• Re: [DEVEL] Enable support for Renesas platform (section: live images)

    From Roland Clobus@21:1/5 to =?UTF-8?B?SHXhu7NuaCBUaMOgbmggSMawb on Mon Nov 21 21:40:01 2022
    To: debian-devel@lists.debian.org
    To: pabs@debian.org (Paul Wise)
    To: debian-live@lists.debian.org (Debian-live mailing list)

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  • From =?UTF-8?B?SHXhu7NuaCBUaMOgbmggSMawb@21:1/5 to All on Tue Nov 22 03:00:01 2022
    Hi all,

    Special thanks to all of you, your replies really help me to know what I
    need to do.
    Weekly build image will help me reach to the target sooner than "Bookworm version".

    I'm able to install/boot-up and use Debian OS on Renesas device (HiHope
    RZ/G2M) with my defconfig.
    So I will figure out the procedure/process flow in Debian Development next.

    Best Regards,
    Hung Huynh

    Vào Th 3, 22 thg 11, 2022 vào lúc 03:31 Roland Clobus <rclobus@rclobus.nl> đã viết:

    On 19/11/2022 09:56, Paul Wise wrote:
    On Fri, 2022-11-18 at 15:20 +0700, Huỳnh Thành Hưng wrote:
    I’m from Renesas Electronics Corporation,

    My group is developing to support running Debian OS on our devices,
    also for getting ARM System Ready IR certificate.
    Can you help me to enable those configs, also support the official
    release version of Debian Live Installer ISO which support Renesas

    Debian does not yet support the ARM architecture at all with our live images, please contact the Debian Live Team about that. Currently the
    live images for the future Debian bookworm release are not being built,
    but that may change before the final release.


    I posted a summary about the current status of the live images a few
    minutes ago: https://lists.debian.org/debian-devel/2022/11/msg00221.html

    Given that Debian Stable (hence its name) is stable and will receive bug fixes, but not typically additional features, I would recommend you to
    target Bookworm (the next release).

    If you want to create live images, I recommend you to take a look at the online manual at

    https://live-team.pages.debian.net/live-manual/html/live-manual/index.en.html The scripts can be highly customised, e.g. to contain custom kernels
    (see 8.2.10)

    With kind regards,
    Roland Clobus

    <div dir="ltr"><div dir="ltr">Hi all, </div><div dir="ltr"><br></div><div dir="ltr">Special thanks to all of you, your replies really help me to know what I need to do.</div><div dir="ltr">Weekly build image will help me reach to the target sooner than
    &quot;Bookworm version&quot;.</div><div dir="ltr"><br></div><div dir="ltr">I&#39;m able to install/boot-up and use Debian OS on Renesas device (HiHope RZ/G2M) with my defconfig.</div><div>So I will figure out the procedure/process flow in Debian
    Development next.</div><div dir="ltr"><br></div><div dir="ltr"><br></div><div dir="ltr"><div>Best Regards,</div><div>Hung Huynh</div></div><br><div class="gmail_quote"><div dir="ltr" class="gmail_attr">Vào Th 3, 22 thg 11, 2022 vào lúc 03:31 Roland
    Clobus &lt;<a href="mailto:rclobus@rclobus.nl" target="_blank">rclobus@rclobus.nl</a>&gt; đã viết:<br></div><blockquote class="gmail_quote" style="margin:0px 0px 0px 0.8ex;border-left:1px solid rgb(204,204,204);padding-left:1ex">On 19/11/2022 09:56,
    Paul Wise wrote:<br>
    &gt; On Fri, 2022-11-18 at 15:20 +0700, Huỳnh Thành Hưng wrote:<br> &gt;&gt; I’m from Renesas Electronics Corporation,<br>

    &gt;&gt; My group is developing to support running Debian OS on our devices,<br>
    &gt;&gt; also for getting ARM System Ready IR certificate.<br>
    &gt;&gt; Can you help me to enable those configs, also support the official<br> &gt;&gt; release version of Debian Live Installer ISO which support Renesas<br> &gt;&gt; platform?<br>
    &gt; <br>
    &gt; Debian does not yet support the ARM architecture at all with our live<br> &gt; images, please contact the Debian Live Team about that. Currently the<br> &gt; live images for the future Debian bookworm release are not being built,<br>
    &gt; but that may change before the final release.<br>
    &gt; <br>
    &gt; <a href="https://wiki.debian.org/Teams/Live" rel="noreferrer" target="_blank">https://wiki.debian.org/Teams/Live</a><br>

    I posted a summary about the current status of the live images a few <br> minutes ago: <a href="https://lists.debian.org/debian-devel/2022/11/msg00221.html" rel="noreferrer" target="_blank">https://lists.debian.org/debian-devel/2022/11/msg00221.html</a><br>

    Given that Debian Stable (hence its name) is stable and will receive bug <br> fixes, but not typically additional features, I would recommend you to <br> target Bookworm (the next release).<br>

    If you want to create live images, I recommend you to take a look at the <br> online manual at <br>
    <a href="https://live-team.pages.debian.net/live-manual/html/live-manual/index.en.html" rel="noreferrer" target="_blank">https://live-team.pages.debian.net/live-manual/html/live-manual/index.en.html</a><br>
    The scripts can be highly customised, e.g. to contain custom kernels <br>
    (see 8.2.10)<br>

    With kind regards,<br>
    Roland Clobus<br>
    </blockquote></div><br clear="all"><div><br></div></div>

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Sam Hartman@21:1/5 to All on Tue Nov 22 04:40:01 2022
    "Huỳnh" == Huỳnh Thành Hưng <hunght.vn8@gmail.com> writes:

    Huỳnh> Hi all, Special thanks to all of you, your replies really
    Huỳnh> help me to know what I need to do. Weekly build image will
    Huỳnh> help me reach to the target sooner than "Bookworm version".

    Let us clarify a bit.
    Our hope is that you will work with us using the weekly builds to submit changes so that when the bookworm version is released, you and all your
    users can use it on your hardware.
    Because after bookworm freezes, changes like kernel config become more difficult, and changes like kernel patches become very difficult.
    So, if you work today, and are lucky, when bookworm comes out next year,
    it will support your hardware out of the box.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)