• Re: Update packages to recent version

    From Sandro Tosi@21:1/5 to All on Thu Jan 13 21:50:01 2022
    I intend to package paperless-ng.

    Many of its dependencies are packaged in Debian but in an older version.
    You can see the list at https://salsa.debian.org/mechtilde/paperless-ng/-/wikis/home

    how did you come up with the list of packages that require updates? i
    just checked one, uvicorn, and upstream requires 0.15.0 https://github.com/jonaswinkler/paperless-ng/blob/master/requirements.txt#L95 which is already in the archive, and still it's in your list of
    packages that needs to be updated.

    are you sure that list is accurate?

    Sandro "morph" Tosi
    My website: http://sandrotosi.me/
    Me at Debian: http://wiki.debian.org/SandroTosi
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/sandrotosi

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  • From Mechtilde Stehmann@21:1/5 to All on Thu Jan 13 21:30:01 2022
    SGFsbG8sDQoNCkkgaW50ZW5kIHRvIHBhY2thZ2UgcGFwZXJsZXNzLW5nLg0KDQpNYW55IG9m IGl0cyBkZXBlbmRlbmNpZXMgYXJlIHBhY2thZ2VkIGluIERlYmlhbiBidXQgaW4gYW4gb2xk ZXIgdmVyc2lvbi4gDQpZb3UgY2FuIHNlZSB0aGUgbGlzdCBhdCANCmh0dHBzOi8vc2Fsc2Eu ZGViaWFuLm9yZy9tZWNodGlsZGUvcGFwZXJsZXNzLW5nLy0vd2lraXMvaG9tZQ0KDQpBcmUg dGhlcmUgYW55IGhpbnRzIHRvIHVwbG9hZCBuZXdlciB2ZXJzaW9ucz8NCg0KS2luZCByZWdh cmRzDQoNCi0tIA0KTWVjaHRpbGRlIFN0ZWhtYW5uDQojIyBEZWJpYW4gRGV2ZWxvcGVyDQoj IyBQR1AgZW5jcnlwdGlvbiB3ZWxjb21lDQojIyBGMEUzIDdGM0QgQzg3QSA0OTk4IDI4OTkg IDM5RTcgRjI4NyA3QkJBIDE0MUEgQUQ3Rg0K

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
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  • From Mechtilde Stehmann@21:1/5 to All on Thu Jan 13 22:00:01 2022
    SGVsbG8gU2FuZHJvLA0KDQoNCkFtIDEzLjAxLjIyIHVtIDIxOjQxIHNjaHJpZWIgU2FuZHJv IFRvc2k6DQo+PiBJIGludGVuZCB0byBwYWNrYWdlIHBhcGVybGVzcy1uZy4NCj4+DQo+PiBN YW55IG9mIGl0cyBkZXBlbmRlbmNpZXMgYXJlIHBhY2thZ2VkIGluIERlYmlhbiBidXQgaW4g YW4gb2xkZXIgdmVyc2lvbi4NCj4+IFlvdSBjYW4gc2VlIHRoZSBsaXN0IGF0DQo+PiBodHRw czovL3NhbHNhLmRlYmlhbi5vcmcvbWVjaHRpbGRlL3BhcGVybGVzcy1uZy8tL3dpa2lzL2hv bWUNCj4gDQo+IGhvdyBkaWQgeW91IGNvbWUgdXAgd2l0aCB0aGUgbGlzdCBvZiBwYWNrYWdl cyB0aGF0IHJlcXVpcmUgdXBkYXRlcz8gaQ0KPiBqdXN0IGNoZWNrZWQgb25lLCB1dmljb3Ju LCBhbmQgdXBzdHJlYW0gcmVxdWlyZXMgMC4xNS4wDQo+IGh0dHBzOi8vZ2l0aHViLmNvbS9q b25hc3dpbmtsZXIvcGFwZXJsZXNzLW5nL2Jsb2IvbWFzdGVyL3JlcXVpcmVtZW50cy50eHQj TDk1DQo+IHdoaWNoIGlzIGFscmVhZHkgaW4gdGhlIGFyY2hpdmUsIGFuZCBzdGlsbCBpdCdz IGluIHlvdXIgbGlzdCBvZg0KPiBwYWNrYWdlcyB0aGF0IG5lZWRzIHRvIGJlIHVwZGF0ZWQu DQo+IA0KPiBhcmUgeW91IHN1cmUgdGhhdCBsaXN0IGlzIGFjY3VyYXRlPw0KDQpUaGlzIGxp c3QgaXMgZnJvbSB0aGUgYmVnaW4gb2YgT2N0b2JlciAyMDIxLCBXaGVuIEkgc3RhcnQgd2l0 aCB0aGUgDQp1cGRhdGVzIEkgd2lsbCBzb3J0IG91dCB0aGUgcGFja2FnZXMgd2hpY2ggYXJl IGFscmVhZHkgdXBkYXRlZC4NCg0Ka2luZCByZWdhcmRzDQoNCg0KLS0gDQpNZWNodGlsZGUg U3RlaG1hbm4NCiMjIERlYmlhbiBEZXZlbG9wZXINCiMjIFBHUCBlbmNyeXB0aW9uIHdlbGNv bWUNCiMjIEYwRTMgN0YzRCBDODdBIDQ5OTggMjg5OSAgMzlFNyBGMjg3IDdCQkEgMTQxQSBB RDdGDQo=

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  • From Paul Wise@21:1/5 to Mechtilde Stehmann on Fri Jan 14 02:30:02 2022
    On Thu, 2022-01-13 at 21:25 +0100, Mechtilde Stehmann wrote:

    Are there any hints to upload newer versions?

    There are some hints about this on the team git policy page:


    Probably some other wiki pages are helpful too.




    iQIzBAABCgAdFiEEYQsotVz8/kXqG1Y7MRa6Xp/6aaMFAmHg0P4ACgkQMRa6Xp/6 aaMEohAAtvJtoeQkG7jpFXuBe4AQnd7glFR9PAlAU7PipdY7WSz928xx61JgYY4d PLtJqSxmx9JnyRbi0Vv+++gj3hp+ZxOSGiBlb3wBByrmGeqKxmz033VUKHHI8kgJ yGBI9NugsmuJd9Slz7ikUmtxMSNvTboZzbfwGH393TjadzBMgQ8khb0l90ESzl4I xEV3x3TSqTEzsY6yDMK0E6HaTjmMDsGvZ5QMlKFjtJe1lh7w+DwnXUJwO+C3RIwa LTUXCaX07YmHP+kWPUlzGH4RMe6wtCP/JZaxtYv0zbzxbYpc5Unx1qHSP+TfyiS4 /meNzb1LcyxXupNbF+dlO8QNM67MAJ5nnsMPOOjDICq2/Up4gO15nwOHN5lZI4+U sdaGMolvq99e0RAIfNoGb0MJrMqRstjrXx3UIz6cmoWfxqRxqWRbj21LysQ2uC9/ yI3s3E2avDODFL1qTR19iXSokiYNaNYBjrvAlANMi2AgGyhpQ+QukGOaK/s5Fbsk XiLYVLNcpx/JWmkCrasKhjs7atWq+IOZ6vIoQeuREkHzy44l8ctja5bXjsZOz4oj YVePkzKBCbKC1rNYKN7pUtTZ47vOj4tBTRio0rmsvIgQSm2AFDRO1IICvLBhs2gk /SeYaIww4Xq18p/m9u0mj2zT9UQHE+//YDJHyQ/+d3sPuqZGgbM=
    -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----

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  • From Thomas Goirand@21:1/5 to Mechtilde Stehmann on Fri Jan 14 13:50:01 2022
    On 1/13/22 21:25, Mechtilde Stehmann wrote:

    I intend to package paperless-ng.

    Many of its dependencies are packaged in Debian but in an older version.
    You can see the list at https://salsa.debian.org/mechtilde/paperless-ng/-/wikis/home

    Are there any hints to upload newer versions?

    Kind regards


    If you're looking at the requirements.txt file from upstream to tell
    what version you need in Debian, this is a *very* wrong approach.

    What's happening is that your upstream is using the requirements.txt to
    tell pip what version to fetch for paperless-ng testing. This is, in no
    way, some indication of what should be in your package.

    For example, the requirements.txt contains:

    however, I'd be really surprised if paperless-ng wouldn't work with some
    other version of python3-tz (even an older one).

    What's harder then, is to know what is the minimum version of each
    component for your application. However, running internal tests at build
    time may help you to know.

    I hope this helps,

    Thomas Goirand (zigo)

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
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  • From Mechtilde@21:1/5 to All on Sat Jan 15 10:00:01 2022

    thank you for your usefull hints.

    Now I will start to propare the package of paperless-ng and will look,
    what happens.

    Kind regards


    Am 14.01.22 um 13:42 schrieb Thomas Goirand:
    On 1/13/22 21:25, Mechtilde Stehmann wrote:

    I intend to package paperless-ng.

    Many of its dependencies are packaged in Debian but in an older
    version. You can see the list at

    Are there any hints to upload newer versions?

    Kind regards


    If you're looking at the requirements.txt file from upstream to tell
    what version you need in Debian, this is a *very* wrong approach.

    What's happening is that your upstream is using the requirements.txt to
    tell pip what version to fetch for paperless-ng testing. This is, in no
    way, some indication of what should be in your package.

    For example, the requirements.txt contains:

    however, I'd be really surprised if paperless-ng wouldn't work with some other version of python3-tz (even an older one).

    What's harder then, is to know what is the minimum version of each
    component for your application. However, running internal tests at build
    time may help you to know.

    I hope this helps,

    Thomas Goirand (zigo)

    Mechtilde Stehmann
    ## Apache OpenOffice
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    ## Debian Developer
    ## PGP encryption welcome
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