I've got a few, ~10, SCO 5.07 servers that have been running for 15 years.
In the last few weeks I've got a server that will no longer print to the HPNP configured network printers. There are no local printers to use.
I've cleared the que; I've stopped and started the print services. I've setup/installed new printers and the print job won't update to show them.
I can ping the printers just fine and the IT Admin's can telnet into the printers and see that nothing is updating to the printers.
Any ideas on how to reset everything back to normal.
Like an un-install and setup of the entire printer system?
Or any other tasks I can try?
I've got a few, ~10, SCO 5.07 servers that have been running for 15 years.
In the last few weeks I've got a server that will no longer print to the HPNP configured network printers. There are no local printers to use.
I've cleared the que; I've stopped and started the print services. I've setup/installed new printers and the print job won't update to show them.
I can ping the printers just fine and the IT Admin's can telnet into the printers and see that nothing is updating to the printers.
Any ideas on how to reset everything back to normal.
Like an un-install and setup of the entire printer system?
Or any other tasks I can try?
I've got a few, ~10, SCO 5.07 servers that have been running for 15 years.
In the last few weeks I've got a server that will no longer print to the HPNP configured network printers. There are no local printers to use.
I've cleared the que; I've stopped and started the print services. I've setup/installed new printers and the print job won't update to show them.
I can ping the printers just fine and the IT Admin's can telnet into the printers and see that nothing is updating to the printers.
Any ideas on how to reset everything back to normal.
Like an un-install and setup of the entire printer system?
Or any other tasks I can try?
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