• Risks Digest 33.28

    From RISKS List Owner@21:1/5 to All on Tue Jun 14 23:22:56 2022
    RISKS-LIST: Risks-Forum Digest Tuesday 14 June 2022 Volume 33 : Issue 28

    ACM FORUM ON RISKS TO THE PUBLIC IN COMPUTERS AND RELATED SYSTEMS (comp.risks) Peter G. Neumann, founder and still moderator

    ***** See last item for further information, disclaimers, caveats, etc. ***** This issue is archived at <http://www.risks.org> as
    The current issue can also be found at

    Long-term planning and optimization (PGN)
    Single beaver caused mass Internet, cell service outages in Northern B.C.
    (CTV News)
    Vulnerability discovered in Apple M1 chip (The Register via Tom Van Vleck)
    The Billionaires Seeking a U.S. Chip-Making Revival (Ephrat Livni)
    How Henry Ford Would Deal With Today's Supply Chain Upheaval (NYTimes) Researchers Find Bluetooth Signals Can be Fingerprinted to Track Smartphones
    (The Hacker News)
    A Story of a Bug Found Fuzzing (Microsoft Browser Vulnerability Research)
    I was able to access thousands of companies' passwords on #Azure
    and run code on their VMs. This includes access to Microsoft's own
    credentials (Tzah Pahima)
    New Syslogk Linux Rootkit Lets Attackers Remotely Command It Using "Magic
    Packets" (The Hacker News)
    The surreal case of the disgruntled CIA hacker accused of exposing the
    agency's digital arsenal -- King Joshhn (The New Yorker)
    Coinbase lays off 1,100 employees in 18% cut (Lauren Weinstein)
    'The Music Has Stopped': Crypto Firms Quake as Prices Fall (NYTimes)
    Jay-Z and Jack Dorsey launched a Bitcoin academy in a public housing complex
    Researchers Detail PureCrypter Loader Cyber Criminals Using to Distribute
    Malware (The Hacker New)
    Thefts, Fraud, and Lawsuits at the World's Biggest NFT Marketplace (NYTimes) CRISPR-Based Map Ties Every Human Gene to Its Function (Eva Frederick) Self-Driving Truck Will Deliver Goods to 34 Sam's Club Locations
    (Alexandra Skores)
    Has the U.S. Learned Nothing From the UK's Gambling Woes (WiReD)
    Re: Parameter Expansion Considered Dangerous (Cliff Kilby with TomHVV)
    Abridged info on RISKS (comp.risks)


    Date: Tue, 14 Jun 2022 14:36:48 PDT
    From: Peter Neumann <neumann@csl.sri.com>
    Subject: Long-term planning and optimization

    We've been around this topic in RISKS for many different manifestations, and also in the CACM Inside Risks series:

    * The Foresight Saga, Redux: Short-term thinking is the enemy of the
    long-term future, PGN, CACM October 2012:

    * A Holistic View of Future Risks: Almost everything is somehow
    interrelated with everything else -- and that should not surprise
    us. PGN, CACM October 2020:

    The lack of long-term thinking comes up in off-shoring of hardware
    fabrication, outsourcing of critical operations to the cloud or
    untrustworthy third-parties, supply-chain shortages, food production and distribution, health care, use of pesticides and toxic wastes,
    overdependence on fossil fuels, and -- perhaps above all -- climate change. Many of the issues that arise seem to have a common theme, namely, seeking
    to saving money and labor in the short term, while suppressing or ignoring concerns for long-term implications: essentially, kicking the can down the
    road rather than picking it up and recycling it.

    An opinion piece by Paul Krugman in today's *The New York Times* impels me
    to write this short note for RISKS readers.

    In the context of the pressing need to save the Great Salt Lake from drying
    up totally (with some really nasty implications), Krugman once more leads us
    to an absolutely fundamental point: sooner or later, there comes a time when civiliazions must radically do something dramatic -- with costs that vastly exceed what was saved in the short term.

    Krugman's op-ed piece concludes:

    "Finally, we aren't talking about a global problem. True, globally climate
    change has contributed to reduced snowpack, which is one reason the Great
    Salt Lake has shrunk. But a large part of the problem is local water
    consumption; if that consumption could be curbed, Utah needn't worry that
    its efforts would be negated by the Chinese or whatever.

    So this should be easy: A threatened region should be accepting modest
    sacrifices, some barely more than inconveniences, to avert a disaster just
    around the corner. But it doesn't seem to be happening.

    And if we can't save the Great Salt Lake, what chance do we have of saving
    the planet?"

    I like to look at problems more holistically -- interdisciplinarily, internationally, globally, and even in some cases universally (as in
    the two CACM Inside Risks columns noted above), and always at least
    consider the long-term implications before making short-term decisions
    that are clearly incompatible with long-term needs. Not having this
    kind of long-term awareness can be eventually be devastating.

    Albert Einstein has a pithy quote, which I paraphrase:

    Seemingly difficult problems can often be resolved early.

    The Yogi Berra corollary is related, but also valid:

    It gets late early.

    That's certainly true of climate change (where the future seemed
    inevitable to some wise people at least 60 years ago -- e.g., read
    Silent Spring), outsourcing almost everything, being dependent on
    potentially untrustworthy entities, etc. In some cases, it may not be
    too late to change. However, in cases of species extinction,
    remediation becomes impossible and the role of the departed species in
    a balanced ecology is lost forever, and often results in further
    imbalance. Attempts to compensate by local changes is likely to be
    inadequate, especially when the problems are global to begin with, and
    have no national boundaries.

    Is any of my rant relevant to The ACM Risks Forum? Yes.

    The 737 MAX is just one example where a local software fix was attempted without understainding the airframe-hardware-software implications. The Deepwater Horizon fiasco was another case in which financial issues hindered reasoned remediation even before things went wonky. (See the very detailed Beobert/Blossom book, noted in RISKS-29.49,75,80.)


    Date: Tue, 14 Jun 2022 09:44:37 -0700
    From: geoff goodfellow <geoff@iconia.com>
    Subject: Single beaver caused mass Internet, cell service outages in
    Northern B.C. Northern B.C. (CTV News)

    Officials have now identified a beaver as the cause of a June 7 outage that left many residents of northwestern B.C. without Internet, landline and cellular service for more than eight hours.

    The beaver gnawed its way through an aspen tree which then fell on both BC Hydro lines and a Telus fibre-optic cable line strung along BC Hydro poles between Topley and Houston.

    The resulting power outage affected just 21 customers but the fibre optics damage affected Telus customers in Burns Lake, Granisle, Haida Gwaii, the Hazeltons, Kitimat, Prince George, Prince Rupert, Smithers, Terrace,
    Thornhill, Houston, Topley, Telkwa, Fraser Lake and Vanderhoof.

    CityWest, the utilities company owned by the City of Prince Rupert, also had its customers affected because it uses the Telus fibre optics line.

    BC Hydro official Bob Gammer said crews identified a beaver as the culprit because of chew marks at the bottom of the downed tree. [...]



    Date: Fri, 10 Jun 2022 20:03:26 -0400
    From: Tom Van Vleck <thvv@multicians.org>
    Subject: Vulnerability discovered in Apple M1 chip (The Register)


    "In a paper titled "PACMAN: Attacking Arm Pointer Authentication with Speculative Execution," Joseph Ravichandran, eon Taek Na, Jay Lang, and
    Mengjia Yan describe how they were able to use speculative execution -- the
    way in which modern processors perform calculations before they may or may
    not be needed to accelerate execution – to discern the pointer
    authentication code that allows pointer modification on a protected system."


    Date: Sat, 11 Jun 2022 16:51:53 PDT
    From: Peter Neumann <neumann@csl.sri.com>
    Subject: The Billionaires Seeking a U.S. Chip-Making Revival (Ephrat Livni)

    Ephrat Livni, *The New York Times*, 11 Jun 2022

    Looking to invest and get Congress to help foot the bill

    Eric Schmidt (ex-CEO Google, Dem donor), Peter Thiel (PayPal founder, Trump supporter), H.R. McMaster, and Ash Carter and are part of the American
    Frontier Fund, an "usual nonprofit venture capital fund to invest in chip-making" in the U.S., asking Congess to provide $1B. The AFF has been asked by the White House to lead the "Quad Investor Network", described as
    :an independent consortium of investors that seeks to advance access to
    capital for critical and emerging technologies across the U.S., Japan, and Australia." [Ephrat describes varying nuanced views on this effort.

    [It has long been obvious to most far-sighted people that outsourcing fab
    labs was never a risk-free approach. This is a bad example of optimizing
    for cost-cutting via off-shoring, while ignoring all other factors. The
    current unavailability of chips and the risks of supply-chain compromises
    are only two issues that need to be considered. PGN]


    Date: Sun, 12 Jun 2022 15:06:40 -0400
    From: Gabe Goldberg <gabe@gabegold.com>
    Subject: How Henry Ford Would Deal With Today's Supply Chain Upheaval

    The automobile pioneer believed short-term interests must not squeeze out investment in a business' resilience, a lesson many companies have learned
    the hard way since 2020.


    [I would add that many companies have apparently *not yet* learned that
    lesson. PGN]


    Date: Sat, 11 Jun 2022 07:49:49 -0700
    From: geoff goodfellow <geoff@iconia.com>
    Subject: Researchers Find Bluetooth Signals Can be Fingerprinted to
    Track Smartphones (The Hacker News)

    A new research undertaken by a group of academics from the University of California San Diego has revealed for the first time that Bluetooth signals
    can be fingerprinted to track smartphones (and therefore, individuals).

    The identification, at its core, hinges on imperfections in the Bluetooth chipset hardware introduced during the manufacturing process, resulting in
    a "unique physical-layer fingerprint."

    "To perform a physical-layer fingerprinting attack, the attacker must be equipped with a Software Defined Radio sniffer: a radio receiver capable of recording raw IQ radio signals," the researchers said <https://jacobsschool.ucsd.edu/news/release/3461> in a new paper <https://cseweb.ucsd.edu/~schulman/docs/oakland22-bletracking.pdf> titled <https://github.com/ucsdsysnet/blephytracking> "Evaluating Physical-Layer
    BLE Location Tracking Attacks on Mobile Devices."

    The attack <https://pluralistic.net/2021/10/21/sidechannels/#ble-eding> is
    made possible due to the ubiquitous nature of Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) beacons that are continuously transmitted by modern devices to enable
    crucial functions such as contact tracing <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Contact_tracing> during public health emergencies.

    The hardware defects, on the other hand, stem from the fact that both Wi-Fi
    and BLE components are often integrated together into a specialized "combo
    chip <https://thehackernews.com/2021/12/researchers-uncover-new-coexistence.html>," effectively subjecting Bluetooth to the same set of metrics that can be
    used to uniquely fingerprint Wi-Fi devices: carrier frequency offset <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carrier_frequency_offset> and IQ imbalance. <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IQ_imbalance> [...] https://thehackernews.com/2022/06/researchers-find-bluetooth-signals-can.html


    Date: Sat, 11 Jun 2022 08:44:32 -0700
    From: geoff goodfellow <geoff@iconia.com>
    Subject: A Story of a Bug Found Fuzzing (Microsoft Browser Vulnerability

    In a previous blogpost, it covered and mentioned automation and how it is
    great at finding memory issues. We also got some feedback to expand on
    fuzzing, so this post will cover how we came to develop a fuzzer and how it found its first security issue early in development.

    The main intention of this fuzzer is to use the signal from MSRC cases and
    see if it can find the next bug before it gets reported which follows the
    same pattern. The result was a cool browser fuzzer and the experiment
    yielded interesting results.

    The Target

    We noticed a pattern in recent memory corruption bugs affecting both Edge
    and Chromium where an extension was used as a proof of concept. This was particularly interesting to me because I looked at extensions <https://leucosite.com/WebExtension-Security-Part-2/> a few years ago and
    only found logic bugs and, with an itch to make an experimental fuzzer why
    not try to create an extension based fuzzer for some variant hunting.

    Now that I have a general component (Web Extensions) as a target, where to start?

    When reading through all of the publicly disclosed chromium bugs that
    involved an extension and a browser crash, two bugs from David Erceg <https://twitter.com/david_erceg> stood out (1188889 <https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=1188889>, 1190550 <https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=1190550>) where the chrome.debugger.sendCommand was used and it was interesting.

    The chrome.debugger extension API allows you to control some tabs using the devtools protocol <https://chromedevtools.github.io/devtools-protocol/>,
    this is the same protocol remote debugging uses. The function sendCommand
    stood out which looks like the following:

    target: Debuggee,
    method: string,
    commandParams?: object,
    callback?: function,

    This looks like a promising function to start fuzzing. [...]



    Date: Tue, 14 Jun 2022 10:34:09 -0700
    From: geoff goodfellow <geoff@iconia.com>
    Subject: I was able to access thousands of companies' passwords on #Azure
    and run code on their VMs. This includes access to Microsoft's own
    credentials (Tzah Pahima)

    Here's HOW I did it.
    This is the story of #SynLapse. (1/11) https://twitter.com/TzahPahima/status/1536704823722184704
    -and- https://orca.security/resources/blog/synlapse-critical-azure-synapse-analytics-service-vulnerability/


    Date: Tue, 14 Jun 2022 09:56:44 -0700
    From: geoff goodfellow <geoff@iconia.com>
    Subject: New Syslogk Linux Rootkit Lets Attackers Remotely Command It Using
    "Magic Packets" (The Hacker News)

    A new covert Linux kernel rootkit named Syslogk has been spotted under development in the wild and cloaking a malicious payload that can be
    remotely commandeered by an adversary using a magic network traffic packet. <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wake-on-LAN>

    "The Syslogk rootkit is heavily based on Adore-Ng but incorporates new functionalities making the user-mode application and the kernel rootkit hard
    to detect," Avast security researchers David =C3=81lvarez and Jan Neduchal
    said in a report published Monday. <https://decoded.avast.io/davidalvarez/linux-threat-hunting-syslogk-a-kernel-rootkit-found-under-development-in-the-wild/>

    Adore-Ng, an open-source rootkit
    <https://github.com/yaoyumeng/adore-ng> available
    since 2004, equips the attacker with full control over a compromised
    system. It also facilitates hiding processes as well as custom malicious artifacts, files, and even the kernel module, making it harder to detect.

    "The module starts by hooking itself into various file systems. It digs up
    the inode for the root filesystem, and replaces that inode's readdir() <https://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man3/readdir.3.html> function pointer
    with one of its own," LWN.net noted <https://lwn.net/Articles/75990/> at
    the time. "The Adore version performs like the one it replaces, except that
    it hides any files owned by a specific user and group ID."

    Besides its capabilities to hide network traffic from utilities like netstat <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netstat>, housed within the rootkit is a
    payload named "PgSD93ql" that's nothing but a C-based compiled backdoor
    trojan named Rekoobe <https://malpedia.caad.fkie.fraunhofer.de/details/elf.rekoobe> and gets triggered upon receiving a magic packet. [...]



    Date: Mon, 13 Jun 2022 09:16:50 -0400
    From: Monty Solomon <monty@roscom.com>
    Subject: The surreal case of the disgruntled CIA hacker accused of
    exposing the agency's digital arsenal -- King Josh



    Date: Tue, 14 Jun 2022 12:36:02 -0700
    From: Lauren Weinstein <lauren@vortex.com>
    Subject: Coinbase lays off 1,100 employees in 18% cut



    Date: Tue, 14 Jun 2022 14:52:34 -0700
    From: Lauren Weinstein <lauren@vortex.com>
    Subject: 'The Music Has Stopped': Crypto Firms Quake as Prices Fall

    And the tulips are dying. Yet people have been urged to put their retirement savings into this nightmare. People who couldn't possibly understand the technology quicksand underpinning it. -L



    Date: Mon, 13 Jun 2022 23:21:23 -0400
    From: Gabe Goldberg <gabe@gabegold.com>
    Subject: Jay-Z and Jack Dorsey launched a Bitcoin academy in a public
    housing complex (TechCrunch)

    Is billionaire-funded crypto education really what low-income people need?



    Date: Tue, 14 Jun 2022 09:58:38 -0700
    From: geoff goodfellow <geoff@iconia.com>
    Subject: Researchers Detail PureCrypter Loader Cyber Criminals Using to
    Distribute Malware (The Hacker New)

    Cybersecurity researchers have detailed the workings of a fully-featured malware loader dubbed PureCrypter that's being purchased by cyber criminals
    to deliver remote access trojans (RATs) and information stealers.

    "The loader is a .NET executable obfuscated with SmartAssembly and makes
    use of compression, encryption, and obfuscation to evade antivirus software products," Zscaler's Romain Dumont said in a new report. https://www.zscaler.com/blogs/security-research/technical-analysis-purecrypter>

    Some of the malware families distributed using PureCrypter include Agent
    Tesla <https://malpedia.caad.fkie.fraunhofer.de/details/win.agent_tesla>,
    Arkei <https://blogs.blackberry.com/en/2022/02/threat-thursday-arkei-infostealer>
    , AsyncRAT <https://malpedia.caad.fkie.fraunhofer.de/details/win.asyncrat>, AZORult <https://malpedia.caad.fkie.fraunhofer.de/details/win.azorult>, DarkCrystal RAT <https://thehackernews.com/2022/05/experts-sound-alarm-on-dcrat-backdoor.html> (DCRat), LokiBot <https://thehackernews.com/2018/07/lokibot-infostealer-malware.html>,
    NanoCore <https://malpedia.caad.fkie.fraunhofer.de/details/win.nanocore>, RedLine Stealer <https://thehackernews.com/2022/04/new-rig-exploit-kit-campaign-infecting.html> , Remcos <https://malpedia.caad.fkie.fraunhofer.de/details/win.remcos>,
    Snake Keylogger <https://www.fortinet.com/blog/threat-research/deep-dive-into-a-fresh-variant-of-snake-keylogger-malware>,
    and Warzone RAT <https://blogs.blackberry.com/en/2021/12/threat-thursday-warzone-rat-breeds-a-litter-of-scriptkiddies>

    Sold for a price of $59 by its developer named "PureCoder" for a one-month
    plan (and $249 for a one-off lifetime purchase) since at least March 2021, PureCrypter is advertised as the "only crypter in the market that uses
    offline and online delivery technique."

    Crypters act as the first layer of defense <https://blog.malwarebytes.com/threat-analysis/2015/12/malware-crypters-the-deceptive-first-layer/>
    reverse engineering and are typically used to pack the malicious payload. PureCrypter also features what it says is an advanced mechanism to inject
    the embedded malware into native processes and a variety of configurable options to achieve persistence on startup and turn on additional options to
    fly under the radar.

    Also offered is a Microsoft Office macro builder and a downloader,
    highlighting the potential initial infection routes that can be employed to propagate the malware. [...]



    Date: Sun, 12 Jun 2022 17:28:22 -0400
    From: Gabe Goldberg <gabe@gabegold.com>
    Subject: Thefts, Fraud, and Lawsuits at the World's Biggest NFT Marketplace

    OpenSea, one of the highest-profile crypto start-ups, is facing a backlash
    over stolen and plagiarized nonfungible tokens.


    Shocking, no?


    Date: Mon, 13 Jun 2022 11:59:50 -0400 (EDT)
    From: ACM TechNews <technews-editor@acm.org>
    Subject: CRISPR-Based Map Ties Every Human Gene to Its Function
    (Eva Frederick)

    Eva Frederick, MIT News, 9 Jun 2022, via ACM TechNews, 13 Jun 2022

    A group of researchers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, Princeton University, and
    biotechnology company 10x Genomics have published the first comprehensive functional map of genes expressed in human cells. The Perturb-seq map was derived from CRISPR-Cas9 genome editing, which introduces genetic changes in cells, then applies single-cell RNA sequencing to record data about RNAs yielded by a given change. The researchers scaled up the technique to
    encompass the full human genome; MIT's Jonathan Weissman used human blood cancer cell lines and noncancerous retinal cells to conduct Perturb-seq
    across 2.5 million-plus cells, and constructed a map linking genotypes to phenotypes. https://orange.hosting.lsoft.com/trk/click?ref=znwrbbrs9_6-2ec73x234567x070151&


    Date: Mon, 13 Jun 2022 11:59:50 -0400 (EDT)
    From: ACM TechNews <technews-editor@acm.org>
    Subject: Self-Driving Truck Will Deliver Goods to 34 Sam's Club Locations
    (Alexandra Skores)

    Alexandra Skores, *The Dallas Morning News*, 7 Jun 2022,
    via ACM TechNews, 13 Jun 2022

    Starting in July, Gatik, a California-based autonomous trucking company,
    will make deliveries to 34 Sam's Club locations in Dallas-Fort Worth, TX,
    using autonomous 26-foot box trucks. Gatik's Richard Steiner said each truck will make an average of three runs per day, driving about 100 miles
    round-trip. The trucks initially will include a safety driver, but
    eventually will operate without such a driver. Gatik started testing the technology with Sam's Club parent company Walmart in December 2020,
    operating on a seven-mile loop in Bentonville, AR. Said Steiner, "It's something which is new for the space, and we're excited to be doing it first here in Texas."



    Date: Sun, 12 Jun 2022 21:25:35 -0400
    From: Gabe Goldberg <gabe@gabegold.com>
    Subject: Has the U.S. Learned Nothing From the UK's Gambling Woes (WiReD)

    As American sports betting accelerates, a similar reckoning is sure to

    In essence, the "gamblification" of sports in the U.S. would shock a UK
    bettor. "What has happened in the States since 2018, has, in so many ways,
    been a 'Hold my beer' moment," says Darragh McGee, an assistant professor in the Department of Health at the University of Bath who has examined the
    impact of online sports gambling on young adult males in the UK. "Gambling stateside has already accelerated far beyond what we would consider
    acceptable here in the UK."



    Date: Tue, 14 Jun 2022 18:06:44 -0400
    From: Cliff Kilby <cliffjkilby@gmail.com>
    Subject: Re: Parameter Expansion Considered Dangerous (RISKS 33.25.26)

    A sidebar occurred between myself and Tom Van Vleck after the initial publication of this RISKS item, and I believe that discussion has some value for Risk's audience. As such, that side bar follows (edited to try to
    provide more concrete guidelines).

    Certainly true! ..and it's even more risky and complicated, because the
    special characters
    that cause expansion may be the result of other expansions. For example, percent encoding
    might express <% as %3C%25. or what about %253C%2525 if it is done
    or \37253C\372525 if octal escapes are applied first and then percent
    escapes twice.

    Each program in a processing sequence scans an input string looking for "magic"
    character sequences, and replaces some patterns with builtin values or the result
    of another program. The result of processing a string depends on the kind and order
    of expansions.

    Sometimes I worry about string sanitizing programs I have written, and whether they
    could catch every possible attack without making needed valid inputs inexpressible.
    --Tom Van Vleck

    A sane framework or application limits its sanitizing to the characters it considers magic and exposes that rule to developers and the rest of the Input/Output chain as a function. As the user input progresses through the
    IO chain down from input down to processing and eventual storage, each
    filter should take responsibility for its own magic characters. Upon
    retrieval, the reverse of the chain should put the characters back.

    As a developer I should not care if the filter replaces & with &amp; or char-escape-seq-marker-start-ampersand-waka-waka, because if I want the ampersand back, I should be able to ask that filter to give me the unsafe

    The situation you describe appears to attempt to intercept data outside the context it was developed in. To attempt this requires knowing the IO chain
    that created the representation of the data you are viewing.

    Of course, knowing the IO chain would require some kind of application
    planning and agile has seemed to undermine that, so, without testing
    literally every combination of characters, if you find yourself with an unknowable filter stack, don't replace. Truncate. Limiting the domain of the problem is the only reasonable response.

    This advice does not hold for languages or frameworks that consider plain
    text magic. (Hello to [0-9][a-zA-Z] and \p{L}).

    If you don't know \p{L} and their sibling \p{M} let me give you an introduction. https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Guide/Regular_Expressions/Unicode_Property_Escapes

    If you know you have a form processor that only consumes human entered data, put a Web Application Firewall in front of that endpoint and scrub out the characters you will not accept, or provide errors to your users if they try
    to submit a character you won't accept, based on your organizations' risk model.

    If you know your API accepts XML, You're probably going to have to accept
    '[' and '!', but, '(' is probably right out.

    If you know your API accepts something that looks like URL query
    parameters, you can replace/drop all the characters that didn't get encoded.

    As always, test for both the positive and negative application flow before implementing any kind of intercept, or if you find yourself intercepting
    some active anomalous traffic, document everything, and consider rolling
    back as soon as the anomalous traffic stops so you can perform in depth testing.


    Date: Mon, 1 Aug 2020 11:11:11 -0800
    From: RISKS-request@csl.sri.com
    Subject: Abridged info on RISKS (comp.risks)

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    End of RISKS-FORUM Digest 33.28

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