• Results for non-free firmware

    From devotee@vote.debian.org@21:1/5 to All on Sun Oct 2 08:40:01 2022
    XPost: linux.debian.vote

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    This message is an automated, unofficial publication of vote results.
    Official results shall follow, sent in by the vote taker, namely
    Debian Project Secretary

    This email is just a convenience for the impatient.
    I remain, gentle folks,

    Your humble servant,
    Devotee (on behalf of Debian Project Secretary)


    Starting results calculation at Sun Oct 2 06:33:53 2022

    Option 1 "Only one installer, including non-free firmware"
    Option 2 "Recommend installer containing non-free firmware"
    Option 3 "Allow presenting non-free installers alongside the free one"
    Option 4 "Installer with non-free software is not part of Debian"
    Option 5 "Change SC for non-free firmware in installer, one installer"
    Option 6 "Change SC for non-free firmware in installer, keep both installers" Option 7 "None of the above"

    In the following table, tally[row x][col y] represents the votes that
    option x received over option y.

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7
    === === === === === === ===
    Option 1 158 206 270 72 129 264
    Option 2 170 235 286 121 75 291
    Option 3 144 99 294 127 84 306
    Option 4 80 64 53 74 55 135
    Option 5 229 219 229 279 169 289
    Option 6 216 253 266 298 163 311
    Option 7 91 63 51 197 63 42

    Looking at row 2, column 1, Recommend installer containing non-free firmware received 170 votes over Only one installer, including non-free firmware

    Looking at row 1, column 2, Only one installer, including non-free firmware received 158 votes over Recommend installer containing non-free firmware.

    Option 1 Reached quorum: 264 > 45.8911756223351
    Option 2 Reached quorum: 291 > 45.8911756223351
    Option 3 Reached quorum: 306 > 45.8911756223351
    Option 4 Reached quorum: 135 > 45.8911756223351
    Option 5 Reached quorum: 289 > 45.8911756223351
    Option 6 Reached quorum: 311 > 45.8911756223351

    Option 1 passes Majority. 2.901 (264/91) >= 1
    Option 2 passes Majority. 4.619 (291/63) >= 1
    Option 3 passes Majority. 6.000 (306/51) >= 1
    Dropping Option 4 because of Majority. (0.6852791878172588832487309644670050761421) 0.685 (135/197) < 1
    Option 5 passes Majority. 4.587 (289/63) >= 3
    Option 6 passes Majority. 7.405 (311/42) >= 3

    Option 2 defeats Option 1 by ( 170 - 158) = 12 votes.
    Option 1 defeats Option 3 by ( 206 - 144) = 62 votes.
    Option 5 defeats Option 1 by ( 229 - 72) = 157 votes.
    Option 6 defeats Option 1 by ( 216 - 129) = 87 votes.
    Option 1 defeats Option 7 by ( 264 - 91) = 173 votes.
    Option 2 defeats Option 3 by ( 235 - 99) = 136 votes.
    Option 5 defeats Option 2 by ( 219 - 121) = 98 votes.
    Option 6 defeats Option 2 by ( 253 - 75) = 178 votes.
    Option 2 defeats Option 7 by ( 291 - 63) = 228 votes.
    Option 5 defeats Option 3 by ( 229 - 127) = 102 votes.
    Option 6 defeats Option 3 by ( 266 - 84) = 182 votes.
    Option 3 defeats Option 7 by ( 306 - 51) = 255 votes.
    Option 5 defeats Option 6 by ( 169 - 163) = 6 votes.
    Option 5 defeats Option 7 by ( 289 - 63) = 226 votes.
    Option 6 defeats Option 7 by ( 311 - 42) = 269 votes.

    The Schwartz Set contains:
    Option 5 "Change SC for non-free firmware in installer, one installer"

    -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

    The winners are:
    Option 5 "Change SC for non-free firmware in installer, one installer"

    -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

    The voters have spoken, the bastards... --unknown
    DEbian VOTe EnginE

    Content-Type: text/plain; name="results.dot"
    Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="results.dot" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

    digraph Results {
    "Only one installer, including non-free firmware\n2.90" [ style="filled" , fontname="Helvetica", fontsize=10 ];
    "Only one installer, including non-free firmware\n2.90" -> "Allow presenting non-free installers alongside the free one\n6.00" [ label="62" ];
    "Only one installer, including non-free firmware\n2.90" -> "None of the above" [ label="173" ];
    "Recommend installer containing non-free firmware\n4.62" [ style="filled" , fontname="Helvetica", fontsize=10 ];
    "Recommend installer containing non-free firmware\n4.62" -> "Only one installer, including non-free firmware\n2.90" [ label="12" ];
    "Recommend installer containing non-free firmware\n4.62" -> "Allow presenting non-free installers alongside the free one\n6.00" [ label="136" ];
    "Recommend installer containing non-free firmware\n4.62" -> "None of the above" [ label="228" ];
    "Allow presenting non-free installers alongside the free one\n6.00" [ style="filled" , fontname="Helvetica", fontsize=10 ];
    "Allow presenting non-free installers alongside the free one\n6.00" -> "None of the above" [ label="255" ];
    "Installer with non-free software is not part of Debian\n0.69" [ style="filled" , color="pink", shape=octagon, fontname="Helvetica", fontsize=10 ];
    "None of the above" -> "Installer with non-free software is not part of Debian\n0.69" [ label="62" ];
    "Change SC for non-free firmware in installer, one installer\n4.59" [ style="filled" , color="powderblue", shape=egg, fontcolor="NavyBlue", fontname="Helvetica", fontsize=10 ];
    "Change SC for non-free firmware in installer, one installer\n4.59" -> "Only one installer, including non-free firmware\n2.90" [ label="157" ];
    "Change SC for non-free firmware in installer, one installer\n4.59" -> "Recommend installer containing non-free firmware\n4.62" [ label="98" ];
    "Change SC for non-free firmware in installer, one installer\n4.59" -> "Allow presenting non-free installers alongside the free one\n6.00" [ label="102" ];
    "Change SC for non-free firmware in installer, one installer\n4.59" -> "Change SC for non-free firmware in installer, keep both installers\n7.40" [ label="6" ];
    "Change SC for non-free firmware in installer, one installer\n4.59" -> "None of the above" [ label="226" ];
    "Change SC for non-free firmware in installer, keep both installers\n7.40" [ style="filled" , fontname="Helvetica", fontsize=10 ];
    "Change SC for non-free firmware in installer, keep both installers\n7.40" -> "Only one installer, including non-free firmware\n2.90" [ label="87" ];
    "Change SC for non-free firmware in installer, keep both installers\n7.40" -> "Recommend installer containing non-free firmware\n4.62" [ label="178" ];
    "Change SC for non-free firmware in installer, keep both installers\n7.40" -> "Allow presenting non-free installers alongside the free one\n6.00" [ label="182" ];
    "Change SC for non-free firmware in installer, keep both installers\n7.40" -> "None of the above" [ label="269" ];
    "None of the above" [ style="filled" , shape=diamond, fontcolor="Red", fontname="Helvetica", fontsize=10 ];



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