• I wonder... do iKooks have any idea WHY Apple software is integrated so

    From Wally J@21:1/5 to Alan Browne on Sun Oct 1 15:54:35 2023
    XPost: misc.phone.mobile.iphone, comp.sys.mac.system

    I wonder...
    *Do iKooks have any idea WHY Apple software is integrated so well?*

    HINT: That "integration" has nothing to do with Apple, per se.

    Alan Browne <bitbucket@blackhole.com> wrote

    it integrates beautifully with the
    rest of my Apple products (Macs, iPad and Watch) in ways other "system" vendors can only dream of.

    I realize Alan Browne has no clue that the "integration" he speaks about is only possible *because* he's logged into Apple mothership servers 24/7/365.

    When people on the "other system vendors" stoop to that level of intrusion, they too enjoy all that "integration" which Alan Browne has no clue about.

    For example, the open source PulseSMS software puts iMessage to shame.
    It's no longer shocking that ignorant people like Alan Browne have no idea
    that all that "integration" is not due to Apple - but to the mothership
    servers (which all can do on any platform if they want to stoop that low).

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