• archive.debian.org mirrors

    From Simon Josefsson@21:1/5 to All on Sat Apr 27 12:20:01 2024

    According to the mirror list


    it should be possible to reach archive.debian.org via rsync, however
    this fails for me. Is this intentional, or can this be fixed?

    Further it seems mirrors are out of sync. I noticed that several
    mirrors lack buster. According to timestamps on archive.debian.org
    these directories were added on 2024-03-10 -- is it usual for mirror
    delays to be this long?

    Seeing mirror functionality being uncertain, I have started to track archive.debian.org as a Git-LFS repository on gitlab.com. Until rsync
    access against archive.debian.org is operational, this is based on
    mirror's content which may be stale. I hope to figure out which rsync
    mirror has the latest version, and keep this updated going forward.




    iIoEARYIADIWIQSjzJyHC50xCrrUzy9RcisI/kdFogUCZizQZBQcc2ltb25Aam9z ZWZzc29uLm9yZwAKCRBRcisI/kdForUmAQD5rvLmSpwn1QIVNlO53c3tYoVBbj9/ SQsyDsG//SoNIAEA7OLmj4CfzajyFUatnWuEtexyWDSrCfrT18RvE8B6bwI=
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    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Andrew M.A. Cater@21:1/5 to Simon Josefsson on Sat Apr 27 13:10:01 2024
    On Sat, Apr 27, 2024 at 12:16:04PM +0200, Simon Josefsson wrote:

    According to the mirror list


    it should be possible to reach archive.debian.org via rsync, however
    this fails for me. Is this intentional, or can this be fixed?

    https://bits.debian.org/2023/11/DebianDiscontinuesRsync.html -
    try rsync://rsync.archive.debian.org/debian-archive/

    Further it seems mirrors are out of sync. I noticed that several
    mirrors lack buster. According to timestamps on archive.debian.org
    these directories were added on 2024-03-10 -- is it usual for mirror
    delays to be this long?

    Buster is still in current Debian mirrors until June 30th or thereabouts
    when responsibility for it will move.

    I seem to remember a note that they were preparing archive.debian.org
    for the move - and might be moving some files there over the coming
    months so that may explain the dates on the directories.

    Not every published Debian mirror needs to include all archives for
    all architectures

    Seeing mirror functionality being uncertain, I have started to track archive.debian.org as a Git-LFS repository on gitlab.com. Until rsync
    access against archive.debian.org is operational, this is based on
    mirror's content which may be stale. I hope to figure out which rsync
    mirror has the latest version, and keep this updated going forward.


    See above, this may be entirely unnecessary. I suspect there is only
    one canonical location for archive.debian.org rsync - there's not a
    lot of point in duplicating a large repository.

    With every good wish, as ever,

    Andy Cater

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Adam D. Barratt@21:1/5 to Adam D. Barratt on Sun Apr 28 01:30:01 2024
    On Sun, 2024-04-28 at 00:09 +0100, Adam D. Barratt wrote:
    [As a general note, the primary contact point for possible mirror
    issues is mirrors@d.o, not debian-devel]

    On Sat, 2024-04-27 at 12:16 +0200, Simon Josefsson wrote:

    Further it seems mirrors are out of sync.  I noticed that several
    mirrors lack buster.  According to timestamps on archive.debian.org
    these directories were added on 2024-03-10 -- is it usual for
    delays to be this long?

    Can you be more specific as to which mirrors you're talking about?
    I'd also be interested as to why you feel you need to use a mirror
    rather than simply archive.debian.org itself.

    As an additional note, the only systems to which updates to archive.d.o
    are automatically pushed are all under d.o. Anything else is configured
    and managed by the operator of the relevant mirror.



    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Adam D. Barratt@21:1/5 to Simon Josefsson on Sun Apr 28 01:20:01 2024
    [As a general note, the primary contact point for possible mirror
    issues is mirrors@d.o, not debian-devel]

    On Sat, 2024-04-27 at 12:16 +0200, Simon Josefsson wrote:
    it should be possible to reach archive.debian.org via rsync, however
    this fails for me.  Is this intentional, or can this be fixed?

    It's intentional using the name archive.debian.org, yes. That name
    points to a CDN frontend, which doesn't have rsync available.


    I've attempted to update the mirrors list input file to use the newer
    name for rsync. We'll have to see if that works once things get

    Further it seems mirrors are out of sync.  I noticed that several
    mirrors lack buster.  According to timestamps on archive.debian.org
    these directories were added on 2024-03-10 -- is it usual for mirror
    delays to be this long?

    Can you be more specific as to which mirrors you're talking about? I'd
    also be interested as to why you feel you need to use a mirror rather
    than simply archive.debian.org itself.

    Seeing mirror functionality being uncertain, I have started to track archive.debian.org as a Git-LFS repository on gitlab.com.

    Please don't. If there's a problem with debian.org services then we
    should fix that, not start adding more copies of terabytes of data on third-party services.



    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Johannes Schauer Marin Rodrigues@21:1/5 to All on Sun Apr 28 07:10:01 2024

    Quoting Adam D. Barratt (2024-04-28 01:09:28)
    Seeing mirror functionality being uncertain, I have started to track archive.debian.org as a Git-LFS repository on gitlab.com.
    Please don't. If there's a problem with debian.org services then we should fix that, not start adding more copies of terabytes of data on third-party services.

    speaking of mirroring problematic debian.org services [1] by adding more copies of terabytes of data [2]: is there an update of the situation regarding snapshot.d.o? I do not see any activity in bugs like #1050815 and #1029744. And bug #1031628 was just closed as wont-fix.

    Thank you!

    cheers, josch

    [1] https://snapshot.debian.org
    [2] https://rebuilder-snapshot.debian.net/ --==============G13597622898158322=MIME-Version: 1.0
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    iQIzBAABCgAdFiEElFhU6KL81LF4wVq58sulx4+9g+EFAmYt2MwACgkQ8sulx4+9 g+Hbwg/+Lqmbiz44sXfEIq8jKCcWfk0sEzmh5JlhSxFvKNS8Fj8m+altYt1g8/pm jla21c6JQZuZCl3qh9Mx385URmMwYsJ393Cof+hZ4dEz59X7KyOUZvhOnH8HvuGt iQ+Z5eidrOID7HHmnD3a7pp5V+ksi0rMEVpy8M6UPcYBPHUJK2Vav76JIupNelE0 IOwhLsRgpJ7DlamboPTL3qUN5GkaSxfcqc75THprGFuBHT5YjBF5lcw9vp7rzz/Y hn3boZIAZJ64UzsiSenT6xf10eHNSjLx4zvtS81JnEKacOpIC7hSC02d/Tpj5QA4 SatficNcll/CIxoZCvjlNJk4YSR/GMDmcWKMuaPgMfQJngJ5i5hECgM2L5PjYcRs SQQA/Li4ZwfKmcRM5b8YSCgmsVNM8wPVuKjMME/ka5PC+eAUGB9a3ZZx+yTvoYdk ChCycm2XI3k00M0pbA/9PIrkzjm23VfqpyPngj6SzM6iHQ3pcyx1O0fLuLBV2whN gZ94jfhlNncfYpTpiqV00ur9BkjmQbb4C3NbCSDCa5jYAh/RqKAVMh1DoCWRNo0K 9YAHeANFq/r3F228aB45ciiBcCeCeyb+eNo9jaFbfue2IOdI/z5GrM35pNtTiJwX FtzNszKH096OkQ9WOFQBQh+agiXtCLOb9kzaxZA7SkefJL6pPxA=
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    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Christoph Biedl@21:1/5 to All on Wed May 1 00:40:01 2024
    Johannes Schauer Marin Rodrigues wrote...

    speaking of mirroring problematic debian.org services [1] by adding more copies
    of terabytes of data [2]: is there an update of the situation regarding snapshot.d.o? I do not see any activity in bugs like #1050815 and #1029744. And
    bug #1031628 was just closed as wont-fix.

    About debian-ports, see the notes of the last meeting: https://lists.debian.org/msgid-search/87msq2ns8c.fsf@nordberg.se
    So the imports will be resumed after some hardware upgrades, somewhen in
    the second half of 2024.

    As mentioned in in #1060922, I am collecting the debian-ports mirror,
    four times a day, and this ought to be merged into the regular snapshots
    after that date. So end of July 2023 until end of January 2024 is likely
    lost, unfortunately, everything after should become visible some day.



    iQIzBAABCgAdFiEEWXMI+726A12MfJXdxCxY61kUkv0FAmYxcpYACgkQxCxY61kU kv1pZQ//aH6/MUWq8Mp7iJ8e2OeKIjK30ur1fGgh0xxWIhi6BbhGhO1nELOoJqqs zFInlyuVZS0vRqvdq0ykPDd7hJVk6e/Aq/vrXf67hQWxd1fyaYmMg2go3KK485Ru Yb+xQMNu/NbFnrWRqsZ0xZhGvpQgKv4VcZFmU0SDzJ7KLZ+MxqJgHXxHo4Qp7UPH cOUVsDJRjC78JwKztO68J8GrscWNwu+9Ey80HiG2YoPnp9ok1w+HIi5mopM3y0Iw Hzn8t47+vQhQMMyFLNljPyisvTyPylP9B82+OelkDuFC2nXSMlh5JseHuUBf3fq7 ZlM4WzIQu8ZbqQ4+lUw3ezHj5tyRpYsblsMrFRRE5ajn08HL3yJg1pSvNRndcHQS +tz0GBweD48SQnV/49lH8IwW52dz+z9dZa5FbsM6gA9k35VBMIWt7+OSBbAlIPgN utev5ST8sFVmi45meg5v7o5Y19SP3IsKWi3XFb0yDwYVpfyozJBmgL6Hiqdk4Eyx pueucvWWQaiDd78i920k91pFvOFwkjlZZ6SnsScHWfITamSk0Ph5DS1KO6yDr96F m7WMbY2zcO2x/DiT6KWUPeKzF5rKcM43Pe7Tdzb6Kpm6E25o1k4e/Ew8qse2BWSO hDH4x2DMVtfGZ3/uBB9gBug6LrD7O4IGf7ijvDb05D5DInXe39Q=
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    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)