• Proposed `cargo-upstream` dpkg-buildpackage etc. build profile

    From Ian Jackson@21:1/5 to All on Thu Dec 15 12:10:01 2022
    I would like to add the following entry to the table of build
    profiles in BuildProfileSpec:

    Profile anme: `cargo-upstream`
    Can cause changes to built binaries, including functional chnges. (Y)
    Should not cause changes to set of build debs. (N)
    Obtain Rust dependencies from crates.io, not from Debian; use a
    `Cargo.lock` from the source package if there is one. Will usually
    cause cargo to make network accesses. Ideally, behaviour of the
    resulting programs will be the same, but this is not guaranteed.

    This is useful when developing packages which are to be uploaded to
    Debian, but whose build dependencies are not yet available in the
    targeted suite.

    It allows a Debian maintainer or user to more easily rebuild the
    package in a different suite to the one targeted, and can allow
    unification of upstream (crates.io-based) and Debian development
    without needing to carry a build system patch.

    Particularly, it will sometimes ease the task of getting (leaf)
    packages in Debian, as other aspects of the packaging can more easily
    be tested separately from working on getting the dependencies in.

    This build profile ought only to be used in packages that are intended
    to appear in Debian (or a derivative) with .debs built from in-distro dependencies (ie the dh_cargo-style local cargo replacement
    repository, containing). In such packages, obtaining dependencies
    locally from within-distro is the default behaviour without

    Invocation of this build profile will generally only be appropriate in
    the context of manual development, or package-specific near-upstream
    release workflows. Certainly this profile ought not to be activated
    for uploads to Debian, as it makes the package build depend on
    out-of-distro inputs (and relies on external network access at build

    For now, I expect to use this only in an ad hoc fashion in affected
    packages. (I have a number of candidates.)

    However, this could be a generally useful feature for Debian's cargo
    tooling to support, and I think it could do so in a general way so
    that this profile would be available in most Debian packages
    containing Rust code, without package-specific work. Whether to
    implement such a feature is a matter for the maintainers of dh_cargo
    et al.; IMO the build profile registration is useful even ad-hoc,
    without any general feature.


    Ian Jackson <ijackson@chiark.greenend.org.uk> These opinions are my own.

    Pronouns: they/he. If I emailed you from @fyvzl.net or @evade.org.uk,
    that is a private address which bypasses my fierce spamfilter.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Wouter Verhelst@21:1/5 to Ian Jackson on Thu Dec 15 14:00:02 2022
    Hi Ian,

    On Thu, Dec 15, 2022 at 10:41:13AM +0000, Ian Jackson wrote:
    I would like to add the following entry to the table of build
    profiles in BuildProfileSpec:

    Profile anme: `cargo-upstream`
    Can cause changes to built binaries, including functional chnges. (Y)
    Should not cause changes to set of build debs. (N)
    Obtain Rust dependencies from crates.io, not from Debian; use a
    `Cargo.lock` from the source package if there is one. Will usually
    cause cargo to make network accesses. Ideally, behaviour of the
    resulting programs will be the same, but this is not guaranteed.

    I have just one question: why make this rust-specific? I think a similar
    thing might be useful for golang packages (who also don't support shared libraries), or, heck, even Perl (if I'm willing to test that the package
    works while I have the not-yet-packaged dependencies in my ~/perl5/lib)


    I will have a Tin-Actinium-Potassium mixture, thanks.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Jonas Smedegaard@21:1/5 to All on Thu Dec 15 13:30:01 2022
    [ reply to d-devel only, as more suitable for Debian-wide issue ]

    Quoting Ian Jackson (2022-12-15 11:41:13)
    I would like to add the following entry to the table of build
    profiles in BuildProfileSpec:

    Profile anme: `cargo-upstream`
    Can cause changes to built binaries, including functional chnges. (Y)
    Should not cause changes to set of build debs. (N)
    Obtain Rust dependencies from crates.io, not from Debian; use a
    `Cargo.lock` from the source package if there is one. Will usually
    cause cargo to make network accesses. Ideally, behaviour of the
    resulting programs will be the same, but this is not guaranteed.

    This is useful when developing packages which are to be uploaded to
    Debian, but whose build dependencies are not yet available in the
    targeted suite.

    Similar pain for other upstream ecosystems as well - I know about npm
    for NodeJS modules, but imagine it is similar for Java and others as

    What is the benefit of introducing a standardized flag for this
    relatively narrow scope, compared to doing non-standardized fetching of
    crates _before_ package build and building with those embedded?
    Example of doing that is here: https://salsa.debian.org/debian/helvum (essentially doing `cargo vendor --versioned-dirs debian/vendorlibs`).

    If there is really a need for a standardized flag, then what is the
    benefit of a narrow one specific to cargo, compared to a more general "fetches-source-during-build" that would be suitable also for e.g.
    NodeJS fetching npm modules?

    - Jonas

    * Jonas Smedegaard - idealist & Internet-arkitekt
    * Tlf.: +45 40843136 Website: http://dr.jones.dk/
    * Sponsorship: https://ko-fi.com/drjones

    [x] quote me freely [ ] ask before reusing [ ] keep private --==============%75474526687762019=MIME-Version: 1.0
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  • From Ian Jackson@21:1/5 to Jonas Smedegaard on Thu Dec 15 14:10:01 2022
    Jonas Smedegaard writes ("Re: Proposed `cargo-upstream` dpkg-buildpackage etc. build profile"):
    Similar pain for other upstream ecosystems as well - I know about npm
    for NodeJS modules, but imagine it is similar for Java and others as


    What is the benefit of introducing a standardized flag for this
    relatively narrow scope, compared to doing non-standardized fetching of crates _before_ package build and building with those embedded?
    Example of doing that is here: https://salsa.debian.org/debian/helvum (essentially doing `cargo vendor --versioned-dirs debian/vendorlibs`).

    IDK what precisely you mean there, and you've liked to the repo as a
    whole so I'm not sure what to look for. Maybe you mean "what's wrong
    with pretending to vendor the dependencies" ?

    Whatever approach is taken, it has to be controlled somehow. For
    example, the paths to dependencies need to be adjusted, or the use of
    the Debian cargo wrapper enabled/disabled.

    That control can be done by: (i) modifying the package source code
    (which is much more a pain, even if it's a toggle in a single place),
    (ii) ad-hoc environment variables or something (which don't survive
    sbuild) or (iii) a build profile.

    ISTM that this kind of "build this package in s funky way" situation
    is precisely what build profiles are good for.

    If there is really a need for a standardized flag, then what is the
    benefit of a narrow one specific to cargo, compared to a more general "fetches-source-during-build" that would be suitable also for e.g.
    NodeJS fetching npm modules?

    Wouter made the same point - I will reply there, to both the CC lists.


    Ian Jackson <ijackson@chiark.greenend.org.uk> These opinions are my own.

    Pronouns: they/he. If I emailed you from @fyvzl.net or @evade.org.uk,
    that is a private address which bypasses my fierce spamfilter.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Ian Jackson@21:1/5 to Wouter Verhelst on Thu Dec 15 14:20:02 2022
    Wouter Verhelst writes ("Re: Proposed `cargo-upstream` dpkg-buildpackage etc. build profile"):
    I have just one question: why make this rust-specific? I think a similar thing might be useful for golang packages (who also don't support shared libraries), or, heck, even Perl (if I'm willing to test that the package works while I have the not-yet-packaged dependencies in my ~/perl5/lib)

    You are absolutely right that many other upstream (language-specifc)
    package managers will have analogous situations.

    I think *each* of these should have their *own* build-profile, rather
    than one portmanteau one. If a package has both Rust and NPM build-dependencies, say, a user may very well want to use Rust
    dependencies from Debian and NPM dependencies from upstream, or vice

    The profile name should be named after the upstream package manager
    being influenced, not after the programming language, since some
    languages have several.

    So I think that we will probably want
    golang-upstream (is this the right name?)

    Maybe this means that the name ought to be the other way arond, so
    they all group together in the table, like the `no*` options.
    upstream-golang (is this the right name?)

    I don't want to speak for those working with these other package
    managers, so I don't propose to add all of those right away. But
    establishing the precedent will hopefulloy be helpful for them

    So for now I'm proposing to add just the cargo one. If someone
    working with Node packages (say) tells me "we want this for npm too"
    then great and we should do that right away. Otherwise we should
    wait until ti's wanted.


    Ian Jackson <ijackson@chiark.greenend.org.uk> These opinions are my own.

    Pronouns: they/he. If I emailed you from @fyvzl.net or @evade.org.uk,
    that is a private address which bypasses my fierce spamfilter.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Jonas Smedegaard@21:1/5 to All on Thu Dec 15 16:10:01 2022
    Quoting Ian Jackson (2022-12-15 14:05:32)
    Jonas Smedegaard writes ("Re: Proposed `cargo-upstream` dpkg-buildpackage etc. build profile"):
    What is the benefit of introducing a standardized flag for this
    relatively narrow scope, compared to doing non-standardized fetching of crates _before_ package build and building with those embedded?
    Example of doing that is here: https://salsa.debian.org/debian/helvum (essentially doing `cargo vendor --versioned-dirs debian/vendorlibs`).

    IDK what precisely you mean there, and you've liked to the repo as a
    whole so I'm not sure what to look for. Maybe you mean "what's wrong
    with pretending to vendor the dependencies" ?

    Whatever approach is taken, it has to be controlled somehow. For
    example, the paths to dependencies need to be adjusted, or the use of
    the Debian cargo wrapper enabled/disabled.

    That control can be done by: (i) modifying the package source code
    (which is much more a pain, even if it's a toggle in a single place),
    (ii) ad-hoc environment variables or something (which don't survive
    sbuild) or (iii) a build profile.

    ISTM that this kind of "build this package in s funky way" situation
    is precisely what build profiles are good for.

    I disagree that it "has to be controlled somehow" *during build*, which
    build profiles is about.

    Looking at current list of profile names at https://wiki.debian.org/BuildProfileSpec#Registered_profile_names it
    seems to me that none of them involve violating the principle of source
    package providing source for the build.

    Essentially, you are proposing to formalize a way for injecting source
    during build.

    Debian currently has tooling for helping fetch source _before_ build,
    most notably uscan, which does not involve defining a build profile
    because what is built is static.

    What I question is the sense of introducing dynamic-source builds, as
    opposed to mangle-source-before-build which as a proof of concept is
    possible to do with Rust creates through calling `cargo vendor ...`
    _outside_ of regular dpkg-source mandated build targets.

    - Jonas

    * Jonas Smedegaard - idealist & Internet-arkitekt
    * Tlf.: +45 40843136 Website: http://dr.jones.dk/
    * Sponsorship: https://ko-fi.com/drjones

    [x] quote me freely [ ] ask before reusing [ ] keep private --==============20047881971053210=MIME-Version: 1.0
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    iQIzBAABCgAdFiEEn+Ppw2aRpp/1PMaELHwxRsGgASEFAmObN1IACgkQLHwxRsGg ASFDAQ//ZTcuuOtr0c0T6+Popmz49mHGL2s0/li0GQamzK2CmhPpo6BMp8vz7vU0 3fClOj4KyoqNSusKLEvtN4vDVH5GWhenEKK1B04iIHnsCYqN/HX/0xa4NMWJixLj Ao/efWLoRVSDEe4lMuqnkrbj8uUuT1lil7ZNau4VHtaYwz6ePaAvEdEYO5KpZwpG +XHeU/MogeUM4jHKa4wy8lsZYMmeZ/T07KCgiRRhCF3yx20n9Xn9DEXO4rF9TM9d /ZeO2dqUWVqBXIQY20RCEAVzNj4o4517zOPsu9hAPx5WI8pzeCtBdgCnCIy7/1xC d2LlyNLPo7NZw+tCezl/NdspE13vji3VDxCYGhuwQ3IZLJO1179eNtBsD6HQBklO QsQVshud5mg1QU+C3kbdvIjIPmH2aUN4YfzkOaQndOFJOnQQzyzt5lYh96s/GrH1 soz4m2C+W1WsPM2wciRCwWAMRIYmnBvj2Z+dB7cd
  • From Russ Allbery@21:1/5 to Ian Jackson on Thu Dec 15 17:50:01 2022
    Ian Jackson <ijackson@chiark.greenend.org.uk> writes:

    I would like to add the following entry to the table of build
    profiles in BuildProfileSpec:

    Profile anme: `cargo-upstream`
    Can cause changes to built binaries, including functional chnges. (Y)
    Should not cause changes to set of build debs. (N)
    Obtain Rust dependencies from crates.io, not from Debian; use a
    `Cargo.lock` from the source package if there is one. Will usually
    cause cargo to make network accesses. Ideally, behaviour of the
    resulting programs will be the same, but this is not guaranteed.

    This is useful when developing packages which are to be uploaded to
    Debian, but whose build dependencies are not yet available in the
    targeted suite.

    I think this is a great idea.

    In addition to the benefits you list (and less importantly, because
    there's less direct affect on Debian), having this feature available would
    make it easier to create a first pass of a package of a Rust tool intended
    for local use. I often build semi-broken short-cut packages locally of
    things I need on some system but haven't yet found the time to make them properly ready for Debian, and then gradually finish the work to get them
    into Debian. It would be very useful to have this support to get over the initial barrier to making a Debian package.

    I think it would increase the likelihood that I'd eventually do the work
    to get all the way to an uploadable Debian package, whereas if it's
    difficult to bootstrap from Cargo, I'm much more likely to let laziness
    win, just build a static binary, and copy it around.

    This is why I don't agree with Jonas: yes, there *are* other ways to
    achieve the same goal, but they're more complicated and harder to explain.
    The user experience of this build profile looks a lot simpler and cleaner.

    Russ Allbery (rra@debian.org) <https://www.eyrie.org/~eagle/>

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Helmut Grohne@21:1/5 to Ian Jackson on Thu Dec 15 20:40:01 2022
    Hi Ian,

    Thank you very much for immediately taking this to the list. The
    discussion I've seen thus far seems very constructive and useful to me.
    Thanks to the other participants as well.

    On Thu, Dec 15, 2022 at 10:41:13AM +0000, Ian Jackson wrote:
    I would like to add the following entry to the table of build
    profiles in BuildProfileSpec:

    Profile anme: `cargo-upstream`
    Can cause changes to built binaries, including functional chnges. (Y)
    Should not cause changes to set of build debs. (N)
    Obtain Rust dependencies from crates.io, not from Debian; use a
    `Cargo.lock` from the source package if there is one. Will usually
    cause cargo to make network accesses. Ideally, behaviour of the
    resulting programs will be the same, but this is not guaranteed.

    I think that you imply here that all of the rust libraries would be
    annotated <!cargo-upstream>. Do you confirm?


    I caution that we increase our (uncompressed) sources by 200KB for
    adding this. This assumes changing every package, but the scope
    isn't entirely clear, see below. Do you confirm that this is the
    intention and that you think this increase is fine?


    Would this profile show up in debian/control in any way? If not, why
    use a build profile rather than an option?

    (Please do skip questions that do not apply.)

    Which packages should support this profile? I see the value for
    applications. Do you also intend it for libraries? If yes, how do they

    How do you intend to transition packages to support this profile?
    Should that happen on an as-needed basis? Should it happen as a mass
    commit? Do you want it mass uploaded?

    This is useful when developing packages which are to be uploaded to
    Debian, but whose build dependencies are not yet available in the
    targeted suite.

    Given all of the mails in the thread thus far, you've convinced me:
    * That the requested feature is useful.
    * That it should be ecosystem-specific.
    * That it needs to be easy to use (and that build profiles satisfy this

    On the bike coloring front, I do prefer putting the package ecosystem
    last (i.e. upstream-cargo > cargo-upstream) for the consistency reasons
    that you gave in a reply.

    I would also question the "upstream" part as it wasn't obvious to me
    initially. Good alternatives that aren't too long are not easy to come
    by, but maybe you have a reason to reject "external"? I think "external"
    would more strongly highlight that a build is no longer self-contained.

    In any case, I think the naming questions are solvable one way or
    another, so please focus on the non-naming aspects first. I don't feel
    too strongly about naming.

    However, this could be a generally useful feature for Debian's cargo
    tooling to support, and I think it could do so in a general way so
    that this profile would be available in most Debian packages
    containing Rust code, without package-specific work. Whether to
    implement such a feature is a matter for the maintainers of dh_cargo
    et al.; IMO the build profile registration is useful even ad-hoc,
    without any general feature.

    Yeah, having this supported generically seems very useful. It would be
    nice to have a supportive reply from one of the dh-cargo maintainers
    here. (I do not see this as a requirement.)

    I note that "without package-specific work" implies that you wouldn't
    attach build profiles to Build-Depends, which was my initial question.
    I'll stop second guessing here and wait for your answer.


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Ian Jackson@21:1/5 to Helmut Grohne on Fri Dec 16 00:50:01 2022
    Helmut Grohne writes ("Re: Proposed `cargo-upstream` dpkg-buildpackage etc. build profile"):
    Thank you very much for immediately taking this to the list.

    You're welcome.

    Thanks for the review and the penetrating questions.

    I think that you imply here that all of the rust libraries would be
    annotated <!cargo-upstream>. Do you confirm?



    I caution that we increase our (uncompressed) sources by 200KB for
    adding this. This assumes changing every package, but the scope
    isn't entirely clear, see below. Do you confirm that this is the
    intention and that you think this increase is fine?

    No, this is not my intention. And IMO that increase would be

    This facility is certainly cxompletely useless for a Rust library
    package - those whose .debs are the Rust text and metadata, for
    building other programs against. Those things don't even have "real"
    Rust build-dependencies - the Rust build deps are just there for
    testing etc. And there is no use to anyone building such a package if
    they are using upstream crates.io packages.

    So at the very least we're limiting this to leaf packages containing
    binaries. And, probably even then, this will only be useful when the
    Debian or upstream maintainers want this hybrid or stepping stone

    I was imagining that this would be done ad-hoc by a maintainer when
    they had a reason to do it, not that it would be supported by even
    every leaf package. In some cases it might be a transitional state.

    I do think it would be useful for the central tooling to offer this
    build profile for every package, but I don't think it is appropriate
    to annotate all the Rust build depends for every package this way.
    Tools like debcargo ought *not* to add this build profile to the Rust

    If this profile turns out to be widely desired for "leaf packages at
    random", filtering (or dummy-satisfying) the build dependencies should
    be done some other way.

    Which packages should support this profile? I see the value for
    applications. Do you also intend it for libraries? If yes, how do they benefit?

    They don't.

    How do you intend to transition packages to support this profile?
    Should that happen on an as-needed basis? Should it happen as a mass
    commit? Do you want it mass uploaded?

    As needed. No mass commit, no mass upload, no automated change.

    Given all of the mails in the thread thus far, you've convinced me:
    * That the requested feature is useful.
    * That it should be ecosystem-specific.
    * That it needs to be easy to use (and that build profiles satisfy this

    On the bike coloring front, I do prefer putting the package ecosystem
    last (i.e. upstream-cargo > cargo-upstream) for the consistency reasons
    that you gave in a reply.

    I think I'm sold on that name question.

    I would also question the "upstream" part as it wasn't obvious to me initially. Good alternatives that aren't too long are not easy to come
    by, but maybe you have a reason to reject "external"? I think "external" would more strongly highlight that a build is no longer self-contained.

    I don't have strong feelings about this. I chose "upstream" because
    that seems to be the term of art that people working in this space
    use, to distinguish the general public package repo, from the Debian

    However, this could be a generally useful feature for Debian's cargo tooling to support, and I think it could do so in a general way so
    that this profile would be available in most Debian packages
    containing Rust code, without package-specific work. Whether to
    implement such a feature is a matter for the maintainers of dh_cargo
    et al.; IMO the build profile registration is useful even ad-hoc,
    without any general feature.

    Yeah, having this supported generically seems very useful. It would be
    nice to have a supportive reply from one of the dh-cargo maintainers
    here. (I do not see this as a requirement.)

    I note that "without package-specific work" implies that you wouldn't
    attach build profiles to Build-Depends, which was my initial question.
    I'll stop second guessing here and wait for your answer.

    I'm not sure precisely how this feature could (or should) be made
    available to *all* application packages in a central way. Having
    tools like debcargo automatically add the profile to the build deps
    produces a lot of bloat. I'm hoping there is a better way.

    But even without modifying the build dependencies, it is a lot easier
    to cause a build to run without the stated build deps being satisfied,
    than it is to do violence to the package build system.

    This could be made easier. Maybe tools like sbuild could have a
    sepaarate option to disregard build deps matching a wildcard pattern,
    or something.

    I am hoping to leave these considerations for the future.


    Ian Jackson <ijackson@chiark.greenend.org.uk> These opinions are my own.

    Pronouns: they/he. If I emailed you from @fyvzl.net or @evade.org.uk,
    that is a private address which bypasses my fierce spamfilter.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Helmut Grohne@21:1/5 to Ian Jackson on Fri Dec 16 11:10:01 2022
    Hi Ian,

    On Thu, Dec 15, 2022 at 11:44:34PM +0000, Ian Jackson wrote:
    I'm not sure precisely how this feature could (or should) be made
    available to *all* application packages in a central way. Having
    tools like debcargo automatically add the profile to the build deps
    produces a lot of bloat. I'm hoping there is a better way.

    I think this becomes the crux of the matter. I see basically two
    distinct ways to move forward:


    Do not annotate Build-Depends. We've seen a number of reasons for not
    doing it, but the most significant are bloating sources and that it is
    quite mechanical work while editing debian/control is usually manual.

    In this case, a build profile is the wrong tool for the job. The value
    for draw from build profiles precisely comes from formalizing their
    effects in debian/control. If your profile skips this step, then it is
    not the right tool.

    But even without modifying the build dependencies, it is a lot easier
    to cause a build to run without the stated build deps being satisfied,
    than it is to do violence to the package build system.

    I concur, but in this case, it can be a DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS or some other variable.

    Admittedly, I think that the value of this feature significantly reduces without annotating Build-Depends, because you can no longer just use
    sbuild or pbuilder. The ease of use suffers.


    In this case, the profile description should be more clear about the
    intended scope (rust application packages).

    I also do not see us automating the update to Build-Depends.

    This could be made easier. Maybe tools like sbuild could have a
    sepaarate option to disregard build deps matching a wildcard pattern,
    or something.

    The idea is good in principle. Let me do a brief excursion into
    Multi-Arch for comparison. By default, we have an architecture
    constraint on dependencies. It can be lifted either by M-A:foreign on
    the target of the edge or by :any on the source of the edge. A build
    profile is a bit like :any and annotates the source of an edge. Your
    proposed wildcard pattern would be a target annotation for build
    profiles in this analogy while the current profile implementation has no
    way to do such target annotations.

    This idea is also applicable beyond rust. With the nopython build
    profile, we might want to automatically annotate Python dependencies. Unfortunately, we are now in a place where a significant portion of
    packages uses Python modules during build (e.g. sphinx) while not
    producing any Python modules or extensions as output. As such, we cannot mechanically tell how such a dependency is being used. Maybe a package
    later contains a rust crate that is not shipped, but only used during
    build. In this case, we wouldn't want to annotate the relevant
    dependencies either.

    So I think annotating rust Build-Depends has to be a semi-manual task at
    least. Updating dh-cargo or debcargo to automatically adapt its
    behaviour still seems useful though as that reduces the amount of work
    to updating Build-Depends.

    What are your thoughts on updating Build-Depends?


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Ian Jackson@21:1/5 to Helmut Grohne on Fri Dec 16 12:10:01 2022
    Helmut Grohne writes ("Re: Proposed `cargo-upstream` dpkg-buildpackage etc. build profile"):
    On Thu, Dec 15, 2022 at 11:44:34PM +0000, Ian Jackson wrote:
    I'm not sure precisely how this feature could (or should) be made
    available to *all* application packages in a central way. Having
    tools like debcargo automatically add the profile to the build deps produces a lot of bloat. I'm hoping there is a better way.

    I think this becomes the crux of the matter. I see basically two
    distinct ways to move forward:
    What are your thoughts on updating Build-Depends?

    I think that in packages where the maintainer has deliberately chosen
    to support this build profile, the maintainer should annotate the Build-Depends.


    In this case, the profile description should be more clear about the
    intended scope (rust application packages).


    Is "application package" precisely the right term? It could also
    apply to: packages which provide shared objects (eg a .so plugin);
    ABI/API libraries (eg trad C libraries whose innards are now rewritten
    in Rust); packages which provide an executable that isn't an

    The possible scope includes any package whose .deb contains
    executables (including possibly WASM, as well as native code) made by
    compiling Rust. It might even include packages where Rust is used
    only as part of the build system.

    One way to describe the exception would be to say something like
    (except Rust library packages)
    (except Rust library packages themselves)

    I also do not see us automating the update to Build-Depends.

    I agree but for different reasons to yours. I don't want this done to
    every Rust leaf package routinely, which would be the natural end
    point of automating this.

    This could be made easier. Maybe tools like sbuild could have a
    sepaarate option to disregard build deps matching a wildcard pattern,
    or something.

    The idea is good in principle. Let me do a brief excursion into
    Multi-Arch for comparison. By default, we have an architecture
    constraint on dependencies. It can be lifted either by M-A:foreign on
    the target of the edge or by :any on the source of the edge. A build
    profile is a bit like :any and annotates the source of an edge. Your
    proposed wildcard pattern would be a target annotation for build
    profiles in this analogy while the current profile implementation has no
    way to do such target annotations.

    Yes. The information would ideally be centralised: "if you have a Build-Dependency matching librust-*-dev, disregard it with this
    build-profile". So the edges would be "annotated" but implicitly.

    Failing that I guesss we could add a general facility of this shape
    Disregard-build-depends-with-build-profile: upstream-cargo
    a la M-A.

    This idea is also applicable beyond rust. With the nopython build
    profile, we might want to automatically annotate Python dependencies. Unfortunately, we are now in a place where a significant portion of
    packages uses Python modules during build (e.g. sphinx) while not
    producing any Python modules or extensions as output. As such, we cannot mechanically tell how such a dependency is being used. Maybe a package
    later contains a rust crate that is not shipped, but only used during
    build. In this case, we wouldn't want to annotate the relevant
    dependencies either.

    The analogy with "nopython" is rather misleading. (You could have
    "norust" too; not sure if that's in the list right now.)

    With nopython, we want to *avoid doing the Python things at all*. But
    "the Python things" here isn't "all Python things" - it's "certain
    Python things that appear in the outputs". So that can't be done as a
    blanket exclusion on B-d.

    With upstream-cargo, we want to *do all the Rust things, but get them
    all from upstream crates.io*. This should affect *every* dependency
    on a cargo package (except ones that are within the source package

    So if a package that previously didn't do any Rust things, gains a
    Rust crate that is not "shipped" (to /usr/share/cargo/registry), then
    this buid profile does become nontrivially applicable. (Of course
    this build profile is trivially applicable to packages which don't
    involve cargo at all).

    The reason why the upstream-cargo profile ought not to be provided for
    a Rust library crate is not becuase it's incoherent or wrong in a
    narrow sense.

    A Rust library crate typically *does* actually run rustc during rules
    build, as a check:
    And in principle it is perfectly coherent to say "please build this
    source package, but do the check with upstream Rust Dependencies".

    But this is not *useful* to support as a build profile. Narrowly,
    because you might as well just say "nocheck" and run the "cargo test"
    yourself by hand.

    But, more relevantly, and broadly: no-one needs to do this. If you
    are working on a Rust library, then either (i) you are doing this as
    part of work to get the Rust library into Debian, in which case making
    some kind of hybrid situation like this is just going to lead to
    confusion and pain - you should use the Debian Rust universe, and
    build fromk the bottom up; or (ii) you *aren't* trying to use the
    Debian Rust ecosystem at all, in which case why are you bothering ?

    IOW the reason the build profile isn't applicable to Rust library
    source packages is because a Rust library source package produces only
    Rust library .debs, but the use case for the build profile is
    precisely to use upstream crates instead of Rust library .debs.

    So I think annotating rust Build-Depends has to be a semi-manual task at least. Updating dh-cargo or debcargo to automatically adapt its
    behaviour still seems useful though as that reduces the amount of work
    to updating Build-Depends.


    And, also, having the tooling honour this build-profile allows the
    user to bodge the situation, when they want to build a naive
    compiled-Rust-code package in another context. *That* could be done
    with a DEB_BUILD_OPTION but it doesn't make much sense to have the
    same thing both as a (fully-supported, but manually applied) build
    profile and a (requires bodging, but universally applicable) build


    Ian Jackson <ijackson@chiark.greenend.org.uk> These opinions are my own.

    Pronouns: they/he. If I emailed you from @fyvzl.net or @evade.org.uk,
    that is a private address which bypasses my fierce spamfilter.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Jonas Smedegaard@21:1/5 to All on Fri Dec 16 14:30:01 2022
    Quoting Russ Allbery (2022-12-15 17:41:15)
    Ian Jackson <ijackson@chiark.greenend.org.uk> writes:

    I would like to add the following entry to the table of build
    profiles in BuildProfileSpec:

    Profile anme: `cargo-upstream`
    Can cause changes to built binaries, including functional chnges. (Y)
    Should not cause changes to set of build debs. (N)
    Obtain Rust dependencies from crates.io, not from Debian; use a
    `Cargo.lock` from the source package if there is one. Will usually
    cause cargo to make network accesses. Ideally, behaviour of the
    resulting programs will be the same, but this is not guaranteed.

    This is useful when developing packages which are to be uploaded to
    Debian, but whose build dependencies are not yet available in the
    targeted suite.

    I think this is a great idea.

    In addition to the benefits you list (and less importantly, because
    there's less direct affect on Debian), having this feature available would make it easier to create a first pass of a package of a Rust tool intended for local use. I often build semi-broken short-cut packages locally of things I need on some system but haven't yet found the time to make them properly ready for Debian, and then gradually finish the work to get them into Debian. It would be very useful to have this support to get over the initial barrier to making a Debian package.

    I think it would increase the likelihood that I'd eventually do the work
    to get all the way to an uploadable Debian package, whereas if it's
    difficult to bootstrap from Cargo, I'm much more likely to let laziness
    win, just build a static binary, and copy it around.

    This is why I don't agree with Jonas: yes, there *are* other ways to
    achieve the same goal, but they're more complicated and harder to explain. The user experience of this build profile looks a lot simpler and cleaner.

    I don't have a firm opinion here, so wonder what you disagree with, Russ.

    For the record, prior to this thread Ian reached out to me privately
    where we discussed my work on forking dh-cargo to behave more
    "Debian-ish" than what is developed by the Rust team.

    Perhaps this is a language thing: When I "question" Ians proposed
    approach, I do not imply that I reject it or am against it, only that I
    want to better understand it.

    Since my last post in this thread, Ian reached out to me privately, but
    have chosen not to share that conversation here, which leaves me in an
    odd situation appearing as being against this proposal. I am not!

    - Jonas

    * Jonas Smedegaard - idealist & Internet-arkitekt
    * Tlf.: +45 40843136 Website: http://dr.jones.dk/
    * Sponsorship: https://ko-fi.com/drjones

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    iQIzBAABCgAdFiEEn+Ppw2aRpp/1PMaELHwxRsGgASEFAmOccfUACgkQLHwxRsGg ASHUsQ//YihgQtVPTga2MKFDhxXIDYkNBijj56jZn+2uYQRLXkS2Xz/S/CHa7GnE CZ62pNxSTiFudjMf2+GEODWAV3MInhUEH11x6t/iQ4yl+uykSoFpv+5Z3F7S+HAN XmBu0HPPGib6UyHctWdGl5sB8xGFW1XDNZbOSEA2Y7NUkVXANFFCbzipX5JSz/2Z /2qM1Hh1EFsgbZj1ImUqH13+f+YbeFLGdMt866fAyrHt+gi63cp+bHJi7MhI33Hs 1ZkfjO/SaySEFyHHfUvbNvH/Ezj/E5RY8zTM78HH9RWjo+c8rD+LzshBldGA3I06 mk6GOzgMkSVgR6OEpiLmFSH7P2W9kwsHTOUgxPu1CFHDHdDfpEqj0fDj1IS3qkbE Pc0UKeDJV2IVg/Rz5L9jzm+/PDLtflR0JBAAgFhCTgumslWU1cgfL/xmBOt88SKA 0uNKIP9LFUjgGizgUWyC4AmnIvQXMsRdv+p9Ad/k
  • From Russ Allbery@21:1/5 to Jonas Smedegaard on Fri Dec 16 17:10:01 2022
    Jonas Smedegaard <jonas@jones.dk> writes:
    Quoting Russ Allbery (2022-12-15 17:41:15)

    This is why I don't agree with Jonas: yes, there *are* other ways to
    achieve the same goal, but they're more complicated and harder to
    explain. The user experience of this build profile looks a lot simpler
    and cleaner.

    I don't have a firm opinion here, so wonder what you disagree with,

    For the record, prior to this thread Ian reached out to me privately
    where we discussed my work on forking dh-cargo to behave more
    "Debian-ish" than what is developed by the Rust team.

    Perhaps this is a language thing: When I "question" Ians proposed
    approach, I do not imply that I reject it or am against it, only that I
    want to better understand it.

    Oh, I'm sorry, this is probably just a sequence of misunderstandings. I
    think I misunderstood your message as being somewhat opposed, and then I
    think you read my "disagree" as stronger than I meant it. All I was
    trying to say is that I think (based on my very sketchy understanding of
    build profiles) that this would have a lower bar of entry for building non-Debian packages as a stepping stone to proper Debian packages than pre-downloading the dependencies.

    Russ Allbery (rra@debian.org) <https://www.eyrie.org/~eagle/>

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Jonas Smedegaard@21:1/5 to All on Fri Dec 16 17:30:01 2022
    Quoting Russ Allbery (2022-12-16 17:07:00)
    Jonas Smedegaard <jonas@jones.dk> writes:
    Quoting Russ Allbery (2022-12-15 17:41:15)

    This is why I don't agree with Jonas: yes, there *are* other ways to
    achieve the same goal, but they're more complicated and harder to
    explain. The user experience of this build profile looks a lot simpler
    and cleaner.

    I don't have a firm opinion here, so wonder what you disagree with,

    For the record, prior to this thread Ian reached out to me privately
    where we discussed my work on forking dh-cargo to behave more
    "Debian-ish" than what is developed by the Rust team.

    Perhaps this is a language thing: When I "question" Ians proposed
    approach, I do not imply that I reject it or am against it, only that I want to better understand it.

    Oh, I'm sorry, this is probably just a sequence of misunderstandings. I think I misunderstood your message as being somewhat opposed, and then I think you read my "disagree" as stronger than I meant it. All I was
    trying to say is that I think (based on my very sketchy understanding of build profiles) that this would have a lower bar of entry for building non-Debian packages as a stepping stone to proper Debian packages than pre-downloading the dependencies.

    Ah, indeed I failed to read nuance into your post. Sorry for my
    unfounded criticism!

    - Jonas

    * Jonas Smedegaard - idealist & Internet-arkitekt
    * Tlf.: +45 40843136 Website: http://dr.jones.dk/
    * Sponsorship: https://ko-fi.com/drjones

    [x] quote me freely [ ] ask before reusing [ ] keep private --==============e90585370151043082=MIME-Version: 1.0
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    iQIzBAABCgAdFiEEn+Ppw2aRpp/1PMaELHwxRsGgASEFAmOcm3sACgkQLHwxRsGg ASGyGxAApDdzMfBl1RxUIDFIROoxunQ1CyhlTT59/Ez+MPH1B5pPhqbGvs0QbVxs vH8AtmyrlvQT/MmxTH+Rr4rm3EiG2PNsoG5DX4FnXnTYqFKJD+uHNK5jjNOHqOMA Q7djLyrSKXvBFCsTXu80L9gO4+Maus5ekFys6NG7HxiwLEqw/2CV/9PT1hJkkPav Gbzrp985t8ULIYzrzfzck4XvzKKwH8QKuOsuOsc2PGhi/gkvXM5SGd/GHvWP+W++ nhn2Ng1re2/N+w4lAAYLu2VChAWqR50lgDgLnSYjIk6Wbe1JngFjSB579tNigaD0 AaltzdjnRQGsKJpB7lFdOaLrY6z4EdD7ZiKuXcZ+3k2I520TQUsNayjaB3RCMa+d JX82ThQ/kkA9Ex3jSgPU8Wdsbwp8kQ280hzHOYR33nwHlH/Cu05amFZKXQC7h0KQ EqNuQ83HAQCvbwYfNt4wnoQKEqw8AlvPHWYfzPhp
  • From Simon McVittie@21:1/5 to Ian Jackson on Sat Dec 17 12:20:01 2022
    On Fri, 16 Dec 2022 at 11:01:58 +0000, Ian Jackson wrote:
    With nopython, we want to *avoid doing the Python things at all*. But
    "the Python things" here isn't "all Python things" - it's "certain
    Python things that appear in the outputs". So that can't be done as a blanket exclusion on B-d.

    As a concrete example of this distinction, src:vulkan-loader runs a
    Python script during build to regenerate some mechanically-generated C
    code, but its only end result is a C library and some C/C++ headers. In principle it would be possible to have a build-profile that makes it use
    the pre-generated version provided by upstream[1] instead of regenerating
    it, perhaps <prebuilt> or something, but that would be outside the scope
    of <!nopython> (and apparently not useful enough in this case for anyone
    to want to implement it).

    Conversely, the main end result of compiling src:avahi is a collection
    of C libraries (and a daemon and some tools), but it optionally also
    produces a Python module (and a non-essential Python program that uses
    it). Excluding those Python parts with <!nopython> is in-scope: it's
    reasonable to say "I want a C/C++ library stack with libavahi and others,
    but I don't care about any Python bindings" (for instance for use inside
    an app-container that is designed for C/C++ code).


    [1] in the past the pre-generated version was used unconditionally,
    until #981362 changed the build to regenerate it unconditionally

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Ian Jackson@21:1/5 to All on Sun Dec 18 20:30:01 2022
    Thanks to everyone for the comments and review. I have written things
    up on the wiki:
    and added the entry here:

    Please comment here, if you think any of this doesn't make sense.


    Ian Jackson <ijackson@chiark.greenend.org.uk> These opinions are my own.

    Pronouns: they/he. If I emailed you from @fyvzl.net or @evade.org.uk,
    that is a private address which bypasses my fierce spamfilter.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)