• Reducing allowed Vcs for packaging?

    From Bastian Germann@21:1/5 to All on Sun Feb 26 14:50:01 2023

    During the last weeks I had a look at the Vcs situation in Debian. Currently, there are eight possible systems allowed and one might specify several of them for
    one package. No package makes use of several Vcs references and frankly I do not
    see why this was supported in the first place.

    For the allowed systems the situation in unstable is the following:
    arch is used by 2 packages pointing to bad URLs: #1025510, 1025511.
    bzr is used by ~50 packages, half of which point to bad URLs.
    cvs is used by 3 packages, 2 of which point to bad URLs: #1031312, #1031313. svn is used by ~130 packages, many of which point to bad URLs.
    darcs, mtn, and hg are not used.

    We can see: The Vcs wars are over; with git there is a clear winner and in my opinion, we should remove the possibility to use most of them for package maintenance. It is one additional barrier to get into package maintenance and we should remove the barriers that are not necessary.

    I would like to suggest removing the possibility to specify several systems and removing all systems except bzr, svn, and git, while deprecating bzr and possibly svn.
    This means solving the four listed bugs and convincing the cvsd maintainer to switch or drop the Vcs-Cvs reference. Then, the Debian Developer's Reference should specify the changes in §6.2.5 and whatever parses Vcs-* in debian/control
    should be adapted to do the specified thing.

    Finally, we can drop the orphaned packages {cvs,mercurial}-buildpackage
    (see #1026433) and add deprecation notices in brz-debian and svn-buildpackage.

    Thanks for any comments,

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Andrey Rakhmatullin@21:1/5 to Bastian Germann on Sun Feb 26 17:40:01 2023
    On Sun, Feb 26, 2023 at 02:24:26PM +0100, Bastian Germann wrote:
    During the last weeks I had a look at the Vcs situation in Debian. Currently, there are eight possible systems allowed
    I see a difference between (dis)allowing a VCS in the Vcs-* fields and (dis)allowing maintainers to store packages in a VCS.

    We can see: The Vcs wars are over; with git there is a clear winner

    and in my opinion, we should remove the possibility to use most of them
    for package maintenance.
    Which is not done by restricting Vcs-* values.

    It is one additional barrier to get into package maintenance
    I don't think anything mentioned here is a barrier.
    Even if you imagine someone looking at the list of allowed Vcs-* values to choose which VCS to use without any context about any of these VCSes, we
    have since recently "Almost all packages in Debian that use a version
    control system use Git; if you create a new package, using Git is a good
    idea simply because it's the system that contributors will be familiar
    with." in devref

    I would like to suggest removing the possibility to specify several systems and
    removing all systems except bzr, svn, and git, while deprecating bzr and possibly svn.
    This means solving the four listed bugs and convincing the cvsd maintainer to switch or drop the Vcs-Cvs reference. Then, the Debian Developer's Reference should specify the changes in §6.2.5
    The main place for this is Policy 5.6.26, not devref (I don't know what
    does devref mean when saying "currently the following systems are
    supported by the package tracking system").

    and whatever parses Vcs-* in debian/control should be adapted to do the specified thing.
    Do you mean "by dropping support for ones that are no longer allowed"?
    This is code cleanup in the best case and breaking support for looking at
    the relevant field in old packages in the worst one.

    Finally, we can drop the orphaned packages {cvs,mercurial}-buildpackage
    (see #1026433) and add deprecation notices in brz-debian and svn-buildpackage.
    This can be done independently.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Adrian Bunk@21:1/5 to Bastian Germann on Sun Feb 26 17:50:01 2023
    On Sun, Feb 26, 2023 at 02:24:26PM +0100, Bastian Germann wrote:

    During the last weeks I had a look at the Vcs situation in Debian. Currently, there are eight possible systems allowed and one might specify several of them for
    one package. No package makes use of several Vcs references and frankly I do not
    see why this was supported in the first place.

    Policy §5.6.26 says it is not permitted.

    For the allowed systems the situation in unstable is the following:
    arch is used by 2 packages pointing to bad URLs: #1025510, 1025511.
    bzr is used by ~50 packages, half of which point to bad URLs.
    cvs is used by 3 packages, 2 of which point to bad URLs: #1031312, #1031313. svn is used by ~130 packages, many of which point to bad URLs.
    darcs, mtn, and hg are not used.

    We can see: The Vcs wars are over; with git there is a clear winner and in my opinion, we should remove the possibility to use most of them for package maintenance. It is one additional barrier to get into package maintenance and we should remove the barriers that are not necessary.

    One barrier is that our work is based around tarballs and quilt,
    instead of using upstream git trees and commits.

    I would like to suggest removing the possibility to specify several systems and
    removing all systems except bzr, svn, and git, while deprecating bzr and possibly svn.
    This means solving the four listed bugs and convincing the cvsd maintainer to switch or drop the Vcs-Cvs reference. Then, the Debian Developer's Reference should specify the changes in §6.2.5 and whatever parses Vcs-* in debian/control
    should be adapted to do the specified thing.

    Policy §5.6.26 would be the primary definition you want to change.

    Not using any Vcs for maintaining packages in Debian stays permitted,
    and I do not get your point what we would gain if the cvsd maintainer
    drops the Vcs-Cvs reference while continuing to maintain the package
    in cvs.

    In practice e.g. tracker.d.o seems to support Vcs-Bzr but not Vcs-Cvs,
    and there is no requirement for tools to drop working support for
    something that is no longer specified.

    Vcs-Browser is Vcs agnostic and would stay permitted for any kind of Vcs, including ones never listed in Policy.

    Thanks for any comments,


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Bastian Germann@21:1/5 to All on Sun Feb 26 17:50:01 2023
    Am 26.02.23 um 17:26 schrieb Adrian Bunk:
    I do not get your point what we would gain if the cvsd maintainer
    drops the Vcs-Cvs reference while continuing to maintain the package
    in cvs.

    That would be a prerequisite to drop Vcs-Cvs support.
    It is the last package that points to a working CVS URL.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Sean Whitton@21:1/5 to Bastian Germann on Sun Feb 26 18:30:01 2023

    On Sun 26 Feb 2023 at 02:24PM +01, Bastian Germann wrote:


    During the last weeks I had a look at the Vcs situation in Debian. Currently, there are eight possible systems allowed and one might specify several of them for
    one package. No package makes use of several Vcs references and frankly I do not
    see why this was supported in the first place.

    For the allowed systems the situation in unstable is the following:
    arch is used by 2 packages pointing to bad URLs: #1025510, 1025511.
    bzr is used by ~50 packages, half of which point to bad URLs.
    cvs is used by 3 packages, 2 of which point to bad URLs: #1031312, #1031313. svn is used by ~130 packages, many of which point to bad URLs.
    darcs, mtn, and hg are not used.

    We can see: The Vcs wars are over; with git there is a clear winner and in my opinion, we should remove the possibility to use most of them for package maintenance. It is one additional barrier to get into package maintenance and we should remove the barriers that are not necessary.

    I would like to suggest removing the possibility to specify several systems and
    removing all systems except bzr, svn, and git, while deprecating bzr and possibly svn.
    This means solving the four listed bugs and convincing the cvsd maintainer to switch or drop the Vcs-Cvs reference. Then, the Debian Developer's Reference should specify the changes in §6.2.5 and whatever parses Vcs-* in debian/control
    should be adapted to do the specified thing.

    Finally, we can drop the orphaned packages {cvs,mercurial}-buildpackage
    (see #1026433) and add deprecation notices in brz-debian and svn-buildpackage.

    Why don't we just fix all those packacges, instead of changing any
    documents? Is there anyone who actually wants to introduce new packages
    not using git? I'm not so sure.

    Sean Whitton

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    * Origin: fsxNet Us
  • From Diederik de Haas@21:1/5 to All on Sun Feb 26 19:25:57 2023
    On Sunday, 26 February 2023 17:59:52 CET Bill Allombert wrote:
    During the last weeks I had a look at the Vcs situation in Debian.

    For the allowed systems the situation in unstable is the following:
    svn is used by ~130 packages, many of which point to bad URLs.

    We can see: The Vcs wars are over; with git there is a clear winner and in my opinion, we should remove the possibility to use most of them for package maintenance. It is one additional barrier to get into package maintenance and we should remove the barriers that are not necessary.

    I have something to say about this too, but I'll do it in a P.S. as that's not the main point I want to make ...

    People that use e.g. subversion could just remove the Vcs-svn field and pretend that they do not use any VCS. What does that gain us ?

    I'm currently working on doing a mass-migration from (old) SVN repos to git. See https://lists.debian.org/debian-qa/2023/01/msg00031.html for details.

    As for this specific point: that obsolete/non-working (svn) URL are actually useful for me to figure out which need to be converted.

    I have sympathy for maintainers that use the same VCS as usptream. I have sympathy for upstream of a VCS to use that VCS instead of GIT.

    ... Unfortunately some projects I work with did not convert their whole history to GIT and I find useful that Debian still provide subversion and mercurial to access older commits (and dead projects history).

    One response to my debian-qa mail contained this:

    use "gbp import-dscs" to recreate some partial history based on snapshot.debian.org and I would not put any more effort than this.

    That would probably be easier/faster, but I'm hoping to (indeed) preserve all (or at least as much as possible) of the original packaging commit history.


    PS: I would also like that all packaging data is available on Salsa
    For some it's not available at all (but apparently permitted per Policy 5.6.26), which makes it hard(er then needed) if someone wants to contribute. And in other cases it's contained in an external (proprietary) system like GitHub, which is not under Debian's control.
    Apart from me not liking proprietary systems in general and M$ GitHub in particular, you also run the risk of things disappearing entirely without any notice and without any recourse.
    C.I.P. https://github.com/community/community/discussions/48173
    where VundleVim (vim plugin manager) disappeared 'out of the blue'.
    (that vundlevim isn't packaged for Debian is irrelevant)

    iHUEABYIAB0WIQT1sUPBYsyGmi4usy/XblvOeH7bbgUCY/ukNQAKCRDXblvOeH7b bmvHAP9o99HQGn3CodNCienU/rURmD7R0QsVQI9LfkozkBxmJQEAydQuTDPeQQr4 kXPG/Vi1qU994p91/kdoSyqeqs5UDwI=
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    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Adrian Bunk@21:1/5 to Diederik de Haas on Sun Feb 26 20:30:01 2023
    On Sun, Feb 26, 2023 at 07:25:57PM +0100, Diederik de Haas wrote:
    Apart from me not liking proprietary systems in general and M$ GitHub in particular, you also run the risk of things disappearing entirely without any notice and without any recourse.

    Perhaps tomorrow some company like Oracle decides to buy GitLab Inc.,
    and then Oracle GitLab stops the current Freemium business model
    effective immediately.

    Would anyone be able to provide security support for the stale free
    version, or would salsa be shutdown with the next CVE?

    C.I.P. https://github.com/community/community/discussions/48173
    where VundleVim (vim plugin manager) disappeared 'out of the blue'.
    (that vundlevim isn't packaged for Debian is irrelevant)

    For anything in Debian, the package sources in Debian would not
    disappear when a repository (or salsa) disappears.


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Diederik de Haas@21:1/5 to Adrian Bunk on Sun Feb 26 21:57:34 2023
    Copy: debian-devel@lists.debian.org

    On Sunday, 26 February 2023 20:06:26 CET Adrian Bunk wrote:
    On Sun, Feb 26, 2023 at 07:25:57PM +0100, Diederik de Haas wrote:
    Apart from me not liking proprietary systems in general and M$ GitHub in particular, you also run the risk of things disappearing entirely without any notice and without any recourse.

    Perhaps tomorrow some company like Oracle decides to buy GitLab Inc.,
    and then Oracle GitLab stops the current Freemium business model
    effective immediately.

    That is a concern afaic, but the critical difference for me is that (all) the *data* is on Debian infrastructure.

    For anything in Debian, the package sources in Debian would not
    disappear when a repository (or salsa) disappears.

    Question as I don't know: is that only the package change that gets uploaded
    to the Debian archive, or is there also a place where the (git) history of the changes leading up to a new upload gets stored?

    To use an analogy: I'd like that not only the 'destination' is preserved, but also the lead up to the destination.

    iHUEABYIAB0WIQT1sUPBYsyGmi4usy/XblvOeH7bbgUCY/vHvgAKCRDXblvOeH7b bjQTAP9y/2xJrk57aO/8Kkc+6HKPgCzzNwKRO0om6Jx+SlC6VwEA233YPtWXkjHW uzlJOV0X0KkvEvNY7m5zPPLT7Hu8Kg8=
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    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Russ Allbery@21:1/5 to Diederik de Haas on Sun Feb 26 22:40:01 2023
    Diederik de Haas <didi.debian@cknow.org> writes:

    Question as I don't know: is that only the package change that gets
    uploaded to the Debian archive, or is there also a place where the (git) history of the changes leading up to a new upload gets stored?

    dgit maintains a history of every package in Debian. If you use dgit to
    make your upload, that will include the full Git history of the changes, regardless of where you store your Git repository. If you don't, then it
    only has the uploads to work with, so each package upload is a new commit
    and the detailed breakdown of the work between those uploads is not
    available via dgit.

    But it does provide at least upload-level granularity as a Git history for every package, even those maintained with no version control system at
    all, with the option for each package maintainer of opting into providing

    Russ Allbery (rra@debian.org) <https://www.eyrie.org/~eagle/>

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Adrian Bunk@21:1/5 to Diederik de Haas on Sun Feb 26 23:00:02 2023
    On Sun, Feb 26, 2023 at 09:57:34PM +0100, Diederik de Haas wrote:
    On Sunday, 26 February 2023 20:06:26 CET Adrian Bunk wrote:
    For anything in Debian, the package sources in Debian would not
    disappear when a repository (or salsa) disappears.

    Question as I don't know: is that only the package change that gets uploaded to the Debian archive, or is there also a place where the (git) history of the
    changes leading up to a new upload gets stored?

    To use an analogy: I'd like that not only the 'destination' is preserved, but also the lead up to the destination.

    What goes into the Debian archive is based on tarballs and quilt patches. Nothing is stored there except the files you upload.

    But what do you expect to get from the git history?

    There is no requirement that any history in addition to what is in
    the Debian archive exists at all, or any guarantee that what is in
    some git tree somewhere is actually the same as what is in the
    Debian archive. And git history might just be one commit per upload.

    I would rather like to see people write useful changelog entries
    that will still be useful in 25 years instead of
    * New upstream version (Closes: #1234567, #1234568, #1234569, ...
    * Add R³
    than hoping that git metadata would contain anything more useful
    than that for such packages.


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Diederik de Haas@21:1/5 to Adrian Bunk on Sun Feb 26 23:42:25 2023
    Copy: debian-devel@lists.debian.org

    On Sunday, 26 February 2023 22:38:51 CET Adrian Bunk wrote:
    On Sun, Feb 26, 2023 at 09:57:34PM +0100, Diederik de Haas wrote:
    On Sunday, 26 February 2023 20:06:26 CET Adrian Bunk wrote:

    For anything in Debian, the package sources in Debian would not
    disappear when a repository (or salsa) disappears.

    Question as I don't know: is that only the package change that gets uploaded to the Debian archive, or is there also a place where the (git) history of the changes leading up to a new upload gets stored?

    To use an analogy: I'd like that not only the 'destination' is preserved, but also the lead up to the destination.

    What goes into the Debian archive is based on tarballs and quilt patches. Nothing is stored there except the files you upload.

    Thanks, I thought/'feared' so.

    But what do you expect to get from the git history?

    There is no requirement that any history in addition to what is in
    the Debian archive exists at all, or any guarantee that what is in
    some git tree somewhere is actually the same as what is in the
    Debian archive. And git history might just be one commit per upload.

    I would rather like to see people write useful changelog entries
    that will still be useful in 25 years instead of
    * New upstream version (Closes: #1234567, #1234568, #1234569, ...
    * Add R
    than hoping that git metadata would contain anything more useful
    than that for such packages.

    What you described and what I mostly see on changelog entries is:
    What was changed.

    What I rarely see is *why*

    I'm a big proponent of the following git commit structure, which then automatically becomes the git history:
    primary commit msg: what has changed
    secondary commit msg: why that change was made including context, deliberations made during that change/commit and alternative solutions considered and why the committer didn't choose for those.

    The secondary commit msg can be LONG and I like that as it also shows the author/committer pays attention to such things.
    The (upstream) kernel commit history is a treasure trove of excellent commit messages.

    The reason that I'm such a proponent of that is that 3 weeks or 3 months from now, there's a reasonable chance that you (the author/committer) does no longer remember the details of that commit.
    In 3+ years that will be close to 0.
    AFAIK actual mind reading does not exist, so someone else surely wouldn't know.

    I've already encountered several cases where the commit was 10+ years old and the commit msg what "Disable setting X" and looking at the diff, I can see the X was indeed disabled. But nothing more.
    But now I want to enable setting X. But I have no context to know why that would be a bad idea, or actually a good idea *now*, or what will break as a consequence of my enabling X. All I can do is enable X and keep an eye out for bug reports.

    I think that's what you want to achieve with 'better' changelogs is something similar. I think the git commits are a better place as it's easier to make finer grained distinctions and it's more directly linked to the changes.

    FTR: I don't *expect* to see those extended commit messages in those old SVN repos, but I do hope I can at least derive _some_ information from the various commits itself.

    When I was using my own SVN repo I started doing that and I know that I benefited from that a couple of months later. I should have a backup of that somewhere and I'm quite curious if I restore it (and convert it to git) if I can still construct enough detail/history/context from those commit msgs.
    (As described in the debian-qa ML post, that repo should be 15+ y/o ?)


    iHUEABYIAB0WIQT1sUPBYsyGmi4usy/XblvOeH7bbgUCY/vgUQAKCRDXblvOeH7b buRPAQDg0eQZehxu9fedD+KJckaI8dHFIahepZu2h9WOqa2k0gD8CQh07lIUttPK 1/WuvSGy9QKRs0RxFNttfRSMClKl2Ak=
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    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Diederik de Haas@21:1/5 to Russ Allbery on Mon Feb 27 00:17:41 2023
    Copy: didi.debian@cknow.org

    [please CC me in replies as I'm not subscribed to d-devel]

    Russ Allbery <rra@debian.org> wrote:
    Diederik de Haas <didi.debian@cknow.org> writes:
    Question as I don't know: is that only the package change that gets uploaded to the Debian archive, or is there also a place where the (git) history of the changes leading up to a new upload gets stored?

    dgit maintains a history of every package in Debian. If you use dgit to
    make your upload, that will include the full Git history of the changes, regardless of where you store your Git repository. If you don't, then it only has the uploads to work with, so each package upload is a new commit
    and the detailed breakdown of the work between those uploads is not
    available via dgit.

    But it does provide at least upload-level granularity as a Git history for every package, even those maintained with no version control system at
    all, with the option for each package maintainer of opting into providing more.

    I'm not new to git or Debian, but I have ~0 experience with packaging (and I want to change that with id3lib).
    Therefor I don't have (much) experience with the packaging tools (in general).

    But AFAIK the Debian Xen Team does use dgit (not surprising given dgit's maintainer (and author?)) ... and that drives me insane.
    I'm very sure that is due to me not understanding the concepts/idea/etc, but I can't wrap my head around it and it feels *to me* like it constantly rewrites the (git) history and then does a `git push -f` ... every time.
    I once referenced a patch by number (and a short description iirc) and on the next push, that patch had a different number, thus messing up my commit msg.

    The most confusing thing for/to me is that it completely rearranges the commit sequence, so I can't follow the changes that happened over time.
    Right now in https://salsa.debian.org/xen-team/debian-xen/-/commits/master HEAD~30 (and the 2 commits before that) are the most recent (and to me the
    most relevant), but HEAD~9 was made 8 YEARS ago.

    I may learn dgit in time, but that'll probably be a (long) while.

    But as I described in another reply to this thread, the upload-level granularity is mostly useless *to me* as it usually only (tersely) describes the *what*, but not the *why*.

    iHUEABYIAB0WIQT1sUPBYsyGmi4usy/XblvOeH7bbgUCY/volQAKCRDXblvOeH7b boy1AP95lhDF/FL+MjbOXwe5EBLmhv1gDrejVZIuBaARGc45QQD9Eg5TgoYqx4jW G95LCdhso+RMon1b9q8VVwPiF03pKQg=
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    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Adrian Bunk@21:1/5 to Diederik de Haas on Mon Feb 27 01:10:01 2023
    On Sun, Feb 26, 2023 at 11:42:25PM +0100, Diederik de Haas wrote:
    The reason that I'm such a proponent of that is that 3 weeks or 3 months from now, there's a reasonable chance that you (the author/committer) does no longer remember the details of that commit.
    In 3+ years that will be close to 0.
    AFAIK actual mind reading does not exist, so someone else surely wouldn't know.

    I've already encountered several cases where the commit was 10+ years old and the commit msg what "Disable setting X" and looking at the diff, I can see the
    X was indeed disabled. But nothing more.
    But now I want to enable setting X. But I have no context to know why that would be a bad idea, or actually a good idea *now*, or what will break as a consequence of my enabling X. All I can do is enable X and keep an eye out for
    bug reports.

    I think that's what you want to achieve with 'better' changelogs is something similar. I think the git commits are a better place as it's easier to make finer grained distinctions and it's more directly linked to the changes.

    Where applicable:
    You can add comments in debian/rules.
    You can write long descriptions in debian/patches/*.patch
    That's even more directly linked to the changes.

    You can also write 5 line changelog entries.

    The "if" and "where" are likely far less related than you hope:

    People tend to be either terse or verbose,
    not terse in the package but verbose in git commits.

    And when trying to improve verbosity, this shouldn't be only
    in the git metadata outside the package.



    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Simon McVittie@21:1/5 to Diederik de Haas on Mon Feb 27 01:30:01 2023
    On Mon, 27 Feb 2023 at 00:17:41 +0100, Diederik de Haas wrote:
    Russ Allbery <rra@debian.org> wrote:
    dgit maintains a history of every package in Debian.

    AFAIK the Debian Xen Team does use dgit (not surprising given dgit's maintainer (and author?)) ... and that drives me insane.
    I'm very sure that is due to me not understanding the concepts/idea/etc, but I
    can't wrap my head around it and it feels *to me* like it constantly rewrites
    the (git) history and then does a `git push -f` ... every time.

    In most practical maintainer workflows, the Debian patch series
    fundamentally *does* get rebased every time there is a new upstream
    release (if not more often), so the various packaging workflows (including
    at least gbp-pq and git-debrebase, possibly also git-dpm) are ways to
    reconcile that with wanting the history to be fast-forwarding.

    dgit is at least partially workflow-agnostic, but as a central design
    principle it had to choose exactly one representation to be the canonical
    one, and the one its authors chose was "patches-applied", meaning that
    any Debian-specific changes to the upstream source code of a package are already pre-applied in the version you get from dgit.

    Many (perhaps most?) Debian packages in git use the "patches-unapplied"
    layout compatible with quilt or `gbp pq`, in which the Debian-specific
    changes in the public VCS only exist in debian/patches and are not
    pre-applied to the upstream source code (similar to what we used to do
    in cvs and svn); if using `gbp pq` (as I do), the patches do temporarily
    get imported into git as a patch-queue branch, which gets rebased, but
    that patch-queue branch isn't intended to be pushed anywhere. Examples
    of this include everything maintained by the Perl, Python, GNOME and
    systemd teams, and many others.

    For packages that use the common patches-unapplied workflow, the
    representation in dgit and the representation used by the package's
    maintainer are not the same (dgit refers to this as "split brain mode"). Packages that I maintain, like dbus and flatpak, might be useful examples
    for this. The representation you get from Salsa is the way I prefer to
    work with the package, and the representation you get from `dgit clone`
    is the way the dgit maintainers would prefer it to be represented. dgit reconciles these two views of the world automatically for me when I
    upload, so I don't need to do anything differently. See dgit-maint-gbp(7)
    for more details from the dgit side. Using that workflow is a way I can
    be nice to dgit users without changing how I interact with debian/patches
    and without requiring my co-maintainers to do anything differently,
    so I do that.

    I suspect that the Xen packaging is using a different workflow that is
    less focused on the "patches-unapplied" tree than mine is, perhaps based
    on git-dpm or git-debrebase.


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Jelmer =?utf-8?Q?Vernoo=C4=B3?=@21:1/5 to Bastian Germann on Mon Feb 27 11:10:01 2023
    On Sun, Feb 26, 2023 at 02:24:26PM +0100, Bastian Germann wrote:
    During the last weeks I had a look at the Vcs situation in Debian. Currently, there are eight possible systems allowed and one might specify several of them for
    one package. No package makes use of several Vcs references and frankly I do not
    see why this was supported in the first place.

    For the allowed systems the situation in unstable is the following:
    arch is used by 2 packages pointing to bad URLs: #1025510, 1025511.
    bzr is used by ~50 packages, half of which point to bad URLs.
    cvs is used by 3 packages, 2 of which point to bad URLs: #1031312, #1031313. svn is used by ~130 packages, many of which point to bad URLs.
    darcs, mtn, and hg are not used.

    We can see: The Vcs wars are over; with git there is a clear winner and in my opinion, we should remove the possibility to use most of them for package maintenance. It is one additional barrier to get into package maintenance and we should remove the barriers that are not necessary.

    What about packages that don't use a Vcs today? There are far more of those today
    than that are using non-standard Vcs repositories.

    The number of packages that's using non-standards Vcs repositories is declining gradually anyway (0.4% of the archive today). What does dropping the Vcs-* headers
    achieve, besides making it even harder to work with these packages?

    As somebody who uses Vcs-Bzr for some of the Bzr packages, I'd be on board
    with mandating Git (because that gets us consistency in being able to work with every package) - but I don't see the point of dropping support for other
    Vcs-* headers without doing that.



    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Holger Levsen@21:1/5 to Sean Whitton on Mon Feb 27 10:20:01 2023
    On Sun, Feb 26, 2023 at 10:25:21AM -0700, Sean Whitton wrote:
    Why don't we just fix all those packacges, instead of changing any
    documents? Is there anyone who actually wants to introduce new packages
    not using git? I'm not so sure.

    mostly agreed, i'm just sure there will be very few people who want that, though for the scope of developers-reference I think those should be ignored.

    that said, dev-ref currently only explicitly mentions vcs-git.


    ⣾⠁⢠⠒⠀⣿⡁ holger@(debian|reproducible-builds|layer-acht).org
    ⢿⡄⠘⠷⠚⠋⠀ OpenPGP: B8BF54137B09D35CF026FE9D 091AB856069AAA1C

    The mark of a civilized man is the ability to look at a column of numbers and weep. (Bertrand Russell)


    iQIzBAABCgAdFiEEuL9UE3sJ01zwJv6dCRq4VgaaqhwFAmP8dScACgkQCRq4Vgaa qhyS/A//WOr0VREhbm+bWJXFaP7nUwaeJYc6/tglDhQS5WL7Qjri2V2e6JZZYkun ecDtRVKjyrVU1WHvS4zMyKny5U06zJ0bv8LQD6vVabeNaRrg43sxAg5W8NkhnDqg jKCtYH4nntJOrkGXMOh7aVnieK4FJsjh9wr4kkbi9MUatSTzR/NOs7y08eUgDkOK ea2rNikfAvV7leHCHpvaKKAcHhZTcnVa8e+fdRpm6SZ4GvBN5j8lh1JoWE+BGOym c3U1RkeNuvzVvyRnovZBFzerYBUvd7WPfRxSLYyXR5B9ph66b4jj6uS7XILJh/Ni b3i+jb6TDQJDTAnZ43oQNU/VlSkLU9EzwFA28hfD7XIv7SrkpyPPLPNneINGgn+C WdYQp27x4lVfmOqFbmPUc+ax9lSc+2OzNtf4KvV7VdGgOfOBhzJYoPRcsKtVCiN/ LEVmPJj1rvppaFy6r5KiMEOI3sJa4VR9W7+Z9spQslnU0VpnHZ605mKEWgO4WHy0 kpfKfWcB0xVOYrX6aGDU4KaZORInB0j06Sg8+GuEjWTf5TQP89FRt/wlQG/mlZA3
  • From Sean Whitton@21:1/5 to Diederik de Haas on Thu Mar 2 02:00:01 2023

    On Mon 27 Feb 2023 at 12:17AM +01, Diederik de Haas wrote:

    But AFAIK the Debian Xen Team does use dgit (not surprising given dgit's maintainer (and author?)) ... and that drives me insane.
    I'm very sure that is due to me not understanding the concepts/idea/etc, but I
    can't wrap my head around it and it feels *to me* like it constantly rewrites the (git) history and then does a `git push -f` ... every time.
    I once referenced a patch by number (and a short description iirc) and on the next push, that patch had a different number, thus messing up my commit msg.

    The most confusing thing for/to me is that it completely rearranges the commit
    sequence, so I can't follow the changes that happened over time.
    Right now in https://salsa.debian.org/xen-team/debian-xen/-/commits/master HEAD~30 (and the 2 commits before that) are the most recent (and to me the most relevant), but HEAD~9 was made 8 YEARS ago.

    I may learn dgit in time, but that'll probably be a (long) while.

    This is not dgit. This is git-debrebase, an experimental tool.

    Russ's comments about dgit are not at all connected with the
    (legitimate) issues with git-debrebase you describe.

    Sean Whitton

    --=-=-Content-Type: application/pgp-signature; name="signature.asc"


    iQJNBAEBCgA3FiEEm5FwB64DDjbk/CSLaVt65L8GYkAFAmP/82QZHHNwd2hpdHRv bkBzcHdoaXR0b24ubmFtZQAKCRBpW3rkvwZiQAVsD/9SRSarDs2OdW+ejb8EOAb8 L/2rzSLL8LWCZSyzQKkp8QdUkIkz8+jPByRNYMrEx4N3lJw3Hy3tvcnxRZ1jlgYp XtGhSYk9nzzwieyKsbiOCe3ovXxawmyh5H2+HGYbiJXnQujBkV0Jd4idHq1vspB/ IA4yI6YrQnaIulHIC2/W8Xg8FNC7R/DTUx1NBqo3rLmwl047xQmhtd4yNXq9w/2j SP4Yonzyb92w96msakE1gLct4QJ9IVHlkT3n/1ddfwXN0V/yLLxOULdOLDAJOuif iokJExcmBQBGEQERHZ6rhVpPZL2grDfpYbpLTmHSXjY/y7vB38mF8XHU70irChBS gkHwldzF+8lyryRbaXDmchmQuvKg22oImIdX9BTC5se1hd5HWkf/fjZPz5IwRggY KLUg9tkK1zPrggsjn98bdXyY4OityQVBzBjzVloMTNfKIyfw+ylrKezOwkzmaQTa MAlHR4y5gVDWO6ztT1puisH+xhBljfZlPRBYGpKHpwCrUbxJev1bV6llreQVPnwy NhQ0KLTIbnVwCm373O+w0Wi66eqorIR4ZwXKB2coNplt2po+YiJgJvIUvmCswZC0 TSNdFVD2HUvRrnBK4WkNw28JxNPZhm1lGZIE+NmBQPoQ53BSbzL8vqenAODFXcdp Fj0ySUaOttb4xq/rLFK9Wg==FksB
    -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Us
  • From Sean Whitton@21:1/5 to Adrian Bunk on Thu Mar 2 02:00:01 2023

    On Sun 26 Feb 2023 at 11:38PM +02, Adrian Bunk wrote:

    On Sun, Feb 26, 2023 at 09:57:34PM +0100, Diederik de Haas wrote:
    On Sunday, 26 February 2023 20:06:26 CET Adrian Bunk wrote:
    For anything in Debian, the package sources in Debian would not
    disappear when a repository (or salsa) disappears.

    Question as I don't know: is that only the package change that gets uploaded >> to the Debian archive, or is there also a place where the (git) history of the
    changes leading up to a new upload gets stored?

    To use an analogy: I'd like that not only the 'destination' is preserved, but
    also the lead up to the destination.

    What goes into the Debian archive is based on tarballs and quilt patches. Nothing is stored there except the files you upload.

    This is a matter of perspective. The fact that dak doesn't store git
    histories and send them out to mirrors is an implementation detail, to
    me. salsa and dgit-repos are both just as significant Debian archives,
    even if they're not what we refer to when we write "Debian archive".

    Sean Whitton

    --=-=-Content-Type: application/pgp-signature; name="signature.asc"


    iQJNBAEBCgA3FiEEm5FwB64DDjbk/CSLaVt65L8GYkAFAmP/884ZHHNwd2hpdHRv bkBzcHdoaXR0b24ubmFtZQAKCRBpW3rkvwZiQFgKD/4u8D2m2LZDIqQqspzpCtXJ helD+j65vMrb+lqNvc9bHX+8VYvtmC83qgGaIeYZ+7WtTK1ktpbjjDUU25GJ2XJC 0jnDeJv7mwVRsIUjVeTTxEfiWxUvQc5dwSIxy/S0GVcr2frxT8EwItsp5PEJ1sQf J20u+h9o+LIcWBuHCSBHH1XApK0FDkm85byJVd8TH3B2QRw7ctWo5fIYKt+ck4OL KWCThFho0XmFXztycd3sgtgla0/yKiT+ug6kvzKu81Q7oPrjkyFMZD9+xDto1xza xTkezcci5y87sB3iEaLI9jz+nVXbzIaK1cY4dNveVP05svqfUhDrR/j2dV/83/ns u1x2P+PPqCreFQDVPssGI9XF3rKZhTyWtXhNp4zKmfwsiRraLAJO7fYQykuv0nlV uslkLT6abx/syJkidQ/ZuRQ4OzkJxYkIEvXiN+sUTJbKwKbRsK8vaRECGsyPhn0y M/Ys2izAjy8SqHz2tiobfIO16G6ACXmx/re2Cj37gF6eMIidW6iviGpe40ThmzaG YMfu464FXFkcubPVokRHuBpShPSw03gwlbk2BrC41tvmdL+Znv+ttFlCf8dxeDz3 OQ6Yrocpyi5dxcwcMlGRm+dJEHafz3PabAj22sjc7Byj346QTPjusnYwHWFxRHRN jTKNnSF+pgSKThCm0eoGXw==3iZu
    -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Us
  • From Adrian Bunk@21:1/5 to Sean Whitton on Sat Mar 4 18:50:01 2023
    On Wed, Mar 01, 2023 at 05:54:38PM -0700, Sean Whitton wrote:

    Hi Sean,

    On Sun 26 Feb 2023 at 11:38PM +02, Adrian Bunk wrote:

    On Sun, Feb 26, 2023 at 09:57:34PM +0100, Diederik de Haas wrote:
    On Sunday, 26 February 2023 20:06:26 CET Adrian Bunk wrote:
    For anything in Debian, the package sources in Debian would not
    disappear when a repository (or salsa) disappears.

    Question as I don't know: is that only the package change that gets uploaded
    to the Debian archive, or is there also a place where the (git) history of the
    changes leading up to a new upload gets stored?

    To use an analogy: I'd like that not only the 'destination' is preserved, but
    also the lead up to the destination.

    What goes into the Debian archive is based on tarballs and quilt patches. Nothing is stored there except the files you upload.

    This is a matter of perspective. The fact that dak doesn't store git histories and send them out to mirrors is an implementation detail, to
    me. salsa and dgit-repos are both just as significant Debian archives,
    even if they're not what we refer to when we write "Debian archive".

    for the contents of packages in the archive the ftp team requires that everything is in the preferred form of modification.

    It is therefore surprising that you as member of the ftp team declare
    that there is no requirement at all that the packages themselves that
    get uploaded to the archive are in the preferred form of modification
    as long as the preferred form of modification is in salsa.

    Maintainers are now permitted to clone the upstream git tree, take one
    commit as upstream, work on top of that, and then upload this without
    the kludge of pristine-tar or restrictions due to quilt.

    Formats 1.0 or 3.0 (native) will be the natural formats generated for
    the Debian archive.

    Format 3.0 (quilt) will be another option, where a generated tarball is uploaded as upstream source (as is already required by the ftp team for repacks) plus one debian/patches/debian.patch containing all changes to
    the upstream sources.

    Generating one quilt patch per commit that changes the upstream sources
    would not always be technically possible due to limitations of quilt.

    Sean Whitton


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Scott Kitterman@21:1/5 to Adrian Bunk on Sat Mar 4 20:50:01 2023
    On March 4, 2023 5:25:35 PM UTC, Adrian Bunk <bunk@debian.org> wrote:
    On Wed, Mar 01, 2023 at 05:54:38PM -0700, Sean Whitton wrote:

    Hi Sean,

    On Sun 26 Feb 2023 at 11:38PM +02, Adrian Bunk wrote:

    On Sun, Feb 26, 2023 at 09:57:34PM +0100, Diederik de Haas wrote:
    On Sunday, 26 February 2023 20:06:26 CET Adrian Bunk wrote:
    For anything in Debian, the package sources in Debian would not
    disappear when a repository (or salsa) disappears.

    Question as I don't know: is that only the package change that gets uploaded
    to the Debian archive, or is there also a place where the (git) history of the
    changes leading up to a new upload gets stored?

    To use an analogy: I'd like that not only the 'destination' is preserved, but
    also the lead up to the destination.

    What goes into the Debian archive is based on tarballs and quilt patches. >> > Nothing is stored there except the files you upload.

    This is a matter of perspective. The fact that dak doesn't store git
    histories and send them out to mirrors is an implementation detail, to
    me. salsa and dgit-repos are both just as significant Debian archives,
    even if they're not what we refer to when we write "Debian archive".

    for the contents of packages in the archive the ftp team requires that >everything is in the preferred form of modification.

    It is therefore surprising that you as member of the ftp team declare
    that there is no requirement at all that the packages themselves that
    get uploaded to the archive are in the preferred form of modification
    as long as the preferred form of modification is in salsa.

    Maintainers are now permitted to clone the upstream git tree, take one >commit as upstream, work on top of that, and then upload this without
    the kludge of pristine-tar or restrictions due to quilt.

    Formats 1.0 or 3.0 (native) will be the natural formats generated for
    the Debian archive.

    Format 3.0 (quilt) will be another option, where a generated tarball is >uploaded as upstream source (as is already required by the ftp team for >repacks) plus one debian/patches/debian.patch containing all changes to
    the upstream sources.

    Generating one quilt patch per commit that changes the upstream sources
    would not always be technically possible due to limitations of quilt.

    Putting something in a git repository doesn't make a particular file more or less the preferred form of modification. It's the same form. IMO you are conflating two separate concepts here. I don't find Sean's perspective at all surprising.

    Scott K

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Joerg Jaspert@21:1/5 to Adrian Bunk on Sat Mar 4 23:00:01 2023
    On 16792 March 1977, Adrian Bunk wrote:

    for the contents of packages in the archive the ftp team requires that everything is in the preferred form of modification.

    Yes. Of course.

    But git or svn or even sccs and rcs is NOT, in any way, preferred for of modification. Only one way of storage and handling some metadata.

    bye, Joerg

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Adrian Bunk@21:1/5 to Scott Kitterman on Sun Mar 5 09:50:01 2023
    On Sat, Mar 04, 2023 at 07:43:37PM +0000, Scott Kitterman wrote:
    On March 4, 2023 5:25:35 PM UTC, Adrian Bunk <bunk@debian.org> wrote:
    On Wed, Mar 01, 2023 at 05:54:38PM -0700, Sean Whitton wrote:

    This is a matter of perspective. The fact that dak doesn't store git
    histories and send them out to mirrors is an implementation detail, to
    me. salsa and dgit-repos are both just as significant Debian archives,
    even if they're not what we refer to when we write "Debian archive".

    for the contents of packages in the archive the ftp team requires that >everything is in the preferred form of modification.

    It is therefore surprising that you as member of the ftp team declare
    that there is no requirement at all that the packages themselves that
    get uploaded to the archive are in the preferred form of modification
    as long as the preferred form of modification is in salsa.
    Putting something in a git repository doesn't make a particular file more or less the preferred form of modification. It's the same form. IMO you are conflating two separate concepts here. I don't find Sean's perspective at all surprising.

    In proper git workflows the metadata is in git only, and cannot be
    included in what is being exported for upload to the Debian archive.

    Example: https://salsa.debian.org/haskell-team/git-annex/-/blob/master/debian/patches/debian-changes

    Scott K


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Sean Whitton@21:1/5 to Adrian Bunk on Sun Mar 26 23:00:01 2023

    On Sat 04 Mar 2023 at 07:25PM +02, Adrian Bunk wrote:

    for the contents of packages in the archive the ftp team requires that everything is in the preferred form of modification.

    It is therefore surprising that you as member of the ftp team declare
    that there is no requirement at all that the packages themselves that
    get uploaded to the archive are in the preferred form of modification
    as long as the preferred form of modification is in salsa.

    That is not what I meant.

    We certainly want some mechanism to enforce a correspondence between
    preferred forms for modification and binary packages, so that we know we
    have the former for every one of the latter.

    dgit-repos and dak's archive of source packages both serve this purpose.

    Sean Whitton

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Sean Whitton@21:1/5 to Joerg Jaspert on Sun Mar 26 23:00:01 2023

    On Sat 04 Mar 2023 at 10:58PM +01, Joerg Jaspert wrote:

    On 16792 March 1977, Adrian Bunk wrote:

    for the contents of packages in the archive the ftp team requires that
    everything is in the preferred form of modification.

    Yes. Of course.

    But git or svn or even sccs and rcs is NOT, in any way, preferred for of modification. Only one way of storage and handling some metadata.

    This is Debian's official position, but it's debateable.

    There is the preferred form for modification for an individual *file*,
    and that probably doesn't include version control. But the preferred
    form for modifying a *project* arguably does.

    Sean Whitton

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Steve McIntyre@21:1/5 to Sean Whitton on Mon Mar 27 01:10:01 2023
    Sean Whitton wrote:

    On Sat 04 Mar 2023 at 10:58PM +01, Joerg Jaspert wrote:

    On 16792 March 1977, Adrian Bunk wrote:

    for the contents of packages in the archive the ftp team requires that
    everything is in the preferred form of modification.

    Yes. Of course.

    But git or svn or even sccs and rcs is NOT, in any way, preferred for of
    modification. Only one way of storage and handling some metadata.

    This is Debian's official position, but it's debateable.

    There is the preferred form for modification for an individual *file*,
    and that probably doesn't include version control. But the preferred
    form for modifying a *project* arguably does.

    I think you're *reaching* here. I know of quite a few projects where
    they consider their CI setup to be an intergral part of project
    development. Should we therefore declare that "preferred form of
    modification" could include all of the github or gitlab

    Steve McIntyre, Cambridge, UK. steve@einval.com < sladen> I actually stayed in a hotel and arrived to find a post-it
    note stuck to the mini-bar saying "Paul: This fridge and
    fittings are the correct way around and do not need altering"

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From G. Branden Robinson@21:1/5 to Sean Whitton on Mon Mar 27 03:30:01 2023
    At 2023-03-26T13:56:55-0700, Sean Whitton wrote:
    On Sat 04 Mar 2023 at 10:58PM +01, Joerg Jaspert wrote:
    But git or svn or even sccs and rcs is NOT, in any way, preferred
    for of modification. Only one way of storage and handling some

    This is Debian's official position, but it's debateable.

    There is the preferred form for modification for an individual *file*,
    and that probably doesn't include version control. But the preferred
    form for modifying a *project* arguably does.

    I wonder if, after twelve years, we have any empirical data regarding
    whether Red Hat's stance, that change sets (discretized by the process
    of commits to VCSes) are not constitutive of the "preferred form for
    modifying a copyrighted work" when that is the form invariably used by
    those performing the modifications, frustrated Oracle's aims, or whether
    this deliberately anemic interpretation of the GPL was a perfomative
    weakening of copyleft to little or no commercial advantage.




    iQIzBAABCAAdFiEEh3PWHWjjDgcrENwa0Z6cfXEmbc4FAmQg8RIACgkQ0Z6cfXEm bc6ncBAApkOG4sX4yHebNCi2mh2RDVHRSQWpiS3xci1BWtOUayj5bCWMHnE9nVKD TrjyvDixzN0c6SeUYqdi/WT2gQsQ70RT9+qW/u5qzwT6SQ5rluGN+BLFAbWp5/Za cRrSdsXnUDMkoIZKYGSThLSNEUzLgiV0YExCkn0LXxa+HCpgoifZosyzYBqBMIDR uIFtQui3F3Tgrp2+QGWhsEEV8RvvQoExfYAkm2KlHIyFrrSIUktuMVj9nAv485g4 iQ5/ENPA8ftrXeSbPEwutobwFoRBLbRPwRaVIO2u9aI8fPb6m2yUQZYscnpbq7KL yP8LyQTczHwkgL5+Y9FVSO5/Iqxv9bDsTRqVsIWQvgWnMGsvmSjB28XRvc7ku0Me gAL614tR2ZdazIeeiUXPR+sw0mNbTFVPyefv7OlX2uoSOEh9DaF/R9gbqdT9RDU1 6jlQGex/QhTz1bbXvaqfn7Gmy0YUsX9DD/Uggv2UEaYHqc1IIEJM8kMTrO0Zs2iU k+JhhalwgJx30sbdO0unxuU4tdb8UderzhRsSvQ2TpEtgbGYlCqQDCNEccuiwVVT 5mhZnyBBzmVFBCXBRpJXKuldLClZkhqNLmZimgXusyGz5Ze8mq8LiX99W783Nc2H cbUfIv8GVL1fFRij7MousMzDYRy0bu/ry4qyLPKcDqUmUW1LETU=
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    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Sean Whitton@21:1/5 to Steve McIntyre on Fri May 5 04:10:01 2023

    On Mon 27 Mar 2023 at 12:02AM +01, Steve McIntyre wrote:

    I think you're *reaching* here. I know of quite a few projects where
    they consider their CI setup to be an intergral part of project
    development. Should we therefore declare that "preferred form of modification" could include all of the github or gitlab

    Something that I have in mind in particular is longer commit messages.
    These can be as important as code comments, and sometimes having them
    attached to commits is more useful than just finding somewhere to put
    them in the code. Indeed, Emacs exports all these as CHANGELOG files in
    its release tarballs.

    Sean Whitton

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)