• Parish (2/2)

    From Arthur Neuendorffer@21:1/5 to All on Thu Sep 23 15:12:15 2021
    [continued from previous message]

    1776, Declaration of Independence signed.

    1804, Nathaniel Hawthorne (Mason) born;
    1817, Construction on Erie Canal begins.
    1826, John Adams, 2nd president dies at 90.
    1826, Thomas Jefferson, 3rd president dies at 83.
    1827, Slavery abolished in NY.
    1828, Construction begins on B & O (Baltimore-Ohio) 1st US passenger RR.
    1829, Cornerstone laid for 1st US mint (Chestnut & Juniper St, Phila).
    1831, James Monroe (Mason), 5th president dies at 73. ---------------------------------------------------------
    . Nathaniel *HAWTHORNE* wrote the PREFACE and
    . sponsored {DELIA} Bacon's book of almost 700 pages,
    . _The Philosophy of Shakespeare's Plays Unfolded_,
    . which came out in London & Boston in 1857. ---------------------------­---------------------------
    {DELIA} Bacon: NathANIEL *HAWTHORNE* in *DRAG* ......................................................
    . https://tinyurl.com/qk33ntm
    . http://www.jmucci.com/ER/images/delia.jpg
    . [Check out the dainty 'feminine' hands!] ......................................................
    JERRY: She had man-hands.
    ELAINE: [pause] Man, Hands?
    JERRY: The hands of a man. It's like a creature out of Greek
    Mythology, I mean, she was like part woman, part horrible beast.
    ELAINE: [weary] {Look,} would you, prefer it,
    _________ if she had, no hands at all?
    JERRY: Would she have hooks?
    ELAINE: Do uh, do hooks make it more attractive, Jerry?
    JERRY: Kinda cool lookin'.. -------------------------------------------------------------
    Did Carlisle know HAWTHORNE's Last Heroine: {DELIA} Bacon? -------------------------------------------------------------
    . Nathaniel *HAWTHORNE* wrote the PREFACE and
    . sponsored {DELIA} Bacon's book of almost 700 pages,
    . _The Philosophy of Shakespeare's Plays Unfolded_,
    . which came out in London & Boston in 1857.
    {DELIA} Bacon: *HAWTHORNE's Last Heroine* by Nina Baym ...................................................

    <<I quote, likewise, another passage, because I think the
    reader will see in it the noble earnestness of the author's cha-
    racter, and may partly imagine the sacrifices which this
    research has cost her : —

    ' The great secret of the Elizabethan age did not lie where
    any superficial research could ever have discovered it. It was
    not left within the range of any accidental disclosure. It did
    not lie on the surface of any Elizabethan document. The most
    diligent explorers of these documents, in two centuries and a
    quarter, had not found it. No faintest suspicion of it had ever
    crossed the mind of the most recent, and clear-sighted, and able i[N]vestigat[O]r of the [BACON]ian rem[A]ins. It was [B]uried
    in the lowest depths of the lowest deeps of the deep Elizabethan
    Art; that Art which no plummet, till now, has ever sounded.
    It was locked with its utmost reach of traditionary cunning.
    It was buried in the inmost recesses of the esoteric Elizabethan
    learning. It was tied with a knot that had passed the scrutiny
    and baffled the sword of an old, suspicious, dying, military
    government — a knot that none could cut — a knot that must
    be untied.
    . . . . <= 9 =>
    . a b l e i [N] v e s
    . t i g a t [O] r o f
    . t h e [B A C O N] i
    . a n r e m [A] i n s.
    . I t w a s [B] u r i
    . e d i n t. h .e l o
    . w e s t d. e .p t h
    . s o f t h. e .l o w
    . e s t d e. e .p s
    [BACON] -9,1
    The great secret of the Elizabethan Age was inextricably
    reserved by the founders of a new learning, the prophetic and
    more nobly gifted minds of a new and nobler race of men, for
    a research that should test the mind of the discoverer, and frame
    and subordinate it to that so sleepless and indomitable pur-
    pose of the prophetic aspiration. It was ' the device ' by which
    they undertook to live again in the ages in which their achieve-
    ments and triumphs were forecast, and to come forth and rule
    again, not in one mind, not in the few, not in the many, but in
    all. ' For there is no throne like that throne in the thoughts
    of men which the ambition of these men climbed and compassed.

    'The principal w[O|R]ks of the Elizabethan Philosophy,
    th[O]se in which the new method of learnin[G] was practically
    applied to the nobl[E]st subjects, were presented to the wo[R]ld
    in the form of {AN ENIGMA}. It was a for[M] well fitted to divert
    inquiry, and baffle even there search of the scholar for a time;
    but one calculated to provoke the philosophic curiosity, and one
    which would inevitably command a research that could end only with
    the *TRUE* solution. That solution was resERVED for one who would
    recognise, at last, in the *DISGUISE* of the great impersonal
    teacher, the *DISGUISE* of a new learning. It waited for the
    reader who would observe, at last, those thick-strewn scientific
    clues, those thick-crowding ENIGMAS, those perpetual beckonings
    from the "theatre" into the judicial palace of the mind. It was
    resERVED for the student who would recognise, at last, the mind that
    was seeking so persEVERingly to whisper its tale of outrage, and
    "the secrets it was forbid." It waited for one who would answer, at
    last, that philosophic challenge, and say, "Go on, I'll follow thee!"
    It was resERVED for one who would count years as days, for the love
    of the *TRUTH* it hid; who would nEVER turn back on the long road of initiation, though all "THE IDOLS" must be left behind in its stages;
    who would nEVER stop until it stopped in that new cave of Apollo,
    where the handwriting on the wall spells anew the old Delphic
    motto, and publishes the word that "_unties_ the spell.">> .............................................................
    . . . . . . . . . . . . <= 31 =>
    'T h e p r i n c i p a l w-[O|R] k s o f t h e E l i z a b e t h
    .a n P h i l o s o p h y t h [O] s e i n w h i c h t h e n e w m
    .e t h o d o f l e a r n i n [G] w a s p r a c t i c a l l y a p
    .p l i e d t o t h e n o b l [E] s t s u b j e c t s w e r e p r
    .e s e n t e d t o t h e w o [R] l d i n t h e f o r m o f A N E
    .N I G M A I t w a s a f o r [M] w e l l f i t t e d t o d i v e
    .r t i n q u i r y

    Prob. of *O|ROGERM* with skip <32 ~ 1 in 580 -------------------------------------------------------
    . . Ben Jonson folio dedication:

    .These are, as some infamous Baud, or Whore,
    {SH|O]uld praise a Matron. What could hurt her more?
    {B}ut thou a[R]t proofe against them, and indeed
    {A}bove th' ill fortune [O]f them, or the need.
    {I}, therefore will begin. Soule of the A[G]e !
    {T}he applause ! delight ! the wonder of our Stage !
    .My Shak[E]speare, rise; I will n{OT LODGE} thee by
    .Chaucer, or Spenser, o[R] bid Beaumont lye
    .A little further, to make thee a roo[M]e : ............................................
    . . . . . . . . . . <= 45 =>

    .{S H|O] uldpraiseaMatron {W} hatcou ldhurthermoreButtho
    . u a[R] tproofeagainstth {E} mandin deedAbovethillfortu
    . n e[O] fthemortheneedIt {H} erefor ewillbeginSouleofth
    . e{A|G] eTheapplausedeli. g. htthew onderofourStageMySh
    . a{k|E] speareriseIwilln {O. TLODGE}theebyChaucerorSpen
    . s{e|R] orbidBeaumontlye. A. little furthertomaketheear
    . o o[M] e
    Prob. of *ROGERM* ~ 1 in 400
    Prob. of *O(ROGER)M* ~ 1 in 10,500
    ___ ( [Or]lando = *RUTLANDus*) .......................................................
    <<[O]rlando, called Rotolando, Roland, Rodlan, Hroudland,
    & *RUTLANDus* in the Latin chronicles of the Middle Ages,
    the *PALADIN*, was lord of Anglant, KNIGHT of Brava, son
    of Milo d'Anglesis and Bertha, sister of Charlemagne.>> --------------------------------------­------------------------
    Shakespeare twins (Hamnet & Judith) baptized: February 2, 1585 ............................................................
    . {DELIA} S. BacON born: [Gregorian] February 2, 1811
    . Francis BacON born: [Gregorian] February 1, 1561
    . James Joyce born: __ [Gregorian] February 2, 1882 ----------------------------------------------------------
    The KJV title page to the 1611 : http://tinyurl.com/yafpyqk

    At the top center, is a grotesque doubting *St.THOMAS*
    with a *carpenter's square* in *SHADOW* ---------------------------------------------------
    The KJV (1611) Epistle Dedicatory .................................................
    . (P)rince, (I)AMES by the grace of (G)od
    . King of Great Britaine,{FRANC}e, and IRela[N]d,
    . DefeNder [O]f the FAith, &[C].
    . wISh Grace, Mercie, and PeaCe,
    . through IESVS Christ our Lord.
    Masonic *carpenter's square* ELS array:
    .. . . <= 10 x 10 =>
    . .{F R A N C.}E A N D I
    . . R E L A[N] D,D E F E
    . . N D E R[O] F T H E F
    . . A I T H[C] T h e T r
    . . a n s l[A] t o r s o
    . . f t h e[B] i b l e w
    . . I S h G r .a c e,M e
    . . r c i e,a .n d P e a
    . . C e,t h r .o u g h I
    . . E S V S C .h r i s t --------------------------------------------------------
    Finnegans Wake p.332 (8th 100 letter *THUNDER* word) http://everything2.com/title/thunderword https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5dVI2FnK4-Q ........................................................
    Snip snap snoody. *Noo err historyend goody*.
    Of a lil trip trap and a big treeskooner for he
    put off the ketyl and they made three (for fie!) and
    if hec dont love alpy then lad you annoy me. For hanigen
    with hunigen still haunt ahunt to finnd their hinnigen

    where - Pappappapparrassannuaragheallach[N]atullaghm[O]ngan macma[C]macwhackf[A]lltherdeb[B]lenonthedubblandaddydoodled ............................................................
    Joyce would have been familiar with the
    simple gematria cipher the letters of [BACON] = #33
    and :FRANCIS BACON: = #100

    [BACON] cipher starts on the #33rd letter of #100 letters: ..................................
    . . . . <= 10 x 10 =>
    . . P a. p (p) a. p p a p p
    . . a r. r (a) s. s a n n u
    . . a r. a (g) h. e a l l a
    . . c h [N](a) t. u l l a g
    . . h m [O](n)(g) a n m a c
    . . m a [C] m (a) c w h a c
    . . k f [A] l (l) t h e r d
    . . e b [B] l (e) n o n t h
    . . e d. u .b. b .l a n d a
    . . d d. y .d. o .o d l e d ---------------------------------------­----------------------
    James Joyces' Finnegans Wake : _____ . . . 628 pages
    Francis Bacon's *PROMUS* : ________ . . . . 628 pages
    Francis Meres's *Palladis Tamia, Wits Treasury* : 628 pages ----------------------------­----------------------­----------
    Wednesday, January 22, 1862 : Constance [POTT] born
    Wednesday, January 22, 1561 : Francis Bacon born ............................................................
    *************** January 22, 1607*********
    "Love Labour's Lost" & *ROMEO & JULIET* registered. ------------------­-----------------------------------
    Digges commendatory poem to the First Folio (1623):
    To the Memorie of the deceased Authour Maister W. Shakespeare ...................................................
    * [P]assions of JULIET, and her ROMEO ;
    * [O]r till I heare a Sce[NE MO]re nobly take,
    * [T]hen when thy half-Sword parlying Romans spake.
    * [T]ill these, till any of thy Volumes rest
    Shall with more fire, more feeling be exprest,
    Be sure, our Shake-speare, thou *CANST NEVER DYE* ,
    But crown'd with Lawrell, live eternally. -------------------------------------------------
    ______ *CANST NEVER DYE*
    __________ {anagram}
    ______ *DE CERVANTES NY*
    *NY* : new, novel (Danish, Norwegian, Swedish) ------------------------------------------------------------
    . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mlIMJ8psP_Q
    <<One of the sheets of the *PROMUS* contains so many parallels to
    _ROMEO & JULIET_, including a single speech of Friar Laurence's, that
    even the Shakespearean scholar Edwin Abbott (in his PREFACE to POTT's
    edition) was hard put to call it a coincidence. >> - David Kathman ............................................................
    *MRS HENRY POTT* : http://www.sirbacon.org/graphics/pott.jpg
    . . . is really Edwin *AbBOTT AbBOTT* in *DRAG* :
    . . . . . https://tinyurl.com/s85v9dw ------------------------------­--------------------------
    . Edwin [A]bbott [A]bbott: the writer of the PREFACE to
    . C.M. POTT's _The *PROMUS* of formularies & elegancies_
    . b. 1838 in MARYLEBONE , Middlesex, England
    . 1838-1926, English clergyman and author, b. London.
    . He wrote sEVERal theological works and a biography (1885)
    . of Francis Bacon, but he is best known for his standard:
    . _A Shakespearean Grammar_ by E. A. A. 30th May, 1870.
    and the pseudonymously written Flatland (by A Square, 1884). --------------------------------------------------------------
    . In his 1964 Frontline essay, William Murphy
    . mentions *THOMAS LODGE* once and only once: ......................................................
    . . Thirty-Six Plays in Search of an Author
    . by William M. Murphy, Union College Symposium 1964 .............................................................
    There are those, like {DELIA} Bacon, who are afflicted with what
    has been called the "Corporation Syndrome," holding that such
    distinguished literature must be the work of a commi[T]tee.
    Its members wou[L]d include, in additi[O]n to BACON and
    Oxfor[D], Robert {GREENE}, Geor[G]e PEELE, Samuel DANI[E]L,
    (THOMAS NASHE), [THOMAS LODGE], Michael Drayton, and
    _________ <= 17 =>
    . .m u (S) t. b .e. t h e w o. r k o f a c
    . .o m {M} i [T] t. e e.I t s. m e m b e r
    . .s w {O} u [L] d. i n c l u. d e,i n a d
    . .d i {T} i [O] n. t o B a c. o n a n d O
    . .x f. o .r [D] R. o b e r t {G R E E N E}
    . .G e. o .r [G] e. P e e l e, S a m u e l
    . .D a. n .i [E] l,[T H O M A. S N a s h e],
    . [T H .O .M. A .S. L O D G E] M i c h a e
    . .l D .r .a. y. t. o n,a n d. T H O M A S
    . .D E .K .K .E. R.
    [T.LODGE] 17 : Prob. stuck on *THOMAS LODGE* ~ 1 in 100,000
    {TOM} -17
    <<In 1891, E.G. Fleay suggested Thomas Nashe had [T]homas [LODGE]
    in mind in the section of Pierce Penilesse (1592) that describes
    "The prodigall yoong Master" (margin) and begins "A yoong Heyre
    or Cockney, that is his Mothers Darling, if hee haue playde the
    waste-good at the Innes of the Court or about London....">> ..................................................................
    It should be apparent to anyone possessing normal common sense, then,
    that Shakespeare's authorship of the works is not merely "pro[B]able"
    or "likely," as some softhe[A]ds have put it, but absolutely [C]ompelling.
    Yet it is common kn[O]wledge that after [DELIA BACON] published her vague notions about authorship in 1856 defenders of her unorthodox views and
    creators of others multiplied like rabbits, and any reader of the
    modern newspaper knows that the tribe increases every year. ........................................................
    ______ . <= 25 =>
    . S h a k e s p e a r e's. a u t h o r s h i p .o f t
    . h e w o r k s i s n o t. m e r e l y"p r o[B] a b l
    . e"o r"l i k e l y"a s s. o m e s o f t h e[A] d s h
    . a v e p u t i t,b u t a. b s o l u t e l y[C] o m p
    . e l l i n g.Y e t i t i. s c o m m o n k n[O] w l e
    . d g e t h a t a f t e r [D E L I A B A C O N] p u b
    . l i s h e d h e r v a g. u e n o t i o n s
    [BACON] 25 : Prob. stuck on [BACON] ~ 1 in 325 .................................................................. ..................................................................
    <<H[E REVE]eals in the Sonnets... that he had latent homosexual tendencies
    and that he carried on a protracted and degrading adulterous affair with a repulsive dark-skin(N)ed lady who probably gave him a l(O)athsome disease.
    In short, Shake(S)peare didn't write the plays bec(A)use we don't know enough about hi(M) -- or because we know too much. The l(A)yman takes his choice.>> ....................................................
    ______ . <= 27 =>
    . a. f .f a i r w i t h a r e p u l s i v e d a r k-s k i
    . n (N) e d l a d y w h o p r o b a b l y g a v e h i m a
    . l (O) a t h s o m e d i s e a s e.I n s h o r t,S h a k
    . e (S) p e a r e d i d n't w r i t e t h e p l a y s b e
    . c (A) u s e w e d o n't k n o w e n o u g h a b o u t h
    . i (M) o r b e c a u s e w e k n o w t o o m u c h.T h e
    . l (A) y m a n t a k e s h i s c h o i c e.
    (A MASON) -27
    Art Neuendorffer

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