• Work-needing packages report for Nov 4, 2022

    From wnpp@debian.org@21:1/5 to All on Fri Nov 4 01:50:01 2022
    The following is a listing of packages for which help has been requested through the WNPP (Work-Needing and Prospective Packages) system in the
    last week.

    Total number of orphaned packages: 1264 (new: 1)
    Total number of packages offered up for adoption: 172 (new: 0)
    Total number of packages requested help for: 62 (new: 0)

    Please refer to https://www.debian.org/devel/wnpp/ for more information.


    The following packages have been orphaned:

    libquazip (#1023385), orphaned today
    Description: C++ wrapper for ZIP/UNZIP (documentation)
    Reverse Depends: cen64-qt ckb-next collatinus gimagereader-qt5
    keepassxc krita libodsstream-dev libodsstream0 libquazip5-dev
    libtulip-gui-5.4 (9 more omitted)
    Installations reported by Popcon: 7327
    Bug Report URL: https://bugs.debian.org/1023385

    1263 older packages have been omitted from this listing, see https://www.debian.org/devel/wnpp/orphaned for a complete list.


    No new packages have been given up for adoption, but a total of 172 packages are awaiting adoption. See https://www.debian.org/devel/wnpp/rfa_bypackage
    for a complete list.


    For the following packages help is requested:

    apache2 (#910917), requested 1482 days ago
    Description: Apache HTTP Server
    Reverse Depends: apache2 apache2-ssl-dev apache2-suexec-custom
    apache2-suexec-pristine backuppc bfh-container-server
    courier-webadmin cvsweb debbugs-web doc-central (129 more omitted)
    Installations reported by Popcon: 97569
    Bug Report URL: https://bugs.debian.org/910917

    apparmor (#1006872), requested 241 days ago
    Description: user-space parser utility for AppArmor
    Reverse Depends: apparmor-notify apparmor-profiles
    apparmor-profiles-extra apparmor-utils content-hub-testability
    dbus-broker dbus-daemon dbus-tests debian-cloud-images-packages
    dovecot-core (18 more omitted)
    Installations reported by Popcon: 188432
    Bug Report URL: https://bugs.debian.org/1006872

    aufs (#963191), requested 866 days ago
    Description: driver for a union mount for Linux filesystems
    Reverse Depends: fsprotect
    Installations reported by Popcon: 7234
    Bug Report URL: https://bugs.debian.org/963191

    autopkgtest (#846328), requested 2164 days ago
    Description: automatic as-installed testing for Debian packages
    Reverse Depends: debci-worker sbuild-qemu
    Installations reported by Popcon: 1137
    Bug Report URL: https://bugs.debian.org/846328

    balsa (#642906), requested 4057 days ago
    Description: An e-mail client for GNOME
    Reverse Depends: balsa
    Installations reported by Popcon: 586
    Bug Report URL: https://bugs.debian.org/642906

    cargo (#860116), requested 2032 days ago
    Description: Rust package manager
    Reverse Depends: dh-cargo python3-setuptools-rust rust-all
    Installations reported by Popcon: 2746
    Bug Report URL: https://bugs.debian.org/860116

    chromium (#1016047), requested 100 days ago
    Description: web browser
    Reverse Depends: chromium chromium-driver chromium-l10n
    chromium-shell icingaweb2-module-pdfexport node-puppeteer
    qunit-selenium x2gothinclient-minidesktop
    Installations reported by Popcon: 24973
    Bug Report URL: https://bugs.debian.org/1016047

    courier (#978755), requested 672 days ago
    Description: Courier mail server
    Reverse Depends: courier-faxmail courier-filter-perl courier-imap
    courier-ldap courier-mlm courier-mta courier-pcp courier-pop
    courier-webadmin couriergrey (3 more omitted)
    Installations reported by Popcon: 823
    Bug Report URL: https://bugs.debian.org/978755

    cron (#984736), requested 606 days ago
    Description: new maintainer need
    Reverse Depends: apticron autolog backintime-common bcron
    btrfsmaintenance buildd checksecurity clamtk cricket cron (24 more
    Installations reported by Popcon: 207044
    Bug Report URL: https://bugs.debian.org/984736

    crun (#1016183), requested 98 days ago
    Description: lightweight OCI runtime for running containers
    Reverse Depends: podman
    Installations reported by Popcon: 1512
    Bug Report URL: https://bugs.debian.org/1016183

    cyrus-imapd (#921717), requested 1364 days ago
    Description: Cyrus mail system - IMAP support
    Reverse Depends: cyrus-admin cyrus-caldav cyrus-clients cyrus-dev
    cyrus-imapd cyrus-murder cyrus-nntpd cyrus-pop3d cyrus-replication
    Installations reported by Popcon: 394
    Bug Report URL: https://bugs.debian.org/921717

    debtags (#962579), requested 876 days ago
    Description: Debian Package Tags support tools
    Reverse Depends: packagesearch
    Installations reported by Popcon: 1370
    Bug Report URL: https://bugs.debian.org/962579

    dee (#831388), requested 2302 days ago
    Description: model to synchronize mutiple instances over DBus
    Reverse Depends: dee-tools gir1.2-dee-1.0 gir1.2-unity-7.0
    libdee-dev libunity-dev libunity-protocol-private0 libunity-tools
    libunity9 zeitgeist-core
    Installations reported by Popcon: 44159
    Bug Report URL: https://bugs.debian.org/831388

    developers-reference (#759995), requested 2987 days ago
    Description: guidelines and information for Debian developers
    Installations reported by Popcon: 2915
    Bug Report URL: https://bugs.debian.org/759995

    devscripts (#800413), requested 2592 days ago
    Description: scripts to make the life of a Debian Package maintainer
    Reverse Depends: apt-build apt-listdifferences aptfs arriero
    brz-debian buildd debci debian-builder debmake debpear (30 more
    Installations reported by Popcon: 9785
    Bug Report URL: https://bugs.debian.org/800413

    dh-make-elpa (#942642), requested 1111 days ago
    Description: helper for creating Debian packages from ELPA packages
    Installations reported by Popcon: 39
    Bug Report URL: https://bugs.debian.org/942642

    docker.io (#908868), requested 1510 days ago
    Description: Linux container runtime
    Reverse Depends: charliecloud-builders distrobox docker-clean due
    golang-github-fsouza-go-dockerclient-dev (7 more omitted)
    Installations reported by Popcon: 7345
    Bug Report URL: https://bugs.debian.org/908868

    ejabberd (#767874), requested 2922 days ago
    Description: distributed, fault-tolerant Jabber/XMPP server written
    in Erlang
    Reverse Depends: ejabberd-contrib ejabberd-mod-cron
    ejabberd-mod-default-contacts ejabberd-mod-default-rooms
    ejabberd-mod-deny-omemo ejabberd-mod-filter ejabberd-mod-grafite
    ejabberd-mod-irc ejabberd-mod-isolation ejabberd-mod-log-chat (13
    more omitted)
    Installations reported by Popcon: 389
    Bug Report URL: https://bugs.debian.org/767874

    frama-c (#907946), requested 1521 days ago
    Description: Platform dedicated to the analysis of source code
    written in C
    Installations reported by Popcon: 27
    Bug Report URL: https://bugs.debian.org/907946

    freedombox (#940881), requested 1139 days ago
    Description: debian pure blend, user-friendly, privacy-oriented home
    Reverse Depends: fbx-all
    Installations reported by Popcon: 393
    Bug Report URL: https://bugs.debian.org/940881

    freeradius (#933376), requested 1193 days ago
    Description: high-performance and highly configurable RADIUS server
    Reverse Depends: freeradius freeradius-config freeradius-dhcp
    freeradius-iodbc freeradius-krb5 freeradius-ldap
    freeradius-memcached freeradius-mysql freeradius-postgresql
    freeradius-python3 (5 more omitted)
    Installations reported by Popcon: 1632
    Bug Report URL: https://bugs.debian.org/933376

    gkrellm-radio (#1003222), requested 301 days ago
    Description: FM radio tuner for GKrellM
    Installations reported by Popcon: 42
    Bug Report URL: https://bugs.debian.org/1003222

    gnat-gps (#496905), requested 5180 days ago
    Description: integrated development environment for C and Ada
    Reverse Depends: gnat-gps
    Installations reported by Popcon: 115
    Bug Report URL: https://bugs.debian.org/496905

    gnome-shell-extension-caffeine (#891457), requested 1712 days ago
    Description: GNOME Shell extension to keep your computer awake
    Installations reported by Popcon: 601
    Bug Report URL: https://bugs.debian.org/891457

    gnome-shell-extension-top-icons-plus (#891458), requested 1712 days ago
    Description: GNOME Shell extension to move system tray icons to top
    Installations reported by Popcon: 645
    Bug Report URL: https://bugs.debian.org/891458

    gnucash (#910059), requested 1493 days ago
    Description: personal and small-business financial-accounting
    Reverse Depends: gnucash
    Installations reported by Popcon: 2082
    Bug Report URL: https://bugs.debian.org/910059

    grub2 (#248397), requested 6751 days ago
    Description: GRand Unified Bootloader
    Reverse Depends: bootcd debian-cloud-images-packages grml-rescueboot
    grml2usb grub-cloud-amd64 grub-coreboot grub-coreboot-bin
    grub-coreboot-dbg grub-efi grub-efi-amd64 (44 more omitted)
    Installations reported by Popcon: 204738
    Bug Report URL: https://bugs.debian.org/248397

    heimdal (#849325), requested 2139 days ago
    Description: Heimdal Kerberos
    Reverse Depends: heimdal-clients heimdal-dev heimdal-kcm heimdal-kdc
    heimdal-multidev heimdal-servers libafsauthent2 libafsrpc2
    libasn1-8-heimdal libgssapi3-heimdal (21 more omitted)
    Installations reported by Popcon: 7441
    Bug Report URL: https://bugs.debian.org/849325

    highlight (#1022114), requested 14 days ago
    Description: Universal source code to formatted text converter
    Reverse Depends: highlight ikiwiki-hosting-web libhighlight-perl
    Installations reported by Popcon: 1662
    Bug Report URL: https://bugs.debian.org/1022114

    imagemagick (#1017366), requested 81 days ago
    Description: image manipulation programs -- binaries
    Reverse Depends: advi-examples afterstep aiscm album ascd asymptote
    auto-multiple-choice-common beads caja-image-converter cct (127 more
    Installations reported by Popcon: 75473
    Bug Report URL: https://bugs.debian.org/1017366

    javaparser (#820471), requested 2400 days ago
    Description: Java library for parsing Java 1.5.
    Reverse Depends: libxmlbeans-java umlet
    Installations reported by Popcon: 796
    Bug Report URL: https://bugs.debian.org/820471

    jmol (#719330), requested 3372 days ago
    Description: Molecular Viewer
    Reverse Depends: jalview jmol libbiojava4.0-java libbiojava5-java
    Installations reported by Popcon: 851
    Bug Report URL: https://bugs.debian.org/719330

    jove (#470185), requested 5352 days ago
    Description: Jonathan's Own Version of Emacs - a compact, powerful
    Installations reported by Popcon: 290
    Bug Report URL: https://bugs.debian.org/470185

    libapache2-mod-python (#516501), requested 5003 days ago
    Description: Python-embedding module for Apache 2
    Installations reported by Popcon: 2550
    Bug Report URL: https://bugs.debian.org/516501

    libmng (#831389), requested 2302 days ago
    Description: Multiple-image Network Graphics library
    Reverse Depends: gimp libcegui-mk2-dev libdevil1c2 libmng-dev
    libsynfig0a libxine2-misc-plugins mencoder mplayer mplayer-gui
    qt5-image-formats-plugins (2 more omitted)
    Installations reported by Popcon: 2400
    Bug Report URL: https://bugs.debian.org/831389

    libteam (#743212), requested 3139 days ago
    Description: library for controlling team network device
    Reverse Depends: ladvd libteam-dev libteam-utils network-manager
    Installations reported by Popcon: 88829
    Bug Report URL: https://bugs.debian.org/743212

    linphone (#880926), requested 1824 days ago
    Description: SIP softphone - graphical client
    Reverse Depends: liblinphone++10 liblinphone-dev linphone-cli
    linphone-desktop linphone-nogtk
    Installations reported by Popcon: 1450
    Bug Report URL: https://bugs.debian.org/880926

    lintian (#1012289), requested 153 days ago
    Description: Debian package checker
    Reverse Depends: arriero elida jenkins-debian-glue-buildenv
    libconfig-model-dpkg-perl mini-buildd packaging-dev pkg-perl-tools
    Installations reported by Popcon: 23462
    Bug Report URL: https://bugs.debian.org/1012289

    londiste (#992938), requested 1074 days ago
    Description: Queuing for PostgreSQL
    Installations reported by Popcon: 3
    Bug Report URL: https://bugs.debian.org/992938

    mailman3 (#998223), requested 367 days ago
    Description: Mailing list management system
    Reverse Depends: mailman3-full python3-mailman-hyperkitty
    Installations reported by Popcon: 138
    Bug Report URL: https://bugs.debian.org/998223

    nilfs-tools (#723599), requested 3334 days ago
    Description: Continuous Snapshotting Log-structured Filesystem
    Reverse Depends: libguestfs-nilfs
    Installations reported by Popcon: 1647
    Bug Report URL: https://bugs.debian.org/723599

    nn (#470187), requested 5352 days ago
    Description: Heavy-duty USENET news reader (curses-based client)
    Installations reported by Popcon: 55
    Bug Report URL: https://bugs.debian.org/470187

    open-build-service (#984462), requested 610 days ago
    Reverse Depends: obs-server
    Installations reported by Popcon: 30
    Bug Report URL: https://bugs.debian.org/984462

    openldap (#512360), requested 5035 days ago
    Description: OpenLDAP server, libraries, and utilities
    Reverse Depends: 389-ds-base 389-ds-base-dev 389-ds-base-libs adcli
    alpine anope apache2-bin asterisk-modules audispd-plugins
    autofs-ldap (162 more omitted)
    Installations reported by Popcon: 182188
    Bug Report URL: https://bugs.debian.org/512360

    openssl (#332498), requested 6237 days ago
    Description: Secure Socket Layer (SSL) binary and related
    cryptographic tools
    Reverse Depends: acme-tiny afflib-tools alpine amanda-common
    apache2-bin apache2-dev apache2-ssl-dev apache2-utils apt-cacher-ng
    arc-gui-clients (1067 more omitted)
    Installations reported by Popcon: 206714
    Bug Report URL: https://bugs.debian.org/332498

    openvanilla-modules (#678401), requested 3787 days ago
    Description: libraries of openvanilla input method
    Reverse Depends: openvanilla-imgeneric-data-all
    openvanilla-imgeneric-data-ja openvanilla-imgeneric-data-ko
    openvanilla-imgeneric-data-th openvanilla-imgeneric-data-vi
    openvanilla-imgeneric-data-zh-cn openvanilla-imgeneric-data-zh-hk
    openvanilla-imgeneric-data-zh-tw ucimf-openvanilla
    Installations reported by Popcon: 6
    Bug Report URL: https://bugs.debian.org/678401

    pgpool2 (#772047), requested 2891 days ago
    Description: connection pool server and replication proxy for
    Reverse Depends: libpgpool-dev pgpool2 postgresql-15-pgpool2
    Installations reported by Popcon: 64
    Bug Report URL: https://bugs.debian.org/772047

    pgq (#945468), requested 1074 days ago
    Description: Queuing for PostgreSQL
    Reverse Depends: postgresql-15-pgq-node
    Installations reported by Popcon: 1
    Bug Report URL: https://bugs.debian.org/945468

    pgq-node (#992935), requested 1074 days ago
    Description: Queuing for PostgreSQL
    Installations reported by Popcon: 1
    Bug Report URL: https://bugs.debian.org/992935

    pgqd (#992934), requested 1074 days ago
    Description: Queuing for PostgreSQL
    Reverse Depends: postgresql-15-pgq3 skytools3-ticker
    Installations reported by Popcon: 24
    Bug Report URL: https://bugs.debian.org/992934

    pulseaudio (#743303), requested 3138 days ago
    Description: PulseAudio sound server
    Reverse Depends: aegisub aiscm ardour ares audacious-plugins
    audiotools audmes ayatana-indicator-sound baresip-x11 blender (204
    more omitted)
    Installations reported by Popcon: 118699
    Bug Report URL: https://bugs.debian.org/743303

    python-pgq (#992936), requested 1074 days ago
    Description: Queuing for PostgreSQL
    Reverse Depends: python3-londiste
    Installations reported by Popcon: 6
    Bug Report URL: https://bugs.debian.org/992936

    python-skytools (#992937), requested 1074 days ago
    Description: Queuing for PostgreSQL
    Reverse Depends: python3-londiste python3-pgq
    Installations reported by Popcon: 7
    Bug Report URL: https://bugs.debian.org/992937

    qiskit-aer (#1008626), requested 219 days ago
    Installations reported by Popcon: 2
    Bug Report URL: https://bugs.debian.org/1008626

    qiskit-terra (#1008625), requested 219 days ago
    Reverse Depends: python3-qiskit-aer python3-qiskit-ibmq-provider
    Installations reported by Popcon: 8
    Bug Report URL: https://bugs.debian.org/1008625

    shorewall (#986152), requested 583 days ago
    Description: Shoreline Firewall, netfilter configurator
    Reverse Depends: shorewall-init shorewall6
    Installations reported by Popcon: 2199
    Bug Report URL: https://bugs.debian.org/986152

    slony1-2 (#1014403), requested 121 days ago
    Description: replication system for PostgreSQL
    Installations reported by Popcon: 27
    Bug Report URL: https://bugs.debian.org/1014403

    spamassassin (#676314), requested 3802 days ago
    Description: Perl-based spam filter using text analysis
    Reverse Depends: claws-mail-spamassassin
    evolution-plugin-spamassassin fuzzyocr isbg sa-compile sa-exim
    sa-learn-cyrus spamass-milter spamassassin-heatu spamd (1 more
    Installations reported by Popcon: 6854
    Bug Report URL: https://bugs.debian.org/676314

    sparkleshare (#901994), requested 1596 days ago
    Description: distributed collaboration and sharing tool
    Installations reported by Popcon: 43
    Bug Report URL: https://bugs.debian.org/901994

    swi-prolog (#896458), requested 1657 days ago
    Description: ISO/Edinburgh-style Prolog interpreter
    Reverse Depends: elpa-ediprolog eye libppl-swi logol-bin pakcs
    swi-prolog swi-prolog-bdb swi-prolog-core-packages swi-prolog-doc
    swi-prolog-full (5 more omitted)
    Installations reported by Popcon: 1508
    Bug Report URL: https://bugs.debian.org/896458

    sysvinit (#935416), requested 1169 days ago
    Description: System-V-like init utilities
    Reverse Depends: batmand bootlogd console-setup-freebsd
    console-setup-linux courier-authdaemon courier-base courier-imap
    courier-ldap courier-mlm courier-mta (19 more omitted)
    Installations reported by Popcon: 207707
    Bug Report URL: https://bugs.debian.org/935416

    torbrowser-launcher (#796295), requested 2631 days ago
    Description: helps download, update and run the Tor Browser Bundle
    Installations reported by Popcon: 3000
    Bug Report URL: https://bugs.debian.org/796295

    See https://www.debian.org/devel/wnpp/help_requested for more information.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)