• Enabling salsa-ci on all Debian Python Team repos

    From Emanuele Rocca@21:1/5 to All on Mon Sep 19 12:50:01 2022
    Hello debian-salsa-ci and debian-python!

    I was wondering if it would make sense to enable CI/CD on Salsa for all projects owned by the Debian Python Team, or if there's any concern
    about scaling issues in terms of pipeline workers (or anything else

    For the past few days I've been enabling CI/CD on Salsa for various
    packages owned by the DPT. I've been doing this on a case-by-case basis:
    if the package I wanted to work on (for reasons unrelated to CI) did not
    have CI/CD yet, I'd add [1] as the pipeline configuration file and carry
    on with my work.

    Perhaps there's an opportunity to automate and getting wider CI usage.


    [1] recipes/debian.yml@salsa-ci-team/pipeline

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  • From =?iso-8859-1?Q?I=F1aki?= Malerba@21:1/5 to Emanuele Rocca on Mon Sep 19 14:20:02 2022
    Hello Emanuele !

    On Mon, Sep 19, 2022 at 12:51:00PM +0200, Emanuele Rocca wrote:
    Hello debian-salsa-ci and debian-python!

    I was wondering if it would make sense to enable CI/CD on Salsa for all projects owned by the Debian Python Team, or if there's any concern
    about scaling issues in terms of pipeline workers (or anything else

    That would be great !

    Mass-enabling CI on groups might be something that you want to
    discuss with Salsa admins first. On previous occasions they pushed
    back on this kind of steep adoption due to the workload increase,
    but I'm not sure what's the stance right now on that matter.

    For the past few days I've been enabling CI/CD on Salsa for various
    packages owned by the DPT. I've been doing this on a case-by-case basis:
    if the package I wanted to work on (for reasons unrelated to CI) did not
    have CI/CD yet, I'd add [1] as the pipeline configuration file and carry
    on with my work.

    Perhaps there's an opportunity to automate and getting wider CI usage.

    One of the biggest issues we had when a team adopted the pipeline was
    DDOSing of the instance because of the multiple pipelines generated when
    pusing the .gitlab-ci.yml file to all the projects.

    If you're planning to do this, please:

    - Use the API and configure the 'CI/CD configuration file' project
    field, as you mentioned in the email. This won't generate a pipeline
    when configured but only on the next push.

    - If you need create the .gitlab-ci.yml file, please use the
    `ci.skip`[1] push option.

    Thanks, and good luck :)


    1_ https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/project/push_options.html#push-options-for-gitlab-cicd


    [1] recipes/debian.yml@salsa-ci-team/pipeline

    Debian-salsa-ci mailing list
    Debian-salsa-ci@alioth-lists.debian.net https://alioth-lists.debian.net/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/debian-salsa-ci

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  • From Julian Gilbey@21:1/5 to All on Mon Sep 19 17:10:01 2022
    On Mon, Sep 19, 2022 at 01:52:09PM +0200, Iñaki Malerba wrote:
    Perhaps there's an opportunity to automate and getting wider CI usage.

    One of the biggest issues we had when a team adopted the pipeline was
    DDOSing of the instance because of the multiple pipelines generated when pusing the .gitlab-ci.yml file to all the projects.

    If you're planning to do this, please:

    - Use the API and configure the 'CI/CD configuration file' project
    field, as you mentioned in the email. This won't generate a pipeline
    when configured but only on the next push.

    Indeed; setting the configuration file to
    will avoid any need to touch the actual repository.

    - If you need create the .gitlab-ci.yml file, please use the
    `ci.skip`[1] push option.

    And that should only be needed if the configuration is non-standard.

    Thanks, and good luck :)

    Best wishes,


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  • From =?UTF-8?Q?Louis-Philippe_V=c3=a9ron@21:1/5 to All on Mon Sep 19 19:20:01 2022
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  • From Sandro Tosi@21:1/5 to All on Mon Sep 19 20:20:01 2022
    I was wondering if it would make sense to enable CI/CD on Salsa for all projects owned by the Debian Python Team, or if there's any concern
    about scaling issues in terms of pipeline workers (or anything else

    what would the team get out of doing this?

    Sandro "morph" Tosi
    My website: http://sandrotosi.me/
    Me at Debian: http://wiki.debian.org/SandroTosi
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/sandrotosi

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  • From Emanuele Rocca@21:1/5 to Sandro Tosi on Tue Sep 20 10:40:01 2022
    Hi Sandro,

    On 19/09 02:14, Sandro Tosi wrote:
    what would the team get out of doing this?

    The way I see it, CI on Salsa is so useful that it should be enabled by
    default unless there are good reasons not to.


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  • From Sandro Tosi@21:1/5 to ema@debian.org on Tue Sep 20 14:40:02 2022
    On Tue, Sep 20, 2022 at 4:33 AM Emanuele Rocca <ema@debian.org> wrote:
    On 19/09 02:14, Sandro Tosi wrote:
    what would the team get out of doing this?

    The way I see it, CI on Salsa is so useful that it should be enabled by default unless there are good reasons not to.

    the way i worded my initial question was so that you could list the
    reasons that make it so useful, in detail: so would you like to do?

    Sandro "morph" Tosi
    My website: http://sandrotosi.me/
    Me at Debian: http://wiki.debian.org/SandroTosi
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/sandrotosi

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  • From Emanuele Rocca@21:1/5 to Sandro Tosi on Tue Sep 20 16:20:01 2022
    Hi Sandro,

    On Tue, Sep 20, 2022 at 08:31:14AM -0400, Sandro Tosi wrote:
    the way i worded my initial question was so that you could list the
    reasons that make it so useful, in detail: so would you like to do?

    Salsa CI is useful because it automatically performs binary/source builds, arm64 crossbuilds, and it runs various pretty important tests such as lintian, piuparts, reproducible build testing, and more. It also runs autopkgtest in LXC.

    Sure you can do all this manually on your own, but it's better to live in a world where the machines work for us rather than the other way around. :-)

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
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  • From Carsten Schoenert@21:1/5 to All on Tue Sep 20 17:40:01 2022

    Am 20.09.22 um 16:13 schrieb Emanuele Rocca:
    Salsa CI is useful because it automatically performs binary/source builds, arm64 crossbuilds, and it runs various pretty important tests such as lintian,
    piuparts, reproducible build testing, and more. It also runs autopkgtest in LXC.

    quite most of these steps I usually need to do locally before I do any
    upload of packages. So I see no real gain to run any pipeline by
    default, for me this would be just burning energy in CPU cycles just for "because we can".

    CI/CD makes sense for me within a greater view such as is a version
    upgrade of package A not break other stuff in other packages, like does
    working all packages that now need to use a new version of pytest or setuptools, django etc. But that's not ready within the current way the
    default CI pipeline is working (in my POV).

    So no, for me it makes currently no sense to enable a CI thingy for ALL packages by default!

    We have automatic Lintian checks, the buildds itself, and also the
    autopkgtest infrastructure, why double such things, that's waste of
    energy and resources! The packages are not getting better by running
    tests multiple times within the same environment.
    And given my experience within other teams and groups, nobody really
    cares about packages that fail in some tests within a CI run. I strongly believe it wouldn't be better here.

    Sure you can do all this manually on your own, but it's better to live in a world where the machines work for us rather than the other way around. :-)

    I still don't see why this is a benefit.
    If you use an CI option within your own namespace is another thing,
    doing so make sense to me to prepare a new version for uploading.


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  • From Sandro Tosi@21:1/5 to All on Tue Sep 20 21:20:01 2022
    Am 20.09.22 um 16:13 schrieb Emanuele Rocca:
    Salsa CI is useful because it automatically performs binary/source builds, arm64 crossbuilds, and it runs various pretty important tests such as lintian,
    piuparts, reproducible build testing, and more. It also runs autopkgtest in LXC.

    quite most of these steps I usually need to do locally before I do any
    upload of packages. So I see no real gain to run any pipeline by
    default, for me this would be just burning energy in CPU cycles just for "because we can".

    exactly this.

    the vast majority of the team members (based on the commits email i
    receive) are uploading the package to the archive at the same time as
    they are pushing a full set of changes to salsa (and sometimes only
    *after* the package has been ACCEPTED); in this case CI runs too late,
    and it has 0 benefit for that specific upload. For future ones? maybe,
    but that's to be proven, and the burden of proof is on the proponent.

    Someone with upload rights still need to verify (and build!) a package
    locally, so what would be the advantage of this CI for our packages,
    given only a very very tiny number of MRs are submitted

    i could see the benefit for projects that receive external
    contributions and/or are released out-of-sync with such contributions
    (say dh-python) but for /packages/, as Carsten said, it's a waste of
    CPU time to enable CI, IMO

    Sandro "morph" Tosi
    My website: http://sandrotosi.me/
    Me at Debian: http://wiki.debian.org/SandroTosi
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/sandrotosi

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  • From Emanuele Rocca@21:1/5 to Carsten Schoenert on Wed Sep 21 12:00:01 2022
    Hallo Carsten,

    On 2022-09-20 05:35, Carsten Schoenert wrote:
    Am 20.09.22 um 16:13 schrieb Emanuele Rocca:
    Salsa CI is useful because it automatically performs binary/source builds, arm64 crossbuilds, and it runs various pretty important tests such as lintian,
    piuparts, reproducible build testing, and more. It also runs autopkgtest in LXC.

    quite most of these steps I usually need to do locally before I do any
    upload of packages.

    Well but that's the whole point of automated testing. There's no *need*
    to do it locally if it's already done by Salsa for you. What is already automated and working pretty well is:

    - amd64 build
    - i386 build
    - source build
    - autopkgtest
    - blhc
    - lintian
    - piuparts
    - reprotest
    - arm64 crossbuild

    That's a pretty time consuming list of things to go through for a human!

    The only work left to be done on your machine is a binary build to see
    if the packages look good, perhaps some specific manual testing [1],
    source build and upload. Isn't that better?

    [1] though that may be an opportunity for writing a new autopkgtest!

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  • From Samuel Thibault@21:1/5 to All on Wed Sep 21 12:40:01 2022

    Emanuele Rocca, le mer. 21 sept. 2022 12:01:21 +0200, a ecrit:
    The only work left to be done on your machine is a binary build to see
    if the packages look good, perhaps some specific manual testing [1],

    [1] though that may be an opportunity for writing a new autopkgtest!

    Yes, nowadays autopkgtest does more testing than what I was previously
    doing :)

    (and it prevents other packages from breaking mines).


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  • From Emanuele Rocca@21:1/5 to Sandro Tosi on Wed Sep 21 12:20:02 2022

    On 2022-09-20 03:09, Sandro Tosi wrote:
    the vast majority of the team members (based on the commits email i
    receive) are uploading the package to the archive at the same time as
    they are pushing a full set of changes to salsa (and sometimes only
    *after* the package has been ACCEPTED); in this case CI runs too late,
    and it has 0 benefit for that specific upload.

    Very interesting, I was missing this piece of information. So first do
    all the work locally, perform all the testing manually, upload the
    package to ftp-master and *then* when you're finished push to Salsa?

    What's wrong with pushing your work before uploading to ftp-master
    instead? :-)

    If you're worried about breaking things, that's what git revert and/or
    branches are for. I can maybe imagine that one doesn't like frequent
    merge requests and merge commits, you can skip that too: just use a
    remote branch for testing and only push to master once happy.

    My workflow is roughly:

    - while not done:
    - few local commits, binary build, basic local testing
    - git push
    - see if the pipeline is green
    - source build, sign, upload

    To me this seems a better approach in terms of team collaboration too.
    While you iterate on your work it's clear to other team members that
    someone is on the package, which may help in terms of avoiding
    duplicated efforts.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
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  • From Arnaud Ferraris@21:1/5 to All on Wed Sep 21 13:20:01 2022

    Le 20/09/2022 à 17:35, Carsten Schoenert a écrit :

    Am 20.09.22 um 16:13 schrieb Emanuele Rocca:
    Salsa CI is useful because it automatically performs binary/source
    arm64 crossbuilds, and it runs various pretty important tests such as
    piuparts, reproducible build testing, and more. It also runs
    autopkgtest in

    quite most of these steps I usually need to do locally before I do any
    upload of packages. So I see no real gain to run any pipeline by
    default, for me this would be just burning energy in CPU cycles just for "because we can".

    CI/CD makes sense for me within a greater view such as is a version
    upgrade of package A not break other stuff in other packages, like does working all packages that now need to use a new version of pytest or setuptools, django etc. But that's not ready within the current way the default CI pipeline is working (in my POV).

    So no, for me it makes currently no sense to enable a CI thingy for ALL packages by default!

    It all depends on your workflow indeed, and I assume nothing would
    prevent anyone from disabling CI on a per-repo basis (or, depending on
    the final consensus, enabling it on a per-repo basis as well).

    Just to give some feedback on this, both the DebianOnMobile and Mobian
    team have CI enabled for all repos, along with 2 group runners for
    specific things (native arm64 builds and some non-packaging-related jobs needing kvm).

    Over the past 2 years this has proven extremely useful for the following reasons:
    - it suits our workflow (develop locally, test it builds, then push and
    let CI handle the rest)
    - it doesn't require developers to manually run autopkgtest, lintian,
    piuparts or bhlc (which they could forget/not have the time to do), so
    all those tests are executed anyway, bringing immediate attention should
    any issue arise
    - we also have the benefit or reprotests which would be heavier to do
    - a significant portion of the team members have little experience with
    Debian packaging, so having all these checks automated allows them to
    focus on quality packaging rather than implementing a complete workflow including tests etc...

    Opinions may differ of course, and both the aforementioned team are very
    small (both in terms of members and packages) compared to the Python
    team, but in our case we would definitely miss CI if it weren't there.


    We have automatic Lintian checks, the buildds itself, and also the autopkgtest infrastructure, why double such things, that's waste of
    energy and resources! The packages are not getting better by running
    tests multiple times within the same environment.
    And given my experience within other teams and groups, nobody really
    cares about packages that fail in some tests within a CI run. I strongly believe it wouldn't be better here.

    Sure you can do all this manually on your own, but it's better to live
    in a
    world where the machines work for us rather than the other way around.

    I still don't see why this is a benefit.
    If you use an CI option within your own namespace is another thing,
    doing so make sense to me to prepare a new version for uploading.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Brian May@21:1/5 to Emanuele Rocca on Fri Sep 23 01:10:01 2022
    Emanuele Rocca <ema@debian.org> writes:

    What's wrong with pushing your work before uploading to ftp-master
    instead? :-)

    I am learning to do this with my packages.

    Because otherwise, when I push to get, I often find I forgot to do a
    pull beforehand, and there are changes in salsa that are not reflected
    in my upload I just did, and as I result I have a bit of a mess to try
    and resolve.

    But still, I need to remember to do it in this order.

    Normal solution would be to get the CI to upload the new changes
    automatically, but I imagine there are going to be problems here
    regarding control of the GPG key required to sign that changes file.
    Brian May <brian@linuxpenguins.xyz>

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
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  • From Sandro Tosi@21:1/5 to All on Fri Sep 23 04:40:01 2022
    Well but that's the whole point of automated testing. There's no *need*
    to do it locally if it's already done by Salsa for you. What is already automated and working pretty well is:

    - amd64 build
    - i386 build
    - source build
    - autopkgtest
    - blhc
    - lintian
    - piuparts
    - reprotest
    - arm64 crossbuild

    That's a pretty time consuming list of things to go through for a human!

    The only work left to be done on your machine is a binary build to see
    if the packages look good, perhaps some specific manual testing [1],
    source build and upload. Isn't that better?

    sure its better, now let's assume something in those tests fails: how
    do you debug it and fix it? you still need to repeat it locally = you
    wasted time.

    In conclusion, you're no only proposing a technical change (add CI to
    all our packages), but also a workflow change (push to salsa before an
    upload). experience dictates that's never a good idea, and in such an heterogeneous team like ours, it's simply not gonna give the fruits
    you think it will.

    I still think it's a waste of time, and addition of emails that we're
    going to simply ignore (or not receive at all, if you're not
    subscribed to tracker.d.o, wihch is suspect is the vast majority of
    team members), but if the majority of the core contributors want it,
    sure go ahead

    Sandro "morph" Tosi
    My website: http://sandrotosi.me/
    Me at Debian: http://wiki.debian.org/SandroTosi
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/sandrotosi

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Carsten Schoenert@21:1/5 to All on Fri Sep 23 07:10:01 2022
    Hello Emanuele,

    Am 21.09.22 um 12:01 schrieb Emanuele Rocca:
    Well but that's the whole point of automated testing. There's no *need*
    to do it locally if it's already done by Salsa for you. What is already automated and working pretty well is:

    - amd64 build
    - i386 build
    - source build
    - autopkgtest
    - blhc
    - lintian
    - piuparts
    - reprotest
    - arm64 crossbuild

    That's a pretty time consuming list of things to go through for a human!

    sure, that's a killer argument that I can't really argue against. But
    that is not the point for me.

    For all these checks we already have existing infrastructure, running
    the same also by a pipeline job isn't helping at all if it's not clear
    how to handle the fallout (we already mostly have seen in other places

    As Sandro and Arnaud have pointed out it's probably mostly a matter of
    the workflow for a package upload. And for me the CI pipeline stuff
    right now doesn't fit really into the package upload workflow that is
    typically used.

    Using the CI stuff in your own namespace is perfectly fine and I'm using
    this option from time to time. But I use there also the possibility to
    do heavily force pushing to not blow up the git tree with dozens of
    Fixup commits! In the 'official' git tree this is a no go of course.

    Nobody is perfect and even every Python package will have it's own small differences in between. As long as we don't have *one* Debian way to
    build packages and a helpful way to deal with breakage in any of the
    test runs it will always be a waste of time an energy to run for all
    packages a CI run at all times!

    If the decision is to do this step I will simply need to ignore any
    errors that are not RC.

    The only work left to be done on your machine is a binary build to see
    if the packages look good, perhaps some specific manual testing [1],
    source build and upload. Isn't that better?

    I do all package built locally as a all/any build run.
    As written above and trying to say, I like atomic git commits that are
    doing things "correct" and by looking at the commit it's clear why this
    commit was done.
    I have to "fight" enough on my day job with my colleagues as they do git
    mostly using committing every forward and backward steps with no clean
    up locally finally before pushing their stuff and so I need to spend a
    lot of time to get the changes and their basically meaning. You would
    end up the same in the packages here as people would commit again and
    again to fix up the packages.

    I stand on my thinking, it's not helpful to enable a global CI for all packages. Doing this from case to case is absolutely fine to me.

    Arnaud Ferraris has written about the usage of a CI option in Debian
    Mobile etc.
    His writing is affirming me as I see and have the same experience within
    the PureOS ecosystem. People work there the same as I did describe,
    package are prepared in the local namespace and if the CI is running
    there successfully then a push to the team namespace is done.


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Stefano Rivera@21:1/5 to All on Fri Sep 23 08:30:01 2022
    Hi Carsten (2022.09.23_05:01:05_+0000)
    sure, that's a killer argument that I can't really argue against. But that
    is not the point for me.

    For all these checks we already have existing infrastructure, running the same also by a pipeline job isn't helping at all if it's not clear how to handle the fallout (we already mostly have seen in other places too!).

    Yeah, it's similar for me. I test build locally, my sbuild setup does
    most (but not all) of the same checks as gitlab CI. Then when I'm happy
    I push and upload. If there is any gitlab CI, it runs too late. And if
    it fails, I usually don't even bother to investigate, because I trust my
    local setup implicitly. Anything that's failing in gitlab CI is almost
    certain to be a failure specific to gitlab CI.

    I do see a value in having it enabled globally, for the team, though.

    1. It can make the team packages friendlier to new contributor team
    members who don't have a setup like that.
    I would like to see our team act more like a team and have people
    contribute to packages that they don't regularly maintain.
    2. Getting a test failure on a merge-request catches contributor
    mistakes early. I love having CI on incoming patches like that.


    Stefano Rivera
    +1 415 683 3272

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  • From Nicolas Chauvat@21:1/5 to All on Fri Sep 23 09:00:02 2022
    Hi Carsten, Hi List,

    Le Fri, Sep 23, 2022 at 07:01:05AM +0200, Carsten Schoenert a écrit :
    heavily force pushing to not blow up the git tree with dozens of Fixup commits! In the 'official' git tree this is a no go of course.

    Would doing the work in a git branch and 'git merge --squash' at the
    end be a solution to this problem ?

    I have the same issue when trying to use CI to run tests instead of
    running them locally, but using Mercurial, I just 'hg amend' them and
    I end up with a clean history.

    With Mercurial and its concept of obsolete commit combined with the
    evolve extension, a team can amend commits and share these amended
    commits without anyone losing work.

    I never found the equivalent in git where rewriting an history to
    clean it once the dust as settled breaks every repository that already
    pulled these commits.

    In other words, Mercurial allows you to work in a decentralized fashion
    both on your source and on the history of your source.

    Nicolas Chauvat

    logilab.fr - services en informatique scientifique et gestion de connaissances

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