• Bypassing the OP panel Re: Power Good in another weg? Re: Test the PSU

    From Louis Ohland@21:1/5 to Louis Ohland on Sun Jan 8 18:53:06 2023
    My intention is findting another weg to turn on a 95. The remote power
    -MIGHT- allow us to bypass SW1 -ASSUMING- there is a problem with the op
    panel, the ribbon connector, or the planar itself.

    Louis Ohland wrote:
    95 XP Op Panel - Hidden Remote IPL Switch (SW1)

    What's the switch SW1 for on the op panel PCB?

    Tom says:
       The SW1 switch is normally hidden behind the Op Panel Bezel.
    Contrary to what has been said about it not having any function in the
    Model 95, based on its wiring and some testing I have determined that it enables/disables the "Remote Power-ON" feature.
       This allows the system unit to be turned on and off from an external source - via the J4 pin header on the planar board. For this to work the hidden SW1 switch must be pressed down, and then it's possible to power
    the system on by grounding pin 2 of J4, and power it off again by
    removing this connection. The system will power down only if the main
    power switch (SW2) remained in the OFF position.
       The J4 connection would be realized using an externally powered electronic switch - relay, semiconductor etc. The control signal could
    be then supplied from a device connected to a telephone line or some
    other source.

    Ed. Now we know its real name - Remote Initial Program Load (IPL) Switch (source).

    Tomas Slavotinek wrote:
    On 08.01.2023 19:57, Pertti Helander wrote:
    I was at opposite end of PSU connector, didn´t notice the mark there.
    When I closed PSU connector pins 1-2 with wire PSU fan starts.
    But when I checked with multimeter PSU connectors all pins there was
    0 V  with ground row pins and +- 5V or+-12V pins.
    Between pins 1-2 there was 0 V not +5 V.  Is this OK?

    The voltage between 1 and 2 should be close to 5 V when the PSU is in
    stand-by. Since you have to tie it low (to ground) to power the unit
    on, 0 V is correct when the PSU is running.

    Here is how to measure the other voltages and what the expected ranges

    Also, Power Good (pin 16) should be at logic high (close to 5 V) if
    everything is ok.

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