn’t get noticed.


    P.S. Based on Phil’s work on Mentors and my interactions with him, I have advocated for him to become a Debian Developer, uploading. I think his contributions to Debian will be even more impactful when he can sponsor the packages he feels are ready.


    On Saturday, July 6, 2024 6:45:33 AM MST Phil Wyett wrote:
    Hi all DD's

    Debian Mentors[1] always struggles to find available Debian Developers for final reviewing and sponsoring of packages submitted too our part of the project.

    We believe some packages are ready or very close to the quality for sponsorship and we would request any DD who has the time and is willing, to have a look at one or more of the packages below and possibly sponsor them into Debian.

    Mentors page:
    Request For Sponsorship (RFS): https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=1065008

    Mentors page:
    Request For Sponsorship (RFS): https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=1074542

    Mentors page:
    Request For Sponsorship (RFS): https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=1074552

    Mentors page:
    Request For Sponsorship (RFS): https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=1074553

    Mentor page:
    Request For Sponsorship (RFS): https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=1074592

    Your assistance will be extremely appreciated and if announcing a few at a time on the 'devel' list works, this could become a weekly thing.

    [1] https://mentors.debian.net



    Soren Stoutner

    iQIzBAABCgAdFiEEJKVN2yNUZnlcqOI+wufLJ66wtgMFAmaKMywACgkQwufLJ66w tgOIWg/9HPIuCioBLu1oelNYKWs7zHPeGEDIE3sSaBIGAJodnxYg24qBXKNcmweL Dbe0UknuWOscCtBwrb17Gm9CTw+J67Z0rZGsV+sNTsNsjQtATuAwWA0PJAku8hgH 0H85qtZUORvUPBg1mJanNhkSSR8nSp/HrfMBz1w3Ouc9Q3o25EYPukA6ErqZjA9v RgGDW6fotCR8ZgcQU3IhoU+81ULCqq5kZnwIEilO/iM9sasqdFRv86iB7qORVTHn zhQgfddxjvKpEk7q9CrUxSPUWLSEQ8oGIGd3kICmZuPOCwFyUbL5lgA/8M3C9bF7 WSAKvD9Q9dd3IlHEd2Z2ctC8JDze4xq+JKI7n0NHGcNlrAPYLQSmbbbA5dJF33lx WzZ7x8XQ7Pvyye5iPHhfppSn4Ih2QIq/3Cl6XjoKuvfOz6upofa+arti6OyJBC7l 5Fg+YCrm958E6jSoCQHKTeGeRVjuMBz40oDamsok89MgPvHny8ZK4C7V0SX2zDdH 5ahGSf3SI9m3tUy83fcqZJR/UAYgg3MRD47J0gE08x8Sn5yVeQET3mJXY4/MHgAv 8mQ5QfgHTr+u4QDOR7Ld1xJ7MLb18kiLfUC809Y4bicgTKgAw+4AJfI2MsLjfAQQ 8QbOz8d9k9xYvZD6RSPK9OvE85hEgVeydG4i0j2m43K3v372RGA=
    -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Andrey Rakhmatullin@21:1/5 to Andreas Tille on Sun Jul 7 08:30:01 2024
    On Sun, Jul 07, 2024 at 07:54:25AM +0200, Andreas Tille wrote:
    Hi Phil,

    thanks for advertising Debian Mentors.

    Am Sat, Jul 06, 2024 at 02:45:33PM +0100 schrieb Phil Wyett:
    Hi all DD's

    Debian Mentors[1] always struggles to find available Debian Developers for final reviewing and
    sponsoring of packages submitted too our part of the project.

    One thing I'm missing on mentors.d.n is that I it does not advertise
    existing teams. It happened from time to time that there was some
    sponsoring request of Debian Science, Debian Med or Debian Python Team related packages (surely others I did not notices). Asking on the
    relevant lists very easily helps getting the package in question
    sponsored. I have a personal sponsoring policy that I only sponsor from
    a Git repository in a team I'm working in. This has the advantage I can easily help by pushing some commit with extensive comment to teach the sponsee in some direct way. Making a sponsee aware how to work together
    with a team inside Debian is IMHO very important.

    Thus I would welcome if there could be some explicit hint to mentees
    to relevant teams.

    Note that "Offer your package directly to relevant teams and individual developers." is sugested on https://mentors.debian.net/intro-maintainers/
    and https://mentors.debian.net/sponsors/

    WBR, wRAR


    iQJgBAABCgBLFiEEolIP6gqGcKZh3YxVM2L3AxpJkuEFAmaKNbgtFIAAAAAAFQAP cGthLWFkZHJlc3NAZ251cGcub3Jnd3JhckBkZWJpYW4ub3JnAAoJEDNi9wMaSZLh UHAP93JxGHwHc+9k6X2H0qyEXfiixhIyWHjLumf8+uUFhNF6HgB+v3yjzCztMv4V wgiq9ycvxCK85oDk3SxkTICWPTtz2Ulnir89Pgl4SjkYLmmntQSYuWfQClGh7gRJ l8Jhwanx4FK7ZyTAXlbbGDGYazJy1bufaZ9vnQphiW4hQWaXDXHjBAWK3BVr9EFn 73Ts3ZC1Wo0P7V/mQVKK3ggyDopGK9SRiDGYnt89dzVloYiblxv96qB+0He449Nq GNa4Ysi+VVNK/DOc549VHd8VZe/mVj1dJq4rNRN3JglLLS5itRoVro9trUAlqQdd orFqZbJ8KieC4uOrsNPTBvV5EUK8RJNrYLjA46i5UHFLLL8ovok/Fsk7XC5ck+4h UD6JrcK6SV5IPt1wiZBR5HuduJAHgX3NAiUqek44mrgybEGgwLheddL+TP3ZfpK/ 6TilJjDMUQMaj8a/uLC/EXrPMjjENeQU+H91pIijVxjLYxeEuL+ax7gwNN+FuhUN ZKd334jaRE89jjSi8JZmj1im1E4MvL4qM8dpPHQi35f3Jnefh2hVgfpFKXNSGU+A N5x3B44qu2Ob/J0ZICu592P4kWIrEnXjZpVl8vvEz847J/30+BS4cJt7/dw1vZyv OHXnzkUF1RDyusvXwHyAaVI4IaKprlJFDRQSZT4T6535wRA=
    -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Nilesh Patra@21:1/5 to Andreas Tille on Sun Jul 7 09:50:02 2024
    On Sun, Jul 07, 2024 at 07:54:25AM +0200, Andreas Tille wrote:
    Am Sat, Jul 06, 2024 at 02:45:33PM +0100 schrieb Phil Wyett:
    Hi all DD's

    Debian Mentors[1] always struggles to find available Debian Developers for final reviewing and
    sponsoring of packages submitted too our part of the project.

    One thing I'm missing on mentors.d.n is that I it does not advertise
    existing teams. It happened from time to time that there was some
    sponsoring request of Debian Science, Debian Med or Debian Python Team related packages (surely others I did not notices). Asking on the
    relevant lists very easily helps getting the package in question
    sponsored. I have a personal sponsoring policy that I only sponsor from
    a Git repository in a team I'm working in. This has the advantage I can easily help by pushing some commit with extensive comment to teach the sponsee in some direct way. Making a sponsee aware how to work together
    with a team inside Debian is IMHO very important.


    I wanted to sponsor at least 3 packages but backed off when I saw it is impossible to push my changes to a common git repo to ease off the work.

    I could go ahead with selint (on salsa) but to my surprise selinux team does not
    have a request to join button on[1] - likely disabled on purpose.

    [1]: https://salsa.debian.org/selinux-team



    iHUEABYIAB0WIQSglbZu4JAkvuai8HIqJ5BL1yQ+2gUCZopIGgAKCRAqJ5BL1yQ+ 2iM1APwK8ufr23J5U5T5DDrS5M/aaU2PM5/kEWprRY099bzrmAEA5eKfz/PJtWvP wqmNKT5Ap6643zBdBk+7inkLFaBfuw0=
    -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Phil Wyett@21:1/5 to Andrey Rakhmatullin on Sun Jul 7 09:20:01 2024
    On Sun, 2024-07-07 at 11:29 +0500, Andrey Rakhmatullin wrote:
    On Sun, Jul 07, 2024 at 07:54:25AM +0200, Andreas Tille wrote:
    Hi Phil,

    thanks for advertising Debian Mentors.

    Am Sat, Jul 06, 2024 at 02:45:33PM +0100 schrieb Phil Wyett:
    Hi all DD's

    Debian Mentors[1] always struggles to find available Debian Developers for final reviewing and
    sponsoring of packages submitted too our part of the project.

    One thing I'm missing on mentors.d.n is that I it does not advertise existing teams. It happened from time to time that there was some sponsoring request of Debian Science, Debian Med or Debian Python Team related packages (surely others I did not notices). Asking on the
    relevant lists very easily helps getting the package in question
    sponsored. I have a personal sponsoring policy that I only sponsor from
    a Git repository in a team I'm working in. This has the advantage I can easily help by pushing some commit with extensive comment to teach the sponsee in some direct way. Making a sponsee aware how to work together with a team inside Debian is IMHO very important.

    Thus I would welcome if there could be some explicit hint to mentees
    to relevant teams.

    Note that "Offer your package directly to relevant teams and individual developers." is sugested on https://mentors.debian.net/intro-maintainers/
    and https://mentors.debian.net/sponsors/

    Andreas, Andrey and All,

    Andrey has kindly offered links for relevant information here. Any additions or changes etc. of
    course would be subject to discussion and consensus on the mentors mailing list.




    Internet Relay Chat (IRC): kathenas

    Website: https://kathenas.org

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/kathenasorg/

    Buy Me A Coffee: https://buymeacoffee.com/kathenasorg


    iQJOBAABCgA4FiEEcKCsRax3nv6E9jrtckqptS8CTIsFAmaKQJ8aHHBoaWxpcC53 eWV0dEBrYXRoZW5hcy5vcmcACgkQckqptS8CTIsY8w//TVjOOwLgPV+ShxEC6X6A nDELL/xaunQV7wJgfN/1T6U3lMd72uUHypEFqBv/hkT/8BrKi9APIIrcmbdWIMog 1ycZyNiUSDFLrMGEoKPcbJ0u9tBCDrlYJha0H4ptePW3V1OcHcjvsDtNgNoZ9UPG O8uiXJY59mXrrwSc7z4u8sfFvMdauki5QCQE9x0rIVck7BVT+njHWPC9yOzm/DkH uAPLMZ3KjYXpdV8KRuy34o1lWldGqYpaNU3ke2nBjoJyvv67EOFOXPXPOEgPfsMJ i8skUycyYiN0sCzlKUmKuAxP7zqHsoRHHAc6EbcCK0DVAt5CzhAl7XLdNkQUdiV7 LspnxsGVc5J3XQo2VVnqc8HogvFE5nESkOQrGb8aVKDfemVMy3TrW1SVoQIgYlmM u8e5IZubVObjElbLNhViqNxw7Yc6GslfCfWXtaD2QI7NzWua67JbAhSKfxsg69Vw lsBtmTZJF+jbwGevqii2Ai9o8QHpJMvEnmco3EOY7hteXauw8UUOj5FbcRS+Ozaj Z8TFwYJHK1rhl6dQJVmuzirPmRSe0NFgtjkFfnkB2Pcpmlyq1Q2U3d56B8OQa35P 959x7tHHQ+0xeaczlJw4WtVDP6JS6UDfuljNRFhpv44rDn1MPLPEkuANrYLkLoVG
  • From Phil Wyett@21:1/5 to Soren Stoutner on Sun Jul 7 09:50:02 2024
    Morning Soren,

    Many thanks for the kinds words and the encouragement.

    As you stated wonderfully and I will additionally offer a little of my mentors motivations. Debian
    mentors can be the first experience of contribution to not just Debian, but Free and Open Source
    Software projects in general. Though technical, having mentors be welcoming and friendly (we all
    started knowing nothing) environment with consistency of "here are the tests/standards required by
    all" I hope with the help of others, make mentors a successful part of the Debian project that
    attracts and retains contributors.

    I must thank Gianfranco Costamagna who initially showed me the value of Debian mentors and
    encouraged me to get involved.



    On Sat, 2024-07-06 at 23:18 -0700, Soren Stoutner wrote:
    After reading a number of comments to the email below, I thought I would provide a bit of context for this email and Phil’s excellent work on Mentors.

    Recently Phil has taken it upon himself to triage every package that requests
    sponsorship on mentors.debian.net. Here is an example of the work he does:


    When he feels a package is ready for sponsorship, he indicates that with an email to the list.


    In some cases, nobody picks these up. The email below was sent to debian- devel with a curated list of packages that Phil has already reviewed and feels
    are ready for a DD to sponsor.

    At any point, anyone can look at all of the packages on Mentors requesting a sponsor.


    But I have found Phil’s work to be very helpful, as I have limited time to handle sponsorships. When I look at a package Phil has endorsed, I can be sure that the simple and obvious things have already been taken care of.

    I would heartily hope that Phil continues to send periodic emails to debian- devel with lists of packages that he considers ready, but that are languishing
    on the vine because nobody has noticed them. I would also encourage anyone else to get involved in this process if they feel so inclined. I think that one of the most important aspects of attracting people to Debian is to make it
    easy for someone who is not yet a DD or DM to submit packages and have them be
    reviewed promptly. There is probably nothing as demotivating to a first-time
    contributor as putting a lot of effort into a package, having it be in good shape, and then never having it be sponsored simply because it didn’t get noticed.


    P.S. Based on Phil’s work on Mentors and my interactions with him, I have advocated for him to become a Debian Developer, uploading. I think his contributions to Debian will be even more impactful when he can sponsor the packages he feels are ready.


    On Saturday, July 6, 2024 6:45:33 AM MST Phil Wyett wrote:
    Hi all DD's

    Debian Mentors[1] always struggles to find available Debian Developers for final reviewing and sponsoring of packages submitted too our part of the project.

    We believe some packages are ready or very close to the quality for sponsorship and we would request any DD who has the time and is willing, to have a look at one or more of the packages below and possibly sponsor them into Debian.

    Mentors page:
    Request For Sponsorship (RFS): https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=1065008

    Mentors page:
    Request For Sponsorship (RFS): https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=1074542

    Mentors page:
    Request For Sponsorship (RFS): https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=1074552

    Mentors page:
    Request For Sponsorship (RFS): https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=1074553

    Mentor page:
    Request For Sponsorship (RFS): https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=1074592

    Your assistance will be extremely appreciated and if announcing a few at a time on the 'devel' list works, this could become a weekly thing.

    [1] https://mentors.debian.net




    Internet Relay Chat (IRC): kathenas

    Website: https://kathenas.org

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/kathenasorg/

    Buy Me A Coffee: https://buymeacoffee.com/kathenasorg


    iQJOBAABCgA4FiEEcKCsRax3nv6E9jrtckqptS8CTIsFAmaKRnkaHHBoaWxpcC53 eWV0dEBrYXRoZW5hcy5vcmcACgkQckqptS8CTIvn3xAAiixdlRSPo3nqIw7fykL7 omxkZKmXMvg2e/LGaIGmGZSjytpdBsrJJZDHt67bKSnOLSidRAOxW/Wos3GbNXcH G0CAsck43ULZvIefO82DiNgSOYuDt9RsBgrnqp+NG/tjl7+clBLwKkFTjeRZ7tAe H9O06ZxoaEgga7AvOoC92YQmPDrXiSr/cJAsLC06rmTov/J0rlQL9WfrO3KGjNpA lC3c0bfqiYM/edhnAlwPlWG2qXaKnFqKpwOGJ64743a2c83skW6tqnn0x/NYgLzo Iy642rDdJI/IjW9Oq0kcRqXyhRPs99wdELIUw8h7HTSTCPTU7XGyKhoYfA9URukF Q5RmIp1VFiotgo6LoCB7+1gDyqDvgcuNjUqhHUCwHysAnXCOzyVQZr4GyofiHmDs WmrK+Mq7KwsVZEPPqu3hPAUYEpjJRrcc2pnW2ZP/1Imd+sqzGRaXt2VkuX9dDeiF wJvL/sZyw7m+cArj2ZHh7bjD9q3CGxVNUM/wxduZEF3My0bO89kYaPSP+DpPGk6u +1+a49HA3Dc5L/q1uy0fmSH2cA5rkqJ5CW8sJzyDKwG1YH2ZpczxDbvlYSFJTbGL aH6kvnFQSgSVTFj0Q1Z/z15GQT5xbTYnFhRI1K766GvqgiCIy4K0JSaDDXQrkwH6
  • From Phil Wyett@21:1/5 to Xiyue Deng on Sun Jul 7 09:50:02 2024
    On Sat, 2024-07-06 at 23:45 -0700, Xiyue Deng wrote:
    Soren Stoutner <soren@debian.org> writes:

    [[PGP Signed Part:Undecided]]
    After reading a number of comments to the email below, I thought I would provide a bit of context for this email and Phil’s excellent work on Mentors.

    Recently Phil has taken it upon himself to triage every package that requests
    sponsorship on mentors.debian.net. Here is an example of the work he does:


    When he feels a package is ready for sponsorship, he indicates that with an
    email to the list.


    In some cases, nobody picks these up. The email below was sent to debian- devel with a curated list of packages that Phil has already reviewed and feels
    are ready for a DD to sponsor.

    At any point, anyone can look at all of the packages on Mentors requesting a


    But I have found Phil’s work to be very helpful, as I have limited time to
    handle sponsorships. When I look at a package Phil has endorsed, I can be sure that the simple and obvious things have already been taken care of.

    I would heartily hope that Phil continues to send periodic emails to debian-
    devel with lists of packages that he considers ready, but that are languishing
    on the vine because nobody has noticed them. I would also encourage anyone
    else to get involved in this process if they feel so inclined. I think that
    one of the most important aspects of attracting people to Debian is to make it
    easy for someone who is not yet a DD or DM to submit packages and have them be
    reviewed promptly. There is probably nothing as demotivating to a first-time
    contributor as putting a lot of effort into a package, having it be in good
    shape, and then never having it be sponsored simply because it didn’t get


    P.S. Based on Phil’s work on Mentors and my interactions with him, I have
    advocated for him to become a Debian Developer, uploading. I think his contributions to Debian will be even more impactful when he can sponsor the
    packages he feels are ready.


    On Saturday, July 6, 2024 6:45:33 AM MST Phil Wyett wrote:
    Hi all DD's

    Debian Mentors[1] always struggles to find available Debian Developers for
    final reviewing and sponsoring of packages submitted too our part of the project.

    We believe some packages are ready or very close to the quality for sponsorship and we would request any DD who has the time and is willing, to
    have a look at one or more of the packages below and possibly sponsor them
    into Debian.

    Mentors page:
    Request For Sponsorship (RFS): https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=1065008

    Mentors page:
    Request For Sponsorship (RFS): https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=1074542

    Mentors page:
    Request For Sponsorship (RFS): https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=1074552

    Mentors page:
    Request For Sponsorship (RFS): https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=1074553

    Mentor page:
    Request For Sponsorship (RFS): https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=1074592

    Your assistance will be extremely appreciated and if announcing a few at a
    time on the 'devel' list works, this could become a weekly thing.

    [1] https://mentors.debian.net



    As one of those who received help from Phil who kindly helped review my packages and finding potential sponsors, I want to take this opportunity
    to thank Phil again for his kind works and Gianfranco for sponsoring
    many of my packages.

    With that said, I want to echo Soren's word that I believe what Phil and Gianfranco has been doing is greatly helpful for new and potential
    Debian Maintainers, and it would be great that this process can have
    more people involved and get improved to make the review and sponsor
    process smoother.

    Morning Xiyue,

    Thank you for the kind words. I agree whole heartedly with your comments that more people getting
    involved to make for a better Debian mentors would be good. Debian mentors is a great place to be
    around and we all learn something being involved.




    Internet Relay Chat (IRC): kathenas

    Website: https://kathenas.org

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/kathenasorg/

    Buy Me A Coffee: https://buymeacoffee.com/kathenasorg


    iQJOBAABCgA4FiEEcKCsRax3nv6E9jrtckqptS8CTIsFAmaKSEYaHHBoaWxpcC53 eWV0dEBrYXRoZW5hcy5vcmcACgkQckqptS8CTIudrA//dg4FBxudWqyBUFxTOR1/ Dzl+xDMqH2GVFL0MWyBs/x/aYk+AQd2IFqUP7+XUZbOczMBMbXSiX+iGGJTBAJFZ tJgRDvq2V2XATuUfR3ZydEAfD/RUBeaeDt6uSKKGrN9eJjrE0DdZRa6rHI7aadnk v7iaOew7Oe9U5/7p7VlJBfc6iu4OPLk57bAgXyiKxCxAuAtIOqLAHmBsDKuNVSb7 niq7TSIzr7hHxjFc2B96aZCbzGVeWUoT3F1JesKzqVOo+fghIOlcLVQf6vStOyn0 vrjwkjncMrtoswkp0Y3tHnU9/XijejEqAcu6/rIXWqoVDrVIDlGrfTA20M14HCjm 8AgBSVYR+n22HmcvDOPUcW4R8B+zvzRXNcHgDdHwl9EIx7FSBFuwvqqv9seDtvWu wKcUy+XFu5dArvyIDeAOrqPsJQomlV55gn/DYcMBQRrTRpAxK5z16GLBkLiJqYzB t9if9ZOREArwm1zCu91Rn9OClcYOoX8knenI1z19l+TOPBQ9EunxnI8jYjP26o6x 6hKXx+JqqtR3+p9pHgPqA+XnU+LDqLFqRTfm9p0D7MXFQq8NsPOq41g3dF6IYiaK pKX4pG0Ls1LGJTmEedACJc+/Ft8Nh+mkAbLZkC6CQ+IJnZBkTxW/nb9JLL/PsN2+
  • From weepingclown@21:1/5 to Nilesh Patra on Sun Jul 7 10:40:01 2024
    Hi Nilesh,

    The 'request access' button is now available once clicked on the button with three dots on the top right, and on mobile this seems to be a "More actions" button instead of thw three dots one. IIRC this change has happened since before the last few gitlab
    version updates.


    On 7 July 2024 7:47:39 am UTC, Nilesh Patra <nilesh@debian.org> wrote:
    I could go ahead with selint (on salsa) but to my surprise selinux team does not
    have a request to join button on[1] - likely disabled on purpose.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Niels Thykier@21:1/5 to All on Sun Jul 7 11:40:01 2024
    Soren Stoutner:
    After reading a number of comments to the email below, I thought I would provide a bit of context for this email and Phil’s excellent work on Mentors.

    Recently Phil has taken it upon himself to triage every package that requests sponsorship on mentors.debian.net. Here is an example of the work he does:



    I wholehearted agree that Phil is doing a lot of good work here and that
    it is helpful to all parties involved in d-mentors. From my PoV, what
    Phil does is so valuable that ideally we would provide it to all
    sponsored maintainers with minimal latency. For me, that means
    automating most of what Phil does. Ideally all, but I am not sure all
    the things Phil does are trivial to automate where we are now.

    But I have found Phil’s work to be very helpful, as I have limited time to handle sponsorships. When I look at a package Phil has endorsed, I can be sure that the simple and obvious things have already been taken care of.

    Thinking a bit more on this and its long term sustainability, I think we
    have a spot here where we could automate the process a lot. If we look
    at the list of things Phil does:

    1. Build:

    Automate-able if we had good sandboxes/throw away build machines.

    2. Lintian:

    I think mentors.d.o already does this. But it only works on the
    artifacts uploaded and Phil probably enriches this.

    3. Licenses:

    While ideally, we would want this to be automatic, I think we do not
    have a good solution to this and I doubt we get it any time soon.

    Though an 80/20 might be in our grasp for someone interested and
    I do not think it would need to depend on 1).

    4. Build Twice (sudo pbuilder build --twice <package>.dsc):

    Automate-able once 1) is solved.

    5. Reproducible builds (reporotest):

    Trivially automate-able once 1) is solved.

    6. Install/Upgrade:

    It sounds like something piuparts would check, so I assume this is
    all solvable once 1) is complete.

    7. Curating packages that pass these checks to various prospective
    sponsors (such as the mail we are all replying to)

    These automations would not replace Phil since Phil in "failure" cases
    provides suggestions on how to move forward. This part we would ideally automate as well, but that is a much harder problem for most of these
    checks. Still, having a "red/green" marker would enable newcomers to
    figure out where they need more effort or assistance.

    The salsa-CI pipeline basically does most of these (3+7 being very clear exceptions, do not remember if 4 is covered by salsa-ci, but adding it
    would probably easy) and that infrastructure already has "no trust" code execution flows. Another alternative might be leveraging debusine if
    that can do the same and is intended for this purpose (did not check).

    In theory, we can reduce this to a already solved problem by linking the RFS/mentors entry with the relevant CI pipeline report where possible
    and a "Consider using the salsa-CI pipeline" check. Might need
    tag2upload or dgit (assuming these support mentors.d.o), since that
    would make the commit visible. Additional bells and whistles can be
    added to the salsa-CI pipeline in the form of a small machine readable
    report output that mentors.d.n could render if necessary (etc.)

    I do think it could be a major improvement our sponsorship work flow for
    both sponsors and sponsored maintainers.

    1) We promote a streamlined packaging workflow that a large portion of
    Debian already follows and leverage existing infrastructure. Any
    updates to our workflow would appear into the sponsor workflow
    checklist workflow because they are the same underlying checks.

    2) The workflow provides most of these checks with low latency
    automation and would save the sponsored maintainers RFS +
    mentors.d.o upload round trips.

    3) The process would be a lot more sustainable, since most of it would
    be automatic.

    Obviously, on paper is doable but it might require ironing out a lot of
    bends or even not be possible at all. Sadly, I am not volunteering to do
    it (got too much on my plate already). However, I am putting the idea
    out there in case someone has time and interest in working on this area.

    I think the primary risk (problem to solve) is linking the mentors.d.o
    upload to a git commit on salsa and the related pipeline data for that.
    As said, I hope tag2upload/dgit could be part of the solution here (not
    sure how those will cope with mentors.d.o versions being a lot more
    mutable than regular uploads). For everything else, I think most of the
    heavy lifting have already been done and "just" a matter of gluing it
    all together.

    I would heartily hope that Phil continues to send periodic emails to debian- devel with lists of packages that he considers ready, but that are languishing
    on the vine because nobody has noticed them.


    [...] There is probably nothing as demotivating to a first-time
    contributor as putting a lot of effort into a package, having it be in good shape, and then never having it be sponsored simply because it didn’t get noticed.


    Agreed; feedback latency is quite a de-motivation factor for me as well.

    P.S. Based on Phil’s work on Mentors and my interactions with him, I have advocated for him to become a Debian Developer, uploading. I think his contributions to Debian will be even more impactful when he can sponsor the packages he feels are ready.



    Thanks for supporting Phil. :)

    Best regards,

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Nilesh Patra@21:1/5 to weepingclown on Sun Jul 7 13:00:01 2024
    On Sun, Jul 07, 2024 at 08:34:13AM +0000, weepingclown wrote:
    Hi Nilesh,

    The 'request access' button is now available once clicked on the button with three dots on the top right, and on mobile this seems to be a "More actions" button instead of thw three dots one. IIRC this change has happened since before the last few
    gitlab version updates.

    Ah, thanks weeping sir!
    I have clicked on the request access button ever since I started contributing and was unaware about this.

    I've applied. Let's see if someone considers approving.


    On 7 July 2024 7:47:39 am UTC, Nilesh Patra <nilesh@debian.org> wrote:
    I could go ahead with selint (on salsa) but to my surprise selinux team does not
    have a request to join button on[1] - likely disabled on purpose.



    iHUEABYIAB0WIQSglbZu4JAkvuai8HIqJ5BL1yQ+2gUCZopz/QAKCRAqJ5BL1yQ+ 2mvNAP0eFVDWXC4eIZDMJX/Su/CjvAzapGs1tbDwKaQo14rwHgEAiN5WOBAj7Cfb 4VnDLiYPZqhAkgp8aIFPN9XoQaX7YgQ=
    -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Phil Wyett@21:1/5 to Niels Thykier on Sun Jul 7 12:30:01 2024
    On Sun, 2024-07-07 at 11:32 +0200, Niels Thykier wrote:
    Soren Stoutner:
    After reading a number of comments to the email below, I thought I would provide a bit of context for this email and Phil’s excellent work on Mentors.

    Recently Phil has taken it upon himself to triage every package that requests
    sponsorship on mentors.debian.net. Here is an example of the work he does:



    I wholehearted agree that Phil is doing a lot of good work here and that
    it is helpful to all parties involved in d-mentors. From my PoV, what
    Phil does is so valuable that ideally we would provide it to all
    sponsored maintainers with minimal latency. For me, that means
    automating most of what Phil does. Ideally all, but I am not sure all
    the things Phil does are trivial to automate where we are now.

    Many thanks.

    But I have found Phil’s work to be very helpful, as I have limited time to
    handle sponsorships. When I look at a package Phil has endorsed, I can be sure that the simple and obvious things have already been taken care of.

    Thinking a bit more on this and its long term sustainability, I think we have a spot here where we could automate the process a lot. If we look
    at the list of things Phil does:

    1. Build:

    Automate-able if we had good sandboxes/throw away build machines.

    2. Lintian:

    I think mentors.d.o already does this. But it only works on the
    artifacts uploaded and Phil probably enriches this.

    3. Licenses:

    While ideally, we would want this to be automatic, I think we do not
    have a good solution to this and I doubt we get it any time soon.

    Though an 80/20 might be in our grasp for someone interested and
    I do not think it would need to depend on 1).

    4. Build Twice (sudo pbuilder build --twice <package>.dsc):

    Automate-able once 1) is solved.

    5. Reproducible builds (reporotest):

    Trivially automate-able once 1) is solved.

    6. Install/Upgrade:

    It sounds like something piuparts would check, so I assume this is
    all solvable once 1) is complete.

    7. Curating packages that pass these checks to various prospective
    sponsors (such as the mail we are all replying to)

    These automations would not replace Phil since Phil in "failure" cases provides suggestions on how to move forward. This part we would ideally automate as well, but that is a much harder problem for most of these checks. Still, having a "red/green" marker would enable newcomers to
    figure out where they need more effort or assistance.

    The salsa-CI pipeline basically does most of these (3+7 being very clear exceptions, do not remember if 4 is covered by salsa-ci, but adding it
    would probably easy) and that infrastructure already has "no trust" code execution flows. Another alternative might be leveraging debusine if
    that can do the same and is intended for this purpose (did not check).

    In theory, we can reduce this to a already solved problem by linking the RFS/mentors entry with the relevant CI pipeline report where possible
    and a "Consider using the salsa-CI pipeline" check. Might need
    tag2upload or dgit (assuming these support mentors.d.o), since that
    would make the commit visible. Additional bells and whistles can be
    added to the salsa-CI pipeline in the form of a small machine readable report output that mentors.d.n could render if necessary (etc.)

    I do think it could be a major improvement our sponsorship work flow for both sponsors and sponsored maintainers.

    1) We promote a streamlined packaging workflow that a large portion of
    Debian already follows and leverage existing infrastructure. Any
    updates to our workflow would appear into the sponsor workflow
    checklist workflow because they are the same underlying checks.

    2) The workflow provides most of these checks with low latency
    automation and would save the sponsored maintainers RFS +
    mentors.d.o upload round trips.

    3) The process would be a lot more sustainable, since most of it would
    be automatic.

    Obviously, on paper is doable but it might require ironing out a lot of bends or even not be possible at all. Sadly, I am not volunteering to do
    it (got too much on my plate already). However, I am putting the idea
    out there in case someone has time and interest in working on this area.

    I think the primary risk (problem to solve) is linking the mentors.d.o upload to a git commit on salsa and the related pipeline data for that.
    As said, I hope tag2upload/dgit could be part of the solution here (not
    sure how those will cope with mentors.d.o versions being a lot more
    mutable than regular uploads). For everything else, I think most of the heavy lifting have already been done and "just" a matter of gluing it
    all together.

    Being partially or fully automated is fine by me. :-) I would be happy to assist
    those who embarked on such a project. There is always work elsewhere in Debian like the QA Team that I have interest in.





    Internet Relay Chat (IRC): kathenas

    Website: https://kathenas.org

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/kathenasorg/

    Buy Me A Coffee: https://buymeacoffee.com/kathenasorg


    iQJOBAABCgA4FiEEcKCsRax3nv6E9jrtckqptS8CTIsFAmaKbM8aHHBoaWxpcC53 eWV0dEBrYXRoZW5hcy5vcmcACgkQckqptS8CTIudvRAAghWwGAJQgO9kGerj6itH LpMXHMUDpRXsokQ0CggQOkAo/k7x6Arf6VmvZ9IEWUR/vaoNVGUghsOkpwiEUCgw xLRMnsnYDrSQVwwB8WPUIoAjgejpsYfLrzVBVUKQXx3lL/5zoq1Fx0ABRBPno6aC Q7ATQhjz06IRbd0X3faZfIJ2tCTe5uByZ7L1OhE2ngcFz92kaMga2EgDkr80gGd6 KEJJ+NtLFuUIcIW7N/Tz5VyPnABdaeHS0Yb7pE4xrHsNmhdhe6CuYch7ozK1JniS cKnVbFrqBWHjPUMppiMN45QO2FrQDSmT4Tp4PNAkR2boMWGghH23+4HKpmU5iJRp ouhisKdMCthl3r95OytXkiHg8AM1N+xLCMBZ6iw+tE47UWX9wSLio3j7ZS+dtDlN c3LASCgdhpuyUIexE/EqtC3+8Yruko7Hpl8BTJQYjudxlIfoKFjMrsor34WcuZyJ ScNXAGgO+uCwtpA2Z7PtpfVyeB2M+ajpt7400y96lqnccHz5wXqMk+8ssuyPlj7s FRSAj/N8PuCd6z3jq/cmN6DxZJBqgciLB5Y3Z2EM3RysqNdr5v83cOeQiMZNd/FP FD4gpOn7oaDLnxfZpSn3eWNsYLbISm2qPO5QxIGdRtX2NHmURIZkSPIYrU10fzEU
  • From Joerg Jaspert@21:1/5 to Soren Stoutner on Sun Jul 7 13:30:01 2024
    On 17283 March 1977, Soren Stoutner wrote:

    P.S. Based on Phil’s work on Mentors and my interactions with him, I
    advocated for him to become a Debian Developer, uploading. I think
    contributions to Debian will be even more impactful when he can
    sponsor the
    packages he feels are ready.

    It is only just July. He got rejected in May once - that's a bit too
    soon yet. (The usual time for a retry is somewhere around 6 month, and
    includes acknowleding (and working on) issues of the rejection).

    Note that it is not only technical knowledge that is required. That's
    "just" part of it.

    bye, Joerg

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From =?UTF-8?Q?Jeremy_B=C3=ADcha?=@21:1/5 to philip.wyett@kathenas.org on Sun Jul 7 16:30:01 2024
    On Sat, Jul 6, 2024 at 9:46 AM Phil Wyett <philip.wyett@kathenas.org> wrote:
    Debian Mentors[1] always struggles to find available Debian Developers for final reviewing and
    sponsoring of packages submitted too our part of the project.

    One thing that has disrupted my use of https://mentors.debian.net/ for sponsoring is that I am unable to log in. I don't get any of the "sign
    up" or "reset password" emails.

    Thank you,
    Jeremy Bícha

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Andrey Rakhmatullin@21:1/5 to All on Sun Jul 7 16:40:01 2024
    On Sun, Jul 07, 2024 at 10:10:55AM -0400, Jeremy Bícha wrote:
    On Sat, Jul 6, 2024 at 9:46 AM Phil Wyett <philip.wyett@kathenas.org> wrote:
    Debian Mentors[1] always struggles to find available Debian Developers for final reviewing and
    sponsoring of packages submitted too our part of the project.

    One thing that has disrupted my use of https://mentors.debian.net/ for sponsoring is that I am unable to log in. I don't get any of the "sign
    up" or "reset password" emails.

    Sponsors don't need an account there though, (optionally) looking at the package page and downloading the .dsc should be enough.

    WBR, wRAR


    iQJhBAABCgBLFiEEolIP6gqGcKZh3YxVM2L3AxpJkuEFAmaKp74tFIAAAAAAFQAP cGthLWFkZHJlc3NAZ251cGcub3Jnd3JhckBkZWJpYW4ub3JnAAoJEDNi9wMaSZLh pL8P/RY3sgcmL1FjQNPeTx7A2HL/hHixvkgUBiyfRO5TEDYpbRU2ahsr9U6rBZsq Ppu79flpOHtnm43aPIpRjnOrlFahUKu3GVJohV/ruI+5opLWqkT4Yv1Gb3q40/Qj 5hasJ1RarjWWuPK3HPuXDcZXaji8adneayAQ3Xx9H1dpFxM+A0VIZXX0nDBHEmnL DC7/yvH2mst+vASEJ7ba4mN9WsNZ3B9Cf+g4MTUMNju3C7NMq43ejWFZeGkqug31 BGT9LD/WNNxWW6IPiERRJjrrxx7TMzyAVAkEvYMEZoFhcm1AXpvnIpKIe97HYR3w 13lzn+7KIWJE4cXmEIoNkDdNXLG5+pLyiT2GdFS0zAReAKbuO8ZROK+XEK1ta8QE gmJbIJyY54DAXU68Mm/gF7m8da/kKEZtzW4hjJK1LOxcVY75B0R9b9kEPHtgaWhP RQ+sKC/pWwCMBvhqkE7s86VA7pldMwBj0oziE9E1puMMugjy0siAu9O+cd/Iu48e S9FkkevOVAbm9UGn3ohYOpKnI7r4GEkxi6h7e0Ik+ZOl7iZeZXv4FaE6SvGJzETe NZgDz/+2PTaDKH9a5Kg76GmhB8YL29UsrRRBAgEPxyB61V2R2MLyDbMiXWDYuEPW SW1tX5rn987jxo0GnEUvEtroImseoAwgnib+K0SE9zRT3qm5
    -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Andreas Tille@21:1/5 to All on Sun Jul 7 23:00:01 2024
    Hi Phil,

    Am Sun, Jul 07, 2024 at 08:48:22AM +0100 schrieb Phil Wyett:

    Thank you for the kind words. I agree whole heartedly with your comments that more people getting
    involved to make for a better Debian mentors would be good. Debian mentors is a great place to be
    around and we all learn something being involved.

    Thanks to you and all your work for mentors.d.n. Just to clarify my
    mail about connecting to teams (which is done as I learned in response):
    I did by no means intended to lower the importance of mentors.d.n in
    general for Debian and newcomers.

    Thanks again


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Phil Wyett@21:1/5 to Andreas Tille on Sun Jul 7 23:20:01 2024
    On Sun, 2024-07-07 at 22:51 +0200, Andreas Tille wrote:
    Hi Phil,

    Am Sun, Jul 07, 2024 at 08:48:22AM +0100 schrieb Phil Wyett:
    Thank you for the kind words. I agree whole heartedly with your comments that more people getting
    involved to make for a better Debian mentors would be good. Debian mentors is a great place to be
    around and we all learn something being involved.

    Thanks to you and all your work for mentors.d.n. Just to clarify my
    mail about connecting to teams (which is done as I learned in response):
    I did by no means intended to lower the importance of mentors.d.n in
    general for Debian and newcomers.

    Thanks again

    Hi Andreas,

    No need at all for your clarification. My words were generally meant to be an ideal for what I feel that mentors should be and what people can gain from it.

    Your comments regarding connecting teams are in my thoughts for how we can do better in this direction. I did reach out to the python team a little while ago to find sponsors for a few python packages that had been languishing on mentors.
    This turned into a discussion if the python team can approach sponsoring in a different way and the ruby team was put forward, who have a very good procedures
    for sponsoring.

    I am not yet ready to let these thoughts out as yet until they are fully formed and be best put forward to contributors to mentors etc.




    "I play the game for the game’s own sake"

    Arthur Conan Doyle - The Adventure of the Bruce-Partington Plans


    Internet Relay Chat (IRC): kathenas

    Website: https://kathenas.org

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/kathenasorg/

    Buy Me A Coffee: https://buymeacoffee.com/kathenasorg



    iQJOBAABCgA4FiEEcKCsRax3nv6E9jrtckqptS8CTIsFAmaLBCcaHHBoaWxpcC53 eWV0dEBrYXRoZW5hcy5vcmcACgkQckqptS8CTIvZuA//agVPI/H7SPy1adKje5NH xLV5Pmb6lrqAUmc57KzBvpg/rdLTrDlp7DoCM25IzTZi4dIYT4QvWpGDEcLtOEqj kmeP0E3soT6ACCcNsG2dYJBQfX0ukRccP0ZIBWbcSHq/jaD8m4QO8kpBPJ+tC6uo bVGGcMqT7u70uzLt9cjt/13qz1+IiAGKUKjXWfUDgSD4RNDlvwh94484E2ucD/uX ZzR1/mFa5poe22zIXSbMsF7sSMfB4GNp2KWHwEz7v8m2NV7FIM6NpRr+isREP9Dl k0rxsvY7vb06O9zxf+C8ZOWuzTyYAM+qK+Mpa4e3X0I5OaEDwuGZKrByqdnQx/3d g1iwtfFwqeGwII4U2Z8LJq/rOkxKAVALPbfaefIPii9hrIniC+71dVMobaHa+DIw wLPtOs4JeBm34NT6xuJmGK7cUJGothOvfNa7sbqOdMBRkEKxqbQb5QiigAT/yvuy PUIcO100oRcON8FCr4JNcomX9slzUcD6DoFs52PU4zePMTMvq8vgWv/HtO+TCG5u XtruRUWtteFISGh6d
  • From Baptiste Beauplat@21:1/5 to All on Mon Jul 8 21:40:01 2024

    On Sun, 2024-07-07 at 07:41 +0800, xiao sheng wen(肖盛文) wrote:
    Support this become a weekly thing or a monthly thing.

    Can mentors.debian.net sent package list to debian-devel automatically?

    It could. There is actually an issue for that[1], but no one has worked
    on it yet.

    Note that, there is also an api on mentors[2], that an external
    provider could use that to craft and send those weekly reports


    [1]: https://salsa.debian.org/mentors.debian.net-team/debexpo/-/issues/42
    [2]: https://mentors.debian.net/api/

    Baptiste Beauplat


    iHUEABYIAB0WIQQt4kiVMTxdp/CJ4U4XSUsQeV3XMwUCZow+YQAKCRAXSUsQeV3X M7ccAP9yn6kdeB4eaRgvmaLxYo+CoIF0EE+GM1i+aHA0LFwxHwD/cL3eu/UCgDnG Yq4VI6wfqAvJ42ufwJdrg9/kaT2JGQw=
    -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Phil Wyett@21:1/5 to Baptiste Beauplat on Tue Jul 9 07:40:01 2024
    On Mon, 2024-07-08 at 21:30 +0200, Baptiste Beauplat wrote:

    On Sun, 2024-07-07 at 07:41 +0800, xiao sheng wen(肖盛文) wrote:
    Support this become a weekly thing or a monthly thing.

    Can mentors.debian.net sent package list to debian-devel automatically?

    It could. There is actually an issue for that[1], but no one has worked
    on it yet.

    Note that, there is also an api on mentors[2], that an external
    provider could use that to craft and send those weekly reports


    [1]: https://salsa.debian.org/mentors.debian.net-team/debexpo/-/issues/42 [2]: https://mentors.debian.net/api/


    The API currently does not seem to expose the data to extract to create such a report. When comment is done in the comment box for an upload, we have a dropdown with:

    * Not reviewed
    * Needs work
    * Ready

    The above data does not seem to be stored. The up-loader also has the ability to
    mark an their upload as ready. These would need to be addressed before any viable report could be thought about.




    "I play the game for the game’s own sake"

    Arthur Conan Doyle - The Adventure of the Bruce-Partington Plans


    Internet Relay Chat (IRC): kathenas

    Website: https://kathenas.org

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/kathenasorg/

    Buy Me A Coffee: https://buymeacoffee.com/kathenasorg



    iQJOBAABCgA4FiEEcKCsRax3nv6E9jrtckqptS8CTIsFAmaMyxwaHHBoaWxpcC53 eWV0dEBrYXRoZW5hcy5vcmcACgkQckqptS8CTIvEkQ/8DidYssBAOMFbqzfAQAR4 7u50HilQfquBZdDGoowGGEDnsOqT1yUGMyD6VErZ38TSMMs4Er8yFhjNI3c3KG0i Eaqd4s+pWxoDJCWtzQfq/sP40Rykv5mmelRc/V7UMoWOJF0FL3BvEfX3LWSLCAvi cfnLDJWyKyq2wxFd52qGUea1ZjtXigV1tUCFg6A1dsBbRzY6VPxFdMAwsr16kwgy eaxo3gbDEDyUei5J5fpp9y5W2/0WSUvx9ds1jxPeUjGsNHabribTkxk8ELZonciV gf4J+wCYht8+L6c8B2KD3qexp0kfu+UJMrikTJp+fSiL7BRLkFBxbw/TKR7s//o9 Q+7yG+gT9DuSpqCjwtWspujrwd4Xo9Mr4o7NAlm4kTr3ZdtAlvbhilpe3+OiyEcg NV9FEnOr22zLxQ+uxnl0KqVs7AeadbCBL5zMWrVNWpccyiVtyOyc3eS9XxcEapvL nAfYwnkgvFUvBxN4JpoBWDIzhuqDGLv/rag5WJteTuv2Ctk8LNZxVRSnTEnXGQlZ UTP8+zP6kZg4KOUGu
  • From Phil Wyett@21:1/5 to Joerg Jaspert on Tue Jul 9 11:50:01 2024
    On Sun, 2024-07-07 at 13:20 +0200, Joerg Jaspert wrote:
    On 17283 March 1977, Soren Stoutner wrote:

    P.S. Based on Phil’s work on Mentors and my interactions with him, I have
    advocated for him to become a Debian Developer, uploading. I think
    contributions to Debian will be even more impactful when he can
    sponsor the
    packages he feels are ready.

    It is only just July. He got rejected in May once - that's a bit too
    soon yet. (The usual time for a retry is somewhere around 6 month, and includes acknowleding (and working on) issues of the rejection).

    Note that it is not only technical knowledge that is required. That's
    "just" part of it.

    Morning Joerg,

    Thank you for your comments. Indeed, less than 24 hours later, I received an email stating my Debian Developer (DD), with upload application was to be closed
    and now has been.




    "I play the game for the game’s own sake"

    Arthur Conan Doyle - The Adventure of the Bruce-Partington Plans


    Internet Relay Chat (IRC): kathenas

    Website: https://kathenas.org

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/kathenasorg/

    Buy Me A Coffee: https://buymeacoffee.com/kathenasorg



    iQJOBAABCgA4FiEEcKCsRax3nv6E9jrtckqptS8CTIsFAmaNBY8aHHBoaWxpcC53 eWV0dEBrYXRoZW5hcy5vcmcACgkQckqptS8CTIuVIg//cCVqQk8zSATCtBeHQRXs HQoUs8RM4Dg/6vdZy1yVBn1hsetduOcjPWSPVW8mkSb6dWKkpeqk2Rhy178X8Eca dR0w18MFS498subYiC5p4FVK9sfSL/TlK/++873l905JLyxnuJ3b8cWymnBEFPcr vOV70+fVtlQMI3yxrmLHLB4vjC0NHHYDOcK3PhEOHGcyg2fK8EXuQf2csgi7A0eU AuJXw2+EcqfLu2J/WT1A+T4Er8qQ1xNQdr55Sw8voD0MOnNhiYftndXPsJMW2VCU oY3UvSTty5vQbFXa5uupFQEEnh4hq8YgtkRpSU1h/NrUzi9lO+oGxJ19drOV9Z+z TuHZkbNTlapdo9r5TRJkENW7SMuslPgeybRlDm0y69e6uVtKEsuk3RXg+ZGUayaO e2ljLkxvCgVDS76r7vJHX5EncgU00uAUjZVKdc1JAeb3RCmquaCUAzM1cB5scKNZ s2lJP3EoORx4/z1jOMILIG9lpKT/qFoyYM1mbisweoaOyydtaGa2Bspf/iBA9Vpn qmFwrn0o9V2VyA0Rq
  • From =?utf-8?Q?Pierre-Elliott_B=C3=A9cue@21:1/5 to Phil Wyett on Tue Jul 9 14:30:02 2024

    Phil Wyett <philip.wyett@kathenas.org> wrote on 09/07/2024 at 11:40:32+0200:

    On Sun, 2024-07-07 at 13:20 +0200, Joerg Jaspert wrote:
    On 17283 March 1977, Soren Stoutner wrote:

    P.S. Based on Phil’s work on Mentors and my interactions with him, I >> > have
    advocated for him to become a Debian Developer, uploading. I think
    contributions to Debian will be even more impactful when he can
    sponsor the
    packages he feels are ready.

    It is only just July. He got rejected in May once - that's a bit too
    soon yet. (The usual time for a retry is somewhere around 6 month, and
    includes acknowleding (and working on) issues of the rejection).

    Note that it is not only technical knowledge that is required. That's
    "just" part of it.

    Morning Joerg,

    Thank you for your comments. Indeed, less than 24 hours later, I
    received an email stating my Debian Developer (DD), with upload
    application was to be closed and now has been.


    FTAOD I closed this process without interacting DAM or Joerg and not
    having read his mail. I will reopen it as I stated to you when the
    proper time comes.

    I'm really happy that you're trying to work on making mentors.d.n more proficient and active, and I'm also happy that you didn't get
    demotivated by the different exchanges we collectively had in the past.

    As Joerg stated, we'll probably need to have a chat about the reasons
    that led to the initial rejection and your thoughts on the whole
    thing. That being said, I won't go into details publicly and I do hope
    that you'll indeed come back to us in a few months so we can try going

    In the meantime, I'd like to express my gratitude for your commitment.


    --=-=-Content-Type: application/pgp-signature; name="signature.asc"


    iQJDBAEBCgAtFiEE5CQeth7uIW7ehIz87iFbn7jEWwsFAmaNK7wPHHBlYkBkZWJp YW4ub3JnAAoJEO4hW5+4xFsLeBQP/RtSnMuqQVeld+lAKX7UC3rhmjDNUUtImUTK fUS9b6AbCZy4ckhv7cNgKg8o5EPFruuT+wizt362CfZv1lZpblO5ezB24ee3Ljh8 xQNen496616plm/cHltSWOk/r+Jldrd71tci4AhJqeEIrnbgawsLjVHACLBGTI/p 7TJHWICL+WJhIUG/2OWrpA06W9UosJhmKiZFlFOH0PmfWkAfiy2ayVj1hFy9NnXt cOKSqxfTMUTKI7O/3MZOL3SspLZbNfr9OSgt0YnHPJmb6FJR+GIN7CXw8JmepOmE JDZETi1gWF4UuP0NeVWHifNRJyK2Zdywna3cshSv9wouJ5RkG/sEgeuWAOQUfgr4 AXe1NymCufBcsbh+Y/klnvXkxNw5BEjW0XDH6RINA/HMmPyubK0QtijJN1fAW6u2 3cS2AeDVRjVb6xX6NBBsp1nhY13yemlukZeerUDDFVY+L3xTx5FBzGIhaxsyIh+7 VYq/QUIRoVtmtIiXvudpOekjRdIEVOLUO4SV/r05ZN3CE4IGu+lDpATTNuZ27LRk npcwGlUa2P2lGE74v2P9k7gyOW1MzNEH001CPqU2o8F5Ax9Q5/AhCsuIbtOQMV1e L/937S/9Cik5zkBdbpEkVk53noNQplNgftiwn7kYqdd6TFbCEnCaVJeK/aDeQq7a
    -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Phil Wyett@21:1/5 to All on Tue Jul 9 14:50:01 2024
    On Tue, 2024-07-09 at 14:23 +0200, Pierre-Elliott Bécue wrote:

    Phil Wyett <philip.wyett@kathenas.org> wrote on 09/07/2024 at 11:40:32+0200:

    On Sun, 2024-07-07 at 13:20 +0200, Joerg Jaspert wrote:
    On 17283 March 1977, Soren Stoutner wrote:

    P.S. Based on Phil’s work on Mentors and my interactions with him, I
    advocated for him to become a Debian Developer, uploading. I think his
    contributions to Debian will be even more impactful when he can sponsor the
    packages he feels are ready.

    It is only just July. He got rejected in May once - that's a bit too
    soon yet. (The usual time for a retry is somewhere around 6 month, and includes acknowleding (and working on) issues of the rejection).

    Note that it is not only technical knowledge that is required. That's "just" part of it.

    Morning Joerg,

    Thank you for your comments. Indeed, less than 24 hours later, I
    received an email stating my Debian Developer (DD), with upload
    application was to be closed and now has been.


    FTAOD I closed this process without interacting DAM or Joerg and not
    having read his mail. I will reopen it as I stated to you when the
    proper time comes.

    I'm really happy that you're trying to work on making mentors.d.n more proficient and active, and I'm also happy that you didn't get
    demotivated by the different exchanges we collectively had in the past.

    As Joerg stated, we'll probably need to have a chat about the reasons
    that led to the initial rejection and your thoughts on the whole
    thing. That being said, I won't go into details publicly and I do hope
    that you'll indeed come back to us in a few months so we can try going forward.

    In the meantime, I'd like to express my gratitude for your commitment.



    There will be no seeking to reopen the application.




    "I play the game for the game’s own sake"

    Arthur Conan Doyle - The Adventure of the Bruce-Partington Plans


    Internet Relay Chat (IRC): kathenas

    Website: https://kathenas.org

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/kathenasorg/

    Buy Me A Coffee: https://buymeacoffee.com/kathenasorg



    iQJOBAABCgA4FiEEcKCsRax3nv6E9jrtckqptS8CTIsFAmaNMa0aHHBoaWxpcC53 eWV0dEBrYXRoZW5hcy5vcmcACgkQckqptS8CTIvm/w/+J+uRxaRLc0U0dx2zKK8q +wL6HC551meFD3+qolhtNNEyUHtIVPznvIovYGTNzVgx6Z2vAnDJuyJLXM5n0dFj IaxV2L6DwcScPkglEOjU3Tx7tAUbqG1WBu3kzZpfWTuhBu/1MuxE3frLEuZUvph9 oTRb4yNm2TyJp7NLvJ34T9d4Eo8pRdR+yhNE9HpK+3G50X1SxrC0uJO4cOJEFMw/ cob9Ic3vcjIpwllEWBWnu1e807uPY1XopaTL72KQ3Ii9I80BrVuLRb+NYcrg93Bw P9TJmGcMhra5q3TqBcFjLHKqhtq27TEAKdEkjKTOJ4qHhYYtpF1uLXK+KmgoBM6a Knd+IzbQK1l3H6ii4NDdIyTzygLFDAUl4QpviWrCIJKyTD8oCy/yTr0FcV1bO2dK 56LjPmOLd7vAzDh0UTbJkSXNherDws8uc9maWKASKTpXrtn6yRK70IXP4b11zS68 Dg0vVsmWo9eSJ/fvQ3KkYOf3ligJpl0ZP7ggxIl41R9E5+YrbOP8cMmmOac0JJUq a1TZgfdYFMLjt/2/w