• Risks Digest 34.12 (1/2)

    From RISKS List Owner@21:1/5 to All on Tue Apr 2 01:53:09 2024
    RISKS-LIST: Risks-Forum Digest Monday 1 April 2024 Volume 34 : Issue 12

    ACM FORUM ON RISKS TO THE PUBLIC IN COMPUTERS AND RELATED SYSTEMS (comp.risks) Peter G. Neumann, founder and still moderator

    ***** See last item for further information, disclaimers, caveats, etc. ***** This issue is archived at <http://www.risks.org> as
    The current issue can also be found at

    Contents: somewhat backlogged, but No Fooling yet today!
    Two major losses (PGN)
    America's Nuclear War Plan in the 1960s Was Utter Madness.
    It Still Is. (Mother Jones)
    FDA Warning Links Heart Pump to Deaths (Christina Jewett)
    Persist (NYTimes)
    Ransomeware Attack Against UnitedHealth Shows Flaws in Cybersecurty
    Iowa fertilizer spell kills 750K fish in Iowa and Missouri over
    60-mile stretch of rivers (NYTimes)
    Red Hat Fedora 41 hacked (Tom Van Vleck)
    Unpatchable vulnerability in Apple chip leaks secret encryption keys
    (ArsTechnica via Gabe Goldberg, Gabe Goldberg)
    The race between positive and negative applications of Generative
    AI is on - and not looking pretty (Gary Marcus via Gabe)
    U.S. Military's Investments into AI Skyrocket (Will Henshall)
    AI bots hallucinate software packages and devs download them
    (Steve Bacher via The Register)
    OpenAI Reveals but Will Not Release Human Voice Cloning Feature (WSJ)
    The Online Degradation of Women and Girls That We Meet With a Shrug
    (The New York Times)
    America's first biometric 'smart gun' is finally here. Will it work?
    Hackers Found a Way to Open Any of 3 Million Hotel Keycard Locks in Seconds
    AT&T Resets Millions of Passcodes After Customer Records Are Leaked
    (Jan Wolitzky)
    Time for Social Engineering Training (Kingfish1935 via Ben Moore)
    Internet Age Verification schemes -- e.g., Florida's new law
    (Lauren Weinstein)
    Scientists aghast at bizarre AI rat with huge genitals in peer-reviewed
    article (ArsTechnica)
    Israel Deploys Expansive Facial Recognition Program in Gaza (NYTimes)
    Facebook snooped on users' Snapchat traffic in secret project,
    documents reveal (TechCrunch)
    Elon Musk's Starlink Terminals Are Falling Into the Wrong Hands?
    (Henry Baker)
    Explanations of Australian emergency phone number failure (John Colville) Abridged info on RISKS (comp.risks)


    Date: Sat, 30 Mar 2024 9:02:31 PDT
    From: Peter Neumann <neumann@csl.sri.com>
    Subject: Two major losses

    Ross Anderson
    https://twitter.com/duncan_2qq/status/1773752269395099774 https://alecmuffett.com/article/109513

    From Ross's University of Cambridge:
    Ross pioneered the field of security engineering. Our students were very
    fortunate to learn from him over the last few years. In fact, he gave 2
    seminars just last Wednesday. He researched many topics within computer
    science including cryptology, steganography, dependability, security
    economics, adversarial machine learning and more. Ross also used his
    position as a researcher to actively advocate for a more secure
    world. This included championing individual privacy rights, research into
    payments security in developing countries, and protecting vulnerable
    people from scams. On a personal level, he will be greatly missed by
    students and staff.

    Dan Lynch https://www.nytimes.com/2024/03/31/technology/daniel-c-lynch-dead.html?unlocked_article_code=1.hE0.tCVR.8ASMr_sTSh3W&smid=url-share

    Dan's era was long before Ross's. Lauren Weinstein had this note: Dan
    Lynch, one of the key people involved in building the Internet and ARPANET
    before it, has died. Dan was director of computing facilities at SRI
    International, where ARPANET node #2 was located. He worked on
    development of TCP/IP, and where the first packets were received from our
    site at UCLA node #1 to SRI, and later at USC-ISI led the team that made
    the transition from the original ARPANET NCP protocols to TCP/IP for the
    Internet. And much more.

    Both of them were major figures in their respective eras, and wonder
    friends, Ross much too young at 56, Dan at 82.


    Date: Thu, 28 Mar 2024 13:11:21 -0400
    From: Gabe Goldberg <gabe@gabegold.com>
    Subject: America's Nuclear War Plan in the 1960s Was Utter Madness.
    It Still Is. (Mother Jones)

    We rarely consider the dangers these days, but our existence depends on it.

    Nuclear war is the only scenario other than an asteroid strike that could
    end civilization in a matter of hours. The soot from burning cities and
    forests will blot out the sun and cause a nuclear winter. Agriculture will fail. State-of-the-art climate modeling predicts five billion humans will
    die. In the words of Nikita Khrushchev, the survivors will envy the dead.



    Date: Sat, 30 Mar 2024 12:07:54 PDT
    From: Peter Neumann <neumann@csl.sri.com>
    Subject: FDA Warning Links Heart Pump to Deaths (Christina Jewett)

    Christina Jewett, *The New York Times*, 30 Mar 2024

    A troubled Impella heart pump that has now been linked to 49 deaths
    and dozens of injuries worldwide will be allowed to remain in use,
    despite the FDA's decision to issue an alert about the risk that it
    could puncture a wall of the heart.

    The FDA said Abiomed (the manufacturer of the device) should have
    notified the agency more than two years ago, when the company first
    posted an updatte on its website about the perforation risk. [Abiomed
    was then acquired by Johnson and Johnson in 2022.] [Half-page article

    ``To say that you're addressing 49 deaths by saying `be careful' is not addressing the problem at all.'' Rita Redberg, UCSF cardiologist and professor.


    Date: Sat, 30 Mar 2024 18:23:42 PDT
    From: Peter Neumann <neumann@csl.sri.com>
    Subject: Ransomeware Attack Against UnitedHealth Shows Flaws in Cybersecurty
    Persist (NYTimes)

    Reed Ableson and Margot Sanger-Katz, *The New York Times*, 30 Mar 2024

    The recent cyberattack on the billing and payment colossus Change Healthcare (Making Change as well as Changing Healthcare?) revealed just how serious
    the vulnerabilities are throughout the U.S. healthcare system, and alerted industry leaders and policymakers in the urgent need for better digital security.

    [They clearly have not been reading RISKS for any of the past 38 years!
    And this is on top of HIPAA, where none of the systems are secure enough
    to begin with and privacy is a huge problem already. PGN]


    Date: Sat, 30 Mar 2024 14:44:31 PDT
    From: Peter Neumann <neumann@csl.sri.com>
    Subject: Iowa fertilizer spell kills 750K fish in Iowa and Missouri over
    60-mile stretch of rivers (NYTimes)

    Mitch Smith and Catrin Einhorn (*The New York Times, 30 Mar 2024)

    Single valve left open over a weekend.
    Lessons from our RISKS community need to be practiced elsewhere.
    Flow control Systems? Probably none.
    Monitoring? Probably none.
    Diagnostics? Probably none.
    Risks to human and other lives? Rampant.

    [Einhorn is Unicorn in German. I am delighted Einhorns are not totally
    extinct, with two in the same issueq. Katrin and Bruce (below) need to
    work together -- if they are not already. PGN]


    Date: Fri, 29 Mar 2024 15:16:48 -0400
    From: Tom Van Vleck <thvv@multicians.org>
    Subject: Red Hat Fedora 41 hacked

    Red Hat Fedora 41 had a backdoor installed.
    The latest version of the "xz" compression tools and libraries had
    malicious code inserted that appears to attack SSH authentication. CVE-2024-3094

    Some details at

    [Hassen Saidi remarked on the fascinating story:

    Victor Miller noted
    and Technologist vs spy: the xz backdoor debate


    Date: Sun, 24 Mar 2024 18:18:12 -0400
    From: Gabe Goldberg <gabe@gabegold.com>
    Subject: Unpatchable vulnerability in Apple chip leaks secret encryption
    keys (Ars Technica)

    Are these exotic/esoteric threats meaningful in the real
    non-high-value-target world?

    How is it weaponized?

    The attack, which the researchers have named GoFetch
    <https://gofetch.fail/>, uses an application that doesnt require root access, only the same user privileges needed by most third-party
    applications installed on a macOS system. M-series chips are divided into
    what are known as clusters. The M1, for example, has two clusters: one containing four efficiency cores and the other four performance cores. As
    long as the GoFetch app and the targeted cryptography app are running on the same performance clustereven when on separate cores within that clusterGoFetch can mine enough secrets to leak a secret key. [...]

    End users who are concerned should check for GoFetch mitigation updates that become available for macOS software that implements any of the four
    encryption protocols known to be vulnerable. Out of an abundance of caution, its probably also wise to assume, at least for now, that other cryptographic protocols are likely also susceptible.


    ...so attacker must get malware installed, THEN it gathers data, THEN it
    exfiltrates it?


    Date: Sun, 24 Mar 2024 18:55:47 -0400
    From: Gabe Goldberg <gabe@gabegold.com>
    Subject: Unpatchable vulnerability in Apple chip leaks secret
    encryption keys

    Well, friend answered:

    Cloud is a big issue here, since you may be running on a CPU with other customers.

    Lots of threats are relatively low-risk; the thing is, those risks can
    be additive. I forget who, but someone talks about a Swiss cheese model: you take a bunch of minor risks, each of which is a small hole
    in the cheese, and sometimes they line up, leaving a hole all the way
    through. Those of you who have read /Normal Accidents/ will recognize
    this failure chain concept.

    So yeah, MY machines aren't running other folks' stuff, or unvetted applications, so I probably don't care. But your bank might be (yes,
    banks are doing cloud too, more fools they. ...)


    Date: Fri, 29 Mar 2024 16:13:02 -0400
    From: "Gabe Goldberg" <gabe@gabegold.com>
    Subject: The race between positive and negative applications of Generative
    AI is on - and not looking pretty

    Lets look at the race itself first. Opinions could vary, but in my
    opinion, the race is not going great. One the one hand, we have big
    promises for AI helping in domains like medicine, and computer
    programming, but the inherent unreliability in these systems is deeply worrisome. An example in a story I just saw that could unravel some of
    the gains in programming is this: [...]

    From a security perspective, thats terrifying. If lots of code gets
    written, fast, but that code is riddled with security problems, the net
    advantage on the positive side of the ledger may be less than anticipated.
    As noted here before, one study indicates that code quality is going down.



    Date: Mon, 1 Apr 2024 11:09:41 -0400 (EDT)
    From: ACM TechNews <technews-editor@acm.org>
    Subject: U.S. Military's Investments into AI Skyrocket (Will Henshall)

    Will Henshall, *Time*, 29 Mar 2024, via ACM TechNews

    The Brookings Institution reported a nearly 1,200% surge in the potential
    value of AI-related U.S. government contracts, from $355 million in the year ending in August 2022 to $4.6 billion in the year ending in August 2023. The U.S. Department of Defense accounted for the majority of the total, with
    $557 million committed by the agency to AI-related contracts, rising to $4.3 billion if each contract were extended to its fullest terms.

    [How much of that will be devoted to evidence-based assurance of low-risk
    AI's total-system trustworthiness? Close to ZERO, if past experience is
    any guide. This fantastic AI spurge sounds like the definition of a
    sailboat -- a hole in the ocean into which you pour money. PGN]


    Date: Sat, 30 Mar 2024 06:57:29 -0700
    From: Steve Bacher <sebmb1@verizon.net>
    Subject: AI bots hallucinate software packages and devs download them

    Simply look out for libraries imagined by ML and make them real, with
    actual malicious code. No wait, don't do that.



    Date: Mon, 1 Apr 2024 08:42:23 -0700
    From: "Peter G. Neumann" <peter.neumann@sri.com>
    Subject: OpenAI Reveals but Will Not Release Human Voice Cloning Feature



    Date: Sat, 23 Mar 2024 11:20:13 -0400
    From: Monty Solomon <monty@roscom.com>
    Subject: The Online Degradation of Women and Girls That We Meet With a Shrug



    Date: Sat, 23 Mar 2024 16:00:52 -0700
    From: Steve Bacher <sebmb1@verizon.net>
    Subject: America's first biometric 'smart gun' is finally here. Will it work?

    *Biofire says its gun will be in people's hands this month. The company
    has walked a careful line to avoid blowback from the gun-rights movement*

    The company behind Americas first biometric smart gun one that
    fires only when gripped by authorized users will face a crucial test
    in the coming weeks.

    After decades of failed attempts by other manufacturers to bring a reliable smart gun to market, Biofire, a Colorado-based startup, says its shipping its first batch of 9 mm handguns equipped with fingerprint and facial-recognition technology by the end of the month. The companys smart gun is designed to serve a very specific purpose: a weapon that can be
    quickly accessed to defend against a home intruder, but that cant be used by anyone unauthorized, particularly children.

    As Biofire markets its gun to firearm enthusiasts and skeptics alike, the company is walking a careful line to avoid the massive blowback from the gun-rights movement that derailed previous iterations of smart guns.

    Gun control advocates have long seen biometric technology as a game changer
    for reducing gun violence, and Biofire has drawn their praise by emphasizing safety and the need to prevent children from accessing guns. At the same
    time, the company has built ties with the gun industry and opposes any government mandates <https://smartgun.com/explore/videos/biofire-s-stance-on-mandates> to
    require biometric features in guns, trying to head off fears that the technology is a Trojan horse for gun control.

    So far, Biofires approach has been received with a mix of cautious optimism, curiosity and distrust. But the most important question wont be fully answered until the gun is in peoples hands: Does it really work? [...]



    Date: Sun, 24 Mar 2024 01:40:37 -0400
    From: Gabe Goldberg <gabe@gabegold.com>
    Subject: Hackers Found a Way to Open Any of 3 Million Hotel Keycard
    Locks in Seconds (WiReD)

    The company behind the Saflok-brand door locks is offering a fix, but it
    may take months or years to reach some hotels.



    Date: Sat, 30 Mar 2024 19:49:43 -0400
    From: Jan Wolitzky <jan.wolitzky@gmail.com>
    Subject: AT&T Resets Millions of Passcodes After Customer Records Are

    The telecommunications giant AT&T announced on Saturday that it had reset
    the passcodes of 7.6 million customers after it determined that compromised customer data was *released on the dark web*. ``Our internal teams are
    working with external cybersecurity experts= to analyze the situation. To
    the best of our knowledge, the compromised data appears to be from 2019 or earlier and does not contain personal financial information or call
    history.'' [...]


    [Also noted by Gabe Goldberg and Matthew Kruk. Thanks! PGN]


    From: Ben Moore <ben.moore@juno.com>
    Date: Tue, 26 Mar 2024 21:55:34 -0500
    Subject: Time for Social Engineering Training

    Based on a spoofed e-mail, a county comptroller paid $2.7 million to a man
    with a thick Middle-Eastern accent in Germany. I think it's time for a
    little social engineering training.



    Date: Mon, 25 Mar 2024 17:35:54 -0700
    From: Lauren Weinstein <lauren@vortex.com>
    Subject: Internet Age Verification schemes -- e.g., Florida's new law

    It's important to understand that "age verification" schemes being
    passed by states, ostensibly to "protect the children", won't do that
    and will bring about incredible abuses.

    In order to age verify children, obviously EVERYBODY of any age must
    be verified, for every account, under every name or pseudonym,
    ultimately on every site no matter how public or private the topic,
    and before downloading any apps.

    Children will find ways to work around this. They'll use the accounts
    of adults, which will be openly traded. But because these age
    verification systems must by definition be based on government IDs,
    the verification process creates a linkage between your account names
    and your actual identity, subjecting you to all manner of leaked
    personal information, government abuses (think MAGA in charge), and
    worse. Firms will claim their systems either don't keep this data or
    can't be abused. History strongly suggests otherwise, and when courts
    step in, those firms will have to do what the courts say, often in
    secret, when it comes to collecting data.

    Age verification is in actuality a massive Chinese-style Internet
    identity tracking project -- nothing less -- and there are many
    politicians in the U.S. who look with envy at how China controls their
    Internet and keeps their Internet users under police state controls. -L


    Date: Sun, 31 Mar 2024 06:55:02 -0700
    From: Steve Bacher <sebmb1@verizon.net>
    Subject: Scientists aghast at bizarre AI rat with huge genitals in
    peer-reviewed article

    It's unclear how such egregiously bad images made it through peer-review.


    [Maybe it was pier-reviewed as the rats were leaving the ship. PGN]


    From: Jan Wolitzky <jan.wolitzky@gmail.com>
    Date: Wed, 27 Mar 2024 07:14:27 -0400
    Subject: Israel Deploys Expansive Facial Recognition Program in Gaza
    (The New York Times)

    The experimental effort, which has not been disclosed, is being used to
    conduct mass surveillance of Palestinians in Gaza, according to military officials and others.

    The facial recognition program, which is run by Israel's military
    intelligence unit, including the cyber-intelligence division Unit 8200,
    relies on technology from Corsight, a private Israeli company, four intelligence officers said. It also uses Google Photos, they said.
    Combined, the technologies enable Israel to pick faces out of crowds and
    grainy drone footage.


    [False positives? negatives? undecideds? Basically unreliable? PGN]


    Date: Tue, 26 Mar 2024 14:24:10 -0700
    From: Lauren Weinstein <lauren@vortex.com>
    Subject: Facebook snooped on users' Snapchat traffic in secret project,
    documents reveal (TechCrunch) https://techcrunch.com/2024/03/26/facebook-secret-project-snooped-snapchat-user-traffic/


    Date: Tue, 26 Mar 2024 14:34:52 +0000
    From: Henry Baker <hbaker1@pipeline.com>
    Subject: Elon Musk's Starlink Terminals Are Falling Into the Wrong Hands?

    For many years in the 1970's, a (physical) bulletin board at MIT's AI Lab had an article posted with the headline 'ARPAnet accused of transmitting data'.

    I'm sure that there must have been many articles in the 1920's with the headline 'Henry Ford's Automobiles are Falling into Criminal Hands', and
    many articles in the 1700's with the headline 'Johannes Gutenberg's Printing Presses are falling into Papist Hands'.


    "I have drove Fords exclusively when I could get away with one." signed
    "Yours truly Clyde Champion Barrow." [of 'Bonnie & Clyde' fame]

    Criminals breath air, drink water, eat food, use the telephone, drive the roads, etc., -- in short -- they utilize everything that non-criminals do in order to commit their crimes. But restricting access to air, water, food,
    etc., hurts everyone a lot more than it hurts criminals -- we cut off our
    nose to spite our face.

    Once again, be very, very, very careful what you wish for when you start to regulate technology that everyone wants (and needs) to use.


    Elon Musk's Starlink Terminals Are Falling Into the Wrong Hands

    Bruce Einhorn, Loni Prinsloo, Marissa Newman and Simon Marks
    Mon, March 25, 2024 at 2:00 PM PDT

    (Bloomberg) -- SpaceX's Starlink touts its high-speed internet as
    ``available almost anywhere on Earth.'' In the real world, its reach
    extends to countries where Elon Musk's satellite-enabled service has no agreement to operate, including territories ruled by repressive regimes. A Bloomberg News investigation identified wide-spanning examples of Starlink
    kits being traded and activated illegally. How they are smuggled and the
    sheer availability of Starlink on the black market suggests that its misuse
    is a systemic global problem, raising questions about the company control of
    a system with clear national security dimensions. In Yemen, which is in the throes of a decade-long civil war, a government official conceded that
    Starlink is in widespread use. Many people are prepared to defy competing warring factions, including Houthi rebels, to secure terminals for business
    and personal communications, and evade the slow, often censored internet service that's currently available. Or take Sudan, where a year-long civil
    war has led to accusations of genocide, crimes against humanity and millions
    of people fleeing their homes. With the regular internet down for months, soldiers of the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces are among those using the system for their logistics, according to Western diplomats. ``It is deeply concerning because it's unregulated and headed by a private company, Emma Shortis, a senior researcher in international and security affairs at the Australia Institute, an independent think tank in Canberra, said of the Starlink system. ``There's no accountability on who has access to it and how it's being used.'' Starlink delivers broadband Internet beamed down from a network of roughly 5,500 satellites that SpaceX started deploying in
    2019. With some 2.6 million customers already, Starlink has the potential to become a major moneymaker for SpaceX, a company that began as Musk's way to fulfill his dream of exploring Mars and has now become the most important private-sector contractor to the US government's space program and a
    dominant force in national security. Musk, until recently the world's
    richest person, has said there will be a cap to how much money SpaceX's
    launch services business will make, while Starlink could eventually reach revenue of $30 billion a year. Starlink plans to launch tens of thousands of additional satellites to connect places that are too remote for ground-based broadband or that have been cut off by natural disasters or conflict. But given the security concerns around a private American company controlling Internet service, SpaceX first needs to strike agreements with governments
    in each territory. Where there are none, people are ``proceeding to use Starlink without the proper coverage'' that is quite illegal and of course should not be allowed, but it's difficult to control and manage,'' said
    Manuel Ntumba, an Africa geospatial, governance and risk expert based in New York. In central Asia, where Starlink deals are rare, a government
    crackdown on illicit terminals in Kazakhstan this year has barely made a
    dent on its use. All it did was lead to higher prices on the black market, according to a trader who imports the gear and who didn't want to speak publicly for fear of retribution. Prior to the government intervention, customers were able to buy the company's equipment and have it shipped via
    the local postal service, the trader said. SpaceX didn't respond when asked
    to comment on a written list of questions submitted on Thursday. ``If
    SpaceX obtains knowledge that a Starlink terminal is being used by a
    sanctioned or unauthorized party, we investigate the claim and take actions
    to deactivate the terminal if confirmed,'' the company said in a post on X
    in February. The growing black market for Starlink has emerged in regions
    with patchy connectivity, where the allure of high speed, dependable
    Internet in an easy-to-use package is strong for businesses and consumers alike. In many ways, it's Starlink's effectiveness as a communications tool that has made it such a sensitive matter. The US military is a customer: The Air Force has been testing terminals in the Arctic, calling them *reliable
    and high-performance*. Those same properties made it vital to Ukraine's military in its defense against invading Russian forces. SpaceX provided the technology to Kyiv in the early days of Russia's invasion, and Starlink has since become crucial to the Ukrainian communications infrastructure. The US Departcment of Defense later struck a deal with Starlink to supply Ukraine
    with equipment, the terms of which were not made public. Then in February
    of this year, Ukraine said that Russia was deploying Starlink in its own war efforts, while unverified posts on X, Musk's social network, appeared to
    show Russian soldiers unpacking kits. Two House Democrats wrote a letter to SpaceX President Gwynne Shotwell pressing her on Ukraine's claims. ``To the best of our knowledge, no Starlinks have been sold directly or indirectly to Russia,'' Musk wrote on X. Itquo;s the uncertainty about where the
    satellite dishes are landing that as security officials around the world concerned. Starlink kits are being sold for use in Venezuela, where individuals and entities have been subject to US sanctions for almost a
    decade, most recently under President Nicolas Maduro's authoritarian rule. A map of coverage areas on Starlink's website shows the South American nation blacked out. Yet social media ads promote package deals for Starlink
    equipment, which is widely available and admired for its reliability and portability in a country of isolated cattle ranches and gold mines. SpaceX should be able to prevent Russian use of Starlink in occupied Ukraine, since ``basically every single transmitter can be identified,'' said Candace
    Johnson, director at NorthStar Earth & Space Inc., a Montreal company that
    in January successfully launched four satellites -- on a rocket from SpaceX competitor Rocket Lab USA Inc. -- to identify and track objects in space. ``There needs to be more accountability: to your country, to your company,
    to your shareholders, to your stakeholders,'' said Johnson, who is also a partner with Seraphim Capital, a venture-capital firm that invests in space startups. In North Africa, Starlink's use in Sudan shows how terminals
    arrive in a country subject to international sanctions. There has been no Internet in Sudan since early February. Both the Sudanese Armed Forces and Rapid Support Forces have blamed each other for cutting the service while
    the CEO of Zain Sudan, a mobile operator, said his company's engineers had
    been prevented from reaching parts of the country to reconnect the network
    due to insecurity and a lack of fuel. To bypass the blackout, members of
    the RSF and local business owners have smuggled Starlink devices into
    Sudan's Darfur region using an organized network that registered the units
    in Dubai before transporting them into Uganda by airplane and then by road
    to Sudan via South Sudan, according to interviews with Western diplomats and business owners using the devices.

    Gold miners in remote areas along the borders of South Sudan and the Central African Republic were provided with Starlink services even prior to the war
    by traders working in South Darfur's Nyala City. Starlink says on its
    website that a ``service date is unknown at this time'' for Sudan.

    Haroun Mohamed, a trader in Nyala who transports goods across the border to Chad and South Sudan, said the use of Starlink by RSF soldiers and civilians was widespread. ``Ever since the eruption of war in Darfur, a lot of people
    are bringing in Starlink devices and use it for business. People are paying between $2 or $3 per hour, so it's very good business.''

    In South Africa, where Musk was born, the government hasn't yet approved Starlink's application to operate. But that hasn't prevented a flourishing trade in terminals there. Facebook groups feature providers that offer to
    buy and activate the kits in Mozambique, where it is licensed, and then
    deliver them over the border to South African customers.

    There were enough users of the service in the country as of Nov. 28 that the regulator felt the need to issue a statement reminding people that Starlink
    has no license for South Africa. Unlawful use could result in fines of as
    much as 5 million rand ($265,000), or 10% of annual turnover.

    Regulators in other countries in Africa have issued similar
    warnings. Ghana's National Communications Authority in December released a statement demanding that anyone involved in selling or operating Starlink services in the country ``cease and desist immediately.''

    In Zimbabwe, authorities threatened raids in response to online advertising
    for Starlink equipment, H-Metro newspaper reported in January. Prices for Starlink gear on the black market ranged from $700 to $2,000, according to local technology blog Techzim. Government officials in Ghana and Zimbabwe
    have recently said they hope to allow licensed service.

    Countries have different reasons for declining to cooperate with Starlink, including stipulations that it have a local partner and concerns around data use.

    Starlink service is currently available --legally -- in eight countries in sub-Saharan Africa, and the US company has big plans to build its user
    base. It is working with local marketing partners such as Jumia Technologies AG, an e-commerce company backed by Pernod Ricard SA that has an agreement
    to sell Starlink equipment for residential use in Nigeria and Kenya. There
    has been significant demand, with the first shipment to Nigeria selling out
    in a few hours, according to Chief Commercial Officer Hisham El Gabry.

    ``Jumia is aware that there are some unofficial distributors of these
    kits,'' El Gabry said in an interview. While the number of devices is not
    yet at an alarming level, ``it is a point of discussion between us and
    Starlink that this needs to be brought under control,'' he said. Jumia verifies customers, and cancels orders if they are going to traders or

    [continued in next message]

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