• Bug#1032142: marked as done (unblock: libdbd-oracle-perl/1.83-1) (9/11)

    From Debian Bug Tracking System@21:1/5 to All on Tue Feb 28 22:20:01 2023
    [continued from previous message]

    -Both UTF8 and AL32UTF8 can be used in NLS\_LANG and NLS\_NCHAR.
    -For example:
    -## Oracle UTF8 is not UTF-8
    -AL32UTF8 should be used in preference to UTF8 if it works for you,
    -which it should for Oracle 9.2 or later. If you're using an old
    -version of Oracle that doesn't support AL32UTF8 then you should
    -avoid using any Unicode characters that require surrogates, in other
    -words characters beyond the Unicode BMP (Basic Multilingual Plane).
    -That's because the character set that Oracle calls "UTF8" doesn't
    -conform to the UTF-8 standard in its handling of surrogate characters. -Technically the encoding that Oracle calls "UTF8" is known as "CESU-8".
    -Here are a couple of extracts from [http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr26/](http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr26/):
    - CESU-8 is useful in 8-bit processing environments where binary
    - collation with UTF-16 is required. It is designed and recommended
    - for use only within products requiring this UTF-16 binary collation
    - equivalence. It is not intended nor recommended for open interchange.
    - As a very small percentage of characters in a typical data stream
    - are expected to be supplementary characters, there is a strong
    - possibility that CESU-8 data may be misinterpreted as UTF-8.
    - Therefore, all use of CESU-8 outside closed implementations is
    - strongly discouraged, such as the emittance of CESU-8 in output
    - files, markup language or other open transmission forms.
    -Oracle uses this internally because it collates (sorts) in the same order
    -as UTF16, which is the basis of Oracle's internal collation definitions.
    -Rather than change UTF8 for clients Oracle chose to define a new character -set called "AL32UTF8" which does conform to the UTF-8 standard.
    -(The AL32UTF8 character set can't be used on the server because it
    -would break collation.)
    -Because of that, for the rest of this document we'll use "AL32UTF8".
    -If you're using an Oracle version below 9.2 you'll need to use "UTF8"
    -until you upgrade.
    -## DBD::Oracle and Unicode
    -DBD::Oracle Unicode support has been implemented for Oracle versions 9
    -or greater, and Perl version 5.6 or greater (though we _strongly_
    -suggest that you use Perl 5.8.2 or later).
    -You can check which Oracle version your DBD::Oracle was built with by -importing the `ORA_OCI` constant from DBD::Oracle.
    -**Fetching Data**
    -Any data returned from Oracle to DBD::Oracle in the AL32UTF8
    -character set will be marked as UTF-8 to ensure correct handling by Perl.
    -For Oracle to return data in the AL32UTF8 character set the
    -NLS\_LANG or NLS\_NCHAR environment variable _must_ be set as described
    -in the previous section.
    -When fetching NCHAR, NVARCHAR, or NCLOB data from Oracle, DBD::Oracle
    -will set the Perl UTF-8 flag on the returned data if either NLS\_NCHAR
    -is AL32UTF8, or NLS\_NCHAR is not set and NLS\_LANG is AL32UTF8.
    -When fetching other character data from Oracle, DBD::Oracle
    -will set the Perl UTF-8 flag on the returned data if NLS\_LANG is AL32UTF8.
    -**Sending Data using Placeholders**
    -Data bound to a placeholder is assumed to be in the default client
    -character set (specified by NLS\_LANG) except for a few special
    -cases. These are listed here with the highest precedence first:
    -If the `ora_csid` attribute is given to bind\_param() then that
    -is passed to Oracle and takes precedence.
    -If the value is a Perl Unicode string (UTF-8) then DBD::Oracle
    -ensures that Oracle uses the Unicode character set, regardless of
    -the NLS\_LANG and NLS\_NCHAR settings.
    -If the placeholder is for inserting an NCLOB then the client NLS\_NCHAR -character set is used. (That's useful but inconsistent with the other behaviour
    -so may change. Best to be explicit by using the `ora_csform`
    -If the `ora_csform` attribute is given to bind\_param() then that
    -determines if the value should be assumed to be in the default
    -(NLS\_LANG) or NCHAR (NLS\_NCHAR) client character set.
    - use DBD::Oracle qw( SQLCS_IMPLICIT SQLCS_NCHAR );
    - ...
    - $sth->bind_param(1, $value, { ora_csform => SQLCS_NCHAR });
    - $dbh->{ora_ph_csform} = SQLCS_NCHAR; # default for all future placeholders -
    -Binding with bind\_param\_array and execute\_array is also UTF-8 compatible in the same way. If you attempt to
    -insert UTF-8 data into a non UTF-8 Oracle instance or with an non UTF-8 NCHAR or NVARCHAR the insert
    -will still happen but a error code of 0 will be returned with the following warning;
    - DBD Oracle Warning: You have mixed utf8 and non-utf8 in an array bind in parameter#1. This may result in corrupt data.
    - The Query charset id=1, name=US7ASCII
    -The warning will report the parameter number and the NCHAR setting that the query is running.
    -**Sending Data using SQL**
    -Oracle assumes the SQL statement is in the default client character
    -set (as specified by NLS\_LANG). So Unicode strings containing
    -non-ASCII characters should not be used unless the default client
    -character set is AL32UTF8.
    -## DBD::Oracle and Other Character Sets and Encodings
    -The only multi-byte Oracle character set supported by DBD::Oracle is -"AL32UTF8" (and "UTF8"). Single-byte character sets should work well.
    -Oracle databases allow for the creation of object oriented like user-defined types.
    -There are two types of objects, Embedded--an object stored in a column of a regular table
    -and REF--an object that uses the REF retrieval mechanism.
    -DBD::Oracle supports only the 'selection' of embedded objects of the following types OBJECT, VARRAY
    -and TABLE in any combination. Support is seamless and recursive, meaning you -need only supply a simple SQL statement to get all the values in an embedded object.
    -You can either get the values as an array of scalars or they can be returned into a DBD::Oracle::Object.
    -Array example, given this type and table;
    - CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE "PHONE_NUMBERS" as varray(10) of varchar(30);
    - "ADDRESS" VARCHAR2(100),
    - )
    -The code to access all the data in the table could be something like this;
    - my $sth = $dbh->prepare('SELECT * FROM CONTACT');
    - $sth->execute;
    - while ( my ($company, $address, $phone) = $sth->fetchrow()) {
    - print "Company: ".$company."\n";
    - print "Address: ".$address."\n";
    - print "Phone #: ";
    - foreach my $items (@$phone){
    - print $items.", ";
    - }
    - print "\n";
    - }
    -Note that values in PHONE\_NUMBERS are returned as an array reference '@$phone'.
    -As stated before DBD::Oracle will automatically drill into the embedded object and extract
    -all of the data as reference arrays of scalars. The example below has OBJECT type embedded in a TABLE type embedded in an
    - NAME VARCHAR2(60),
    - GRP_ID NUMBER(4),
    - GRP_NAME VARCHAR2(10),
    -The following code will access all of the embedded data;
    - $SQL='select grp_id,grp_name,students as my_students_test from groups';
    - $sth=$dbh->prepare($SQL);
    - $sth->execute();
    - while (my ($grp_id,$grp_name,$students)=$sth->fetchrow()){
    - print "Group ID#".$grp_id." Group Name =".$grp_name."\n";
    - foreach my $student (@$students){
    - print "Name:".$student->[0]."\n";
    - print "Marks:";
    - foreach my $grades (@$student->[1]){
    - foreach my $marks (@$grades){
    - print $marks.",";
    - }
    - }
    - print "\n";
    - }
    - print "\n";
    - }
    -Object example, given this object and table;
    - name VARCHAR2(20),
    - age INTEGER)
    - ) NOT FINAL;
    - CREATE TYPE Employee UNDER Person (
    - salary NUMERIC(8,2)
    - );
    - CREATE TABLE people (id INTEGER, obj Person);
    - INSERT INTO people VALUES (1, Person('Black', 25));
    - INSERT INTO people VALUES (2, Employee('Smith', 44, 5000));
    -The following code will access the data;
    - $dbh{'ora_objects'} =>1;
    - $sth = $dbh->prepare("select * from people order by id");
    - $sth->execute();
    - # object are fetched as instance of DBD::Oracle::Object
    - my ($id1, $obj1) = $sth->fetchrow();
    - my ($id2, $obj2) = $sth->fetchrow();
    - # get full type-name of object
    - print $obj1->type_name."44\n"; # 'TEST.PERSON' is printed
    - print $obj2->type_name."4\n"; # 'TEST.EMPLOYEE' is printed
    - # get attribute NAME from object
    - print $obj1->attr('NAME')."3\n"; # 'Black' is printed
    - print $obj2->attr('NAME')."3\n"; # 'Smith' is printed
    - # get all attributes as hash reference
    - my $h1 = $obj1->attr; # returns {'NAME' => 'Black', 'AGE' => 25}
    - my $h2 = $obj2->attr; # returns {'NAME' => 'Smith', 'AGE' => 44,
    - # 'SALARY' => 5000 }
    - # get all attributes (names and values) as array
    - my @a1 = $obj1->attributes; # returns ('NAME', 'Black', 'AGE', 25)
    - my @a2 = $obj2->attributes; # returns ('NAME', 'Smith', 'AGE', 44,
    - # 'SALARY', 5000 )
    -So far DBD::Oracle has been tested on a table with 20 embedded Objects, Varrays and Tables
    -nested to 10 levels.
    -Any NULL values found in the embedded object will be returned as 'undef'.
    -DBD::Oracle does not _explicitly_ support most Oracle datatypes.
    -It simply asks Oracle to return them as strings and Oracle does so.
    -Mostly. Similarly when binding placeholder values DBD::Oracle binds
    -them as strings and Oracle converts them to the appropriate type,
    -such as DATE, when used.
    -Some of these automatic conversions to and from strings use NLS
    -settings to control the formatting for output and the parsing for
    -input. The most common example is the DATE type. The default NLS
    -format for DATE might be DD-MON-YYYY and so when a DATE type is
    -fetched that's how Oracle will format the date. NLS settings also
    -control the default parsing of strings into DATE values. An error
    -will be generated if the contents of the string don't match the
    -NLS format. If you're dealing in dates which don't match the default
    -NLS format then you can either change the default NLS format or, more -commonly, use TO\_CHAR(field, "format") and TO\_DATE(?, "format")
    -to explicitly specify formats for converting to and from strings.
    -A slightly more subtle problem can occur with NUMBER types. The
    -default NLS settings might format numbers with a fullstop ("`.`")
    -to separate thousands and a comma ("`,`") as the decimal point.
    -Perl will generate warnings and use incorrect values when numbers,
    -returned and formatted as strings in this way by Oracle, are used
    -in a numeric context. You could explicitly convert each numeric
    -value using the TO\_CHAR(...) function but that gets tedious very
    -quickly. The best fix is to change the NLS settings. That can be
    -done for an individual connection by doing:
    -There are some types, like BOOLEAN, that Oracle does not automatically -convert to or from strings (pity). These need to be converted
    -explicitly using SQL or PL/SQL functions.
    - # DATE values
    - my $sth0 = $dbh->prepare( <<SQL_END );
    - SELECT username, TO_CHAR( created, ? )
    - FROM all_users
    - WHERE created >= TO_DATE( ?, ? )
    - SQL_END
    - $sth0->execute( 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS', "2003", 'YYYY' );
    - # BOOLEAN values
    - my $sth2 = $dbh->prepare( <<PLSQL_END );
    - b0 BOOLEAN;
    - b1 BOOLEAN;
    - o0 VARCHAR2(32);
    - o1 VARCHAR2(32);
    - BEGIN
    - ELSIF i = 'F' OR i = '0' THEN RETURN FALSE;
    - END IF;
    - END;
    - BEGIN
    - ELSE RETURN 0;
    - END IF;
    - END;
    - BEGIN
    - -- Converting values to BOOLEAN
    - b0 := to_bool( :i0 );
    - b1 := to_bool( :i1 );
    - -- Converting values from BOOLEAN
    - :o0 := from_bool( b0 );
    - :o1 := from_bool( b1 );
    - END;
    - my ( $i0, $i1, $o0, $o1 ) = ( "", "Something else" );
    - $sth2->bind_param( ":i0", $i0 );
    - $sth2->bind_param( ":i1", $i1 );
    - $sth2->bind_param_inout( ":o0", \$o0, 32 );
    - $sth2->bind_param_inout( ":o1", \$o1, 32 );
    - $sth2->execute();
    - foreach ( $i0, $b0, $o0, $i1, $b1, $o1 ) {
    - $_ = "(undef)" if ! defined $_;
    - }
    - print "$i0 to $o0, $i1 to $o1\n";
    - # Result is : "'' to '(undef)', 'Something else' to '1'"
    -## Support for Insert of XMLType (ORA\_XMLTYPE)
    -Inserting large XML data sets into tables with XMLType fields is now supported by DBD::Oracle. The only special
    -requirement is the use of bind\_param() with an attribute hash parameter that specifies ora\_type as ORA\_XMLTYPE. For
    -example with a table like this;
    - create table books (book_id number, book_xml XMLType);
    -one can insert data using this code
    - $SQL='insert into books values (1,:p_xml)';
    - $xml= '<Books>
    - <Book id=1>
    - <Title>Programming the Perl DBI</Title>
    - <Subtitle>The Cheetah Book</Subtitle>
    - <Authors>
    - <Author>T. Bunce</Author>
    - <Author>Alligator Descartes</Author>
    - </Authors>
    - </Book>
    - <Book id=10000>...
    - </Books>';
    - my $sth =$dbh-> prepare($SQL);
    - $sth-> bind_param("p_xml", $xml, { ora_type => ORA_XMLTYPE });
    - $sth-> execute();
    -In the above case we will assume that $xml has 10000 Book nodes and is over 32k in size and is well formed XML.
    -This will also work for XML that is smaller than 32k as well. Attempting to insert malformed XML will cause an error.
    -## Binding Cursors
    -Cursors can be returned from PL/SQL blocks, either from stored
    -functions (or procedures with OUT parameters) or
    -from direct `OPEN` statements, as shown below:
    - use DBI;
    - use DBD::Oracle qw(:ora_types);
    - my $dbh = DBI->connect(...);
    - my $sth1 = $dbh->prepare(q{
    - BEGIN OPEN :cursor FOR
    - SELECT table_name, tablespace_name
    - FROM user_tables WHERE tablespace_name = :space;
    - END;
    - });
    - $sth1->bind_param(":space", "USERS");
    - my $sth2;
    - $sth1->bind_param_inout(":cursor", \$sth2, 0, { ora_type => ORA_RSET } ); - $sth1->execute;
    - # $sth2 is now a valid DBI statement handle for the cursor
    - while ( my @row = $sth2->fetchrow_array ) { ... }
    -The only special requirement is the use of `bind_param_inout()` with an -attribute hash parameter that specifies `ora_type` as `ORA_RSET`.
    -If you don't do that you'll get an error from the `execute()` like: -"ORA-06550: line X, column Y: PLS-00306: wrong number or types of
    -arguments in call to ...".
    -Here's an alternative form using a function that returns a cursor.
    -This example uses the pre-defined weak (or generic) REF CURSOR type -SYS\_REFCURSOR. This is an Oracle 9 feature.
    - # Create the function that returns a cursor
    - $dbh->do(q{
    - AS l_cursor SYS_REFCURSOR;
    - BEGIN
    - OPEN l_cursor FOR select ename, empno from emp
    - ORDER BY ename;
    - RETURN l_cursor;
    - END;
    - });
    - # Use the function that returns a cursor
    - my $sth1 = $dbh->prepare(q{BEGIN :cursor := sp_ListEmp; END;});
    - my $sth2;
    - $sth1->bind_param_inout(":cursor", \$sth2, 0, { ora_type => ORA_RSET } ); - $sth1->execute;
    - # $sth2 is now a valid DBI statement handle for the cursor
    - while ( my @row = $sth2->fetchrow_array ) { ... }
    -A cursor obtained from PL/SQL as above may be passed back to PL/SQL
    -by binding for input, as shown in this example, which explicitly
    -closes a cursor:
    - my $sth3 = $dbh->prepare("BEGIN CLOSE :cursor; END;");
    - $sth3->bind_param(":cursor", $sth2, { ora_type => ORA_RSET } );
    - $sth3->execute;
    -It is not normally necessary to close a cursor explicitly in this
    -way. Oracle will close the cursor automatically at the first
    -client-server interaction after the cursor statement handle is
    -destroyed. An explicit close may be desirable if the reference to the
    -cursor handle from the PL/SQL statement handle delays the destruction
    -of the cursor handle for too long. This reference remains until the
    -PL/SQL handle is re-bound, re-executed or destroyed.
    -NOTE: From DBD::Oracle 1.57 functions or procedures returning
    -SYS\_REFCURSORs which have not been opened (are still in the
    -initialised state) will return undef for the cursor statement handle
    -e.g., in the example above if the sp\_ListEmp function simply returned l\_cursor
    -instead of opening it. This means you can have a function/procedure
    -which can elect to open the cursor or not, Before this change if you called
    -a function/procedure which returned a SYS\_REFCURSOR which was not opened -DBD::Oracle would error in the execute for a OCIAttrGet on the uninitialised -cursor.
    -See the `curref.pl` script in the Oracle.ex directory in the DBD::Oracle -source distribution for a complete working example.
    -## Fetching Nested Cursors
    -Oracle supports the use of select list expressions of type REF CURSOR.
    -These may be explicit cursor expressions - `CURSOR(SELECT ...)`, or
    -calls to PL/SQL functions which return REF CURSOR values. The values
    -of these expressions are known as nested cursors.
    -The value returned to a Perl program when a nested cursor is fetched
    -is a statement handle. This statement handle is ready to be fetched from.
    -It should not (indeed, must not) be executed.
    -Oracle imposes a restriction on the order of fetching when nested
    -cursors are used. Suppose `$sth1` is a handle for a select statement -involving nested cursors, and `$sth2` is a nested cursor handle fetched
    -from `$sth1`. `$sth2` can only be fetched from while `$sth1` is
    -still active, and the row containing `$sth2` is still current in `$sth1`.
    -Any attempt to fetch another row from `$sth1` renders all nested cursor -handles previously fetched from `$sth1` defunct.
    -Fetching from such a defunct handle results in an error with the message -`ERROR nested cursor is defunct (parent row is no longer current)`.
    -This means that the `fetchall...` or `selectall...` methods are not useful -for queries returning nested cursors. By the time such a method returns,
    -all the nested cursor handles it has fetched will be defunct.
    -It is necessary to use an explicit fetch loop, and to do all the
    -fetching of nested cursors within the loop, as the following example
    - use DBI;
    - my $dbh = DBI->connect(...);
    - my $sth = $dbh->prepare(q{
    - SELECT dname, CURSOR(
    - SELECT ename FROM emp
    - WHERE emp.deptno = dept.deptno
    - ORDER BY ename
    - ) FROM dept ORDER BY dname
    - });
    - $sth->execute;
    - while ( my ($dname, $nested) = $sth->fetchrow_array ) {
    - print "$dname\n";
    - while ( my ($ename) = $nested->fetchrow_array ) {
    - print " $ename\n";
    - }
    - }
    -The cursor returned by the function `sp_ListEmp` defined in the
    -previous section can be fetched as a nested cursor as follows:
    - my $sth = $dbh->prepare(q{SELECT sp_ListEmp FROM dual});
    - $sth->execute;
    - my ($nested) = $sth->fetchrow_array;
    - while ( my @row = $nested->fetchrow_array ) { ... }
    -## Pre-fetching Nested Cursors
    -By default, DBD::Oracle pre-fetches rows in order to reduce the number of -round trips to the server. For queries which do not involve nested cursors, -the number of pre-fetched rows is controlled by the DBI database handle -attribute `RowCacheSize` (q.v.).
    -In Oracle, server side open cursors are a controlled resource, limited in -number, on a per session basis, to the value of the initialization
    -parameter `OPEN_CURSORS`. Nested cursors count towards this limit.
    -Each nested cursor in the current row counts 1, as does
    -each nested cursor in a pre-fetched row. Defunct nested cursors do not count. -
    -An Oracle specific database handle attribute, `ora_max_nested_cursors`, -further controls pre-fetching for queries involving nested cursors. For
    -each statement handle, the total number of nested cursors in pre-fetched
    -rows is limited to the value of this parameter. The default value
    -is 0, which disables pre-fetching for queries involving nested cursors.
    -# PL/SQL Examples
    -Most of these PL/SQL examples come from: Eric Bartley <bartley@cc.purdue.edu>. -
    - /*
    - * PL/SQL to create package with stored procedures invoked by
    - * Perl examples. Execute using sqlplus.
    - *
    - * Use of "... OR REPLACE" prevents failure in the event that the
    - * package already exists.
    - */
    - CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE plsql_example
    - IS
    - PROCEDURE proc_np;
    - PROCEDURE proc_in (
    - err_code IN NUMBER
    - );
    - PROCEDURE proc_in_inout (
    - test_num IN NUMBER,
    - is_odd IN OUT NUMBER
    - );
    - FUNCTION func_np
    - END plsql_example;
    - /
    - IS
    - PROCEDURE proc_np
    - IS
    - whoami VARCHAR2(20) := NULL;
    - BEGIN
    - END;
    - PROCEDURE proc_in (
    - err_code IN NUMBER
    - )
    - IS
    - BEGIN
    - RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(err_code, 'This is a test.');
    - END;
    - PROCEDURE proc_in_inout (
    - test_num IN NUMBER,
    - is_odd IN OUT NUMBER
    - )
    - IS
    - BEGIN
    - is_odd := MOD(test_num, 2);
    - END;
    - FUNCTION func_np
    - IS
    - ret_val VARCHAR2(20);
    - BEGIN
    - RETURN ret_val;
    - END;
    - END plsql_example;
    - /
    - /* End PL/SQL for example package creation. */
    - use DBI;
    - my($db, $csr, $ret_val);
    - $db = DBI->connect('dbi:Oracle:database','user','password')
    - or die "Unable to connect: $DBI::errstr";
    - # So we don't have to check every DBI call we set RaiseError.
    - # See the DBI docs now if you're not familiar with RaiseError.
    - $db->{RaiseError} = 1;
    - # Example 1 Eric Bartley <bartley@cc.purdue.edu>
    - #
    - # Calling a PLSQL procedure that takes no parameters. This shows you the
    - # basic's of what you need to execute a PLSQL procedure. Just wrap your
    - # procedure call in a BEGIN END; block just like you'd do in SQL*Plus.
    - #
    - # p.s. If you've used SQL*Plus's exec command all it does is wrap the
    - # command in a BEGIN END; block for you.
    - $csr = $db->prepare(q{
    - BEGIN
    - END;
    - });
    - $csr->execute;
    - # Example 2 Eric Bartley <bartley@cc.purdue.edu>
    - #
    - # Now we call a procedure that has 1 IN parameter. Here we use bind_param - # to bind out parameter to the prepared statement just like you might
    - # do for an INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or SELECT statement.
    - #
    - # I could have used positional placeholders (e.g. :1, :2, etc.) or
    - # ODBC style placeholders (e.g. ?), but I prefer Oracle's named
    - # placeholders (but few DBI drivers support them so they're not portable). -
    - my $err_code = -20001;
    - $csr = $db->prepare(q{
    - BEGIN
    - PLSQL_EXAMPLE.PROC_IN(:err_code);
    - END;
    - });
    - $csr->bind_param(":err_code", $err_code);
    - # PROC_IN will RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR which will cause the execute to 'fail'.
    - # Because we set RaiseError, the DBI will croak (die) so we catch that with eval.
    - eval {
    - $csr->execute;
    - };
    - print 'After proc_in: $@=',"'$@', errstr=$DBI::errstr, ret_val=$ret_val\n";
    - # Example 3 Eric Bartley <bartley@cc.purdue.edu>
    - #
    - # Building on the last example, I've added 1 IN OUT parameter. We still
    - # use a placeholders in the call to prepare, the difference is that
    - # we now call bind_param_inout to bind the value to the place holder.
    - #
    - # Note that the third parameter to bind_param_inout is the maximum size
    - # of the variable. You normally make this slightly larger than necessary. - # But note that the Perl variable will have that much memory assigned to
    - # it even if the actual value returned is shorter.
    - my $test_num = 5;
    - my $is_odd;
    - $csr = $db->prepare(q{
    - BEGIN
    - PLSQL_EXAMPLE.PROC_IN_INOUT(:test_num, :is_odd);
    - END;
    - });
    - # The value of $test_num is _copied_ here
    - $csr->bind_param(":test_num", $test_num);
    - $csr->bind_param_inout(":is_odd", \$is_odd, 1);
    - # The execute will automagically update the value of $is_odd
    - $csr->execute;
    - print "$test_num is ", ($is_odd) ? "odd - ok" : "even - error!", "\n";
    - # Example 4 Eric Bartley <bartley@cc.purdue.edu>
    - #
    - # What about the return value of a PLSQL function? Well treat it the same - # as you would a call to a function from SQL*Plus. We add a placeholder
    - # for the return value and bind it with a call to bind_param_inout so
    - # we can access its value after execute.
    - my $whoami = "";
    - $csr = $db->prepare(q{
    - BEGIN
    - :whoami := PLSQL_EXAMPLE.FUNC_NP;
    - END;
    - });
    - $csr->bind_param_inout(":whoami", \$whoami, 20);
    - $csr->execute;
    - print "Your database user name is $whoami\n";
    - $db->disconnect;
    -You can find more examples in the t/plsql.t file in the DBD::Oracle
    -source directory.
    -Oracle 9.2 appears to have a bug where a variable bound
    -with bind\_param\_inout() that isn't assigned to by the executed
    -PL/SQL block may contain garbage.
    -See [http://www.mail-archive.com/dbi-users@perl.org/msg18835.html](http://www.mail-archive.com/dbi-users@perl.org/msg18835.html)
    -## Avoid Using "SQL Call"
    -Avoid using the "SQL Call" statement with DBD:Oracle as you might find that -DBD::Oracle will not raise an exception in some case. Specifically if you use -"SQL Call" to run a procedure all "No data found" exceptions will be quietly -ignored and returned as null. According to Oracle support this is part of the same
    -mechanism where;
    - select (select * from dual where 0=1) from dual
    -returns a null value rather than an exception.
    -If you'd like DBD::Oracle to do something new or different the best way
    -to make that happen is to do it yourself and email to dbi-dev@perl.org a -patch of the source code (using 'diff' - see below) that shows the changes.
    -## Speak before you patch
    -For anything non-trivial or possibly controversial it's a good idea
    -to discuss (on dbi-dev@perl.org) the changes you propose before
    -actually spending time working on them. Otherwise you run the risk
    -of them being rejected because they don't fit into some larger plans
    -you may not be aware of.
    -From version 1.25 onwards DBD::Oracle only support Oracle clients
    -9.2 or greater. Support for ProC connections was dropped in 1.29.
    -If you are still stuck with an older version of Oracle or its client you might want to look at the table below.
    - +---------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+
    - | | Oracle Version |
    - +---------------------+----+-------------+---------+------+--------+--------+
    - | DBD::Oracle Version | <8 | 8.0.3~8.0.6 | 8iR1~R2 | 8iR3 | 9i | 9.2~11 |
    - +---------------------+----+-------------+---------+------+--------+--------+
    - | 0.1~16 | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y |
    - +---------------------+----+-------------+---------+------+--------+--------+
    - | 1.17 | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y |
    - +---------------------+----+-------------+---------+------+--------+--------+
    - | 1.18 | N | N | N | Y | Y | Y |
    - +---------------------+----+-------------+---------+------+--------+--------+
    - | 1.19 | N | N | N | Y | Y | Y |
    - +---------------------+----+-------------+---------+------+--------+--------+
    - | 1.20 | N | N | N | Y | Y | Y |
    - +---------------------+----+-------------+---------+------+--------+--------+
    - | 1.21~1.24 | N | N | N | N | Y | Y |
    - +---------------------+----+-------------+---------+------+--------+--------+
    - | 1.25+ | N | N | N | N | N | Y |
    - +---------------------+----+-------------+---------+------+--------+--------+
    -As there are dozens of different versions of Oracle's clients this
    -list does not include all of them, just the major released versions of -Oracle.
    -Note that one can still connect to any Oracle version with the older -DBD::Oracle versions the only problem you will have is that some of
    -the newer OCI and Oracle features available in later DBD::Oracle
    -releases will not be available to you.
    -So to make a short story a little longer:
    -1. If you are using Oracle 7 or early 8 DB and you can manage to get a 9 client and you can use
    -any DBD::Oracle version.
    -2. If you have to use an Oracle 7 client then DBD::Oracle 1.17 should work
    -3. Same thing for 8 up to R2, use 1.17, if you are lucky and have the right patch-set you might
    -go with 1.18.
    -4. For 8iR3 you can use any of the DBD::Oracle versions up to 1.21. Again this depends on your
    -patch-set, If you run into trouble go with 1.19
    -5. After 9.2 you can use any version you want.
    -6. It seems that the 10g client can only connect to 9 and 11 DBs while the 9 can go back to 7
    -and even get to 10. I am not sure what the 11g client can connect to.
    -# SEE ALSO
    -- [DBI](https://metacpan.org/pod/DBI)
    - http://search.cpan.org/~timb/DBD-Oracle/MANIFEST for all files in
    - the DBD::Oracle source distribution including the examples in the
    - Oracle.ex directory
    -- DBD::Oracle Tutorial
    - http://www.pythian.com/blogs/wp-content/uploads/introduction-dbd-oracle.html
    -- Oracle Instant Client
    - http://www.oracle.com/technology/tech/oci/instantclient/index.html
    -- Oracle on Linux
    - http://www.ixora.com.au/
    -- Free Oracle Tools and Links
    - ora\_explain supplied and installed with DBD::Oracle.
    - http://www.orafaq.com/
    - http://vonnieda.org/oracletool/
    -- Commercial Oracle Tools and Links
    - Assorted tools and references for general information.
    - No recommendation implied.

    [continued in next message]

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