• DPT ideas to organize

    From Emmanuel Arias@21:1/5 to All on Fri Jun 14 15:30:01 2024
    Hi team,

    Sorry for the subject, this mail is more like questions than given ideas

    After reading the DPL's contact and its responses, it got me
    thinking - and this is also a personal feeling - that the DPT is a
    place where I can seek help. This is beneficial because we understand
    that if we encounter a Debian packaging issue specific to Python, we
    can expect a prompt response from experienced people within the team.

    However, it's true that each one maintains their own packages, while
    some others fix RC bugs. But IMHO we lack like clear direction to follow
    as a team. While ultimately, we just need to ensure that the packages
    under the DPT umbrella are up-to-date with upstream and free of RC bugs as
    much as possible. I don't know if that 'direction' is needed.

    I understand that our team's priority is to address 3.12 bugs [0], as
    mentioned in the irc topic. I know that some people are already
    working on this, and they don't necessarily need to seek permission
    before tackling an RC bug. However, perhaps we could attempt to organize
    our efforts better. Maybe we could identify packages that are candidates
    for removal like [1] and try to reduce the list of RC bugs. Another
    question is: what should we do with packages that are not under the
    team's umbrella but are affecting Python 3.12?

    On the other hand, we could assess if there are any improvements needed
    in our tools, such as pybuild, or determine which packages require, for instance, autopkgtests, lintian, etc. Or maybe we can start making short
    IRC meetings once a week or every two weeks? Experienced members
    of the team, do you think this is feasible given the DPT workflow? I
    would like to hear the opinion from the team :-)

    [0] https://deb.li/3T4QN
    [1] https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=1025181

    Emmanuel Arias

    ⣾⠁⢠⠒⠀⣿⡁ eamanu@debian.org
    ⢿⡄⠘⠷⠚⠋⠀ OpenPGP: FA9DEC5DE11C63F1

    <div dir="ltr">Hi team,<br><br>Sorry for the subject, this mail is more like questions than given ideas<br>:-).<br><br>After reading the DPL&#39;s contact and its responses, it got me<br>thinking - and this is also a personal feeling - that the DPT is a<
    place where I can seek help. This is beneficial because we understand<br>that if we encounter a Debian packaging issue specific to Python, we<br>can expect a prompt response from experienced people within the team.<br><br>However, it&#39;s true that
    each one maintains their own packages, while<br>some others fix RC bugs. But IMHO we lack like clear direction to follow<br>as a team. While ultimately, we just need to ensure that the packages<br>under the DPT umbrella are up-to-date with upstream and
    free of RC bugs as<br>much as possible. I don&#39;t know if that &#39;direction&#39; is needed.<br><br>I understand that our team&#39;s priority is to address 3.12 bugs [0], as<br>mentioned in the irc topic. I know that some people  are already<br>
    working on this, and they don&#39;t necessarily need to seek permission<br>before tackling an RC bug. However, perhaps we could attempt to organize<br>our efforts better. Maybe we could identify packages that are candidates<br>for removal like [1] and
    try to reduce the list of RC bugs. Another<br>question is: what should we do with packages that are not under the<br>team&#39;s umbrella but are affecting Python 3.12?<br><br>On the other hand, we could assess if there are any improvements needed<br>in
    our tools, such as pybuild, or determine which packages require, for<br>instance, autopkgtests, lintian, etc. Or maybe we can start making short<br>IRC meetings once a week or every two weeks? Experienced members<br>of the team, do you think this is
    feasible given the DPT workflow? I<br>would like to hear the opinion from the team :-)<br clear="all"><div><div dir="ltr" class="gmail_signature" data-smartmail="gmail_signature"><div dir="ltr"><div><font face="monospace"><br></font></div><div><font face=
    "monospace"><br></font></div><div><font face="monospace">[0] </font><a href="https://deb.li/3T4QN">https://deb.li/3T4QN</a></div><div><font face="monospace">[1] </font><a href="https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=1025181">https://bugs.
    debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=1025181</a></div><div><br></div><div><font face="monospace"><br></font></div><div><font face="monospace">cheers,</font></div><div><font face="monospace">        Emmanuel Arias</font></div><div><font face="
    monospace"><br></font></div><div><font face="monospace"> ⢀⣴⠾⠻⢶⣦⠀</font></div><div><font face="monospace"> ⣾⠁⢠⠒⠀⣿⡁  <a href="mailto:eamanu@debian.org" target="_blank">eamanu@debian.org</a></font></div><div><font face="
    monospace"> ⢿⡄⠘⠷⠚⠋⠀  OpenPGP: </font><span style="font-family:monospace">FA9DEC5DE11C63F1</span></div><div><font face="monospace"> ⠈⠳⣄</font></div></div></div></div></div>

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  • From =?UTF-8?Q?Louis-Philippe_V=C3=A9ron@21:1/5 to All on Mon Jun 17 08:10:01 2024
    T24gMjAyNC0wNi0xNCA5IGggMjUgYS5tLiwgRW1tYW51ZWwgQXJpYXMgd3JvdGU6DQo+IEhp IHRlYW0sDQo+IA0KPiBTb3JyeSBmb3IgdGhlIHN1YmplY3QsIHRoaXMgbWFpbCBpcyBtb3Jl IGxpa2UgcXVlc3Rpb25zIHRoYW4gZ2l2ZW4gaWRlYXMNCj4gOi0pLg0KPiANCj4gQWZ0ZXIg cmVhZGluZyB0aGUgRFBMJ3MgY29udGFjdCBhbmQgaXRzIHJlc3BvbnNlcywgaXQgZ290IG1l DQo+IHRoaW5raW5nIC0gYW5kIHRoaXMgaXMgYWxzbyBhIHBlcnNvbmFsIGZlZWxpbmcgLSB0 aGF0IHRoZSBEUFQgaXMgYQ0KPiBwbGFjZSB3aGVyZSBJIGNhbiBzZWVrIGhlbHAuIFRoaXMg aXMgYmVuZWZpY2lhbCBiZWNhdXNlIHdlIHVuZGVyc3RhbmQNCj4gdGhhdCBpZiB3ZSBlbmNv dW50ZXIgYSBEZWJpYW4gcGFja2FnaW5nIGlzc3VlIHNwZWNpZmljIHRvIFB5dGhvbiwgd2UN Cj4gY2FuIGV4cGVjdCBhIHByb21wdCByZXNwb25zZSBmcm9tIGV4cGVyaWVuY2VkIHBlb3Bs ZSB3aXRoaW4gdGhlIHRlYW0uDQo+IA0KPiBIb3dldmVyLCBpdCdzIHRydWUgdGhhdCBlYWNo IG9uZSBtYWludGFpbnMgdGhlaXIgb3duIHBhY2thZ2VzLCB3aGlsZQ0KPiBzb21lIG90aGVy cyBmaXggUkMgYnVncy4gQnV0IElNSE8gd2UgbGFjayBsaWtlIGNsZWFyIGRpcmVjdGlvbiB0 byBmb2xsb3cNCj4gYXMgYSB0ZWFtLiBXaGlsZSB1bHRpbWF0ZWx5LCB3ZSBqdXN0IG5lZWQg dG8gZW5zdXJlIHRoYXQgdGhlIHBhY2thZ2VzDQo+IHVuZGVyIHRoZSBEUFQgdW1icmVsbGEg YXJlIHVwLXRvLWRhdGUgd2l0aCB1cHN0cmVhbSBhbmQgZnJlZSBvZiBSQyBidWdzIGFzDQo+ IG11Y2ggYXMgcG9zc2libGUuIEkgZG9uJ3Qga25vdyBpZiB0aGF0ICdkaXJlY3Rpb24nIGlz IG5lZWRlZC4NCj4gDQo+IEkgdW5kZXJzdGFuZCB0aGF0IG91ciB0ZWFtJ3MgcHJpb3JpdHkg aXMgdG8gYWRkcmVzcyAzLjEyIGJ1Z3MgWzBdLCBhcw0KPiBtZW50aW9uZWQgaW4gdGhlIGly YyB0b3BpYy4gSSBrbm93IHRoYXQgc29tZSBwZW9wbGUgIGFyZSBhbHJlYWR5DQo+IHdvcmtp bmcgb24gdGhpcywgYW5kIHRoZXkgZG9uJ3QgbmVjZXNzYXJpbHkgbmVlZCB0byBzZWVrIHBl cm1pc3Npb24NCj4gYmVmb3JlIHRhY2tsaW5nIGFuIFJDIGJ1Zy4gSG93ZXZlciwgcGVyaGFw cyB3ZSBjb3VsZCBhdHRlbXB0IHRvIG9yZ2FuaXplDQo+IG91ciBlZmZvcnRzIGJldHRlci4g TWF5YmUgd2UgY291bGQgaWRlbnRpZnkgcGFja2FnZXMgdGhhdCBhcmUgY2FuZGlkYXRlcw0K PiBmb3IgcmVtb3ZhbCBsaWtlIFsxXSBhbmQgdHJ5IHRvIHJlZHVjZSB0aGUgbGlzdCBvZiBS QyBidWdzLiBBbm90aGVyDQo+IHF1ZXN0aW9uIGlzOiB3aGF0IHNob3VsZCB3ZSBkbyB3aXRo IHBhY2thZ2VzIHRoYXQgYXJlIG5vdCB1bmRlciB0aGUNCj4gdGVhbSdzIHVtYnJlbGxhIGJ1 dCBhcmUgYWZmZWN0aW5nIFB5dGhvbiAzLjEyPw0KPiANCj4gT24gdGhlIG90aGVyIGhhbmQs IHdlIGNvdWxkIGFzc2VzcyBpZiB0aGVyZSBhcmUgYW55IGltcHJvdmVtZW50cyBuZWVkZWQN Cj4gaW4gb3VyIHRvb2xzLCBzdWNoIGFzIHB5YnVpbGQsIG9yIGRldGVybWluZSB3aGljaCBw YWNrYWdlcyByZXF1aXJlLCBmb3INCj4gaW5zdGFuY2UsIGF1dG9wa2d0ZXN0cywgbGludGlh biwgZXRjLiBPciBtYXliZSB3ZSBjYW4gc3RhcnQgbWFraW5nIHNob3J0DQo+IElSQyBtZWV0 aW5ncyBvbmNlIGEgd2VlayBvciBldmVyeSB0d28gd2Vla3M/IEV4cGVyaWVuY2VkIG1lbWJl cnMNCj4gb2YgdGhlIHRlYW0sIGRvIHlvdSB0aGluayB0aGlzIGlzIGZlYXNpYmxlIGdpdmVu IHRoZSBEUFQgd29ya2Zsb3c/IEkNCj4gd291bGQgbGlrZSB0byBoZWFyIHRoZSBvcGluaW9u IGZyb20gdGhlIHRlYW0gOi0pDQo+IA0KPiANCj4gWzBdIGh0dHBzOi8vZGViLmxpLzNUNFFO DQo+IFsxXSBodHRwczovL2J1Z3MuZGViaWFuLm9yZy9jZ2ktYmluL2J1Z3JlcG9ydC5jZ2k/ YnVnPTEwMjUxODENCg0KSSBhZ3JlZSB3aXRoIHRoZSBwb2ludHMgeW91IHJhaXNlLiBJdCdz IHRydWUgdGhlIERQVCBpc24ndCBhIHZlcnkgDQpvcmdhbmlzZWQgZW50aXR5IChhbHRob3Vn aCB0aGVyZSdzIG11Y2ggd29yc2UgdGVhbXMgaW4gRGViaWFuIDo5KS4NCg0KSSB0aGluayBt b3JlIHdvdWxkIGJlIHBvc3NpYmxlIGlmIHdlIHdlcmUgbW9yZSBvcmdhbmlzZWQuIEhhdmlu ZyByZWd1bGFyIA0KbWVldGluZ3Mgd291bGQgc3VyZWx5IGhlbHAuDQoNCk9uIG15IHNpZGUg dGhvdWdoLCBJIHNhZGx5IGRvbid0IGhhdmUgdGltZSBmb3IgdGhhdC4gSSdtIGFscmVhZHkg cGFydCBvZiANCnBsZW50eSBvZiBUZWFtcyBpbiBEZWJpYW4gKHNvbWUgb2Ygd2hpY2ggZG8g aGF2ZSByZWd1bGFyIG1lZXRpbmdzLCBsaWtlIA0KdGhlIERlYkNvbmYgVmlkZW90ZWFtKSBh bmQgSSBvbmx5IGhhdmUgc28gbWFueSBzcG9vbnMuLi4gSWYgb3RoZXJzIHdhbnQgDQp0byBw dXNoIHRoaXMgd2F5LCBJJ2xsIHJvb3QgZm9yIHlvdSENCg0KVGhhdCBzYWlkLCBpZiBJIGhh ZCBtb3JlIHRpbWUsIEkgd291bGQgcHJvYmFibHkgcHJpb3JpdGlzZSByZXZpZXdpbmcgYW5k IA0Kc3BvbnNvcmluZyBtb3JlIERQVCBwYWNrYWdlcywgc29tZXRoaW5nIEkgaGF2ZW4ndCBk b25lIGluIGEgd2hpbGUuDQoNCi0tIA0KICAg4qKA4qO04qC+4qC74qK24qOm4qCADQogICDi o77ioIHioqDioJLioIDio7/ioYEgIExvdWlzLVBoaWxpcHBlIFbDqXJvbm5lYXUNCiAgIOKi v+KhhOKgmOKgt+KgmuKgiyAgIHBvbGxvQGRlYmlhbi5vcmcgLyB2ZXJvbm5lYXUub3JnDQog ICDioIjioLPio4QNCg0K

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  • From Andreas Tille@21:1/5 to All on Tue Jun 18 08:20:02 2024

    Am Mon, Jun 17, 2024 at 02:07:55AM -0400 schrieb Louis-Philippe Vronneau:
    question is: what should we do with packages that are not under the
    team's umbrella but are affecting Python 3.12?

    Salvage[2] those packages?

    On the other hand, we could assess if there are any improvements needed
    in our tools, such as pybuild, or determine which packages require, for instance, autopkgtests, lintian, etc. Or maybe we can start making short IRC meetings once a week or every two weeks? Experienced members
    of the team, do you think this is feasible given the DPT workflow? I
    would like to hear the opinion from the team :-)

    [0] https://deb.li/3T4QN
    [1] https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=1025181

    I agree with the points you raise. It's true the DPT isn't a very organised entity (although there's much worse teams in Debian :9).

    I agree as well (with both ;-) )

    I think more would be possible if we were more organised. Having regular meetings would surely help.

    Possibly IRC meetings (as far as I know Perl team is doing so) might be
    some first step.

    On my side though, I sadly don't have time for that. I'm already part of plenty of Teams in Debian (some of which do have regular meetings, like the DebConf Videoteam) and I only have so many spoons... If others want to push this way, I'll root for you!


    That said, if I had more time, I would probably prioritise reviewing and sponsoring more DPT packages, something I haven't done in a while.

    I'd also recommend the "advent bug squashing party" done by the Debian
    Med team. We do team wide bug squashing from Dezember 1st - 24th and
    everybody tries to squash a personal bug of the day (no matter who is
    Uploader of the package).

    Kind regards

    [2] https://wiki.debian.org/PackageSalvaging


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Emmanuel Arias@21:1/5 to Andreas Tille on Thu Jun 20 07:00:01 2024
    On Tue, Jun 18, 2024 at 08:13:57AM +0200, Andreas Tille wrote:

    Am Mon, Jun 17, 2024 at 02:07:55AM -0400 schrieb Louis-Philippe Vronneau:
    question is: what should we do with packages that are not under the team's umbrella but are affecting Python 3.12?

    Salvage[2] those packages?

    On the other hand, we could assess if there are any improvements needed in our tools, such as pybuild, or determine which packages require, for instance, autopkgtests, lintian, etc. Or maybe we can start making short IRC meetings once a week or every two weeks? Experienced members
    of the team, do you think this is feasible given the DPT workflow? I would like to hear the opinion from the team :-)

    [0] https://deb.li/3T4QN
    [1] https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=1025181

    I agree with the points you raise. It's true the DPT isn't a very organised entity (although there's much worse teams in Debian :9).

    I agree as well (with both ;-) )

    I think more would be possible if we were more organised. Having regular meetings would surely help.

    Possibly IRC meetings (as far as I know Perl team is doing so) might be
    some first step.

    Thanks both. Let's try it :-)

    On my side though, I sadly don't have time for that. I'm already part of plenty of Teams in Debian (some of which do have regular meetings, like the DebConf Videoteam) and I only have so many spoons... If others want to push this way, I'll root for you!


    That said, if I had more time, I would probably prioritise reviewing and sponsoring more DPT packages, something I haven't done in a while.

    I'd also recommend the "advent bug squashing party" done by the Debian
    Med team. We do team wide bug squashing from Dezember 1st - 24th and everybody tries to squash a personal bug of the day (no matter who is Uploader of the package).

    Kind regards

    [2] https://wiki.debian.org/PackageSalvaging




    iQIzBAABCgAdFiEEE3lnVbvHK7ir4q61+p3sXeEcY/EFAmZztmUACgkQ+p3sXeEc Y/Ewsw//UqCMZAxGgtEA/ZpAcgkDQuSL1+tYU0c1g2Qqu7sAexj1iA4ndjqatvXV YhIJR5O/699Kw9KUKt561VPrXXICmRZUCuOqBFaPov18YoSw9x9EBmukDgtCwRws b5MSLtzUkR5egdgsoyAYAIQZMc7XbFLjwRW2+/E3LxYetx6Ol+eR/DzA8vIAvwXN qryeJXxA+gCNrvX47IcUrYfP/TJgLvfYr34hXdgTtdLdFiVIljcfmPLyQdCo98A3 eW3iEADq+DObvpwO1DpeDALvWvoTo3qyssE/iBt7/SDKRfKSyUsZDms4IH4bmoO7 xCV7oObbB5LYQz6hQT2O1ZBveH0nJ12uzAYCwPP+iMWkh87QvLfsEibP8c6zz6ym 0luI2HwZjAaxCfcIZA93JXoEpHIVXb+QGt4JMAoq0D7yyTTsLHZ9tTbSuCpvAQJo zN+5Zz6Qls0wHgZzqMZ7ndTm5TluoAVW1R8T74d+Tny1Fy+LnEDBIXZw//zKZQ2G RTuBv5JqpQBAQfmmsa7R9Dv7efqxXN6UQP2QvsX6JFYf9lqfvL8V66eBab6Iszds hI9AjEiJCXYMJyYEg2ZefbonHzwLM6rpGVya1IRT4+zw7vXQJNyyw2+mqUjarXG+ +i0MjYjfhvFBmuS0GVp1H3sz9NE8Llyf3l0ttMT3WkyZmoIUYjE=
    -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----

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