• Firmware - what are we going to do about it?

    From Steve McIntyre@21:1/5 to All on Tue Apr 19 02:30:01 2022
    TL;DR: firmware support in Debian sucks, and we need to change this. See the "My preference, and rationale" Section below.

    In my opinion, the way we deal with (non-free) firmware in Debian is a mess, and this is hurting many of our users daily. For a long time we've been pretending that supporting and including (non-free) firmware on Debian systems is not necessary. We don't want to have to provide (non-free) firmware to our users, and in an ideal world we wouldn't need to. However, it's very clearly no longer a sensible path when trying to support lots of common current hardware.

    Background - why has (non-free) firmware become an issue? =========================================================

    Firmware is the low-level software that's designed to make hardware devices work. Firmware is tightly coupled to the hardware, exposing its features, providing higher-level functionality and interfaces for other software to use. For a variety of reasons, it's typically not Free Software.

    For Debian's purposes, we typically separate firmware from software by considering where the code executes (does it run on a separate processor? Is it visible to the host OS?) but it can be difficult to define a single reliable dividing line here. Consider the Intel/AMD CPU microcode packages, or the U-Boot firmware packages as examples.

    In times past, all necessary firmware would normally be included directly in devices / expansion cards by their vendors. Over time, however, it has become more and more attractive (and therefore more common) for device manufacturers to not include complete firmware on all devices. Instead, some devices just embed a very simple set of firmware that allows for upload of a more complete firmware "blob" into memory. Device drivers are then expected to provide that blob during device initialisation.

    There are a couple of key drivers for this change:

    • Cost: it's typically cheaper to fit smaller flash memory (or no flash at
    all) onto a device. The cost difference may seem small in many cases, but
    reducing the bill of materials (BOM) even by a few cents can make a
    substantial difference to the economics of a product. For most vendors,
    they will have to implement device drivers anyway and it's not difficult to
    include firmware in that driver.

    • Flexibility: it's much easier to change the behaviour of a device by simply
    changing to a different blob. This can potentially cover lots of different
    use cases:

    □ separating deadlines for hardware and software in manufacturing
    (drivers and firmware can be written and shipped later);
    □ bug fixes and security updates (e.g. CPU microcode changes);
    □ changing configuration of a device for different users or products
    (e.g. potentially different firmware to enable different frequencies on
    a radio product);
    □ changing fundamental device operation (e.g. switching between RAID and
    JBOD functionality on a disk controller).

    Due to these reasons, more and more devices in a typical computer now need firmware to be uploaded at runtime for them to function correctly. This has grown:

    • Going back 10 years or so, most computers only needed firmware uploads to
    make WiFi hardware work.

    • A growing number of wired network adapters now demand firmware uploads.
    Some will work in a limited way but depend on extra firmware to allow
    advanced features like TCP segmentation offload (TSO). Others will refuse
    to work at all without a firmware upload.

    • More and more graphics adapters now also want firmware uploads to provide
    any non-basic functions. A simple basic (S)VGA-compatible framebuffer is
    not enough for most users these days; modern desktops expect 3D
    acceleration, and a lot of current hardware will not provide that without
    extra firmware.

    • Current generations of common Intel-based laptops also need firmware
    uploads to make audio work (see the firmware-sof-signed package).

    At the beginning of this timeline, a typical Debian user would be able to use almost all of their computer's hardware without needing any firmware blobs. It might have been inconvenient to not be able to use the WiFi, but most laptops had wired ethernet anyway. The WiFi could always be enabled and configured after installation.

    Today, a user with a new laptop from most vendors will struggle to use it at all with our firmware-free Debian installation media. Modern laptops normally don't come with wired ethernet now. There won't be any usable graphics on the laptop's screen. A visually-impaired user won't get any audio prompts. These experiences are not acceptable, by any measure. There are new computers still available for purchase today which don't need firmware to be uploaded, but they are growing less and less common.

    Current state of firmware in Debian

    For clarity: obviously not all devices need extra firmware uploading like this. There are many devices that depend on firmware for operation, but we never have to think about them in normal circumstances. The code is not likely to be Free Software, but it's not something that we in Debian must spend our time on as we're not distributing that code ourselves. Our problems come when our user needs extra firmware to make their computer work, and they need/expect us to provide it.

    We have a small set of Free firmware binaries included in Debian main, and these are included on our installation and live media. This is great - we all love Free Software and this works.

    However, there are many more firmware binaries that are not Free. If we are legally able to redistribute those binaries, we package them up and include them in the non-free section of the archive. As Free Software developers, we don't like providing or supporting non-free software for our users, but we acknowledge that it's sometimes a necessary thing for them. This tension is acknowledged in the Debian Free Software Guidelines.

    This tension extends to our installation and live media. As non-free is officially not considered part of Debian, our official media cannot include anything from non-free. This has been a deliberate policy for many years. Instead, we have for some time been building a limited parallel set of "unofficial non-free" images which include non-free firmware. These non-free images are produced by the same software that we use for the official images, and by the same team.

    There are a number of issues here that make developers and users unhappy:

    1. Building, testing and publishing two sets of images takes more effort.
    2. We don't really want to be providing non-free images at all, from a
    philosophy point of view. So we mainly promote and advertise the preferred
    official free images. That can be a cause of confusion for users. We do
    link to the non-free images in various places, but they're not so easy to
    3. Using non-free installation media will cause more installations to use
    non-free software by default. That's not a great story for us, and we may
    end up with more of our users using non-free software and believing that
    it's all part of Debian.
    4. A number of users and developers complain that we're wasting their time by
    publishing official images that are just not useful for a lot (a majority?)
    of users.

    We should do better than this.


    The status quo is a mess, and I believe we can and should do things differently.

    I see several possible options that the images team can choose from here. However, several of these options could undermine the principles of Debian. We don't want to make fundamental changes like that without the clear backing of the wider project. That's why I'm writing this...

    1. Keep the existing setup. It's horrible, but maybe it's the best we can do?
    (I hope not!)

    2. We could just stop providing the non-free unofficial images altogether.
    That's not really a promising route to follow - we'd be making it even
    harder for users to install our software. While ideologically pure, it's
    not going to advance the cause of Free Software.

    3. We could stop pretending that the non-free images are unofficial, and maybe
    move them alongside the normal free images so they're published together.
    This would make them easier to find for people that need them, but is
    likely to cause users to question why we still make any images without
    firmware if they're otherwise identical.

    4. The images team technically could simply include non-free into the official
    images, and add firmware packages to the input lists for those images.
    However, that would still leave us with problem 3 from above (non-free
    generally enabled on most installations).

    5. We could split out the non-free firmware packages into a new
    non-free-firmware component in the archive, and allow a specific exception
    only to allow inclusion of those packages on our official media. We would
    then generate only one set of official media, including those non-free
    firmware packages.

    (We've already seen various suggestions in recent years to split up the
    non-free component of the archive like this, for example into
    non-free-firmware, non-free-doc, non-free-drivers, etc. Disagreement
    (bike-shedding?) about the split caused us to not make any progress on
    this. I believe this project should be picked up and completed. We don't
    have to make a perfect solution here immediately, just something that works
    well enough for our needs today. We can always tweak and improve the setup
    incrementally if that's needed.)

    These are the most likely possible options, in my opinion. If you have a better suggestion, please let us know!

    I'd like to take this set of options to a GR, and do it soon. I want to get a clear decision from the wider Debian project as to how to organise firmware and installation images. If we do end up changing how we do things, I want a clear mandate from the project to do that.

    My preference, and rationale

    Mainly, I want to see how the project as a whole feels here - this is a big issue that we're overdue solving.

    What would I choose to do? My personal preference would be to go with option 5: split the non-free firmware into a special new component and include that on official media.

    Does that make me a sellout? I don't think so. I've been passionately supporting and developing Free Software for more than half my life. My philosophy here has not changed. However, this is a complex and nuanced situation. I firmly believe that sharing software freedom with our users comes with a responsibility to also make our software useful. If users can't easily install and use Debian, that helps nobody.

    By splitting things out here, we would enable users to install and use Debian on their hardware, without promoting/pushing higher-level non-free software in general. I think that's a reasonable compromise. This is simply a change to recognise that hardware requirements have moved on over the years.

    Further work

    If we do go with the changes in option 5, there are other things we could do here for better control of and information about non-free firmware:

    1. Along with adding non-free firmware onto media, when the installer (or live
    image) runs, we should make it clear exactly which firmware packages have
    been used/installed to support detected hardware. We could link to docs
    about each, and maybe also to projects working on Free re-implementations.

    2. Add an option at boot to explicitly disable the use of the non-free
    firmware packages, so that users can choose to avoid them.


    Thanks to people who reviewed earlier versions of this document and/or made suggestions for improvement, in particular:

    • Cyril Brulebois
    • Matthew Garrett
    • David Leggett
    • Martin Michlmayr
    • Andy Simpkins
    • Neil Williams

    Steve McIntyre, Cambridge, UK. steve@einval.com Who needs computer imagery when you've got Brian Blessed?


    iQIzBAEBCAAdFiEEzrtSMB1hfpEDkP4WWHl5VzRCaE4FAmJeAgIACgkQWHl5VzRC aE5KnA/+LZIlNAES3h8CmQNZzWSKcdKZCOCKJ9x+aJ0MlzCpvfeDXFgVggtazZep tDD0vkthPzE5uNz0jtG6KcTWwz5Xx/I+ZPun8ve/Qy1Q0TeApc33ERRXV7NFTWpZ VKYwocx5qeHWs1nXbRBAAcWRy9ll9kPoc4Hlkeh9StyrJumLGB5dGYjDPr1m2gh3 lZxFjaNQSSWPH96x8lKjL12K5xLu9WGacYrt6gXX+Scuiwkh+d5Bqrn+aXS0mlg2 pIi8PT+Gc6x2POCKfrsdJ2d/MYSj9Yki0NrkAxFkWd5lXX7LT/9jAOtmXXclZSGi b3u9iOS7SredNwDZJPSRJpchaOTLRGgK7gq0qEyaVbUAWTgYGZsaHKwHL5uXZfkn 2+QHwVf8sJEd//j0a6GGAME3WhQb6iTZQrIqFh9FyRwEJiTC0Toie+nmSPwl6BMv YxKyeKyBerqYtGpZjk8AkpANdj/3GVuMxQdANGohEOW866zmUrrLeQDlVmU98E/v UunBfNY+ChamI8ONgXdXxExYWiIxAiYS8m55khXLz9J1YKZJn7d1b5ZE7AzcDU3M 9V2sFXBpkSzSuvh0LeFLHgnWxPNcnap5mRZFvzA7jsILTKPFYCJuqBs3+XEL1hnt pZczNrjGeK4wMK05uMMNsQaHPY/uudbH+xKqBO2T0UT4i1nXhDo=
    -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
  • From Ansgar@21:1/5 to Steve McIntyre on Tue Apr 19 08:40:01 2022

    On Tue, 2022-04-19 at 01:27 +0100, Steve McIntyre wrote:
    TL;DR: firmware support in Debian sucks, and we need to change this.

    Thanks for proposing changes here.

     5. We could split out the non-free firmware packages into a new
        non-free-firmware component in the archive [...]

    What would I choose to do? My personal preference would be to go with
    option 5: split the non-free firmware into a special new component
    and include that on official media.

    Having proposed that in the past that is also my preference (unless
    someone should come up with a better idea).

    Does that make me a sellout? I don't think so.

    I simply see this as a change how non-free software is delivered. To
    me, it doesn't make much difference whether non-free firmware comes preinstalled on a ROM or is loaded by the kernel as a blob and just
    pushed to the device: the firmware is the same; it doesn't become more
    or less free depending how it is loaded.

    Users just /see/ more easily that their device uses non-free firmware
    if the kernel states it loads it / is visible in the filesystem.

    (This assumes that all firmware we include is at least freely
    redistributable and licenses not specific to Debian, but I think that
    is the case. Maybe we should make that an explicit requirement for
    firmware in non-free-firmware.)


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Devin Prater@21:1/5 to steve@einval.com on Tue Apr 19 10:00:01 2022
    I'd vote for option 5. Thanks so much for bringing this up.
    Devin Prater

    On Mon, Apr 18, 2022 at 7:28 PM Steve McIntyre <steve@einval.com> wrote:

    TL;DR: firmware support in Debian sucks, and we need to change this. See
    "My preference, and rationale" Section below.

    In my opinion, the way we deal with (non-free) firmware in Debian is a
    and this is hurting many of our users daily. For a long time we've been pretending that supporting and including (non-free) firmware on Debian systems
    is not necessary. We don't want to have to provide (non-free) firmware to
    users, and in an ideal world we wouldn't need to. However, it's very
    clearly no
    longer a sensible path when trying to support lots of common current hardware.

    Background - why has (non-free) firmware become an issue? =========================================================

    Firmware is the low-level software that's designed to make hardware devices work. Firmware is tightly coupled to the hardware, exposing its features, providing higher-level functionality and interfaces for other software to use.
    For a variety of reasons, it's typically not Free Software.

    For Debian's purposes, we typically separate firmware from software by considering where the code executes (does it run on a separate processor?
    Is it
    visible to the host OS?) but it can be difficult to define a single
    dividing line here. Consider the Intel/AMD CPU microcode packages, or the U-Boot firmware packages as examples.

    In times past, all necessary firmware would normally be included directly
    devices / expansion cards by their vendors. Over time, however, it has
    more and more attractive (and therefore more common) for device
    to not include complete firmware on all devices. Instead, some devices just embed a very simple set of firmware that allows for upload of a more
    firmware "blob" into memory. Device drivers are then expected to provide
    blob during device initialisation.

    There are a couple of key drivers for this change:

    • Cost: it's typically cheaper to fit smaller flash memory (or no flash at
    all) onto a device. The cost difference may seem small in many cases,
    reducing the bill of materials (BOM) even by a few cents can make a
    substantial difference to the economics of a product. For most vendors,
    they will have to implement device drivers anyway and it's not
    difficult to
    include firmware in that driver.

    • Flexibility: it's much easier to change the behaviour of a device by simply
    changing to a different blob. This can potentially cover lots of different
    use cases:

    □ separating deadlines for hardware and software in manufacturing
    (drivers and firmware can be written and shipped later);
    □ bug fixes and security updates (e.g. CPU microcode changes);
    □ changing configuration of a device for different users or products
    (e.g. potentially different firmware to enable different
    frequencies on
    a radio product);
    □ changing fundamental device operation (e.g. switching between RAID and
    JBOD functionality on a disk controller).

    Due to these reasons, more and more devices in a typical computer now need firmware to be uploaded at runtime for them to function correctly. This has grown:

    • Going back 10 years or so, most computers only needed firmware uploads to
    make WiFi hardware work.

    • A growing number of wired network adapters now demand firmware uploads.
    Some will work in a limited way but depend on extra firmware to allow
    advanced features like TCP segmentation offload (TSO). Others will
    to work at all without a firmware upload.

    • More and more graphics adapters now also want firmware uploads to provide
    any non-basic functions. A simple basic (S)VGA-compatible framebuffer
    not enough for most users these days; modern desktops expect 3D
    acceleration, and a lot of current hardware will not provide that
    extra firmware.

    • Current generations of common Intel-based laptops also need firmware
    uploads to make audio work (see the firmware-sof-signed package).

    At the beginning of this timeline, a typical Debian user would be able to
    almost all of their computer's hardware without needing any firmware
    blobs. It
    might have been inconvenient to not be able to use the WiFi, but most
    had wired ethernet anyway. The WiFi could always be enabled and configured after installation.

    Today, a user with a new laptop from most vendors will struggle to use it
    all with our firmware-free Debian installation media. Modern laptops
    don't come with wired ethernet now. There won't be any usable graphics on
    laptop's screen. A visually-impaired user won't get any audio prompts.
    experiences are not acceptable, by any measure. There are new computers
    available for purchase today which don't need firmware to be uploaded, but they
    are growing less and less common.

    Current state of firmware in Debian

    For clarity: obviously not all devices need extra firmware uploading like this.
    There are many devices that depend on firmware for operation, but we never have
    to think about them in normal circumstances. The code is not likely to be Free
    Software, but it's not something that we in Debian must spend our time on
    we're not distributing that code ourselves. Our problems come when our user needs extra firmware to make their computer work, and they need/expect us
    provide it.

    We have a small set of Free firmware binaries included in Debian main, and these are included on our installation and live media. This is great - we
    love Free Software and this works.

    However, there are many more firmware binaries that are not Free. If we are legally able to redistribute those binaries, we package them up and include them in the non-free section of the archive. As Free Software developers,
    don't like providing or supporting non-free software for our users, but we acknowledge that it's sometimes a necessary thing for them. This tension is acknowledged in the Debian Free Software Guidelines.

    This tension extends to our installation and live media. As non-free is officially not considered part of Debian, our official media cannot include anything from non-free. This has been a deliberate policy for many years. Instead, we have for some time been building a limited parallel set of "unofficial non-free" images which include non-free firmware. These
    images are produced by the same software that we use for the official
    and by the same team.

    There are a number of issues here that make developers and users unhappy:

    1. Building, testing and publishing two sets of images takes more effort.
    2. We don't really want to be providing non-free images at all, from a
    philosophy point of view. So we mainly promote and advertise the preferred
    official free images. That can be a cause of confusion for users. We do
    link to the non-free images in various places, but they're not so easy
    3. Using non-free installation media will cause more installations to use
    non-free software by default. That's not a great story for us, and we
    end up with more of our users using non-free software and believing
    it's all part of Debian.
    4. A number of users and developers complain that we're wasting their
    time by
    publishing official images that are just not useful for a lot (a majority?)
    of users.

    We should do better than this.


    The status quo is a mess, and I believe we can and should do things differently.

    I see several possible options that the images team can choose from here. However, several of these options could undermine the principles of
    Debian. We
    don't want to make fundamental changes like that without the clear backing
    the wider project. That's why I'm writing this...

    1. Keep the existing setup. It's horrible, but maybe it's the best we can do?
    (I hope not!)

    2. We could just stop providing the non-free unofficial images altogether.
    That's not really a promising route to follow - we'd be making it even
    harder for users to install our software. While ideologically pure,
    not going to advance the cause of Free Software.

    3. We could stop pretending that the non-free images are unofficial, and maybe
    move them alongside the normal free images so they're published
    This would make them easier to find for people that need them, but is
    likely to cause users to question why we still make any images without
    firmware if they're otherwise identical.

    4. The images team technically could simply include non-free into the official
    images, and add firmware packages to the input lists for those images.
    However, that would still leave us with problem 3 from above (non-free
    generally enabled on most installations).

    5. We could split out the non-free firmware packages into a new
    non-free-firmware component in the archive, and allow a specific exception
    only to allow inclusion of those packages on our official media. We
    then generate only one set of official media, including those non-free
    firmware packages.

    (We've already seen various suggestions in recent years to split up the
    non-free component of the archive like this, for example into
    non-free-firmware, non-free-doc, non-free-drivers, etc. Disagreement
    (bike-shedding?) about the split caused us to not make any progress on
    this. I believe this project should be picked up and completed. We
    have to make a perfect solution here immediately, just something that works
    well enough for our needs today. We can always tweak and improve the setup
    incrementally if that's needed.)

    These are the most likely possible options, in my opinion. If you have a better
    suggestion, please let us know!

    I'd like to take this set of options to a GR, and do it soon. I want to
    get a
    clear decision from the wider Debian project as to how to organise
    firmware and
    installation images. If we do end up changing how we do things, I want a clear
    mandate from the project to do that.

    My preference, and rationale

    Mainly, I want to see how the project as a whole feels here - this is a big issue that we're overdue solving.

    What would I choose to do? My personal preference would be to go with
    option 5:
    split the non-free firmware into a special new component and include that
    official media.

    Does that make me a sellout? I don't think so. I've been passionately supporting and developing Free Software for more than half my life. My philosophy here has not changed. However, this is a complex and nuanced situation. I firmly believe that sharing software freedom with our users comes
    with a responsibility to also make our software useful. If users can't
    install and use Debian, that helps nobody.

    By splitting things out here, we would enable users to install and use
    on their hardware, without promoting/pushing higher-level non-free
    software in
    general. I think that's a reasonable compromise. This is simply a change to recognise that hardware requirements have moved on over the years.

    Further work

    If we do go with the changes in option 5, there are other things we could
    here for better control of and information about non-free firmware:

    1. Along with adding non-free firmware onto media, when the installer (or live
    image) runs, we should make it clear exactly which firmware packages
    been used/installed to support detected hardware. We could link to docs
    about each, and maybe also to projects working on Free re-implementations.

    2. Add an option at boot to explicitly disable the use of the non-free
    firmware packages, so that users can choose to avoid them.


    Thanks to people who reviewed earlier versions of this document and/or made suggestions for improvement, in particular:

    • Cyril Brulebois
    • Matthew Garrett
    • David Leggett
    • Martin Michlmayr
    • Andy Simpkins
    • Neil Williams

    Steve McIntyre, Cambridge, UK.
    Who needs computer imagery when you've got Brian Blessed?

    <div dir="ltr">I&#39;d vote for option 5. Thanks so much for bringing this up.<br clear="all"><div><div dir="ltr" class="gmail_signature" data-smartmail="gmail_signature"><div dir="ltr"><div dir="ltr"><div dir="ltr">Devin Prater</div><div><a href="mailto:
    r.d.t.prater@gmail.com" target="_blank">r.d.t.prater@gmail.com</a></div><div><br></div><div><br></div></div></div></div></div><br></div><br><div class="gmail_quote"><div dir="ltr" class="gmail_attr">On Mon, Apr 18, 2022 at 7:28 PM Steve McIntyre &lt;<a
    href="mailto:steve@einval.com">steve@einval.com</a>&gt; wrote:<br></div><blockquote class="gmail_quote" style="margin:0px 0px 0px 0.8ex;border-left:1px solid rgb(204,204,204);padding-left:1ex">TL;DR: firmware support in Debian sucks, and we need to
    change this. See the<br>
    &quot;My preference, and rationale&quot; Section below.<br>

    In my opinion, the way we deal with (non-free) firmware in Debian is a mess,<br>
    and this is hurting many of our users daily. For a long time we&#39;ve been<br> pretending that supporting and including (non-free) firmware on Debian systems<br>
    is not necessary. We don&#39;t want to have to provide (non-free) firmware to our<br>
    users, and in an ideal world we wouldn&#39;t need to. However, it&#39;s very clearly no<br>
    longer a sensible path when trying to support lots of common current hardware.<br>

    Background - why has (non-free) firmware become an issue?<br> =========================================================<br>

    Firmware is the low-level software that&#39;s designed to make hardware devices<br>
    work. Firmware is tightly coupled to the hardware, exposing its features,<br> providing higher-level functionality and interfaces for other software to use.<br>
    For a variety of reasons, it&#39;s typically not Free Software.<br>

    For Debian&#39;s purposes, we typically separate firmware from software by<br> considering where the code executes (does it run on a separate processor? Is it<br>
    visible to the host OS?) but it can be difficult to define a single reliable<br>
    dividing line here. Consider the Intel/AMD CPU microcode packages, or the<br> U-Boot firmware packages as examples.<br>

    In times past, all necessary firmware would normally be included directly in<br>
    devices / expansion cards by their vendors. Over time, however, it has become<br>
    more and more attractive (and therefore more common) for device manufacturers<br>
    to not include complete firmware on all devices. Instead, some devices just<br> embed a very simple set of firmware that allows for upload of a more complete<br>
    firmware &quot;blob&quot; into memory. Device drivers are then expected to provide that<br>
    blob during device initialisation.<br>

    There are a couple of key drivers for this change:<br>

      • Cost: it&#39;s typically cheaper to fit smaller flash memory (or no flash at<br>
        all) onto a device. The cost difference may seem small in many cases, but<br>
        reducing the bill of materials (BOM) even by a few cents can make a<br>     substantial difference to the economics of a product. For most vendors,<br>
        they will have to implement device drivers anyway and it&#39;s not difficult to<br>
        include firmware in that driver.<br>

      • Flexibility: it&#39;s much easier to change the behaviour of a device by simply<br>
        changing to a different blob. This can potentially cover lots of different<br>
        use cases:<br>

          □ separating deadlines for hardware and software in manufacturing<br>
            (drivers and firmware can be written and shipped later);<br>
          □ bug fixes and security updates (e.g. CPU microcode changes);<br>       □ changing configuration of a device for different users or products<br>
            (e.g. potentially different firmware to enable different frequencies on<br>
            a radio product);<br>
          □ changing fundamental device operation (e.g. switching between RAID and<br>
            JBOD functionality on a disk controller).<br>

    Due to these reasons, more and more devices in a typical computer now need<br> firmware to be uploaded at runtime for them to function correctly. This has<br> grown:<br>

      • Going back 10 years or so, most computers only needed firmware uploads to<br>
        make WiFi hardware work.<br>

      • A growing number of wired network adapters now demand firmware uploads.<br>
        Some will work in a limited way but depend on extra firmware to allow<br>     advanced features like TCP segmentation offload (TSO). Others will refuse<br>
        to work at all without a firmware upload.<br>

      • More and more graphics adapters now also want firmware uploads to provide<br>
        any non-basic functions. A simple basic (S)VGA-compatible framebuffer is<br>
        not enough for most users these days; modern desktops expect 3D<br>
        acceleration, and a lot of current hardware will not provide that without<br>
        extra firmware.<br>

      • Current generations of common Intel-based laptops also need firmware<br>     uploads to make audio work (see the firmware-sof-signed package).<br>

    At the beginning of this timeline, a typical Debian user would be able to use<br>
    almost all of their computer&#39;s hardware without needing any firmware blobs. It<br>
    might have been inconvenient to not be able to use the WiFi, but most laptops<br>
    had wired ethernet anyway. The WiFi could always be enabled and configured<br> after installation.<br>

    Today, a user with a new laptop from most vendors will struggle to use it at<br>
    all with our firmware-free Debian installation media. Modern laptops normally<br>
    don&#39;t come with wired ethernet now. There won&#39;t be any usable graphics on the<br>
    laptop&#39;s screen. A visually-impaired user won&#39;t get any audio prompts. These<br>
    experiences are not acceptable, by any measure. There are new computers still<br>
    available for purchase today which don&#39;t need firmware to be uploaded, but they<br>
    are growing less and less common.<br>

    Current state of firmware in Debian<br>

    For clarity: obviously not all devices need extra firmware uploading like this.<br>
    There are many devices that depend on firmware for operation, but we never have<br>
    to think about them in normal circumstances. The code is not likely to be Free<br>
    Software, but it&#39;s not something that we in Debian must spend our time on as<br>
    we&#39;re not distributing that code ourselves. Our problems come when our user<br>
    needs extra firmware to make their computer work, and they need/expect us to<br>
    provide it.<br>

    We have a small set of Free firmware binaries included in Debian main, and<br> these are included on our installation and live media. This is great - we all<br>
    love Free Software and this works.<br>

    However, there are many more firmware binaries that are not Free. If we are<br> legally able to redistribute those binaries, we package them up and include<br> them in the non-free section of the archive. As Free Software developers, we<br>
    don&#39;t like providing or supporting non-free software for our users, but we<br>
    acknowledge that it&#39;s sometimes a necessary thing for them. This tension is<br>
    acknowledged in the Debian Free Software Guidelines.<br>

    This tension extends to our installation and live media. As non-free is<br> officially not considered part of Debian, our official media cannot include<br> anything from non-free. This has been a deliberate policy for many years.<br> Instead, we have for some time been building a limited parallel set of<br> &quot;unofficial non-free&quot; images which include non-free firmware. These non-free<br>
    images are produced by the same software that we use for the official images,<br>
    and by the same team.<br>

    There are a number of issues here that make developers and users unhappy:<br>

     1. Building, testing and publishing two sets of images takes more effort.<br>  2. We don&#39;t really want to be providing non-free images at all, from a<br>
        philosophy point of view. So we mainly promote and advertise the preferred<br>
        official free images. That can be a cause of confusion for users. We do<br>
        link to the non-free images in various places, but they&#39;re not so easy to<br>
     3. Using non-free installation media will cause more installations to use<br>     non-free software by default. That&#39;s not a great story for us, and we may<br>
        end up with more of our users using non-free software and believing that<br>
        it&#39;s all part of Debian.<br>
     4. A number of users and developers complain that we&#39;re wasting their time by<br>
        publishing official images that are just not useful for a lot (a majority?)<br>
        of users.<br>

    We should do better than this.<br>


    The status quo is a mess, and I believe we can and should do things<br> differently.<br>

    I see several possible options that the images team can choose from here.<br> However, several of these options could undermine the principles of Debian. We<br>
    don&#39;t want to make fundamental changes like that without the clear backing of<br>
    the wider project. That&#39;s why I&#39;m writing this...<br>

     1. Keep the existing setup. It&#39;s horrible, but maybe it&#39;s the best we can do?<br>
        (I hope not!)<br>

     2. We could just stop providing the non-free unofficial images altogether.<br>
        That&#39;s not really a promising route to follow - we&#39;d be making it even<br>
        harder for users to install our software. While ideologically pure, it&#39;s<br>
        not going to advance the cause of Free Software.<br>

     3. We could stop pretending that the non-free images are unofficial, and maybe<br>
        move them alongside the normal free images so they&#39;re published together.<br>
        This would make them easier to find for people that need them, but is<br>     likely to cause users to question why we still make any images without<br>
        firmware if they&#39;re otherwise identical.<br>

     4. The images team technically could simply include non-free into the official<br>
        images, and add firmware packages to the input lists for those images.<br>
        However, that would still leave us with problem 3 from above (non-free<br>
        generally enabled on most installations).<br>

     5. We could split out the non-free firmware packages into a new<br>
        non-free-firmware component in the archive, and allow a specific exception<br>
        only to allow inclusion of those packages on our official media. We would<br>
        then generate only one set of official media, including those non-free<br>
        firmware packages.<br>

        (We&#39;ve already seen various suggestions in recent years to split up the<br>
        non-free component of the archive like this, for example into<br>
        non-free-firmware, non-free-doc, non-free-drivers, etc. Disagreement<br>     (bike-shedding?) about the split caused us to not make any progress on<br>
        this. I believe this project should be picked up and completed. We don&#39;t<br>
        have to make a perfect solution here immediately, just something that works<br>
        well enough for our needs today. We can always tweak and improve the setup<br>
        incrementally if that&#39;s needed.)<br>

    These are the most likely possible options, in my opinion. If you have a better<br>
    suggestion, please let us know!<br>

    I&#39;d like to take this set of options to a GR, and do it soon. I want to get a<br>
    clear decision from the wider Debian project as to how to organise firmware and<br>
    installation images. If we do end up changing how we do things, I want a clear<br>
    mandate from the project to do that.<br>

    My preference, and rationale<br>

    Mainly, I want to see how the project as a whole feels here - this is a big<br> issue that we&#39;re overdue solving.<br>

    What would I choose to do? My personal preference would be to go with option 5:<br>
    split the non-free firmware into a special new component and include that on<br>
    official media.<br>

    Does that make me a sellout? I don&#39;t think so. I&#39;ve been passionately<br>
    supporting and developing Free Software for more than half my life. My<br> philosophy here has not changed. However, this is a complex and nuanced<br> situation. I firmly believe that sharing software freedom with our users comes<br>
    with a responsibility to also make our software useful. If users can&#39;t easily<br>
    install and use Debian, that helps nobody.<br>

    By splitting things out here, we would enable users to install and use Debian<br>
    on their hardware, without promoting/pushing higher-level non-free software in<br>
    general. I think that&#39;s a reasonable compromise. This is simply a change to<br>
    recognise that hardware requirements have moved on over the years.<br>

    Further work<br>

    If we do go with the changes in option 5, there are other things we could do<br>
    here for better control of and information about non-free firmware:<br>

     1. Along with adding non-free firmware onto media, when the installer (or live<br>
        image) runs, we should make it clear exactly which firmware packages have<br>
        been used/installed to support detected hardware. We could link to docs<br>
        about each, and maybe also to projects working on Free re-implementations.<br>

     2. Add an option at boot to explicitly disable the use of the non-free<br>
        firmware packages, so that users can choose to avoid them.<br>


    Thanks to people who reviewed earlier versions of this document and/or made<br> suggestions for improvement, in particular:<br>

      • Cyril Brulebois<br>
      • Matthew Garrett<br>
      • David Leggett<br>
      • Martin Michlmayr<br>
      • Andy Simpkins<br>
      • Neil Williams<br>

    -- <br>
    Steve McIntyre, Cambridge, UK.                                <a href="mailto:steve@einval.com" target="_blank">steve@einval.com</a><br>
    Who needs computer imagery when you&#39;ve got Brian Blessed?<br> </blockquote></div>

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From parodper@21:1/5 to All on Tue Apr 19 10:40:01 2022
    5. We could split out the non-free firmware packages into a new
    non-free-firmware component in the archive, and allow a specific exception
    only to allow inclusion of those packages on our official media. We would
    then generate only one set of official media, including those non-free > firmware packages.

    Aren't drivers already part of the non-free/kernel section? Maybe also
    query for the use::driver tag.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Marco d'Itri@21:1/5 to Steve McIntyre on Tue Apr 19 10:30:01 2022
    On Apr 19, Steve McIntyre <steve@einval.com> wrote:

    What would I choose to do? My personal preference would be to go with option 5:
    split the non-free firmware into a special new component and include that on official media.
    I agree, and actually I have been supporting this position for 20
    years (time flies!).

    Just a note: on board wired Ethernet adapters used in popular servers
    from many vendors have needed the tg3 or bnx/bnx2 firmwares to work for
    quite a long time, so I do not think that the situation has "recently" worsened.



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    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Andrey Rahmatullin@21:1/5 to parodper on Tue Apr 19 10:50:01 2022
    On Tue, Apr 19, 2022 at 10:22:15AM +0200, parodper wrote:
    5. We could split out the non-free firmware packages into a new
    non-free-firmware component in the archive, and allow a specific exception
    only to allow inclusion of those packages on our official media. We would
    then generate only one set of official media, including those non-free > firmware packages.

    Aren't drivers already part of the non-free/kernel section? Maybe also query for the use::driver tag.
    Sections and tags don't mean anything useful in the context of the
    discussed topic.
    Also, drivers and firmware are different things.

    WBR, wRAR


    iQJhBAABCgBLFiEEolIP6gqGcKZh3YxVM2L3AxpJkuEFAmJedg8tFIAAAAAAFQAP cGthLWFkZHJlc3NAZ251cGcub3Jnd3JhckBkZWJpYW4ub3JnAAoJEDNi9wMaSZLh JaAP/0bHebNQLvg6Wz4vCJ3Ot2QI2v5Bzd6pyie6srAtwTwhY53HeCnRgFf6jWAD MzvlCiwawwWnWx0lMydvtrNi0HZ+Aup5VC3EJO+qmLfWxD1L/3XHZYB8H4oKqSLJ LRBajPi8Gqibur++WFiF6f9Wq8KIfQzNeM/NbRIx1kKNo5Up9VZ3TviOba2nM9jD 6uyVCwy6J0lM3R/HeZcBckXTlIBYATk+6FAXNTbjuvsLte2SXIVmBXZ/kBW3o+MM /vj7fnr7vF3Tv2dftxppA/wXYTg5AXM6gcMyaIf1u4u3yDKA400B4iXNXqlkQfrq G7fl0yUbjxkO6rcjgUhK6w1sJytNCMdix1tqh/c79e9R8g2r5BNFYFQ6b6k0i2uL SDaIi+CaZhPBFibfQw5F9cqd3bty5MLRtLzjDvrs08bciDF/9UVs8es6sFazf1jP 2YZYqLus3PJW16DEHui1iYlgeZxgoLSqB3zWThGVRfQoGbqFKYWANAemtRKi2Jsc YT3kAt3MTJtbKipDB7oF6y+Nr4vg5SvOnQXOeGr5NpiLSAAEyZSsbnY0uMohUY8X 3RE6aJLKi+lPx7hj2Kfx71gnkeW1eAx5XJTX0AGZtjsgU7FCGI2df25fFywkkRSt VhYb44eGlaP2r5+BgrUEtvp9NX0rT4B/yvHkZI15nOveT24W
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    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Christian Kastner@21:1/5 to Steve McIntyre on Tue Apr 19 12:00:01 2022
    Hi Steve,

    thank you for bringing this up.

    On 2022-04-19 02:27, Steve McIntyre wrote:
    1. Keep the existing setup. It's horrible, but maybe it's the best we can do?
    (I hope not!)>
    2. We could just stop providing the non-free unofficial images altogether.
    That's not really a promising route to follow - we'd be making it even
    harder for users to install our software. While ideologically pure, it's
    not going to advance the cause of Free Software.

    Here's a somewhat radical idea: I propose that we make option (1) and
    (2) conditional on all Debian infra switching to hardware entirely free
    of binary firmware/microcode blobs.

    Because if *we* can't do it, then imposing this stringency on our users
    is outright idealist hypocrisy.

    [Spoiler: we can't, unless some open x86_64 silicon has popped up
    somewhere (doubtful, because of the required patents).]

    3. We could stop pretending that the non-free images are unofficial, and maybe
    move them alongside the normal free images so they're published together.
    This would make them easier to find for people that need them, but is
    likely to cause users to question why we still make any images without
    firmware if they're otherwise identical.

    4. The images team technically could simply include non-free into the official
    images, and add firmware packages to the input lists for those images.
    However, that would still leave us with problem 3 from above (non-free
    generally enabled on most installations).

    5. We could split out the non-free firmware packages into a new
    non-free-firmware component in the archive, and allow a specific exception
    only to allow inclusion of those packages on our official media. We would
    then generate only one set of official media, including those non-free
    firmware packages.

    I'd vote for option 5, and alternatively option 3.


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Luca Boccassi@21:1/5 to Steve McIntyre on Tue Apr 19 11:40:01 2022
    On Tue, 2022-04-19 at 01:27 +0100, Steve McIntyre wrote:
    What would I choose to do? My personal preference would be to go with option 5:
    split the non-free firmware into a special new component and include that on official media.

    This is a great write-up and proposal, thank you very much for working
    on it!

    Personally, I'd even go for option 4, so that other drivers are covered
    too (the general advice that can be found on the internet for users
    with nvidia hardware seems to be: "avoid Debian, go Ubuntu/Mint/etc",
    which is just a sad state of affairs). But option 5 is already a great improvement upon the status quo.

    One thing about the write-up, did you consider mentioning explicitly
    the security angle in the rationale for the change?
    For packages like intel-microcode, not only is the non-free "firmware" necessary, but an old copy is "embedded", which means by default Debian
    users run with outdated and insecure microcode, exposing them to very
    real and very dangerous security vulnerabilities, unless they go out of
    their way to enable the non-advertised non-free repository.
    I don't know for certain, but I think there are other cases like this,
    with hardware that ships a full updatable firmware in flash storage,
    that gets security fixes and updates.

    Kind regards,
    Luca Boccassi


    iQEzBAABCgAdFiEE6g0RLAGYhL9yp9G8SylmgFB4UWIFAmJegjoACgkQSylmgFB4 UWKN4wgAkPA79Xl5dRAm8FSp3SZ6wQvJ8mUfxEDHMVTEaOAYVwzX/1smL1M/D3KH 1wpAl8aQs9syQWCMEtjPoXCCOu9Dod3BrggOzwTAr/OLD3QXSg03aH/oJiB0RQYE YKsqyl9nZOu6Y8wwoRGJx9XGks3eHz0Whs3Twj/s4pRqWM/OoyXfSv2cskSLnRhH 4bWbhPr7FLVAPFbD5QpXmOl6PdQcJWXMX/hGZbbK6sGd1ADSBkH3EAc+8e/NNwtQ bsZF0r6QzQ3e6b86Grs+fbSru27S6kPnXxXySdvehMloEKX8OOWtHUNvOmuWL7ro Mh6afyDhEv+RNqd8uVoTm1y9Iiit3w==
    -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Steve McIntyre@21:1/5 to wrar@debian.org on Tue Apr 19 12:00:01 2022
    wrar@debian.org wrote:

    Also, drivers and firmware are different things.

    *Totally*. This is one of my pet peeves - many *many* people confuse
    the two and talk about "non-free drivers" in Debian when they actually
    mean firmware... ARGH.

    Steve McIntyre, Cambridge, UK. steve@einval.com "We're the technical experts. We were hired so that management could
    ignore our recommendations and tell us how to do our jobs." -- Mike Andrews

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Andrey Rahmatullin@21:1/5 to Christian Kastner on Tue Apr 19 12:10:01 2022
    On Tue, Apr 19, 2022 at 11:33:30AM +0200, Christian Kastner wrote:
    Hi Steve,

    thank you for bringing this up.

    On 2022-04-19 02:27, Steve McIntyre wrote:
    1. Keep the existing setup. It's horrible, but maybe it's the best we can do?
    (I hope not!)>
    2. We could just stop providing the non-free unofficial images altogether.
    That's not really a promising route to follow - we'd be making it even
    harder for users to install our software. While ideologically pure, it's
    not going to advance the cause of Free Software.

    Here's a somewhat radical idea: I propose that we make option (1) and
    (2) conditional on all Debian infra switching to hardware entirely free
    of binary firmware/microcode blobs.
    But people promoting these two options only care about loadable firmware,
    not all of it...

    WBR, wRAR


    iQJhBAABCgBLFiEEolIP6gqGcKZh3YxVM2L3AxpJkuEFAmJeibctFIAAAAAAFQAP cGthLWFkZHJlc3NAZ251cGcub3Jnd3JhckBkZWJpYW4ub3JnAAoJEDNi9wMaSZLh 7G4P/1sCwKO7VW8XgjW7Ga+56ZdcAYI2efbMdeqCbGIYQB6RNO2Kl1XnVK6z0T27 lFQvllnftlnA1l3sGlWnOsHsrBpLNXGur2dvok2tXroPt1su7CV85WWFtb6IUwo8 jaCnmv6kqjeaslErWT2p9FS1peJn6ZWtFXwbroP7ScxN3+CNQocB7JplIt7e70Lv bTDd42AAbTzQ0/sBPUbw3tW8yHGHCJ7PJ0vYSwSy1oRSW8ThkCDL+dF/tTlQmymE BZFNJRVhD4LIXX04BYBfTqlYVJFMY2xJ84xBpeqxqEYqUJFrrcZbB2vDL8ma30gP noy8XQyuU4kdCKJh3j/zdMEc8i2B83i8qvw/X4UKaZfkNgwpIRGEGB8YzV2gMjwK sBKiKP5m28XVQnsQ6kgF4ex3qC47gPCxIY8Nzr+uXJfbS53MzFEA0phbrImTVUzE KJgyKdhWZ1GHZJUOyMAd7TIpfXADHZcH1JhOCemCp+ESIksN3wH8fwW3CzDylJLi qSWxPWe4KyXN9RxrajZheu63i/8p/6vNpgiNf8yEdC0ydZ9mbkREvbnIOYUVlZEF ts2jc/t5BpuX75/zzAytYy+mY9U9PJ+LpH1CjFBshjRRm8aZ76JYy84UEPXW8czA i3k5ywIhihbalhusz64QH7G96Pd1ro3zo28gdKWsMjP7TDJz
    -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Timo =?utf-8?Q?R=C3=B6hling?=@21:1/5 to All on Tue Apr 19 12:10:02 2022
    Hi Steve,

    * Steve McIntyre <steve@einval.com> [2022-04-19 01:27]:
    TL;DR: firmware support in Debian sucks, and we need to change this. See the >"My preference, and rationale" Section below.


    5. We could split out the non-free firmware packages into a new
    non-free-firmware component in the archive, and allow a specific exception
    only to allow inclusion of those packages on our official media. We would
    then generate only one set of official media, including those non-free
    firmware packages.


    Thanks to people who reviewed earlier versions of this document and/or made >suggestions for improvement, in particular:

    • Cyril Brulebois
    • Matthew Garrett
    • David Leggett
    • Martin Michlmayr
    • Andy Simpkins
    • Neil Williams

    Thank you, Steve and everyone else involved, for this excellent write-up!
    I too find option 5 most convincing.


    ⢀⣴⠾⠻⢶⣦⠀ ╭────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
    ⣾⠁⢠⠒⠀⣿⡁ │ Timo Röhling │
    ⢿⡄⠘⠷⠚⠋⠀ │ 9B03 EBB9 8300 DF97 C2B1 23BF CC8C 6BDD 1403 F4CA │
    ⠈⠳⣄⠀⠀⠀⠀ ╰────────────────────────────────────────────────────╯


    iQGzBAABCgAdFiEEJvtDgpxjkjCIVtam+C8H+466LVkFAmJeh4UACgkQ+C8H+466 LVk8sgwA5r2G65/LAFFqmpN6YBmdXfxOfy5cHz3giKEdbvc6BXwt0R42UsoNz4W0 Jaw0kkqpm5r8jEtmNKt/EgZ38EhJGpMc2C8yzKK8ca8r38BCrIRz6Q25MeYT196D nnsxf+EdE69psqly0PK7NlTtWZqIEvchv9vwSfVQUn6yKVlupC0OK8SLCFEJA7f5 pKoyamdephNPCAt1nHDJVeSzziDxXRUPhLoVg4vKOFc4aVKG1pX0gBYV45icGq/s sxP6o9sQZCM2VGPbfrTVSW0Io6Y/1QT5xqGZdV+Jdpn4sk1Sda+eZ27e22RvMt1o CeGnA6GMzlT3LE9Wirfr3VqMH1oKHFVE8a4//AYi5Bc
  • From Jonas Smedegaard@21:1/5 to All on Tue Apr 19 12:50:01 2022
    Quoting Christian Kastner (2022-04-19 11:33:30)
    On 2022-04-19 02:27, Steve McIntyre wrote:
    1. Keep the existing setup. It's horrible, but maybe it's the best
    we can do? (I hope not!)>
    2. We could just stop providing the non-free unofficial images
    altogether. That's not really a promising route to follow - we'd
    be making it even harder for users to install our software.
    While ideologically pure, it's not going to advance the cause of
    Free Software.

    Here's a somewhat radical idea: I propose that we make option (1) and
    (2) conditional on all Debian infra switching to hardware entirely
    free of binary firmware/microcode blobs.

    Because if *we* can't do it, then imposing this stringency on our
    users is outright idealist hypocrisy.

    [Spoiler: we can't, unless some open x86_64 silicon has popped up
    somewhere (doubtful, because of the required patents).]

    I certainly like "eat our own dogfood", but our infrastructure currently
    runs on _top_ of Debian systems, using non-Debian applications.

    I don't think we should put the bar higher for firmware than we do for applications, regarding "eat our own dogfood". What would be the point
    of that (other than artificially creating an argument for option 5)?

    5. We could split out the non-free firmware packages into a new
    non-free-firmware component in the archive, and allow a specific
    exception only to allow inclusion of those packages on our
    official media. We would then generate only one set of official
    media, including those non-free firmware packages.

    Please let's add an option 6:

    6. Split out the non-free firmware packages into a new
    non-free-firmware component in the archive. We would then generate
    our official media only from free packages as today, and users
    tolerating non-free firmware firmware but not other non-free code
    could use our semi-official media and enable only that add-on

    I would then vote for option 6.

    Let me also hint that I would likely vote for a *future* option 5 when I
    know that the envisioned possibiliy for users to suppress non-free
    firmware is reasonable. I just don't enough about that future yet.

    In other words: Please let's take this is multiple steps, first being to distinguish non-free firmware from other non-free code, without deciding
    yet exactly how strongly we then allow that new section to be integrated
    with our "pure" parts.

    - Jonas

    * Jonas Smedegaard - idealist & Internet-arkitekt
    * Tlf.: +45 40843136 Website: http://dr.jones.dk/

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  • From Christian Kastner@21:1/5 to Jonas Smedegaard on Tue Apr 19 14:10:02 2022
    On 2022-04-19 12:41, Jonas Smedegaard wrote:
    Quoting Christian Kastner (2022-04-19 11:33:30)
    Here's a somewhat radical idea: I propose that we make option (1) and
    (2) conditional on all Debian infra switching to hardware entirely
    free of binary firmware/microcode blobs.

    Because if *we* can't do it, then imposing this stringency on our
    users is outright idealist hypocrisy.

    [Spoiler: we can't, unless some open x86_64 silicon has popped up
    somewhere (doubtful, because of the required patents).]

    I certainly like "eat our own dogfood", but our infrastructure currently
    runs on _top_ of Debian systems, using non-Debian applications.

    I don't think we should put the bar higher for firmware than we do for applications, regarding "eat our own dogfood". What would be the point
    of that (other than artificially creating an argument for option 5)?

    I'm sorry, but I don't quite follow your argument?

    In case my own wasn't clear, what I meant was: (a) all of the x86_64
    hosts in our infrastructure use CPUs that utilize non-free microcode,
    and (b) unless we're crazy, those hosts also use the non-free
    intel-microcode or amd64-microcode packages to get security fixes.

    Consequently, expecting our users to forgo non-free entirely is, in my
    eyes, extremely hypocritical. We make exceptions for these microcode
    packages because whether we like it or not, it's the only reasonable/secure/sane thing to do.

    Here's an even more radical thought: shipping any x86_64 installer CD
    without amd64-microcode and intel-microcode installed by default is a disservice to our users. There's no ideological "Win" when you're paying
    for it with the user's security, especially when they might be unaware
    of the problem.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From intrigeri@21:1/5 to All on Tue Apr 19 13:40:01 2022

    Jonas Smedegaard (2022-04-19):
    In other words: Please let's take this is multiple steps, first being to distinguish non-free firmware from other non-free code, without deciding
    yet exactly how strongly we then allow that new section to be integrated
    with our "pure" parts.

    I tend to favor incremental approaches. In the case at hand though,
    I'm worried it'll be difficult to find people motivated to accomplish
    that first step (which I guess is the biggest part of the work, but
    arguably yields little benefit), without some commitment from the
    project to actually use that work in order to solve the problems this
    thread is about.

    So I'd like to understand: why do you prefer to postpone the decision?


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Jonas Smedegaard@21:1/5 to All on Tue Apr 19 14:40:01 2022
    Quoting intrigeri (2022-04-19 13:20:19)
    Jonas Smedegaard (2022-04-19):
    In other words: Please let's take this is multiple steps, first
    being to distinguish non-free firmware from other non-free code,
    without deciding yet exactly how strongly we then allow that new
    section to be integrated with our "pure" parts.

    I tend to favor incremental approaches. In the case at hand though,
    I'm worried it'll be difficult to find people motivated to accomplish
    that first step (which I guess is the biggest part of the work, but
    arguably yields little benefit), without some commitment from the
    project to actually use that work in order to solve the problems this
    thread is about.

    So I'd like to understand: why do you prefer to postpone the decision?

    Good point!

    When I install systems, I consider non-free blobs more risky than other
    code. Yes, that includes blobs executed non on the system but is
    uploaded to other isolated systems: Even though I myself am not clever
    enough to detect security flaws in most Free code, others are, and some
    even take on as educational tasks to examine source code. So I have a
    higher trust on the "more eyeballs, fewer bugs" logic for Free software
    than for non-free blobs.

    When I (sometimes, but not always¹) choose to "infect" my systems with non-free packages, I therefore consider each non-free package to try
    minimize the amount of risky blobs on my systems. As an example, I may
    choose to not apply realtek firmware updates when I can verify that my ethernet device works adequately without it.

    Now, some may argue that I am describing a case for package pinning
    here, and that *might* be true but I don't know that yet - because the proposed change to the system does not exist yet so I cannot really know
    that yet. Possibly the implementation will be so that I continuously
    need to check if some new non-free blobs was introduced and block those, instead of the current situation of not needing to do anything actively
    to keeping most possible risky "stuff" away from my systems.

    Hope that makes sense.

    A counter-question: What is the large work required to do the separation stage, without the integration stage?

    I recognize that there is an ongoing burden of status quo, and therefore
    of prolonging that. Sorry that my option 6 cannot really address that.
    I do not, however, understand how the task of separating a
    non-free-firmware section is "all work and no joy".

    Kind regards,

    - Jonas

    ¹ Really! I do recognize that certain types of systems, e.g. rack
    servers, more often than not require non-free blobs for crucial
    components like ethernet drivers, but not all do, and commonly the kind
    of systems I manage do not.

    * Jonas Smedegaard - idealist & Internet-arkitekt
    * Tlf.: +45 40843136 Website: http://dr.jones.dk/

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  • From Jeremy Stanley@21:1/5 to Steve McIntyre on Tue Apr 19 14:40:01 2022
    On 2022-04-19 01:27:46 +0100 (+0100), Steve McIntyre wrote:
    Along with adding non-free firmware onto media, when the installer
    (or live image) runs, we should make it clear exactly which
    firmware packages have been used/installed to support detected
    hardware. We could link to docs about each, and maybe also to
    projects working on Free re-implementations.

    It's probably what you meant, but just to be clear, as a user I'd
    also want to know which of the firmware packages used/installed were
    pulled from non-free and what devices prompted their addition.
    Something like "The following packages do not meet Debian Free
    Software Guidelines but were installed because they're necessary in
    order to enable or secure some of your hardware: foo(CPUX21
    processor microcode), bar(PM2743 power management controller),
    baz(RF17G wireless interface), ..."

    This would allow me to make better informed decisions, such as:

    1. Disable some of these devices if I don't actually use them.

    2. Seek out alternative open peripherals which do work without
    proprietary firmware.

    3. Reach out to the manufacturer of my device and extol the virtues
    of open firmware.

    4. Consider (as you mentioned) working on my own reimplementation.

    Jeremy Stanley


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    --- SoupGate-Win32
  • From Andrey Rahmatullin@21:1/5 to Jonas Smedegaard on Tue Apr 19 14:50:01 2022
    On Tue, Apr 19, 2022 at 02:38:03PM +0200, Jonas Smedegaard wrote:
    When I install systems, I consider non-free blobs more risky than other code.
    Do you consider loadable non-free blobs more risky than their older
    versions soldered onto the hardware?

    When I (sometimes, but not always¹) choose to "infect" my systems with non-free packages, I therefore consider each non-free package to try minimize the amount of risky blobs on my systems. As an example, I may choose to not apply realtek firmware updates when I can verify that my ethernet device works adequately without it.
    Do you see some inherent value in not applying a firmware update then?

    WBR, wRAR


    iQJhBAABCgBLFiEEolIP6gqGcKZh3YxVM2L3AxpJkuEFAmJer18tFIAAAAAAFQAP cGthLWFkZHJlc3NAZ251cGcub3Jnd3JhckBkZWJpYW4ub3JnAAoJEDNi9wMaSZLh Oz0QAJAE8PicHALBeCja+QXWtB6vurnAiu/ND41v6sLOvMiy7S5CB258W45vwyeq fOKGyh5T+BmDCP0ON1vBsqkuBwBxunxkC50Vs8nRdpeQ6f9uCBVo3Rwc1IThg7Lg X7j3OkxzUCuKxo5+w9Yf0/zldPZB8jiz5yjobSFiNWFPb3vNnHayWE+X7fC1+4Oy cNKE2Bukh9Kz2pMrX4R8pq7rBlcxE8hDbfvKW0IwR5H3gfRKfJXsUm0RIp6x0+xW NP8tNoZfmr0X/oipypB6y2hQjb+QQqLMUt8xX8FzSJUWzvuufmbmyFr30E8VGa46 03O6wXDiqbcchEhY7wSRYGY7qWpx04fWvlI6CwrjGdErYPqcJEpDmWJ0747NwpH4 leR4zpEax4BZFtup0cvFaUgp/45voUEqJ6mJ397vTc2ihclY4mrE7t86eDLqxm71 4z9MXPhyr8Q2IKGhjmDTydAIwGuqCXcqmXibnnUHU+wRmy/rXU6rYcWGUG2/slR+ IIEB5sPvI0Jk2kd9l9cHW/jsOn7/PPM9UtwWRMXwNM9VpLfLa5m2gqMg8sk6G9j+ 63fXT7A8991VDiIzZ1fpCTxtuJEZSef94NBnPQ0s7Z6AtkTh2Am/W/tz7MSeqdeh 2bqPLdK7ZleZ4MU/uxq9ToQo9E7tkf/riFGj3KnzDXYy/+nK
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    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Jonas Smedegaard@21:1/5 to All on Tue Apr 19 16:20:01 2022
    Quoting Andrey Rahmatullin (2022-04-19 14:47:27)
    On Tue, Apr 19, 2022 at 02:38:03PM +0200, Jonas Smedegaard wrote:
    When I install systems, I consider non-free blobs more risky than
    other code.
    Do you consider loadable non-free blobs more risky than their older
    versions soldered onto the hardware?

    I consider each blob differently risky.

    A newer blob might...

    * fix bugs
    * add functionality that I want
    * add functionality that I don't want
    * remove functionality that I want

    With Free Software I often read the changelog, or if that is missing or
    too terse then sometimes (for stuff that I care for in particular) I
    skim through upstream git commits. I am rarely enough expert to notice
    if changes are broken but at least I can get some sense of the intendes changes.

    I don't have the same options for most non-free code. So even for
    intended changes (i.e. ignoring tinfoil hat evil intents) I am less
    likely to know if the changes are wanted or not, I can only assume that
    "it is newer, gotta be better..."

    When I (sometimes, but not always¹) choose to "infect" my systems
    with non-free packages, I therefore consider each non-free package
    to try minimize the amount of risky blobs on my systems. As an
    example, I may choose to not apply realtek firmware updates when I
    can verify that my ethernet device works adequately without it.
    Do you see some inherent value in not applying a firmware update then?

    Yes: The benefit of knowing what I have and (most often) not knowing
    what I get.

    I like to use an operating system that keeps itself updated - because I
    know that at any time I can dive in and inspect each detail, and either
    block or (unofficially, at my own risk) try roll it back. But for
    components that are essentially bkack boxes, I prefer a conservative
    approach of *not* updating by default, testing out updates on a few
    devices before trusting applying them generally (if at all).

    If I report an issue to a hardware supplier, and they say that the fix
    is to flash a newer firmware onto the device, then I am likely to do
    that - I trust my supplier (and can demand a replacement if the device
    breaks as a result of my flashing operation instructed by them).

    If I blindly flash newer firmware onto a device and it stops working,
    then there is a real risk that if I contact my hardware supplier they
    will tell me that I was wrong to change firmware and that they won't
    replace the device. I think that is fair treatment.

    Now, with OS-distributed firmware I am probably less likely to
    permanently damage my device, but for the runtime functionality
    scenarios are comparable: Just because a firmware loads might not mean
    that it is endorsed by my hardware supplier - it might cause operation
    of the device to be inferior compared to older firmware. I prefer to
    update firmware only when recommended, not whenever available, because
    it is (more often than with Free Software) unknown what exactly it
    changes: I know better what I have, than what I get.

    - Jonas

    * Jonas Smedegaard - idealist & Internet-arkitekt
    * Tlf.: +45 40843136 Website: http://dr.jones.dk/

    [x] quote me freely [ ] ask before reusing [ ] keep private --==============35185176767671138=MIME-Version: 1.0
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  • From Sam Hartman@21:1/5 to All on Tue Apr 19 16:30:01 2022
    Steve> 3. We could stop pretending that the non-free images are
    Steve> unofficial, and maybe move them alongside the normal free
    Steve> images so they're published together. This would make them
    Steve> easier to find for people that need them, but is likely to
    Steve> cause users to question why we still make any images without
    Steve> firmware if they're otherwise identical.
    TL;DR: Because I think promoting discussion about free software is
    valuable, because I think a subset of our users care about fully free
    media, and because I think the archive split is unnecessary and divisive
    I support this option.

    Steve, I think I strongly prefer this option for a number of reasons:

    First, the ideological questions are important to who we are.
    I actually think having our users ask these questions can be valuable
    provided that we can answer them in ways that are not confusing.

    Some of our users care deeply about being able to get a free system, and
    I think it's valuable to support them.
    I remember a discussion with John Sullivan at DebConf. He was talking
    how Debian didn't
    do a great job of meeting the needs of freedom-focused users.
    After I started talking to John about what that might look like; I
    cannot remember how much of our conversation was public and how much was
    on the hallway track.
    I pointed out that Debian was unlikely to remove non-free firmware
    support from the installer and asked what we could do to make things
    better without making them worse for other users.
    One valuable suggestion was to make sure users could easily select
    freedom if that's what they wanted.
    So I think a free installation image is important.
    It's even useful for qemu, for people like Purism, and the like.

    Choosing this approach avoids deciding how to split the archive.
    I actually think that split will be divisive and since I think it is unnecessary given the above I'd rather avoid it.

    So How Could it Work

    First, within the project, Debian remains 100% free.
    We produce two images.
    One is just Debian.
    One is Debian plus other things.
    I don't think that's the best way to market things to our users, but I
    do think that's the best way for us to think about it internally.

    Externally, I think the trick is to come up with labels to help our
    users understand what is going on.

    Things like

    Debian Hardware Enablement
    Debian with Hardware Support
    Debian Plus

    For the free image

    Pure Debian
    Debian Libre
    Deb ian Building Block

    I also think that we need to bite the bullet and explicitly say that for
    most users, the non-free image is preferred.
    We also need to make the non-free image significantly more prominent
    than the free image.
    I think we can have a link to a FAQ discussing the issues, but we need
    to get to a place where what the average user finds is the non-free

    So, I do think we'll need a GR because we will never get consensus on


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    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Andrey Rahmatullin@21:1/5 to Tim Woodall on Tue Apr 19 18:10:01 2022
    On Tue, Apr 19, 2022 at 04:30:44PM +0100, Tim Woodall wrote:
    On Tue, Apr 19, 2022 at 02:38:03PM +0200, Jonas Smedegaard wrote:
    When I install systems, I consider non-free blobs more risky than other code.
    Do you consider loadable non-free blobs more risky than their older versions soldered onto the hardware?

    Definitely "more risky" possibly not "less secure"

    One of my biggest frustrations is that it's impossible to selectively
    apply "security patches" and companies are wont to "smuggle" in feature changes along with security fixes.
    No, but I do see a benefit in them not being applied automatically as
    part of a standard update. And for something like a firmware upgrade for
    a network card, I might only want to install it if there was a security
    issue that might actually impact me or I was having a problem. Otherwise
    it's hard to imagine a scenario where a firmware upgrade can make things better but it's easy to imagine it making things much worse.
    Then what about hardware that doesn't have soldered firmware, only
    loadable one? Would you not use it at all?

    apt-get upgrade will tell you that linux-image-amd64 has a newer version
    but it then takes apt-get dist-upgrade to commit to that update.
    (this is not really relevant, not exactly true and not really a feature)

    (kernels are a bit of a funny case because some kernel updates happen
    under apt-get upgrade)
    (most package updates happen under apt-get upgrade)

    I'd like to see something similar for (non-free) firmeware where users
    can choose to default upgrade with their regular updates or can hold
    back updates.
    Considering what I wrote above, this isn't really something we usually do.

    WBR, wRAR


    iQJhBAABCgBLFiEEolIP6gqGcKZh3YxVM2L3AxpJkuEFAmJe3MYtFIAAAAAAFQAP cGthLWFkZHJlc3NAZ251cGcub3Jnd3JhckBkZWJpYW4ub3JnAAoJEDNi9wMaSZLh ywUQAIL23cyhSoqVouT8lKOLyBK9IL6GODC4lSiVvHaYEIJBxS/Rbks0i2+WKZAL pCXYGRY9OLTngZ+iELcP9gOX6i1qFD24+VV+l2tQ8atSyX3d8W1YYBhueoEC9NXc yG6UEdLjO1pwkLXm8gns5nFazhHQjF7vUdYPq8NEaUZOp7HbXuuBbA/9tmcgILtb xPEFgT4NB0vXI639lJguMjQ44N9VVkVy21F+R9013Aky1Su1OZvt3BOAaEaDjzuG /GPNAcCXeo/OAAQF2IHyRnqWF01IIqLNNw98+5M1dYHG8IePbPue9O+t4VOVK9l5 vyxth1LtWAXv8vmds9PoVpvJPQbF3uVMpFfC4hv5BsRjMW+4YQBbzsNHpuGiGKYv 4VbVUWsMItV/MJAjmYnJ0NqoaItWNDdnmbd4zKpMuqb0I16/u8sOP4cfiTaR0/Qv YSaASH78x5A+YqZXhuTdiWfc+aW+yBnhtdK6+zIjlDLuXR9rrhj6BdoYEgQfacs+ 2Vuvh/DCk1pB8uZN6yD482EAK0NqPKkeY3unyAJ/Cs39s2lR/ppQW4SURgLkbY7r tjEye9VHEM6GoGWhIxoy+6PU0utB9RDU+jTdxk/L1ddp2PB1CQW+q/5/sJ4diAoW DLeCjNVC4eF9bUtYORp6o0c/ZuPeovnIrWRs6cLANsiw8M1H
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    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Tim Woodall@21:1/5 to Andrey Rahmatullin on Tue Apr 19 17:50:01 2022
    On Tue, 19 Apr 2022, Andrey Rahmatullin wrote:

    On Tue, Apr 19, 2022 at 02:38:03PM +0200, Jonas Smedegaard wrote:
    When I install systems, I consider non-free blobs more risky than other
    Do you consider loadable non-free blobs more risky than their older
    versions soldered onto the hardware?

    Definitely "more risky" possibly not "less secure"

    One of my biggest frustrations is that it's impossible to selectively
    apply "security patches" and companies are wont to "smuggle" in feature
    changes along with security fixes.

    When I (sometimes, but not always?) choose to "infect" my systems with
    non-free packages, I therefore consider each non-free package to try
    minimize the amount of risky blobs on my systems. As an example, I may
    choose to not apply realtek firmware updates when I can verify that my
    ethernet device works adequately without it.
    Do you see some inherent value in not applying a firmware update then?

    No, but I do see a benefit in them not being applied automatically as
    part of a standard update. And for something like a firmware upgrade for
    a network card, I might only want to install it if there was a security
    issue that might actually impact me or I was having a problem. Otherwise
    it's hard to imagine a scenario where a firmware upgrade can make things
    better but it's easy to imagine it making things much worse.

    apt-get upgrade will tell you that linux-image-amd64 has a newer version
    but it then takes apt-get dist-upgrade to commit to that update.
    (kernels are a bit of a funny case because some kernel updates happen
    under apt-get upgrade)

    I'd like to see something similar for (non-free) firmeware where users
    can choose to default upgrade with their regular updates or can hold
    back updates.

    I'd also like to see something that prevents accidentally installing "non-free". perhaps apt-get dist-install needed to install non-free


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Timothy M Butterworth@21:1/5 to All on Tue Apr 19 18:30:01 2022

    My laptop requires the non-free binary blobs for WiFi, AMD GPU and HDMI Sound. I think making the non-free images easier to find is a good idea. I didn't know they even existed until I got this new laptop and nothing was working with the regular installer. Placing the non-free and non-free live images along side with the free installer images would be very nice.


    <div dir="ltr"><div class="gmail_quote"><blockquote class="gmail_quote" style="margin:0px 0px 0px 0.8ex;border-left:1px solid rgb(204,204,204);padding-left:1ex">My laptop requires the non-free binary blobs for WiFi, AMD GPU and HDMI Sound. I think making
    the non-free images easier to find is a good idea. I didn&#39;t know they even existed until I got this new laptop and nothing was working with the regular installer. Placing the non-free and non-free live images along side with the free installer images
    would be very nice.<br></blockquote><div><br></div><div>Tim </div></div></div>

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Jonas Smedegaard@21:1/5 to All on Tue Apr 19 19:00:01 2022
    Quoting Andrey Rahmatullin (2022-04-19 18:01:10)
    On Tue, Apr 19, 2022 at 04:30:44PM +0100, Tim Woodall wrote:
    On Tue, Apr 19, 2022 at 02:38:03PM +0200, Jonas Smedegaard wrote:
    When I install systems, I consider non-free blobs more risky
    than other code.
    Do you consider loadable non-free blobs more risky than their
    older versions soldered onto the hardware?

    Definitely "more risky" possibly not "less secure"

    One of my biggest frustrations is that it's impossible to
    selectively apply "security patches" and companies are wont to
    "smuggle" in feature changes along with security fixes.
    No, but I do see a benefit in them not being applied automatically
    as part of a standard update. And for something like a firmware
    upgrade for a network card, I might only want to install it if there
    was a security issue that might actually impact me or I was having a problem. Otherwise it's hard to imagine a scenario where a firmware upgrade can make things better but it's easy to imagine it making
    things much worse.
    Then what about hardware that doesn't have soldered firmware, only
    loadable one? Would you not use it at all?

    I notice that you shift the conversation topic from *upgrading* firmware
    to *introducing* firmware.

    I already mentioned that I would sometimes upgrade to newer firmware,
    which I mean to imply that yes I would sometimes dare to permit my
    devices to execute firmware. Sorry if that was unclear.

    My concern is about hardware changing behavior. I.e. hardware not being stable. Sometimes I choose to let my devices be broken (e.g. not load firmware onto a builtin wifi or audio device that I don't really use). Sometimes I choose to let my devices work like they did last year (e.g.
    not upload newer firmware onto a bluetooth or ethernet device that last
    year worked fine with its builtin firmware).

    - Jonas

    * Jonas Smedegaard - idealist & Internet-arkitekt
    * Tlf.: +45 40843136 Website: http://dr.jones.dk/

    [x] quote me freely [ ] ask before reusing [ ] keep private --==============A36648674149981042=MIME-Version: 1.0
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    iQIzBAABCgAdFiEEn+Ppw2aRpp/1PMaELHwxRsGgASEFAmJe6IIACgkQLHwxRsGg ASFz4w/+LvWzyHsg+XAXv7gP0aCcaKeu912g06yE4pHgZUImvNrTnvw1Vau0nqRx V4qOYvq556LmM0YDlDaZUM2xDBywfEVpTyxmu//h8pWKgm5p68qIijTQgtvrXE/j kQ387hEcf7yU1ITWdrPbtbCxtepjKQhJEQg0s9QphTHVMNbYnwoc0vcd7vT36nDk //dgy/fIakNouytNV8i8J0/umrrgYdExAQwnCesa9/TiEnzCr9ks8wawOA1xF/iz BffhyJHCdWUTc0LokHNvefB/gUW36P07nGSuWiI2w20jBDPiv9H4Ai/CrryK1OhF 7xJ0IoBzbyMa1hG9icQKEvtAzUeVlP2lLSg4XmB5/tbfZSjCSaNyeui97a0VlnTU O1rXY/+M+NbkXubeR2k4KPClRp4m2U82XsJUvk/RbvJWyUeGUkpfFeCz470PHZTw yxb/QqjxV5iXHd8mtPM4JY/5KoyMuO3mHXw7aLYTqTrPh49OYuOp+K7xlUi1sLl4 84KLzSG+G5fAsgAtV
  • From Marc Haber@21:1/5 to All on Tue Apr 19 19:00:03 2022
    On Tue, 19 Apr 2022 08:21:10 -0600, Sam Hartman <hartmans@debian.org>
    One valuable suggestion was to make sure users could easily select
    freedom if that's what they wanted.
    So I think a free installation image is important.

    Would that not be possible by having an image WITH firmware and an
    installer asking whether the user wants a free or a usable system?

    -------------------------------------- !! No courtesy copies, please !! ----- Marc Haber | " Questions are the | Mailadresse im Header Mannheim, Germany | Beginning of Wisdom " |
    Nordisch by Nature | Lt. Worf, TNG "Rightful Heir" | Fon: *49 621 72739834

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Tim Woodall@21:1/5 to Andrey Rahmatullin on Tue Apr 19 19:00:03 2022
    On Tue, 19 Apr 2022, Andrey Rahmatullin wrote:

    On Tue, Apr 19, 2022 at 04:30:44PM +0100, Tim Woodall wrote:
    On Tue, Apr 19, 2022 at 02:38:03PM +0200, Jonas Smedegaard wrote:
    When I install systems, I consider non-free blobs more risky than other >>>> code.
    Do you consider loadable non-free blobs more risky than their older
    versions soldered onto the hardware?

    Definitely "more risky" possibly not "less secure"

    One of my biggest frustrations is that it's impossible to selectively
    apply "security patches" and companies are wont to "smuggle" in feature
    changes along with security fixes.
    No, but I do see a benefit in them not being applied automatically as
    part of a standard update. And for something like a firmware upgrade for
    a network card, I might only want to install it if there was a security
    issue that might actually impact me or I was having a problem. Otherwise
    it's hard to imagine a scenario where a firmware upgrade can make things
    better but it's easy to imagine it making things much worse.
    Then what about hardware that doesn't have soldered firmware, only
    loadable one? Would you not use it at all?

    No, of course not. But I wouldn't upgrade the firmware by default any
    more than I upgrade the firmware of my radio-alarm clock by default. I
    upgraded the alarm clock _once_ because it had the new (wanted) feature
    of being able to set three differently timed alarms rather than the two
    that it had out of the box but since then I've never even looked to see
    if there's an upgrade available.

    Even if someone discovered a security threat that allowed a rogue actor
    to broadcast a signal to it that turned it on at full volume I still
    wouldn't bother to upgrade it unless someone actually started doing that
    in my neighbourhood. (not that the manufacturer would provide an update
    anyway now)

    And I cannot buy the same model any more. Subsequent models have the
    "feature" that in the event of a power failure the radio turns on when
    power is restored, great, I really wanted to be woken up at 2am to be
    told that the powercut I didn't know about is over, it has the "feature"
    that it only sets the time while the radio is actually on, so the first
    alarm after the clocks change is an hour wrong. (I have no idea whether upgrading the firmware of the one that works the way I want will cause
    it to adopt the "new, improved" behaviour and I have no intention of
    finding out.)

    Those are the sorts of "upgrades" that you'll inadvertently pick up with
    closed source firemware upgrades. Most of these devices, like my
    automatic sheet feed scanner, have no credible threat to running "out of
    date" firmware and unlikely to benefit from an upgrade unless you either
    hit a known issue or happen to hit an issue that the manufacturer is
    willing to fix after you report it.


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Ansgar@21:1/5 to Jonas Smedegaard on Tue Apr 19 19:10:01 2022
    On Tue, 2022-04-19 at 18:51 +0200, Jonas Smedegaard wrote:
    I notice that you shift the conversation topic from *upgrading*
    firmware to *introducing* firmware.

    I already mentioned that I would sometimes upgrade to newer firmware,
    which I mean to imply that yes I would sometimes dare to permit my
    devices to execute firmware.  Sorry if that was unclear.

    My concern is about hardware changing behavior.  I.e. hardware not
    being stable.

    Firmware shipped as packages part of stable releases will probably
    change the same way as software (i.e., security updates, other
    important updates). So there should be not much reason for such

    Such concerns would be more relevant for firmware updates using other
    update channels such as `fwupd` uses.

    And there is still the option to not install the firmware packages and
    managing firmware files on your own, but I do not think this is a good


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Andrey Rahmatullin@21:1/5 to Jonas Smedegaard on Tue Apr 19 20:00:01 2022
    On Tue, Apr 19, 2022 at 06:51:16PM +0200, Jonas Smedegaard wrote:
    When I install systems, I consider non-free blobs more risky
    than other code.
    Do you consider loadable non-free blobs more risky than their
    older versions soldered onto the hardware?

    Definitely "more risky" possibly not "less secure"

    One of my biggest frustrations is that it's impossible to
    selectively apply "security patches" and companies are wont to
    "smuggle" in feature changes along with security fixes.
    No, but I do see a benefit in them not being applied automatically
    as part of a standard update. And for something like a firmware
    upgrade for a network card, I might only want to install it if there
    was a security issue that might actually impact me or I was having a problem. Otherwise it's hard to imagine a scenario where a firmware upgrade can make things better but it's easy to imagine it making
    things much worse.
    Then what about hardware that doesn't have soldered firmware, only loadable one? Would you not use it at all?

    I notice that you shift the conversation topic from *upgrading* firmware
    to *introducing* firmware.
    You partially narrowed the topic to upgrading firmware in <165037188392.1708.14819384411900940205@auryn.jones.dk>, so yes, I'm
    asking about both sides of the question. I will even say that the
    situation where some perfectly usable firmware is already available on the device, and Debian just offers an update to it, is much less important
    (but still very important for e.g. intel-microcode) than the situation
    where the device is not usable without firmware loaded by Debian, which is
    the main usability problem with the status quo.

    WBR, wRAR


    iQJhBAABCgBLFiEEolIP6gqGcKZh3YxVM2L3AxpJkuEFAmJe9kMtFIAAAAAAFQAP cGthLWFkZHJlc3NAZ251cGcub3Jnd3JhckBkZWJpYW4ub3JnAAoJEDNi9wMaSZLh Yr0QAIXs0urylg0nk3gtcZXcrWLnaO+4xGadzGBES6OpfH36rZ6u5HWtu+wsogSs 14Jap5n9S4bSgmzIHLS6zMbKjGPOf+pmCQxEFmLjSrVxDxKrgjvuevGILCG2X7yl kfi6UIUwhntThwVxpYCG338JVX+PeXl2yd1ptf35wLbz7HB+AJRX/giFz6dniyFO WujNtI/lEdQ9BBWZVZaafryYc7uNdQcJxf905SF4xVxd3T6Ytzwmo6VV9KKYh2x1 s88mls/6EBxwM2qQAWLXRcr8XTezHsuGeRMyAyo2PtoiMEmkXwvGrALOZ5X2cfxF t8anDXyyq8OXXrucF64ES+9YNbumEQ9X40YXITSllabW88KSPka+YKWXua7RnTiP 0qivlL8glg3fe/UK7qGB05v6YarPLjzk+xf7/hrqUYb6A2DwTdU96s9seMdobp0/ cxGsh0Y+dlhbv8iIc1fjeAUxv98Ma3NsZkiSSj6mi+70HBmxL67wyqCPcbMzK1WY HEKQCBLWhdOOpv26TvsPLiOr/AhAYpLr1wMaHmxN05VhhqN1FKHPJwb3G5gPcQvZ N4uFTu/+pHjs//j9JJolgEX7HEBv06WBhRmSjcW6V22/Dn6OmnZn2pAtQabdxRL8 BWnZN8ahE7lEt/H9SMBqTlJPDOpUHVyCmzfjWuSv/cY0vQJt
    -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Russ Allbery@21:1/5 to Jonas Smedegaard on Tue Apr 19 19:30:02 2022
    Jonas Smedegaard <jonas@jones.dk> writes:

    Now, some may argue that I am describing a case for package pinning
    here, and that *might* be true but I don't know that yet - because the proposed change to the system does not exist yet so I cannot really know
    that yet. Possibly the implementation will be so that I continuously
    need to check if some new non-free blobs was introduced and block those, instead of the current situation of not needing to do anything actively
    to keeping most possible risky "stuff" away from my systems.

    I feel like Debian already offers multiple mechanisms to prevent
    installation or updates of packages, both specific packages and packages
    by suite, archive, etc. I'm dubious that we need some additional
    extra-special mechanism just for firmware, as opposed to documenting the
    many and varied mechanisms we already support for pinning old packages, disabling automated upgrades, and so forth.

    We need some way to clearly label non-free firmware packages so that you
    can apply whatever installation or upgrade policy locally that you want to apply, but solution #5 provides that by keeping the non-free firmware in a separate archive area (which apt calls "components") to which you can
    apply different apt policy.

    Given your problem description above where you want to manually review
    each new non-free package, I suspect you will want to pin the non-free
    firmware archive area to something like priority 1 (similar to
    experimental) so that you can access those packages but they're not
    otherwise installed or upgraded. Another option would be priority 100,
    which would give automatic upgrades but not new installs.

    I'm assuming we'll continue to maintain the invariant that free packages
    won't depend on non-free packages, so unless you install a non-free metapackage, you presumably won't get new non-free firmware packages
    without seeking them out. We may want to install such a metapackage by
    default when the non-free-firmware-enabled installer is used (leaving open
    the question of whether that's the only installer or not), but you could
    remove it, of course. (I suspect you, like me and probably most other
    Debian contributors, make pretty extensive modifications to the installed package list after installing a new system, and have lists of packages
    that you always add or always remove.)

    Russ Allbery (rra@debian.org) <https://www.eyrie.org/~eagle/>

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Diederik de Haas@21:1/5 to All on Tue Apr 19 21:33:25 2022
    3. We could stop pretending that the non-free images are unofficial, and
    maybe move them alongside the normal free images so they're published
    This would make them easier to find for people that need them, but is
    likely to cause users to question why we still make any images without
    firmware if they're otherwise identical.
    5. We could split out the non-free firmware packages into a new
    non-free-firmware component in the archive, and allow a specific
    exception only to allow inclusion of those packages on our official media.
    We would then generate only one set of official media, including those
    non-free firmware packages.

    I'd prefer a combination of those 2 + something more ...

    I'd want 2 sets of images:
    - One as it is now
    - One with the the non-free-firmware integrated

    Curious to see what the current experience would be, I went to debian.org and saw a 'Download' link, which directed me to debian.org/download.

    First: do not EVER automatically start a download without me explicitly clicking a link to do so. I associate this behavior with malware sites and I expected to be taken to a download page, which would present me with options. (I prefer debian.org/distrib/ to the current 'download' page)

    Now what I actually wanted to say:

    On the download page, start by explaining why there are 2 sets of downloads
    and present both options on that SAME page. (for some reason the idea of 2 columns with Free on the left and Free+non-free-firmware on the right sticks in my head, but others are undoubtedly better in UX design)

    Make it easy for our users to find the right medium for them while also emphasizing the importance of Free Software (and hopefully Free firmware too). I think making people aware is important. Only then will they hopefully ask more often for Free firmware and/or deliberately choose hardware that is not dependent on non-free things.

    Make it clear, but not too long. Several 'Read more...' links seem like a good idea. If it is too long, then people will just (immediately) scroll past it, missing its goal.

    I believe this has the following benefits:
    - People who only want Free software can still get what they always got
    - People who need non-free-firmware don't have to keep (a set of) bookmarks to find the installation mediums they need
    - While acknowledging the unfortunate necessity of non-free-firmware, we also use this opportunity to stress the importance of Free Software (and firmware). This will hopefully create more demand (both wrt purchases as questions to hardware manufacturers) for free(er) things.
    (I switched from NVidia to AMD GPUs because of AMD's FLOSS drivers)

    Only shipping images with non-free-firmware would feel *to me* as rewarding people distributing non-free. Just act bad long enough and people, including Debian, will cave.

    My 0.02

    iHUEABYIAB0WIQT1sUPBYsyGmi4usy/XblvOeH7bbgUCYl8OhQAKCRDXblvOeH7b brdUAQCltc4Yqo/UIOSI1p1CVl30skrZS1z7oHivbLgDWy1coAEAj4WpuyV6/zEy 6pBgEU/DHkmvrOOxhQwr/UQnNA6JvAc=
    -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Sam Hartman@21:1/5 to All on Tue Apr 19 22:10:01 2022
    "Marc" == Marc Haber <mh+debian-devel@zugschlus.de> writes:

    Marc> On Tue, 19 Apr 2022 08:21:10 -0600, Sam Hartman
    Marc> <hartmans@debian.org>
    Marc> wrote:
    >> One valuable suggestion was to make sure users could easily
    >> select freedom if that's what they wanted. So I think a free
    >> installation image is important.

    Marc> Would that not be possible by having an image WITH firmware
    Marc> and an installer asking whether the user wants a free or a
    Marc> usable system?

    No, not really.
    Imagine that you have some constraint like the DFSG for media that you distribute.
    An image that asks whether you want to install non-free firmware
    included in the image is by definition not DFSG-free, and so you could not distributie it in such an environment.

    For example I would thinki it would be entirely reasonable for someone
    to want to include a version of Debian installer for use with qemu in an environment that needed to be DFSG free.
    Similarly, I think it would be reasonable for someone to want to provide entirely free Debian media along with a libre laptop.

    If providing an image that includes but does not use non-free components
    is acceptable for our users, we could save ourselves a lot of time and complexity by not repacking sources that include non-dfsg components.
    We could just not use those components at least when targeting main for binaries.


    iHUEARYIAB0WIQSj2jRwbAdKzGY/4uAsbEw8qDeGdAUCYl8WAAAKCRAsbEw8qDeG dMfOAP0csbZadGbbYom2PP6uPEVvvXDhSy0aUYJkoVR1RGZB1QEAqAtOjhw/yMlC 80pigTWEYK2ajYt07ce8tdhtKPi4PQU=
    -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Marco d'Itri@21:1/5 to Sam Hartman on Tue Apr 19 23:10:01 2022
    On Apr 19, Sam Hartman <hartmans@debian.org> wrote:

    For example I would thinki it would be entirely reasonable for someone
    to want to include a version of Debian installer for use with qemu in an environment that needed to be DFSG free.
    Similarly, I think it would be reasonable for someone to want to provide entirely free Debian media along with a libre laptop.
    While I do not expect that this is a significant use case I think that
    it would be an acceptable compromise to ask the CD team to continue
    producing both image sets for another one or two releases and then
    evaluate how much the totally-free images will actually have been



    iHUEABYIAB0WIQQnKUXNg20437dCfobLPsM64d7XgQUCYl8jrAAKCRDLPsM64d7X ga3bAP9csNmo8SAYfJz/246yHlGuhhv3+uSjMRxybwbm7yr9nAD8DvNoMhWbT2J1 itIkOqZeyZNNBuOPEn6W76Ejmn0DMAI=
    -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Bastian Blank@21:1/5 to Jeremy Stanley on Tue Apr 19 23:10:01 2022
    On Tue, Apr 19, 2022 at 12:17:06PM +0000, Jeremy Stanley wrote:
    It's probably what you meant, but just to be clear, as a user I'd
    also want to know which of the firmware packages used/installed were
    pulled from non-free and what devices prompted their addition.
    Something like "The following packages do not meet Debian Free
    Software Guidelines but were installed because they're necessary in
    order to enable or secure some of your hardware: foo(CPUX21
    processor microcode), bar(PM2743 power management controller),
    baz(RF17G wireless interface), ..."

    Why? Don't you want to use your devices? And will you also remove the
    flash chips for the ones that contain a backed in firmware (aka all of


    You're too beautiful to ignore. Too much woman.
    -- Kirk to Yeoman Rand, "The Enemy Within", stardate unknown

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Bastian Blank@21:1/5 to Sam Hartman on Tue Apr 19 23:10:01 2022
    Hi Sam

    On Tue, Apr 19, 2022 at 02:05:20PM -0600, Sam Hartman wrote:
    Marc> Would that not be possible by having an image WITH firmware
    Marc> and an installer asking whether the user wants a free or a
    Marc> usable system?
    For example I would thinki it would be entirely reasonable for someone
    to want to include a version of Debian installer for use with qemu in an environment that needed to be DFSG free.

    Can you provide us a copy of the request for it?

    Similarly, I think it would be reasonable for someone to want to provide entirely free Debian media along with a libre laptop.

    Does this exist in the real world? Which hardware would such a system

    If providing an image that includes but does not use non-free components
    is acceptable for our users, we could save ourselves a lot of time and complexity by not repacking sources that include non-dfsg components.
    We could just not use those components at least when targeting main for binaries.

    Sorry, but why can't you stay on topic? We where talking about
    firmware, not random non-free stuff.


    No one wants war.
    -- Kirk, "Errand of Mercy", stardate 3201.7

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Jonas Smedegaard@21:1/5 to All on Tue Apr 19 23:10:01 2022
    Quoting Andrey Rahmatullin (2022-04-19 19:49:59)
    On Tue, Apr 19, 2022 at 06:51:16PM +0200, Jonas Smedegaard wrote:
    When I install systems, I consider non-free blobs more risky
    than other code.
    Do you consider loadable non-free blobs more risky than their
    older versions soldered onto the hardware?

    Definitely "more risky" possibly not "less secure"

    One of my biggest frustrations is that it's impossible to
    selectively apply "security patches" and companies are wont to "smuggle" in feature changes along with security fixes.
    No, but I do see a benefit in them not being applied
    automatically as part of a standard update. And for something
    like a firmware upgrade for a network card, I might only want to install it if there was a security issue that might actually
    impact me or I was having a problem. Otherwise it's hard to
    imagine a scenario where a firmware upgrade can make things
    better but it's easy to imagine it making things much worse.
    Then what about hardware that doesn't have soldered firmware, only loadable one? Would you not use it at all?

    I notice that you shift the conversation topic from *upgrading*
    firmware to *introducing* firmware.
    You partially narrowed the topic to upgrading firmware in <165037188392.1708.14819384411900940205@auryn.jones.dk>, so yes, I'm
    asking about both sides of the question. I will even say that the
    situation where some perfectly usable firmware is already available on
    the device, and Debian just offers an update to it, is much less
    important (but still very important for e.g. intel-microcode) than the situation where the device is not usable without firmware loaded by
    Debian, which is the main usability problem with the status quo.

    Ah, so your view is that newer blob might...

    * fix bugs
    * add functionality that I want

    I can understand how in such a World there is no sense in avoiding newer blobs: They are only ever improvements.

    We do not share that view, though.

    Quoting Ansgar (2022-04-19 19:04:36)
    Firmware shipped as packages part of stable releases will probably
    change the same way as software (i.e., security updates, other
    important updates). So there should be not much reason for such

    Such concerns would be more relevant for firmware updates using other
    update channels such as `fwupd` uses.

    I wonder how you can confidently know that non-free blobs packages for
    Debian are only likely to be improvements, when you cannot verify their contents.

    And how is it that fwupd distributed blobs are less likely to be
    reliable. What am I missing here?

    - Jonas

    * Jonas Smedegaard - idealist & Internet-arkitekt
    * Tlf.: +45 40843136 Website: http://dr.jones.dk/

    [x] quote me freely [ ] ask before reusing [ ] keep private --==============I47739421581581625=MIME-Version: 1.0
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  • From Jonas Smedegaard@21:1/5 to All on Tue Apr 19 23:40:01 2022
    Quoting Russ Allbery (2022-04-19 19:29:09)
    Jonas Smedegaard <jonas@jones.dk> writes:

    Now, some may argue that I am describing a case for package pinning
    here, and that *might* be true but I don't know that yet - because
    the proposed change to the system does not exist yet so I cannot
    really know that yet. Possibly the implementation will be so that I continuously need to check if some new non-free blobs was introduced
    and block those, instead of the current situation of not needing to
    do anything actively to keeping most possible risky "stuff" away
    from my systems.

    I feel like Debian already offers multiple mechanisms to prevent installation or updates of packages, both specific packages and
    packages by suite, archive, etc. I'm dubious that we need some
    additional extra-special mechanism just for firmware, as opposed to documenting the many and varied mechanisms we already support for
    pinning old packages, disabling automated upgrades, and so forth.

    We need some way to clearly label non-free firmware packages so that
    you can apply whatever installation or upgrade policy locally that you
    want to apply, but solution #5 provides that by keeping the non-free firmware in a separate archive area (which apt calls "components") to
    which you can apply different apt policy.

    The issue I have with option 5 is that non-free blobs are then enabled
    by default.

    Yes, I can then block it, just as I can block other parts of Debian. Difference is that non-free blobs are (generally) bkack magic that I
    need to trust blindfolded, whereas Debian as it exists today I can (hire someone clever to) verify what it does.

    I agree that we should make it easier for our users to choose to trust
    black magic "stuff" that they need to enable their devices.

    I do not think that we should impose on our users to trust black magic
    by default, though.

    I think that all non-free code distributed by Debian (be that code
    executed on the main CPU, and code uploaded to external devices, and
    code served to other people's web browsers) should be easy to use but
    opt-in, not (some of it) opt-out. Because we cannot reasonably know
    what it realy does and therefore not reasonably decide if sensible to
    trust or not. We can only blindly assume that "newer is better".

    - Jonas

    * Jonas Smedegaard - idealist & Internet-arkitekt
    * Tlf.: +45 40843136 Website: http://dr.jones.dk/

    [x] quote me freely [ ] ask before reusing [ ] keep private --==============e68864705282880676=MIME-Version: 1.0
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  • From Russ Allbery@21:1/5 to Jonas Smedegaard on Wed Apr 20 00:00:02 2022
    Jonas Smedegaard <jonas@jones.dk> writes:
    Quoting Russ Allbery (2022-04-19 19:29:09)

    We need some way to clearly label non-free firmware packages so that
    you can apply whatever installation or upgrade policy locally that you
    want to apply, but solution #5 provides that by keeping the non-free
    firmware in a separate archive area (which apt calls "components") to
    which you can apply different apt policy.

    The issue I have with option 5 is that non-free blobs are then enabled
    by default.

    I just re-read option 5 and I don't see where it says that. My
    understanding of the proposal is that the firmware would be on the image
    and thus available to the installer. That doesn't imply that it will be automatically enabled, either in the installer or on the installed
    system. That could still be gated by a prompt.

    In other words, rather than having to do what one does now and choose
    between the free installer and the non-free installer, my understanding of option #5 is that there would be one install image, but there could then
    be a prompt asking you whether you want to install non-free firmware. We
    could even offer a few different options (with the caveat that options
    tend to confuse users, so we may not want to add too many or gate them
    behind an advanced mode):

    1. Purely free installation.
    2. Enable non-free firmware in the installer but don't put it on the
    installed system. (Not sure how useful this is, but I could see
    needing non-free firmware to bootstrap from wifi but the running system
    may eventually not use the non-free firmware.)
    3. Enable non-free firmware and install it on the system but pin it so
    that it's never upgraded by default.
    4. Enable non-free firmware and enable normal upgrades, similar to adding
    the non-free archive area today but only adding the firmware archive

    I think 1 and 4 are the most useful options, and I'm not sure how many
    people really want 2 or 3, but if there are enough people who want them, I don't see any technical barriers to adding them.

    I feel professionally obligated to argue that Debian should, *by default*, upgrade anything that it installs, since from a security standpoint that
    is the least risky default configuration (with, as always, the caveat that there are special cases with different security models for which this
    default isn't appropriate). But that doesn't rule out a prompt or
    allowing a user to turn this off if they want to.

    I agree that we should make it easier for our users to choose to trust
    black magic "stuff" that they need to enable their devices.

    I do not think that we should impose on our users to trust black magic
    by default, though.

    I think this is a somewhat different question than whether we put the
    firmware on the default installation media so that it's *available* if
    users want it.

    Russ Allbery (rra@debian.org) <https://www.eyrie.org/~eagle/>

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Luca Boccassi@21:1/5 to Jonas Smedegaard on Wed Apr 20 00:30:02 2022
    On Tue, 2022-04-19 at 23:33 +0200, Jonas Smedegaard wrote:
    I do not think that we should impose on our users to trust black magic
    by default, though.

    I think that all non-free code distributed by Debian (be that code
    executed on the main CPU, and code uploaded to external devices, and
    code served to other people's web browsers) should be easy to use but opt-in, not (some of it) opt-out. Because we cannot reasonably know
    what it realy does and therefore not reasonably decide if sensible to
    trust or not. We can only blindly assume that "newer is better".

    It's firmware. If you have an x86 CPU there's no opting in or opting
    out, you and every one Debian user are using non-free microcode,
    whether you like it or not. The only difference is whether it's an old
    version, vulnerable to known and exploited security bugs, or not.
    Pretending it doesn't exist won't make it go away, won't make a machine
    "free", and won't help any cause. It's simply pushing the problems away
    from the distribution maintainers down to the users, and we know for a
    fact they are very real and very tangible problems.

    We know that newer is better: CVE numbers are there to prove it. You
    can't reasonably "know" what your hardware does anyway, unless you've
    got a degree in electronic engineering, industrial acid, an electron
    microscope and a whole lot of spare time. As mentioned earlier, modern
    machines are networks of hundreds of components, most if not all of
    which is proprietary hardware. You have to blindly trust it. The act of
    running a given machine _is_ the opt-in to trust that hardware and all
    its various firmwares, some of which happen to be updatable (which is a
    good thing).

    Kind regards,
    Luca Boccassi


    iQEzBAABCgAdFiEE6g0RLAGYhL9yp9G8SylmgFB4UWIFAmJfN7wACgkQSylmgFB4 UWJfsggAtzAqlDaLmpabl7XuZscUiFV8H6NykdBWA6BjjnidlGG5fC8PRv611CeZ 54WR7E3LB92+s0Q/H9YKOJQJIO893zflwKi9G/393HELJYK0c5XdOd0d8ORS41BI JftNKOcVNEar3UpzgP/cJNNDAMUMh88QCzmnPpbaju6e/Oyo/BHOBDORideHit2L fdXCxkvmxADP1Zlkr58Mh3VFHcLXxicWa013tg8wFk5EFNeR6FMI6Pd7G23ozNPM md9Pr+lfS/w++fJBZ9sQ2Fjvpo134+R2ROhkd7YF0OBwCo1K8OG4rcO1cMPpuuQp IbVyip14k8jkeN82BoQvvvmhX3eZGw==
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    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Jeremy Stanley@21:1/5 to Bastian Blank on Wed Apr 20 01:00:02 2022
    On 2022-04-19 22:51:59 +0200 (+0200), Bastian Blank wrote:
    On Tue, Apr 19, 2022 at 12:17:06PM +0000, Jeremy Stanley wrote:
    It's probably what you meant, but just to be clear, as a user I'd
    also want to know which of the firmware packages used/installed were
    pulled from non-free and what devices prompted their addition.
    Something like "The following packages do not meet Debian Free
    Software Guidelines but were installed because they're necessary in
    order to enable or secure some of your hardware: foo(CPUX21
    processor microcode), bar(PM2743 power management controller),
    baz(RF17G wireless interface), ..."

    Why? Don't you want to use your devices? And will you also remove the
    flash chips for the ones that contain a backed in firmware (aka all of

    You conveniently snipped the four detailed reasons I gave,
    presumably in order to draw me into your pointless reductio ad
    absurdum exercise. No thank you.
    Jeremy Stanley


    iQKTBAABCgB9FiEEl65Jb8At7J/DU7LnSPmWEUNJWCkFAmJfPeVfFIAAAAAALgAo aXNzdWVyLWZwckBub3RhdGlvbnMub3BlbnBncC5maWZ0aGhvcnNlbWFuLm5ldDk3 QUU0OTZGQzAyREVDOUZDMzUzQjJFNzQ4Rjk5NjExNDM0OTU4MjkACgkQSPmWEUNJ WCn/VA/8DKOrVtCZRWqcFAz94AOOz4j4YvIp5mANIkcyDzeQ6XKzxZIVIU0LlPXf QSZFGzBVHQs/+JN8N+sUaJIHq4UAIp4ENS30Uh5JYg76T0pJiKiKw7MZ955YfU+V 8Xttx3ney32e4oQEMIWkNaEm8iL59mSjoWC6yKUo4s3O/3rhoug8MlbGngtnm290 yNor/+/c4lTehtp1ADa10FzhiRD/5wWV0fnMy3QDQ6Q7CVjZ6moI+S0vNc0GSdXM 3zQ0rKUNz/GBBEby3LKtU1A6PWRK0Kh3X9E5e3pvTHC+Fss54pd5f+GWPqPnJk3g N9pBxz/pb0T8qGGcP0D7zgGMO60MFIAf+bA+tzjY20+L3d8gOOB9V7M8NAMMQJX7 Q7sQ/WENHgG/aSKd55aqmK8ZDi0Bg3yilWKwkYRVvfIbyuaRmmwSDiuFdO6DyYmB 2a1oGPF0fsbbAEIVQa2O4JN/HgXr6Rlar/lRNUUjJ7mFxnla4sxvFx+nezsYWApE JWwvjpTTmcky3RMjSx3nB29FQfmLPaNG1XK5V7VTG3bYVxfvfmbtWGrWEtfX1935 fJFWpoH7ArrkrIV1kSHOnZuMlPcGTJoDvlV7z9Kgt3MQLhLdumVE2uEFGUNi7w/5 Kqnz+pL+s6YVSNAPasl0w4C5Onlp0Itl9GjUkORNHysBZYCimIA=
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    --- SoupGate-Win32
  • From Ansgar@21:1/5 to Jonas Smedegaard on Wed Apr 20 08:10:01 2022
    On Tue, 2022-04-19 at 23:00 +0200, Jonas Smedegaard wrote:
    Quoting Ansgar (2022-04-19 19:04:36)
    Firmware shipped as packages part of stable releases will probably
    change the same way as software (i.e., security updates, other
    important updates). So there should be not much reason for such

    Such concerns would be more relevant for firmware updates using
    update channels such as `fwupd` uses.

    I wonder how you can confidently know that non-free blobs packages
    for Debian are only likely to be improvements, when you cannot
    verify their contents.

    I did not say that.

    It was a reply to "My concern is about hardware changing behavior", but
    you are shifting the conversation topic to something different (reverse engineering firmware or other things to know it only includes
    improvements[1]) now?

    If you care about "hardware changing behavior" due to firmware updates,
    feel free to check how many firmware updates stable gets.

    [1]: And not also sometimes regressions like Debian's regular
    security or other stable updates. Or behavior changes between
    different Firefox ESR releases.

    And how is it that fwupd distributed blobs are less likely to be
    reliable.  What am I missing here?

    I did not say that.

    It was still a reply to the same topic as above.


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Andrey Rahmatullin@21:1/5 to Jonas Smedegaard on Wed Apr 20 08:20:01 2022
    On Tue, Apr 19, 2022 at 11:00:23PM +0200, Jonas Smedegaard wrote:
    When I install systems, I consider non-free blobs more risky than other code.
    Do you consider loadable non-free blobs more risky than their older versions soldered onto the hardware?

    Definitely "more risky" possibly not "less secure"

    One of my biggest frustrations is that it's impossible to selectively apply "security patches" and companies are wont to "smuggle" in feature changes along with security fixes.
    No, but I do see a benefit in them not being applied
    automatically as part of a standard update. And for something
    like a firmware upgrade for a network card, I might only want to install it if there was a security issue that might actually
    impact me or I was having a problem. Otherwise it's hard to
    imagine a scenario where a firmware upgrade can make things
    better but it's easy to imagine it making things much worse.
    Then what about hardware that doesn't have soldered firmware, only loadable one? Would you not use it at all?

    I notice that you shift the conversation topic from *upgrading*
    firmware to *introducing* firmware.
    You partially narrowed the topic to upgrading firmware in <165037188392.1708.14819384411900940205@auryn.jones.dk>, so yes, I'm asking about both sides of the question. I will even say that the situation where some perfectly usable firmware is already available on
    the device, and Debian just offers an update to it, is much less
    important (but still very important for e.g. intel-microcode) than the situation where the device is not usable without firmware loaded by Debian, which is the main usability problem with the status quo.

    Ah, so your view is that newer blob might...
    I thought I shifted the conversation topic from *upgrading* firmware to *introducing* firmware?
    I even called this situation "much less important" than the other one.

    WBR, wRAR


    iQJhBAABCgBLFiEEolIP6gqGcKZh3YxVM2L3AxpJkuEFAmJfpaQtFIAAAAAAFQAP cGthLWFkZHJlc3NAZ251cGcub3Jnd3JhckBkZWJpYW4ub3JnAAoJEDNi9wMaSZLh b00P/2PDInL7CEDtgvkoxhjFn4Ov0Pg2w71CpX+k3LfDdmBQh58ftBB66Ni4SWPY umC/1/3qz4R5EjXtuJWb2Jmi3qGnAXjmenwb30syD1eTLZ0ylgwUGNlDfppXb4N0 qMJY/V7yARJkWvWyJ3jftaaBDin4xMh4RXIXaytA+VqlM6pbPkJ8VChM6vQ6V8ft fUQItpuAtcHDbMrxvSSQ55/wuH5akXSnQLvFK/83S6foa+F2TsF6nxc/XpwiyewW DUwKBlOqEJJ96AZJq0hQ3Ua3bjDnrq97O/J+k4T1mlivh4qd5+KibJ925WnwHF/P PLhs8IYkDIq6DWcgnCPuVQCC0Ct1BrFQt2vHRi9QXL43er3mg9Gj0Xe5gSGZkJ0Q C/ELjy9y6/LJfWwYLAJ8NvG7EALQjHZrYHJLfOnRut79S2acU4KBgfpFSCtmwB33 VnXf8bJ5VhdEGM4HE0VVB9x5OMtf/CGyjYuofeK4XMNY1he09Rn/+k3InfNcoU2j 16Zq+aajtdXpC2Ci/JWEd76S1yFslsvOdBbjDvPlcRZ2941uw9fDtrNXNYZO/BXl HjGkvauj7eQRYi02C/XLv+MaRfrPDKm50fE9CUiCsgnQz0Cmh/EpTwoHZJPf9m7y 7ZHvrMhhHw3JWZOrp611bc8AKfYfhWFkQ8nC2U4s1rIVJuRD
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    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Pirate Praveen@21:1/5 to All on Wed Apr 20 09:30:01 2022
    2022, ഏപ്രിൽ 20 2:19:21 AM IST, Bastian Blank <waldi@debian.org>ൽ എഴുതി
    Similarly, I think it would be reasonable for someone to want to provide
    entirely free Debian media along with a libre laptop.

    Does this exist in the real world? Which hardware would such a system >contain?

    liberated.computer it is refurbished and some components like wifi cards replaced so it works with 100% free software.

    Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Paul Wise@21:1/5 to Christian Kastner on Wed Apr 20 09:30:01 2022
    On Tue, 2022-04-19 at 11:33 +0200, Christian Kastner wrote:

    Here's a somewhat radical idea: I propose that we make option (1) and
    (2) conditional on all Debian infra switching to hardware entirely free
    of binary firmware/microcode blobs.

    Because if *we* can't do it, then imposing this stringency on our users
    is outright idealist hypocrisy.

    Even before we get to being able to run Debian infra using free
    firmware, lots of the x86 servers that make up the Debian infra require proprietary software running on the CPU, mostly for managing the
    hardware; sensors, RAID, BMCs, fault detection and other things.




    iQIzBAABCgAdFiEEYQsotVz8/kXqG1Y7MRa6Xp/6aaMFAmJftXgACgkQMRa6Xp/6 aaM9HQ//YxfFcnU0GXaeLsyMbvyqsjQbnRiKLsObgy9YeSyWv79+JdprJ8DbMDWq MU31lEHv98ytD/qpS2fBNW8LzL8xKxORRliVRXlg3epDO2zRW1gUR4iwATpGjlqN nfdsv3Ff9MLVJuviGMaJmcwiiSkgU8d9H8yqUpb8gIjOCKm36hT6+udaXLHe+pJz Z7UD0cXh2FPQFvUInQhY5rhn24ZBPS8TmXK8NfEZOY8eyMfGGrL5W76n3agulYNa 970dtHvWIaLjydmuure29X3gWYlsddSIeV91jBeRQdZN13sulI+o46x6EiMSowYe 5apjzX86LqMf7gbw2nqsPaMVb7BdWQE0rMX1Gk84clqrr/s2u/kt+dD8uvROEyDc stw9PHQmxVyM5rLsmut7YHWq+iC7bhyKF9dokJ3Cfy+Hwi3VOmERkAdqg3E9ItEU VxwgMx2WsdVdv9w3OoLkp57Pk2VOTctYWFi/kKu8tKRWI4LOcWqnod9uJzDeM/A8 sc3oKQdzt+tTowAMgQXFvwqU7XCZVXhuBaGZcBjqI0TOfZIi4vq/VaLKYK0nxUpJ DLEwy0JW4r2JFWCf4d3l0c8zPuSxwdwPBTSrk3TPH+nzLaOsqj0VNW1tAn3zvNy9 bJ7sgtGmu97hMe+YuJFN3BfFG1rstlUGWp86hYHyQSc5r/dd0yY=
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    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Paul Wise@21:1/5 to Steve McIntyre on Wed Apr 20 09:40:01 2022
    On Tue, 2022-04-19 at 01:27 +0100, Steve McIntyre wrote:

    We have a small set of Free firmware binaries included in Debian main, and these are included on our installation and live media. This is great - we all love Free Software and this works.

    There is a list of libre firmware projects on this page:


    We are missing several notable libre firmware projects, it would be
    great if Debian could package them. I wonder what other support Debian
    could give to libre/open firmware projects.




    iQIzBAABCgAdFiEEYQsotVz8/kXqG1Y7MRa6Xp/6aaMFAmJftwgACgkQMRa6Xp/6 aaMFOBAAs+1dCkf0qk3DedTYEp1IT2pLogr59FB6lQOCnX9Eo1ab0ZWmTWEd0iGU BC/YTvUc5b0ge4E5WupmKk1MKc7tQXnTCzCdrkw6SI+lJx8vVoCOFiqLnpxj+8N+ ViIPhmUy5Qg+FEPP5P6E+fnHYo01LmWDbyWOj+ZLSlhaufvE9FxJt6Ms3MCxZuTx WQssn/LGLfmGbFd194VjVxDHawGrApQg7WOYnnyU9IciCwA0QMEsWRlh/eGsCfyj 7PQXikQ98by14rpOLjAx/KIUPL+qXhU9VlZzuPIQJQ+kdeg27RQ7pGv3j0h8yen6 0mKOu9Fnunl7Fob4XgPvb/6sMksyqjLRI6/kr8khTi72fm+pNCcS2Gtsm0vlQR5o owcGO8leORFNSCrImBPJULHj/s1ceCvlez61rXljKu9ohPshkKPOFFsLs8gXC726 UvrCtI4tm6aAMGuzMXVXc9q4YNSy/zQ38ApiplpC/ozAYPoLVrjOiXnsiIMhgBCZ jNDkl4VEnUZgpTVsD9cNqzi9guN78hEkSbiqNigfcml2qeg7fMfoEM/Qnt0cAw9L ioyJDCeMY8YMQGcXzG6pCmqSFGPpSsFO1OHRgHGKRVeJA1xPvyi+rEMLCRAL1rpJ WfRytVVOQgk6kpTRlRTGRsZDQviVWltcDtNj7EzfopM8x44xmfY=
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    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Andrey Rahmatullin@21:1/5 to Pirate Praveen on Wed Apr 20 09:50:01 2022
    On Wed, Apr 20, 2022 at 12:55:44PM +0530, Pirate Praveen wrote:
    Similarly, I think it would be reasonable for someone to want to provide >> entirely free Debian media along with a libre laptop.

    Does this exist in the real world? Which hardware would such a system >contain?

    liberated.computer it is refurbished and some components like wifi cards replaced so it works with 100% free software.

    Intel Core i5-3320M CPU (dual-core, four threads, 3rd Gen)

    So no.

    WBR, wRAR


    iQJhBAABCgBLFiEEolIP6gqGcKZh3YxVM2L3AxpJkuEFAmJfuc4tFIAAAAAAFQAP cGthLWFkZHJlc3NAZ251cGcub3Jnd3JhckBkZWJpYW4ub3JnAAoJEDNi9wMaSZLh 6m8P/jqrFZXpv7P6LkIX5pdcEfJ9r9/yjKV2CVgvKY+eSLMGCPi4OkLH+rr6x+vb wOY9Z2GeXcchN1j1yl+luByjdaTGDOeD7B7SUQNhm6i/R8f0ZT39MP/wbyC9iBiY zWs+inB5fRJBfXYGTwTitYV05PpPpAXj1Ypb2I7lbNN2XQaV0YkyxEgOB9qEdT3u t+iRctscrfxFomNkBoCvuyq28hrkMqTz3fQSpMFn9tbG1+LaCQ6zgStLIevzvZaD jXgKQXcXgfpQ4hQBFfKBcjKOJG5BTJdsdbNhTsIFGqAqHiX7tFeHuc3WoPCyzcIn 9NJV93Xa7S0G/J3z4H8Nx1DZJgGCrnhDXXfILXAda42TIx22yuRCZ1R8EsULpKBC zfsFQl1Ry11zpykkPhbQRQsilI+InHEgW6D8iSwH9/uu9As9j0GAvyUnHQc5nIe4 KXjC9aaF/HLWMxEbrqYygExKFU/QO+7dJIknQZTVn/oBuX01WwEkSuhw3YQHlcti 3B2lnKye0xYJ1q2Dm8IYlYCOdOoDp8bqNukSE7cqeatg1ZK9+fVtrDhCXbgkJjwh ZpxzII+PCZzqMQNQ79yHNAWN5BtdHdHgZ9vxIpXe7AZGJw3qw2wCVStRR5IW5i5J c4Hq5Nq56aornWzVmlziYXgwxWy4zRUU5gX88aT+crqSjN98
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    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Pirate Praveen@21:1/5 to All on Wed Apr 20 10:00:01 2022
    2022, ഏപ്രിൽ 20 1:14:14 PM IST, Andrey Rahmatullin <wrar@debian.org>ൽ എഴുതി
    On Wed, Apr 20, 2022 at 12:55:44PM +0530, Pirate Praveen wrote:
    Similarly, I think it would be reasonable for someone to want to provide >> >> entirely free Debian media along with a libre laptop.

    Does this exist in the real world? Which hardware would such a system

    liberated.computer it is refurbished and some components like wifi cards replaced so it works with 100% free software.

    Intel Core i5-3320M CPU (dual-core, four threads, 3rd Gen)

    So no.

    What is no here? This project don't exist or they don't want to provide a libre image?

    Debian's free image works on these laptops and if we make only non-free images they won't be able to provide a fully free image.
    Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Pirate Praveen@21:1/5 to As I on Wed Apr 20 09:50:01 2022
    2022, ഏപ്രിൽ 19 5:57:46 AM IST, Steve McIntyre <steve@einval.com>ൽ എഴുതി
    This tension extends to our installation and live media. As non-free is >officially not considered part of Debian, our official media cannot include >anything from non-free. This has been a deliberate policy for many years. >Instead, we have for some time been building a limited parallel set of >"unofficial non-free" images which include non-free firmware. These non-free >images are produced by the same software that we use for the official images, >and by the same team.

    There are a number of issues here that make developers and users unhappy:

    1. Building, testing and publishing two sets of images takes more effort.

    Can we reduce the tests? Do we really need to test both images for all cases?

    2. We don't really want to be providing non-free images at all, from a
    philosophy point of view. So we mainly promote and advertise the preferred
    official free images. That can be a cause of confusion for users. We do
    link to the non-free images in various places, but they're not so easy to

    I'm fine making it easier to find.

    3. Using non-free installation media will cause more installations to use
    non-free software by default. That's not a great story for us, and we may
    end up with more of our users using non-free software and believing that
    it's all part of Debian.

    So a separate non-free firmware section as you proposed could work.

    4. A number of users and developers complain that we're wasting their time by
    publishing official images that are just not useful for a lot (a majority?)
    of users.

    Isn't voluntary work being able to work on things you care and not necessarily what majority wants?

    I can understand if the current volunteers that produce and test fully free images don't want to continue and no one else step up. Shouldn't this be a call for volunteers ?

    May be more people step in to maintain the free images if there is a call for volunteers.

    We should do better than this.


    The status quo is a mess, and I believe we can and should do things >differently.

    I see several possible options that the images team can choose from here. >However, several of these options could undermine the principles of Debian. We >don't want to make fundamental changes like that without the clear backing of >the wider project. That's why I'm writing this...

    1. Keep the existing setup. It's horrible, but maybe it's the best we can do?
    (I hope not!)

    As I said earlier, making non-free more prominent and more volunteers to maintain fully free images could work to reduce load on existing volunteers.

    2. We could just stop providing the non-free unofficial images altogether.
    That's not really a promising route to follow - we'd be making it even
    harder for users to install our software. While ideologically pure, it's
    not going to advance the cause of Free Software.

    I think we should continue creating non-free images.

    3. We could stop pretending that the non-free images are unofficial, and maybe
    move them alongside the normal free images so they're published together.
    This would make them easier to find for people that need them, but is
    likely to cause users to question why we still make any images without
    firmware if they're otherwise identical.

    This should be fine. This could be used as an opportunity to educate users and recommending to choose hardware which works with free images. We can highlight h-node.org here.

    4. The images team technically could simply include non-free into the official
    images, and add firmware packages to the input lists for those images.
    However, that would still leave us with problem 3 from above (non-free
    generally enabled on most installations).

    I don't think we should do this.

    5. We could split out the non-free firmware packages into a new
    non-free-firmware component in the archive, and allow a specific exception
    only to allow inclusion of those packages on our official media. We would
    then generate only one set of official media, including those non-free
    firmware packages.

    I'm okay with it only if we don't get enough volunteers to maintain two images.

    (We've already seen various suggestions in recent years to split up the
    non-free component of the archive like this, for example into
    non-free-firmware, non-free-doc, non-free-drivers, etc. Disagreement
    (bike-shedding?) about the split caused us to not make any progress on
    this. I believe this project should be picked up and completed. We don't
    have to make a perfect solution here immediately, just something that works
    well enough for our needs today. We can always tweak and improve the setup
    incrementally if that's needed.)

    These are the most likely possible options, in my opinion. If you have a better
    suggestion, please let us know!

    As mentioned earlier, call for volunteers to maintain two sets or reducing the number of test cases (some cases only tested with non-free and some tested only with free images)

    I'd like to take this set of options to a GR, and do it soon. I want to get a >clear decision from the wider Debian project as to how to organise firmware and
    installation images. If we do end up changing how we do things, I want a clear >mandate from the project to do that.

    My preference, and rationale

    Mainly, I want to see how the project as a whole feels here - this is a big >issue that we're overdue solving.

    What would I choose to do? My personal preference would be to go with option 5:
    split the non-free firmware into a special new component and include that on >official media.

    Does that make me a sellout? I don't think so. I've been passionately >supporting and developing Free Software for more than half my life. My >philosophy here has not changed. However, this is a complex and nuanced >situation. I firmly believe that sharing software freedom with our users comes >with a responsibility to also make our software useful. If users can't easily >install and use Debian, that helps nobody.

    By splitting things out here, we would enable users to install and use Debian >on their hardware, without promoting/pushing higher-level non-free software in >general. I think that's a reasonable compromise. This is simply a change to >recognise that hardware requirements have moved on over the years.

    Further work

    If we do go with the changes in option 5, there are other things we could do >here for better control of and information about non-free firmware:

    1. Along with adding non-free firmware onto media, when the installer (or live
    image) runs, we should make it clear exactly which firmware packages have
    been used/installed to support detected hardware. We could link to docs
    about each, and maybe also to projects working on Free re-implementations.

    Good idea.

    2. Add an option at boot to explicitly disable the use of the non-free
    firmware packages, so that users can choose to avoid them.


    Thanks to people who reviewed earlier versions of this document and/or made >suggestions for improvement, in particular:

    • Cyril Brulebois
    • Matthew Garrett
    • David Leggett
    • Martin Michlmayr
    • Andy Simpkins
    • Neil Williams

    Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Andrey Rahmatullin@21:1/5 to Pirate Praveen on Wed Apr 20 10:10:01 2022
    On Wed, Apr 20, 2022 at 01:25:31PM +0530, Pirate Praveen wrote:
    Similarly, I think it would be reasonable for someone to want to provide
    entirely free Debian media along with a libre laptop.

    Does this exist in the real world? Which hardware would such a system

    liberated.computer it is refurbished and some components like wifi cards replaced so it works with 100% free software.

    Intel Core i5-3320M CPU (dual-core, four threads, 3rd Gen)

    So no.

    What is no here? This project don't exist or they don't want to provide a libre image?
    Intel CPUs contain non-free microcode. Using them even implies enabling
    the Debian non-free repo to get security fixes for it.
    Intel GPUs reportedly don't work good enough, or at all, without non-free firmware, according to the surveys done during the bullseye freeze.

    Debian's free image works on these laptops and if we make only non-free images they won't be able to provide a fully free image.
    Eh, Debian's free image works on a lot of hardware, especially when you
    don't need to download anything during the install (e.g. because you use a
    DVD image or don't install a GUI), the installed system, on the other

    But I agree that technically it's fine "to provide entirely free Debian
    media along with a libre laptop" in this case.

    WBR, wRAR


    iQJhBAABCgBLFiEEolIP6gqGcKZh3YxVM2L3AxpJkuEFAmJfvxQtFIAAAAAAFQAP cGthLWFkZHJlc3NAZ251cGcub3Jnd3JhckBkZWJpYW4ub3JnAAoJEDNi9wMaSZLh lpYP/16JV0W0WXSaTXGpkZpQyiDxVZ09IeTJ4fb1kd6Zq9UQR8KZ//eukggsBavH vPjMK9+wTFIVrK8pb3EjOK2BpgCanejMwu8QyUUWkJQaPr5HrnwcMdCNrncVe4LI zsHreSJhbZi59dmKCwtZbi5ZzgCWPiHEajf5tWYFLLvUwH/9E+Io5zkvAf4CxuzH 0DgYpUPKU75D4Y0Ii2w2ZNU/eOIEx8br97WTVSZGY9wqxW5+9pcaED2U/eTgGEcZ ayDPKqmeDZuimGJKPHMT9EWYc/a8LNkJtnprYmSsilO57m2cEMSjMkPaMNPNdduA Hctt456iIm4aHKL5gD52qgY475a0gL5HHYuxSlOcc75HUmhADuGOMWQU6PXZx3xn DWL9fs2bgqXsfdPCv1ehFFfL/pHyLgPIz27ee0AgyuGvAFgnYeXJhG0r0IVNdx34 rCPiDTdh3P2GFAl38cNg27lzr60guD2kvvzgN4/35CGKQWTbH1lMNAYhz+FN6km3 i9YQpeJZK6HS9mhGkcuvLjH2SOdK/3MXLA50ahGuB/hVBH+v9YUMjqYeEWeI5RzX CM/79znfzAd0fWCA7osbyMaVpe4pSbtyCYpb+vOO77bMPYXn0GMRLgCL2HS3tNci /ZFWc1Hw6aYReNGwTEfuWa6ldRlMlRWo8RZ3UC6+mOkOs/7b
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    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Ansgar@21:1/5 to Pirate Praveen on Wed Apr 20 10:30:01 2022
    On Wed, 2022-04-20 at 12:55 +0530, Pirate Praveen wrote:
    liberated.computer it is refurbished and some components like wifi
    cards replaced so it works with 100% free software.

    No, it doesn't. It just *hides* the fact that you use non-free
    software. If you are happy with that, fine, but please don't claim it
    uses 100% free software.

    And everything from keyboard, mice, storage (SD cards, SSD, rotating
    disks, controllers), ... has firmware. I don't expect them to have done
    much about that. Of course some devices come with preinstalled
    firmware, so it's easy to ignore the firmware exists. However, that
    does not "free" you from the restrictions of proprietary software that
    comes from using non-free firmware in any way compared to having the OS
    supply the firmware data.


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Jonas Smedegaard@21:1/5 to All on Wed Apr 20 11:10:01 2022
    Quoting Russ Allbery (2022-04-19 23:57:21)
    Jonas Smedegaard <jonas@jones.dk> writes:
    Quoting Russ Allbery (2022-04-19 19:29:09)

    We need some way to clearly label non-free firmware packages so
    that you can apply whatever installation or upgrade policy locally
    that you want to apply, but solution #5 provides that by keeping
    the non-free firmware in a separate archive area (which apt calls
    "components") to which you can apply different apt policy.

    The issue I have with option 5 is that non-free blobs are then
    enabled by default.

    I just re-read option 5 and I don't see where it says that. My understanding of the proposal is that the firmware would be on the
    image and thus available to the installer. That doesn't imply that it
    will be automatically enabled, either in the installer or on the
    installed system. That could still be gated by a prompt.


    Re-reading again myself, and I agree.

    Sorry for all the noise: I support option 5.

    - Jonas

    * Jonas Smedegaard - idealist & Internet-arkitekt
    * Tlf.: +45 40843136 Website: http://dr.jones.dk/

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    iQIzBAABCgAdFiEEn+Ppw2aRpp/1PMaELHwxRsGgASEFAmJfzbAACgkQLHwxRsGg ASHtbg/+I7LECNm/mSqd7IwxaLLm5NhkI5EfPptC1yA9MW6la4DfSFYSJoU8LMRC R5MT8Pv0ZZDk7JcntrEW9P0poR4GGVi0aLeOEfzkD/1zgne1J5k3pJgiQL6+Rkcl ZuNjAAVW+sX3yb35eCT811zb70rJZbRotF7fFUynuQuejf7f9QxfRWcYb8yyEsGn VLM57Rqi8AaiStTOJXehqTQeJNPsfgP5VuPVq2tSQA/KPSo5AXweTwTSXU1+NEQp VA6K2nRPWmklFqULwGUDNm36lX6LY+L/0gJKpJHj6Bhe+parxHB+K6rloStFyYWt ZkXqnAH761o6eJj/mFbEO2zGzCeVARNptKTjyr9siJW5lv6CMCWF6qXxHP/e2scG MZNFxkk8IktCqJl3WRf0HAxZ1hXj6y1iKKYQXchXnZ4sfKj5SgL2VyVLpmVqj+Uz qXECbn1nERpjkyxAre0c6SgOEf9+lPFSBa44xQb1CZaf5ifxtPyRhl6WXHbhBjeO 3YI7rnQZGyG5zrfBq
  • From Devin Prater@21:1/5 to All on Wed Apr 20 12:10:01 2022
    I recently tried to install Debian onto my new laptop. It's an HP
    Pavilian (can't remember the exact model sorry) with an AMD Rizon 5500 processor with integrated Radion graphic. All seemed to work well, until I
    came to the detecting Internet stage of the install. It couldn't detect my Wi-fi card. So then, I found the Non-free section and got the CD version? I guess that's what I should have gotten? The DVD one is the live environment right? See how confusion this can be? Anyway, I booted that up, pressed s
    then Enter cause I'm blind, then began the install again. The same thing happened. So apparently even the non-free images don't contain all of the drivers. I know a driver for my card exists, since Fedora has it. So, since Debian "won't work" on my system (that's what a user *will* think), I went
    back to Windows, where I have all the few games blind people can play, the
    MUD clients with sound packs, Twitter/Mastodon/Telegram clients that were
    made by the blind, for the blind, a screen reader with wide community
    support, and a DE with developers focusingon accessibility. Of course,
    that's just my use case as a blind person. Others may focus on the graphics card, Wi-fi, sound card, power management (My battery will never run out of power according to acpi), or CPU management.
    Ah well. Maybe Ubuntu will have the Wi-fi card. I mean they are a company
    but when a group of regular people don't give something that I can even
    install without plugging in my phone, finishing install, somehow finding
    the right driver for my Wi-fi card, and then finally being able to use it,
    then the first thing people will do is go find something else. They'll say "Okay well Debian is just for servers and 'FossBros'," shake their head,
    and move on.
    This is from a user's perspective. It's hard enough to get them to want to
    use Linux. A lot of people don't even know you can change the operating
    system on your computer! So then for them to try Debian, which is probably
    one of, if not the most, accessible of all distros thanks to our few Debian Accessibility team, and then find that their network card isn't going to
    work, they'll run back to Windows. And to be clear, for a blind person, the only thing Linux has over Windows at this point is that you can print text *and* images to a Braille printer. You can't do that in Windows without expensive software. All the games, software for the blind, Twitter/Mastodon/Telegram clients, all that is on Windows. So for a blind person, switching from all that is gonna be even harder. So the first sign
    of resistance will send them back.
    Also, should we have to work for Debian? Shouldn't it make our computing
    life easier by at least including the stuff we need to use all parts of our computer? Besides that, with computers becoming even more "secure" with Microsoft working on a chip, AMD and Intel having their stuff, we'll *have*
    to include nonfree stuff in Debian eventually. Might as well do it now to
    make users' lives a little easier for practice.
    Another thing I just thought of, I wonder if, when we find hardware in the installer that we don't have drivers for, if we can search for drivers on
    apt, including the nonfree section, and ask if the user wants to install
    them? The user would probably have to connect their phone for the Wi-fi
    bit, but then all the stuff could easily be installed.
    Devin Prater

    On Wed, Apr 20, 2022 at 2:49 AM Pirate Praveen <praveen@onenetbeyond.org> wrote:

    2022, ഏപ്രിൽ 19 5:57:46 AM IST, Steve McIntyre <steve@einval.com>ൽ എഴുതി
    This tension extends to our installation and live media. As non-free is >officially not considered part of Debian, our official media cannot
    anything from non-free. This has been a deliberate policy for many years. >Instead, we have for some time been building a limited parallel set of >"unofficial non-free" images which include non-free firmware. These
    images are produced by the same software that we use for the official images,
    and by the same team.

    There are a number of issues here that make developers and users unhappy:

    1. Building, testing and publishing two sets of images takes more effort.

    Can we reduce the tests? Do we really need to test both images for all

    2. We don't really want to be providing non-free images at all, from a
    philosophy point of view. So we mainly promote and advertise the
    official free images. That can be a cause of confusion for users. We
    link to the non-free images in various places, but they're not so
    easy to

    I'm fine making it easier to find.

    3. Using non-free installation media will cause more installations to use
    non-free software by default. That's not a great story for us, and we
    end up with more of our users using non-free software and believing
    it's all part of Debian.

    So a separate non-free firmware section as you proposed could work.

    4. A number of users and developers complain that we're wasting their
    time by
    publishing official images that are just not useful for a lot (a
    of users.

    Isn't voluntary work being able to work on things you care and not necessarily what majority wants?

    I can understand if the current volunteers that produce and test fully
    free images don't want to continue and no one else step up. Shouldn't this
    be a call for volunteers ?

    May be more people step in to maintain the free images if there is a call
    for volunteers.

    We should do better than this.


    The status quo is a mess, and I believe we can and should do things >differently.

    I see several possible options that the images team can choose from here. >However, several of these options could undermine the principles of
    Debian. We
    don't want to make fundamental changes like that without the clear
    backing of
    the wider project. That's why I'm writing this...

    1. Keep the existing setup. It's horrible, but maybe it's the best we
    can do?
    (I hope not!)

    As I said earlier, making non-free more prominent and more volunteers to maintain fully free images could work to reduce load on existing volunteers.

    2. We could just stop providing the non-free unofficial images
    That's not really a promising route to follow - we'd be making it even
    harder for users to install our software. While ideologically pure,
    not going to advance the cause of Free Software.

    I think we should continue creating non-free images.

    3. We could stop pretending that the non-free images are unofficial, and
    move them alongside the normal free images so they're published
    This would make them easier to find for people that need them, but is
    likely to cause users to question why we still make any images without
    firmware if they're otherwise identical.

    This should be fine. This could be used as an opportunity to educate users and recommending to choose hardware which works with free images. We can highlight h-node.org here.

    4. The images team technically could simply include non-free into the
    images, and add firmware packages to the input lists for those images.
    However, that would still leave us with problem 3 from above (non-free
    generally enabled on most installations).

    I don't think we should do this.

    5. We could split out the non-free firmware packages into a new
    non-free-firmware component in the archive, and allow a specific
    only to allow inclusion of those packages on our official media. We
    then generate only one set of official media, including those non-free
    firmware packages.

    I'm okay with it only if we don't get enough volunteers to maintain two images.

    (We've already seen various suggestions in recent years to split up
    non-free component of the archive like this, for example into
    non-free-firmware, non-free-doc, non-free-drivers, etc. Disagreement
    (bike-shedding?) about the split caused us to not make any progress on
    this. I believe this project should be picked up and completed. We
    have to make a perfect solution here immediately, just something that
    well enough for our needs today. We can always tweak and improve the
    incrementally if that's needed.)

    These are the most likely possible options, in my opinion. If you have a better
    suggestion, please let us know!

    As mentioned earlier, call for volunteers to maintain two sets or reducing the number of test cases (some cases only tested with non-free and some tested only with free images)

    I'd like to take this set of options to a GR, and do it soon. I want to
    get a
    clear decision from the wider Debian project as to how to organise
    firmware and
    installation images. If we do end up changing how we do things, I want a clear
    mandate from the project to do that.

    My preference, and rationale

    Mainly, I want to see how the project as a whole feels here - this is a
    issue that we're overdue solving.

    What would I choose to do? My personal preference would be to go with
    option 5:
    split the non-free firmware into a special new component and include that
    official media.

    Does that make me a sellout? I don't think so. I've been passionately >supporting and developing Free Software for more than half my life. My >philosophy here has not changed. However, this is a complex and nuanced >situation. I firmly believe that sharing software freedom with our users comes
    with a responsibility to also make our software useful. If users can't easily
    install and use Debian, that helps nobody.

    By splitting things out here, we would enable users to install and use Debian
    on their hardware, without promoting/pushing higher-level non-free
    software in
    general. I think that's a reasonable compromise. This is simply a change
    recognise that hardware requirements have moved on over the years.

    Further work

    If we do go with the changes in option 5, there are other things we could
    here for better control of and information about non-free firmware:

    1. Along with adding non-free firmware onto media, when the installer
    (or live
    image) runs, we should make it clear exactly which firmware packages
    been used/installed to support detected hardware. We could link to
    about each, and maybe also to projects working on Free

    Good idea.

    2. Add an option at boot to explicitly disable the use of the non-free
    firmware packages, so that users can choose to avoid them.


    Thanks to people who reviewed earlier versions of this document and/or
    suggestions for improvement, in particular:

    • Cyril Brulebois
    • Matthew Garrett
    • David Leggett
    • Martin Michlmayr
    • Andy Simpkins
    • Neil Williams

    Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.

    <div dir="ltr">I recently tried to install Debian onto my new laptop. It&#39;s an HP Pavilian (can&#39;t remember the exact model sorry) with an AMD Rizon 5500 processor with integrated Radion graphic. All seemed to work well, until I came to the
    detecting Internet stage of the install. It couldn&#39;t detect my Wi-fi card. So then, I found the Non-free section and got the CD version? I guess that&#39;s what I should have gotten? The DVD one is the live environment right? See how confusion this
    can be? Anyway, I booted that up, pressed s then Enter cause I&#39;m blind, then began the install again. The same thing happened. So apparently even the non-free images don&#39;t contain all of the drivers. I know a driver for my card exists, since
    Fedora has it. So, since Debian &quot;won&#39;t work&quot; on my system (that&#39;s what a user *will* think), I went back to Windows, where I have all the few games blind people can play, the MUD clients with sound packs, Twitter/Mastodon/Telegram
    clients that were made by the blind, for the blind, a screen reader with wide community support, and a DE with developers focusingon accessibility. Of course, that&#39;s just my use case as a blind person. Others may focus on the graphics card, Wi-fi,
    sound card, power management (My battery will never run out of power according to acpi), or CPU management.<div>Ah well. Maybe Ubuntu will have the Wi-fi card. I mean they are a company but when a group of regular people don&#39;t give something that I
    can even install without plugging in my phone, finishing install, somehow finding the right driver for my Wi-fi card, and then finally being able to use it, then the first thing people will do is go find something else. They&#39;ll say &quot;Okay well
    Debian is just for servers and &#39;FossBros&#39;,&quot; shake their head, and move on.<div>This is from a user&#39;s perspective. It&#39;s hard enough to get them to want to use Linux. A lot of people don&#39;t even know you can change the operating
    system on your computer! So then for them to try Debian, which is probably one of, if not the most, accessible of all distros thanks to our few Debian Accessibility team, and then find that their network card isn&#39;t going to work, they&#39;ll run back
    to Windows. And to be clear, for a blind person, the only thing Linux has over Windows at this point is that you can print text *and* images to a Braille printer. You can&#39;t do that in Windows without expensive software. All the games, software for
    the blind, Twitter/Mastodon/Telegram clients, all that is on Windows. So for a blind person, switching from all that is gonna be even harder. So the first sign of resistance will send them back.</div><div>Also, should we have to work for Debian? Shouldn&#
    39;t it make our computing life easier by at least including the stuff we need to use all parts of our computer? Besides that, with computers becoming even more &quot;secure&quot; with Microsoft working on a chip, AMD and Intel having their stuff, we&#39;
    ll *have* to include nonfree stuff in Debian eventually. Might as well do it now to make users&#39; lives a little easier for practice.</div><div>Another thing I just thought of, I wonder if, when we find hardware in the installer that we don&#39;t have
    drivers for, if we can search for drivers on apt, including the nonfree section, and ask if the user wants to install them? The user would probably have to connect their phone for the Wi-fi bit, but then all the stuff could easily be installed.<br clear="
    all"><div><div dir="ltr" class="gmail_signature" data-smartmail="gmail_signature"><div dir="ltr"><div dir="ltr"><div dir="ltr">Devin Prater</div><div><a href="mailto:r.d.t.prater@gmail.com" target="_blank">r.d.t.prater@gmail.com</a></div><div><br></div><
    <br></div></div></div></div></div><br></div></div></div><br><div class="gmail_quote"><div dir="ltr" class="gmail_attr">On Wed, Apr 20, 2022 at 2:49 AM Pirate Praveen &lt;<a href="mailto:praveen@onenetbeyond.org">praveen@onenetbeyond.org</a>&gt; wrote:
    <br></div><blockquote class="gmail_quote" style="margin:0px 0px 0px 0.8ex;border-left:1px solid rgb(204,204,204);padding-left:1ex"><br>

    2022, ഏപ്രിൽ 19 5:57:46 AM IST, Steve McIntyre &lt;<a href="mailto:steve@einval.com" target="_blank">steve@einval.com</a>&gt;ൽ എഴുതി<br>
    &gt;This tension extends to our installation and live media. As non-free is<br> &gt;officially not considered part of Debian, our official media cannot include<br>
    &gt;anything from non-free. This has been a deliberate policy for many years.<br>
    &gt;Instead, we have for some time been building a limited parallel set of<br> &gt;&quot;unofficial non-free&quot; images which include non-free firmware. These non-free<br>
    &gt;images are produced by the same software that we use for the official images,<br>
    &gt;and by the same team.<br>
    &gt;There are a number of issues here that make developers and users unhappy:<br>
    &gt; 1. Building, testing and publishing two sets of images takes more effort.<br>

    Can we reduce the tests? Do we really need to test both images for all cases?<br>

    &gt; 2. We don&#39;t really want to be providing non-free images at all, from a<br>
    &gt;    philosophy point of view. So we mainly promote and advertise the preferred<br>
    &gt;    official free images. That can be a cause of confusion for users. We do<br>
    &gt;    link to the non-free images in various places, but they&#39;re not so easy to<br>
    &gt;    find.<br>

    I&#39;m fine making it easier to find.<br>

    &gt; 3. Using non-free installation media will cause more installations to use<br>
    &gt;    non-free software by default. That&#39;s not a great story for us, and we may<br>
    &gt;    end up with more of our users using non-free software and believing that<br>
    &gt;    it&#39;s all part of Debian.<br>

    So a separate non-free firmware section as you proposed could work.<br>

    &gt; 4. A number of users and developers complain that we&#39;re wasting their time by<br>
    &gt;    publishing official images that are just not useful for a lot (a majority?)<br>
    &gt;    of users.<br>

    Isn&#39;t voluntary work being able to work on things you care and not necessarily what majority wants?<br>

    I can understand if the current volunteers that produce and test fully free images don&#39;t want to continue and no one else step up. Shouldn&#39;t this be a call for volunteers ?<br>

    May be more people step in to maintain the free images if there is a call for volunteers.<br>

    &gt;We should do better than this.<br>
    &gt;The status quo is a mess, and I believe we can and should do things<br> &gt;differently.<br>
    &gt;I see several possible options that the images team can choose from here.<br>
    &gt;However, several of these options could undermine the principles of Debian. We<br>
    &gt;don&#39;t want to make fundamental changes like that without the clear backing of<br>
    &gt;the wider project. That&#39;s why I&#39;m writing this...<br>
    &gt; 1. Keep the existing setup. It&#39;s horrible, but maybe it&#39;s the best we can do?<br>
    &gt;    (I hope not!)<br>

    As I said earlier, making non-free more prominent and more volunteers to maintain fully free images could work to reduce load on existing volunteers.<br>

    &gt; 2. We could just stop providing the non-free unofficial images altogether.<br>
    &gt;    That&#39;s not really a promising route to follow - we&#39;d be making it even<br>
    &gt;    harder for users to install our software. While ideologically pure, it&#39;s<br>
    &gt;    not going to advance the cause of Free Software.<br>

    I think we should continue creating non-free images.<br>

    &gt; 3. We could stop pretending that the non-free images are unofficial, and maybe<br>
    &gt;    move them alongside the normal free images so they&#39;re published together.<br>
    &gt;    This would make them easier to find for people that need them, but is<br>
    &gt;    likely to cause users to question why we still make any images without<br>
    &gt;    firmware if they&#39;re otherwise identical.<br>

    This should be fine. This could be used as an opportunity to educate users and recommending to choose hardware which works with free images. We can highlight <a href="http://h-node.org" rel="noreferrer" target="_blank">h-node.org</a> here.<br>

    &gt; 4. The images team technically could simply include non-free into the official<br>
    &gt;    images, and add firmware packages to the input lists for those images.<br>
    &gt;    However, that would still leave us with problem 3 from above (non-free<br>
    &gt;    generally enabled on most installations).<br>

    I don&#39;t think we should do this.<br>

    &gt; 5. We could split out the non-free firmware packages into a new<br>
    &gt;    non-free-firmware component in the archive, and allow a specific exception<br>
    &gt;    only to allow inclusion of those packages on our official media. We would<br>
    &gt;    then generate only one set of official media, including those non-free<br>
    &gt;    firmware packages.<br>

    I&#39;m okay with it only if we don&#39;t get enough volunteers to maintain two images.<br>

    &gt;    (We&#39;ve already seen various suggestions in recent years to split up the<br>
    &gt;    non-free component of the archive like this, for example into<br> &gt;    non-free-firmware, non-free-doc, non-free-drivers, etc. Disagreement<br>
    &gt;    (bike-shedding?) about the split caused us to not make any progress on<br>
    &gt;    this. I believe this project should be picked up and completed. We don&#39;t<br>
    &gt;    have to make a perfect solution here immediately, just something that works<br>
    &gt;    well enough for our needs today. We can always tweak and improve the setup<br>
    &gt;    incrementally if that&#39;s needed.)<br>
    &gt;These are the most likely possible options, in my opinion. If you have a better<br>
    &gt;suggestion, please let us know!<br>

    As mentioned earlier, call for volunteers to maintain two sets or reducing the number of test cases (some cases only tested with non-free and some tested only with free images)<br>

    &gt;I&#39;d like to take this set of options to a GR, and do it soon. I want to get a<br>
    &gt;clear decision from the wider Debian project as to how to organise firmware and<br>
    &gt;installation images. If we do end up changing how we do things, I want a clear<br>
    &gt;mandate from the project to do that.<br>
    &gt;My preference, and rationale<br>
    &gt;Mainly, I want to see how the project as a whole feels here - this is a big<br>
    &gt;issue that we&#39;re overdue solving.<br>
    &gt;What would I choose to do? My personal preference would be to go with option 5:<br>
    &gt;split the non-free firmware into a special new component and include that on<br>
    &gt;official media.<br>
    &gt;Does that make me a sellout? I don&#39;t think so. I&#39;ve been passionately<br>
    &gt;supporting and developing Free Software for more than half my life. My<br> &gt;philosophy here has not changed. However, this is a complex and nuanced<br> &gt;situation. I firmly believe that sharing software freedom with our users comes<br>
    &gt;with a responsibility to also make our software useful. If users can&#39;t easily<br>
    &gt;install and use Debian, that helps nobody.<br>
    &gt;By splitting things out here, we would enable users to install and use Debian<br>
    &gt;on their hardware, without promoting/pushing higher-level non-free software in<br>
    &gt;general. I think that&#39;s a reasonable compromise. This is simply a change to<br>
    &gt;recognise that hardware requirements have moved on over the years.<br> &gt;<br>
    &gt;Further work<br>
    &gt;If we do go with the changes in option 5, there are other things we could do<br>
    &gt;here for better control of and information about non-free firmware:<br> &gt;<br>
    &gt; 1. Along with adding non-free firmware onto media, when the installer (or live<br>
    &gt;    image) runs, we should make it clear exactly which firmware packages have<br>
    &gt;    been used/installed to support detected hardware. We could link to docs<br>
    &gt;    about each, and maybe also to projects working on Free re-implementations.<br>

    Good idea.<br>

    &gt; 2. Add an option at boot to explicitly disable the use of the non-free<br> &gt;    firmware packages, so that users can choose to avoid them.<br> &gt;<br>
    &gt;Thanks to people who reviewed earlier versions of this document and/or made<br>
    &gt;suggestions for improvement, in particular:<br>
    &gt;  • Cyril Brulebois<br>
    &gt;  • Matthew Garrett<br>
    &gt;  • David Leggett<br>
    &gt;  • Martin Michlmayr<br>
    &gt;  • Andy Simpkins<br>
    &gt;  • Neil Williams<br>

    -- <br>
    Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.<br>


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Jonathan Dowland@21:1/5 to Christian Kastner on Wed Apr 20 12:50:01 2022
    On Tue, Apr 19, 2022 at 01:43:39PM +0200, Christian Kastner wrote:
    In case my own wasn't clear, what I meant was: (a) all of the x86_64
    hosts in our infrastructure use CPUs that utilize non-free microcode,
    and (b) unless we're crazy, those hosts also use the non-free
    intel-microcode or amd64-microcode packages to get security fixes.

    I hadn't even noticed that there was an amd64-microcode package.
    Although I see that it is older than my CPU (3945WX), so I'm not sure
    that it is (yet) a problem (for me). That said…

    Here's an even more radical thought: shipping any x86_64 installer CD
    without amd64-microcode and intel-microcode installed by default is a >disservice to our users. There's no ideological "Win" when you're paying
    for it with the user's security, especially when they might be unaware
    of the problem.

    I can agree with that, but I think that's a bridge to cross *after* the
    change proposed by Steve.

    Please do not CC me for listmail.

    👱🏻 Jonathan Dowland
    🔗 https://jmtd.net

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Jonathan Dowland@21:1/5 to Steve McIntyre on Wed Apr 20 12:50:01 2022
    Hi Steve,

    Thank you for raising this issue and writing about it so clearly.

    On Tue, Apr 19, 2022 at 01:27:46AM +0100, Steve McIntyre wrote:
    5. We could split out the non-free firmware packages into a new
    non-free-firmware component in the archive, and allow a specific
    exception only to allow inclusion of those packages on our official
    media. We would then generate only one set of official media,
    including those non-free firmware packages.

    My preference is a variation on Option 5: Effectively, a two-phase
    version of it. I think we should produce installer media including
    the non-free firmware and for that to be the media that people are
    directed to, in the most part, via the normal routes (default path
    on website, etc.¹)

    However I think we should continue to produce install media without
    non-free components, at least for a period of time after making the
    switch (as another reply said, perhaps 1-2 releases and review). It
    feels like me too big a step to take to stop producing DFSG-compliant
    media. From simply a principle perspective, that's the "pure" aim
    of the project. If we continue to provide it but not on the default
    path then we might be able to gather some information on how popular
    or useful it is (how many downloads it attracts; or what kind of
    hardware configurations it can actually be used on; perhaps cross-
    referencing it with popcon or installation-report data)

    I'd also like to see us put a bit more effort into tools like vrms²
    so we can make it easier for folks to gauge how much non-free stuff
    they are relying upon and maybe even work towards offering tailored alternatives. (For example I've currently got an Nvidia GPU and the
    binary blob drivers installed, for the first time in over a decade,
    and I could do with some hand-holding to identify an alternative
    which would not require non-free drivers and/or firmware.)

    ¹ I agree with another person in this thread that the current behaviour
    of auto-downloading an ISO after visiting /download is wrong and
    should be changed, but, that is orthogonal to what you have raised
    and should be addressed separately.

    ² perhaps starting with renaming it…

    Please do not CC me for listmail.

    👱🏻 Jonathan Dowland
    🔗 https://jmtd.net

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Polyna-Maude Racicot-Summerside@21:1/5 to Devin Prater on Wed Apr 20 14:40:01 2022
    Answer bellow this awful piece of text from someone who doesn't know how
    to make a space between line.

    On 2022-04-20 06:04, Devin Prater wrote:
    I recently tried to install Debian onto my new laptop. It's an HP Pavilian (can't remember the exact model sorry) with an AMD Rizon 5500 processor with integrated Radion graphic. All seemed to work well, until
    I came to the detecting Internet stage of the install. It couldn't
    detect my Wi-fi card. So then, I found the Non-free section and got the
    CD version? I guess that's what I should have gotten? The DVD one is the
    live environment right? See how confusion this can be? Anyway, I booted
    that up, pressed s then Enter cause I'm blind, then began the install
    again. The same thing happened. So apparently even the non-free images
    don't contain all of the drivers. I know a driver for my card exists,
    since Fedora has it. So, since Debian "won't work" on my system (that's
    what a user *will* think), I went back to Windows, where I have all the
    few games blind people can play, the MUD clients with sound packs, Twitter/Mastodon/Telegram clients that were made by the blind, for the
    blind, a screen reader with wide community support, and a DE with
    developers focusingon accessibility. Of course, that's just my use case
    as a blind person. Others may focus on the graphics card, Wi-fi, sound
    card, power management (My battery will never run out of power according
    to acpi), or CPU management.
    Ah well. Maybe Ubuntu will have the Wi-fi card. I mean they are a
    company but when a group of regular people don't give something that I
    can even install without plugging in my phone, finishing install,
    somehow finding the right driver for my Wi-fi card, and then finally
    being able to use it, then the first thing people will do is go find something else. They'll say "Okay well Debian is just for servers and 'FossBros'," shake their head, and move on.
    This is from a user's perspective. It's hard enough to get them to want
    to use Linux. A lot of people don't even know you can change the
    operating system on your computer! So then for them to try Debian, which
    is probably one of, if not the most, accessible of all distros thanks to
    our few Debian Accessibility team, and then find that their network card isn't going to work, they'll run back to Windows. And to be clear, for a blind person, the only thing Linux has over Windows at this point is
    that you can print text *and* images to a Braille printer. You can't do
    that in Windows without expensive software. All the games, software for
    the blind, Twitter/Mastodon/Telegram clients, all that is on Windows. So
    for a blind person, switching from all that is gonna be even harder. So
    the first sign of resistance will send them back.
    Also, should we have to work for Debian? Shouldn't it make our computing
    life easier by at least including the stuff we need to use all parts of
    our computer? Besides that, with computers becoming even more "secure"
    with Microsoft working on a chip, AMD and Intel having their stuff,
    we'll *have* to include nonfree stuff in Debian eventually. Might as
    well do it now to make users' lives a little easier for practice.
    Another thing I just thought of, I wonder if, when we find hardware in
    the installer that we don't have drivers for, if we can search for
    drivers on apt, including the nonfree section, and ask if the user wants
    to install them? The user would probably have to connect their phone for
    the Wi-fi bit, but then all the stuff could easily be installed.
    Devin Prater
    r.d.t.prater@gmail.com <mailto:r.d.t.prater@gmail.com>

    On Wed, Apr 20, 2022 at 2:49 AM Pirate Praveen <praveen@onenetbeyond.org <mailto:praveen@onenetbeyond.org>> wrote:

    2022, ഏപ്രിൽ 19 5:57:46 AM IST, Steve McIntyre <steve@einval.com
    <mailto:steve@einval.com>>ൽ എഴുതി
    >This tension extends to our installation and live media. As non-free is
    >officially not considered part of Debian, our official media cannot
    >anything from non-free. This has been a deliberate policy for many
    >Instead, we have for some time been building a limited parallel set of
    >"unofficial non-free" images which include non-free firmware. These
    >images are produced by the same software that we use for the
    official images,
    >and by the same team.
    >There are a number of issues here that make developers and users
    > 1. Building, testing and publishing two sets of images takes more

    Can we reduce the tests? Do we really need to test both images for
    all cases?

    > 2. We don't really want to be providing non-free images at all, from a
    >    philosophy point of view. So we mainly promote and advertise
    the preferred
    >    official free images. That can be a cause of confusion for
    users. We do
    >    link to the non-free images in various places, but they're not
    so easy to
    >    find.

    I'm fine making it easier to find.

    > 3. Using non-free installation media will cause more installations
    to use
    >    non-free software by default. That's not a great story for us,
    and we may
    >    end up with more of our users using non-free software and
    believing that
    >    it's all part of Debian.

    So a separate non-free firmware section as you proposed could work.

    > 4. A number of users and developers complain that we're wasting
    their time by
    >    publishing official images that are just not useful for a lot
    (a majority?)
    >    of users.

    Isn't voluntary work being able to work on things you care and not
    necessarily what majority wants?

    I can understand if the current volunteers that produce and test
    fully free images don't want to continue and no one else step up.
    Shouldn't this be a call for volunteers ?

    May be more people step in to maintain the free images if there is a
    call for volunteers.

    >We should do better than this.
    >The status quo is a mess, and I believe we can and should do things
    >I see several possible options that the images team can choose from
    >However, several of these options could undermine the principles of
    Debian. We
    >don't want to make fundamental changes like that without the clear
    backing of
    >the wider project. That's why I'm writing this...
    > 1. Keep the existing setup. It's horrible, but maybe it's the best
    we can do?
    >    (I hope not!)

    As I said earlier, making non-free more prominent and more
    volunteers to maintain fully free images could work to reduce load
    on existing volunteers.

    > 2. We could just stop providing the non-free unofficial images
    >    That's not really a promising route to follow - we'd be making
    it even
    >    harder for users to install our software. While ideologically
    pure, it's
    >    not going to advance the cause of Free Software.

    I think we should continue creating non-free images.

    > 3. We could stop pretending that the non-free images are
    unofficial, and maybe
    >    move them alongside the normal free images so they're published
    >    This would make them easier to find for people that need them,
    but is
    >    likely to cause users to question why we still make any images
    >    firmware if they're otherwise identical.

    This should be fine. This could be used as an opportunity to educate
    users and recommending to choose hardware which works with free
    images. We can highlight h-node.org <http://h-node.org> here.

    > 4. The images team technically could simply include non-free into
    the official
    >    images, and add firmware packages to the input lists for those
    >    However, that would still leave us with problem 3 from above
    >    generally enabled on most installations).

    I don't think we should do this.

    > 5. We could split out the non-free firmware packages into a new
    >    non-free-firmware component in the archive, and allow a
    specific exception
    >    only to allow inclusion of those packages on our official
    media. We would
    >    then generate only one set of official media, including those
    >    firmware packages.

    I'm okay with it only if we don't get enough volunteers to maintain
    two images.

    >    (We've already seen various suggestions in recent years to
    split up the
    >    non-free component of the archive like this, for example into
    >    non-free-firmware, non-free-doc, non-free-drivers, etc.
    >    (bike-shedding?) about the split caused us to not make any
    progress on
    >    this. I believe this project should be picked up and completed.
    We don't
    >    have to make a perfect solution here immediately, just
    something that works
    >    well enough for our needs today. We can always tweak and
    improve the setup
    >    incrementally if that's needed.)
    >These are the most likely possible options, in my opinion. If you
    have a better
    >suggestion, please let us know!

    As mentioned earlier, call for volunteers to maintain two sets or
    reducing the number of test cases (some cases only tested with
    non-free and some tested only with free images)

    >I'd like to take this set of options to a GR, and do it soon. I
    want to get a
    >clear decision from the wider Debian project as to how to organise
    firmware and
    >installation images. If we do end up changing how we do things, I
    want a clear
    >mandate from the project to do that.
    >My preference, and rationale
    >Mainly, I want to see how the project as a whole feels here - this
    is a big
    >issue that we're overdue solving.
    >What would I choose to do? My personal preference would be to go
    with option 5:
    >split the non-free firmware into a special new component and
    include that on
    >official media.
    >Does that make me a sellout? I don't think so. I've been passionately
    >supporting and developing Free Software for more than half my life. My
    >philosophy here has not changed. However, this is a complex and nuanced
    >situation. I firmly believe that sharing software freedom with our
    users comes
    >with a responsibility to also make our software useful. If users
    can't easily
    >install and use Debian, that helps nobody.
    >By splitting things out here, we would enable users to install and
    use Debian
    >on their hardware, without promoting/pushing higher-level non-free
    software in
    >general. I think that's a reasonable compromise. This is simply a
    change to
    >recognise that hardware requirements have moved on over the years.
    >Further work
    >If we do go with the changes in option 5, there are other things we
    could do
    >here for better control of and information about non-free firmware:
    > 1. Along with adding non-free firmware onto media, when the
    installer (or live
    >    image) runs, we should make it clear exactly which firmware
    packages have
    >    been used/installed to support detected hardware. We could link
    to docs
    >    about each, and maybe also to projects working on Free

    Good idea.

    > 2. Add an option at boot to explicitly disable the use of the non-free
    >    firmware packages, so that users can choose to avoid them.
    >Thanks to people who reviewed earlier versions of this document
    and/or made
    >suggestions for improvement, in particular:
    >  • Cyril Brulebois
    >  • Matthew Garrett
    >  • David Leggett
    >  • Martin Michlmayr
    >  • Andy Simpkins
    >  • Neil Williams

    Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.

    No such confusion...


    Here's a nice guide on how to install the firmware on ANY damn
    DVD/CD/USB/Pogo stick

    No there's both install DVD, install CD, live CD, live DVD, net install,

    Even explanation on how to make your own boot disk.

    What did we do 30 years ago before crying for help on a mailing list ?
    We'd read the manual BEFORE trying out something.
    This still applies today.

    Polyna-Maude R.-Summerside
    -Be smart, Be wise, Support opensource development

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Polyna-Maude Racicot-Summerside@21:1/5 to Andrey Rahmatullin on Wed Apr 20 14:30:01 2022
    On 2022-04-20 04:06, Andrey Rahmatullin wrote:
    On Wed, Apr 20, 2022 at 01:25:31PM +0530, Pirate Praveen wrote:
    Similarly, I think it would be reasonable for someone to want to provide >>>>>> entirely free Debian media along with a libre laptop.

    Does this exist in the real world? Which hardware would such a system >>>>> contain?

    liberated.computer it is refurbished and some components like wifi cards replaced so it works with 100% free software.

    Intel Core i5-3320M CPU (dual-core, four threads, 3rd Gen)

    So no.

    What is no here? This project don't exist or they don't want to provide a libre image?
    Intel CPUs contain non-free microcode. Using them even implies enabling
    the Debian non-free repo to get security fixes for it.
    Intel GPUs reportedly don't work good enough, or at all, without non-free firmware, according to the surveys done during the bullseye freeze.

    Debian's free image works on these laptops and if we make only non-free images they won't be able to provide a fully free image.
    Eh, Debian's free image works on a lot of hardware, especially when you
    don't need to download anything during the install (e.g. because you use a DVD image or don't install a GUI), the installed system, on the other

    But I agree that technically it's fine "to provide entirely free Debian
    media along with a libre laptop" in this case.

    I think you lack pretty much of seeing more than you own self and use case. I've used plenty of laptop without making a mess, sometime by using a
    external Wifi card or simply choosing wisely.

    Now, regarding your complain on the microcode. I think it's useless to
    have a conversation regarding this subject with you because having a
    global view seems out of bound for your mind.

    Yes microcode are copyrighted blob. So run your computer without using microcode update and do a change of CPU every time a potential bug is
    found in a CPU.

    You know what microcode does ? If so explain to me how it could be
    possible to have a CPU with microcode in the open-source without having
    more risk than benefits ? Now we'd see hacking done on the CPU
    micro-code itself because anyone could sign it. Dumb bell.

    You've now got your solution. What are you asking for ? We provide a OS,
    we don't change the world to make it suit your need.

    Polyna-Maude R.-Summerside
    -Be smart, Be wise, Support opensource development

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Paul Wise@21:1/5 to Steve McIntyre on Wed Apr 20 14:40:01 2022
    On Tue, 2022-04-19 at 01:27 +0100, Steve McIntyre wrote:

    There are a number of issues here that make developers and users unhappy:

    There are a couple more issues related to unredistributable firmware:

    Some firmware is only available in the operating system preinstalled on
    the device and needs to be manually extracted before d-i is run,
    potentially even only from processes running on the preinstalled
    operating system in cases where the storage must be wiped (such as
    Android devices) before an alternative OS like Debian can be installed.
    IIRC there is some laptop WiFi firmware that is like this.

    Some firmware is not redistributable and is only available in
    proprietary drivers on websites and is hard to extract from those
    drivers. IIRC some of the proprietary nvidia firmware for use by the
    libre nouveau GPU driver is like this, both signed firmware for very
    new nvidia hardware and unsigned firmware for very old nvidia hardware, although the firmware for the old nvidia hardware has libre firmware in nouveau, but the libre firmware is/was buggier than the proprietary
    firmware. The tools for extracting the old firmware aren't in Debian.




    iQIzBAABCgAdFiEEYQsotVz8/kXqG1Y7MRa6Xp/6aaMFAmJf/qIACgkQMRa6Xp/6 aaOHGg//eTDuI60pnZ0oXvIH7d/QMIhvAdMD4Ye/iracMfAliAwyHEtMYKBBrhi6 gkYTXf/NFOfIlvCGPOHjsRcjZHcAv24LvXRZJReMrJH8XX/qVL8bZQTVc/suCFiQ EZgQNZBIlEEhHhc29c+C6ILPDsQ1WKLUPk1qil940Y+ZmK1j36xCQR0GD8v9026o 4yS8TKF26IcUR1n4sXM1WWoaslQvsS23cAVqfjamXRuQP0sD+umzVS45s2Sh3LD0 QrGeZx0PwbjbPK+tMGa0H34egna0yWgRcxB5fzd8yNjkjurLT11HB4x9Fkme2o4W GicD5iBg0wRJxe6F/wJQBW94jEWfJWvLC9Uus/geMsGNH2y+xg/MEjselEp6TwgI J3xGMPeK+/eiWCqvxi6IOgYrZiU9HBoTJw9iOm/WT6LlWGrip4TJcP8KP+RjB9Zq fQDDJE2wvDIXry1V1zvGEzjZZSaHQ8xkymdkQTHasWb+IOlFik3Ed/YuaxXGqscM ZiIigWO09CXkDjLAKYSG39wigxcZilPLFFNQHiobL3cQiB+ywLQs2wG8kqcUGIs8 wPvKyUDjZueshPJVIJJbgNnNpoP+g728gKgLlkfqS8+xvdj7FGN9kZiXS4E2v/BP z2XWNXiYWb9mFPb8RTb1jgvbgAlaIG4YdyhaW+BGt0fJY9iTNbg=
    -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Polyna-Maude Racicot-Summerside@21:1/5 to Polyna-Maude Racicot-Summerside on Wed Apr 20 14:40:01 2022
    bwt !
    1st I've always saw Debian having brltty support from the start
    2nd Just install the firmware instruction here and your problem will be

    Stop blaiming other people when the problem is a lack of research on
    your part and expectation all work "out of the box" in all situation.

    Take destiny into your own hand.

    On 2022-04-20 08:32, Polyna-Maude Racicot-Summerside wrote:
    Answer bellow this awful piece of text from someone who doesn't know how
    to make a space between line.

    On 2022-04-20 06:04, Devin Prater wrote:
    I recently tried to install Debian onto my new laptop. It's an HP
    Pavilian (can't remember the exact model sorry) with an AMD Rizon 5500
    processor with integrated Radion graphic. All seemed to work well, until
    I came to the detecting Internet stage of the install. It couldn't
    detect my Wi-fi card. So then, I found the Non-free section and got the
    CD version? I guess that's what I should have gotten? The DVD one is the
    live environment right? See how confusion this can be? Anyway, I booted
    that up, pressed s then Enter cause I'm blind, then began the install
    again. The same thing happened. So apparently even the non-free images
    don't contain all of the drivers. I know a driver for my card exists,
    since Fedora has it. So, since Debian "won't work" on my system (that's
    what a user *will* think), I went back to Windows, where I have all the
    few games blind people can play, the MUD clients with sound packs,
    Twitter/Mastodon/Telegram clients that were made by the blind, for the
    blind, a screen reader with wide community support, and a DE with
    developers focusingon accessibility. Of course, that's just my use case
    as a blind person. Others may focus on the graphics card, Wi-fi, sound
    card, power management (My battery will never run out of power according
    to acpi), or CPU management.
    Ah well. Maybe Ubuntu will have the Wi-fi card. I mean they are a
    company but when a group of regular people don't give something that I
    can even install without plugging in my phone, finishing install,
    somehow finding the right driver for my Wi-fi card, and then finally
    being able to use it, then the first thing people will do is go find
    something else. They'll say "Okay well Debian is just for servers and
    'FossBros'," shake their head, and move on.
    This is from a user's perspective. It's hard enough to get them to want
    to use Linux. A lot of people don't even know you can change the
    operating system on your computer! So then for them to try Debian, which
    is probably one of, if not the most, accessible of all distros thanks to
    our few Debian Accessibility team, and then find that their network card
    isn't going to work, they'll run back to Windows. And to be clear, for a
    blind person, the only thing Linux has over Windows at this point is
    that you can print text *and* images to a Braille printer. You can't do
    that in Windows without expensive software. All the games, software for
    the blind, Twitter/Mastodon/Telegram clients, all that is on Windows. So
    for a blind person, switching from all that is gonna be even harder. So
    the first sign of resistance will send them back.
    Also, should we have to work for Debian? Shouldn't it make our computing
    life easier by at least including the stuff we need to use all parts of
    our computer? Besides that, with computers becoming even more "secure"
    with Microsoft working on a chip, AMD and Intel having their stuff,
    we'll *have* to include nonfree stuff in Debian eventually. Might as
    well do it now to make users' lives a little easier for practice.
    Another thing I just thought of, I wonder if, when we find hardware in
    the installer that we don't have drivers for, if we can search for
    drivers on apt, including the nonfree section, and ask if the user wants
    to install them? The user would probably have to connect their phone for
    the Wi-fi bit, but then all the stuff could easily be installed.
    Devin Prater
    r.d.t.prater@gmail.com <mailto:r.d.t.prater@gmail.com>

    On Wed, Apr 20, 2022 at 2:49 AM Pirate Praveen <praveen@onenetbeyond.org
    <mailto:praveen@onenetbeyond.org>> wrote:

    2022, ഏപ്രിൽ 19 5:57:46 AM IST, Steve McIntyre <steve@einval.com
    <mailto:steve@einval.com>>ൽ എഴുതി
    >This tension extends to our installation and live media. As non-free is >> >officially not considered part of Debian, our official media cannot
    >anything from non-free. This has been a deliberate policy for many
    >Instead, we have for some time been building a limited parallel set of >> >"unofficial non-free" images which include non-free firmware. These
    >images are produced by the same software that we use for the
    official images,
    >and by the same team.
    >There are a number of issues here that make developers and users
    > 1. Building, testing and publishing two sets of images takes more

    Can we reduce the tests? Do we really need to test both images for
    all cases?

    > 2. We don't really want to be providing non-free images at all, from a >> >    philosophy point of view. So we mainly promote and advertise
    the preferred
    >    official free images. That can be a cause of confusion for
    users. We do
    >    link to the non-free images in various places, but they're not
    so easy to
    >    find.

    I'm fine making it easier to find.

    > 3. Using non-free installation media will cause more installations
    to use
    >    non-free software by default. That's not a great story for us,
    and we may
    >    end up with more of our users using non-free software and
    believing that
    >    it's all part of Debian.

    So a separate non-free firmware section as you proposed could work.

    > 4. A number of users and developers complain that we're wasting
    their time by
    >    publishing official images that are just not useful for a lot
    (a majority?)
    >    of users.

    Isn't voluntary work being able to work on things you care and not
    necessarily what majority wants?

    I can understand if the current volunteers that produce and test
    fully free images don't want to continue and no one else step up.
    Shouldn't this be a call for volunteers ?

    May be more people step in to maintain the free images if there is a
    call for volunteers.

    >We should do better than this.
    >The status quo is a mess, and I believe we can and should do things
    >I see several possible options that the images team can choose from
    >However, several of these options could undermine the principles of
    Debian. We
    >don't want to make fundamental changes like that without the clear
    backing of
    >the wider project. That's why I'm writing this...
    > 1. Keep the existing setup. It's horrible, but maybe it's the best
    we can do?
    >    (I hope not!)

    As I said earlier, making non-free more prominent and more
    volunteers to maintain fully free images could work to reduce load
    on existing volunteers.

    > 2. We could just stop providing the non-free unofficial images
    >    That's not really a promising route to follow - we'd be making
    it even
    >    harder for users to install our software. While ideologically
    pure, it's
    >    not going to advance the cause of Free Software.

    I think we should continue creating non-free images.

    > 3. We could stop pretending that the non-free images are
    unofficial, and maybe
    >    move them alongside the normal free images so they're published >> together.
    >    This would make them easier to find for people that need them,
    but is
    >    likely to cause users to question why we still make any images
    >    firmware if they're otherwise identical.

    This should be fine. This could be used as an opportunity to educate
    users and recommending to choose hardware which works with free
    images. We can highlight h-node.org <http://h-node.org> here.

    > 4. The images team technically could simply include non-free into
    the official
    >    images, and add firmware packages to the input lists for those
    >    However, that would still leave us with problem 3 from above
    >    generally enabled on most installations).

    I don't think we should do this.

    > 5. We could split out the non-free firmware packages into a new
    >    non-free-firmware component in the archive, and allow a
    specific exception
    >    only to allow inclusion of those packages on our official
    media. We would
    >    then generate only one set of official media, including those
    >    firmware packages.

    I'm okay with it only if we don't get enough volunteers to maintain
    two images.

    >    (We've already seen various suggestions in recent years to
    split up the
    >    non-free component of the archive like this, for example into
    >    non-free-firmware, non-free-doc, non-free-drivers, etc.
    >    (bike-shedding?) about the split caused us to not make any
    progress on
    >    this. I believe this project should be picked up and completed. >> We don't
    >    have to make a perfect solution here immediately, just
    something that works
    >    well enough for our needs today. We can always tweak and
    improve the setup
    >    incrementally if that's needed.)
    >These are the most likely possible options, in my opinion. If you
    have a better
    >suggestion, please let us know!

    As mentioned earlier, call for volunteers to maintain two sets or
    reducing the number of test cases (some cases only tested with
    non-free and some tested only with free images)

    >I'd like to take this set of options to a GR, and do it soon. I
    want to get a
    >clear decision from the wider Debian project as to how to organise
    firmware and
    >installation images. If we do end up changing how we do things, I
    want a clear
    >mandate from the project to do that.
    >My preference, and rationale
    >Mainly, I want to see how the project as a whole feels here - this
    is a big
    >issue that we're overdue solving.
    >What would I choose to do? My personal preference would be to go
    with option 5:
    >split the non-free firmware into a special new component and
    include that on
    >official media.
    >Does that make me a sellout? I don't think so. I've been passionately >> >supporting and developing Free Software for more than half my life. My >> >philosophy here has not changed. However, this is a complex and nuanced >> >situation. I firmly believe that sharing software freedom with our
    users comes
    >with a responsibility to also make our software useful. If users
    can't easily
    >install and use Debian, that helps nobody.
    >By splitting things out here, we would enable users to install and
    use Debian
    >on their hardware, without promoting/pushing higher-level non-free
    software in
    >general. I think that's a reasonable compromise. This is simply a
    change to
    >recognise that hardware requirements have moved on over the years.
    >Further work
    >If we do go with the changes in option 5, there are other things we
    could do
    >here for better control of and information about non-free firmware:
    > 1. Along with adding non-free firmware onto media, when the
    installer (or live
    >    image) runs, we should make it clear exactly which firmware
    packages have
    >    been used/installed to support detected hardware. We could link >> to docs
    >    about each, and maybe also to projects working on Free

    Good idea.

    > 2. Add an option at boot to explicitly disable the use of the non-free >> >    firmware packages, so that users can choose to avoid them.
    >Thanks to people who reviewed earlier versions of this document
    and/or made
    >suggestions for improvement, in particular:
    >  • Cyril Brulebois
    >  • Matthew Garrett
    >  • David Leggett
    >  • Martin Michlmayr
    >  • Andy Simpkins
    >  • Neil Williams

    Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.

    No such confusion...


    Here's a nice guide on how to install the firmware on ANY damn DVD/CD/USB/Pogo stick

    No there's both install DVD, install CD, live CD, live DVD, net install, etc...

    Even explanation on how to make your own boot disk.

    What did we do 30 years ago before crying for help on a mailing list ?
    We'd read the manual BEFORE trying out something.
    This still applies today.

    Polyna-Maude R.-Summerside
    -Be smart, Be wise, Support opensource development

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Samuel Thibault@21:1/5 to All on Wed Apr 20 14:50:01 2022

    Polyna-Maude Racicot-Summerside, le mer. 20 avril 2022 08:32:13 -0400, a ecrit:
    Answer bellow this awful piece of text from someone who doesn't know how
    to make a space between line.

    For information, reading mails with a speech synthesis doesn't
    necessarily render spaces between lines.

    So yes, people using them don't actually "see" the need for such


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Andrey Rahmatullin@21:1/5 to Polyna-Maude Racicot-Summerside on Wed Apr 20 15:10:01 2022
    On Wed, Apr 20, 2022 at 08:28:25AM -0400, Polyna-Maude Racicot-Summerside wrote:
    I think you lack pretty much of seeing more than you own self and use case.
    No, everything I write in these threads I write for our potential users
    who don't have enough knowledge to find things they need or to dismiss propaganda. It's much easier for me to handle my own use cases.

    I've used plenty of laptop without making a mess, sometime by using a external Wifi card or simply choosing wisely.

    Now, regarding your complain on the microcode. I think it's useless to
    have a conversation regarding this subject with you because having a
    global view seems out of bound for your mind.

    Yes microcode are copyrighted blob. So run your computer without using microcode update and do a change of CPU every time a potential bug is
    found in a CPU.

    You know what microcode does ? If so explain to me how it could be
    possible to have a CPU with microcode in the open-source without having
    more risk than benefits ? Now we'd see hacking done on the CPU
    micro-code itself because anyone could sign it. Dumb bell.

    You've now got your solution. What are you asking for ? We provide a OS,
    we don't change the world to make it suit your need.
    So you've lost the context.

    WBR, wRAR


    iQJhBAABCgBLFiEEolIP6gqGcKZh3YxVM2L3AxpJkuEFAmJgBOotFIAAAAAAFQAP cGthLWFkZHJlc3NAZ251cGcub3Jnd3JhckBkZWJpYW4ub3JnAAoJEDNi9wMaSZLh OqwP/1nSjlmlep2uDzk52l8YNmfgG8IMnWys8oOMgpXfCpHzVDVjkRhgdcP5oYF0 rsMRGPY+FFeHD74drnn+ysd7/jU0+6v2g59Dl+dCaMsgLGFsi4OFdm8sKSqs8pef XrItuhkJWuIMZzvBVlm4F5SjL7B0BUnuxxMDSWrUJk2e2j19gSuFeJO/p2q8gNvg BYzOVHnjngVRJtxUPSgbc77lW0U02uhPr9q3a6uh5ab72GrHhQSX/wO7kOfRRFkg Yg48JySMm04YMRVLYl6efwdFBMiNYqcr4wO5GbEcJ64PbfN+PSsrKkz3cK6zNWnk taXq70Wcksaq0P/ba7XzGXfW57+sHbw3G/SrJ+RxzIcc61IER3cxlHWKlnuibhQp LM6vekbmzga4HHbcpMw2tupkhCTs9LXadxqQI5WgSr9NSfOjPtaycLaSHSyxhFwb c8tqb3yTp2/4dnMQDCtw7KF/HaM6SGYWv876dRFJxBciXPcixAKQXH6x/kjyWtyv YMEEIHzB8IYeu9ZYtMJqdbbTT5riZlCE46mg04b421e1C8B/PSDCyPR1YiUFgRmU nJD5HTExMhziVCx0ddzUqadAmHodaAkvUexwHRFq6Sw6DN0TvIxoMe/AeVKdH1s7 qj94VIO1pszRNaY/fRVcofbQ/IvMzcRxPCriYJd9T3XxoCYn
    -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Polyna-Maude Racicot-Summerside@21:1/5 to Samuel Thibault on Wed Apr 20 15:10:01 2022

    On 2022-04-20 08:39, Samuel Thibault wrote:

    Polyna-Maude Racicot-Summerside, le mer. 20 avril 2022 08:32:13 -0400, a ecrit:
    Answer bellow this awful piece of text from someone who doesn't know how
    to make a space between line.

    For information, reading mails with a speech synthesis doesn't
    necessarily render spaces between lines.

    So yes, people using them don't actually "see" the need for such

    When you talk or read a text out loud, you make pauses ?
    Why wouldn't they apply then you write a text ?
    Are we again in the world of "Everyone must adapt because I'm different" ?

    We ain't gonna go back to this WOKE thinking and "positive
    discrimination bullshit", please no !

    Polyna-Maude R.-Summerside
    -Be smart, Be wise, Support opensource development

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Samuel Thibault@21:1/5 to All on Wed Apr 20 15:20:01 2022
    Polyna-Maude Racicot-Summerside, le mer. 20 avril 2022 09:07:47 -0400, a ecrit:
    On 2022-04-20 08:39, Samuel Thibault wrote:
    Polyna-Maude Racicot-Summerside, le mer. 20 avril 2022 08:32:13 -0400, a ecrit:
    Answer bellow this awful piece of text from someone who doesn't know how >> to make a space between line.

    For information, reading mails with a speech synthesis doesn't
    necessarily render spaces between lines.

    So yes, people using them don't actually "see" the need for such

    When you talk or read a text out loud, you make pauses ?
    Why wouldn't they apply then you write a text ?

    Because it's difficult for software to divine whether line breaks are
    really meant to be flow break or not.

    Help on this really welcome. Bullshit words are not welcome.


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Jonathan Dowland@21:1/5 to Polyna-Maude Racicot-Summerside on Wed Apr 20 15:40:01 2022
    On Wed, Apr 20, 2022 at 09:07:47AM -0400, Polyna-Maude Racicot-Summerside wrote:
    When you talk or read a text out loud, you make pauses ?
    Why wouldn't they apply then you write a text ?
    Are we again in the world of "Everyone must adapt because I'm different" ?

    We ain't gonna go back to this WOKE thinking and "positive
    discrimination bullshit", please no !

    Even IF it was your job to police other people's communication style on
    Debian lists, you are really throwing stones in glass houses. Please,
    refrain from complaining about someone's posting style ON LIST at least.

    Please do not CC me for listmail.

    👱🏻 Jonathan Dowland
    🔗 https://jmtd.net

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Ansgar@21:1/5 to Pirate Praveen on Wed Apr 20 16:40:01 2022
    On Wed, 2022-04-20 at 19:47 +0530, Pirate Praveen wrote:
    2022, ഏപ്രിൽ 20 1:52:45 PM IST, Ansgar <ansgar@43-1.org>ൽ എഴുതി
    On Wed, 2022-04-20 at 12:55 +0530, Pirate Praveen wrote:
    liberated.computer it is refurbished and some components like
    cards replaced so it works with 100% free software.

    No, it doesn't. It just *hides* the fact that you use non-free
    software. If you are happy with that, fine, but please don't claim
    uses 100% free software.

    So are our official images not 100% free? If so what are we even
    proposing to change?

    This question was about a desire to ship libre version of the image
    with a laptop that can work with that image. Someone asked if such a
    laptop exist in reality and I pointed out to someone doing that

    No, the question was about a free OS "along with a libre(!) laptop". If
    "libre" means "can use non-free firmware as much as it wants (as long
    as this is hidden from the user)", you can just leave out the "libre"

    And even for this 10-year-old computer, some non-free firmware is still
    present in user-accessible parts (Intel ME). So it's not much of a
    change if Debian's install would ship a second one.

    And everything from keyboard, mice, storage (SD cards, SSD,
    disks, controllers), ... has firmware. I don't expect them to have
    much about that. Of course some devices come with preinstalled
    firmware, so it's easy to ignore the firmware exists. However, that
    does not "free" you from the restrictions of proprietary software
    comes from using non-free firmware in any way compared to having
    the OS
    supply the firmware data.

    There are many layers of issues regarding firmware. I did not oppose
    creating a non free image. I was only asking to keep creating the
    free image for those who want it.


    This has a pretty in depth analysis. I tend to agree with the
    criteria FSF set for RYF certification relating to firmware.

    Yes, that is the "Of course some devices come with preinstalled
    firmware, so it's easy to ignore the firmware exists" approach I
    mentioned. That looks just like lying to oneself to me, so I don't
    feel it useful to consider. Other people might be fine with it.


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Samuel Thibault@21:1/5 to All on Wed Apr 20 16:30:01 2022
    Pirate Praveen, le mer. 20 avril 2022 19:47:31 +0530, a ecrit:
    2022, ഏപ്രിൽ 20 1:52:45 PM IST, Ansgar <ansgar@43-1.org>ൽ എഴുതി
    On Wed, 2022-04-20 at 12:55 +0530, Pirate Praveen wrote:
    liberated.computer it is refurbished and some components like wifi
    cards replaced so it works with 100% free software.

    No, it doesn't. It just *hides* the fact that you use non-free
    software. If you are happy with that, fine, but please don't claim it
    uses 100% free software.

    So are our official images not 100% free?

    They are.

    What is not is your computer, that already embeds non-free firmware when
    you buy it. Loading newer versions of them or not doesn't change that.


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Devin Prater@21:1/5 to debian@polynamaude.com on Wed Apr 20 17:00:01 2022
    Oh, so that's the kind of person you are. Good. I can dismiss your cranky attitude then. Okay, so the common way of doing this *is* to put a blank
    space between paragraphis then? I was told otherwise, but I'm so used to working with Markdown that I still do it. I just thought I'd make things
    look less Markdown-ish on a group full of sighted people that might see a
    big blank space instead of a new paragraph.

    Anyways, if we want to gatekeep Debian, then fine. Only advanced users will read up on what firmware is supported, *buy* a laptop with those specs
    (which will probably be online (not at Walmart and such)), and if they
    don't have the money, figure out how to see or hear their computer long
    enough to install needed packages. Great.

    Devin Prater

    On Wed, Apr 20, 2022 at 8:08 AM Polyna-Maude Racicot-Summerside < debian@polynamaude.com> wrote:


    On 2022-04-20 08:39, Samuel Thibault wrote:

    Polyna-Maude Racicot-Summerside, le mer. 20 avril 2022 08:32:13 -0400, a
    Answer bellow this awful piece of text from someone who doesn't know how >> to make a space between line.

    For information, reading mails with a speech synthesis doesn't
    necessarily render spaces between lines.

    So yes, people using them don't actually "see" the need for such

    When you talk or read a text out loud, you make pauses ?
    Why wouldn't they apply then you write a text ?
    Are we again in the world of "Everyone must adapt because I'm different" ?

    We ain't gonna go back to this WOKE thinking and "positive
    discrimination bullshit", please no !

    Polyna-Maude R.-Summerside
    -Be smart, Be wise, Support opensource development

    <div dir="ltr">Oh, so that&#39;s the kind of person you are. Good. I can dismiss your cranky attitude then. Okay, so the common way of doing this *is* to put a blank space between paragraphis then? I was told otherwise, but I&#39;m so used to working
    with Markdown that I still do it. I just thought I&#39;d make things look less Markdown-ish on a group full of sighted people that might see a big blank space instead of a new paragraph.<div><br></div><div>Anyways, if we want to gatekeep Debian, then
    fine. Only advanced users will read up on what firmware is supported, *buy* a laptop with those specs (which will probably be online (not at Walmart and such)), and if they don&#39;t have the money, figure out how to see or hear their computer long
    enough to install needed packages. Great.<br><div><br><div><div><div dir="ltr" class="gmail_signature" data-smartmail="gmail_signature"><div dir="ltr"><div dir="ltr"><div dir="ltr">Devin Prater</div><div><a href="mailto:r.d.t.prater@gmail.com" target="_
    blank">r.d.t.prater@gmail.com</a></div><div><br></div><div><br></div></div></div></div></div><br></div></div></div></div><br><div class="gmail_quote"><div dir="ltr" class="gmail_attr">On Wed, Apr 20, 2022 at 8:08 AM Polyna-Maude Racicot-Summerside &lt;<a
    href="mailto:debian@polynamaude.com">debian@polynamaude.com</a>&gt; wrote:<br></div><blockquote class="gmail_quote" style="margin:0px 0px 0px 0.8ex;border-left:1px solid rgb(204,204,204);padding-left:1ex">Hi,<br>

    On 2022-04-20 08:39, Samuel Thibault wrote:<br>
    &gt; Hello,<br>
    &gt; <br>
    &gt; Polyna-Maude Racicot-Summerside, le mer. 20 avril 2022 08:32:13 -0400, a ecrit:<br>
    &gt;&gt; Answer bellow this awful piece of text from someone who doesn&#39;t know how<br>
    &gt;&gt; to make a space between line.<br>
    &gt; <br>
    &gt; For information, reading mails with a speech synthesis doesn&#39;t<br> &gt; necessarily render spaces between lines.<br>
    &gt; <br>
    &gt; So yes, people using them don&#39;t actually &quot;see&quot; the need for such<br>
    &gt; spacing.<br>
    &gt; <br>
    When you talk or read a text out loud, you make pauses ?<br>
    Why wouldn&#39;t they apply then you write a text ?<br>
    Are we again in the world of &quot;Everyone must adapt because I&#39;m different&quot; ?<br>

    We ain&#39;t gonna go back to this WOKE thinking and &quot;positive<br> discrimination bullshit&quot;, please no !<br>
    &gt; Samuel<br>
    &gt; <br>

    -- <br>
    Polyna-Maude R.-Summerside<br>
    -Be smart, Be wise, Support opensource development<br>


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Steve McIntyre@21:1/5 to Paul Wise on Wed Apr 20 18:00:01 2022
    Paul Wise wrote:

    On Tue, 2022-04-19 at 01:27 +0100, Steve McIntyre wrote:

    There are a number of issues here that make developers and users unhappy:

    There are a couple more issues related to unredistributable firmware:

    Oh, I'm quite sure there are more than that even! :-)

    Some firmware is only available in the operating system preinstalled on
    the device and needs to be manually extracted before d-i is run,
    potentially even only from processes running on the preinstalled
    operating system in cases where the storage must be wiped (such as
    Android devices) before an alternative OS like Debian can be installed.
    IIRC there is some laptop WiFi firmware that is like this.


    Some firmware is not redistributable and is only available in
    proprietary drivers on websites and is hard to extract from those
    drivers. IIRC some of the proprietary nvidia firmware for use by the
    libre nouveau GPU driver is like this, both signed firmware for very
    new nvidia hardware and unsigned firmware for very old nvidia hardware, >although the firmware for the old nvidia hardware has libre firmware in >nouveau, but the libre firmware is/was buggier than the proprietary
    firmware. The tools for extracting the old firmware aren't in Debian.


    I don't see us fixing *all* of these issues any time soon. But in
    those cases where we *can* redistribute firmware we can make things
    easier for users who need it.

    And *then* we can explain to them why the non-free firmware is bad for
    their freedom, with examples of what they can do to improve things.

    Steve McIntyre, Cambridge, UK. steve@einval.com "We're the technical experts. We were hired so that management could
    ignore our recommendations and tell us how to do our jobs." -- Mike Andrews

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Steve McIntyre@21:1/5 to Polyna-Maude R.-Summerside on Wed Apr 20 17:50:01 2022
    Hi Polyna-Maude,

    Polyna-Maude R.-Summerside wrote:
    bwt !
    1st I've always saw Debian having brltty support from the start
    2nd Just install the firmware instruction here and your problem will be >solved.

    Stop blaiming other people when the problem is a lack of research on
    your part and expectation all work "out of the box" in all situation.

    Take destiny into your own hand.

    Please tone your argument down here.

    As developers we're having a discussion about how to make things work
    better and more easily for our users. Devin's description of the
    troubles they had are entirely on-topic and useful in the context of
    that discussion. Castigating them here is *not* helpful.

    Steve McIntyre, Cambridge, UK. steve@einval.com "We're the technical experts. We were hired so that management could
    ignore our recommendations and tell us how to do our jobs." -- Mike Andrews

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Steve McIntyre@21:1/5 to Jeremy Stanley on Wed Apr 20 17:40:01 2022
    Jeremy Stanley wrote:
    On 2022-04-19 01:27:46 +0100 (+0100), Steve McIntyre wrote:
    Along with adding non-free firmware onto media, when the installer
    (or live image) runs, we should make it clear exactly which
    firmware packages have been used/installed to support detected
    hardware. We could link to docs about each, and maybe also to
    projects working on Free re-implementations.

    It's probably what you meant, but just to be clear, as a user I'd
    also want to know which of the firmware packages used/installed were
    pulled from non-free and what devices prompted their addition.
    Something like "The following packages do not meet Debian Free
    Software Guidelines but were installed because they're necessary in
    order to enable or secure some of your hardware: foo(CPUX21
    processor microcode), bar(PM2743 power management controller),
    baz(RF17G wireless interface), ..."

    This would allow me to make better informed decisions, such as:

    1. Disable some of these devices if I don't actually use them.

    2. Seek out alternative open peripherals which do work without
    proprietary firmware.

    3. Reach out to the manufacturer of my device and extol the virtues
    of open firmware.

    4. Consider (as you mentioned) working on my own reimplementation.

    Nod, that's exactly what I was suggesting. More information for users
    here helps them to make decisions like this, absolutely.

    Steve McIntyre, Cambridge, UK. steve@einval.com "We're the technical experts. We were hired so that management could
    ignore our recommendations and tell us how to do our jobs." -- Mike Andrews

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Steve McIntyre@21:1/5 to Russ Allbery on Wed Apr 20 18:20:01 2022
    Russ Allbery wrote:
    Jonas Smedegaard <jonas@jones.dk> writes:

    In other words, rather than having to do what one does now and choose
    between the free installer and the non-free installer, my understanding of >option #5 is that there would be one install image, but there could then
    be a prompt asking you whether you want to install non-free firmware. We >could even offer a few different options (with the caveat that options
    tend to confuse users, so we may not want to add too many or gate them
    behind an advanced mode):

    1. Purely free installation.
    2. Enable non-free firmware in the installer but don't put it on the
    installed system. (Not sure how useful this is, but I could see
    needing non-free firmware to bootstrap from wifi but the running system
    may eventually not use the non-free firmware.)
    3. Enable non-free firmware and install it on the system but pin it so
    that it's never upgraded by default.
    4. Enable non-free firmware and enable normal upgrades, similar to adding
    the non-free archive area today but only adding the firmware archive

    I think 1 and 4 are the most useful options, and I'm not sure how many
    people really want 2 or 3, but if there are enough people who want them, I >don't see any technical barriers to adding them.

    Nod, exactly. We can add those options via boot flags and menu
    options, with later d-i screens too to allow the choice (maybe in
    advanced mode). That's probably the easiest way to manage it.

    Now, the *default* is going to be the hard choice for us to make. With
    the example of blind people using d-i, we'll want to make an easy
    option for those people to boot the installer with all firmware
    enabled and installed - see the firmware-sof-signed package that
    they'll need to get audio prompts during installation.

    I feel professionally obligated to argue that Debian should, *by default*, >upgrade anything that it installs, since from a security standpoint that
    is the least risky default configuration (with, as always, the caveat that >there are special cases with different security models for which this
    default isn't appropriate). But that doesn't rule out a prompt or
    allowing a user to turn this off if they want to.


    I agree that we should make it easier for our users to choose to trust
    black magic "stuff" that they need to enable their devices.

    I do not think that we should impose on our users to trust black magic
    by default, though.

    I think this is a somewhat different question than whether we put the >firmware on the default installation media so that it's *available* if
    users want it.


    Steve McIntyre, Cambridge, UK. steve@einval.com "We're the technical experts. We were hired so that management could
    ignore our recommendations and tell us how to do our jobs." -- Mike Andrews

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Ansgar@21:1/5 to Steve McIntyre on Wed Apr 20 18:30:01 2022
    Hi Steve,

    On Wed, 2022-04-20 at 17:11 +0100, Steve McIntyre wrote:
    Russ Allbery wrote:
    1. Purely free installation.
    [ Other options ]
    4. Enable non-free firmware and enable normal upgrades, [...]
    Now, the *default* is going to be the hard choice for us to make.

    Do you think the choice for the default should be part of a GR too, a
    separate GR or decided some other way?


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Steve Langasek@21:1/5 to Devin Prater on Wed Apr 20 18:40:01 2022
    On Wed, Apr 20, 2022 at 09:51:01AM -0500, Devin Prater wrote:
    Anyways, if we want to gatekeep Debian, then fine.

    The person you're replying to is not a member of the Debian Project and does not speak for us.

    We are not all accessibility experts, but Debian as a community has always supported the efforts of those who are, to make Debian as usable as possible with accessibility technologies.

    Please don't assume the hostility of the previous messages is in any way representative of Debian. (And, that being the case, I would suggest it's unnecessary to engage with.)

    On Wed, Apr 20, 2022 at 8:08 AM Polyna-Maude Racicot-Summerside < debian@polynamaude.com> wrote:


    On 2022-04-20 08:39, Samuel Thibault wrote:

    Polyna-Maude Racicot-Summerside, le mer. 20 avril 2022 08:32:13 -0400, a
    Answer bellow this awful piece of text from someone who doesn't know how >> to make a space between line.

    For information, reading mails with a speech synthesis doesn't necessarily render spaces between lines.

    So yes, people using them don't actually "see" the need for such

    When you talk or read a text out loud, you make pauses ?
    Why wouldn't they apply then you write a text ?
    Are we again in the world of "Everyone must adapt because I'm different" ?

    We ain't gonna go back to this WOKE thinking and "positive
    discrimination bullshit", please no !

    Polyna-Maude R.-Summerside
    -Be smart, Be wise, Support opensource development

    Steve Langasek Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS Debian Developer to set it on, and I can move the world. Ubuntu Developer https://www.debian.org/ slangasek@ubuntu.com vorlon@debian.org


    iQIzBAABCgAdFiEErEg/aN5yj0PyIC/KVo0w8yGyEz0FAmJgNJAACgkQVo0w8yGy Ez2/7A//ZdO5LJlC4E7mmgV8kn4JDBCMeg6Go7qS+5AtdN83AHnyTLuISemyooGW 0bnwdmWvr8otjInYsyiJvteXUX4UyTQNce9lnD9AuctE03+8ecbrbwm/wtW+G+1X EYTCZLqDDgEE2MHW3KJAdxHBdjvxJSMnNolOM8qUBN2XbG4MzODMg1t8sKDppm5H msuERFdHQwuQMUUHiow2VCgH2lvUJh1ONaAghRsrqVB3mAbDFuRNJXKgOV1PHBhY FmGv1xCyqquj9MgDgo0MJ6E7RBWNI4W5xSGemFJ7f5UBb4UJPlm6hnqLEPuQHFf3 gJJLgpnjjncc5OCuUWcK5qZO6+rP0/shs7uhkxRjv3MCagE+CyZQbCURVBKslgEQ B0dnBW64QcErYYnmokbB7sG+q5RaI9bQhAE59S+pXTI63lzH2ED+/UDew4XSPSZy tq0j0+h5HEvDQ31NVeII4TQ4tjQ+iF5Ys+VF6OWdSKP5tmq75oViz5+hNQhEpJRg BZfTnzt4O11+1xGuR98xxvmG34k1n+UMrSw7jW8Oi5aRhflPqJayV6izJ38BLJyk omRlQm/ccZ/OAAXUwDCj
  • From Steve McIntyre@21:1/5 to Ansgar on Wed Apr 20 18:50:01 2022
    Hey Ansgar!

    Ansgar wrote:
    On Wed, 2022-04-20 at 17:11 +0100, Steve McIntyre wrote:
    Russ Allbery wrote:
    1. Purely free installation.
    [ Other options ]
    4. Enable non-free firmware and enable normal upgrades, [...]
    Now, the *default* is going to be the hard choice for us to make.

    Do you think the choice for the default should be part of a GR too, a >separate GR or decided some other way?

    Thanks! That's a really good question, and one that we should also
    include on the GR. I'd split my option 5 into two:

    5. Include non-free firmware but do not enable it by default
    6. Include non-free firmware and enable it by default

    In either case, we'd make the opposite choice available via a d-i kernel command line option and a boot menu option. I think that makes sense?

    Steve McIntyre, Cambridge, UK. steve@einval.com "We're the technical experts. We were hired so that management could
    ignore our recommendations and tell us how to do our jobs." -- Mike Andrews

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Devin Prater@21:1/5 to vorlon@debian.org on Wed Apr 20 20:00:02 2022
    Sorry, that was rather strongly worded. Although, I think if we just keep accessibility in mind, from the desktop environment to the boot process,
    Debian is already far beyond other distros. Arch comes close, but one has
    to know when the boot process begins in order to press Down arrow then
    Enter to begin the accessible installer, and then one has to install stuff
    like alsa-utils and espeakup to have an accessible console and such, as of
    like six months ago.

    But back on topic, would the nonfree DVD ISO's have more firmware on them
    than the CD version? Or is that just for offline installs?
    Devin Prater

    On Wed, Apr 20, 2022 at 11:39 AM Steve Langasek <vorlon@debian.org> wrote:

    On Wed, Apr 20, 2022 at 09:51:01AM -0500, Devin Prater wrote:
    Anyways, if we want to gatekeep Debian, then fine.

    The person you're replying to is not a member of the Debian Project and
    not speak for us.

    We are not all accessibility experts, but Debian as a community has always supported the efforts of those who are, to make Debian as usable as
    with accessibility technologies.

    Please don't assume the hostility of the previous messages is in any way representative of Debian. (And, that being the case, I would suggest it's unnecessary to engage with.)

    On Wed, Apr 20, 2022 at 8:08 AM Polyna-Maude Racicot-Summerside < debian@polynamaude.com> wrote:


    On 2022-04-20 08:39, Samuel Thibault wrote:

    Polyna-Maude Racicot-Summerside, le mer. 20 avril 2022 08:32:13
    -0400, a
    Answer bellow this awful piece of text from someone who doesn't
    know how
    to make a space between line.

    For information, reading mails with a speech synthesis doesn't necessarily render spaces between lines.

    So yes, people using them don't actually "see" the need for such spacing.

    When you talk or read a text out loud, you make pauses ?
    Why wouldn't they apply then you write a text ?
    Are we again in the world of "Everyone must adapt because I'm
    different" ?

    We ain't gonna go back to this WOKE thinking and "positive
    discrimination bullshit", please no !

    Polyna-Maude R.-Summerside
    -Be smart, Be wise, Support opensource development

    Steve Langasek Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS Debian Developer to set it on, and I can move the world. Ubuntu Developer https://www.debian.org/ slangasek@ubuntu.com vorlon@debian.org

    <div dir="ltr">Sorry, that was rather strongly worded. Although, I think if we just keep accessibility in mind, from the desktop environment to the boot process, Debian is already far beyond other distros. Arch comes close, but one has to know when the
    boot process begins in order to press Down arrow then Enter to begin the accessible installer, and then one has to install stuff like alsa-utils and espeakup to have an accessible console and such, as of like six months ago.<div><br></div><div>But back
    on topic, would the nonfree DVD ISO&#39;s have more firmware on them than the CD version? Or is that just for offline installs?<br clear="all"><div><div dir="ltr" class="gmail_signature" data-smartmail="gmail_signature"><div dir="ltr"><div dir="ltr"><div
    dir="ltr">Devin Prater</div><div><a href="mailto:r.d.t.prater@gmail.com" target="_blank">r.d.t.prater@gmail.com</a></div><div><br></div><div><br></div></div></div></div></div><br></div></div><br><div class="gmail_quote"><div dir="ltr" class="gmail_attr">
    On Wed, Apr 20, 2022 at 11:39 AM Steve Langasek &lt;<a href="mailto:vorlon@debian.org">vorlon@debian.org</a>&gt; wrote:<br></div><blockquote class="gmail_quote" style="margin:0px 0px 0px 0.8ex;border-left:1px solid rgb(204,204,204);padding-left:1ex">On
    Wed, Apr 20, 2022 at 09:51:01AM -0500, Devin Prater wrote:<br>
    &gt; Anyways, if we want to gatekeep Debian, then fine.<br>

    The person you&#39;re replying to is not a member of the Debian Project and does<br>
    not speak for us.<br>

    We are not all accessibility experts, but Debian as a community has always<br> supported the efforts of those who are, to make Debian as usable as possible<br>
    with accessibility technologies.<br>

    Please don&#39;t assume the hostility of the previous messages is in any way<br>
    representative of Debian.  (And, that being the case, I would suggest it&#39;s<br>
    unnecessary to engage with.)<br>

    &gt; On Wed, Apr 20, 2022 at 8:08 AM Polyna-Maude Racicot-Summerside &lt;<br> &gt; <a href="mailto:debian@polynamaude.com" target="_blank">debian@polynamaude.com</a>&gt; wrote:<br>
    &gt; <br>
    &gt; &gt; Hi,<br>
    &gt; &gt;<br>
    &gt; &gt; On 2022-04-20 08:39, Samuel Thibault wrote:<br>
    &gt; &gt; &gt; Hello,<br>
    &gt; &gt; &gt;<br>
    &gt; &gt; &gt; Polyna-Maude Racicot-Summerside, le mer. 20 avril 2022 08:32:13 -0400, a<br>
    &gt; &gt; ecrit:<br>
    &gt; &gt; &gt;&gt; Answer bellow this awful piece of text from someone who doesn&#39;t know how<br>
    &gt; &gt; &gt;&gt; to make a space between line.<br>
    &gt; &gt; &gt;<br>
    &gt; &gt; &gt; For information, reading mails with a speech synthesis doesn&#39;t<br>
    &gt; &gt; &gt; necessarily render spaces between lines.<br>
    &gt; &gt; &gt;<br>
    &gt; &gt; &gt; So yes, people using them don&#39;t actually &quot;see&quot; the need for such<br>
    &gt; &gt; &gt; spacing.<br>
    &gt; &gt; &gt;<br>
    &gt; &gt; When you talk or read a text out loud, you make pauses ?<br>
    &gt; &gt; Why wouldn&#39;t they apply then you write a text ?<br>
    &gt; &gt; Are we again in the world of &quot;Everyone must adapt because I&#39;m different&quot; ?<br>
    &gt; &gt;<br>
    &gt; &gt; We ain&#39;t gonna go back to this WOKE thinking and &quot;positive<br>
    &gt; &gt; discrimination bullshit&quot;, please no !<br>
    &gt; &gt; &gt; Samuel<br>
    &gt; &gt; &gt;<br>
    &gt; &gt;<br>
    &gt; &gt; --<br>
    &gt; &gt; Polyna-Maude R.-Summerside<br>
    &gt; &gt; -Be smart, Be wise, Support opensource development<br>
    &gt; &gt;<br>
    &gt; &gt;<br>

    -- <br>
    Steve Langasek                   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS<br>
    Debian Developer                   to set it on, and I can move the world.<br>
    Ubuntu Developer                                   <a href="https://www.debian.org/" rel="noreferrer" target="_blank">https://www.debian.org/</a><br>
    <a href="mailto:slangasek@ubuntu.com" target="_blank">slangasek@ubuntu.com</a>                                     <a href="mailto:vorlon@debian.org" target="_blank">vorlon@debian.org</a><br>

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Andrey Rahmatullin@21:1/5 to Devin Prater on Wed Apr 20 19:20:01 2022
    On Wed, Apr 20, 2022 at 05:04:13AM -0500, Devin Prater wrote:
    So then, I found the Non-free section and got the CD version? I guess
    that's what I should have gotten? The DVD one is the live environment
    right? See how confusion this can be?
    Yes, the variety of our ISOs and the poor way they are presented to the
    user is already a significant problem even before considering official and non-free ones.

    WBR, wRAR


    iQJhBAABCgBLFiEEolIP6gqGcKZh3YxVM2L3AxpJkuEFAmJgP+8tFIAAAAAAFQAP cGthLWFkZHJlc3NAZ251cGcub3Jnd3JhckBkZWJpYW4ub3JnAAoJEDNi9wMaSZLh dLUP/0z6Z1dEAv9+QAktR0OBxQqTKHnYizPNHBXq//qTMu4uD025dKwp0ZCnDl/B BQO/3XJmKgq5Yo3wygm2aJW5xQ9IP/aoldVwlByuXOQQP2Tk+QwXNk6Pff3HdMVP 3oeNtMyEtPh7VLK1xbGfzMCrU9Gdk7oMNrWPahOlen/d1GtZwTsKwP3npUpDCGlg JJLXbCw/qNVhaJARrdtZ1bCxAItdQIpGz1p4DtokevAdiij+A70czP3AZGYQDZq5 7Px3bBkxjZYjb6oWphoubTWC8Rk8fxsqrzKgdlzKrJDOuvilOyLb60M3G2dVFO19 Ys1n9Hwo4O/7gR5qRFmsleg4joFPVhzufQWAAuYcBdPuqEody0WifosBj7I0d40o EvtO02ed8vcBifv18qv4J42BelqyH7Fd9WIY1MpOla94lp2yMkHR0wHEBeuVihB0 sCOfGarQy1kC1mDAnvEaZzCU+5wxjaaeYLgOuppTVzkCakyihrYlhPO6yps/iAHf l2AMC6NWZeU8+DX6zuj42ZiuEBTul/iutV1Zp3lmMYji/SYx/ImZT6ZWKWPTnc7T X9kE2yA2ltiQGzJ5BQb69dCNvEBmu8WDQLO2XabhIbRo3Bj5lKef5D7qHIvRYMdm PJqcN/BReQNeSLq814syWXC1Xw1tJgb5AQE34wFWviV1CnHJ
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    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Russ Allbery@21:1/5 to Steve McIntyre on Wed Apr 20 20:00:02 2022
    Steve McIntyre <steve@einval.com> writes:

    Thanks! That's a really good question, and one that we should also
    include on the GR. I'd split my option 5 into two:

    5. Include non-free firmware but do not enable it by default
    6. Include non-free firmware and enable it by default

    In either case, we'd make the opposite choice available via a d-i kernel command line option and a boot menu option. I think that makes sense?

    I agree with this option split, but that reminds me of a different
    procedural note.

    While I recognize and respect the desire to create a comprehensive ballot,
    I'm still going to advocate for proposing a GR only with the options that
    the person proposing the GR would vote above NOTA, and possibly only your preferred options.

    There are a couple of reasons for this. One is that the people who prefer
    your disfavored options may have their own way of wording them that's
    slightly different than what you might believe they would want to say, and
    it's awkward to update other people's ballot options. The other, somewhat
    more technical reason is that I expect this GR to require a 3:1 majority
    for some options, and mixing 3:1 and 1:1 majority options on the same GR
    can be rather confusing. We may end up needing to do that anyway for this vote, but I think it would be a good idea to avoid creating the problem
    unless someone steps forward and proposes a 1:1 option that they really
    want to win.

    (That said, I think there's a big exception, which is that if you've
    canvassed a bunch of people who may not want to try to craft their own
    ballot options, and developed options to reflect their views, I think
    that's a fine approach and a good reason to propose options that aren't
    your personal preference.)

    As a side note, I don't remember exactly how this worked before, but under
    the current constitutional rules the original GR proposer doesn't have a special ability to put a bunch of options on the original ballot. You
    start with one option, and then you can add more options but they all need
    to be sponsored independently. So that also pushes in this direction of
    ballot construction.

    Russ Allbery (rra@debian.org) <https://www.eyrie.org/~eagle/>

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Steve Langasek@21:1/5 to Steve McIntyre on Wed Apr 20 21:30:01 2022
    Thanks for starting this discussion, Steve, I appreciate the care you've put into laying out the options.

    On Tue, Apr 19, 2022 at 01:27:46AM +0100, Steve McIntyre wrote:

    3. We could stop pretending that the non-free images are unofficial, and
    maybe move them alongside the normal free images so they're published
    together. This would make them easier to find for people that need
    them, but is likely to cause users to question why we still make any
    images without firmware if they're otherwise identical.

    4. The images team technically could simply include non-free into the official
    images, and add firmware packages to the input lists for those images.
    However, that would still leave us with problem 3 from above (non-free
    generally enabled on most installations).

    5. We could split out the non-free firmware packages into a new
    non-free-firmware component in the archive, and allow a specific exception
    only to allow inclusion of those packages on our official media. We would
    then generate only one set of official media, including those non-free
    firmware packages.

    (We've already seen various suggestions in recent years to split up the
    non-free component of the archive like this, for example into
    non-free-firmware, non-free-doc, non-free-drivers, etc. Disagreement
    (bike-shedding?) about the split caused us to not make any progress on
    this. I believe this project should be picked up and completed. We don't
    have to make a perfect solution here immediately, just something that works
    well enough for our needs today. We can always tweak and improve the setup
    incrementally if that's needed.)

    I am personally comfortable with your preferred option 5, for all the
    described reasons (does not reduce user net freedom vs. status quo ante when the firmware was both non-free and non-updatable, etc etc etc).

    However, and I know that I'm suggesting work for other people here: one
    thing that has surprised me over the years this question has been open is
    that no one who has strong feelings about this issue has taken it upon themselves to refactor the images so that the non-free firmware is
    distributed as an add-on image that could be discovered by the installer at runtime. This would preserve the ability to have entirely-free media under Debian's definition thereof, while also giving users a clearer path to installing any necessary firmware without having to re-download a separate image.

    And sometimes having 2 separate USB sticks for an install is an
    inconvenience, so perhaps someone wants to be particularly clever and give
    the installer an appropriately-sized empty partition in the partition table that the firmware bits could be blatted into.

    Steve Langasek Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS Debian Developer to set it on, and I can move the world. Ubuntu Developer https://www.debian.org/ slangasek@ubuntu.com vorlon@debian.org


    iQIzBAABCgAdFiEErEg/aN5yj0PyIC/KVo0w8yGyEz0FAmJgXvUACgkQVo0w8yGy Ez3oPhAApdp8NvVyDAtfVPy0ZLy8qrmyEFbMa5nfg9ZJ7GO1lyXqMlpFhp0szI76 WlokgYGigRP/oq9ih2irnzKxtqPB8Un9Zw/I8B1a0CcUst/KRfmfaVB+pw0/xtLi qbZPRw/+Sn0VisghJv1TqVSoGYE2X4L0m9rPLgU/2Zc1+Uaz+sKb0asrUyBn/xLp YUhlzi9yTa/aABbwlolTqiSHd5fm+3H7Te+bFeeeyUcBKr1508w/oQ22To08rbNs zK1bctGk+aJXacrbJF4378aQgql/vDAJCWWeTe11mnTxDI7IcODbxy6kdgK64jXe HK+0GHorJuo/3ej/vhyRrNo7m8lsTTlqtDYCS54cS+i6QcYgq0pkQmp8XHCNFCpp jwv2UwXQm1B7vcweUFp26br4FyRT/tmEx0lZhWB3pFItboy9WpqFpezyWYXRAQhJ LVsRopQxYeg80j3xRpXwRedYz0PFKPsaVpOGMdQj2GDwJe/whGhbAfWTuokaENyU LA9GX9S1EkzjSQW1sNINu1P2JoKb7LIBZQPYRdxiUe+doRzX6W0c0u+GxGyYNw0D P65HKKbq5InKJdDHqD/3
  • From Andrey Rahmatullin@21:1/5 to Devin Prater on Wed Apr 20 21:20:01 2022
    On Wed, Apr 20, 2022 at 12:53:46PM -0500, Devin Prater wrote:
    But back on topic, would the nonfree DVD ISO's have more firmware on them than the CD version? Or is that just for offline installs?
    As far as I understand it there is just one set of non-free firmware for including in the ISOs and separate drives, which consists of all non-free firmware found in the archive.

    WBR, wRAR


    iQJhBAABCgBLFiEEolIP6gqGcKZh3YxVM2L3AxpJkuEFAmJgW1ktFIAAAAAAFQAP cGthLWFkZHJlc3NAZ251cGcub3Jnd3JhckBkZWJpYW4ub3JnAAoJEDNi9wMaSZLh Wf0P/3vx+Gt469aAGrAxOK3vReH33KOEiFeHXjIp9uZ4SmvUaU5dDUCmKtQ3QMr3 c5blE8GlhGFkLQe2KH6+hFGRW545aI1kAupc7dwg+2h9Wh2FIa8vqlFg6Cj6F3wN HnRxS+qBEn6E0TbCOVKcRcwthlerlzAct826zI2SeGjcKGHCTUIOhZFg2lT4nEAh 7yigkMR5PrhBBBwkqyFLdk15q0NHyG5cAOj4LQiXauocdWN0YjCirwsvHS1QmGPe HU3sE5oUm0g90sy1dPLhsJ4N7ksIRivqVOWbiIrDXNyPpID3V4faGBep5TKF5/nk 0mAeACGTOG0dpGiES/gBxVjfjLs/wa/Lfttl11YFgpB2T2DbSYTes21fikWfAZuz zgwIQWqn0ojWRemoyhhaXwpfXw/TWBDWlM0bYqFLsKyZ4PeMMW14OW+FJjrYjZBf q5GTuE1HmSIwCi/SAFPDysbcLM7sosvRG66ueoOqKgKYKFfwboYry9fakUNuNT0W dxhx/mX4GYNCwx11CypmUNn80gcY25UTK9gGgq+ohbFpCsHFAokYDH7E2AAo1pxW JzQNpPM+Oljxg9WriSegi5byv5oF3tPK0ikfz1B0SuRFI7wYvBVmMDdThBPZjxzq hR1QxPC8B3UeoQNmvblumScRGnEFnziebjg5fwAWD7pxmjSJ
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    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From nervuri@21:1/5 to All on Wed Apr 20 22:20:01 2022
    The Debian Social Contract begins with "Debian will remain 100% free".
    Changing that is a pretty big deal. Debian's principled stance on free software has been one of the main reasons I've been using it for almost
    a decade. I really appreciate the peace of mind of knowing that the
    system is 100% free by default. However, I do use specific non-free
    firmware packages for certain devices and it is a pain to find and
    install them (which I do by hand, after installing Debian from the
    official ISO).

    All in all, I'm on board with option 5. By all means, create the non-free-firmware archive and include it in the official media. But
    also make it clear to users why proprietary firmware ought to be
    avoided. Add a prompt during installation (similar to the software
    selection prompt) and make the best of the educational opportunity that
    it provides. It can begin with a statement on why the Debian Project is against non-free *ware and it can also mention the security benefits
    (and potential pitfalls) of packages like intel-microcode. Something

    The hardware devices listed below currently require non-free firmware to function. The Debian project advises against the installation of
    non-free firmware [insert reasons here], while acknowledging that some
    users may require such firmware to use certain devices or to receive
    security updates from device vendors.

    Select which devices you wish to install non-free firmware for:

    [ ] CPU (device name)
    [ ] Wi-Fi (device name)
    [ ] Bluetooth (device name)
    [ ] Fingerprint reader (device name)

    You can change this selection at any time by running [command]. You can
    also disable the use of all non-free firmware by selecting the [...]
    boot option.

    Something along these lines would be ideal, I think.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Sam Hartman@21:1/5 to All on Thu Apr 21 02:10:01 2022
    "Russ" == Russ Allbery <rra@debian.org> writes:

    Russ> I agree with this option split, but that reminds me of a
    Russ> different procedural note.

    Russ> While I recognize and respect the desire to create a
    Russ> comprehensive ballot, I'm still going to advocate for
    Russ> proposing a GR only with the options that the person proposing
    Russ> the GR would vote above NOTA, and possibly only your preferred
    Russ> options.

    I agree with Russ in this instance, which may b surprising to some given
    how I approached the systemd GR.

    I think that we will likely find people to sponsor something close to
    all of Steve's options.
    And I think that allowing those people to craft the wording of those
    options will give them the best chance of winning.
    Russ> (That said, I think there's a big exception, which is that if
    Russ> you've canvassed a bunch of people who may not want to try to
    Russ> craft their own ballot options, and developed options to
    Russ> reflect their views, I think that's a fine approach and a good
    Russ> reason to propose options that aren't your personal
    Russ> preference.)

    I also agree with this exception.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Paul Wise@21:1/5 to Steve McIntyre on Thu Apr 21 08:00:01 2022
    On Tue, 2022-04-19 at 01:27 +0100, Steve McIntyre wrote:

    TL;DR: firmware support in Debian sucks, and we need to change this.

    After some discussion on #debian-www with sney (author of the
    current auto-download page) and larjona (web team), my preferred
    solution to this issue looks somewhat like what is written below.

    I believe this solution does not require a GR, as it balances the needs
    of different segments of the Debian community and Debian's priciples.

    Keep providing images without proprietary firmware, disable the
    automatic download on the website download page, create a new download
    page containing separate side-by-side panels catering to different
    segments of the audience for installing Debian, ordered by the
    sophistication of the audience and the amount of people in the
    audience. Each of the panels should contain appropriate iconography and
    minimal text to avoid overwhelming people; longer explanations could be
    hidden behind links/dropdowns. Where the images containing proprietary firmware images are mentioned, include an item pointing out the
    non-free firmware and the limitations of Debian support for that
    firmware. Some examples of the panels that could be included:

     * VMs; linking to the free images
     * libre hardware like RaptorCS's POWER9 computers; linking to the free
       images and explaining that we need help packaging the free firmware
       for those devices, since most of it isn't in Debian yet
     * desktops/laptops; linking to the non-free images
     * smartphones/tablets; linking to Mobian images
     * clouds; linking to the cloud images
     * servers; linking to the non-free images
     * Windows; linking to the Debian WSL app and win32-loader
     * SBCs; linking to some relevant info on the wiki
     * Raspberry Pi; linking to the RPi non-free images

    If the Debian CD/live teams don't want to test the free images, then
    those teams should feel free to stop testing them, and call for other
    people to do that work.

    If the Debian CD/live teams don't want to build the free images, then
    that would pose a problem for people who don't want to download or
    redistribute non-free firmware. I think there are enough of these
    people that the opportunity to hand over building the free images to a
    separate team would be needed.

    I feel that the above is a good balance of preventing the problems
    pointed out in your mail (along with some other ones), while not
    completely fixing all of them due to the conflict with the needs of the
    segment of Debian users who want to not have non-free firmware and then mitigating that through the creation of a separate team for that. 




    iQIzBAABCgAdFiEEYQsotVz8/kXqG1Y7MRa6Xp/6aaMFAmJg8SYACgkQMRa6Xp/6 aaMafBAArD7p1kR8dEjxRZjabfFaLKk9ntggJyNMcvKSrhS0g7Qwt43l0LSNBvaC 7X3joJsuglJ1SFQdBVjfd7qvblekP4Rx1wQgPaMy1LxSInmNw31RTu6k1wTGI2nQ 4+I8vrBUFkXlmPTM6Nehj2bvpOPrO5IRrc+83A+KNXCGqYpCF4qteKiZDndye0QE UPHeOYAwD4fOA6m7o435vx/J6h8QJH7r0IXKXkvJm//j/K21EBwjAVgm8jnGI1ty USRIP7xN1aRRL0a7Gl9XS/uV+CqAWNBp+UOoRQpGzO/RsTw/iW9hijf5y6SSgype uiVHXQZt/10FJw/S69ViuEhAcgWnTrDuqexxYZsOkhi9WsmVT1wR/qlFBBn8MrMG z6luhy5HtsNo77GRaB56vzzu/7yTcNAhl4HL83XEgNJ/pedjEDlTinZIzGshvzdK UdBgZ/97PRQefkWyabLwW9L6QASuwQdfhIkuz7xVM3ylvrqMj3DuJA5JdTzZHkRs W8hfYAgE35wGuYV35HxSqMGglr7w95cdFkFCbs6dQBmGepPjD5XM4cjQaV+YspMG YKaNfNT1wuFmB5JeYcDVHxJ109o5BE3xzwH6rGVE/NR4oGm29e5N3+gGen+LIfH0 PuWhKUp5Wi4h8oH9ucGhRIeYY6TrgfRJsIaQkakI45w2Woks+eU=
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  • From Paul Wise@21:1/5 to Paul Wise on Thu Apr 21 08:20:01 2022
    On Wed, 2022-04-20 at 15:32 +0800, Paul Wise wrote:

    what other support Debian could give to libre/open firmware projects.

    Some ideas for this:

    We could package the libre/open firmware projects that are missing.

    We could lobby hardware vendors to release their existing proprietary
    firmware and hardware management software under libre licenses.

    We could lobby hardware vendors to stop requiring signatures for the
    existing libre/open firmware projects.

    We could lobby hardware vendors to allow users to enrol their own keys
    for verifying firmware.

    We could use some of our money to fund new work on the existing
    libre/open firmware projects.

    We could initiate the creation of a new non-profit dedicated to the
    reverse engineering and reimplementation of proprietary firmware.

    Anything else?




    iQIzBAABCgAdFiEEYQsotVz8/kXqG1Y7MRa6Xp/6aaMFAmJg9SoACgkQMRa6Xp/6 aaMnPQ/9GLVql5nNLRYd2EbqP3gSPbdq0gPL5ss01/IZQvWzc/drEO1cDcVJC62/ 9SAjLxLMMxfvqesB2oi+PuEJuCv2fLhQodxuhJ2oaWrIgfSf9wcM/kDWngCbgt01 zm2+ArCh863tIa9RwRcs3ssCwpjhrB7I40JcYNOUACe7QGL9LGy/TNqSZDwS6SE5 EYCF33MZ4wEyKgYrqP7sSkj4yIeoi4tal+87s6xf/BS3p/VEfHbfegO46B+TIgLN LRzNn98Uh05XUPVmr30xv/dd44TQdKpNRb+AJRZHQ95Z26VTknUSVthpTICGQAWm vfo12ilmtGS9MARRlmlSyfeW+amLtP3vkI2udgb6lQu6kVGWUFd7MqNb2AQV1Z/m u/qeuhRI6Azbh2/nfL3caWy9s7BJsdfDUb+cPjXzR0OgkyIV73/x7mypwj1n+B9u 0GxJirlSUCv+EvA5Gu10hiBKX13PR8cuorO4anuIRIWUrVI8itfi875zGCPIs9uC qcUKiKg+fvCABJot3vm+NZe/6L0ny9D00YLSmcfcSb36Adetww+p90pV2UDIMXME eS6aDXZrH+kbADyBbfqY5jEmYVVRwqtES5HHTQXxXpLhYKKziJCKekCuJHtB+0po 3LS8gvMB3aoLq4Qwf7ihiTfSf7DWPIow4kVgYKXmIJwVr/EW4KI=
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  • From =?UTF-8?Q?Hakan_Bay=c4=b1nd=c4=b1r?@21:1/5 to All on Thu Apr 21 09:30:01 2022
    Dear All and Steve,

    I'm kinda late to the discussion, but upon reading the message, a
    possible solution has been popped into my mind.

    As everybody knows, Debian is also releasing the said firmware as
    compressed archives and these are visible in the download page [0],
    however usage and documentation is neither clearly documented, nor easy
    for the beginners or casual users.

    Considering most users are doing installs over USB, and official Debian
    ISOs are hybrid by default, how the following plan feels?

    1) Document the use of ZIP files for firmware introduction during
    install more clearly and prominently,
    2) Make these ZIP archives much more accessible via links and prominent placement,
    3) Document creation of a USB drive which is both bootable and has
    writable space for extra files
    4) Write another document detailing adding these ZIP files to the said
    media in 3,
    5) Profit by allowing people to assemble their own installation media
    with firmware blobs if they see the need.

    The whole process can be simplified with a simple GUI/CLI tool akin to GRML2USB which accepts the ISO file and burns (sic) it to a USB drive,
    and simplifying the whole process a lot. The tool can accept the ZIP
    file, or can have checkbox saying "Integrate firmware" if one decides to
    make such tool auto-downloading resources.

    I think this is an acceptable compromise allowing users access the
    firmware, control on the media they have, and don't complicate matters relating to DFSG and other unwritten policies of Debian.

    This approach also has the potential to make Debian more accessible by providing a valuable tool for Debian ecosystem.

    As a user of Debian for over 15 years, I think DFSG, and current status
    quo is an important force for moving free software forward, and holding
    this line is important while giving the users choice and living up to
    name "Universal Operating System".

    Best Regards,

    Hakan Bayindir

    [0]: https://www.debian.org/CD/http-ftp/#firmware
    *Hakan BAYINDIR, Ph.D.*
    Başuzman Araştırmacı
    Ağ Teknolojileri Birimi
    Üniversiteler Mahallesi, Dumlupınar Bulvarı
    06800 Çankaya, ANKARA
    T +90 312 298 9373
    www.ulakbim.gov.tr <http://www.ulakbim.gov.tr>
    hakan.bayindir@tubitak.gov.tr ................................................................................................................................


    Sorumluluk Reddi <http://www.tubitak.gov.tr/sorumlulukreddi>

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Thomas Goirand@21:1/5 to Steve McIntyre on Thu Apr 21 09:40:01 2022
    On 4/19/22 02:27, Steve McIntyre wrote:
    TL;DR: firmware support in Debian sucks, and we need to change this. See the "My preference, and rationale" Section below.

    Hi Steve,

    Thanks a lot for this proposal.

    Like many, I agree with your option 5. In many installation (especially
    the so-many servers I setup every day at work), I've enabled non-free
    only to be able to reach the firmware I need. That's annoying, because I
    don't need anything else but firmware, and knowing all the rest is also available makes me feel uncomfortable.

    So, definitively, having a new non-free-firmware section would be a very
    good thing and address the above concern. Having the ISO image including
    those being more visible would be great too.


    Thomas Goirand (zigo)

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From =?UTF-8?Q?Hakan_Bay=c4=b1nd=c4=b1r?@21:1/5 to Andrey Rahmatullin on Thu Apr 21 10:00:01 2022
    Hi Andrey,

    On 4/21/22 10:50, Andrey Rahmatullin wrote:
    On Thu, Apr 21, 2022 at 09:57:36AM +0300, Hakan Bayındır wrote:
    As everybody knows, Debian is also releasing the said firmware as compressed >> archives and these are visible in the download page [0], however usage and >> documentation is neither clearly documented, nor easy for the beginners or >> casual users.
    (it's documented at https://www.debian.org/releases/stable/amd64/ch06s04
    for a separate drive, there may be some documentation about putting the
    files to the installation drive but at that point the user should just
    burn the firmware ISO)

    I know it's documented, but it's buried deep down. I'm talking about
    reducing the so-called "click-depth" for getting the related tools and

    In my ideal world (for newcomers), the link should produce the file
    directly, not the directory, or they get the tool, insert a USB drive,
    and viola.

    The whole process can be simplified with a simple GUI/CLI tool akin to
    GRML2USB which accepts the ISO file and burns (sic) it to a USB drive, and >> simplifying the whole process a lot. The tool can accept the ZIP file, or
    can have checkbox saying "Integrate firmware" if one decides to make such
    tool auto-downloading resources.
    Only as long as it's usable on Windows.

    I'm aware, and yes, I mean the tool needs to support Windows. If
    Raspberry-Pi can have such a tool, Debian can/should have it too.

    When someone knows Debian already, everything is easy, however one
    should avoid falling into this bias in my opinion. We all know our way
    around, but discussing this matter for the people who don't.



    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Andrey Rahmatullin@21:1/5 to All on Thu Apr 21 10:00:01 2022
    On Thu, Apr 21, 2022 at 09:57:36AM +0300, Hakan Bayındır wrote:
    As everybody knows, Debian is also releasing the said firmware as compressed archives and these are visible in the download page [0], however usage and documentation is neither clearly documented, nor easy for the beginners or casual users.
    (it's documented at https://www.debian.org/releases/stable/amd64/ch06s04
    for a separate drive, there may be some documentation about putting the
    files to the installation drive but at that point the user should just
    burn the firmware ISO)

    The whole process can be simplified with a simple GUI/CLI tool akin to GRML2USB which accepts the ISO file and burns (sic) it to a USB drive, and simplifying the whole process a lot. The tool can accept the ZIP file, or
    can have checkbox saying "Integrate firmware" if one decides to make such tool auto-downloading resources.
    Only as long as it's usable on Windows.

    WBR, wRAR


    iQJhBAABCgBLFiEEolIP6gqGcKZh3YxVM2L3AxpJkuEFAmJhDNktFIAAAAAAFQAP cGthLWFkZHJlc3NAZ251cGcub3Jnd3JhckBkZWJpYW4ub3JnAAoJEDNi9wMaSZLh 4NEP/2QXUESDX7EV7m2cQOLevAKh3kAMNMgeztiO609IQD62q4RwIKJu+yjAOgyB RUljU+w4muhsGkMRaoKS3+C83fHGQaV5wTWicgwqYqR1OSRj9/2s/G7OoI/cQu74 W8KNfjRANZsremr2YNUqtC0rtdBI7Jz7ml6g3TXnApBmhiaUnnJwWPwCXYuV/8RR EXRMH2eARsZaG+vhOYkWmjKCTqb3S+lRIRr3FD65ZP+ErBTyktLxxbVtB39tFSBy jG4TQHqa0PR0oiKjFoy/l6OsivjBrgh9gqpUGjrnaGLMcUbhrpZhXNqGg1v/36Kn zr4D/HshBFHGIoEOnAHQUNNxU3levEPWUR2C7uvC2FdO/raZ50oxIIWAbAUDosrq CjsHqK4UlKUfoLIPsxO6/UXS/CXUHFQidyU+QjOcQiiaoeg4H7vLYWjRPuioYzDw ZKkVLYaT4xq7hdgByUUDQMYuS0gcvtGJNc856OODJVMj+u8aH8eGfHNyYBoSl/hf 60+MBTzmIkStn11oXCUL6/Pnypvtm7yrDZCTjlyG2cYQ8/DQGnkTrOk+iU2eJKW1 hmphZgP2lNDiicBSjvZrfirnKwDv8AfJVHDT6zmzpJHUNHDEpb3DEwVRh387FKc0 VT+GO616fUTuR+fUO50bqOAHe7pfbQ6x3pn/tb5OGmjWzre3
    -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Andrey Rahmatullin@21:1/5 to All on Thu Apr 21 10:20:01 2022
    On Thu, Apr 21, 2022 at 10:57:47AM +0300, Hakan Bayındır wrote:
    As everybody knows, Debian is also releasing the said firmware as compressed
    archives and these are visible in the download page [0], however usage and
    documentation is neither clearly documented, nor easy for the beginners or
    casual users.
    (it's documented at https://www.debian.org/releases/stable/amd64/ch06s04 for a separate drive, there may be some documentation about putting the files to the installation drive but at that point the user should just
    burn the firmware ISO)

    I know it's documented, but it's buried deep down.
    It's linked in the same yellow block on the page you linked as the archive itself.
    I mean, I agree it's not good but most of places on debian.org that are
    related to downloading are not good. At least https://cdimage.debian.org/cdimage/unofficial/non-free/cd-including-firmware/ is now just two clicks away from the main page.

    In my ideal world (for newcomers), the link should produce the file
    directly, not the directory, or they get the tool, insert a USB drive, and viola.
    They should just get the firmware ISO and burn it instead of fiddling with
    all of that.

    WBR, wRAR


    iQJhBAABCgBLFiEEolIP6gqGcKZh3YxVM2L3AxpJkuEFAmJhEU4tFIAAAAAAFQAP cGthLWFkZHJlc3NAZ251cGcub3Jnd3JhckBkZWJpYW4ub3JnAAoJEDNi9wMaSZLh C7oP/0pSw3WFmHld6bEo05Nb7nwJVyl4KFvSWQZc1f8ZystNQKy8KzjdwZmto+ZW kcOLjBPqu0DxDUUhVhZfawzuRtFV0qzlOFfX6M9s8nhr+SJxxWCIURAuqPpUu3jZ afScNH63ZRJxyXzNFnxEfCKxy2m1mZe1EP0bMa1OQeW6RFLoZz831JDCnTHKkGQG 902N9cZSZWIXoszqYe0vYUBKnDDrnHlYVHydbhXasGdWUD2y/BmZjw4fh8bEEpdx /hG0C2rl7RBVw+GMowW7vjCotGESAmGeXJ9MDvUyH/U5Z9/n0ZkOPu+9JCxHCauB m0L09qJxzzvpqwBb477X2SNLzzxQbZpOvYzL35/57OQA6m4q+gGA0LpsJVWRg/4Y V3IewyhlLtYCw3vDqh4CZG+W/ooV0WJvZiKRVIrtNvrOAnqyN7eVM2IOMBiLjlm4 qq8dnuDBR8DgJBvAJOvwpQrVUwC5GJ27VXuhIhrAUMuX9cO4OsmgQ/RT3U2Fenp1 rJJ2iwE/+fr0om5UVSt1fAjsR2obfH4QbD5qz7NsfKuB4eo9kg8YnP4B5B0ePE9w HYrhC5l2Aml17v7TvEUzY6rZtQpZQBdl2D/jLARt2BmzoIp2EWCG3eRTl9NQdaen jePIPcB+FJg8NvDQjAMmRKN4dAZIrCIqELDoC48ESsqm9mvo
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    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From =?UTF-8?Q?Hakan_Bay=c4=b1nd=c4=b1r?@21:1/5 to All on Thu Apr 21 11:40:01 2022
    Sorry for duplicate - It was from a wrong account. Re sending just to
    ensure delivery.


    Dear All and Steve,

    I'm kinda late to the discussion, but upon reading the message, a
    possible solution has been popped into my mind.

    As everybody knows, Debian is also releasing the said firmware as
    compressed archives and these are visible in the download page [0],
    however usage and documentation is neither clearly documented, nor easy
    for the beginners or casual users.

    Considering most users are doing installs over USB, and official Debian
    ISOs are hybrid by default, how the following plan feels?

    1) Document the use of ZIP files for firmware introduction during
    install more clearly and prominently,
    2) Make these ZIP archives much more accessible via links and prominent placement,
    3) Document creation of a USB drive which is both bootable and has
    writable space for extra files
    4) Write another document detailing adding these ZIP files to the said
    media in 3,
    5) Profit by allowing people to assemble their own installation media
    with firmware blobs if they see the need.

  • From Mattias Wadenstein@21:1/5 to Steve McIntyre on Thu Apr 21 11:30:01 2022
    On Tue, 19 Apr 2022, Steve McIntyre wrote:

    TL;DR: firmware support in Debian sucks, and we need to change this. See the "My preference, and rationale" Section below.


    In times past, all necessary firmware would normally be included directly in devices / expansion cards by their vendors. Over time, however, it has become more and more attractive (and therefore more common) for device manufacturers to not include complete firmware on all devices. Instead, some devices just embed a very simple set of firmware that allows for upload of a more complete firmware "blob" into memory. Device drivers are then expected to provide that blob during device initialisation.

    For free software reasons, I believe that Debian should encourage this
    method of distribution too, because it opens up the option for free
    firmware to be developed as replacement for the non-free ones (or
    encouraging vendors to (eventually) release their firmware under a free licence). In the case of firwmare on the device, it is much harder to load
    a free one.

    /Mattias Wadenstein

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Paul Wise@21:1/5 to Mattias Wadenstein on Thu Apr 21 11:50:01 2022
    On Thu, 2022-04-21 at 11:12 +0200, Mattias Wadenstein wrote:

    For free software reasons, I believe that Debian should encourage this method of distribution too, because it opens up the option for free
    firmware to be developed as replacement for the non-free ones (or encouraging vendors to (eventually) release their firmware under a free licence). In the case of firwmare on the device, it is much harder to load
    a free one.

    Agreed, but firmware signatures are blocking free firmware in two ways:

    Some hardware requires the vendor's signature and the only firmware
    they have signed is proprietary firmware. The Intel/AMD CPU microcode
    and nvidia GPU firmware are examples of this.

    Some free firmware runs without signatures on some computers, but on
    other computers the OEM requires the hardware vendor's signature on the binaries, preventing users from modifying the firmware and loading it
    on their hardware. An example of this is the Intel Sound Open Firmware
    project, which requires no signatures on a select few devices (IIRC Chromebooks) but requires Intel signatures on most devices, and Debian
    packages only the Intel signed binaries.




    iQIzBAABCgAdFiEEYQsotVz8/kXqG1Y7MRa6Xp/6aaMFAmJhJn4ACgkQMRa6Xp/6 aaNDdw/9EIAwO29XF5vSkCRNQ+9j65mhe74WUoP7glbyRddZZ5aQOpmEduMbICBv dAKhjtaOatMEhf5Yn6jkTPAsStgS5EY0COBcFlij3tzPnXBmfvolIYivt4C1PNLI zgkP0H0+w08VxR0GekNEvGapOts/T23hdZj2KgqSOoJbD6cJtN2/5BTYgzn+LcAc GEDp41vxuwwY+M9exI6R0nVPkxY4eIDxm1nfg1RhX4lfzBKVjCWsSRFJIPDTgSJ7 1q8o6S1gmlpR89YuIfkVFQV1SFMX1Vo+A1bpjSrlh70sXM4wPwPeTxj+ahZ9cGOW czktnafacFMYs8xUoihJbqw+z7QLEOWSBdvtQVgIFojtOIlYbDsaMaVvXSgCxMP9 UXIT1iYkwE83yOBnjEi4G4OmYlv++pCMDFdDR//Ofb9Wf/WQFHb7RDH7Lu4VIqLL LdzssV6LbELpr73Dd4nuFMjVrNDSZwzf7UnVQYKKT1mfDIIJoRDBivKp8BLsHIdB Fqw36LXcVBN/dLnj92M1WL0BblzeQLPMSVmPZIYMe2c4yEvubPAaA7MfKt/bsW4L JaSxo6gzNDdHqy8H9+lxjoXFgfc+vnEdmn6qY5t9JX10mWS4IVdBBSsfZBOebJ5D 0AtwWW4rIB8w6xpwhRh9wJ83c+NTxf6UXcAqjzPydzRa9upxtyE=
    -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From =?UTF-8?Q?Hakan_Bay=c4=b1nd=c4=b1r?@21:1/5 to Andrey Rahmatullin on Thu Apr 21 12:50:01 2022
    On 4/21/22 11:09, Andrey Rahmatullin wrote:
    On Thu, Apr 21, 2022 at 10:57:47AM +0300, Hakan Bayındır wrote:
    As everybody knows, Debian is also releasing the said firmware as compressed
    archives and these are visible in the download page [0], however usage and >>>> documentation is neither clearly documented, nor easy for the beginners or >>>> casual users.
    (it's documented at https://www.debian.org/releases/stable/amd64/ch06s04 >>> for a separate drive, there may be some documentation about putting the
    files to the installation drive but at that point the user should just
    burn the firmware ISO)

    I know it's documented, but it's buried deep down.
    It's linked in the same yellow block on the page you linked as the archive itself.
    I mean, I agree it's not good but most of places on debian.org that are related to downloading are not good. At least https://cdimage.debian.org/cdimage/unofficial/non-free/cd-including-firmware/ is now just two clicks away from the main page.

    Again, I think two clicks is too deep. A newcomer doesn't have to know
    the difference between all the files there. We're having this discussion because I see that the current amount of friction is seen as
    detrimental, and I agree.

    In my ideal world (for newcomers), the link should produce the file
    directly, not the directory, or they get the tool, insert a USB drive, and >> viola.
    They should just get the firmware ISO and burn it instead of fiddling with all of that.

    "The user shall do X" is not a very correct standpoint either. Even if
    we decide to add the firmware somehow into the "Official" ISOs, I still
    believe having a simple tool to do all of that is beneficial for new

    I'm using Debian since 3.0, and I still holding my view that for a
    newcomer, Debian is a bit too clunky. It's much smoother when spends
    some time with it (I can too install it in advanced/text mode with
    muscle memory, for example).

    If we want to have more new users or entice people who're starting to
    use/try Linux, initial barrier should be lowered.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Steve McIntyre@21:1/5 to Andrey Rahmatullin on Thu Apr 21 16:00:01 2022
    Andrey Rahmatullin wrote:

    On Wed, Apr 20, 2022 at 12:53:46PM -0500, Devin Prater wrote:
    But back on topic, would the nonfree DVD ISO's have more firmware on them
    than the CD version? Or is that just for offline installs?
    As far as I understand it there is just one set of non-free firmware for >including in the ISOs and separate drives, which consists of all non-free >firmware found in the archive.

    That's definitely the intention, yes. There may be *minor* differences
    in the lists that are in use in various places, as different people
    have written the scripts involved. This is actually another place
    where we'd benefit from the new non-free-firmware component - we'd be
    able to just consistently rely on *that* list of packages.

    Steve McIntyre, Cambridge, UK. steve@einval.com "We're the technical experts. We were hired so that management could
    ignore our recommendations and tell us how to do our jobs." -- Mike Andrews

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Steve McIntyre@21:1/5 to Russ Allbery on Thu Apr 21 15:50:02 2022
    Russ Allbery wrote:
    Steve McIntyre <steve@einval.com> writes:

    Thanks! That's a really good question, and one that we should also
    include on the GR. I'd split my option 5 into two:

    5. Include non-free firmware but do not enable it by default
    6. Include non-free firmware and enable it by default

    In either case, we'd make the opposite choice available via a d-i kernel
    command line option and a boot menu option. I think that makes sense?

    I agree with this option split, but that reminds me of a different
    procedural note.

    While I recognize and respect the desire to create a comprehensive ballot, >I'm still going to advocate for proposing a GR only with the options that
    the person proposing the GR would vote above NOTA, and possibly only your >preferred options.

    ACK, that's fair and reasonable.

    Steve McIntyre, Cambridge, UK. steve@einval.com "We're the technical experts. We were hired so that management could
    ignore our recommendations and tell us how to do our jobs." -- Mike Andrews

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Andrey Rahmatullin@21:1/5 to All on Thu Apr 21 18:40:01 2022
    On Thu, Apr 21, 2022 at 01:39:39PM +0300, Hakan Bayındır wrote:
    As everybody knows, Debian is also releasing the said firmware as compressed
    archives and these are visible in the download page [0], however usage and
    documentation is neither clearly documented, nor easy for the beginners or
    casual users.
    (it's documented at https://www.debian.org/releases/stable/amd64/ch06s04
    for a separate drive, there may be some documentation about putting the files to the installation drive but at that point the user should just burn the firmware ISO)

    I know it's documented, but it's buried deep down.
    It's linked in the same yellow block on the page you linked as the archive itself.
    I mean, I agree it's not good but most of places on debian.org that are related to downloading are not good. At least https://cdimage.debian.org/cdimage/unofficial/non-free/cd-including-firmware/
    is now just two clicks away from the main page.

    Again, I think two clicks is too deep. A newcomer doesn't have to know the difference between all the files there. We're having this discussion because I see that the current amount of friction is seen as detrimental, and I agree.
    Yes, my position was always "the only ISO link on the main page should be
    the firmware netinst" but I understand that it's a minority one.

    In my ideal world (for newcomers), the link should produce the file directly, not the directory, or they get the tool, insert a USB drive, and
    They should just get the firmware ISO and burn it instead of fiddling with all of that.

    "The user shall do X" is not a very correct standpoint either. Even if we decide to add the firmware somehow into the "Official" ISOs, I still believe having a simple tool to do all of that is beneficial for new starters.
    Providing a free ISO and a set of stuff to make it usable is strictly
    worse (from the usability perspective) than providing a usable ISO right
    away, and we even build the usable ISO already, we just hide it and
    surround it with obsolete/hypocritical/outright false words, such as "For convenience for some users, this unofficial alternative build includes
    non-free firmware for extra support for some awkward hardware."

    If we want to have more new users or entice people who're starting to
    use/try Linux, initial barrier should be lowered.
    I agree and I don't see why this should be done with a set of additional
    tools instead of a directly usable ISO.

    WBR, wRAR


    iQJhBAABCgBLFiEEolIP6gqGcKZh3YxVM2L3AxpJkuEFAmJhhzYtFIAAAAAAFQAP cGthLWFkZHJlc3NAZ251cGcub3Jnd3JhckBkZWJpYW4ub3JnAAoJEDNi9wMaSZLh HUwP/jtaSPcjRTnoQo4/+j7f3rgMapznA/X2zct81NduDhwKn0FcX+AMhY69ZN6s Z7vbTPacsi6+FPYCumauCYhks/D8irAD4l6xS/XvCX2H9EtPhuCt0fC7baOtN4tc o0Zd85HNpJ7YVDB2/2PaWLSvq3UleD4BnTzk/QUA95+e9L36s/AfWSaj2YQYjM4h 9NE3W8XmXlWpJa8Os5SmDfpMarSXerwSac1gdwbv9VIVuvn7K4aPIS0+EAfwDvEd WvlBGawk6JoJMDIG6gP1GDGTLdgtEtFt0/sDsxrpaPaubD8UzySBJi3cp+BztCdU 9kBW+AzD2tIQr3/wcERTu0Yjyoa3j1bWpApRSH0Jojsvyk52aWstYaCKC1bQSN/D IGgS6LVEpj03k6zUPyQ3fNQZ+qFvMKqPfMpT5M738v+3jKuKsbBU7bGuQ8SDc/zS vmuGll+ZXVjPZZSrPwBFfzDUePzT21R/czrSVHOCu7yGdmYyRNsVJdj4Pt99+Cce 0baZzof+HEFqnqcZ3oMWF4TGfafBxGdLoG8sz44C2spYuYLBWBGAVxQ5spZmT+hr QdjBX8GRsnEsASZ1FT/Rip7Rj7cAEZAGd9Mo4FNuzcbiE6Nn7LQ4kWfALpXFvqu7 iKtKkaLM+u4Q8Dd5HZE0X6iH5vzXfw8fYa3zF+9162azMM/M
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    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Moritz =?UTF-8?Q?M=C3=BChlenhoff?=@21:1/5 to Steve McIntyre on Thu Apr 21 20:10:01 2022
    Steve McIntyre wrote:
    What would I choose to do? My personal preference would be to go with optiob 5:
    split the non-free firmware into a special new component and include that on official media.

    I fully agree with that (as mentioned before when the discussion came up).
    I also believe we can stick with building only the firmware-enriched variant
    to reduce complexity in the image build/testing; if anyone is concerned
    about the firmware packages tools like vrms can be extended to deal with that.

    Having a totally separate archive section apart from non-free (which is not covered by security support) also allows us to include that new section in what's supported with security updates (to the extent that is possible with closed blobs, for some firmware there's simply not enough actionable information).

    But for the cases where it was clear and warranted we did make exceptions in the past before (e.g. for the various microcode updates needed for Spectre/Meltdown
    etc. and a separate archive sections allows for more clarity in that regard.

    And since all firmware blobs are required to be fully re-distributable this would also allow to enable auto-building for that new section (as opposed
    to non-free where this is limited).


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Russ Allbery@21:1/5 to hakan.bayindir@tubitak.gov.tr on Thu Apr 21 19:20:01 2022
    Hakan Bayındır <hakan.bayindir@tubitak.gov.tr> writes:

    As everybody knows, Debian is also releasing the said firmware as
    compressed archives and these are visible in the download page [0],
    however usage and documentation is neither clearly documented, nor easy
    for the beginners or casual users.

    Considering most users are doing installs over USB, and official Debian
    ISOs are hybrid by default, how the following plan feels?

    1) Document the use of ZIP files for firmware introduction during install more clearly and prominently,
    2) Make these ZIP archives much more accessible via links and prominent placement,
    3) Document creation of a USB drive which is both bootable and has
    writable space for extra files
    4) Write another document detailing adding these ZIP files to the said
    media in 3,
    5) Profit by allowing people to assemble their own installation media with firmware blobs if they see the need.

    I've been a Debian Developer for quite some time and can usually manage to figure out most tasks like this, and providing separate firmware to the installer has completely defeated me every time I've tried it. I've spent frustrated hours trying to follow the documentation and doing things that
    look right only to have the installer say that there's no firmware visible without any clue as to how to debug the errors. Every time I have tried
    this, I have eventually given up and found the non-free images, which just worked.

    If this is going to be the solution, it has to be WAY easier to do.

    Russ Allbery (rra@debian.org) <https://www.eyrie.org/~eagle/>

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Gunnar Wolf@21:1/5 to All on Thu Apr 21 20:20:01 2022
    Marc Haber dijo [Tue, Apr 19, 2022 at 06:56:54PM +0200]:
    On Tue, 19 Apr 2022 08:21:10 -0600, Sam Hartman <hartmans@debian.org>
    One valuable suggestion was to make sure users could easily select
    freedom if that's what they wanted.
    So I think a free installation image is important.

    Would that not be possible by having an image WITH firmware and an
    installer asking whether the user wants a free or a usable system?

    Up to a certain point, I guess. But users do get confused by Debian, a stubbornly-free distribution, having multiple images –some official,
    some unblessed– on different places.

    Maybe if the free image finds (important? i.e. the only connectivity
    option, or required for enabling a video card beyond framebuffer?)
    hardware for which firmware is required, it could display a prominent
    message, suggesting the user to download the
    official-but-firmware-carrying images from a simple debian.org URL.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From =?utf-8?Q?Hakan_Bay=C4=B1nd=C4=B1r?@21:1/5 to All on Thu Apr 21 20:30:01 2022
    On 21 Apr 2022, at 21:14, Gunnar Wolf <gwolf@debian.org> wrote:

    Marc Haber dijo [Tue, Apr 19, 2022 at 06:56:54PM +0200]:
    On Tue, 19 Apr 2022 08:21:10 -0600, Sam Hartman <hartmans@debian.org>
    One valuable suggestion was to make sure users could easily select
    freedom if that's what they wanted.
    So I think a free installation image is important.

    Would that not be possible by having an image WITH firmware and an
    installer asking whether the user wants a free or a usable system?

    Up to a certain point, I guess. But users do get confused by Debian, a stubbornly-free distribution, having multiple images –some official,
    some unblessed– on different places.

    Maybe if the free image finds (important? i.e. the only connectivity
    option, or required for enabling a video card beyond framebuffer?)
    hardware for which firmware is required, it could display a prominent message, suggesting the user to download the
    official-but-firmware-carrying images from a simple debian.org URL.

    A further evolution of this idea might be adding another question to Debian Installer regarding to non-free software.
    If the users choose “No” for enabling non-free repositories, another question might ask “Your system seems to need some firmware packages to operate correctly, do you want to enable only the firmware packages, but not the other non-free software?”

    Normally, the installer asks for “firmware.zip” file if it can’t continue, but it’s already noted that making it work is very very hard (I only succeeded once in my 15 years of Debian use). Maybe making this process easier helps?

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Simon Richter@21:1/5 to Jonathan Dowland on Thu Apr 21 22:10:01 2022

    On 4/20/22 12:14 PM, Jonathan Dowland wrote:

    However I think we should continue to produce install media without
    non-free components, at least for a period of time after making the
    switch (as another reply said, perhaps 1-2 releases and review). It
    feels like me too big a step to take to stop producing DFSG-compliant

    Indeed that might be a rather big step, especially in light of the
    Debian Social Contract that begins with

    1. Debian will remain 100% free

    We provide the guidelines that we use to determine if a work is
    "free" in the document entitled "The Debian Free Software
    Guidelines". We promise that the Debian system and all its components
    will be free according to these guidelines. We will support people
    who create or use both free and non-free works on Debian. We will
    never make the system require the use of a non-free component.

    If we wanted to have an "official" installer containing non-free
    components, I believe we would need to have a GR with a 3:1
    supermajority to change a foundation document, and then explain that
    decision in a press release.

    Debian has always understood that (end) users sometimes need to use
    non-free components, but at the same time also worked towards reducing
    our users' dependence on them -- because that is how we've traditionally resolved conflicts between our two priorities, our users and free software.

    In my opinion, it is quite defeatist to accept that some companies will
    never release free firmware or at least the documentation to allow
    others to do so; the same was said about drivers twenty years ago, and
    now we are in the rather luxurious position that there are rather few
    companies with binary-only drivers, and users are well aware that
    support for these will be spotty and Debian is not to be blamed for any problems.

    I'd like to reach the same state for firmware.

    From simply a principle perspective, that's the "pure" aim
    of the project. If we continue to provide it but not on the default
    path then we might be able to gather some information on how popular
    or useful it is (how many downloads it attracts; or what kind of
    hardware configurations it can actually be used on; perhaps cross- referencing it with popcon or installation-report data)

    The popcon result is "the majority of users will use the default."

    When popcon was introduced, its purpose was to order installation media,
    and that's what it's good for, but it can't tell us what the default
    should be (otherwise I'd be questioning the decision to make systemd the default while the majority of systems were running sysvinit).


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Gunnar Wolf@21:1/5 to All on Thu Apr 21 21:20:01 2022
    Hakan Bayındır dijo [Thu, Apr 21, 2022 at 09:21:07PM +0300]:
    A further evolution of this idea might be adding another question to
    Debian Installer regarding to non-free software.

    If the users choose “No” for enabling non-free repositories, another question might ask “Your system seems to need some firmware packages
    to operate correctly, do you want to enable only the firmware
    packages, but not the other non-free software?”

    Normally, the installer asks for “firmware.zip” file if it can’t continue, but it’s already noted that making it work is very very
    hard (I only succeeded once in my 15 years of Debian use). Maybe
    making this process easier helps?

    And this still does not get us all the way there -- There are many
    computers that can run Debian that won't even try to boot in the
    absence of a non-free firmware on the boot media.

    Yes, I'm one of the maintainers for raspi-firmware... :-/

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Jesse Rhodes@21:1/5 to Paul Wise on Thu Apr 21 23:50:01 2022
    Hi Everyone,

    On Thu, 2022-04-21 at 13:52 +0800, Paul Wise wrote:

    After some discussion on #debian-www with sney (author of the current >auto-download page)

    I'm not a voting member of this organization, but since I'm mentioned by name, I
    thought I would share my 0.02, if you'll have them. My background is as a longtime debian user and support volunteer in #debian. I am very familiar with common issues and stumbling blocks during install, and am glad to see this firmware issue getting attention.

    (re: the auto-download page, don't everyone line up to kill me at once :D, I've written a short post [1] about that which you can read. I think that topic is orthogonal to this one but if you want to discuss it further you can find me on OFTC.)

    In the above discussion with pabs and larjona, one thing that came up was essentially making sure users can make informed choices. I read some expansion of option 5 in this thread which suggested putting the yes firmware/no firmware decision in the debian-installer boot menu; I think pabs's suggestion of improving the visibility of that choice on the website instead could improve user friendliness, since many people skip through boot menus without looking. This way, the free-only image would still be available for use cases where no firmware is required, such as VM installs, as well as any (hopefully soon-to-be widely adopted) Free hardware such as the power9 and/or riscv stuff. And users with run-of-the-mill amd64 PC devices would be able to clearly select the correct installer on the first attempt.

    We had also previously discussed having some scripting on the website to guess the user's cpu architecture and suggest a matching installer; similar logic could be used to guess whether the free or non-free image is appropriate, put that option front and center, and have the others appear in smaller buttons below. Either this approach or hardcoded sorting based on rough popularity numbers would work fine, in my view. (And yes, we would disable the automatic download as part of this.)

    But I also strongly agree that non-free *firmware* and non-free *software* are very distinct things, and as such should have separate sections in the archive, the same way contrib is distinct from non-free. There are leagues of difference between putting a small binary in /lib/firmware that will only ever be loaded by
    the kernel, and installing, say, rar. And since ensuring that the installer image is able to use common hardware in order to function as intended is what we're trying to do here, putting them in fully separate sections enables this without necessarily throwing the user into the deep end of restrictive licenses.

    And I also very much like the suggestion for a menu item in <20220420195716.GA9369@host>. Having the firmware blobs present in the installer
    image doesn't necessarily mean installing them to the system. As an example, the
    reliable old Thinkpad that I'm typing this on has a bluetooth radio. I don't use
    bluetooth with my laptop, and if the debian installer had asked me whether or not to install the bluetooth firmware, I might have selected not to. At least, I'd certainly appreciate the warning and the choice. Different drivers use firmware to do different things, and it shouldn't be all-or-nothing.

    Scenario: A 19-year-old student with a generic laptop made in 2020 that they bought for schoolwork. It came with Windows 10 and has Realtek wifi, Broadcom bluetooth, no ethernet, and uses a midrange AMD APU for both CPU and video. They've heard about Free software and have maybe played with WSL, and now they want to dive in!

    The Free installer would give this person a useless black screen almost immediately after booting, and if they managed to get a shell in single-user mode, no network.

    But with the website and installer improvements described here, it could play out like this:

    - They go to debian.org, and click Download.

    - They click the front-and-center option, with iconography, that clearly
    indicates it's the best option for laptops.

    - They click the dropdown and read about non-free firmware, or maybe they don't.
    They can come back to it.

    - They write the image to a USB drive. [2]

    - They boot the debian installer and make their software selections.

    - They get to the firmware menu and make their firmware selections.

    - They reboot into a fully functional Debian OS.

    - Epilogue: they launch an IRC client and tell the world how smooth and amazing
    it was. ;)

    Now, it's true that if there was only one official debian installer and it included firmware, this hypothetical student would have the same result: a functional Debian OS. But I think my scenario is better, because it gives
    them more opportunities to think about firmware and what it's doing on their system.

    In any case: most of what I've read so far indicates that debian is going in the right direction on this, and I'm excited to see what the final decision is. I hope my perspective was useful, and thanks for reading.

    Jesse (sney)

    [1] https://gist.github.com/sney/54bb1f6a2cbf9eab4691d6bcc5570467
    [2] Documentation for writing ISOs to USB also sucks and a previous suggestion
    that debian publish a purpose-built utility for this would be a huge
    improvement, especially for first-time users coming from Windows. Tools
    like Rufus mangle the debian installer with default settings - this is
    almost as common a stumbling block as missing firmware. Even a branded and
    slightly modified fork of win32diskimager would be a dream.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Leandro Cunha@21:1/5 to steve@einval.com on Fri Apr 22 00:30:01 2022

    On Mon, Apr 18, 2022 at 9:28 PM Steve McIntyre <steve@einval.com> wrote:

    TL;DR: firmware support in Debian sucks, and we need to change this. See the "My preference, and rationale" Section below.

    In my opinion, the way we deal with (non-free) firmware in Debian is a mess, and this is hurting many of our users daily. For a long time we've been pretending that supporting and including (non-free) firmware on Debian systems
    is not necessary. We don't want to have to provide (non-free) firmware to our users, and in an ideal world we wouldn't need to. However, it's very clearly no
    longer a sensible path when trying to support lots of common current hardware.

    Background - why has (non-free) firmware become an issue? =========================================================

    Firmware is the low-level software that's designed to make hardware devices work. Firmware is tightly coupled to the hardware, exposing its features, providing higher-level functionality and interfaces for other software to use.
    For a variety of reasons, it's typically not Free Software.

    For Debian's purposes, we typically separate firmware from software by considering where the code executes (does it run on a separate processor? Is it
    visible to the host OS?) but it can be difficult to define a single reliable dividing line here. Consider the Intel/AMD CPU microcode packages, or the U-Boot firmware packages as examples.

    In times past, all necessary firmware would normally be included directly in devices / expansion cards by their vendors. Over time, however, it has become more and more attractive (and therefore more common) for device manufacturers to not include complete firmware on all devices. Instead, some devices just embed a very simple set of firmware that allows for upload of a more complete firmware "blob" into memory. Device drivers are then expected to provide that blob during device initialisation.

    I'm from the group that defends Debian current position on this and I
    like to install only what the machine needs to work and I use free
    firmware on my machine for the wireless network card for example. I
    don't see it as a mess, but it's organized by separating what's free
    from what's not. The question of identifying what firmware my machine
    needs, this for me is easy and it was just a question I had to learn
    in the beginning many years ago. It is a problem for some and not for
    all. There is the unofficial installer that solves this problem by
    installing only what the user's machine needs without the user doing
    it himself.

    Leandro Cunha
    Software Engineer and Debian Contributor

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Andreas Tille@21:1/5 to All on Fri Apr 22 07:20:01 2022
    Am Thu, Apr 21, 2022 at 10:12:19AM -0700 schrieb Russ Allbery:

    I've been a Debian Developer for quite some time and can usually manage to figure out most tasks like this, and providing separate firmware to the installer has completely defeated me every time I've tried it. I've spent frustrated hours trying to follow the documentation and doing things that look right only to have the installer say that there's no firmware visible without any clue as to how to debug the errors. Every time I have tried this, I have eventually given up and found the non-free images, which just worked.

    If this is going to be the solution, it has to be WAY easier to do.

    I confirm that I never ever managed to provide the needed firmware to
    the free official installer. Thus my consequence was to ignore it and
    just use the non-free firmware enabled installer. I do not think that
    it is sensible to let users make this experience themselves and I'm
    really welcoming the effort Steve did. Out of the original post I
    prefer option 5. Currently I don't habe time to read the whole thread
    but I have spotted some sensible enhancements of option 5 that are
    worth discussing.

    Thanks a lot Steve



    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From =?UTF-8?Q?Hakan_Bay=c4=b1nd=c4=b1r?@21:1/5 to Andreas Tille on Fri Apr 22 08:40:01 2022
    On 4/22/22 08:18, Andreas Tille wrote:
    Am Thu, Apr 21, 2022 at 10:12:19AM -0700 schrieb Russ Allbery:

    I've been a Debian Developer for quite some time and can usually manage to >> figure out most tasks like this, and providing separate firmware to the
    installer has completely defeated me every time I've tried it. I've spent >> frustrated hours trying to follow the documentation and doing things that
    look right only to have the installer say that there's no firmware visible >> without any clue as to how to debug the errors. Every time I have tried
    this, I have eventually given up and found the non-free images, which just >> worked.

    If this is going to be the solution, it has to be WAY easier to do.

    I confirm that I never ever managed to provide the needed firmware to
    the free official installer. Thus my consequence was to ignore it and
    just use the non-free firmware enabled installer. I do not think that
    it is sensible to let users make this experience themselves and I'm
    really welcoming the effort Steve did. Out of the original post I
    prefer option 5. Currently I don't habe time to read the whole thread
    but I have spotted some sensible enhancements of option 5 that are
    worth discussing.

    I understand the sentiment and what you're coming from. This is also my experience, but it doesn't mean the process can be refined and made
    better in my opinion.

    I think, regardless of the solution we have at the end, making this
    firmware introduction process work better is a nice improvement worthy
    of considering.



    Thanks a lot Steve


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From =?ISO-8859-1?Q?IOhannes_m_zm=F6lnig@21:1/5 to All on Fri Apr 22 09:40:01 2022
    Am 22. April 2022 07:18:50 MESZ schrieb Andreas Tille <andreas@an3as.eu>:
    Am Thu, Apr 21, 2022 at 10:12:19AM -0700 schrieb Russ Allbery:

    I've been a Debian Developer for quite some time and can usually manage to >> figure out most tasks like this, and providing separate firmware to the
    installer has completely defeated me every time I've tried it.

    I confirm that I never ever managed to provide the needed firmware to
    the free official installer.

    This is just a "me too".

    (similar to Russ and Andreas) I have spent many years with Debian (~25 for me), and if the old folks can't manage to use the free official installers, then I think/agree that it's outright hypocrisy to nudge new users into this pitfall.

    I'd be very happy with option 5, and I'm in the camp of those who like a strictly opt-in solution (that can be preseeded)


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Holger Levsen@21:1/5 to Steve McIntyre on Fri Apr 22 11:50:01 2022
    hi Steve,

    On Tue, Apr 19, 2022 at 01:27:46AM +0100, Steve McIntyre wrote:
    TL;DR: firmware support in Debian sucks, and we need to change this. See the "My preference, and rationale" Section below.

    and anyone involved, especillay including those not listed here:

    Thanks to people who reviewed earlier versions of this document and/or made suggestions for improvement, in particular:

    • Cyril Brulebois
    • Matthew Garrett
    • David Leggett
    • Martin Michlmayr
    • Andy Simpkins
    • Neil Williams

    I just wanna say THANK YOU VERY MUCH for this thread and everything good
    which will undoubtfully arise from it. You rock.

    And for those unware I would just like to point out https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intel_ME#Hardware which explains that on
    modern Intel CPUs, there's another 386 CPU inside the CPU, running Minix,
    so that "The ME has its own MAC and IP address for the out-of-band interface, with direct access to the Ethernet controller; one portion of the Ethernet traffic is diverted to the ME even before reaching the host's operating system".

    My point is not, that other CPUs don't have this problem, but rather that there's a lot of 'invisible' firmware on any modern computer, starting with
    the CPU but going down all the way to the battery, screen, mouse and keyboard.

    So this thread is (roughly guesstimated) only about 10-23% of the firmware running on your computer, while today (as opposed to 1993) most of this firmware *can* be updated.

    IMO firmware is (sadly or not) somewhat out of scope for Debian. Even though, or maybe precisely because hardware *is* software nowadays.

    So, I'll say it again: many thanks to everyone involved in improving
    running Debian on modern computers.

    And huge thanks to those working on free and open hardware too.


    ⣾⠁⢠⠒⠀⣿⡁ holger@(debian|reproducible-builds|layer-acht).org
    ⢿⡄⠘⠷⠚⠋⠀ OpenPGP: B8BF54137B09D35CF026FE9D 091AB856069AAA1C

    War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Covid is like the flu.


    iQIzBAABCgAdFiEEuL9UE3sJ01zwJv6dCRq4VgaaqhwFAmJieZEACgkQCRq4Vgaa qhyatA//UI8Qk6/2tn+d3Z97zTlEUYGm5qFZdrR/oRadin4fdIpc2FwbHH4Dx51P gTwB3qYTfFjOsec30WiQuZdF71DnfDz7p0pomx+tH3Faq/chBd/qOp1byfwX9bcv ALAQysuk9VbgdzUYO03IA5OYndSqSrs7dbB7GDaUbPv8hO+L3FXJHtZYrMtSGQbJ 3TLiXOslZbmvpbojsdaUQh4ArXKvCjyAjsJ7BYXjbI8jpmLLz0CcQw6uH9Adt7Zx ScdytndT3dlvtirCjLVDpl9WY13r2Tszlh8P7wMQQda1drt5dKQKegguAHustF1i kVN4CRFeSpXZNjdmxi5JKfjUcfB0R4zn6fJwJDAa62t/WKSbRnqh9qbv6Ex5Vrk+ xC5KHxGVSg0mjFMuwbKmTTsMrF53/10jhdUbcUI9sfslhTBksgA2dry+SQklzbF+ rZIQE488+KoPFZAUhJTHPv4E4LlJ4o3Wfw4Zm8uhku9B3m+T+xuhxkyfD22vJf0G F3Hb+Mkm1iyk5igWSQlTo1/Y8bV5G6R8VLOMiPI7TZLTXB5e2ljc3sPPzPR+iV6Y MJRmlLVAubkW/I8RVsIuwCAtAmKxsxwO2QFRRk+Z5as5fyu+Qy0S6cje
  • From Philip Hands@21:1/5 to Leandro Cunha on Fri Apr 22 11:20:01 2022
    Leandro Cunha <leandrocunha016@gmail.com> writes:


    On Mon, Apr 18, 2022 at 9:28 PM Steve McIntyre <steve@einval.com> wrote:

    TL;DR: firmware support in Debian sucks, and we need to change this. See the >> "My preference, and rationale" Section below.

    In my opinion, the way we deal with (non-free) firmware in Debian is a mess, >> and this is hurting many of our users daily. For a long time we've been
    pretending that supporting and including (non-free) firmware on Debian systems
    is not necessary. We don't want to have to provide (non-free) firmware to our
    users, and in an ideal world we wouldn't need to. However, it's very clearly no
    longer a sensible path when trying to support lots of common current hardware.

    Background - why has (non-free) firmware become an issue?

    Firmware is the low-level software that's designed to make hardware devices >> work. Firmware is tightly coupled to the hardware, exposing its features,
    providing higher-level functionality and interfaces for other software to use.
    For a variety of reasons, it's typically not Free Software.

    For Debian's purposes, we typically separate firmware from software by
    considering where the code executes (does it run on a separate processor? Is it
    visible to the host OS?) but it can be difficult to define a single reliable >> dividing line here. Consider the Intel/AMD CPU microcode packages, or the
    U-Boot firmware packages as examples.

    In times past, all necessary firmware would normally be included directly in >> devices / expansion cards by their vendors. Over time, however, it has become
    more and more attractive (and therefore more common) for device manufacturers
    to not include complete firmware on all devices. Instead, some devices just >> embed a very simple set of firmware that allows for upload of a more complete
    firmware "blob" into memory. Device drivers are then expected to provide that
    blob during device initialisation.

    I'm from the group that defends Debian current position on this and I
    like to install only what the machine needs to work and I use free
    firmware on my machine for the wireless network card for example. I
    don't see it as a mess, but it's organized by separating what's free
    from what's not. The question of identifying what firmware my machine
    needs, this for me is easy and it was just a question I had to learn
    in the beginning many years ago. It is a problem for some and not for
    all. There is the unofficial installer that solves this problem by
    installing only what the user's machine needs without the user doing
    it himself.

    I understand the urge to insist upon absolute DFSG purity in the media
    we produce, but when it comes to wanting to avoid every last shred of
    data that we could not regenerate ourselves, I think we crossed that
    line some time ago.

    I'm thinking of shim-signed, which is included in our official media.

    Despite being free software in source form, it is signed by Microsoft,
    and can only be expected to work with that signature ... which we cannot create.

    On most (all?) hardware one is able to avoid UEFI secure-boot, so won't
    need to use shim-signed, but I'd imagine that some hardware insists on secure-boot, or the opt-outs are somehow broken and so is not usable
    without shim-signed.

    This seems rather similar to the situation with non-free-firmware, which
    many people can avoid the need for it, but without it some people find
    our software useless on the hardware they have.

    Is the presence of shim-signed on the install media enough to make
    people feel somehow contaminated?

    If not, is the problem having other blobs of data on the media that we
    also cannot generate, or is it the licensing of that data, or something

    Does it make any difference that the data in question will not be read
    into memory, or copied onto the target system, unless one opts-in to
    using it?

    Anyway, thanks to Steve for starting the discussion.

    Cheers, Phil.

    P.S. I think that having some (often unused) data on the media that
    allows people to install our software when they'd otherwise fail is more important than absolute purity in this case. I do not think there is an increased risk of non-free contamination here.

    If it ensures that fewer people abandon Debian out of frustration with
    the install then I'd suggest that it will actually result in less
    non-free software being used overall, as will having the option to
    enable only non-free-firmware without also enabling non-free.

    Oh, and I've been a DD for over 25 years, have been a contributor to the installer for quite a lot of that, so I'd hope that at some point during
    that time I must have succeeded in doing the add-firmware dance, if only
    for testing, but wouldn't dream of relying on that as my real install
    method, or recommending it to a newbie.

    Frankly, it makes me wince every time I have to respond with a confusing
    answer to the "What do I need to install Debian?" question, so hopefully
    we can do better in future.
    |)| Philip Hands [+44 (0)20 8530 9560] HANDS.COM Ltd.
    |-| http://www.hands.com/ http://ftp.uk.debian.org/
    |(| Hugo-Klemm-Strasse 34, 21075 Hamburg, GERMANY

    --=-=-Content-Type: application/pgp-signature; name="signature.asc"


    iQIzBAEBCgAdFiEE3/FBWs4yJ/zyBwfW0EujoAEl1cAFAmJicnoACgkQ0EujoAEl 1cAXDQ/+JIXaWa2e842vKglj6JpJuWVN4rSoKbVbbM7H5MMoqaf24HctFj4bRLSO zD0hRVckO58DM2VZdg/OYoCtoAvT6PWf12DkDqUC5ZtQgdwzqok3LrJELYn3h4XN C6bB77sY/akOEMDW++sNeyXGXjE+kRZaDoO9IHSLq8x8jNCM/4AWIqaz5oG3hgPh ss3w0Nvl4hRpRunt7cSCSXymB+YXK0VzYPMspnUGMpC4uFp4tu78bbM57bUG+BSy 7Uk/rfPnFJWDS1bRMpZxfHkFuGDT+Cw986+9X5nT+hafRNn7uaPcXHHwmUY9Vpqu iyCwKInPCpSPr8mICQCIlnPvgAomfrzrrIDRMMRH+bSRQ2gRdPMCxB+AkndNDVia E8YEVMrq17GZ0ngHc8aHfDy1iOJSA/nvPP26KKPrWJvHaS/7eTUhm5b6+NYcmkeQ kExzRN3l+HYVBRxF6WoKePG7OdoWtAShrs34GzMwi8qaYmHH+77o6dED1kaLupIU 8sejbakFACskvENocRlmlHeSuzhAdl9MTE9hRSPh/q2z+k3m434pByfiGRvUUe7X TCbStR9q6Rtm1++TDf2V7JCvSF4oMMHx4G7T8SfZD3nLs/HCBi20D9CjMCvSdFfY xK4dpkKmlj+VU1p
  • From Holger Levsen@21:1/5 to Russ Allbery on Fri Apr 22 12:00:01 2022
    On Wed, Apr 20, 2022 at 10:52:04AM -0700, Russ Allbery wrote:
    I agree with this option split, but that reminds me of a different
    procedural note.

    While I recognize and respect the desire to create a comprehensive ballot, I'm still going to advocate for proposing a GR only with the options that
    the person proposing the GR would vote above NOTA, and possibly only your preferred options.

    There are a couple of reasons for this. One is that the people who prefer your disfavored options may have their own way of wording them that's slightly different than what you might believe they would want to say, and it's awkward to update other people's ballot options. The other, somewhat more technical reason is that I expect this GR to require a 3:1 majority
    for some options, and mixing 3:1 and 1:1 majority options on the same GR
    can be rather confusing. We may end up needing to do that anyway for this vote, but I think it would be a good idea to avoid creating the problem unless someone steps forward and proposes a 1:1 option that they really
    want to win.

    (That said, I think there's a big exception, which is that if you've canvassed a bunch of people who may not want to try to craft their own
    ballot options, and developed options to reflect their views, I think
    that's a fine approach and a good reason to propose options that aren't
    your personal preference.)

    As a side note, I don't remember exactly how this worked before, but under the current constitutional rules the original GR proposer doesn't have a special ability to put a bunch of options on the original ballot. You
    start with one option, and then you can add more options but they all need
    to be sponsored independently. So that also pushes in this direction of ballot construction.

    would it make sense to document this (and more) somewhere as
    'guidelines for writting good GR ballots' or some such? I'd guess
    the wiki would be a good starting point or maybe somewhere else?
    does this exist already


    ⣾⠁⢠⠒⠀⣿⡁ holger@(debian|reproducible-builds|layer-acht).org
    ⢿⡄⠘⠷⠚⠋⠀ OpenPGP: B8BF54137B09D35CF026FE9D 091AB856069AAA1C

    The entire society has no clue what the word freedom means in the context of relating to the world around them. It has degenerated into "my ego first". It is why the entire planet is dying right now.


    iQIzBAABCgAdFiEEuL9UE3sJ01zwJv6dCRq4VgaaqhwFAmJifC4ACgkQCRq4Vgaa qhyQBg/9FcIaB46ZMLlQqaRB+O/W/kq61svR4nK1XMl0D3FKddQMmRvtSfet5yus 2g1QVWxGDdf8CTci7HbHHWEcgCxS9bShQ/WMdRnacQntlFUxLjESzyxh3i9o+BD7 7ROQX90jwQUjkfXR5KpFI/wxCw8jndzLE1eMbRHbJY9vCQIvFonFopvpFdfiLD5E uAfEBC/d1w3Sl2qLfhhYJgLXpyZuLzUBR+7WnAWCnsGl7El0TsHILDAhTANV5Kfc F9gXCAURESzES/frkjF7ygkIov9LyHMXhv7AY1eVLXvsg5EtMilY4maJ8BBRwFPj IN5Z8EwjFF5soYRIa0zT6h2pig+kui1ocdn89twFpF1nrSTl6kT6Zsmdn1YDXWVx NSRdszw5rBz4hDzxuBjkxgc6+wo3QoOsqj12QzKtnNyq7BUl20TQCGM6ektaMoPv q9kmpZxAlSaZ7//1P0UjrLXnbDdXIO1Ked12n8l5IGg
  • From Marc Haber@21:1/5 to All on Sat Apr 23 12:20:02 2022
    On Thu, 21 Apr 2022 10:12:19 -0700, Russ Allbery <rra@debian.org>
    I've been a Debian Developer for quite some time and can usually manage to >figure out most tasks like this, and providing separate firmware to the >installer has completely defeated me every time I've tried it. I've spent >frustrated hours trying to follow the documentation and doing things that >look right only to have the installer say that there's no firmware visible >without any clue as to how to debug the errors. Every time I have tried >this, I have eventually given up and found the non-free images, which just >worked.

    Amen. I know one installation with a five digit number of Debian
    systems that uses a hacked installer with the Kernel from CentOS
    because that one just works. I have talked to the guy who did that
    operation (one of the most competent IT people I know) and he said
    nearly the same as Russ said.

    If this is going to be the solution, it has to be WAY easier to do.

    Yes, absolutely.

    -------------------------------------- !! No courtesy copies, please !! ----- Marc Haber | " Questions are the | Mailadresse im Header Mannheim, Germany | Beginning of Wisdom " |
    Nordisch by Nature | Lt. Worf, TNG "Rightful Heir" | Fon: *49 621 72739834

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Marc Haber@21:1/5 to All on Sat Apr 23 12:30:01 2022
    On Fri, 22 Apr 2022 11:16:42 +0200, Philip Hands <phil@hands.com>
    I understand the urge to insist upon absolute DFSG purity in the media
    we produce, but when it comes to wanting to avoid every last shred of
    data that we could not regenerate ourselves, I think we crossed that
    line some time ago.

    I'm thinking of shim-signed, which is included in our official media.

    Despite being free software in source form, it is signed by Microsoft,
    and can only be expected to work with that signature ... which we cannot >create.

    On most (all?) hardware one is able to avoid UEFI secure-boot, so won't
    need to use shim-signed, but I'd imagine that some hardware insists on >secure-boot, or the opt-outs are somehow broken and so is not usable
    without shim-signed.

    Excuse me for asking a user question on -devel, but do we have any
    docs where someone explains how much a security trade off is
    shim-signed relativ to the optimum? I think that using shim-signed is
    surely worse than a directly signed kernel, but I don't know whether I
    can tell my system (or shim-signed?) to accept MY or Debian's signed
    kernel without the Microsoft intermediate signature, and whether this
    is any more secure than running an encrypted system without secure
    boot at all.

    Do we have docs for that?

    Is the presence of shim-signed on the install media enough to make
    people feel somehow contaminated?

    I think so, yes. Personally, I don't care too much but i can
    understand why some people might.

    If not, is the problem having other blobs of data on the media that we
    also cannot generate, or is it the licensing of that data, or something

    We can compile shim-signed and compare the signed code with our own
    object code, can't we? That we we would only have to worry about the
    validity and benignness of the signature and not worry about having undocumented functionality in the signed code.

    If it ensures that fewer people abandon Debian out of frustration with
    the install then I'd suggest that it will actually result in less
    non-free software being used overall, as will having the option to
    enable only non-free-firmware without also enabling non-free.

    Those are the people who use Ubuntu without even trying Debian because
    somebody told them that Debian is SO hard to install.

    -------------------------------------- !! No courtesy copies, please !! ----- Marc Haber | " Questions are the | Mailadresse im Header Mannheim, Germany | Beginning of Wisdom " |
    Nordisch by Nature | Lt. Worf, TNG "Rightful Heir" | Fon: *49 621 72739834

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Ansgar@21:1/5 to Marc Haber on Sat Apr 23 14:00:01 2022
    On Sat, 2022-04-23 at 12:21 +0200, Marc Haber wrote:
    Is the presence of shim-signed on the install media enough to make
    people feel somehow contaminated?

    I think so, yes. Personally, I don't care too much but i can
    understand why some people might.

    Why? Because it contains a third-party signature for which the private
    key is not included in Debian? The same is true for signatures in debian-archive-keyring, debian-keyring, ca-certificates, wireless-
    regdb, and many other packages.

    If we were to include more signatures in binary packages (e.g., a
    signed manifest listing files (with hashes) shipped by the package,
    signed executables, an embedded signature for the .deb itself), would
    that be a problem?

    We do include signatures for source packages (*.dsc and also for
    upstream tarballs) as well.

    We can compile shim-signed and compare the signed code with our own
    object code, can't we?  That we we would only have to worry about the validity and benignness of the signature and not worry about having undocumented functionality in the signed code.

    Debian's buildds build shim (binary package: shim-unsigned); the binary generated by Debian is then signed by Microsoft's key.


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Paul van der Vlis@21:1/5 to All on Sat Apr 23 15:30:01 2022
    Op 19-04-2022 om 02:30 schreef Steve McIntyre:

    I see several possible options that the images team can choose from here. However, several of these options could undermine the principles of Debian. We
    don't want to make fundamental changes like that without the clear backing of the wider project. That's why I'm writing this...

    I have an idea for an extra option:

    6. Put the closed source firmware somewhere in the Debian images, but
    never install closed source firmware by default. "No" should be the
    default. And to put "non-free" into sources.list should also be an
    non-default choice, even when you install closed source firmware.

    Maybe there could also be a patch, what removes the closed-source
    firmware from the image.

    With regards,

    Paul van der Vlis Linux systeembeheer Groningen

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Andrey Rahmatullin@21:1/5 to Paul van der Vlis on Sat Apr 23 16:10:01 2022
    On Sat, Apr 23, 2022 at 03:13:29PM +0200, Paul van der Vlis wrote:
    I see several possible options that the images team can choose from here. However, several of these options could undermine the principles of Debian. We
    don't want to make fundamental changes like that without the clear backing of
    the wider project. That's why I'm writing this...

    I have an idea for an extra option:

    6. Put the closed source firmware somewhere in the Debian images, but never install closed source firmware by default. "No" should be the default.
    That's the option 3 more or less.

    to put "non-free" into sources.list should also be an non-default choice, even when you install closed source firmware.
    No, that's a bad idea, which is one of the main reasons for the option 5.

    WBR, wRAR


    iQJhBAABCgBLFiEEolIP6gqGcKZh3YxVM2L3AxpJkuEFAmJkB8EtFIAAAAAAFQAP cGthLWFkZHJlc3NAZ251cGcub3Jnd3JhckBkZWJpYW4ub3JnAAoJEDNi9wMaSZLh 0IoP/0xX2j7e3UK8ETXw7ptj9W8iktrJh630KBdm8VBYmoxnJ+jvfo2C0DP9eXU9 XIPpoayR7/vbFCCzbgH4U9p/KTSSb1Iv1uAlEIaFQSoQLcT2Ukw1f8BCURopgZf4 EmHTtIgNXaiK5QL8hjZLcFGl5K5F9CJGfbs7Dp2Xhx7GsinxCRazo4jbxajZfgas fIJ+Tx5iN0+cBWinRTrdp+bENx4sklwzel1xLK019Mdth9Ez/1mxJgnt90lOzscC LNaE+TwQTrzrBXuLPeMQfJkr5Te2/+ma0QsruvolbDZN43hBCHIUqjdoyJ+ih0Sl AbHkHoiC7wCa61GboKz+K2Ers5YgJ2IoQwb/VxSkAxmu0plWGOC7hiw4HYjxiYl8 sNXtgzqs2xy+xmnJFgsUZpm3NU8if3646Yp1QQNN9Ri0cnyh/HbJNUxxv55CHBcy Yzlv2/O1eiphaYyAM5H6L/kAfJgVllEcFrIwyszToi2eoW7GAgNoywChRd2cidij SIXjxm9gVdfZ0JHz0/reza5eenDPvlof39XJ8M25sxaTC1JWm/wSMN7d/xFjs4kF OklhQI2GudmBoyYuzmd/FZVI9ajsjjIh+LUlrR8hw/DvDsRR206/eCTlsnwq7hqP Axkh4hp4GOROxjyc4MoH6K25t507BFb92hpoSuH5kJo5syjO
    -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Steve McIntyre@21:1/5 to Marc Haber on Sat Apr 23 19:30:01 2022
    Marc Haber wrote:
    On Fri, 22 Apr 2022 11:16:42 +0200, Philip Hands <phil@hands.com>
    I understand the urge to insist upon absolute DFSG purity in the media
    we produce, but when it comes to wanting to avoid every last shred of
    data that we could not regenerate ourselves, I think we crossed that
    line some time ago.

    I'm thinking of shim-signed, which is included in our official media.

    Despite being free software in source form, it is signed by Microsoft,
    and can only be expected to work with that signature ... which we cannot >>create.

    On most (all?) hardware one is able to avoid UEFI secure-boot, so won't >>need to use shim-signed, but I'd imagine that some hardware insists on >>secure-boot, or the opt-outs are somehow broken and so is not usable >>without shim-signed.

    Excuse me for asking a user question on -devel, but do we have any
    docs where someone explains how much a security trade off is
    shim-signed relativ to the optimum? I think that using shim-signed is
    surely worse than a directly signed kernel, but I don't know whether I
    can tell my system (or shim-signed?) to accept MY or Debian's signed
    kernel without the Microsoft intermediate signature, and whether this
    is any more secure than running an encrypted system without secure
    boot at all.

    We don't have good docs around this in general (hey, it's security
    software - it's against the law to write good and complete docs!), but
    I've certainly discussed this with a few folks over the years.

    Fundamentally, shim is a compromise. It lets us use an existing root
    of trust (that's already installed on the vast majority of x86
    machines) to bootstrap our own secure setup.

    If you don't like the fact that Microsoft's keys are involved. it's
    possible on a lot of machines to enrol your own keys and remove
    Microsoft's entirely. If you go that way, you could absolutely sign
    grub and/or the kernel directly. But that's not something that's easy
    to do - it's not likely to work well for the vast majority of users.

    Running an encrypted system without secure boot *at all* is a
    difficult thing to support well. The entire point of SB is that the
    firmware can use keys to validate the next stage in the boot
    process. An *encrypted* kernel stops other people logging in to your
    system, but it does not give you protection against somebody tampering
    with the system behind your back and doing a MitM attack.

    Alternatively, people can build replacement shim-signed packages using
    their own root of trust if desired. If we had a large enough number of
    users wanting a different root of trust, we could even offer our own
    different shim-signed package to match.


    If not, is the problem having other blobs of data on the media that we
    also cannot generate, or is it the licensing of that data, or something >>else?

    We can compile shim-signed and compare the signed code with our own
    object code, can't we? That we we would only have to worry about the >validity and benignness of the signature and not worry about having >undocumented functionality in the signed code.

    Better than that, our shim-signed source package always double-checks
    things here. At build time it removes the Microsoft signature and
    compares that shim binary to the binary that we submitted for
    signing. We would spot immediately if there was any code added.

    Steve McIntyre, Cambridge, UK. steve@einval.com "We're the technical experts. We were hired so that management could
    ignore our recommendations and tell us how to do our jobs." -- Mike Andrews

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Steven Robbins@21:1/5 to Luca Boccassi on Sat Apr 23 13:27:54 2022
    Luca Boccassi wrote:

    Personally, I'd even go for option 4, so that other drivers are covered
    too (the general advice that can be found on the internet for users
    with nvidia hardware seems to be: "avoid Debian, go Ubuntu/Mint/etc",
    which is just a sad state of affairs). But option 5 is already a great improvement upon the status quo.


    The original post did mention video cards, but I'm left unsure whether the non-free stuff in the NVidia case, for example, would fall into "firmware" (hence included) or "drivers". If the latter, my sense is that Option 5 was intended to be narrowly focused and exclude such drivers. I'd rather support
    a wider focus that would include drivers -- basically any "non-free hardware support package". So if Option 5 is narrow and Option 4 is wide-open "non- free" maybe there's room for an option in between?



    iQIzBAABCAAdFiEEy89k8fa3rclNjyokyeVeL63I9LkFAmJkRSoACgkQyeVeL63I 9LnaYQ//fH3j168kRA+I6jlua/1iar6j2vA4VDTQ8E3+zkEafBBi9qjmCyagV3bT O+tK5AmJAgz2Cq5A9VjGhtWbFO1LcZaoiWnu+pRsm29MQQbB9EGNvpH0e1R4Mm1G qiOzhJRB8Q33V+OAaMKQn+x1X9jP6AUbD2tGQ+ZhXSS+Nk4Ku2oSNc0TlS7lBa3x ksuU2J7CWqMlrgnDUp7zvArDk8GaIZj1eCoQmuTPNseQbIIjHOiVfqiUa1S0Mqpt LuheLdQxOstkNtEHfKr1TMAnYgMB0CYWGqm7ineTpv3wSZLsJwjm3d7akD8oaIet rGdaXv8tLs9CqOUF6RVgPM8+I2ITBro1itSzwrRzV/RjFHoRZAEg6Ijo5PJ+iJMh gvSERzJwEqKANpnBf4Pti2hPe/TqD6Rk2ZE3Rrx5mlt7sNBmiP3l+rbvPFAwnkG3 d11wrvTJFDVoCxQaoVuEZKHf4ir0+w6F4x6VIxrliiXo/5bVGd1IWe0SQ4J1eS3B O79O+7VOi23pklAogIfepy3dlxKD6hVJHzS8+4zPWJV0s70LJmrt1tI30N1Bjptl Y9em5kL8r7e9dBRviZ7Eg2imNnLC8p/xj9u9C7RfFI3X8CZJWkIF6GlWxRxJDuh8 ZKsU8kh/5q48DcDbvFqU+CHjN7f2xdTgr2GtXMy5JJbGq6NiweY=
    -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Iustin Pop@21:1/5 to Paul van der Vlis on Sat Apr 23 23:10:01 2022
    On 2022-04-23 22:48:03, Paul van der Vlis wrote:
    Op 23-04-2022 om 16:10 schreef Andrey Rahmatullin:
    On Sat, Apr 23, 2022 at 03:13:29PM +0200, Paul van der Vlis wrote:
    I see several possible options that the images team can choose from here.
    However, several of these options could undermine the principles of Debian. We
    don't want to make fundamental changes like that without the clear backing of
    the wider project. That's why I'm writing this...

    I have an idea for an extra option:

    6. Put the closed source firmware somewhere in the Debian images, but never
    install closed source firmware by default. "No" should be the default.
    That's the option 3 more or less.

    Option 3 says to publish two sets of images.
    And it says nothing about defaults.

    3. We could stop pretending that the non-free images are unofficial, and maybe move them alongside the normal free images so they're published together. This would make them easier to find for people that need them, but is likely to cause users to question why we still make any images without firmware if they're otherwise identical.

    to put "non-free" into sources.list should also be an non-default choice, even when you install closed source firmware.
    No, that's a bad idea, which is one of the main reasons for the option 5.

    The idea is not to promote closed source firmware in any way. Have it available, but only for the people who really want it.

    Uh. Have you actually read the start of the thread? Most machines
    nowadays *need* it. It's not about wanting, but about the fact that
    firmware is needed, and the more barriers you put in front of people,
    the more people will just go with Ubuntu or other alternatives.

    Making Debian hard to use is a very short-sighted view of how to promote
    free software - it works in the very short term only.


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Paul van der Vlis@21:1/5 to All on Sat Apr 23 23:00:01 2022
    Op 23-04-2022 om 16:10 schreef Andrey Rahmatullin:
    On Sat, Apr 23, 2022 at 03:13:29PM +0200, Paul van der Vlis wrote:
    I see several possible options that the images team can choose from here. >>> However, several of these options could undermine the principles of Debian. We
    don't want to make fundamental changes like that without the clear backing of
    the wider project. That's why I'm writing this...

    I have an idea for an extra option:

    6. Put the closed source firmware somewhere in the Debian images, but never >> install closed source firmware by default. "No" should be the default.
    That's the option 3 more or less.

    Option 3 says to publish two sets of images.
    And it says nothing about defaults.

    3. We could stop pretending that the non-free images are unofficial, and
    maybe move them alongside the normal free images so they're published
    together. This would make them easier to find for people that need them,
    but is likely to cause users to question why we still make any images
    without firmware if they're otherwise identical.

    to put "non-free" into sources.list should also be an non-default choice,
    even when you install closed source firmware.
    No, that's a bad idea, which is one of the main reasons for the option 5.

    The idea is not to promote closed source firmware in any way. Have it available, but only for the people who really want it.

    Maybe it's also an idea to put the firmware in a seperate partition.

    With regards,

    BTW: I sell Debian media like USB-sticks. I know about the problems
    people have to choose a medium-type etc.

    Paul van der Vlis Linux systeembeheer Groningen

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Andrey Rahmatullin@21:1/5 to Paul van der Vlis on Sat Apr 23 23:30:01 2022
    On Sat, Apr 23, 2022 at 10:48:03PM +0200, Paul van der Vlis wrote:
    I have an idea for an extra option:

    6. Put the closed source firmware somewhere in the Debian images, but never
    install closed source firmware by default. "No" should be the default.
    That's the option 3 more or less.

    Option 3 says to publish two sets of images.

    3. We could stop pretending that the non-free images are unofficial, and maybe move them alongside the normal free images so they're published together. This would make them easier to find for people that need them, but is likely to cause users to question why we still make any images without firmware if they're otherwise identical.
    If you want to drop the non-firmware image then it's the option 4 more or

    And it says nothing about defaults.
    d-i defaults are mostly unrelated to the ISO set and the archive setup questions. You seem to want to add a yet another "free vs usable, with
    free as the default" question, which is not too bad, just yet another
    thing for most people to change.

    to put "non-free" into sources.list should also be an non-default choice, even when you install closed source firmware.
    No, that's a bad idea, which is one of the main reasons for the option 5.

    The idea is not to promote closed source firmware in any way. Have it available, but only for the people who really want it.
    *shrug* that's just "have it available for most people" with extra
    complexity. And you seem to miss the problem with installing firmware
    packages but not enabling updates for them.

    WBR, wRAR


    iQJhBAABCgBLFiEEolIP6gqGcKZh3YxVM2L3AxpJkuEFAmJkbestFIAAAAAAFQAP cGthLWFkZHJlc3NAZ251cGcub3Jnd3JhckBkZWJpYW4ub3JnAAoJEDNi9wMaSZLh j+gP/i0k8XL2FqVdediSMR4YMu2D0Q57qyRIEDJDUKHSNiqe9YLR4iZGyfgA+5jM yLndi+0XEzpBWSqMjVK4laBLtjeXgwpdWhW0ZO1TC8Kx9+Oo8tL1VhAMRNJezpCH MhksnNIqoAM+SQNNMcO8m7TKD7YJYZvTAIIxRdYRDzdziF9Y4AOGGWRn6ULlMbDB 35l8M6oKsZ3RHH5SgtqySMjvN8OWZ0OKTnWwrRftnktoWlvsY+Mwsj4v3NUG4b9w xMk+Kl/gDl7Iml1lRaIdYJUV+uVInb5dLuBWYQWoprzY9RDdyx1sABtyPNrC95Q9 uNgbaoZqN7zHtzl5DwswqEhGZiDK4vd9KYwTYKY4tGgv4Qa74/cqRcixLRxlKQgX dDhGoqBWMlAfBzrL1CjgYb+xkkFIofxPVqS294ZjcQEixNjk8MjyVRFN5i01QYzE mncJzsrEquO5rOeHpX+9PfQ1mzDRVWrygO+4CbRwn4UGE5wEruCo67+NXx86EPfk muReoo3bnAoxLNLp8vrf/sQe4vfasg3tcLYUofO+Ta/S4KJGy7J6SOc3znPbsIxU u9rKnuOQUNpykxYBNOZpBKjU7jWInKVuCsAf1OARKaLYChkDXYJn3+FGd9RHGnRN 4OVZNrOCtH0HhXR1rNKriVp3EcIYRnO+67SzCj1yodAAolZ5
    -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Timothy M Butterworth@21:1/5 to All on Sat Apr 23 23:20:01 2022
    On Sat, Apr 23, 2022 at 4:50 PM Paul van der Vlis <paul@vandervlis.nl>

    Op 23-04-2022 om 16:10 schreef Andrey Rahmatullin:
    On Sat, Apr 23, 2022 at 03:13:29PM +0200, Paul van der Vlis wrote:
    I see several possible options that the images team can choose from
    However, several of these options could undermine the principles of Debian. We
    don't want to make fundamental changes like that without the clear backing of
    the wider project. That's why I'm writing this...

    I have an idea for an extra option:

    6. Put the closed source firmware somewhere in the Debian images, but never
    install closed source firmware by default. "No" should be the default.
    That's the option 3 more or less.

    Option 3 says to publish two sets of images.
    And it says nothing about defaults.

    3. We could stop pretending that the non-free images are unofficial, and maybe move them alongside the normal free images so they're published together. This would make them easier to find for people that need them,
    but is likely to cause users to question why we still make any images
    without firmware if they're otherwise identical.

    This is the option I like. As a user who needs the closed source binary
    blobs they should be easier to find.

    to put "non-free" into sources.list should also be an non-default
    even when you install closed source firmware.
    No, that's a bad idea, which is one of the main reasons for the option 5.

    The idea is not to promote closed source firmware in any way. Have it available, but only for the people who really want it.

    Maybe it's also an idea to put the firmware in a seperate partition.

    With regards,

    BTW: I sell Debian media like USB-sticks. I know about the problems
    people have to choose a medium-type etc.

    Paul van der Vlis Linux systeembeheer Groningen

    <div dir="ltr"><div dir="ltr"><br></div><br><div class="gmail_quote"><div dir="ltr" class="gmail_attr">On Sat, Apr 23, 2022 at 4:50 PM Paul van der Vlis &lt;<a href="mailto:paul@vandervlis.nl">paul@vandervlis.nl</a>&gt; wrote:<br></div><blockquote class="
    gmail_quote" style="margin:0px 0px 0px 0.8ex;border-left:1px solid rgb(204,204,204);padding-left:1ex">Op 23-04-2022 om 16:10 schreef Andrey Rahmatullin:<br>
    &gt; On Sat, Apr 23, 2022 at 03:13:29PM +0200, Paul van der Vlis wrote:<br> &gt;&gt;&gt; I see several possible options that the images team can choose from here.<br>
    &gt;&gt;&gt; However, several of these options could undermine the principles of Debian. We<br>
    &gt;&gt;&gt; don&#39;t want to make fundamental changes like that without the clear backing of<br>
    &gt;&gt;&gt; the wider project. That&#39;s why I&#39;m writing this...<br> &gt;&gt;<br>
    &gt;&gt; I have an idea for an extra option:<br>
    &gt;&gt; 6. Put the closed source firmware somewhere in the Debian images, but never<br>
    &gt;&gt; install closed source firmware by default. &quot;No&quot; should be the default.<br>
    &gt; That&#39;s the option 3 more or less.<br>

    Option 3 says to publish two sets of images.<br>
    And it says nothing about defaults.<br>

    3. We could stop pretending that the non-free images are unofficial, and <br> maybe move them alongside the normal free images so they&#39;re published <br> together. This would make them easier to find for people that need them, <br> but is likely to cause users to question why we still make any images <br> without firmware if they&#39;re otherwise identical.<br> ----<br></blockquote><div>This is the option I like. As a user who needs the closed source binary blobs they should be easier to find. </div><div> </div><blockquote class="gmail_quote" style="margin:0px 0px 0px 0.8ex;border-left:1px solid rgb(204,204,
    &gt;&gt; to put &quot;non-free&quot; into sources.list should also be an non-default choice,<br>
    &gt;&gt; even when you install closed source firmware.<br>
    &gt; No, that&#39;s a bad idea, which is one of the main reasons for the option 5.<br>

    The idea is not to promote closed source firmware in any way. Have it <br> available, but only for the people who really want it.<br>

    Maybe it&#39;s also an idea to put the firmware in a seperate partition.<br>

    With regards,<br>

    BTW: I sell Debian media like USB-sticks. I know about the problems <br>
    people have to choose a medium-type etc.<br>

    -- <br>
    Paul van der Vlis Linux systeembeheer Groningen<br>
    <a href="https://vandervlis.nl" rel="noreferrer" target="_blank">https://vandervlis.nl</a><br>


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Steve McIntyre@21:1/5 to Steven Robbins on Sun Apr 24 01:30:01 2022
    Steven Robbins wrote:

    Luca Boccassi wrote:

    Personally, I'd even go for option 4, so that other drivers are covered
    too (the general advice that can be found on the internet for users
    with nvidia hardware seems to be: "avoid Debian, go Ubuntu/Mint/etc",
    which is just a sad state of affairs). But option 5 is already a great
    improvement upon the status quo.


    The original post did mention video cards, but I'm left unsure whether the >non-free stuff in the NVidia case, for example, would fall into "firmware" >(hence included) or "drivers". If the latter, my sense is that Option 5 was >intended to be narrowly focused and exclude such drivers. I'd rather support >a wider focus that would include drivers -- basically any "non-free hardware >support package". So if Option 5 is narrow and Option 4 is wide-open "non- >free" maybe there's room for an option in between?

    I have no desire to add a wider set of packages from non-free onto our
    media, I'm afraid. I'm entirely focused on firmware and **not**
    drivers. As and when we start to draft a GR to formalise what the
    project wants, feel free to add an option for that too but I
    personally wouldn't expect it to gain much traction.

    Steve McIntyre, Cambridge, UK. steve@einval.com "We're the technical experts. We were hired so that management could
    ignore our recommendations and tell us how to do our jobs." -- Mike Andrews

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Simon Richter@21:1/5 to Iustin Pop on Sun Apr 24 05:10:01 2022

    On 4/23/22 11:07 PM, Iustin Pop wrote:

    Making Debian hard to use is a very short-sighted view of how to promote
    free software - it works in the very short term only.

    The same applies in the other direction -- making no real distinction
    between free and non-free software is a short term solution to the
    usability problem, but does not incentivize hardware vendors to open up
    designs in the slightest.

    With drivers, user awareness is there at least. People know that the nV
    drivers are essentially unsupported and if it breaks, they get to keep
    the pieces. The same isn't true for firmware, users just expect that
    stuff will work and if it doesn't, it's Debian's fault. We can either
    validate that expectation, or push back on it, saying "this hardware is supported on a best-effort basis, but we can't help you because it's
    closed source."


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Paul Wise@21:1/5 to Steve McIntyre on Sun Apr 24 04:40:01 2022
    On Sat, 2022-04-23 at 18:21 +0100, Steve McIntyre wrote:

    If you don't like the fact that Microsoft's keys are involved,
    it's possible on a lot of machines to enrol your own keys

    On machines where this isn't possible in the UEFI firmware interface,
    IIRC shim-signed is designed to allow you to enrol your own keys; you
    should be able to boot Debian's MS-signed shim-signed once, enrol your
    own keys and then switch to your own shim-signed. If UEFI bugs prevent
    loading your own shim-signed, then Debian's MS-signed shim-signed will
    still let you replace the Debian-signed GRUB, Linux etc images. 

    IIRC this was done so that the distro docs can ignore the UEFI firmware
    user interface for enrolling keys, which is different for every UEFI
    vendor, while the shim interface for this is the same everywhere.

    Of course, there may be UEFI bugs that break some of this, and on ARM
    the MS requirement to allow enrolling keys was initially not present,
    not sure if they re-added it for recent ARM based Windows laptops.

    and remove Microsoft's entirely.

    ISTR that I read that even if you can do this on your particular UEFI
    firmware, in practice this often *isn't* possible because parts of the pre-installed firmware for some devices (option ROMs?) are MS-signed.

    we could even offer our own different shim-signed package to match.

    Renaming shim-signed to shim-signed-microsoft and adding a new package shim-signed-debian sounds like a good idea to me.

    If we had a large enough number of users wanting a different root of trust

    I've seen a few people over the years wanting this, most want their own
    root of trust rather a Debian root of trust though. There probably
    aren't enough people to justify the extra effort, but it would make
    Debian useful in a few more use-cases.




    iQIzBAABCgAdFiEEYQsotVz8/kXqG1Y7MRa6Xp/6aaMFAmJkuCIACgkQMRa6Xp/6 aaPWDQ/7Bg8JUteppeSa3eo5P8uSXrJth+2zPr9LcUZsv1vgwefdJ0drhbRPGH0D QAoTy4rRNs8RtDo6KPPGVtThw234cY06zJq2Uz6LN5SdHWfWLdJHpFypAvWcniKi nSTv+9mgesHBdYIlPeEzpoD9finHE0M+oPyiPIMxxXvC9xoAsIwDP9GoGYUXN8cu m2xc5KYxPO2a0lGSWcsENhiZhzIuzqA69fHWbJilb7ZNltPXH9J0Loul3i5fJ+Ne 5oVHtbnD2YSZQidAakJDgQVogMQzFjNiJRckeGNVi6Z580D8ukcyFm6UoZKDhLBN 2FHzWxDVIiwE6Mk5jvm4CN3O2vHrd2lu509MDQ0ShTj/Z5Cv8o3oTRzewgsoEhxW wBJnr5Wkm1P/IWchmvxe93qyK/MNJ4S/DUxuilVNsb02M4vZKNh5dhR2wOebFcMv ZEkrMzSfYid4TiOeNQpJtJK7pXq/ceyxHq67eL4Zs2ouHLSpugzjKFEeqpb6yZFC WbqiymsmcOwvzxwatNE7KoqrSS+rrYtmy4q8b2qTvF7EIumZlgrv05f6b9fVFi+D AiCbXYhziIQElG+AO1+Jy3dQLeXaHMHnXDMV08s4Hsy/73G4XA4zTRnQY3KMTsYQ iuvAtWsfHZsdwEQDlm8nefOUVUVUAn5ShNoToLDQOv/6Va1lxBA=
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    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Tollef Fog Heen@21:1/5 to All on Sun Apr 24 09:00:01 2022
    ]] Marc Haber

    Excuse me for asking a user question on -devel, but do we have any
    docs where someone explains how much a security trade off is
    shim-signed relativ to the optimum? I think that using shim-signed is
    surely worse than a directly signed kernel, but I don't know whether I
    can tell my system (or shim-signed?) to accept MY or Debian's signed
    kernel without the Microsoft intermediate signature, and whether this
    is any more secure than running an encrypted system without secure
    boot at all.

    Do we have docs for that?

    I don't think we have docs for running with a different root of trust
    than MS'. To be honest, I'm not sure we even _should_ have a lot of docs
    around it, since the general brittleness of the boot process, UEFI and
    friends might very well lead to more systems being broken when people
    discover the docs and run with the instructions without understanding
    the implications.

    As for it being more secure, for that to be a good and meaningful
    discussion, we have to agree on what the threat model is. What's the
    threat you want to protect against by using your own or Debian's keys?

    Tollef Fog Heen
    UNIX is user friendly, it's just picky about who its friends are

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Andrey Rahmatullin@21:1/5 to Simon Richter on Sun Apr 24 09:50:01 2022
    On Sun, Apr 24, 2022 at 05:03:29AM +0200, Simon Richter wrote:
    Making Debian hard to use is a very short-sighted view of how to promote free software - it works in the very short term only.

    The same applies in the other direction -- making no real distinction
    between free and non-free software is a short term solution to the usability problem, but does not incentivize hardware vendors to open up designs in the slightest.
    Does the status quo incentivize them?

    With drivers, user awareness is there at least.
    (only for people who can actually differentiate drivers and firmware)

    People know that the nV drivers are essentially unsupported and if it
    breaks, they get to keep the pieces.
    As opposed to "nouveau usually doesn't work and if it indeed doesn't, just install the non-free driver".

    The same isn't true for firmware, users just expect that stuff will work
    and if it doesn't, it's Debian's fault. We can either validate that expectation, or push back on it, saying "this hardware is supported on a best-effort basis, but we can't help you because it's closed source."
    This, again, should be equally applied to loadable firmware and firmware
    on the board.

    WBR, wRAR


    iQJhBAABCgBLFiEEolIP6gqGcKZh3YxVM2L3AxpJkuEFAmJk/yktFIAAAAAAFQAP cGthLWFkZHJlc3NAZ251cGcub3Jnd3JhckBkZWJpYW4ub3JnAAoJEDNi9wMaSZLh mFcP/1/Z5YwTSZY7pNbKKTahe4RhB/pxiAcwR+0jEZ60PW0lvvKInL0d+mAfaPl9 BPNoGmMSP5ydZeUsDhSNSIaWCfj1joOmmFV3gtd/X4EUuhrb/MDrdsL4KDyeKC+g BKe2fLJqsxOJtoHkAYr4ZzOTXeZl4H2Aii7T/wYqgY2fKIBcMwYAANd+PICbu9Bc YtJVDHf2k8nHO1732NF2oN+Q5Ib+JoIKeYmDsBZllm2XVSHaSRFdjVGsQYRaAHnO iEGJKf2xlKNn14mv7Oi9+N42EWCw+w9qmqahGfi61C7F/Hu4W4NUItQsW+PSEmaW 4RBRTkc/dOy6nThugxmVXQl/gX1c/OxIb4mlwHAxpA26fbEvu5/E3DBlaicJh/OV 8r4iuS2BLFA1PyDSb42U1eF1E5jqvt7WxxmcOiOD2LNQugpxWjmDwPblK19nIePW rkK3cQyNRyMY5xrabnTU/BIfpSmwXeoiJTAV9MdRoySac6k6ju06fpe8gA5hZTJA 7/XmVQn8FjgBTlxnHyxhrP8hJlvQoDqcOk+g909HIajV8bsFEKDXlAl2YxwNjsJ2 /NEeZBTerdOMQNr6ATEnanr0ZGxYldQdzymB6kUIhdilRtIg72s8PTGcW4I3OOxe p/nns/+NbzezLZG1UgsYjLCl8hN0sDK0vFoApgYLn3sgRR6o
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    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Hanno 'Rince' Wagner@21:1/5 to Tollef Fog Heen on Sun Apr 24 09:20:01 2022
    Hi everbody,

    On Sun, 24 Apr 2022, Tollef Fog Heen wrote:

    I don't think we have docs for running with a different root of trust
    than MS'. To be honest, I'm not sure we even _should_ have a lot of docs around it, since the general brittleness of the boot process, UEFI and friends might very well lead to more systems being broken when people discover the docs and run with the instructions without understanding
    the implications.

    I am a very firm believer of giving people as much information as
    possible while being responsible. Meaning, that I would love to have
    that documentation - including a big warning sign which sais "if you
    follow this path, you may brick your machine and this is your problem,
    not ours". If someone is interested to learn _how_ the security is
    done and implemented, why should this be unavailable?

    As for it being more secure, for that to be a good and meaningful
    discussion, we have to agree on what the threat model is. What's the
    threat you want to protect against by using your own or Debian's keys?

    someone wants to make sure that no one except him is able to change
    the core functionalities of his device. or a company wants to make
    sure that the customer doesn't change the supported image he is
    provided with.
    my first guess would be a project like qubes-os, where they want to be
    able to give proof that no one change something on the system.

    best regards, Hanno Wagner
    | Hanno Wagner | Member of the HTML Writers Guild | Rince@IRC |
    | Eine gewerbliche Nutzung meiner Email-Adressen ist nicht gestattet! |
    | 74 a3 53 cc 0b 19 - we did it! | Generation @ | Fachbegriffe der Informatik : Updateritis
    Frank Klemm

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Luca Boccassi@21:1/5 to Steve McIntyre on Mon Apr 25 09:40:01 2022
    On Sun, 2022-04-24 at 00:23 +0100, Steve McIntyre wrote:
    Steven Robbins wrote:

    Luca Boccassi wrote:

    Personally, I'd even go for option 4, so that other drivers are covered too (the general advice that can be found on the internet for users
    with nvidia hardware seems to be: "avoid Debian, go Ubuntu/Mint/etc", which is just a sad state of affairs). But option 5 is already a great improvement upon the status quo.


    The original post did mention video cards, but I'm left unsure whether the non-free stuff in the NVidia case, for example, would fall into "firmware" (hence included) or "drivers". If the latter, my sense is that Option 5 was
    intended to be narrowly focused and exclude such drivers. I'd rather support
    a wider focus that would include drivers -- basically any "non-free hardware
    support package". So if Option 5 is narrow and Option 4 is wide-open "non- free" maybe there's room for an option in between?

    I have no desire to add a wider set of packages from non-free onto our
    media, I'm afraid. I'm entirely focused on firmware and **not**
    drivers. As and when we start to draft a GR to formalise what the
    project wants, feel free to add an option for that too but I
    personally wouldn't expect it to gain much traction.

    Fair enough - making the firmware situation better is definitely more
    important and urgent, and worth doing by itself. Focusing on that
    sounds like a good strategy. I do not intend to propose alternative

    Kind regards,
    Luca Boccassi

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Paul van der Vlis@21:1/5 to All on Mon Apr 25 18:10:01 2022
    Op 23-04-2022 om 23:30 schreef Andrey Rahmatullin:
    On Sat, Apr 23, 2022 at 10:48:03PM +0200, Paul van der Vlis wrote:
    I have an idea for an extra option:

    6. Put the closed source firmware somewhere in the Debian images, but never
    install closed source firmware by default. "No" should be the default.
    That's the option 3 more or less.

    Option 3 says to publish two sets of images.

    3. We could stop pretending that the non-free images are unofficial, and
    maybe move them alongside the normal free images so they're published
    together. This would make them easier to find for people that need them, but >> is likely to cause users to question why we still make any images without
    firmware if they're otherwise identical.
    If you want to drop the non-firmware image then it's the option 4 more or less.

    I see it more like option 5, with the difference that no closed source
    firmware or repository will be installed by default. With the non-free
    ISO this is the case.

    For people who don't like closed source firmware, it gives the option
    not to install some firmware. E.g.: do I need that bluetooth adapter?

    And we stay a possibility for FSF-people.

    And it says nothing about defaults.
    d-i defaults are mostly unrelated to the ISO set and the archive setup questions. You seem to want to add a yet another "free vs usable, with
    free as the default" question, which is not too bad, just yet another
    thing for most people to change.

    to put "non-free" into sources.list should also be an non-default choice, >>>> even when you install closed source firmware.
    No, that's a bad idea, which is one of the main reasons for the option 5. >>
    The idea is not to promote closed source firmware in any way. Have it
    available, but only for the people who really want it.
    *shrug* that's just "have it available for most people" with extra complexity. And you seem to miss the problem with installing firmware packages but not enabling updates for them.
    In that case the hardware will work, like how it would be if you would
    have the firmware on a (flash)rom on the device. You need to test the
    hardware only once, because the firmware will not change without special action.

    Most SSD devices also have firmware, do you update that firmware?

    With regards,
    Paul van der Vlis

    Paul van der Vlis Linux systeembeheer Groningen

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Andrey Rahmatullin@21:1/5 to Paul van der Vlis on Mon Apr 25 18:50:01 2022
    On Mon, Apr 25, 2022 at 05:53:03PM +0200, Paul van der Vlis wrote:
    I have an idea for an extra option:

    6. Put the closed source firmware somewhere in the Debian images, but never
    install closed source firmware by default. "No" should be the default.
    That's the option 3 more or less.

    Option 3 says to publish two sets of images.

    3. We could stop pretending that the non-free images are unofficial, and maybe move them alongside the normal free images so they're published together. This would make them easier to find for people that need them, but
    is likely to cause users to question why we still make any images without firmware if they're otherwise identical.
    If you want to drop the non-firmware image then it's the option 4 more or less.

    I see it more like option 5, with the difference that no closed source firmware or repository will be installed by default. With the non-free ISO this is the case.

    For people who don't like closed source firmware, it gives the option not to install some firmware. E.g.: do I need that bluetooth adapter?
    As I said, this is about d-i questions and defaults more than it's about
    ISO choices and content.

    And we stay a possibility for FSF-people.
    FSF people condemned Debian long ago: https://www.gnu.org/distros/common-distros.html#Debian

    Most SSD devices also have firmware, do you update that firmware?

    WBR, wRAR


    iQJhBAABCgBLFiEEolIP6gqGcKZh3YxVM2L3AxpJkuEFAmJmzxItFIAAAAAAFQAP cGthLWFkZHJlc3NAZ251cGcub3Jnd3JhckBkZWJpYW4ub3JnAAoJEDNi9wMaSZLh BiYP/2u9j+iIXe6VbtLRVpsWRsZJKlXH3N6c2A4y6VrNR8VdHj6/u248RtlJKShr uBEOCDrU8x2+6g+c3jeBzsolAJNkKP/P7ojc2pXWzsBWS4IvUdAoTOZublCSHUWG ZnjefqAaCKr2/xdspRvWP3BbwFBNJhFRWBbdyAeS3MneBCD2CFgtDMBerx7P3m/D xPLNe0YLe1zOVHlL2+wmmkyx6Qybm/s8+UYIDpKWN6e954wP/GQnCD0SMR5JS73a 0G3ByoRa8c5dwbpt7BNJ669Tl8/EDiATj/q7FF8QsRUdWA2qukkNtKIt5Osjt804 3XH6YTNtAYWHleCVYnpu4qS830hqLEO1BYWwxj6lfSQW2ChhUO1Vcjv5WxsiiOhp d+xr0dc0nLZJMEnUf8psIOAK0oVdN0zj6p3Znp5+y4DxCW5G9xUFmNCncOjsgEKV ue/eGiE30hfWm43lYN1qqIjM9U0QxHqjhWXgKGGFIIJiAmUkxzUYGq/YXpnGHyaw kea7ndMK3/OpuNqLGWkjhbewLxNwcSPqzBEjxQisXdoBjIdxSFq+J0DZ7dctufjD 7pzcUKNf/+oWdOIkzT5YgItyWuIXYi9y3HYl2+p7oZyEuMEih7GoEElbvCyKu9Ak uoHhWJQj8v/Gy+RjpP/I9UfcHewcW2axS9VbQibauPqMAb60
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    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From =?utf-8?Q?Hakan_Bay=C4=B1nd=C4=B1r?@21:1/5 to All on Mon Apr 25 22:50:01 2022
    On 25 Apr 2022, at 19:40, Andrey Rahmatullin <wrar@debian.org> wrote:

    On Mon, Apr 25, 2022 at 05:53:03PM +0200, Paul van der Vlis wrote:
    I have an idea for an extra option:

    6. Put the closed source firmware somewhere in the Debian images, but never
    install closed source firmware by default. "No" should be the default. >>>>> That's the option 3 more or less.

    Option 3 says to publish two sets of images.

    3. We could stop pretending that the non-free images are unofficial, and >>>> maybe move them alongside the normal free images so they're published
    together. This would make them easier to find for people that need them, but
    is likely to cause users to question why we still make any images without >>>> firmware if they're otherwise identical.
    If you want to drop the non-firmware image then it's the option 4 more or >>> less.

    I see it more like option 5, with the difference that no closed source
    firmware or repository will be installed by default. With the non-free ISO >> this is the case.

    For people who don't like closed source firmware, it gives the option not to >> install some firmware. E.g.: do I need that bluetooth adapter?
    As I said, this is about d-i questions and defaults more than it's about
    ISO choices and content.

    While what you’re saying is technically true, the default selection means much more than a default. It’s defines the stance of Debian, as a whole.

    So, if Option 5 is adopted, the default state is as important as the step itself IMHO. I also still believe that giving people the tools for assembling their "firmware enabled” install media is a valid option, but it’s not favored as far as I can see
    (no hard feelings, though).

    And we stay a possibility for FSF-people.
    FSF people condemned Debian long ago: https://www.gnu.org/distros/common-distros.html#Debian

    While I like and support what FSF is standing for, I don’t think their “condemnation” is a valid reason for not pursuing the ideals DFSG puts forward. In my opinion, DFSG is one of the things underpins the essence of Debian, and is a force for
    creating a more free and open world. We’re almost there on the driver side, and while it gonna take some time, we can be there on the firmware side. We just have to be persistent, sometimes stubborn even.

    Most SSD devices also have firmware, do you update that firmware?

    WBR, wRAR

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Ansgar@21:1/5 to All on Tue Apr 26 08:20:01 2022
    On Mon, 2022-04-25 at 23:48 +0300, Hakan Bayındır wrote:
    While what you’re saying is technically true, the default selection
    means much more than a default. It’s defines the stance of Debian, as
    a whole.
    So, if Option 5 is adopted, the default state is as important as the
    step itself IMHO. I also still believe that giving people the tools
    for assembling their "firmware enabled” install media is a valid
    option, but it’s not favored as far as I can see (no hard feelings, though).

    And we stay a possibility for FSF-people.
    FSF people condemned Debian long ago: https://www.gnu.org/distros/common-distros.html#Debian

    While I like and support what FSF is standing for, I don’t think
    their “condemnation” is a valid reason for not pursuing the ideals
    DFSG puts forward. In my opinion, DFSG is one of the things underpins
    the essence of Debian, and is a force for creating a more free and
    open world. We’re almost there on the driver side, and while it gonna
    take some time, we can be there on the firmware side. We just have to
    be persistent, sometimes stubborn even.

    Maybe then the "DFSG-free" installer should also exclude drivers for
    devices that require non-free firmware, including preinstalled non-free firmware? It could also show a message indicating that such devices are
    not supported (if possible).

    People could still assemble their "non-free firmware enabled" install
    media including such drivers.


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From =?UTF-8?Q?Hakan_Bay=c4=b1nd=c4=b1r?@21:1/5 to Ansgar on Tue Apr 26 09:50:01 2022
    On 4/26/22 09:12, Ansgar wrote:
    On Mon, 2022-04-25 at 23:48 +0300, Hakan Bayındır wrote:
    While what you’re saying is technically true, the default selection
    means much more than a default. It’s defines the stance of Debian, as
    a whole.
    So, if Option 5 is adopted, the default state is as important as the
    step itself IMHO. I also still believe that giving people the tools
    for assembling their "firmware enabled” install media is a valid
    option, but it’s not favored as far as I can see (no hard feelings,

    And we stay a possibility for FSF-people.
    FSF people condemned Debian long ago:

    While I like and support what FSF is standing for, I don’t think
    their “condemnation” is a valid reason for not pursuing the ideals
    DFSG puts forward. In my opinion, DFSG is one of the things underpins
    the essence of Debian, and is a force for creating a more free and
    open world. We’re almost there on the driver side, and while it gonna
    take some time, we can be there on the firmware side. We just have to
    be persistent, sometimes stubborn even.

    Maybe then the "DFSG-free" installer should also exclude drivers for
    devices that require non-free firmware, including preinstalled non-free firmware? It could also show a message indicating that such devices are
    not supported (if possible).

    People could still assemble their "non-free firmware enabled" install
    media including such drivers.

    While I understand where you're coming from, I don't think such thing is necessary, because a) Most popular devices with non-free firmware blobs
    already work without such firmware, albeit with a lower performance
    (e.g. Realtek NICs), and b) The drivers gracefully handle the lack of
    firmware already, with a couple of harmless "ERROR:" messages.

    It's worth noting that the drivers in question are already free software
    and might have functionality over time to support newer devices of the
    family which might have open firmware, or ideally the firmware code is published retroactively.

    Moreover, I guess excluding such drivers would require a new CI/CD
    pipeline, and may require new kernel packages complicating the situation further, for both users and maintainers alike.

    My ideal to make things as frictionless and transparent possible, while
    making the transition between two states as easy.

    I don't believe we have to decide between DFSG and convenience. A more
    gradual spectrum should be possible.




    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Andrey Rahmatullin@21:1/5 to All on Tue Apr 26 11:10:02 2022
    On Tue, Apr 26, 2022 at 11:59:20AM +0300, Hakan Bayındır wrote:
    No, they do not. Most popular devices won't work at all without non-
    free firmware, including boring things such as mass storage (SD cards,
    SSD, HDD, ..., and controllers), input devices (keyboards, mice, ...).

    Yeah, you’re right. Since the firmware images always there and doesn’t need to be hot-loaded by the driver itself 99% of the time (for these
    classes of devices), I tend to forget about them.
    Note that this fact was mentioned many times in this thread.

    I wonder whether these “proper” firmware can be considered as part of the hardware,
    FSF and/or some FSF proponents certainly think like this. Others just conveniently ignore it completely.

    since it’s bundled with the hardware, but not with the driver itself.
    In the Linux world loadable firmware is rarely "bundled with the driver".
    This includes the use case discussed in this thread.

    This makes matters more complicated, of course, but starting somewhere
    may create the same wedging effect as in the drivers, over time.
    Such arguments seem to ignore that
    1) it's not about "starting somewhere" because we aren't discussing
    something we will need to decide before some point in the future: the
    situation exists for many years, we are discussing whether we should
    change how to handle it, not how to start handling it;
    2) the often mentioned expected effect on hardware manufacturers should be already felt in some form as the status quo of not providing any non-free firmware on the official image is many years old;
    3) so far the usability of systems with the official image becomes worse,
    not better, over time.

    WBR, wRAR


    iQJhBAABCgBLFiEEolIP6gqGcKZh3YxVM2L3AxpJkuEFAmJntqUtFIAAAAAAFQAP cGthLWFkZHJlc3NAZ251cGcub3Jnd3JhckBkZWJpYW4ub3JnAAoJEDNi9wMaSZLh UbcP/05TNpH4OhyTbjX6QhO3EOi2P8hLMrGEkwlkK0W8Kw0X/bui+0W77FPnPBju oymGL2CHLZRVRK7Rg5004qLN05bZ5kaz/ol4/6GVezH1X9uHICeObZv9+HuCjMee 7NyndVwBrljz5EpDxpFtYg2Ae2MyCtzeFdJ1+eK6r7qq0NlVJcZcsQ+PcMqH5Dlu ODftjaUZAbK+c5/yWb/kCrB+79u5tdsluci+0P46idzIYCst2GCe5R7/AvPlcdgD ZVEnNTVFTrEzqcmDldOuACamjwQ5j+m+BWO6Uj6dat18vFY/hKZtQ+c7CGgU2JIu atkNUUU7e+o++tzAK+LaJzHlh7R3WSfUq8fov5Vy+NYXFioJ5dU9nyDILXYXmSIV FXp/uZlAu0rEbap7ovcbJzD6ChMtp/Ef6NyPpte78tkjkBUXoDiwBMDaRl5piJaN Jh79hGXI+Jc3hXAVwfy4IX0DunTCe+NGzZ7+eQi2t0QdczwBW31UFeZt4900y6gF x1Ne4CMjYGrt8b0rkVPcuvStxJyHBVPD897MMd/K9KuN2bNu0whPUclDrhAdEYGs p53upTW9I8VZ8D1hAvHjvyeWtdr7sHt00nW19X4wsyWRqQulrgro21zQyvtKix1Q cgZgUdH7wZ4f/lKS7fbguW50ptodvH52lwReVvMt1/F5FLzs
    -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Ansgar@21:1/5 to All on Tue Apr 26 10:40:02 2022
    On Tue, 2022-04-26 at 10:47 +0300, Hakan Bayındır wrote:
    While I understand where you're coming from, I don't think such thing
    is necessary, because a) Most popular devices with non-free firmware
    blobs already work without such firmware

    No, they do not. Most popular devices won't work at all without non-
    free firmware, including boring things such as mass storage (SD cards,
    SSD, HDD, ..., and controllers), input devices (keyboards, mice, ...).

    , albeit with a lower performance
    (e.g. Realtek NICs), and b) The drivers gracefully handle the lack of firmware already, with a couple of harmless "ERROR:" messages.

    I would assume such NICs actually come with preinstalled non-free
    firmware which just has less functionality...

    I get the impression you pretend that preinstalled non-free firmware
    just doesn't exist.


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From =?utf-8?Q?Hakan_Bay=C4=B1nd=C4=B1r?@21:1/5 to All on Tue Apr 26 11:00:01 2022
    On 26 Apr 2022, at 11:30, Ansgar <ansgar@43-1.org> wrote:

    On Tue, 2022-04-26 at 10:47 +0300, Hakan Bayındır wrote:
    While I understand where you're coming from, I don't think such thing
    is necessary, because a) Most popular devices with non-free firmware
    blobs already work without such firmware

    No, they do not. Most popular devices won't work at all without non-
    free firmware, including boring things such as mass storage (SD cards,
    SSD, HDD, ..., and controllers), input devices (keyboards, mice, ...).

    Yeah, you’re right. Since the firmware images always there and doesn’t need to be hot-loaded by the driver itself 99% of the time (for these classes of devices), I tend to forget about them.

    I wonder whether these “proper” firmware can be considered as part of the hardware, since it’s bundled with the hardware, but not with the driver itself. This makes matters more complicated, of course, but starting somewhere may create the same
    wedging effect as in the drivers, over time.

    , albeit with a lower performance
    (e.g. Realtek NICs), and b) The drivers gracefully handle the lack of
    firmware already, with a couple of harmless "ERROR:" messages.

    I would assume such NICs actually come with preinstalled non-free
    firmware which just has less functionality...

    I generally envision them as an old school hardware with some ARM cores attached, and the functionality is disabled since you don’t fire up the ARM core with the proper so-called “program”.

    I get the impression you pretend that preinstalled non-free firmware
    just doesn't exist.

    Ah no, it’s a honest brain-short. Since I exposed to a lot of hardware over the decades, my brain tends to categorize resident, non-updatable firmware as part of the hardware itself, since you have no access to it as you don’t have access to the

    Sorry for the unintentional misunderstanding and possible tension.




    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From =?UTF-8?Q?Hakan_Bay=c4=b1nd=c4=b1r?@21:1/5 to Andrey Rahmatullin on Tue Apr 26 11:50:01 2022
    On 4/26/22 12:08, Andrey Rahmatullin wrote:
    On Tue, Apr 26, 2022 at 11:59:20AM +0300, Hakan Bayındır wrote:
    No, they do not. Most popular devices won't work at all without non-
    free firmware, including boring things such as mass storage (SD cards,
    SSD, HDD, ..., and controllers), input devices (keyboards, mice, ...).

    Yeah, you’re right. Since the firmware images always there and doesn’t >> need to be hot-loaded by the driver itself 99% of the time (for these
    classes of devices), I tend to forget about them.
    Note that this fact was mentioned many times in this thread.

    I personally didn't have the time to follow/reread all of the thread unfortunately, however considering here's a development thread with a
    lot of knowledgeable people, it's of course expected.

    I wonder whether these “proper” firmware can be considered as part of the hardware,
    FSF and/or some FSF proponents certainly think like this. Others just conveniently ignore it completely.

    I didn't come to that point by being a FSF "proponent", but starting at
    an early age with a Commodore 64, and learning that firmware is
    something inside that you can't proverbially touch or update, then being
    able to touch it as my knowledge accumulates and firmware becomes closer
    to surface as the technology evolves.

    I always believed that everything should be open and accessible before I
    knew about Linux or FSF. These are just two things which align with my
    values well, and I use Debian for 15 years, since it's the best aligning distribution with my values, amongst many other things.

    I have no intention to derail the discussion by moving the goalposts or
    to "conveniently ignore" things.

    since it’s bundled with the hardware, but not with the driver itself.
    In the Linux world loadable firmware is rarely "bundled with the driver". This includes the use case discussed in this thread.

    By bundled with the driver I didn't mean "Linux World", but the bundle
    you receive from the vendor, mostly for Windows environment, and the
    media where the firmware lives (in the hardware vs. the driver image).
    Probably the days when Linux is considered as a second class citizen by
    most hardware vendors is still too ingrained in me. I wasn't clear
    enough, sorry about that.

    This makes matters more complicated, of course, but starting somewhere
    may create the same wedging effect as in the drivers, over time.
    Such arguments seem to ignore that
    1) it's not about "starting somewhere" because we aren't discussing
    something we will need to decide before some point in the future: the situation exists for many years, we are discussing whether we should
    change how to handle it, not how to start handling it;
    2) the often mentioned expected effect on hardware manufacturers should be already felt in some form as the status quo of not providing any non-free firmware on the official image is many years old;
    3) so far the usability of systems with the official image becomes worse,
    not better, over time.

    I'm aware of all three, and this is why I proposed a 6th option as my
    first message to this thread, which consists of creating a tool which
    combines the firmware.zip and the current free image to a USB flash
    drive and directly "burn" it, as an "automagic" solution, allowing users
    to assemble their images without complicating things on the policy side

    Again, to reiterate, I'm not "hard-against" adding firmware images to
    the official ISO and asking a question about installing them during installation, but considering the role and place of Debian among the
    Linux distributions, I just want to highlight that the choices done here
    will probably have a ripple effect, so we need to consider it correctly
    and have to be well-aware of the ethical implications, the DFSG and the
    Social Contract. And not undermine these two inadvertently with the
    actions we take.

    Hope it's more clear now,



    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Hans@21:1/5 to All on Tue Apr 26 11:50:01 2022
    Dear developers,

    if like to here an opinion from the useer side, please listen.

    I made many installations of debian in the last years, mostly notebooks preinstalled with windows. What often lacks is, that on many newer notebooks the network card is not accessible. Either due of missing firmware or because the network card is not included in the old installer kernel (speaking of debian/stable).

    This includes wireless and wired cards. Especially Intel, Atheros and Realtec cards are involved in this issue.

    So, if you ask me, what should be improved:

    1. For installation the latest kernel should be used. Can be deinstalled after installation.

    2. All (and I mean ALL!) firmware should be available on the installer. This means not, they should be installed. It should be installable, but must not forcely be installed. Maybe it CAN be installed, when it is needed during the installation.

    3. Kernel developers (and that is only a suggestion!), should take care , that "debian/stable" kernels support newest hardware.

    Just my 2 cents

    Best regards


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Marc Haber@21:1/5 to Ansgar on Tue Apr 26 16:10:01 2022
    On Sat, 23 Apr 2022 13:54:59 +0200, Ansgar <ansgar@43-1.org> wrote:
    On Sat, 2022-04-23 at 12:21 +0200, Marc Haber wrote:
    Is the presence of shim-signed on the install media enough to make
    people feel somehow contaminated?

    I think so, yes. Personally, I don't care too much but i can
    understand why some people might.


    If only I knew. I myself don't feel to comfortable to rely on
    Microsoft being able to pull the plug on us any time. I don't know
    whether they can, but I imagine some kind of revocation mechanism
    being in place.

    And it's anther lay of indirection. While RFC compliant (1925, 6a)
    this introduces another possible attach vector since shim-signed might
    have to do its own check about the kernel to load. I do not know zilch
    about the shim, but this might be an issue for people.

    Because it contains a third-party signature for which the private
    key is not included in Debian? The same is true for signatures in >debian-archive-keyring, debian-keyring, ca-certificates, wireless-
    regdb, and many other packages.

    A running system doesn't rely on any of those.

    If we were to include more signatures in binary packages (e.g., a
    signed manifest listing files (with hashes) shipped by the package,
    signed executables, an embedded signature for the .deb itself), would
    that be a problem?

    We do include signatures for source packages (*.dsc and also for
    upstream tarballs) as well.

    I would LOVE to have an easier possibility to check the actual
    uploader's signature for anything in the archive short of squatting on
    every changes file ever visible.

    We can compile shim-signed and compare the signed code with our own
    object code, can't we?  That we we would only have to worry about the
    validity and benignness of the signature and not worry about having
    undocumented functionality in the signed code.

    Debian's buildds build shim (binary package: shim-unsigned); the binary >generated by Debian is then signed by Microsoft's key.

    And we have a mechanism to check whether the code is actually the

    -------------------------------------- !! No courtesy copies, please !! ----- Marc Haber | " Questions are the | Mailadresse im Header Mannheim, Germany | Beginning of Wisdom " |
    Nordisch by Nature | Lt. Worf, TNG "Rightful Heir" | Fon: *49 621 72739834

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Marc Haber@21:1/5 to All on Tue Apr 26 16:20:01 2022
    On Sat, 23 Apr 2022 18:21:47 +0100, Steve McIntyre <steve@einval.com>
    We don't have good docs around this in general (hey, it's security
    software - it's against the law to write good and complete docs!), but
    I've certainly discussed this with a few folks over the years.

    It would be great to have that written down somewhere to tell poeple
    what they're actually doing.

    Alternatively, people can build replacement shim-signed packages using
    their own root of trust if desired. If we had a large enough number of
    users wanting a different root of trust, we could even offer our own >different shim-signed package to match.

    I would probably prefer to have grub an/or the kernel signed, avoiding additional code, but maybe having some explanation would convince me
    that the shim actually improves things additionally to adding

    Better than that, our shim-signed source package always double-checks
    things here. At build time it removes the Microsoft signature and
    compares that shim binary to the binary that we submitted for
    signing. We would spot immediately if there was any code added.

    And if that check fails at build time, the Debian process refrains
    from putting a Debian signature on the deb and from uploading? Can the
    end user build the shim herself, remove the signature from the signed
    shim and compare the binary, preferably in a documented way?

    -------------------------------------- !! No courtesy copies, please !! ----- Marc Haber | " Questions are the | Mailadresse im Header Mannheim, Germany | Beginning of Wisdom " |
    Nordisch by Nature | Lt. Worf, TNG "Rightful Heir" | Fon: *49 621 72739834

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Ansgar@21:1/5 to Marc Haber on Tue Apr 26 17:00:01 2022
    On Tue, 2022-04-26 at 16:04 +0200, Marc Haber wrote:
    On Sat, 23 Apr 2022 13:54:59 +0200, Ansgar <ansgar@43-1.org> wrote:

    If only I knew. I myself don't feel to comfortable to rely on
    Microsoft being able to pull the plug on us any time. I don't know
    whether they can, but I imagine some kind of revocation mechanism
    being in place.

    As with all certificate systems, the revocation system is fairly broken

    Because it contains a third-party signature for which the private
    key is not included in Debian? The same is true for signatures in debian-archive-keyring, debian-keyring, ca-certificates, wireless-
    regdb, and many other packages.

    A running system doesn't rely on any of those.

    It will also work if Secure Boot is disabled (which should be possible
    on at least all x86 systems). If you want Secure Boot w/ Microsoft's
    key[1], then you obviously have to rely on Microsoft's key.

    [1]: As far as I understand, one reason it's Microsoft's key is that
    nobody else wanted to run a CA for this.

    Debian's buildds build shim (binary package: shim-unsigned); the
    binary generated by Debian is then signed by Microsoft's key.

    And we have a mechanism to check whether the code is actually the

    You can do that even manually:

    | $ diff -u <(hexdump -C ../s/usr/lib/shim/shimx64.efi) <(hexdump -C shimx64.efi.signed) | head -n 26
    | --- /proc/self/fd/11 2022-04-26 16:35:32.983515245 +0200
    | +++ /proc/self/fd/17 2022-04-26 16:35:32.983515245 +0200
    | @@ -11,12 +11,12 @@
    | 000000a0 00 72 06 00 00 00 00 00 00 20 02 00 00 20 02 00 |.r....... ... ..|
    | 000000b0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 10 00 00 00 02 00 00 |................|
    | 000000c0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |................|
    | -000000d0 00 00 0d 00 00 04 00 00 9b 82 0e 00 0a 00 00 00 |................|
    | +000000d0 00 00 0d 00 00 04 00 00 bb af 0e 00 0a 00 00 00 |................|
    | 000000e0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |................|
    | *
    | 00000100 00 00 00 00 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |................|
    | 00000110 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |................|
    | -*
    | +00000120 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 e8 1f 0e 00 78 21 00 00 |............x!..|
    | 00000130 00 f0 07 00 0a 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |................|
    | 00000140 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |................|
    | *
    | @@ -57279,5 +57279,540 @@
    | 000e1fb0 44 00 6c 6f 61 64 5f 6f 70 74 69 6f 6e 73 00 50 |D.load_options.P|
    | 000e1fc0 4b 45 59 5f 55 53 41 47 45 5f 50 45 52 49 4f 44 |KEY_USAGE_PERIOD|
    | 000e1fd0 5f 69 74 00 58 35 30 39 5f 4e 41 4d 45 5f 45 4e |_it.X509_NAME_EN|
    | -000e1fe0 54 52 59 5f 69 74 00 |TRY_it.|
    | -000e1fe7
    | +000e1fe0 54 52 59 5f 69 74 00 00 78 21 00 00 00 02 02 00 |TRY_it..x!......|
    | +000e1ff0 30 82 21 6b 06 09 2a 86 48 86 f7 0d 01 07 02 a0 |0.!k..*.H.......|
    | +000e2000 82 21 5c 30 82 21 58 02 01 01 31 0f 30 0d 06 09 |.!\0.!X...1.0...|

    If I remember correctly:
    - the first change (~0xd0) should be a checksum of either the file or
    just the header
    - the second change (~0x120) is the offset of the signature table in 
    the database (0xe1fe8) and its size.
    - the third change (~0xe1fe0) is appending the signature

    You can also extract the signature, attach the signature to the
    unsigned file and verify you get the same binary (src:shim-signed does this[2]).

    [2]: https://salsa.debian.org/efi-team/shim-signed/-/blob/52f43dc447fdc4fbb948a5883c0a04077aeb7dd4/Makefile#L9

    One could also teach diff tools to strip/ignore signatures. This would
    be useful if we decide to sign ELF executables, files lists or binary
    package themselves: without excluding the signature, no package would
    be reproducible any longer...


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Steve McIntyre@21:1/5 to Marc Haber on Tue Apr 26 18:40:01 2022
    Marc Haber wrote:
    On Sat, 23 Apr 2022 18:21:47 +0100, Steve McIntyre <steve@einval.com>

    Better than that, our shim-signed source package always double-checks >>things here. At build time it removes the Microsoft signature and
    compares that shim binary to the binary that we submitted for
    signing. We would spot immediately if there was any code added.

    And if that check fails at build time, the Debian process refrains
    from putting a Debian signature on the deb and from uploading? Can the
    end user build the shim herself, remove the signature from the signed
    shim and compare the binary, preferably in a documented way?

    Look at the shim-signed source - the build will fail if the code has

    Steve McIntyre, Cambridge, UK. steve@einval.com "We're the technical experts. We were hired so that management could
    ignore our recommendations and tell us how to do our jobs." -- Mike Andrews

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Bastian Blank@21:1/5 to Marc Haber on Tue Apr 26 21:10:01 2022

    On Tue, Apr 26, 2022 at 04:14:02PM +0200, Marc Haber wrote:
    On Sat, 23 Apr 2022 18:21:47 +0100, Steve McIntyre <steve@einval.com>
    We don't have good docs around this in general (hey, it's security
    software - it's against the law to write good and complete docs!), but
    I've certainly discussed this with a few folks over the years.
    It would be great to have that written down somewhere to tell poeple
    what they're actually doing.

    Something like https://wiki.debian.org/SecureBoot?

    Alternatively, people can build replacement shim-signed packages using >their own root of trust if desired. If we had a large enough number of >users wanting a different root of trust, we could even offer our own >different shim-signed package to match.
    I would probably prefer to have grub an/or the kernel signed, avoiding additional code, but maybe having some explanation would convince me
    that the shim actually improves things additionally to adding

    All the UEFI parts (GRUB, kernel) and also the kernel modules _are_
    signed. Otherwise this whole stunt would be kind of useless.

    However, secure boot signing process at Microsoft is a review-sign
    process, aka you send the binary to the authority and get a signature
    back. They don't provide a signed certificate, which you could use to
    sign stuff at will, as you would do with an e-mail (to be exact, S/MIME
    and secure boot uses the same signature format).

    So it is simply not possible with the existing process, to sign
    everything with it. So shim was introduced, which is signed using the
    review process, and adapts the signing to accept signatures done by
    another CA, which is controlled by Debian and used to sign everything.


    Extreme feminine beauty is always disturbing.
    -- Spock, "The Cloud Minders", stardate 5818.4

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Paul Wise@21:1/5 to Bastian Blank on Wed Apr 27 00:10:01 2022
    On Tue, 2022-04-26 at 20:41 +0200, Bastian Blank wrote:

    secure boot signing process at Microsoft is a review-sign process

    What kind of review are Microsoft doing of the Debian shim?

    Are they reviewing the source and checking for a reproducible build?




    iQIzBAABCgAdFiEEYQsotVz8/kXqG1Y7MRa6Xp/6aaMFAmJobMMACgkQMRa6Xp/6 aaPBkxAAjbLDrOHY/bVuvvrPqu6cCETDU/gdSJ9HvdLVew3zmW1Cgc/hIkanAOUc XhLW2z3tBD1V+GwyCRTQyPrcbRcfYDZ41jfaGlU4vnyyUhGmAW0HASJMjQIx3+wN nOGGKng03hmbBCOAzcQBm2b9ESj/XrCZhKdg/g8Oq++0uFh3Ohet3f1wqS8Y79Wn /60ecia/IcppYEkRUhn/9BFDkttQlEDNVKhKzfqTdO9GUoNIdvGAAAo0jW5gyd2L 4D0Oauk14lC7LCgrTyFzchvv1bSOgcmq5e10VpEtkkh7sZTCFVFb/MdqLqofSkib cBboHNSy9ppo3jwdt6gUnSTHfAPxp33LMlVNuHYnh9KXrkmmQ+DI6cjhEd7vJj7V NljRFFpeO84J8r5NPfMqyZsL6ktmwx9iJrEQb6IA7ZUZCaYYpX2876XSkhbOkXfL yLkJp72I1OVSt7iEhnkesMAeO0in/qjpynbcQZNs3Dc5q7Ss2zb7QXCZNzIZFL8x xp3HIlC3OgZVTgtdR48sguy8dE5du+VGdbJO4ZOJraQZM1jOUcEkRvO5/w7XAjak cBg7WJDMOs6uRTb03rqWFEkQ5Ps0YIexN/axMt4KdRRd7KNYoPLvGophp4809jTs 9Q0RRrEWs+sHaFDwkzIHU/HMR9LjSwbsDT6iFKydp4kI0wqWtRw=
    -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From The Wanderer@21:1/5 to Paul Wise on Wed Apr 27 00:40:01 2022
    This is an OpenPGP/MIME signed message (RFC 4880 and 3156)
    On 2022-04-26 at 18:05, Paul Wise wrote:

    On Tue, 2022-04-26 at 20:41 +0200, Bastian Blank wrote:

    secure boot signing process at Microsoft is a review-sign process

    What kind of review are Microsoft doing of the Debian shim?

    Are they reviewing the source and checking for a reproducible build?

    I'd be curious to have a more in-depth answer to this, myself.

    My understanding has always been that they check to make sure that what
    they're signing is not visibly malicious, and in most cases also that it
    can't chain to load something else (which isn't signed, and might be malicious). Since the entire purpose of the shim - at least as I
    understand it - is to chain to load something else, clearly either that understanding is not correct, or they're making an exception for the
    case of the shim.

    The Wanderer

    The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one
    persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all
    progress depends on the unreasonable man. -- George Bernard Shaw


    iQIzBAEBCgAdFiEEJCOqsZEc2qVC44pUBKk1jTQoMmsFAmJoc0gACgkQBKk1jTQo MmsdzBAApQDuDyNiBeAfs1izF+W8V+lD8d8/dZFzA14FGD0NfX2+ejJQ5L8tvZrf rfs05E5NxsPH1UOMGjWAD/4Fap2eKyMwImZvPJFb2RLd8p4uL+UT8FePG/u6HVJ4 pKU0nwylTqkK+U6P5YCwvW2xehrnB6uYRk+6rkNHYXfTZnPrqk+CjsTpRgjHPRe6 DtWRS02BH/IN6VzikxEc9TOWSRqHVbD32e/Nve8TmovecSWcFkH5E6wjfBC05jJ7 7qjw7kT1a6R2T78YxxWxU7XUvFiPlAdZs3crUlaOJHuEpPy3fT8pfVxl+ZetcycI 9SmKOq7MQno3ZoGLa9hJuC00O2z4JCgXW50MAtpzvZCsmsGhSg/F4V9uHKqDIo9F BPvv8KKELyPFa+SL0tCIk1FqYnAxDGx7PycpvkqRwaiKuCL2DITLT8z/5sbxUsaR 6iB9Wj+Uy3Eoa21KrToEZaLcW+Caq5k7jJPdwjPEpbfJtHuP4wC/607kvHSNgJ10 2CPkXeeADUR0OHi4d9DctUuGVopmgIyyO9eqVhcsmfT+UsBZ0EGojo3hTa8O2xSC kK0p2GVRm76yxL2NaTgol9uRF5jXCAs+G1AAFmhopsdyPHb8cYGVYJVzv7HB/790 3wphk+AeZYEtK1m3cPctWFE3eW7W
  • From The Wanderer@21:1/5 to Marc Haber on Wed Apr 27 00:40:01 2022
    This is an OpenPGP/MIME signed message (RFC 4880 and 3156)
    On 2022-04-26 at 10:14, Marc Haber wrote:

    On Sat, 23 Apr 2022 18:21:47 +0100, Steve McIntyre
    <steve@einval.com> wrote:

    Alternatively, people can build replacement shim-signed packages
    using their own root of trust if desired. If we had a large enough
    number of users wanting a different root of trust, we could even
    offer our own different shim-signed package to match.

    I would probably prefer to have grub an/or the kernel signed,
    avoiding additional code, but maybe having some explanation would
    convince me that the shim actually improves things additionally to
    adding complexity.

    My understanding has always been that the point of having a
    Microsoft-signed shim, rather than having Microsoft sign GRUB or the
    kernel, is to A: avoid the need for round-trip with Microsoft's signing facilities every time the GRUB or kernel packages are updated, and B:
    ensure that end-users can still build their own kernels (et cetera)
    without having to go through the Microsoft signing process, even if
    their systems are set up to take advantage of the signed shim.

    (And the point of having Microsoft sign it, rather than using a signing
    key under the control of e.g. Debian, is that Microsoft's key is already considered valid by the relevant firmware environments - including the
    ones that can't be told to add another key to the list of valid ones.
    That avoids having another barrier to entry, in the form of a set of
    steps at the start of the install process which is going to be different
    per UEFI designer, and is also going to be complex and unintuitive from
    the perspective of a non-technical potential new user.)

    I can't speak to how big of an advantage A is, but B seems to me to be
    pretty important.

    If that understanding is not correct, I'd be interested to learn what
    the actual point of having the shim is.

    The Wanderer

    The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one
    persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all
    progress depends on the unreasonable man. -- George Bernard Shaw


    iQIzBAEBCgAdFiEEJCOqsZEc2qVC44pUBKk1jTQoMmsFAmJocrsACgkQBKk1jTQo Mmv0UA/8CHZGmyagQvTIDT3H5zqA1SRDQ32y6l6xOtV8lmWBl6FfwmI7JW7KUhje Bdic9UoihVMZ1iYEyMTTz+G6yEJk8y03U8S7/8/M+FP/s7MRywkjoxhpl+DiB2HI jorpnVylH7qFRqxxblF3psMXtQbX3h1rmObQLCo5kenwvGDm9qnTKWErLFRXgns1 9f/yS2TuppkU2TN1G/eLw5i7RkY3nr1iCDQcoL/DCWJ+ghj0vWU1e9b7Xo4xt1HH SDnovm4EYACTZTKfO1Cdru+YMRPllCSA8MHFgJLF++D9WFRpRI3m5X5HszjL478i cmNcKWblchshUJAOluMHjGavX2jmLdePmjGhNVsEjo6qaxrpbDlk9G/oIMqVZV4R UzS4n4UuGOfdgANTUyiMW/855CJrX+1UC5J+iot2L8xLTouhQSYRplB2DFKw5M3x hWYHTuHbpti6v25KZKJC+0CgTOUnEkYNMiV8qA1vohssbsCJWF8REe0OSQI+hcQZ ld1wKBb1M4BWeJ+xhlLlj2n8e08HoaiuHF5YH+5p2eNUhcspnYB87X+9RReofVks pDqYInTrEMys1Q0FhQKU5GcAAYCnYCUaQsamMb+WXr++iBv/u6ftjUrCqKi5nGmq THuabKu7Q0af05elW1dFwgsFlVOR
  • From Tollef Fog Heen@21:1/5 to All on Thu Apr 28 06:30:01 2022
    ]] The Wanderer

    I can't speak to how big of an advantage A is, but B seems to me to be
    pretty important.

    It's a manual process that includes poking around in MS' partner portal,
    USB HSMs stored in a safe place and rebooting to Windows, then checking
    back days (and sometimes weeks) later to download the result. It's not something we would want to do for anything fast-moving.

    If that understanding is not correct, I'd be interested to learn what
    the actual point of having the shim is.

    Part of it is also that Microsoft is not going to sign GPL-ed code,
    certainly not GPLv3.

    Tollef Fog Heen
    UNIX is user friendly, it's just picky about who its friends are

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Steve McIntyre@21:1/5 to Tollef Fog Heen on Thu Apr 28 18:30:01 2022
    Tollef Fog Heen wrote:
    ]] Hanno 'Rince' Wagner

    I am a very firm believer of giving people as much information as
    possible while being responsible. Meaning, that I would love to have
    that documentation - including a big warning sign which sais "if you
    follow this path, you may brick your machine and this is your problem,
    not ours". If someone is interested to learn _how_ the security is
    done and implemented, why should this be unavailable?

    Sadly, warnings generally don't work because people will ignore them and >break their systems and then blame the people writing the
    documentation, causing load and grief on people were trying to be
    helpful by writing the docs.

    I don't think we should invest a lot into writing the docs required
    because we can use that effort elsewhere. Documentation requires >maintenance, just like everything else and if it's rarely used, we get
    little value out of that effort. If somebody is very eager to write and >maintain that documentation over time, by all means, but we haven't seen >anyone step up to do so.


    Alongside doing technical stuff, I've written a fair amount of
    user-facing docs for UEFI, shim and secure boot over the last few
    years. In the limited time I have available, I've tried to focus on
    the common cases for people using an expected simple setup. I'd *love*
    some help to cover more of the space.

    Steve McIntyre, Cambridge, UK. steve@einval.com "We're the technical experts. We were hired so that management could
    ignore our recommendations and tell us how to do our jobs." -- Mike Andrews

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Steve McIntyre@21:1/5 to The Wanderer on Thu Apr 28 18:30:01 2022
    The Wanderer wrote:
    On 2022-04-26 at 10:14, Marc Haber wrote:

    On Sat, 23 Apr 2022 18:21:47 +0100, Steve McIntyre
    <steve@einval.com> wrote:

    Alternatively, people can build replacement shim-signed packages
    using their own root of trust if desired. If we had a large enough
    number of users wanting a different root of trust, we could even
    offer our own different shim-signed package to match.

    I would probably prefer to have grub an/or the kernel signed,
    avoiding additional code, but maybe having some explanation would
    convince me that the shim actually improves things additionally to
    adding complexity.

    My understanding has always been that the point of having a
    Microsoft-signed shim, rather than having Microsoft sign GRUB or the
    kernel, is to A: avoid the need for round-trip with Microsoft's signing >facilities every time the GRUB or kernel packages are updated, and B:
    ensure that end-users can still build their own kernels (et cetera)
    without having to go through the Microsoft signing process, even if
    their systems are set up to take advantage of the signed shim.

    Correct on both counts. There's also:

    C: Microsoft will not sign GPL software here

    Shim is deliberately licenced permissively to get around that issue.

    (And the point of having Microsoft sign it, rather than using a signing
    key under the control of e.g. Debian, is that Microsoft's key is already >considered valid by the relevant firmware environments - including the
    ones that can't be told to add another key to the list of valid ones.
    That avoids having another barrier to entry, in the form of a set of
    steps at the start of the install process which is going to be different
    per UEFI designer, and is also going to be complex and unintuitive from
    the perspective of a non-technical potential new user.)

    Nod. As we found in the Arm ecosystem a few years ago when discussing
    a similar setup for SB, it's also *very* difficult to find people who
    are capable, willing, large and trusted enough to act as the CA. Linux
    users may not like it that Microsoft are involved here, but system
    vendors also care here. There's potentially a huge liability for
    broken systems if somebody screws up...

    Steve McIntyre, Cambridge, UK. steve@einval.com "We're the technical experts. We were hired so that management could
    ignore our recommendations and tell us how to do our jobs." -- Mike Andrews

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Steve McIntyre@21:1/5 to The Wanderer on Thu Apr 28 18:20:01 2022
    The Wanderer wrote:
    On 2022-04-26 at 18:05, Paul Wise wrote:

    On Tue, 2022-04-26 at 20:41 +0200, Bastian Blank wrote:

    secure boot signing process at Microsoft is a review-sign process

    What kind of review are Microsoft doing of the Debian shim?

    Are they reviewing the source and checking for a reproducible build?

    I'd be curious to have a more in-depth answer to this, myself.

    My understanding has always been that they check to make sure that what >they're signing is not visibly malicious, and in most cases also that it >can't chain to load something else (which isn't signed, and might be >malicious). Since the entire purpose of the shim - at least as I
    understand it - is to chain to load something else, clearly either that >understanding is not correct, or they're making an exception for the
    case of the shim.

    Microsoft themselves *don't* do direct code review of the shim
    submissions; they acknowledged some time ago that they didn't have
    direct knowledge good enough to make this sensible. Instead, there is
    a team of trusted distro maintainers who have stepped up to revies
    submissions. See

    * https://github.com/rhboot/shim-review
    * https://github.com/rhboot/shim/wiki

    for more information about what we look for. Every single patch that's
    applied to a signed shim will be reviewed by the community, and we
    also want to see what patches people have aplied to Grub, Linux,
    etc. too.

    We need a reproducible build for shim so that we can check that the
    shipped binary for signing matches what we can rebuild ourselves.

    Steve McIntyre, Cambridge, UK. steve@einval.com "We're the technical experts. We were hired so that management could
    ignore our recommendations and tell us how to do our jobs." -- Mike Andrews

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Andres Salomon@21:1/5 to All on Thu Apr 28 23:00:01 2022
    Thanks for starting this conversation!

      5. We could split out the non-free firmware packages into a new
         non-free-firmware component in the archive, and allow a specific exception
         only to allow inclusion of those packages on our official media.
    We would
         then generate only one set of official media, including those non-free
         firmware packages.

         (We've already seen various suggestions in recent years to split
    up the
         non-free component of the archive like this, for example into
        non-free-firmware, non-free-doc, non-free-drivers, etc. Disagreement     (bike-shedding?) about the split caused us to not make any
    progress on
         this. I believe this project should be picked up and completed.
    We don't
         have to make a perfect solution here immediately, just something
    that works
         well enough for our needs today. We can always tweak and improve
    the setup
        incrementally if that's needed.)

    These are the most likely possible options, in my opinion. If you
    have a better
    suggestion, please let us know!

    I'd like to take this set of options to a GR, and do it soon. I want
    to get a
    clear decision from the wider Debian project as to how to organise
    firmware and
    installation images. If we do end up changing how we do things, I
    want a clear
    mandate from the project to do that.

    Personally, I'm a fan of option #5. However, I'd like to point out that
    these are two separate things, the first of which (creating a
    non-free-firmware archive component) would benefit users greatly and
    doesn't require a GR. I use non-free on my systems pretty much
    exclusively for non-free firmware. On my systems that require it, I
    would appreciate an archive that is ONLY non-free firmware. That would
    ensure that I never accidentally pull in a piece of (non-firmware)
    software from non-free.

    In the past, I have absentmindedly installed rar or unrar from non-free
    when I meant to install unrar-free from main. Ideally that shouldn't be
    a mistake that could even happen. With a non-free-firmware archive, I
    could ensure that it never happens again.



    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Helmut Grohne@21:1/5 to Steve McIntyre on Sat Apr 30 14:10:01 2022
    Hi Steve et al,

    On Tue, Apr 19, 2022 at 01:27:46AM +0100, Steve McIntyre wrote:
    TL;DR: firmware support in Debian sucks, and we need to change this. See the "My preference, and rationale" Section below.

    Thank you for the excellent write-up.

    5. We could split out the non-free firmware packages into a new
    non-free-firmware component in the archive, and allow a specific exception
    only to allow inclusion of those packages on our official media. We would
    then generate only one set of official media, including those non-free
    firmware packages.

    My perception is that we already have largely consensus on this option
    despite a few vocal minorities disagreeing with it.

    I think that the main disagreements fall into one of two categories:

    * Debian should provide an entirely free installation media.
    * The user should have a choice for whether to run/install non-free

    A few people have spoken in favour of continuing the building of free
    images. Can you give more intuition on how much extra cost (work) these
    images add if the alternative is to only produce the ones with non-free firmware? How about reducing the effort to test free images?

    I imagine here that we kinda reverse our current presentation. Rather
    than show the free ones and hide the non-free ones, we'd present the
    ones with firmware as official installation media. I trust that those
    users that really need the free ones, will be able to locate them
    despite not being presented prominently.

    If continuing the production of free images does not impose an undue
    workload, I think we could increase the consensus for an option 5b (and
    also produce hidden free images).

    Regarding the choice, Russ and others mentioned that the presentation of
    that choice is not encoded in the option. From a GR-pov, I think that's
    the right way forward. However, we may discuss it separately.

    The argument about making an informed choice seems rather convincing to
    me. As such, I'd prefer for the default installation to do the
    * Check whether any non-free firmware is being used by the installer.
    I'm not 100% sure whether this is possible with reasonable effort and
    precision, but an approximation might not be too bad. A first try
    could be: dmesg | grep "firmware: direct-loading firmware"
    * Add a prompt to the default installation that asks whether non-free
    firmware should be included in the installation. It should also
    indicate whether non-free firmware has already been used in the
    process of booting the installation media. Regardless of whether it
    has been used, I'd prefer the default answer to be "yes".
    * Possibly add a second prompt in case firmware has been used and the
    user said "no" to ask for confirmation as this outcome would be
    very unlikely.
    * The prompts should be preseedable. This one likely is easy.

    I understand that much of what I'm proposing here puts extra load on the installer team. That's why I'm interested in better understanding how
    much extra work that'd be and whether it's worth.

    My expectation is that these two adaptions would alleviate much of the
    concern presented in this thread.

    From a practical side, I'd likely put option 5 (without the extra
    changes requested here) somewhere close to the top for all the good
    reasons given in this thread. Quite clearly, the default installation
    medium should work and it kinda does not right now.


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Bobby@21:1/5 to All on Mon May 30 00:00:01 2022
    FWIW, as a 10+ years user (first time caller :p) I strongly support
    sticking with the status quo. There are plenty of systems that don't
    require firmware to work, and often when people say it doesn't "work"
    they really mean that its functionality is more limited. I use Debian specifically because it has a good free license policy that separates
    these things out cleanly and makes it easy to get rid of all the
    proprietary junk -- by never installing it. Debian is, in my
    experience, the most stable and accessible way to reliably have a free
    system, and I would be very disappointed to lose that. I think the
    ideological element is important, drawing a line in the sand and
    making it clear to users that if hardware isn't working, the
    manufacturer is at fault. And I like to know that myself, so I can
    return the hardware and replace it — it can sometimes be hard to find documentation as to whether hardware will be useable or crippled with
    the need for proprietary crap. I have not personally encountered these widespread problems you describe with modern hardware — more sporadic
    issues — but I am not a bleeding edge, buy it ASAP person. (This is
    another ideological point: we are destroying the environment with
    e-waste thanks to unnecessary hardware upgrades and planned
    obsolescence.) I think sacrificing a core aspect of Debian for the
    sake of covenient access to novelty hardware is a real shame.

    There are definitely people who use forks because it's easier to
    install non-free firmware. What's the problem with that? Let them use
    forks. A distro can't be all things to all people. Debian is unique in
    this area, and it would be a shame to sacrifice that and make it just
    like all the rest. And it's unclear what benefit there is to
    attracting a larger and larger userbase as a bottom-line. It is not a commercial project, so they will not be paying customers. The
    best-case scenario is that people are attracted to making
    contributions or becoming more interested in free software, which I
    thought was the main goal. So if that isn't prioritized, what's the

    Further, there are security concerns with blobs. Yes, we can get
    microcode updates, but were those updates themselves actually audited?
    As far as I know, they are just as opaque as the code they're
    replacing. They could be making security worse, and we won't know
    until someone finds the exploits. The rare event where a microcode
    update is released and it increases security is far outweighed by the
    vast majority of the situations where installing opaque code is
    detrimental to security.

    If people are unhappy with the status quo, my proposal would be to
    encourage more people to work on free alternatives. There is an ocean
    of possibilities here, from open hardware to reverse engineering. My
    feeling is that a lot more could be done to better support hardware
    that doesn't involve non-free code at all. There are many free
    projects that have never made it to Debian.

    Anyway, I'm just a user/lurker, so I appreciate that my voice doesn't
    carry much weight. And this discussion is a bit old now, so I hope I'm
    not stepping on toes. Just my two cents! Thank you everyone for all
    the hard work you do to make my computer significantly less
    infuriating to use. It's the best operating system I've ever used, and
    I have used quite a few.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Timothy Butterworth@21:1/5 to All on Mon May 30 01:00:02 2022
    CgpPbiBNYXkgMjksIDIwMjIsIGF0IDY6NDAgUE0sIFRoZW9kb3JlIFRzJ28gPHR5dHNvQG1pdC5l ZHU+IHdyb3RlOgoKPk9uIFN1biwgTWF5IDI5LCAyMDIyIGF0IDA1OjMzOjIxUE0gLTA0MDAsIEJv YmJ5IHdyb3RlOiA+IEZXSVcsIGFzIGEgMTArIHllYXJzIHVzZXIgKGZpcnN0IHRpbWUgY2FsbGVy IDpwKSBJIHN0cm9uZ2x5IHN1cHBvcnQgPiBzdGlja2luZyB3aXRoIHRoZSBzdGF0dXMgcXVvLiBU aGVyZSBhcmUgcGxlbnR5IG9mIHN5c3RlbXMgdGhhdCBkb24ndCA+IHJlcXVpcmUgZmlybXdhcmUg dG8gd29yaywgYW5kIG9mdGVuIHdoZW4gcGVvcGxlIHNheSBpdCBkb2Vzbid0ICJ3b3JrIiA+IHRo ZXkgcmVhbGx5IG1lYW4gdGhhdCBpdHMgZnVuY3Rpb25hbGl0eSBpcyBtb3JlIGxpbWl0ZWQuIFVu Zm9ydHVuYXRlbHksIHRoYXQncyBub3QgdHJ1ZS4gV2l0aG91dCB0aGUgZmlybXdhcmUsIGluIG1h bnkgY2FzZXMgb24gbW9kZXJuIGxhcHRvcHMgKGZvciBleGFtcGxlLCB0aGUgU2Ftc3VuZyBHYWxh eHkgQm9vayAzNjApIHRoZSBXaUZpIGFuZCBFdGhlcm5ldCBkZXZpY2VzIHdpbGwgc2ltcGx5ICpu b3QqICp3b3JrKi4gSWYgdGhlIHVzZXIgaGFzIG9ubHkgZG93bmxvYWRlZCB0aGUgTmV0aW5zdCBp bnN0YWxsZXIgb250byBhIFVTQiBzdGljayAoc2luY2UgbW9zdCBtb2Rlcm4gbGFwdG9wcyBhbHNv 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IHRoZSBDUFUgdXBkYXRlZCBtaWNyb2NvZGUgZm9yIHlvdXIgSW50ZWwgcHJvY2Vzc29yLCB3aHkg YXJlIHlvdSB0cnVzdGluZyB0aGUgb3JpZ2luYWwgQ1BVIG1pY3JvY29kZSwgd2hpY2ggd291bGQg aGF2ZSBhbHNvIGNvbWUgZnJvbSBJbnRlbD8gPiBJZiBwZW9wbGUgYXJlIHVuaGFwcHkgd2l0aCB0 aGUgc3RhdHVzIHF1bywgbXkgcHJvcG9zYWwgd291bGQgYmUgdG8gPiBlbmNvdXJhZ2UgbW9yZSBw ZW9wbGUgdG8gd29yayBvbiBmcmVlIGFsdGVybmF0aXZlcy4gVGhlcmUgaXMgYW4gb2NlYW4gPiBv ZiBwb3NzaWJpbGl0aWVzIGhlcmUsIGZyb20gb3BlbiBoYXJkd2FyZSB0byByZXZlcnNlIGVuZ2lu ZWVyaW5nLiBNeSA+IGZlZWxpbmcgaXMgdGhhdCBhIGxvdCBtb3JlIGNvdWxkIGJlIGRvbmUgdG8g YmV0dGVyIHN1cHBvcnQgaGFyZHdhcmUgPiB0aGF0IGRvZXNuJ3QgaW52b2x2ZSBub24tZnJlZSBj b2RlIGF0IGFsbC4gVGhlcmUgYXJlIG1hbnkgZnJlZSA+IHByb2plY3RzIHRoYXQgaGF2ZSBuZXZl ciBtYWRlIGl0IHRvIERlYmlhbi4gVW5mb3J0dW5hdGVseSwgaWYgeW91IHdhbnQgYSBtb2Rlcm4g bGFwdG9wLCB3aGljaCBzdXBwb3J0cyB0aGUgbGF0ZXN0IFdpRmkgc3RhbmRhcmRzLCBhbmQgd2hp Y2ggaXMgdGhpbiBhbmQgbGlnaHQsIHlvdSdyZSBub3QgZ29pbmcgdG8gZmluZCBvbmUgd2hpY2gg aXMgdXNpbmcgcHVyZWx5IGZyZWUgYWx0ZXJuYXRpdmVzLiAxMDAlIGZyZWUgbGFwdG9wIGFsdGVy 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ZiB0aGUgdXNlciBoYXMgb25seSBkb3dubG9hZGVkIHRoZSBOZXRpbnN0IGluc3RhbGxlciBvbnRv IGEgVVNCIHN0aWNrIChzaW5jZSBtb3N0IG1vZGVybiBsYXB0b3BzIGFsc28gZG9uJ3QgaGF2ZSBE VkQgZHJpdmVzKSwgdGhleSB3aWxsIG5vdCBiZSBhYmxlIHRvIGluc3RhbGwgdGhlaXIgc3lzdGVt LiBUaGlzIGlzIGEgcmF0aGVyIG5lZ2F0aXZlIHVzZXIgZXhwZXJpZW5jZS4gJmd0OyBGdXJ0aGVy LCB0aGVyZSBhcmUgc2VjdXJpdHkgY29uY2VybnMgd2l0aCBibG9icy4gWWVzLCB3ZSBjYW4gZ2V0 ICZndDsgbWljcm9jb2RlIHVwZGF0ZXMsIGJ1dCB3ZXJlIHRob3NlIHVwZGF0ZXMgdGhlbXNlbHZl cyBhY3R1YWxseSBhdWRpdGVkPyAmZ3Q7IEFzIGZhciBhcyBJIGtub3csIHRoZXkgYXJlIGp1c3Qg YXMgb3BhcXVlIGFzIHRoZSBjb2RlIHRoZXkncmUgJmd0OyByZXBsYWNpbmcuIFRoZXkgY291bGQg YmUgbWFraW5nIHNlY3VyaXR5IHdvcnNlLCBhbmQgd2Ugd29uJ3Qga25vdyAmZ3Q7IHVudGlsIHNv bWVvbmUgZmluZHMgdGhlIGV4cGxvaXRzLiBUaGUgcmFyZSBldmVudCB3aGVyZSBhIG1pY3JvY29k ZSAmZ3Q7IHVwZGF0ZSBpcyByZWxlYXNlZCBhbmQgaXQgaW5jcmVhc2VzIHNlY3VyaXR5IGlzIGZh ciBvdXR3ZWlnaGVkIGJ5IHRoZSAmZ3Q7IHZhc3QgbWFqb3JpdHkgb2YgdGhlIHNpdHVhdGlvbnMg d2hlcmUgaW5zdGFsbGluZyBvcGFxdWUgY29kZSBpcyAmZ3Q7IGRldHJpbWVudGFsIHRvIHNlY3Vy aXR5LiBPbiBtYW55IG1vZGVybiBwZXJpcGhlcmFscywgdGhlIG1pY3JvY29kZSB1cGRhdGVzIGFy ZSBkaWdpdGFsbHkgc2lnbmVkIGJ5IHRoZSBtYW51ZmFjdHVyZXIuIFNvIGlmIHlvdSBkaWRuJ3Qg dHJ1c3QsIHNheSwgdGhlIENQVSB1cGRhdGVkIG1pY3JvY29kZSBmb3IgeW91ciBJbnRlbCBwcm9j ZXNzb3IsIHdoeSBhcmUgeW91IHRydXN0aW5nIHRoZSBvcmlnaW5hbCBDUFUgbWljcm9jb2RlLCB3 aGljaCB3b3VsZCBoYXZlIGFsc28gY29tZSBmcm9tIEludGVsPyAmZ3Q7IElmIHBlb3BsZSBhcmUg dW5oYXBweSB3aXRoIHRoZSBzdGF0dXMgcXVvLCBteSBwcm9wb3NhbCB3b3VsZCBiZSB0byAmZ3Q7 IGVuY291cmFnZSBtb3JlIHBlb3BsZSB0byB3b3JrIG9uIGZyZWUgYWx0ZXJuYXRpdmVzLiBUaGVy ZSBpcyBhbiBvY2VhbiAmZ3Q7IG9mIHBvc3NpYmlsaXRpZXMgaGVyZSwgZnJvbSBvcGVuIGhhcmR3 YXJlIHRvIHJldmVyc2UgZW5naW5lZXJpbmcuIE15ICZndDsgZmVlbGluZyBpcyB0aGF0IGEgbG90 IG1vcmUgY291bGQgYmUgZG9uZSB0byBiZXR0ZXIgc3VwcG9ydCBoYXJkd2FyZSAmZ3Q7IHRoYXQg ZG9lc24ndCBpbnZvbHZlIG5vbi1mcmVlIGNvZGUgYXQgYWxsLiBUaGVyZSBhcmUgbWFueSBmcmVl ICZndDsgcHJvamVjdHMgdGhhdCBoYXZlIG5ldmVyIG1hZGUgaXQgdG8gRGViaWFuLiBVbmZvcnR1 bmF0ZWx5LCBpZiB5b3Ugd2FudCBhIG1vZGVybiBsYXB0b3AsIHdoaWNoIHN1cHBvcnRzIHRoZSBs YXRlc3QgV2lGaSBzdGFuZGFyZHMsIGFuZCB3aGljaCBpcyB0aGluIGFuZCBsaWdodCwgeW91J3Jl IG5vdCBnb2luZyB0byBmaW5kIG9uZSB3aGljaCBpcyB1c2luZyBwdXJlbHkgZnJlZSBhbHRlcm5h dGl2ZXMuIDEwMCUgZnJlZSBsYXB0b3AgYWx0ZXJuYXRpdmVzIGRvIGV4aXN0LCBidXQgdHlwaWNh bGx5IHlvdSB3aWxsIGVuZCB1cCBhcmUgdXNpbmcgdGVuIHllYXIgb2xkIGhhcmR3YXJlLCBvciB0 aGUgZGV2aWNlcyBhcmUgc2lnbmlmaWNhbnRseSBoZWF2aWVyIGFuZCBtb3JlIGN1bWJlcnNvbWUu IEFuZCB1bmZvcnR1bmF0ZWx5LCBvcGVuIGhhcmR3YXJlIGlzIHNpZ25maWNhbnRseSBtb3JlIGRp ZmZpY3VsdCBhbmQgcmVxdWlyZXMgZmFyIG1vcmUgY2FwaXRhbCBvdXRsYXkgdGhhbiAib3BlbiBz b2Z0d2FyZSIuIFNpbXBseSBlbmNvdXJhZ2luZyBtb3JlIHBlb3BsZSB0byB3b3JrIG9uIGZyZWUg YWx0ZXJuYXRpdmVzIGlzIG5vdCBnb2luZyB0byBiZSBlbm91Z2ggdW5sZXNzIHNvbWVvbmUgaXMg d2lsbGluZyBiYW5rcm9sbCB0aGVzZSBlZmZvcnRzIHRvIHRoZSB0dW5lcyBvZiBtaWxsaW9ucyBv ZiBkb2xsYXJzLiBJZiBwZW9wbGUgd2FudCB0byB1c2UgcmVhbGx5IGF3ZnVsLCBvbGQgaGFyZHdh cmUsIGFsbCBpbiB0aGUgbmFtZSBvZiAiZnJlZSBzb2Z0d2FyZSIsIHRoZXkgc2hvdWxkIGNlcnRh aW5seSBoYXZlIHRoZSBmcmVlZG9tIHRvIGRvIHNvLCBhbmQgaXQgc2hvdWxkIGJlIGVhc3kgZm9y IHRoZW0gdG8gbWFrZSBzdXJlIHRoYXQgdGhlIHB1cml0eSBvZiB0aGVpciBzeXN0ZW0gaXMgbm90 IGNvbXByb21pc2VkLiBIb3dldmVyLCBpZiBzb21lb25lIGhhcyBhbHJlYWR5IHB1cmNoYXNlZCB0 aGUgaGFyZHdhcmUsIGl0J3MgcmF0aGVyIGhvcnJpYmxlIHVzZXIgZXhwZXJpZW5jZSB3aGVuIHRo ZXkgZGlzY292ZXIgdGhhdCBEZWJpYW4gd29uJ3QgaW5zdGFsbCBhIHdvcmtpbmcgc3lzdGVtIG9u IGl0LCBhbmQgdG8gZmluZCB0aGUgdGhhdCB0aGUgdGhlIG5vbi1mcmVlIGZpcm13YXJlIGluIGEg bG9ja2VkIGZpbGluZyBjYWJpbmV0IHN0dWNrIGluIGEgZGlzdXNlZCBsYXZhdG9yeSB3aXRoIGEg c2lnbiBvbiB0aGUgZG9vciBzYXlpbmcgJ0Jld2FyZSBvZiB0aGUgbGVvcGFyZCcuIFJlbWVtYmVy LCB0aGUgRGViaWFuIFNvY2lhbCBDb250cmFjdCBzYXlzIHRoYXQgb3VyIHByaW9yaXRpZXMgYXJl IG91ciB1c2VycyAqYW5kKiBmcmVlIHNvZnR3YXJlLiBNYWtpbmcgaXQgbmVhcmx5IGltcG9zc2li bGUgZm9yIGEgbm92aWNlIHVzZXIgdG8gaW5zdGFsbCBEZWJpYW4gb24gdGhlaXIgYnJhbmQgbmV3 IGxhcHRvcCB3aGVyZSBXaW5kb3dzIDEwIGFuZCBVYnVudHUganVzdCAqd29ya3MqIG1pZ2h0IG5v dCBiZSB0aGUgYmVzdCB3YXkgb2YgYmFsYW5jaW5nIHRoZSBjb21wZXRpbmcgbmVlZHMgaGVyZSBv ZiB0aGUgdXNlcnMgYW5kIGZyZWUgc29mdHdhcmUuIEJlc3QgcmVnYXJkcywgLSBUZWQgPC9wPgo8 cCBkaXI9bHRyPjxzcGFuIHN0eWxlPSJjb2xvcjogIzFmNDk3ZDsiPkkgcGVyc29uYWxseSBuZWVk IHRoZSBub24tZnJlZSBmaXJtd2FyZSBhbmQgd291bGQgbGlrZSB0aGUgbm9uLWZyZWUgaW5zdGFs bGVyIHRvIGJlIGVhc3kgdG8gbG9jYXRlLiA8L3NwYW4+PC9wPgo8L2ZvbnQ+

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Theodore Ts'o@21:1/5 to Bobby on Mon May 30 00:50:01 2022
    On Sun, May 29, 2022 at 05:33:21PM -0400, Bobby wrote:
    FWIW, as a 10+ years user (first time caller :p) I strongly support
    sticking with the status quo. There are plenty of systems that don't
    require firmware to work, and often when people say it doesn't "work"
    they really mean that its functionality is more limited.

    Unfortunately, that's not true. Without the firmware, in many cases
    on modern laptops (for example, the Samsung Galaxy Book 360) the WiFi
    and Ethernet devices will simply *not* *work*. If the user has only
    downloaded the Netinst installer onto a USB stick (since most modern
    laptops also don't have DVD drives), they will not be able to install
    their system.

    This is a rather negative user experience.

    Further, there are security concerns with blobs. Yes, we can get
    microcode updates, but were those updates themselves actually audited?
    As far as I know, they are just as opaque as the code they're
    replacing. They could be making security worse, and we won't know
    until someone finds the exploits. The rare event where a microcode
    update is released and it increases security is far outweighed by the
    vast majority of the situations where installing opaque code is
    detrimental to security.

    On many modern peripherals, the microcode updates are digitally signed
    by the manufacturer. So if you didn't trust, say, the CPU updated
    microcode for your Intel processor, why are you trusting the original
    CPU microcode, which would have also come from Intel?

    If people are unhappy with the status quo, my proposal would be to
    encourage more people to work on free alternatives. There is an ocean
    of possibilities here, from open hardware to reverse engineering. My
    feeling is that a lot more could be done to better support hardware
    that doesn't involve non-free code at all. There are many free
    projects that have never made it to Debian.

    Unfortunately, if you want a modern laptop, which supports the latest
    WiFi standards, and which is thin and light, you're not going to find
    one which is using purely free alternatives. 100% free laptop
    alternatives do exist, but typically you will end up are using ten
    year old hardware, or the devices are significantly heavier and more cumbersome.

    And unfortunately, open hardware is signficantly more difficult and
    requires far more capital outlay than "open software". Simply
    encouraging more people to work on free alternatives is not going to
    be enough unless someone is willing bankroll these efforts to the
    tunes of millions of dollars.

    If people want to use really awful, old hardware, all in the name of
    "free software", they should certainly have the freedom to do so, and
    it should be easy for them to make sure that the purity of their
    system is not compromised.

    However, if someone has already purchased the hardware, it's rather
    horrible user experience when they discover that Debian won't install
    a working system on it, and to find the that the the non-free firmware
    in a locked filing cabinet stuck in a disused lavatory with a sign on
    the door saying 'Beware of the leopard'.

    Remember, the Debian Social Contract says that our priorities are our
    users *and* free software. Making it nearly impossible for a novice
    user to install Debian on their brand new laptop where Windows 10 and
    Ubuntu just *works* might not be the best way of balancing the
    competing needs here of the users and free software.

    Best regards,

    - Ted

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Andrey Rahmatullin@21:1/5 to Bobby on Mon May 30 08:40:01 2022
    On Sun, May 29, 2022 at 05:33:21PM -0400, Bobby wrote:
    There are definitely people who use forks because it's easier to
    install non-free firmware. What's the problem with that? Let them use
    forks. A distro can't be all things to all people.
    This would mean almost officially dropping support for user computers and,
    as I've heard, many of the servers. It's certainly possible but I'm afraid
    this will lead to even fewer new contributors to Debian.

    Debian is unique in this area, and it would be a shame to sacrifice that
    and make it just like all the rest. And it's unclear what benefit there
    is to attracting a larger and larger userbase as a bottom-line. It is
    not a commercial project, so they will not be paying customers. The
    best-case scenario is that people are attracted to making contributions
    or becoming more interested in free software, which I thought was the
    main goal. So if that isn't prioritized, what's the point?
    I'm afraid that not providing hardware support is not the same as
    prioritizing free software, or even free hardware.

    WBR, wRAR


    iQJhBAABCgBLFiEEolIP6gqGcKZh3YxVM2L3AxpJkuEFAmKUZfotFIAAAAAAFQAP cGthLWFkZHJlc3NAZ251cGcub3Jnd3JhckBkZWJpYW4ub3JnAAoJEDNi9wMaSZLh JIsP+wbwV5z33CYQUxKOvBlYUs29AlrRe6p/TmyYp8m41hRWKXeqLPCl+WuwrKok 1kyogOBCd/ZT6ICWyZAflKpKAZuyLuo27HzoXvOJFlR6GV4awFV3Ls346gd5CgGl +gCp3lEhQ3yXFdy6ewV2tPdfHiVqXIM5qYrR8MOipFaDYQt5VhhYExM3VPP1p28a diIobhtu3Fy27jpzaQxx0SiWKflmlhd96BPPeqayZYRJkHgRO9P9PFSeIMSaftpH 0hrA9zBVF2369sATBT/yxJljEtp8nOBTkHuf970DngEkyWEyWkJ7Z5ceZnsfeBUk 2wJUt5W9ApNRO6VBDAOaskporvi+Lb++bsCKQpHzd3D5+2JVsihiPggqel3dWHLI uqYtxh6iv/CslImo3PQ+6irYfFukcyZ//9xP3eKnN1pEtlg5SM8CPvlRXRhN990L +znukH0MWt/0VsB6AtmlQkdI5Wf2y26mMBGECweZnU6MZPn54dI816T9h4Dvsa55 fM07Tc27cpRGT/VAq+VaVvuVSJzrACQNNE+L3/pQKgFVa1j+thYBAV+HndExl5pg U/x/cPgG1OAN4dFIJJ/3t7O1fZMLibkNtIOm+/vJhgDgquvTesP2EezKh8bL68+3 tkMLby56/zFsv2k1cC3sAuSYVNclE34oFbmLaPWgJOo5irQU
    -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From =?UTF-8?Q?Hakan_Bay=c4=b1nd=c4=b1r?@21:1/5 to Andrey Rahmatullin on Wed Jun 1 11:00:01 2022
    On 30.05.2022 09:36, Andrey Rahmatullin wrote:
    On Sun, May 29, 2022 at 05:33:21PM -0400, Bobby wrote:
    There are definitely people who use forks because it's easier to
    install non-free firmware. What's the problem with that? Let them use
    forks. A distro can't be all things to all people.
    This would mean almost officially dropping support for user computers and,
    as I've heard, many of the servers. It's certainly possible but I'm afraid this will lead to even fewer new contributors to Debian.

    As a person who's handling a lot of servers, I can tell that most high performance hardware is running either load-on-boot (generally ethernet
    and other network cards) or persistent (generally storage and RAID
    contollers) non-free firmware blobs.

    First category can perform basic tasks without firmware, but servers
    being servers, this low performance mode is undesirable barring
    light-load servers which is both a minority and a contradiction to the
    word server in my profession.

    Also, this persistent firmware is meant to be updated throughout the
    life of the hardware (5-10 years in normal cases). This is why there's
    fwupd which can manage this upgrade process very elegantly.

    Debian is unique in this area, and it would be a shame to sacrifice that
    and make it just like all the rest. And it's unclear what benefit there
    is to attracting a larger and larger userbase as a bottom-line. It is
    not a commercial project, so they will not be paying customers. The
    best-case scenario is that people are attracted to making contributions
    or becoming more interested in free software, which I thought was the
    main goal. So if that isn't prioritized, what's the point?
    I'm afraid that not providing hardware support is not the same as prioritizing free software, or even free hardware.

    While I proposed a different way for supporting this binary blobs and
    defended it rather strongly in this mailing list, I'd love to see Debian support more hardware.

    On the other hand, I still hold the view that inclusion of this firmware
    should be in line with the due-diligence Debian is famous for. i.e.
    Labeling non-free firmware correctly, and giving the user freedom to not install them, even if this cripples the target hardware in question.



    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Marc Haber@21:1/5 to All on Wed Jun 1 13:40:01 2022
    On Wed, 1 Jun 2022 09:41:35 +0300, Hakan Bay?nd?r <hakan@bayindir.org>
    As a person who's handling a lot of servers, I can tell that most high >performance hardware is running either load-on-boot (generally ethernet
    and other network cards) or persistent (generally storage and RAID >contollers) non-free firmware blobs.

    First category can perform basic tasks without firmware, but servers
    being servers, this low performance mode is undesirable barring
    light-load servers which is both a minority and a contradiction to the
    word server in my profession.

    A machine that can boot and install debian without needing the
    firmware blob is already one step better than a machine that needs an
    install medium with firmware.

    -------------------------------------- !! No courtesy copies, please !! ----- Marc Haber | " Questions are the | Mailadresse im Header Mannheim, Germany | Beginning of Wisdom " |
    Nordisch by Nature | Lt. Worf, TNG "Rightful Heir" | Fon: *49 621 72739834

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From =?UTF-8?Q?Hakan_Bay=c4=b1nd=c4=b1r?@21:1/5 to Marc Haber on Wed Jun 1 13:50:01 2022
    On 1.06.2022 14:33, Marc Haber wrote:
    On Wed, 1 Jun 2022 09:41:35 +0300, Hakan Bay?nd?r <hakan@bayindir.org>
    As a person who's handling a lot of servers, I can tell that most high
    performance hardware is running either load-on-boot (generally ethernet
    and other network cards) or persistent (generally storage and RAID
    contollers) non-free firmware blobs.

    First category can perform basic tasks without firmware, but servers
    being servers, this low performance mode is undesirable barring
    light-load servers which is both a minority and a contradiction to the
    word server in my profession.

    A machine that can boot and install debian without needing the
    firmware blob is already one step better than a machine that needs an
    install medium with firmware.

    You're indeed right. On the other hand, No server I touched ever refused
    to boot w/o any firmware blobs on the install medium. IOW, servers can
    boot current Debian as is, but linux-firmware-non-free contains some performance enhancing and useful blobs for them post installation.

    Persistent firmware comes loaded out of the box already (like the old days).




    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Marc Haber@21:1/5 to amacater@einval.com on Wed Jun 1 18:00:01 2022
    On Wed, 1 Jun 2022 15:21:01 +0000, "Andrew M.A. Cater"
    <amacater@einval.com> wrote:
    Basic tasks include networking - many IBM and Dell servers use(d) Broadcom >chipsets which wouldn't work without a non-free driver. Been caught out like >that installing in a data centre: can't get networking to work to get the >drivers I need for the network card.

    PXE boot will work and load a kernel and a doctored initrd that
    contains the non-free firmware. Been there, done that, for thousands
    of machines.

    It would be so nice if Debian would offer such an initrd out of the

    -------------------------------------- !! No courtesy copies, please !! ----- Marc Haber | " Questions are the | Mailadresse im Header Mannheim, Germany | Beginning of Wisdom " |
    Nordisch by Nature | Lt. Worf, TNG "Rightful Heir" | Fon: *49 621 72739834

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Andrew M.A. Cater@21:1/5 to All on Wed Jun 1 17:30:01 2022
    Hi Hakan,

    On Wed, Jun 01, 2022 at 09:41:35AM +0300, Hakan Bayındır wrote:

    On 30.05.2022 09:36, Andrey Rahmatullin wrote:
    On Sun, May 29, 2022 at 05:33:21PM -0400, Bobby wrote:
    There are definitely people who use forks because it's easier to
    install non-free firmware. What's the problem with that? Let them use forks. A distro can't be all things to all people.
    This would mean almost officially dropping support for user computers and, as I've heard, many of the servers. It's certainly possible but I'm afraid this will lead to even fewer new contributors to Debian.

    As a person who's handling a lot of servers, I can tell that most high performance hardware is running either load-on-boot (generally ethernet and other network cards) or persistent (generally storage and RAID contollers) non-free firmware blobs.

    First category can perform basic tasks without firmware, but servers being servers, this low performance mode is undesirable barring light-load servers which is both a minority and a contradiction to the word server in my profession.

    Basic tasks include networking - many IBM and Dell servers use(d) Broadcom chipsets which wouldn't work without a non-free driver. Been caught out like that installing in a data centre: can't get networking to work to get the drivers I need for the network card.

    Also, this persistent firmware is meant to be updated throughout the life of the hardware (5-10 years in normal cases). This is why there's fwupd which can manage this upgrade process very elegantly.

    If you're unlucky, you may find that support just isn't there any more -
    some MegaRAID / LSI cards :(

    Debian is unique in this area, and it would be a shame to sacrifice that and make it just like all the rest. And it's unclear what benefit there is to attracting a larger and larger userbase as a bottom-line. It is
    not a commercial project, so they will not be paying customers. The best-case scenario is that people are attracted to making contributions or becoming more interested in free software, which I thought was the main goal. So if that isn't prioritized, what's the point?
    I'm afraid that not providing hardware support is not the same as prioritizing free software, or even free hardware.

    While I proposed a different way for supporting this binary blobs and defended it rather strongly in this mailing list, I'd love to see Debian support more hardware.

    On the other hand, I still hold the view that inclusion of this firmware should be in line with the due-diligence Debian is famous for. i.e. Labeling non-free firmware correctly, and giving the user freedom to not install
    them, even if this cripples the target hardware in question.



    All the very best, as ever,

    Andy Cater

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)