• Debian openssh option review: considering splitting out GSS-API key exc

    From Colin Watson@21:1/5 to All on Sat Apr 6 09:52:24 2024
    [I've CCed openssh-unix-dev for awareness, but set Mail-Followup-To to
    just debian-devel and debian-ssh to avoid potentially spamming them with
    a long discussion. If you choose to override this then that's your
    call, but please be mindful of upstream's time.]

    Following the xz-utils backdoor, I'm reconsidering some choices in
    Debian's OpenSSH packaging. Please note that significant rearchitecture
    of the upstream code is out of scope for the Debian packaging, so I'm
    going to disregard comments of the form "maybe there should be a module
    loader so all these things can just be plug-ins" or other such blue-sky
    things; from my point of view this is just about configuring things a
    bit more wisely within more or less our current constraints.


    This is the obvious thing on everyone's mind right now. At the time I
    merged that patch, "not NIHing code that's in a perfectly good library"
    seemed like a reasonable trade-off, but we do seem to have ended up on
    the wrong side of history on this one. There's work in progress to land readiness protocol notification upstream without libsystemd (thanks
    Damien and Luca!), and I expect to cherry-pick this into Debian once
    it's agreed, so we'll get rid of that linkage and reduce our patch load
    a bit.

    We also have a patch from Ubuntu to support the systemd socket
    activation protocol. I've rewritten this to avoid using libsystemd, and
    I'll submit it upstream once the readiness notification work is sorted
    out. But it's not particularly invasive once the libsystemd linkage is removed, so it's not the end of the world if this ends up staying in our
    patch queue.

    GSS-API key exchange

    Way back in 2005, I merged the GSS-API key exchange patch into Debian's
    main openssh package (https://bugs.debian.org/275472). At the time it
    seemed like a sensible overall reduction in maintenance burden (if I
    remember correctly, the openssh-krb5 package often ended up lagging a
    fair bit behind openssh). While the patch is fairly large, it hasn't
    generally been too hard to forward-port to newer versions of OpenSSH,
    and Fedora carries it too so there's some sharing of work.

    However, OpenSSH upstream has long rejected it, mainly on the basis that
    they don't like adding new pre-authentication attack surface, and this
    week seems like a good one to reconsider what patches we're shipping by default. gssapi.patch is the largest patch in our openssh package by an
    order of magnitude, and easily the most intrusive in terms of complexity
    and exposure, so I've somewhat regretted my choice to merge it a few
    times over the years.

    All the same, I'm aware that some people now depend on having this
    facility in Debian's main openssh package: I get enough occasional bug
    reports to convince me that it's still in use. So, if I decide to split
    it back out, I'd want to arrange for a somewhat graceful transition.
    We've had it for nearly 20 years now, so we can take the time to do a
    proper job that at least tries not to leave users in the lurch.

    How does this rough plan sound?

    * for Debian trixie (current testing):

    * add dependency-only packages called something like
    openssh-client-gsskex and openssh-server-gsskex, depending on their
    non-gsskex alternatives
    * add NEWS.Debian entry saying that people need to install these
    packages if they want to retain GSS-API key exchange support
    * add release note saying the same

    * for Debian trixie+1 (or maybe after the next Ubuntu LTS, depending on
    exact timings):

    * add separate openssh-gsskex source package, carrying gssapi.patch
    in addition to whatever's in openssh, and whose binary packages
    Conflicts/Replaces/Provides the corresponding ones from openssh
    * add some kind of regular CI to warn about openssh-gsskex being out
    of date relative to openssh
    * drop gssapi.patch from openssh, except for small patches to
    configuration file handling to accept the relevant options with
    some kind of informative warning (compare

    I guess we should decide whether the separate packages are to be needed
    for GSS-API authentication as well as key exchange, because that affects
    the choice of dependency-only package names in trixie. If we only split
    out gssapi.patch (for key exchange; sorry about the slightly misleading
    name) but kept --with-kerberos5 (which also controls authentication),
    then we'd significantly reduce our patch load but not sshd's linkage.

    I've seen the suggestion of using libgssglue here (https://fosstodon.org/@jas/112194876950058188). That might be a good
    idea and I have no particular objection to it, though I also don't know
    much about it and it would probably be better if an expert did the work. Perhaps it would make continuing to build the default variant using --with-kerberos5 more palatable, since then the extra non-trivial
    linkage would only affect people who turn on those options.

    TCP wrappers

    We carry a patch to restore support for TCP wrappers, which was dropped
    in OpenSSH 6.7 (October 2014); see https://lists.mindrot.org/pipermail/openssh-unix-dev/2014-April/032497.html
    and thread. That wasn't long before the Debian 8 (jessie) freeze, and
    so I patched it back in "temporarily", but then I dropped the ball on organizing a proper transition. libwrap links to libgssapi_krb5 (via
    libnsl and libtirpc), so if we want to do a proper job of removing that
    linkage then we'll have to finish this transition too. This probably
    means a similar timeline, with the addition that people will have to
    make sure that they aren't relying on /etc/hosts.deny being effective
    for sshd.

    At the time, denyhosts was popular, but it was removed from Debian
    several years ago. I remember that, when I dealt with that on my own
    systems, fail2ban seemed like the obvious replacement, and my impression
    is that it's pretty widely used nowadays; it's very pluggable but it
    normally works by adding firewall rules. Are there any similar popular
    systems left that rely on editing /etc/hosts.deny?

    Fedora dropped libwrap from sshd in 2018 (https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1530163), and https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/Deprecate_TCP_wrappers has some
    other options here (which would need to be adapted for Debian, but
    broadly similar approaches would work).


    The fact that we build using --with-selinux has come up (https://cybervillains.com/@djm/112192735215160932). I haven't formed a complete opinion on this, but I'm less worried about this linkage than
    about GSS-API: it doesn't need much in the way of complex OpenSSH
    patches, and the idea that it links indirectly to liblzma seems to have
    been a mistaken one that turned up early in the discussions around the
    xz-utils backdoor.

    My feeling on this is that it's probably of about as much concern as
    PAM, which we're definitely stuck with enabling, and I'm not
    enthusiastic about adding a matrix of variant packages. We could go for something like openssh-{client,server}-full, but I'm not clear that
    there's much in the way of correlation between people who need GSS-API
    key exchange and people who need SELinux support, and I don't want to
    force more people than necessary onto the variant that includes an extra 4000-odd-line patch.

    For the time being my inclination is to leave this be, but I've seen the suggestion that pam_selinux is basically all you need (https://infosec.exchange/@alwayscurious/112192949171400643), so maybe
    it would be an option to drop --with-selinux in favour of that? I've
    never used SELinux, so I'd need an expert to weigh on here.

    Comments welcome,

    Colin Watson (he/him) [cjwatson@debian.org]

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