• Re: cython 3.x (for Python 3.12)

    From Stefano Rivera@21:1/5 to All on Sat Nov 25 17:50:02 2023
    Hi debian-python (2023.11.25_16:23:46_+0000)
    As part of preparing for Python 3.12 in Debian, I've uploaded cython 3
    to experimental.

    I did some test-building of reverse dependencies, and quite a lot of
    them fail.

    I should have said, all the build logs are here:


    Stefano Rivera <stefanor@debian.org>
    pystemmer (U)

    Fixed in


    Stefano Rivera
    +1 415 683 3272

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Stefano Rivera@21:1/5 to All on Sat Nov 25 17:30:01 2023
    QXMgcGFydCBvZiBwcmVwYXJpbmcgZm9yIFB5dGhvbiAzLjEyIGluIERlYmlhbiwgSSd2ZSB1cGxv YWRlZCBjeXRob24gMwp0byBleHBlcmltZW50YWwuCgpJIGRpZCBzb21lIHRlc3QtYnVpbGRpbmcg b2YgcmV2ZXJzZSBkZXBlbmRlbmNpZXMsIGFuZCBxdWl0ZSBhIGxvdCBvZgp0aGVtIGZhaWwuCgpP dXQgb2YgMjkxIHBhY2thZ2VzIHRoYXQgYnVpbGQtZGVwZW5kIG9uIGN5dGhvbjM6CiAgICAxMDQg IGF0dGVtcHRlZCAgICAgPC0gRlRCRlMKICAgICAgNiAgZ2l2ZW4tYmFjayAgICA8LSBidWlsZC1k ZXBzIGFyZW4ndCBpbnN0YWxsYWJsZQogICAgICAxICBza2lwcGVkICAgICAgIDwtIG5vdCBmb3Ig YXJtNjQKICAgIDE4MCAgc3VjY2Vzc2Z1bApodHRwczovL3Blb3BsZS5kZWJpYW4ub3JnL35zdGVm YW5vci9jeXRob24zL2N5dGhvbi0zLjAuNS9zdW1tYXJ5LnR4dApodHRwczovL3Blb3BsZS5kZWJp YW4ub3JnL35zdGVmYW5vci9jeXRob24zL2N5dGhvbi0zLjAuNS9zdGF0cy50eHQKCkkgcmUtdHJp ZWQgdGhvc2UgImF0dGVtcHRlZCIgZmFpbHVyZXMsIHdpdGggY3l0aG9uIDAuMjkuMzYgdG8gZmlu ZCB0aGUKcmVncmVzc2lvbnMgYW5kOgogICAgIDMyICBhdHRlbXB0ZWQKICAgICAgMSAgZ2l2ZW4t YmFjawogICAgIDcxICBzdWNjZXNzZnVsCmh0dHBzOi8vcGVvcGxlLmRlYmlhbi5vcmcvfnN0ZWZh bm9yL2N5dGhvbjMvY3l0aG9uLTAuMjkuMzYvc3VtbWFyeS50eHQKaHR0cHM6Ly9wZW9wbGUuZGVi aWFuLm9yZy9+c3RlZmFub3IvY3l0aG9uMy9jeXRob24tMC4yOS4zNi9zdGF0cy50eHQKClNvLCB0 aGF0J3MgNzEgcmVncmVzc2lvbnMgd2l0aCBjeXRob24zLiBkZC1saXN0IGJlbG93LiBQbGVhc2Ug aGVscCB1cwpwb3J0IHRvIGN5dGhvbiAzLiBJZiB0aGlzIGlzbid0IHBvc3NpYmxlLCBHcmFoYW0g aXMgcHJlcGFyaW5nIGEKY3l0aG9uLWxlZ2FjeSBwYWNrYWdlLCB0byBoZWxwIHRoZSBzdHJhZ2ds ZXJzLiBCdXQgd2UncmUgZXhwZWN0aW5nIHRoYXQKdGhpcyB3b24ndCBoYXZlIGdyZWF0IFB5dGhv biAzLjEyIHN1cHBvcnQuLi4KaHR0cHM6Ly9mdHAtbWFzdGVyLmRlYmlhbi5vcmcvbmV3L2N5dGhv bi1sZWdhY3lfMC4yOS4zNi0xfmV4cDEuaHRtbAoKU3RlZmFubwoKUmVncmVzc2lvbiBkZC1saXN0 OgoKQWRyaWFuIFZvbmRlbmRyaWVzY2ggPGFkcmlhbi52b25kZW5kcmllc2NoQGNyZWRhdGl2LmRl PgogICBwZWV3ZWUgKFUpCgpBbGFzdGFpciBNY0tpbnN0cnkgPG1ja2luc3RyeUBkZWJpYW4ub3Jn PgogICBhZGlvcwoKQW5kcmVhcyBUaWxsZSA8dGlsbGVAZGViaWFuLm9yZz4KICAgYXRyb3BvcyAo VSkKICAgbWFjcyAoVSkKICAgcHl0aG9uLWN5a2hhc2ggKFUpCiAgIHB5dGhvbi1jeXRvb2x6IChV KQogICBweXRob24tc2tiaW8gKFUpCiAgIHB5dGhvbi1zcnNseSAoVSkKICAgcHl0aG9uLXRoaW5j 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CiAgIHN0YXRzbW9kZWxzIChVKQoKRHJldyBQYXJzb25zIDxkcGFyc29uc0BkZWJpYW4ub3JnPgog ICBtZHRyYWogKFUpCiAgIG1waTRweS1mZnQgKFUpCiAgIHBldHNjNHB5IChVKQoKRW1tYW51ZWwg QXJpYXMgPGVhbWFudUBkZWJpYW4ub3JnPgogICBweXRob24tY2Fzc2FuZHJhLWRyaXZlciAoVSkK CkZyZWUgRWthbmF5YWthIDxmcmVlZUBkZWJpYW4ub3JnPgogICBweWxpYmxvIChVKQoKR2FyZCBT cHJlZW1hbm4gPGdzcHJAbm9uZW1wdHkub3JnPgogICBndWRoaQogICBweXRob24tcHlzcGlrZQoK R2VvZmZyZXkgVGhvbWFzIDxnZW9mZnRAbGRwcmVsb2FkLmNvbT4KICAgcHltc3NxbCAoVSkKCkdo aXNsYWluIEFudG9ueSBWYWlsbGFudCA8Z2hpc3ZhaWxAZ21haWwuY29tPgogICBoNXB5IChVKQog ICBsaWJncHVhcnJheSAoVSkKICAgcHlmZnR3IChVKQogICBweXRob24tbGluZS1wcm9maWxlciAo VSkKCkdpYW5mcmFuY28gQ29zdGFtYWduYSA8bG9jdXR1c29mYm9yZ0BkZWJpYW4ub3JnPgogICBw eXRob24tZXNtcmUKCkdpanMgTW9sZW5hYXIgPGdpanNAcHl0aG9uaWMubmw+CiAgIG1vbnRhZ2Ug KFUpCgpHb3Jkb24gQmFsbCA8Z29yZG9uQGNocm9uaXRpcy5uZXQ+CiAgIHB5dGhvbi1zdGFjay1k YXRhIChVKQoKZ3RrcG9kIE1haW50YWluZXJzIDxwa2ctZ3RrcG9kLWRldmVsQGFsaW90aC1saXN0 cy5kZWJpYW4ubmV0PgogICBsaWJpbW9iaWxlZGV2aWNlCgpIaWxrbyBCZW5nZW4gPGJlbmdlbkBk ZWJpYW4ub3JnPgogICBweXRob24tYWNvcmEKCkphbWVzIENvd2dpbGwgPGpjb3dnaWxsQGRlYmlh bi5vcmc+CiAgIHB5dGhvbi1zZm1sIChVKQoKSmFyb23DrXIgTWlrZcWhIDxtaXJhLm1pa2VzQHNl em5hbS5jej4KICAgcHlsaWJsbyAoVSkKCkplcmVteSBCaWNoYSA8amJpY2hhQGRlYmlhbi5vcmc+ CiAgIGNvbXByZWZmb3IgKFUpCiAgIHB5Y2xpcHBlciAoVSkKCkplcm9tZSBCZW5vaXQgPGNhbGN1 bHVzQHJlem96ZXIubmV0PgogICBmcHlsbGwgKFUpCgpKb2NoZW4gU3ByaWNrZXJob2YgPGpzcHJp Y2tlQGRlYmlhbi5vcmc+CiAgIHB5dGhvbi1wY2wgKFUpCgpKb25hcyBTbWVkZWdhYXJkIDxkckBq b25lcy5kaz4KICAgcHl0aG9uLWF2CgpKb29zdCB2YW4gQmFhbC1JbGnEhyA8am9vc3R2YkBkZWJp YW4ub3JnPgogICBweXJlYWRzdGF0CgpKb3N1ZSBPcnRlZ2EgPGpvc3VlQGRlYmlhbi5vcmc+CiAg IHB5dGhvbi1ydG1pZGkKCkp1bGllbiBQdXlkdCA8anB1eWR0QGRlYmlhbi5vcmc+CiAgIGZweWxs bCAoVSkKICAgcHBscHkgKFUpCgpLZXZpbiBNdXJyYXkgPGtkbWZvc3NAZ21haWwuY29tPgogICBw eXRob24tc2tiaW8gKFUpCgpLdW5hbCBNZWh0YSA8bGVnb2t0bUBkZWJpYW4ub3JnPgogICBweXRo b24tbGliemltCgpMZW8gU2luZ2VyIDxsZW8uc2luZ2VyQGxpZ28ub3JnPgogICBoZWFscHkgKFUp CgpMaXVib3YgQ2h1cHJpa292YSA8Y2h1cHJpa292YWx2QGdtYWlsLmNvbT4KICAgY3l2Y2YyIChV KQoKTHVjYSBCb2NjYXNzaSA8Ymx1Y2FAZGViaWFuLm9yZz4KICAgYXp1cmUtdWFtcXAtcHl0aG9u IChVKQoKTWFya3VzIEtvc2NoYW55IDxhcG9AZGViaWFuLm9yZz4KICAgcHlnYW1lLXNkbDIgKFUp CgpNYXR0aGlhcyBLbG9zZSA8ZG9rb0BkZWJpYW4ub3JnPgogICBweWdjY2ppdAoKTWljaGFlbCBI YW5rZSA8bWljaGFlbC5oYW5rZUBnbWFpbC5jb20+CiAgIHBhbmRhcyAoVSkKICAgc3RhdHNtb2Rl bHMgKFUpCgpNaWNoYWVsIEhhbmtlIDxtaWhAZGViaWFuLm9yZz4KICAgaW5kZXhlZC1nemlwIChV KQoKTWljaGFlbCBSLiBDcnVzb2UgPGNydXNvZUBkZWJpYW4ub3JnPgogICBtYWNzIChVKQogICBw eXRob24tcG9tZWdyYW5hdGUgKFUpCgpNbyBaaG91IDxjZGx1bWluYXRlQGdtYWlsLmNvbT4KICAg aDVweSAoVSkKCk5pa29sYXVzIFJhdGggPE5pa29sYXVzQHJhdGgub3JnPgogICBweXRob24tbGxm dXNlCgpOaWxlc2ggUGF0cmEgPG5pbGVzaEBkZWJpYW4ub3JnPgogICBweXRob24tY3l0b29seiAo VSkKCk9sZSBTdHJlaWNoZXIgPG9sZWJvbGVAZGViaWFuLm9yZz4KICAgbW9udGFnZSAoVSkKCk9s aXZpZXIgU2FsbG91IDxvc2FsbG91QGRlYmlhbi5vcmc+CiAgIHB5dGhvbi10aHJpZnRweSAoVSkK ClBhdWwgV2lzZSA8cGFic0BkZWJpYW4ub3JnPgogICBnZW5zaW0gKFUpCgpQaWNjYSBGcsOpZMOp cmljLUVtbWFudWVsIDxwaWNjYUBkZWJpYW4ub3JnPgogICBvcGVudHNuZSAoVSkKClBpb3RyIE/F vGFyb3dza2kgPHBpb3RyQGRlYmlhbi5vcmc+CiAgIHV2bG9vcAoKUmViZWNjYSBOLiBQYWxtZXIg PHJlYmVjY2FfcGFsbWVyQHpvaG8uY29tPgogICBsaWJncHVhcnJheSAoVSkKICAgcGFuZGFzIChV KQogICBzdGF0c21vZGVscyAoVSkKClJpY2hhcmQgVWxyaWNoIDxyaWNoaUBwYXJhZWFzeS5jaD4K ICAgcHl0aG9uLWhpZGFwaSAoVSkKClJvbGFuZCBNYXMgPGxvbGFuZG9AZGViaWFuLm9yZz4KICAg cHl0aG9uLW9yZGVyZWRzZXQKClNhbmRybyBUb3NpIDxtb3JwaEBkZWJpYW4ub3JnPgogICBudW1w eQoKU2ViYXN0aWVuIERlbGFmb25kIDxzZWJAZGViaWFuLm9yZz4KICAgb3BlbnRzbmUgKFUpCgpT dGVmYW5vIFJpdmVyYSA8c3RlZmFub3JAZGViaWFuLm9yZz4KICAgcHlzdGVtbWVyIChVKQoKU3Rl ZmZlbiBNb2VsbGVyIDxtb2VsbGVyQGRlYmlhbi5vcmc+CiAgIGN5dmNmMiAoVSkKICAgcHl0aG9u LXBvbWVncmFuYXRlIChVKQoKVG9iaWFzIEhhbnNlbiA8dGhhbnNlbkBkZWJpYW4ub3JnPgogICBj eXBhcmkyIChVKQogICBwcGxweSAoVSkKClZhcnVuIEhpcmVtYXRoIDx2YXJ1bkBkZWJpYW4ub3Jn PgogICBtYXlhdmkyIChVKQoKVmluY2VudCBDaGVuZyA8dmNoZW5nQGRlYmlhbi5vcmc+CiAgIGtp dnkgKFUpCgpWaW5jZW50IFByYXQgPHZpdmlAZGViaWFuLm9yZz4KICAgcHlyZWdpb24gKFUpCgpY aW1pbiBMdW8gPGluZmluaXR5MEBkZWJpYW4ub3JnPgogICBjeXBhcmkyIChVKQogICBmcHlsbGwg KFUpCgpZYW8gV2VpICjprY/pipjlu7cpIDxtd2VpQGRlYmlhbi5vcmc+CiAgIHB5dGhvbi1vcGVu c3RlcC1wbGlzdCAoVSkKCllhcm9zbGF2IEhhbGNoZW5rbyA8ZGViaWFuQG9uZXJ1c3NpYW4uY29t PgogICBpbmRleGVkLWd6aXAgKFUpCiAgIHBhbmRhcyAoVSkKICAgc3RhdHNtb2RlbHMgKFUpCgpZ dmVzLUFsZXhpcyBQZXJleiA8Y29yc2FjQGRlYmlhbi5vcmc+CiAgIGxpYmltb2JpbGVkZXZpY2Ug KFUpCgrDiXRpZW5uZSBNb2xsaWVyIDxlbW9sbGllckBkZWJpYW4ub3JnPgogICBuaXB5IChVKQoK LS0gClN0ZWZhbm8gUml2ZXJhCiAgaHR0cDovL3R1bWJsZXdlZWQub3JnLnphLwogICsxIDQxNSA2 ODMgMzI3Mgo=

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From julien.puydt@gmail.com@21:1/5 to All on Sun Nov 26 21:30:02 2023

    Le samedi 25 novembre 2023 à 16:23 +0000, Stefano Rivera a écrit :

    Julien Puydt <jpuydt@debian.org>
       fpylll (U)
       pplpy (U)

    I had a look.

    For fpylll: it has a newer upstream which works with more recent cython versions, so I'm actually eager to see the move.

    For pplpy, I'm a bit annoyed as I have no recollection of that
    package... According to its homepage, the project has been archived, so
    it's probably dead. But the sagemath package still depends on it (or at
    least its d/control says it does) so we can't drop it yet.



    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From julien.puydt@gmail.com@21:1/5 to All on Thu Nov 30 08:30:02 2023

    Le samedi 25 novembre 2023 à 16:23 +0000, Stefano Rivera a écrit :

    Julien Puydt <jpuydt@debian.org>
       fpylll (U)
       pplpy (U)

    For pplpy, I found the package was pointing to an archived repo, but
    the author had a newer one with a version which is supposed to be okay
    (to be confirmed).

    For fpylll, there is a newer version compatible with recent cython but
    not with our current one. I'm discussing with upstream on how to have a
    version compatible with both, but of course if cython 3 gets updated
    the issue becomes moot.



    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Julian Gilbey@21:1/5 to Stefano Rivera on Thu Nov 30 22:20:01 2023
    On Sat, Nov 25, 2023 at 04:23:46PM +0000, Stefano Rivera wrote:
    So, that's 71 regressions with cython3. dd-list below. Please help us
    port to cython 3. If this isn't possible, Graham is preparing a
    cython-legacy package, to help the stragglers. But we're expecting that
    this won't have great Python 3.12 support... https://ftp-master.debian.org/new/cython-legacy_0.29.36-1~exp1.html

    Indeed; there's already one Python 3.12 related bug in the legacy
    version: it tries to import imp in pyximport.py.

    Best wishes,


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Andrey Rakhmatullin@21:1/5 to Julian Gilbey on Sun Dec 10 21:40:01 2023
    On Sun, Dec 10, 2023 at 08:12:40PM +0000, Julian Gilbey wrote:
    On Sat, Nov 25, 2023 at 04:23:46PM +0000, Stefano Rivera wrote:
    As part of preparing for Python 3.12 in Debian, I've uploaded cython 3
    to experimental.

    So, that's 71 regressions with cython3. dd-list below. Please help us
    port to cython 3. If this isn't possible, Graham is preparing a cython-legacy package, to help the stragglers. But we're expecting that this won't have great Python 3.12 support... https://ftp-master.debian.org/new/cython-legacy_0.29.36-1~exp1.html

    I find that there's also a significant issue with relying on
    cython3-legacy: it conflicts with cython3, meaning that it will be
    impossible to simultaneously install packages depending on cython3 and cython3-legacy. Once cython 3.x moves from experimental to unstable
    to testing and packages start depending on it, this will become a
    significant issue. I assume that the aim will be for everything to be
    ported to cython 3.x and for cython3-legacy to be dropped from testing
    before the trixie freeze?
    I wonder how many packages actually need a runtime dep on cython. I
    quickly checked three packages from `reverse-depends cython3` and while python3-pysph probably uses cython to generate code at the run time (not
    sure), python3-pyzoltan seems to only use it at the build time and python3-epimodels doesn't seem to use it at all.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Julian Gilbey@21:1/5 to Stefano Rivera on Sun Dec 10 21:20:01 2023
    On Sat, Nov 25, 2023 at 04:23:46PM +0000, Stefano Rivera wrote:
    As part of preparing for Python 3.12 in Debian, I've uploaded cython 3
    to experimental.

    So, that's 71 regressions with cython3. dd-list below. Please help us
    port to cython 3. If this isn't possible, Graham is preparing a
    cython-legacy package, to help the stragglers. But we're expecting that
    this won't have great Python 3.12 support... https://ftp-master.debian.org/new/cython-legacy_0.29.36-1~exp1.html

    I find that there's also a significant issue with relying on
    cython3-legacy: it conflicts with cython3, meaning that it will be
    impossible to simultaneously install packages depending on cython3 and cython3-legacy. Once cython 3.x moves from experimental to unstable
    to testing and packages start depending on it, this will become a
    significant issue. I assume that the aim will be for everything to be
    ported to cython 3.x and for cython3-legacy to be dropped from testing
    before the trixie freeze?

    Best wishes,


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Andrey Rakhmatullin@21:1/5 to Andrey Rakhmatullin on Sun Dec 10 21:40:01 2023
    On Sun, Dec 10, 2023 at 09:30:03PM +0100, Andrey Rakhmatullin wrote:
    I find that there's also a significant issue with relying on cython3-legacy: it conflicts with cython3, meaning that it will be impossible to simultaneously install packages depending on cython3 and cython3-legacy. Once cython 3.x moves from experimental to unstable
    to testing and packages start depending on it, this will become a significant issue. I assume that the aim will be for everything to be ported to cython 3.x and for cython3-legacy to be dropped from testing before the trixie freeze?
    I wonder how many packages actually need a runtime dep on cython. I
    quickly checked three packages from `reverse-depends cython3` and while python3-pysph probably uses cython to generate code at the run time (not sure), python3-pyzoltan seems to only use it at the build time and python3-epimodels doesn't seem to use it at all.
    (I may be terribly wrong, I just thought cython is almost always a build
    time only dep and there are around 30 packages depending on it which was surprising)

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Matthias Klose@21:1/5 to Andrey Rakhmatullin on Mon Dec 11 08:10:01 2023
    On 10.12.23 21:32, Andrey Rakhmatullin wrote:
    On Sun, Dec 10, 2023 at 09:30:03PM +0100, Andrey Rakhmatullin wrote:
    I find that there's also a significant issue with relying on
    cython3-legacy: it conflicts with cython3, meaning that it will be
    impossible to simultaneously install packages depending on cython3 and
    cython3-legacy. Once cython 3.x moves from experimental to unstable
    to testing and packages start depending on it, this will become a
    significant issue. I assume that the aim will be for everything to be
    ported to cython 3.x and for cython3-legacy to be dropped from testing
    before the trixie freeze?
    I wonder how many packages actually need a runtime dep on cython. I
    quickly checked three packages from `reverse-depends cython3` and while
    python3-pysph probably uses cython to generate code at the run time (not
    sure), python3-pyzoltan seems to only use it at the build time and
    python3-epimodels doesn't seem to use it at all.
    (I may be terribly wrong, I just thought cython is almost always a build
    time only dep and there are around 30 packages depending on it which was surprising)

    yes, many setup.py's list that under install_requires. I hope we now
    identified most of them, and fixed these. At least we were now able to
    do all the binNMUs.

    You could package a non-conflicting cython-legacy, however that would
    require more changes, also how to build it.


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Matthias Klose@21:1/5 to Matthias Klose on Mon Dec 11 09:50:02 2023
    On 11.12.23 08:09, Matthias Klose wrote:
    On 10.12.23 21:32, Andrey Rakhmatullin wrote:
    On Sun, Dec 10, 2023 at 09:30:03PM +0100, Andrey Rakhmatullin wrote:
    I find that there's also a significant issue with relying on
    cython3-legacy: it conflicts with cython3, meaning that it will be
    impossible to simultaneously install packages depending on cython3 and >>>> cython3-legacy.  Once cython 3.x moves from experimental to unstable
    to testing and packages start depending on it, this will become a
    significant issue.  I assume that the aim will be for everything to be >>>> ported to cython 3.x and for cython3-legacy to be dropped from testing >>>> before the trixie freeze?
    I wonder how many packages actually need a runtime dep on cython. I
    quickly checked three packages from `reverse-depends cython3` and while
    python3-pysph probably uses cython to generate code at the run time (not >>> sure), python3-pyzoltan seems to only use it at the build time and
    python3-epimodels doesn't seem to use it at all.
    (I may be terribly wrong, I just thought cython is almost always a build
    time only dep and there are around 30 packages depending on it which was

    yes, many setup.py's list that under install_requires. I hope we now identified most of them, and fixed these.  At least we were now able to
    do all the binNMUs.

    You could package a non-conflicting cython-legacy, however that would
    require more changes, also how to build it.

    Graham created a tracker for these, and I filed bug reports:

    https://release.debian.org/transitions/html/cython-runtime.html https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/pkgreport.cgi?tag=cython-rt-dep&users=debian-python@lists.debian.org

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Julian Gilbey@21:1/5 to Matthias Klose on Mon Dec 11 11:30:01 2023
    On Mon, Dec 11, 2023 at 08:09:31AM +0100, Matthias Klose wrote:
    I find that there's also a significant issue with relying on cython3-legacy: it conflicts with cython3, meaning that it will be impossible to simultaneously install packages depending on cython3 and cython3-legacy. Once cython 3.x moves from experimental to unstable
    to testing and packages start depending on it, this will become a significant issue. I assume that the aim will be for everything to be ported to cython 3.x and for cython3-legacy to be dropped from testing before the trixie freeze?
    You could package a non-conflicting cython-legacy, however that would
    require more changes, also how to build it.

    I had a very quick look at the packaged cython3-legacy. One could
    change the name of the module to Cython_legacy or probably better,
    Cython0, and cython.py to cython0.py, pyximport to pyximport0. Just a
    handful of changes would be needed, I'm guessing. Then it would be co-installable with Cython 3.x, and any packages that actually need cython3-legacy rather than Cython 3.x would have to be patched to call
    the legacy version. It's probably easier to just patch them for
    Cython 3.x ;-)

    Best wishes,


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Julian Gilbey@21:1/5 to Stefano Rivera on Tue Dec 12 20:00:01 2023
    On Sat, Nov 25, 2023 at 04:23:46PM +0000, Stefano Rivera wrote:
    As part of preparing for Python 3.12 in Debian, I've uploaded cython 3
    to experimental.

    So, that's 71 regressions with cython3. dd-list below. Please help us
    port to cython 3. If this isn't possible, Graham is preparing a
    cython-legacy package, to help the stragglers. But we're expecting that
    this won't have great Python 3.12 support... https://ftp-master.debian.org/new/cython-legacy_0.29.36-1~exp1.html

    Here's an update on cython-legacy. I just tried running autopkgtest
    on cython-legacy with Python 3.12, and unfortunately it fails. I
    can't quite work out how many tests fail (I don't understand the
    format of the test output), but there are 25 lines containing the
    string "FAIL" in the output of autopkgtest with the latest version of cython-legacy (0.29.36-2, uploaded today).

    We could just skip these tests - some of them are probably harmless -
    but they probably indicate incompatibilty (unsurprisingly) with Python
    3.12, though some of these incompatibilties may be restricted to the
    tests themselves rather than the underlying Cython 0.x code.

    I'd be happy to try uploading a version with these tests skipped - I
    just wanted to check here first what the thoughts on this are. (Note
    that it is much better to modify other packages to work with Cython

    Best wishes,


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)