• More philosophy of how to diversify much more the economy and more.. (2

    From Amine Moulay Ramdane@21:1/5 to All on Sat Oct 23 17:33:11 2021
    [continued from previous message]

    and skills, so we have to filter out some of the most useful resources
    that help us, and resourcefulness is also to know who/what to look for
    and what to ask, and when ressourcefulness is attained this becomes an
    engine that permits you to have hope and to be energetic and to be
    positive in doing what you are doing, since resourcefulness also permits
    to easy the jobs for you."

    And read my all my other new proverbs below:

    And here is my new poems of Love and my thoughts of how i am really Gay !:


    And you can take a look at my photo that i have just put
    here in my website(I am 53 years old):


    And here is my more of my new thoughts about artificial intelligence and neuroevolution and common sense:


    And don't forget to look in my following new thoughts in the following web link so that to understand more my thoughts about capitalism
    and about materialism and about my new philosophy and about the future of humanity etc.


    And here is more of my new thoughts about USA:


    And here is more of my thoughts about Cybercrime and Cybersecurity:


    More of my philosophy about how to be harmony and how solve the problems of materialism..

    Here is my other just new proverb that explains how to solve the problems of materialism:

    "The problem is not the tool that we call a knife, but it is how to use correctly the knife, and how to use correctly the knife can be laws that control the use of a knife or/and it can be also the knowing how to use
    correctly a knife."

    And this "knowing how to use correctly a knife" is also
    like the "knowing how to live in harmony" of my following important proverb:

    "There is some french that say: "On doit manier bien le verbe", "That we
    have to speak or write a sophisticated language" , but they do not say
    that speaking or writing a sophisticated language can become a deadly or dangerous weapon, so i answer them in french: "Il faut aussi enseigner
    le savoir vivre ensemble en enseignant aussi une philosophie efficace de
    vie", that means in english: "That we have to efficiently educate people
    by also learning them a good and efficient philosophy so that they know
    how to live in harmony", so as you are noticing that it needs a good
    philosophy so that to avoid the mess of Israel."

    I have just written the following:

    Knox College psychologist Tim Kasser said the following:

    "We know from research that materialism tends to be associated with treating others in more competitive, manipulative and selfish ways, as well as with being less empathetic"

    Read more here:


    But i think that i am not in accordance with the psychologist Tim Kasser above, since i don't think that materialism is the problem,
    but it is what we call in french: "Il faudrait du savoir vivre ensemble"
    and here is my new proverbs that talk about it:

    Here is my other new proverb:

    "There is some french that say: "On doit manier bien le verbe", "That we
    have to speak or write a sophisticated language" , but they do not say
    that speaking or writing a sophisticated language can become a deadly or dangerous weapon, so i answer them in french: "Il faut aussi enseigner
    le savoir vivre ensemble en enseignant aussi une philosophie efficace de
    vie", that means in english: "That we have to efficiently educate people
    by also learning them a good and efficient philosophy so that they know
    how to live in harmony", so as you are noticing that it needs a good
    philosophy so that to avoid the mess of Israel."

    And Here is my other new proverbs:

    "When you like a beautiful song, you will have the strong tendency
    to want to hear it or to buy it, but when you are maturity of
    responsability, it can become that you have to like the responsability
    of hearing or buying the song and not the beauty of the song, so when
    you are intellectual maturity you will start to think about responsability."

    And here is my new proverb:

    "When you walk towards a goal in life it's like you walk down a forest path towards a goal, but when you walk this forest path you can look at flowers and pretty trees and be happier or you can also learn more and have more experience which is useful
    while walking in the forest, then life is like this, you can go through it towards goals, but going through it you can also have pleasures that make you happier and you can learn more and have more experience and that is useful to you, and i think this
    conception of life makes you more positive."

    And here is the translation in french of my new proverb:

    "Quand tu marches vers un objectif dans la vie, c'est comme tu marches dans un chemin de forêt vers un objectif, mais quand tu marches dans ce chemin de forêt tu peux regarder des fleurs et de jolis arbres et être plus joyeux ou tu peux aussi en
    apprendre plus et avoir plus d'expérience qui est utile en marchant dans la forêt, alors la vie ressemble à cela, tu peux la traverser vers des objectifs, mais en la traversant tu peux avoir aussi des plaisirs qui te rendent plus heureux et tu peux
    apprendre plus et avoir plus d'experience et cela t'est utile, et je pense que cette conception de la vie te rend plus positif."

    So you have to understand that my proverb above is like
    trying to well balance between, in one side, our strong human desire for success and the fear or the disliking of failure to attain the goal, and, in the other side, i am showing in my new proverb the good sides or
    advantages or the pros of walking our lives towards the goal or goals even if failure or failures happen(s), and i think this conception of life of my proverb permits to be more positive, also you have to align the usefulness of the utility with the
    global mission of the country or global world, and read my following thoughts about how i am redefining Utilitarianism so that to make you understand the how:

    More of my philosophy about why the definition of Utilitarianism is like an IQ test..

    Notice that i think i am smart, since when i just looked rapidly at the definition below of Utilitarianism, i have rapidly discovered a pattern
    with my fluid intelligence and it is that even if the definition
    of Utilitarianism is: That Utilitarianism prescribes actions that maximise happiness and well-being for all affected individuals,
    i can easily see a pattern with my fluid intelligence since i am
    smart, since the pattern is that Utilitarianism maximises happiness and well-being by well balancing taking into account not
    only the present but also the future, i mean that responability
    is inherent to the definition since the well balancing forces us
    to be responsability in the present or today so that to maximize correctly happiness and well being tomorrow or in the future.

    I can give you another IQ test that i have rapidly invented and
    here it is:

    So i will give my example of pattern recognition with my fluid
    intelligence that permits to understand, here it is:

    So if you want to go fast from my country Morocco to another country
    called USA , how will you do it ? or what will you do ?

    It is like my IQ test..

    So if you answer that you need for example to use a fast airplane to go
    fast from Morocco to USA, your answer is a stupid answer, so you need
    the smart answer, so i will answer that the fast airplane too has to be "reliable" and your "health" has too to permit it and the "weather" has
    too to permit it, so now you are clearly noticing that you need to take
    into account many "factors" so that to go fast from Morocco to USA, so
    you are clearly noticing that being smart needs also a good plan.

    More precision of my philosophy about Utilitarianism..

    I invite you to read the following definition of what is Utilitarianism:


    So as you are noticing, it says that Utilitarianism prescribes actions that maximise happiness and well-being for all affected individuals,
    but i think that Utilitarianism is not idiotic since it maximises happiness and well-being by well balancing taking into account not
    only the present but also the future.

    So you can read all my other proverbs that i have just invented quickly here:


    And I think that Nazism or neo-nazism or white supremacism or communism are also too rigid, so they don't work correctly, since they also have the strong tendency to want to like too much homogenize, so they are not correct thinking, and this is the
    basis of evolutionary algorithms in artificial intelligence, so you have to introduce a kind of randomness that permits the evolutionary algorithms to be effective and efficient,
    and you have to also understand the symbolic of it, and i also say that in consumerism in capitalism we have also to avoid to too much homogenize by being a kind of randomness that avoids to too much monopolize that hurts creativity and innovation, so
    you have to know how to avoid nationalism and the like , and you have to know how to "buy" products or services from the other countries or the others so that to encourage creativity and innovation. And speaking about the evolutionary algorithms in
    artificial intelligence, here is more of my thoughts about them:

    As i said before, notice how i am talking about how we have not to have a narrow view of what is smartness, and notice how i am talking about the distributed smartness as rules etc. so i think i can logically infer from my below thoughts the other way of
    solving the greatly complex systems that is not by like "planning" the whole system from a centralized government, but by emergence of a higher level intelligence from distributing like the rules or.. into the small parts of the system that will solve
    the greatly complex system, it looks like the evolutionary design and planning, and it looks like the way of the higher level smartness from an Ant colony, since in an Ant colony there is no central government, but there is a distributed intelligence
    that needs a kind of diversity of genetics of the members of the colony and it needs like a distributed rules that the members have to follow that will make emerge a higher level of intelligence. And of course it looks like evolutionary algorithms in
    artificial intelligence, since the advantage of evolutionary algorithms in artificial intelligence is that they don't plan in advance but they search by like following some distributed rules, and of course they need some "randomness" so that to not get
    stuck in a local optimum, this is why i am talking below about how to make our civilization that is a complex system much more resilient by learning how to learn to humans with like a set
    of rules like in an Ant colony by saying the following and notice
    that the learning how to learn can be an efficient abstraction that helps a lot:

    More of my philosophy about how i am more happy and more..

    I think that i am much more happy since i am understanding that being happy is like a lifestyle that is based on some efficient rules that permit the emergence of happiness, and i will talk about it more in my new philosophy, so i think that we even need
    some important rules so that to be a much more resilient civilization, since i think that there is the way of learning people how to become an engineer, but this way of doing is lacking very much, and there is also the way of learning people how to learn
    that also permits to efficiently take advantage of this sophisticated tool that we call internet, so i think that this way of learning how to learn to people does make our civilization much more resilient, since the way of "specialization" of our today
    civilization is also a "weakness" that has to be solved much more efficiently by the way of learning people how to learn on internet etc. and here is my
    new proverb that talks about it:

    "I think what is happening in the West and other parts of the world,
    it is that individuals are becoming too stupid, since it is the way of specialization that is required, since the individuals are specialized in there jobs so that to enhance much more the efficiency and productivity as a society or as group, but this
    specialization is a weakness that is making individuals too stupid, but we can become smart working as a group or as a society using the tools of internet etc."

    And here is my thoughts about artificial intelligence and evolutionary algorithms in artificial intelligence:


    What is the true power of the idea ?

    This is a so important philosophical subject, since
    i think i am smart and i will make you feel more the true
    power of the idea by first talking about the technic in psychology that we call "Mood freezing", since i think that the most important aspect of Mood freezing is that it recognizes the true power of the mind, and you
    can read about it here:


    So as you are noticing that it says that when the respondents were convinced that expressing aggression would not make them feel better, they actually accepted their current situation which eventually improved their moods, so this proves that the power
    of the idea is great, this is
    why i am of the ones that believes that we can enhance much better humans and construct a new type of man by using some intellectual mechanisms, and i am talking about some of them below and here is my poem about the true power of the idea, read it again:

    "Give me this beautiful and so smart idea
    Since it is how they have built south Korea
    Give me this beautiful and so smart idea
    Since it is how we unite the people such as of Crimea
    Give me this beautiful and so smart idea
    Since it is not just a pizza from the pizzeria
    Give me this beautiful and so smart idea
    Since it is not the simple prayer of Ave Maria
    Give me this beautiful and so smart idea
    Since it is not the stupid war between the sunnite and shiah
    Give me this beautiful and so smart idea
    Since it is how we make north Korea look like a beautiful Canada
    So give me more of those beautiful and so smart ideas !"

    Other than that as you have noticed, by talking below about my other new poem below called: "I hear this so beautiful music", i have just
    said that the virtuous citizen is constructed by efficiently educating with both theory and experience and i am not speaking about the laws of a country or global world, since you have to understand that i am speaking about the abstract "model" that
    gives the virtuous citizen, since we can say that, at the very basis, efficiently educating the citizens with both theory and experience does also cause that the a society is formed using laws etc. so i think that my abstract model is correct.

    More of my philosophy about what is dignity and more..

    As you are noticing i have just written a poem, and
    here it is:

    "I hear this so beautiful music
    And it is like the so beautifully exotic
    And it is like the being the monotheistic
    Since is not the so beautiful royalistic or majestic ?
    Since is not the so beautiful like the idealistic ?
    And is not the so beautiful bringing the moralistic ?
    And is not the so beautiful bringing the xenophobic ?
    So is the so beautiful of the too materialistic ?
    And what about the so beautifully romantic ?
    And i think all of them needs the good strategic
    So then you have to avoid to be the too simplistic !
    Since you are even hearing this so beautiful music !"

    So as you are noticing that i am saying in my poem that
    we have not to be too simplistic by looking at the so beautiful
    and we have then to be the good strategic, so then i think that
    the good strategy is not to try to quickly construct a new kind of
    man that is much more wise or wise, but the good strategy
    is to construct a new type of man that is the "virtuous citizen",
    since here is my philosophy about it:

    If i ask a philosophical question of:

    From where comes dignity ?

    As you have just noticed i have just spoken about the dignity
    of speaking the standard english language that is easy and efficient,
    but a very important question is to know from where comes dignity,
    so i think that i am a smart philosopher and i will say that dignity
    comes from knowing how to be a "virtuous" citizen,
    but how to be a virtuous citizen? so first you have to notice
    one of the basics of my philosophy is that when you look at an
    abstraction of a concept we can ask a philosophical question of can you understand the general concept without understanding the particularities
    that constitutes the general concept ? i mean can you understand
    the concept of a Dog without understanding many particularities of a Dog
    like the Husky Dog and many others ? so we can further ask what is the particularities from where comes the general concept of a Dog ? so i
    think that it is inherent to the particularities from where comes the
    the general concept of a Dog that we have to have the "experience" that
    permits to understand the particularities of a Dog so that to understand
    the general concept of a Dog, so as you are noticing that it means that
    theory alone is not sufficient, so in my philosophy the right level of experience is also important so that to understand the theory or so that
    to understand a concept, so then the virtuous citizen has to be
    efficiently educated with both theory and experience, and efficiently
    educated means also that so that to be a virtuous citizen you have to be educated with an efficient philosophy, this is why you are noticing that
    i am posting my new philosophy and i am posting my new poems of Love and
    i am posting my new proverbs etc. so that to make the virtuous citizens.

    And read below in my philosophy since i am saying that
    we can construct this new type of man that is the "virtuous citizen"
    by using some mechanisms such as the mechanism that i am talking
    about below such as the following:

    More of my philosophy about the good professionalism and the good business..

    I think i am a smart guy, and i think i am a wise type of person,
    and i say that there is the methodology of enhancing much more humans by
    making them much more wise or wise, but i think that this takes
    much more time, so i think that the best way and the quick way is to use some "mechanisms" to make humans much better, like the mechanism that i am using below by talking about how to be the good business or how to be the good professionalism, so we have
    to make people understand the way of being the good business and the good professionalism.

    More of my philosophy about the good business..

    I think i am smart, and i am "quickly" understanding that hate
    and negativity are not good for business and they are not good for adaptation, so you have to know how to play it "smartly", and here
    is my new proverb that will allow you to understand how you have
    to behave so that to be the good business:

    Here is my new proverb:

    "We can ask of from where comes the attachment of Love between
    a mother and her son ? so i think i am smart and i will say
    that it comes from the fact that it is like a reward, that the son
    is loving or is being the son and the mother is giving a good reward like giving him more security or giving him food to eat, so as you are noticing that this rule can be applied to consumerism, since
    you can use the same rule with your consumers in a smart
    way, for example by giving the impression to your consumers that
    you take care of there security by learning them with easy or the like, and then the consumers will love you much more and will be attracted by you."

    Here is my new poem called "I hear this so beautiful music"

    Here is my just new poem:

    I hear this so beautiful music

    And it is like the so beautifully exotic

    And it is like the being the monotheistic

    Since is not the so beautiful royalistic or majestic ?

    Since is not the so beautiful like the idealistic ?

    And is not the so beautiful bringing the moralistic ?

    And is not the so beautiful bringing the xenophobic ?

    So is the so beautiful of the too materialistic ?

    And what about the so beautifully romantic ?

    And i think all of them needs the good strategic

    So then you have to avoid to be the too simplistic !

    Since you are even hearing this so beautiful music !


    Thank you,
    Amine Moulay Ramdane.

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