• Re: Is an autogenerated configure shell script non-editable source

    From Russ Allbery@21:1/5 to Bart Martens on Fri Dec 9 21:00:01 2022
    Bart Martens <bartm@debian.org> writes:

    That file may be available online for this particular software. The
    debate is about whether such configure.ac file must be included in the distributed package for making the package dfsg. And more in general,
    about where to draw the line on how easily editable (think: time well
    spent) the included source code must be for making the package dfsg. In
    my opinion there is no sharp line, and ftpmaster is well positioned for making fair choices in a +/- uniform way for all packages. And there is always be room for questioning those choices and allowing the meaning of
    dfsg evolve over time. Back to configure.ac, I'd support a choice of
    making a missing configure.ac an 'important' bug, and not enough for rejecting the package as non-dfsg.

    The general rule of thumb that I've followed in similar situations in the
    past (PDF files where the original source has been completely lost, for example) is that the underlying purpose of the DFSG source provision and
    of free software in general is to ensure that the recipient of the
    software is not at a disadvantage. In other words, the distributor isn't allowed to hold back pieces that make it harder for the recipient to
    modify the software (within the general definition of "source," of

    Therefore, it matters what the distributor has. If they have the true
    source used to generate the file but are keeping it secret, then to me
    that's a violation of the DFSG and we shouldn't participate (even if their actions aren't technically a violation of the license since if they own
    the copyright they don't need a license). This is creating that
    disadvantage for the recipient that free software is designed to prevent.
    But if the original source has been lost, then everyone is on an equal
    footing, and I don't think there's a DFSG violation. We may not have the
    true source in the intended sense, but *no one* has the source, and
    therefore everyone is on an equal footing and has equal ability to modify
    the software.

    There is a different wrinkle in this specific case: we may have the source
    but not the software that was used to generate the file from the source.
    In this case, it sounds like an old version of Autoconf was used, and we
    don't package that version of Autoconf any more, so while the source is
    present in one sense, one can't regenerate the file. I'm not sure the
    DFSG is the most useful framework for analyzing that situation, since to
    me it feels more practical than freedom-based. Everyone is still in
    basically the same situation: the source is available to everyone, but
    some work may be required to go hunt up the old tool and regenerate the
    file. (This assumes a case like Autoconf where the old releases of the
    tool are readily available and not kept secret, but may be hard to get working.)

    The real problem in this case is less about the DFSG and more about the practical problems of maintaining Debian as a software distribution: if we can't regenerate configure using software in Debian, there are a lot of
    porting tasks and some bug-fixing tasks that we can't do, and that's a
    problem for us. But I'm dubious that it's a *software freedom* problem;
    it's more of a *software maintenance* problem, and thus the bug severity
    should be based on how much of a problem that is in practice.

    (I think this is mostly a long-winded way of saying the same thing Marco

    Russ Allbery (rra@debian.org) <https://www.eyrie.org/~eagle/>

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Bart Martens@21:1/5 to Russ Allbery on Fri Dec 9 21:50:01 2022
    On Fri, Dec 09, 2022 at 11:58:56AM -0800, Russ Allbery wrote:
    Bart Martens <bartm@debian.org> writes:

    That file may be available online for this particular software. The
    debate is about whether such configure.ac file must be included in the distributed package for making the package dfsg. And more in general,
    about where to draw the line on how easily editable (think: time well spent) the included source code must be for making the package dfsg. In
    my opinion there is no sharp line, and ftpmaster is well positioned for making fair choices in a +/- uniform way for all packages. And there is always be room for questioning those choices and allowing the meaning of dfsg evolve over time. Back to configure.ac, I'd support a choice of
    making a missing configure.ac an 'important' bug, and not enough for rejecting the package as non-dfsg.

    The general rule of thumb that I've followed in similar situations in the past (PDF files where the original source has been completely lost, for example) is that the underlying purpose of the DFSG source provision and
    of free software in general is to ensure that the recipient of the
    software is not at a disadvantage. In other words, the distributor isn't allowed to hold back pieces that make it harder for the recipient to
    modify the software (within the general definition of "source," of

    Therefore, it matters what the distributor has. If they have the true
    source used to generate the file but are keeping it secret, then to me
    that's a violation of the DFSG and we shouldn't participate (even if their actions aren't technically a violation of the license since if they own
    the copyright they don't need a license). This is creating that
    disadvantage for the recipient that free software is designed to prevent.
    But if the original source has been lost, then everyone is on an equal footing, and I don't think there's a DFSG violation. We may not have the true source in the intended sense, but *no one* has the source, and
    therefore everyone is on an equal footing and has equal ability to modify
    the software.

    Interesting angle. It illustrates indeed what Free Software is meant for. Still, dfsgness should be evaluated on what's in the package, not on someone holding back some (easier modifiable) source code or their motive for that.

    There is a different wrinkle in this specific case: we may have the source but not the software that was used to generate the file from the source.
    In this case, it sounds like an old version of Autoconf was used, and we don't package that version of Autoconf any more, so while the source is present in one sense, one can't regenerate the file. I'm not sure the
    DFSG is the most useful framework for analyzing that situation, since to
    me it feels more practical than freedom-based. Everyone is still in basically the same situation: the source is available to everyone, but
    some work may be required to go hunt up the old tool and regenerate the
    file. (This assumes a case like Autoconf where the old releases of the
    tool are readily available and not kept secret, but may be hard to get working.)

    Well, if Debian says that the lack of the old Autoconf makes a software non-dfsg, then Debian can still choose to keep that software dfsg by still shipping that old Autoconf along with that software. My point is that it matters what is provided together, not what is in one technical package.

    The real problem in this case is less about the DFSG and more about the practical problems of maintaining Debian as a software distribution: if we can't regenerate configure using software in Debian, there are a lot of porting tasks and some bug-fixing tasks that we can't do, and that's a problem for us. But I'm dubious that it's a *software freedom* problem;
    it's more of a *software maintenance* problem, and thus the bug severity should be based on how much of a problem that is in practice.

    I think that the easiness/difficulty of modifying some form of source code is about dfsgness on the one end and about maintainability on the other, without a sharp line between them. Just to name two extremes: One could argue that any binary is editable after using a disassembler. Someone else might argue that nowadays C source code should be regeneratable from some newer language.

    (I think this is mostly a long-winded way of saying the same thing Marco said.)

    Russ Allbery (rra@debian.org) <https://www.eyrie.org/~eagle/>

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From The Wanderer@21:1/5 to Russ Allbery on Fri Dec 9 21:20:01 2022
    This is an OpenPGP/MIME signed message (RFC 4880 and 3156)
    On 2022-12-09 at 14:58, Russ Allbery wrote:

    Bart Martens <bartm@debian.org> writes:

    That file may be available online for this particular software.
    The debate is about whether such configure.ac file must be included
    in the distributed package for making the package dfsg. And more in
    general, about where to draw the line on how easily editable
    (think: time well spent) the included source code must be for
    making the package dfsg. In my opinion there is no sharp line, and
    ftpmaster is well positioned for making fair choices in a +/-
    uniform way for all packages. And there is always be room for
    questioning those choices and allowing the meaning of dfsg evolve
    over time. Back to configure.ac, I'd support a choice of making a
    missing configure.ac an 'important' bug, and not enough for
    rejecting the package as non-dfsg.

    The general rule of thumb that I've followed in similar situations in
    the past (PDF files where the original source has been completely
    lost, for example) is that the underlying purpose of the DFSG source provision and of free software in general is to ensure that the
    recipient of the software is not at a disadvantage. In other words,
    the distributor isn't allowed to hold back pieces that make it harder
    for the recipient to modify the software (within the general
    definition of "source," of course).

    Therefore, it matters what the distributor has. If they have the
    true source used to generate the file but are keeping it secret, then
    to me that's a violation of the DFSG and we shouldn't participate
    (even if their actions aren't technically a violation of the license
    since if they own the copyright they don't need a license). This is
    creating that disadvantage for the recipient that free software is
    designed to prevent. But if the original source has been lost, then
    everyone is on an equal footing, and I don't think there's a DFSG
    violation. We may not have the true source in the intended sense,
    but *no one* has the source, and therefore everyone is on an equal
    footing and has equal ability to modify the software.

    There is a different wrinkle in this specific case: we may have the
    source but not the software that was used to generate the file from
    the source. In this case, it sounds like an old version of Autoconf
    was used, and we don't package that version of Autoconf any more, so
    while the source is present in one sense, one can't regenerate the
    file. I'm not sure the DFSG is the most useful framework for
    analyzing that situation, since to me it feels more practical than freedom-based. Everyone is still in basically the same situation:
    the source is available to everyone, but some work may be required to
    go hunt up the old tool and regenerate the file. (This assumes a
    case like Autoconf where the old releases of the tool are readily
    available and not kept secret, but may be hard to get working.)

    The real problem in this case is less about the DFSG and more about
    the practical problems of maintaining Debian as a software
    distribution: if we can't regenerate configure using software in
    Debian, there are a lot of porting tasks and some bug-fixing tasks
    that we can't do, and that's a problem for us. But I'm dubious that
    it's a *software freedom* problem; it's more of a *software
    maintenance* problem, and thus the bug severity should be based on
    how much of a problem that is in practice.

    (I think this is mostly a long-winded way of saying the same thing
    Marco said.)

    (Sorry for not snipping; I couldn't find any part that seemed more worth omitting than any other.)

    I tend to agree, on your parenthetical last statement. I was not
    persuaded by Marco's own post, but your more long-winded version has
    convinced me, I think.

    I would just like to also note two potentially-relevant questions, in
    making the analysis - both to do with the possibility of making changes
    to the file, and both of which are likely to have the same answer:

    * If upstream were going to change the configure process, what file
    would they edit?

    * If you wanted to make changes to the configure process and submit them
    to upstream for possible inclusion, which file would upstream want the
    patch with the changes to be against?

    By the "preferred form for modification" definition, whichever file that
    is is likely to be the one that is considered the source.

    The Wanderer

    The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one
    persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all
    progress depends on the unreasonable man. -- George Bernard Shaw


    iQIzBAEBCgAdFiEEJCOqsZEc2qVC44pUBKk1jTQoMmsFAmOTl7gACgkQBKk1jTQo MmsBGQ//Wa+nz8pHerNsLg48sBzuii9DBqoWCq/05rqaNz3GnC+I8IFWtj6kqZfI q8owYGjmTDosY+e9Bejv4Kh6p8948xSRqjbfjKdUMrv/xWU3OPolB4KRh639EP1h PsGhsL5iwZ6rABM2wy3xS/gUjbkfYsbUYAc9ARX7I0GGMk6X1c8mBoQrzTMa+KDP dXXw/BE7HQH7CFMsjnzf1lGLIQ2Al8/UbVXokDsEYKjp3OG+e1771CglinCCqtjx H9dfWbGWF/Xku5INFmn0cbzN1KrvWab7VKO1Zy5zPdroHqTORYThhljAUXBJlLuQ IQpiU4kdB+JndvnkHUGDKRWDoJ20IAszwjOnQElSwaVkBy7k8eoDnHGI5+MCnH/a dFHd+TzDBWG1W7ylvw/IBv2/tXTh8XQQdQLxWaaSwBjgeoOqufpzSZ/S0UFaJIxi 3LjovcbIk8xd8yf1fDwSYGZ7MYk1eoGl3kkYPpjhKN78twOUqfSXuL9vxxJJFB7A qKs8MXBM2in9MyfDVgExRcyxfvAFVUpNe894y40Fru755LfUnNQ/PZjtmhhmfZM+ AnkELAkl430Y2EtKafpWjEQufNqeOqMzLbZRSgEkuTjbn5vOv5c0STAqeIyX2gWw qhDYvH+ebHtTAsRsUiD/Y3Ln+dSi
  • From Russ Allbery@21:1/5 to Andreas Tille on Sat Dec 10 17:50:01 2022
    Andreas Tille <andreas@an3as.eu> writes:

    For the general case I somehow understand the consensus here on the list
    that a missing configure.ac can be considered a bug but the severity
    serious is not really rectified. If I understood this correctly I would reset the severity to important at the beginning of next week.

    I think that seems fine baesd on my reading of the thread, although since
    we have now found the configure.ac, I would also stuff that in the Debian package somewhere so that all the pieces are available to someone who has
    the Debian source package.

    Russ Allbery (rra@debian.org) <https://www.eyrie.org/~eagle/>

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Simon Richter@21:1/5 to Andreas Tille on Mon Dec 12 01:40:01 2022

    On 12/11/22 16:47, Andreas Tille wrote:

    May be I interpreted
    posts in this thread wrongly but I read it like serious is a to high severity. Moreover what does this mean for other packages where
    configure.ac is missing?

    It depends on the licence, to some extent.

    The GPL's definition of "source code" is:

    The “source code” for a work means the preferred form of the work for making modifications to it. “Object code” means any non-source form of a work.

    So for GPL'd software, shipping a configure script without its
    configure.ac is a case of missing source code.


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Paul Wise@21:1/5 to Andreas Tille on Mon Dec 12 02:40:01 2022
    On Sun, 2022-12-11 at 16:47 +0100, Andreas Tille wrote:

    Could you give some arguents for your feeling.

    See the posts I made in this and earlier threads:


    what does this mean for other packages where configure.ac is missing?

    That should be decided on a case-by-case basis, since not every
    configure is generated from a configure.ac and not every instance of configure.ac being missing is due to it being withheld from view,
    some instances could be due to it genuinely no longer existing,
    although that is very unlikely. In the case where it genuinely doesn't
    exist, I would still regard that as an important bug, to fix upstream.

    I think the fact whether a fix is simple or not does not matter for the severity of a bug.  Unfortunately the solution is not as simple as
    described (as I wrote in response to the said mail).

    Agreed in general, in this case it did turn out to be simple though.




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