• Q: How about versions/features in bookworm?

    From Hideki Yamane@21:1/5 to All on Sun Nov 6 06:00:01 2022

    I'm curious about some package versions and features in bookworm release,
    could someone answer them, please?

    Q1: When dpkg will support zstd compression?
    Q2: More default hardening options? (See https://developers.redhat.com/blog/2018/03/21/compiler-and-linker-flags-gcc )
    Q3: Does OpenSSH9.1p go into bookworm?
    Q4: Will Ruby3.2 go into bookworm?
    Q5: Will PHP8.2 go into bookworm?
    Q6: Will Rust1.65 go into bookworm?
    Q7: Will python3.11 be default in bookworm?

    And, some upstream majar version will be released during Debian's
    release freeze. Well, how we can save those "missed release train"
    releases? Just "ignore and wait 2 years" is easy to say, but if we
    can introduce those in point releases with "predictable" schedule,
    it would be better, IMHO.

    * KDE Plasma: 5.27 - 2023-02?
    * GNOME : 44 - 2023-03
    * etc...


    Hideki Yamane henrich @ debian.org/iijmio-mail.jp

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  • From Jeremy Bicha@21:1/5 to henrich@iijmio-mail.jp on Sun Nov 6 15:40:01 2022
    On Sun, Nov 6, 2022 at 5:58 AM Hideki Yamane <henrich@iijmio-mail.jp> wrote:
    And, some upstream majar version will be released during Debian's
    release freeze. Well, how we can save those "missed release train"
    releases? Just "ignore and wait 2 years" is easy to say, but if we
    can introduce those in point releases with "predictable" schedule,
    it would be better, IMHO.

    * KDE Plasma: 5.27 - 2023-02?
    * GNOME : 44 - 2023-03

    The Debian GNOME team doesn't have anywhere close to enough developer
    time and energy to make backporting a new major GNOME release

    Thank you,
    Jeremy Bicha

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  • From Antonio Terceiro@21:1/5 to Hideki Yamane on Sun Nov 6 23:40:02 2022
    On Sun, Nov 06, 2022 at 01:58:21PM +0900, Hideki Yamane wrote:
    Q4: Will Ruby3.2 go into bookworm?



    iQIzBAABCAAdFiEEst7mYDbECCn80PEM/A2xu81GC94FAmNoNdUACgkQ/A2xu81G C94P4g/+IYam8WAZ6ydC5LuZdwlEWdPDnn1Q/kpW2B3C/ZJJ7B9auHL9I+DjMHsY oh+pSHoS2IuUsMBTX5PdQQIcRj2QyD1FVpDU5D/l8NMDeANBzKuaojawKwjYG0LY k0ku77HeSW0nxLZU/V8EnjckBvD63DekjR7yCewX9UD33/EaV1rd+cgCQ4DvGeLr t1NJjlXw3nUjuFqRTW5oSJmmxgN6vOAgPOcaE+T8X0k2jkkpSHL0fWZXvldvh7zw R+XsE2cIypIjGm8HlGXvWSYEjVabdZz6R6SGtC43/w0HAZvO8k0P1NxqGckONI5o jtHltGn2e/qKas1l9UBAtYknhY50W2hSfNpGCLmTt7Fq+fg0cZBuiArfn2AbZQRz Akhs4PV2mpAEUTGkezyVRFdsWPYix6bWxvOORUE9vr4ARLxkWDGOX6Jx0b0af1Ky pA9d14lUL7sIw2ghbRzvAeI8PkRn3oWTZo8zNVWQI3RjGyF6I3mLwDx0z0JF9ALU lFPidYEuB/LP3PEyhKFVW9ofhzNQsE348kvyaEX1PAmiTLMWF6JOtEKw1RziKeeU SUr3b9K/N+A3nf+xHw30ahioLCTbjn3PJZPmFFk/Qq/ZTBGAWmGspl7VNZXvqkMx 5Yy8a3EnWgs+NgHUmvKu4lKFc0t/BvohX61OJHb0MdxZPZSnNjs=
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  • From Paul Wise@21:1/5 to Hideki Yamane on Mon Nov 7 02:50:01 2022
    On Sun, 2022-11-06 at 13:58 +0900, Hideki Yamane wrote:

     Q1:  When dpkg will support zstd compression?

    reportbug says this is #892664, please review it for the status.

     Q2:  More default hardening options? (See https://developers.redhat.com/blog/2018/03/21/compiler-and-linker-flags-gcc )

    Latest hardening thread appears to be here:


    #1020275 against dpkg seems to be relevant here too.

     Q3:  Does OpenSSH9.1p go into bookworm?
     Q4:  Will Ruby3.2 go into bookworm?
     Q5:  Will PHP8.2 go into bookworm?
     Q6:  Will Rust1.65 go into bookworm?
     Q7:  Will python3.11 be default in bookworm?

    These sound like questions for the respective teams.

    reportbug says that:

    OpenSSH 9.1 new upstream bug is #1021585.

    Ruby 3.1 transition bug is #1023495, none for 3.2 yet.

    PHP 8.2 transition bug is #1014460.

    Rust 1.63 new upstream bug is #1018859, none for 1.65 yet.

    Python 3.11 transition bug is #1021984.

     And, some upstream major version will be released during Debian's
     release freeze. Well, how we can save those "missed release train"  releases? Just "ignore and wait 2 years" is easy to say, but if we
     can introduce those in point releases with "predictable" schedule,
     it would be better, IMHO.

    The release team does not allow new upstream releases in stable, unless
    they are solely stability/security fixes without behaviour changes.

     * KDE Plasma: 5.27 - 2023-02?
     * GNOME     : 44   - 2023-03
     * etc...

    So the only option for these would be to delay the freeze dates until
    these major versions are in Debian testing. If the dates are delayed,
    then some other major version will be nearby, we could delay for that
    too and then another and so on, eventually we will never release,
    which means that Debian becomes a solely rolling distro ;D




    iQIzBAABCgAdFiEEYQsotVz8/kXqG1Y7MRa6Xp/6aaMFAmNoYp0ACgkQMRa6Xp/6 aaPOIxAAhxJsI39/LnGuP+emz+LpNvVb6lSyy38fGH9zWz9oK7D5Tw2Lz/IOgy0H YfiGdjwLc2UFMYoDqryAlCDSUTJ95BR4liy95Gh463/rHRKsQNjYoq6uUSNhllQR 9+YKAKuwhbZX20ldJwpYX1YqYZLvP5wjgSMqjlwrDsJlyIgBtgJEDh5ZvC+OxPaE bLsw8tj4p493ltnWG9nbigEWiFjq2cHot61vmuOnFfqoHWD1D5NnwxQ7Pe0QWcaf cXCJdSJ/6X2Wbim/Ga6f5aS2tA8FTkun3TgzjeOzVNQG7e/V8CfTu+2sp3NXTlGd p7MdeCBtwHpHPa7338OxHOPfeYJ7BrITFN6b384q83j/eQF9wUGRp/+o9RPbB/bx RS63zuND+nCnEG6NFyVYeN1YK0r5p6snaZE5CcwN/1qWAxPCfSRIbbDs0pNM2g6/ s2nyRwTNhg/n322Fa28EH5qRXtKMOvEgFGP60yQPJZj36Gbz97oDavgZy5VObG0M dWADzdBajep0DtUypV/MYG9U+qMwpfnPQQCXzRXMFpv4lomSJ0tHhgbooBbEe2hm aFRvRyJMRlyC0JQtLSeh9xxmvY0tqCKCLEubRGL5OVva52W3FX3wiuKECGP9A/QB 4O/VqeveC5UEAvHiS+S1mEq/sBaY/YhSjfkMAP24VqSPkaL0AtE=
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  • From Thomas Goirand@21:1/5 to Hideki Yamane on Wed Nov 9 08:50:01 2022
    On 11/6/22 05:58, Hideki Yamane wrote:
    Q7: Will python3.11 be default in bookworm?

    What we discussed during Debconf is that we will *try* to make this
    happen, but if it doesn't go well, we will revert and ship Bookworm with
    3.10 only.

    3.11 is tempting, because it has nice features, and it goes a way faster
    than 3.10.

    However, to me, it's already too late for it: we need to check 3000+
    packages over the next 2 months, and IMO, that's too risky. But that's
    only my opinion...


    Thomas Goirand (zigo)

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  • From Patrick Franz@21:1/5 to All on Thu Nov 10 23:40:01 2022

    Am Sonntag, 6. November 2022, 05:58:21 CET schrieb Hideki Yamane:
    And, some upstream majar version will be released during Debian's
    release freeze. Well, how we can save those "missed release train"
    releases? Just "ignore and wait 2 years" is easy to say, but if we
    can introduce those in point releases with "predictable" schedule,
    it would be better, IMHO.

    * KDE Plasma: 5.27 - 2023-02?

    We will try our best to get Plasma 5.27 into bookworm. It's gonna be
    tough, but we still think it's doable.

    The reason why we really want 5.27 instead of 5.26 is because 5.27 will
    be the last Plasma 5 release and hence an LTS release.

    We've created a page on the wiki with our plans for everything Qt and
    KDE related: https://wiki.debian.org/PkgQtKde/BookwormReleasePlans

    Med vänliga hälsningar

    Patrick Franz

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  • From Colin Watson@21:1/5 to Hideki Yamane on Mon Nov 14 17:50:01 2022
    On Sun, Nov 06, 2022 at 01:58:21PM +0900, Hideki Yamane wrote:
    Q3: Does OpenSSH9.1p go into bookworm?

    I just uploaded this to unstable, so barring any major unforeseen issues
    I expect this to be in bookworm, yes.

    Colin Watson (he/him) [cjwatson@debian.org]

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