• More of my philosophy about neo-nazism and white supremacism.. (1/2)

    From Amine Moulay Ramdane@21:1/5 to All on Wed Oct 6 17:00:49 2021

    More of my philosophy about neo-nazism and white supremacism..

    I am a white arab from Morocco, and i think i am smart since i have also invented many scalable algorithms and algorithms..

    What do you think is neo-nazism and white supremacism? i think you have
    to be smart and notice that neo-nazis or white supremacists want to
    be much more happy or happy by rejecting or killing the others like arabs or blacks or south americans etc. so is it amazing ? no it is not
    amazing since even white europeans or blacks etc. are stupid people like neo-nazis and white supremacists, since humans want to eat good things and humans want to have the much more perfect thing or "perfect" thing and they want to be happy or much more
    happy, this is why they are racists and hateful and discriminatory, so we have not to waste too much of our time, and we have to know how to behave with humans, so we have to become much more wise and wise so that to know how to be successful,
    and read my below thoughts so that to know how to be successful.

    More of my philosophy about perfections and imperfections of our world..

    I think i am smart, and i think that our physical world is far from being perfect, and it is full of imperfections, this is why i think
    that we can not be happy with the physical world, and i think that the best perfection comes from like the immaterial or from our imagination and it comes from the software or from digitalization of imagination etc., so this is why i am in my poem below
    saying that by perfecting much more imagination this permits us to become peace of the mind and to become much more happy, and i think that it is the key to happiness, but you have to understand the requirement, this you be a kind of detachment(and read
    about it in my below thoughts), so read my following thoughts so that to understand:

    More of my philosophy about my new poem..

    I think i am smart, and i will explain more my poem below,
    when you look at our world, it is full of imperfections,
    so when for example you think the problem between Israel and Palestine, so it is a multifactorial problem, so it is not only jews that are responsable of this problem, but it is also palestinians and syrians and white europeans etc. that are responsable
    of this problem, so when you become much more wise or wise, you will learn how to not be affected by this problem or other problems of the many imperfections of our world, so then you will become much more wise or wise and you will start to be peace of
    mind that will permit you to be much more happy.

    Here is my new poem called: "You speak to me about this so beautiful rain"


    You speak to me about this so beautiful rain

    Since it is like you are beautifully flying with an airplane

    You speak to me about this so beautiful rain

    Since it is like you are drinking a beautiful cup of champaign

    You speak to me about this so beautiful rain

    So then how can you flee this evil of pain ?

    Since it is like being again free from the evil chains !

    So how to be again free from the evil chains ?

    It is by fleeing with your imagination and being like the other humane

    So you have to know how to remain this "being" the beautiful thinking of the brain !

    So then speak to me again and again about this so beautiful rain !


    More of my philosophy about the gentle man and more..

    I am using the word "gentle" in my below thoughts and writing,
    and here is the definition of gentle man:

    "In absolute terms a gentle man or a gentleman is a man who acts with grace, a man of serene carriage, and of quiet noble spirit."

    More of my philosophy about my model of how to