• a two cent suggestion

    From Patrice Duroux@21:1/5 to All on Sat Nov 26 20:10:01 2022
    XPost: linux.debian.user

    Dear Debian people,

    Already possible or not, I would like to have a Debian system for
    which packages can be installed either by a specific user
    (root/sysadmin as usual) only or by any other (or a group of) users.
    But this would also depend on the class of the requested packages:
    1. packages providing mainly commands or library facility (large
    majority packages?),
    2. packages providing modifying system runtime like (root) services,
    new kernel modules, ... (very few packages?).

    Any (or a specific group of) users could be able to install any
    package of the first class by their own without asking a sysadmin (or explicitly acquiring privilege of) user.

    With this goal (dream?) in mind, I tried to cluster all the packages
    between the one that wouldn't change the system runtime (and therefore
    even after a reboot) and whatever would be the sign of that.Those
    package installation should insure a sort of system default runtime reproducibility in fact.

    If needed in the future, any build process could help to class/tag a
    package regarding this purpose (as it could also read any debian/*
    packaging file).

    Finally the best would be for apt to handle such a scenario, allowing
    those users to run the apt command which may fail or not regarding
    each package class.

    To cluster packages, my first material is to look at the file contents
    of a package (having content related to sbin or a systemd service or
    init.d or ...)

    Opinions or ideas are welcome.

    Could this clustering by it-self be interesting fin any case (for
    Debian QA, metrics...)?


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Tomas Pospisek@21:1/5 to Patrice Duroux on Mon Nov 28 08:40:01 2022
    On 26.11.22 19:42, Patrice Duroux wrote:
    Dear Debian people,

    Already possible or not, I would like to have a Debian system for
    which packages can be installed either by a specific user
    (root/sysadmin as usual) only or by any other (or a group of) users.
    But this would also depend on the class of the requested packages:
    1. packages providing mainly commands or library facility (large
    majority packages?),
    2. packages providing modifying system runtime like (root) services,
    new kernel modules, ... (very few packages?).

    Any (or a specific group of) users could be able to install any
    package of the first class by their own without asking a sysadmin (or explicitly acquiring privilege of) user.

    With this goal (dream?) in mind, I tried to cluster all the packages
    between the one that wouldn't change the system runtime (and therefore
    even after a reboot) and whatever would be the sign of that.Those
    package installation should insure a sort of system default runtime reproducibility in fact.

    If needed in the future, any build process could help to class/tag a
    package regarding this purpose (as it could also read any debian/*
    packaging file).

    Finally the best would be for apt to handle such a scenario, allowing
    those users to run the apt command which may fail or not regarding
    each package class.

    To cluster packages, my first material is to look at the file contents
    of a package (having content related to sbin or a systemd service or
    init.d or ...)

    Opinions or ideas are welcome.

    Could this clustering by it-self be interesting fin any case (for
    Debian QA, metrics...)?

    A few thoughts -

    * You should not crosspost. There's various reasons for that f.ex.
    discussion will split because - as in my case - I am not subscribed to
    * You haven't received any feedback yet on debian-devel. A reason
    for that might be that the idea is good, but the devil is in
    implementing it. So unless you come up with code and solutions,
    the idea for itself is maybe not that interesting to discuss
    (because everybody would like to have user installable packages...)
    * Debian has "Tags" for packages. Have a look whether there's not
    already a classification like you suggest (or something very
    similar). Maybe you can contribute there (note that last I've
    heard the tag DB and system was unmaintained).


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Paul Wise@21:1/5 to Patrice Duroux on Thu Dec 1 10:20:01 2022
    XPost: linux.debian.user

    On Sat, 2022-11-26 at 19:42 +0100, Patrice Duroux wrote:

    Any (or a specific group of) users could be able to install any
    package of the first class by their own without asking a sysadmin (or explicitly acquiring privilege of) user.

    The general idea of a safe way to allow users to manage system-wide
    apt packages has come up before, here is another writeup about it:


    The goal of allowing all users to manage installed software seems like something better served by app sandboxing technologies like Flatpak.
    It is probably possible to convert .deb packages to Flatpak packages.




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  • From =?UTF-8?Q?Hakan_Bay=c4=b1nd=c4=b1r?@21:1/5 to All on Thu Dec 1 14:20:01 2022
    XPost: linux.debian.user
    Copy: pabs@debian.org (Paul Wise)
    Copy: patrice.duroux@gmail.com (Patrice Duroux)
    Copy: debian-user@lists.debian.org

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