• Re: 8556 trivia?

    From Carlos Albuquerque@21:1/5 to All on Fri Jun 9 03:10:08 2023
    A quarta-feira, 6 de maio de 1998 à(s) 08:00:00 UTC+1, Louis Ohland escreveu:
    <snip> Brilliant comments from godlike intellects deleted.
    Is there a listing of the procedure for replacing a SCSI drive for
    this machine. I would think it should be straightforward, but since this is a machine with an IML file (or whatever it's called) on disk
    The IBM HMM has the 9556 OB6 and OBA listed as IML.
    The 8556 14x, 24x, 043, 044, 055 are non-IML (supposedly)
    Not that IBM would EVER do something odd and not tell the customers....


    It is my first time here!
    Just to let you know that the 8556 24X is also IML
    I have one. From the factory, it is medialess (without the hard drive and floppy). It used a MCA network card or something like that to boot and work.
    But, in all of documentation that I read, It should be possible to "convert" it to a "regular" PS/2 8556 56SX by adding the floppy and the HDD.
    So, I added both floppy (2.88MB) and a SCSI HDD, but I am having a lot of trouble to restore (or should I say, create) an IML partition on HDD.
    It is perfectly recognised by the tools in the reference disk, it formats ok, but no IML restore...
    It suspect that is because the HDD is 2GB in size. But it is the only one that I have!

    Do you know if there is a way to make this a working machine?

    By the way, the boot is not possible not even from the floppy drive!
    Because of the model 24X, it says that the boot is only possible from the "network" card or from a SCSI drive with ID 6.

    Do you know if the ROM file is swapable by other model that do not have this limitation?

    Thanks a lot.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Louis Ohland@21:1/5 to Carlos Albuquerque on Fri Jun 9 09:55:02 2023
    My DIMM memories suggest there is a utility to enable/disable RIPL.

    Must surf.

    Carlos Albuquerque wrote:
    A quarta-feira, 6 de maio de 1998 à(s) 08:00:00 UTC+1, Louis Ohland escreveu:
    <snip> Brilliant comments from godlike intellects deleted.
    Is there a listing of the procedure for replacing a SCSI drive for
    this machine. I would think it should be straightforward, but since
    this is a machine with an IML file (or whatever it's called) on disk
    The IBM HMM has the 9556 OB6 and OBA listed as IML.
    The 8556 14x, 24x, 043, 044, 055 are non-IML (supposedly)
    Not that IBM would EVER do something odd and not tell the customers....


    It is my first time here!
    Just to let you know that the 8556 24X is also IML
    I have one. From the factory, it is medialess (without the hard drive and floppy). It used a MCA network card or something like that to boot and work.
    But, in all of documentation that I read, It should be possible to "convert" it to a "regular" PS/2 8556 56SX by adding the floppy and the HDD.
    So, I added both floppy (2.88MB) and a SCSI HDD, but I am having a lot of trouble to restore (or should I say, create) an IML partition on HDD.
    It is perfectly recognised by the tools in the reference disk, it formats ok, but no IML restore...
    It suspect that is because the HDD is 2GB in size. But it is the only one that I have!

    Do you know if there is a way to make this a working machine?

    By the way, the boot is not possible not even from the floppy drive!
    Because of the model 24X, it says that the boot is only possible from the "network" card or from a SCSI drive with ID 6.

    Do you know if the ROM file is swapable by other model that do not have this limitation?

    Thanks a lot.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Louis Ohland@21:1/5 to Louis Ohland on Fri Jun 9 12:16:08 2023
    RPLBOOT.COM only "disables" the HD's primary partition, nothing on
    reversing it.

    Louis Ohland wrote:
    My DIMM memories suggest there is a utility to enable/disable RIPL.

    Must surf.

    Carlos Albuquerque wrote:
    A quarta-feira, 6 de maio de 1998 à(s) 08:00:00 UTC+1, Louis Ohland
    <snip> Brilliant comments from godlike intellects deleted.
    Is there a listing of the procedure for replacing a SCSI drive for >>>>>> this machine. I would think it should be straightforward, but since >>>>>> this is a machine with an IML file (or whatever it's called) on disk
    The IBM HMM has the 9556 OB6 and OBA listed as IML.
    The 8556 14x, 24x, 043, 044, 055 are non-IML (supposedly)
    Not that IBM would EVER do something odd and not tell the customers....


    It is my first time here!
    Just  to let you know that the 8556 24X is also IML
    I have one. From the factory, it is medialess (without the hard drive
    and floppy). It used a MCA network card or something like that to boot
    and work.
    But, in all of documentation that I read, It should be possible to
    "convert" it to a "regular" PS/2 8556 56SX by adding the floppy and
    the HDD.
    So, I added both floppy (2.88MB) and a SCSI HDD, but I am having a lot
    of trouble to restore (or should I say, create) an IML partition on HDD.
    It is perfectly recognised by the tools in the reference disk, it
    formats ok, but no IML restore...
    It suspect that is because the HDD is 2GB in size. But it is the only
    one that I have!

    Do you know if there is a way to make this a working machine?

    By the way, the boot is not possible not even from the floppy drive!
    Because of the model 24X, it says that the boot is only possible from
    the "network" card or from a SCSI drive with ID 6.

    Do you know if the ROM file is swapable by other model that do not
    have this limitation?

    Thanks a lot.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Louis Ohland@21:1/5 to All on Sat Jun 10 07:11:26 2023
    Now you know exactly as much as I do.

    1.2.9 8556/8557-SX SYSTEM BOARD FRU P/N84F7994

    Record number: H05753

    Device: D/T8556
    Model: M
    Part number: P/N84F7994
    Tip key: 005
    Date created: O92/06/30
    Date last altered: A92/06/30

    Currently, the Medialess Models ( 14X and 24X ) of the Machine
    Type 8556 have a unique FRU for the System Board - P/N79F7211.
    This is being changed to incorporate the Support of these
    Models into the standard 8556/'57 System Board FRU P/N84F7994;
    as common practice on other Medialess versions of the PS/2
    As there has been no change of FRU P/N to allow Field Stock to
    be easily moved to a common "higher" FRU, the existing stock of
    FRU P/N84F7994 having to be re-levelled. This may take some time
    to complete, so the following information can be used as a guide
    in understanding what can be used in which machines:

    FRU P/N79F7211 - Can be used ONLY in the Medialess System, those
    with Remote IPL T/R or E'Net cards and no DASD.

    FRU P/N84F7994 - Will ALWAYS be able to support the standard
    Models ( those with DASD ) of the 8556 and 8557
    386SX Processors.
    As from WK25/92, Greenock have been shipping
    this FRU at a level which will support the
    Medialess Models also. This level of FRU can be
    recognised by having either Card Assy part no.
    92F2515 or 92F2498 ( rework level equivalent )
    within it. Numerically higher P/N's which may
    replace them, will also continue support.

    Use should be made of FRU P/N79F7211 until stock is exhausted,
    before ensuring the content of FRU P/N84F7994 has been upgraded
    so it can be used. In the event of Supply difficulties, an order
    should be placed directly on Greenock Plant for P/N92F2515 (this
    P/N will be unknown to Country Stockrooms)

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Louis Ohland@21:1/5 to Carlos Albuquerque on Sat Jun 10 07:02:53 2023
    Fools rush in where angels fear to tread...

    Two issues that loom out of the mists...


    The 8556 SCSI BIOS can't handle >1,023KB as an IML source. The 2GB drive
    can< be used as a secondary, but an 8556 is a bit cramped for two HDs.

    The SCSI controller firmware is socketed, but that is not the
    limitation. IIRC, the SCSI BIOS is part of the system BIOS, so there is
    no easy swapping of SCSI BIOS for >1GB support :(

    SCSIFIX.ZIP Bob Eager's utility to alter the sector count of SCSI drives
    to convert them to 3.94 GB!

    Findt a decent <1GB drive.

    A related issue is the search for an IML source. Since you can't lay an
    IML track, the 56LS looks to RPL from network. No holy joy to be foundt.
    Your 24X had a Tolkien Ring card that supported RPL, both the NIC -AND-
    network are unavailable.

    Once you install a <1GB SCSI drive, the system -should- allow choosing
    the SCSI HD on ID6 as the IML source.



    I have NEVER diddled around with a network boot system as it requires a
    network and another system with the IML source in it. So, there is
    probably a few more sickeners out there before your 56-24X boots happily
    from the SCSI HD.

    I have not foundt a reference to a medialess-specific 56LS system EPROM,
    a related RETAIN tip says there WAS a medialess system-board -AND- a drive-equipped system board, but IBM decided to only use one common system-board for ALL 56. The specific medialess system-board was most
    likely for accounting purposes.

    Carlos Albuquerque wrote:
    It is perfectly recognised by the tools in the reference disk, it formats ok, but no IML restore...
    It suspect that is because the HDD is 2GB in size. But it is the only one that I have!

    Do you know if there is a way to make this a working machine?

    By the way, the boot is not possible not even from the floppy drive!
    Because of the model 24X, it says that the boot is only possible from the "network" card or from a SCSI drive with ID 6.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Louis Ohland@21:1/5 to Louis Ohland on Sat Jun 10 07:20:57 2023
    No list of board FRUs to manufacturing FRU or P/N. Grumble.

    Louis Ohland wrote:
     Now you know exactly as much as I do.

    1.2.9 8556/8557-SX SYSTEM BOARD FRU P/N84F7994

         Record number:        H05753

           Device:               D/T8556
           Model:                M
           Part number:          P/N84F7994
           Tip key:              005
           Date created:         O92/06/30
           Date last altered:    A92/06/30

         Currently, the Medialess Models ( 14X and 24X ) of the Machine
         Type 8556 have a unique FRU for the System Board - P/N79F7211.
         This is being changed to incorporate the Support of these
         Models into the standard 8556/'57 System Board FRU P/N84F7994;
         as common practice on other Medialess versions of the PS/2
         As there has been no change of FRU P/N to allow Field Stock to
         be easily moved to a common "higher" FRU, the existing stock of
         FRU P/N84F7994 having to be re-levelled. This may take some time
         to complete, so the following information can be used as a guide
         in understanding what can be used in which machines:

         FRU P/N79F7211 - Can be used ONLY in the Medialess System, those
                          with Remote IPL T/R or E'Net cards and no DASD.

         FRU P/N84F7994 - Will ALWAYS be able to support the standard
                          Models ( those with DASD ) of the 8556 and 8557
                          386SX Processors.
                          As from WK25/92, Greenock have been shipping
                          this FRU at a level which will support the
                          Medialess Models also. This level of FRU can be
                          recognised by having either Card Assy part no.
                          92F2515 or 92F2498 ( rework level equivalent )
                          within it. Numerically higher P/N's which may
                          replace them, will also continue support.

         Use should be made of FRU P/N79F7211 until stock is exhausted,
         before ensuring the content of FRU P/N84F7994 has been upgraded
         so it can be used. In the event of Supply difficulties, an order
         should be placed directly on Greenock Plant for P/N92F2515 (this
         P/N will be unknown to Country Stockrooms)

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)