• timestamp in ps2pdf

    From LC's No-Spam Newsreading account@21:1/5 to All on Mon Apr 15 13:41:52 2024
    XPost: comp.text.postscript

    A few times it happens to me that I have to "reissue" a LateX document
    fixing a mistake (e.g. a wrong figure included) WITHOUT altering the
    original issue date.

    What I do is to write "fix" inside the LateX timestamp with e.g. \renewcommand{\today}{January 27, 2024 (fix)}

    Then I run latex (tex->ps) and ps2pdf (ps->pdf)

    Then use touch --reference=WrongOrOldReports/old.* new.*
    to backdate the Unix timestamp.

    I've noticed that the Postscript file keeps track of the REAL date e.g. %%CreationDate: Mon Apr 15 11:18:06 2024

    I wonder if also the pdf has (encoded ? I cannot find it in clear) the
    actual date.

    (X-post to ps and pdf NG, followup to pdf only)

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  • From Stefan Ram@21:1/5 to LC's No-Spam Newsreading account on Mon Apr 15 19:06:37 2024
    LC's No-Spam Newsreading account <nospam@home.invalid> wrote or quoted:
    I wonder if also the pdf has (encoded ? I cannot find it in clear) the
    actual date.

    PDF files can contain dates for several subobjects and the
    whole document. For example, "14.3.3 Document Information
    Dictionary" in "Document management — Portable document
    format — Part 1: PDF 1.7" describes the document information
    dictionary with it's "CreationDate" and "ModDate" in table 317.

    Sometimes, such dates in PDFs are kind of compressed, and
    one needs to use tools to render the compressed "streams"
    visible, like, for example, "mutool" of "mupdf".

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  • From Peter Flynn@21:1/5 to LC's No-Spam Newsreading account on Fri Apr 26 22:28:41 2024
    On 15/04/2024 12:41, LC's No-Spam Newsreading account wrote:
    I wonder if also the pdf has (encoded ? I cannot find it in clear)
    the actual date.

    pdfinfo -isodates filename.pdf

    This should list all the metadata including the embedded CreationDate.


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  • From LC's No-Spam Newsreading account@21:1/5 to Peter Flynn on Sat Apr 27 18:03:50 2024
    On Fri, 26 Apr 2024, Peter Flynn wrote:

    pdfinfo -isodates filename.pdf

    Thnaks, it does nicely !

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