• Re: TXT file format?

    From Bud Frede@21:1/5 to Alan on Sun Sep 4 09:02:36 2022
    XPost: misc.phone.mobile.iphone

    Alan <nuh-uh@nope.com> writes:

    On 2022-08-29 10:36, Andy Burnelli wrote:
    Hergen Lehmann wrote:

    Am 27.08.22 um 08:55 schrieb David Chmelik:

    What is the plain-text (.TXT) file format specification on Android?
    UNIX & GNU/Linux, Apple, DOS all have .TXT formats that differ where
    carriage-return and line-break (new-line) are placed (so often display >>>> wrongly on other operating systems)... where or what are specifications >>>> for Android?

    I doubt there is a formal specification, as Android users are not
    even supposed to interact with "files".

    But Android is Linux-based and on Linux, the convention for text
    files is using LF as line separator and UTF8 encoding. Best
    practice for a programmer would be to accept all of CR,CRLF,LF for
    input and generate the OS's convention (here: LF) for output.
    If I want to edit a text file, what I normally do is put the file in
    text folder on my sdcard and then name it 'foo.txt' and then when I tap on >> it from the file manager it opens up in my default text editor.
    Usually I make a shortcut to that file if it's something I need
    like a shopping list or an ad hoc address or impromptu phone number.
    I then put that desktop shortcut in the appropriate folder.
    Since I mount all of Android onto Windows as a drive letter over
    Wi-Fi, the
    same Android text files are editable on Windows vim also, despite the
    platform CR/LF differences.
    <https://i.postimg.cc/BvJdKWzt/webdav06.jpg> Both sdcards mounted
    Windows vim even says at the bottom that it's using [unix] CR/LF
    Perfectly compatible.
    Same the other way around.
    Perfectly compatible.
    Notice how compatible everything is _except_ Apple's idiotic walled

    In what way does Apple's "walled garden" impact any of this?

    It means you don't have to use Windows or Android? :-)

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Your Name@21:1/5 to Bud Frede on Mon Sep 5 09:34:15 2022
    XPost: misc.phone.mobile.iphone

    On 2022-09-04 13:02:36 +0000, Bud Frede said:
    Alan <nuh-uh@nope.com> writes:
    On 2022-08-29 10:36, Andy Burnelli wrote:
    Hergen Lehmann wrote:
    Am 27.08.22 um 08:55 schrieb David Chmelik:

    What is the plain-text (.TXT) file format specification on Android?
    UNIX & GNU/Linux, Apple, DOS all have .TXT formats that differ where >>>>> carriage-return and line-break (new-line) are placed (so often display >>>>> wrongly on other operating systems)... where or what are specifications >>>>> for Android?

    I doubt there is a formal specification, as Android users are not
    even supposed to interact with "files".

    But Android is Linux-based and on Linux, the convention for text
    files is using LF as line separator and UTF8 encoding. Best
    practice for a programmer would be to accept all of CR,CRLF,LF for
    input and generate the OS's convention (here: LF) for output.
    If I want to edit a text file, what I normally do is put the file in
    my text folder on my sdcard and then name it 'foo.txt' and then when I
    tap on it from the file manager it opens up in my default text editor.
    Usually I make a shortcut to that file if it's something I need
    frequently, like a shopping list or an ad hoc address or impromptu
    phone number. I then put that desktop shortcut in the appropriate
    Since I mount all of Android onto Windows as a drive letter over
    Wi-Fi, the same Android text files are editable on Windows vim also,
    despite the platform CR/LF differences.
    <https://i.postimg.cc/BvJdKWzt/webdav06.jpg> Both sdcards mounted
    Windows vim even says at the bottom that it's using [unix] CR/LF
    formats. Perfectly compatible. Same the other way around. Perfectly compatible.
    Notice how compatible everything is _except_ Apple's idiotic walled

    In what way does Apple's "walled garden" impact any of this?

    It means you don't have to use Windows or Android? :-)

    As the 'old' saying says "An Apple a day keeps the Windoze and Andud
    away". ;-)

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)