• Intellec8/MOD 80 Monitor (2/2)

    From Mr. Emmanuel Roche, France@21:1/5 to All on Tue Aug 31 23:26:45 2021
    [continued from previous message]

    ; Convert binary number to a string of ASCII digits
    ; HL - binary number
    ; DE - divisor (descending powers of 10)
    ; B - leading zero suppression character
    ; A, C - temporaries

    digit: mvi c,zero ; Initialize character
    dg0: mov a,l ; Sub denom (DE) from numerator (HL)
    sub e
    mov l,a
    mov a,h
    sbb d
    mov h,a
    jc dg1 ; Negative result, all done
    inr c ; Count number of subtracts
    jmp dg0

    dg1: dad d ; Adjust HL
    mov a,c
    cpi zero ; Check for leading zero suppression
    jnz dg3
    mov c,b
    dg2: jmp po ; Punch character

    dg3: mvi b,zero
    jmp dg2

    ; Encode a BNPF word and punch it

    encode: mvi c,upB ; Punch a 'B'
    call po
    mvi b,08h ; 8-bit count
    mov a,m ; Get data
    en0: rlc ; Rotate to set Carry
    push psw ; Save intermediate result
    mvi a,00h ; Compute either 'P' or 'N'
    ral ; based on following algorithm:
    ral ; char = 'N + 2*Carry
    adi upN ; char = 'N' if Carry = 0
    mov c,a ; char = 'P' if Carry = 1
    call po
    pop psw
    dcr b
    jnz en0
    mvi c,upF
    call po
    mvi c,space
    jmp po

    ; Evaluate expression: <expr>,<expr>,<expr>
    ; The C register contains the number of parameters required
    ; (1, 2, or 3). Parameters are returned on the Stack.

    expr: lxi h,0000H ; Initial value of parameter
    ex0: call ti ; Get a character
    ex1: mov b,a ; Save delimiter character
    call nibble ; Convert to hex
    jc ex2 ; Not legal char, treat as delimiter
    dad h ; *2
    dad h ; *4
    dad h ; *8
    dad h ; *16
    ora l
    mov l,a
    jmp ex0 ; Get another character

    ex2: xthl ; Get return address off stack
    ; Put HL on
    push h ; Replace return address
    mov a,b
    call p2c ; Test delimiter character
    jnc ex3
    dcr c ; CR entered
    jnz Ler ; Too few params

    ex3: jnz Ler ; Illegal delimiter
    dcr c
    jnz expr

    exp: ; Entry point for conditional parameters
    mvi c,01H
    lxi h,0000H
    jmp ex1

    ; Compare HL with DE
    ; If HL < DE then Carry = 0
    ; If HL = DE then Carry = 0
    ; If HL > DE then Carry = 1

    hilo: inx h ; Bump HL
    mov a,h ; Test for HL = 0
    ora l
    mov a,e ; DE - HL, set/reset Carry
    sub l
    mov a,d
    sbb h
    ret ; Return

    ; Convert nibble in A to ASCII in A
    ; and print on console device.

    hxd: call conv
    jmp co

    ; Externally-referenced routine
    ; I/O system status code
    ; Status byte returned in A
    ; Stack usage: 2 bytes

    iochk: lda iobyt ; Get status byte
    ret ; Return

    ; Externally-referenced routine
    ; Set I/O configuration
    ; Value expected in C
    ; Stack usage: 2 bytes

    ioset: push h ; Save HL
    lxi h,iobyt ; point HL at IOBYT
    mov m,c
    pop h ; Restore HL
    ret ; Return

    ; Print contents of HL in hex on console device

    Ladr: mov a,h ; Print MSB
    call Lbyte
    mov a,l ; Print LSB
    jmp Lbyte

    ; List a byte as 2 ASCII characters

    Lbyte: push psw ; Save a copy of A
    ani 00001111B ; Upper 4 bits
    call hxd
    pop psw ; Retrieve original value
    ani 00001111B ; Lower 4 bits
    jmp hxd

    ; Punch 6 inches of leader

    lead: mvi b,60 ; Set to punch 6 inches of NULLs
    le0: mvi c,00H ; (NULL is already a label)
    call po
    dcr b
    jnz le0
    ret ; Return

    ; Externally-referenced routine
    ; List Output code
    ; Value expected in C, A and Flags modified
    ; Stack usage: 2 bytes

    lo: lda iobyt ; Get status byte
    ani LOW NOT Lmsk ; Get list bits
    jz TTYout ; List = TTY
    cpi lcrt
    jz CRTout ; List = CRT
    cpi Luse1 ; Test for user-defined list devices
    jz L1loc ; Branch to user devices
    jmp L2loc

    ; Externally-referenced routine
    ; Return address of end of memory to user
    ; Value returned in (B, A)
    ; Stack usage: 2 bytes

    memck: push h
    call MemSiz
    mov b,h
    mvi a,0c0h
    pop h

    ; Find end of memory, set stack

    MemSiz: push b ; Save BC
    lxi h,00ffH ; Find end of memory
    mem0: dcr h
    mov a,m ; Fetch contents of memory
    cma ; Invert it
    mov m,a ; Attempt to write into memory
    cmp m ; Is location Read/Write?
    cma ; Invert again
    mov m,a ; Write data back
    jnz mem0 ; Yes: continue
    inx h ; Point to first non-RAM location

    IF debug
    mvi h,2 ; Set stack at 200H for debug

    lxi b,exit-endx ; Compute top of new stack
    dad b
    pop b ; Restore BC
    ret ; Return

    ; Decode ASCII char in A into hex digit in A
    ; Filter out all characters not in the sequence (0-9, A-F)
    ; Return Carry=1 for illegal characters.

    nibble: sui zero
    rc ; Filter out 0-2FH
    adi zero-(upF+1)
    rc ; Filter out 47H-0FFH
    adi 6
    jp ni0 ; Take branch for A-F
    adi 7
    rc ; Filter out 3AH-40H
    ni0: adi 10
    ora a ; Clear error flag
    ret ; Return

    ; Punch contents of HL in hex on punch device

    padr: mov a,h
    call pbyte
    mov a,l
    jmp pbyte

    ; Punch A byte as 2 ASCII characters

    pbyte: push psw
    ani 00001111B
    call conv
    call po
    pop psw
    push psw
    ani 00001111B
    call conv
    call po
    pop psw
    add d
    mov d,a
    ret ; Return

    ; Test for null input parameter

    pchk: call ti ; Get a character
    p2c: cpi space
    cpi comma
    cpi cr

    ; Punch CR, LF

    peol: mvi c,cr
    call po
    mvi c,lf
    jmp po

    ; Pulse a PROM location
    ; HL points to data in memory
    ; PROM address is already set

    pgrm: mov a,m ; Get data from memory
    cma ; Invert it
    out pdo ; Output it
    mvi a,progo ; Pulse PROM programmer
    out promc
    mvi a,prono
    out promc
    push b ; Delay 20 ms. for programmer settling
    mvi b,Ldly
    pg0: call delay
    dcr b
    jnz pg0
    pop b

    ; Externally-referenced routine
    ; Punch Output code, value expected in C
    ; A, Flags and X modified
    ; Stack usage: 2 bytes

    po: lda iobyt ; Get status byte
    ani LOW NOT Pmsk ; Get punch bits
    jz TTYout ; No: punch = TTY
    cpi pptp ; Test for PTP
    jnz po1 ; Test for user device(s)
    po0: ; Punch = PTP
    in ptps ; Get Status
    ani prdy ; Check status
    jz po0 ; Loop until ready
    mov a,c
    out ptpo
    mvi a,ptpgo ; Start Punch
    out ptpc
    mvi a,ptpno ; Stop Punch
    out ptpc

    po1: cpi puse1
    jz P1loc
    jmp P2loc

    ; Externally-referenced routine
    ; Reader Input code
    ; Value returned in A, Flags modified
    ; Stack usage: 8 bytes

    ri: push h ; Save HL
    lxi h,iobyt ; Point HL at IOBYT
    mov a,m
    ani LOW NOT Rmsk ; Reader = PTR?
    jnz ri3 ; Branch to PTR routine
    mvi a,ttygo ; Reader = TTY
    out ttc
    mvi a,ttyno
    out ttc
    mvi h,tout ; Set reader TimeOUT timer
    ri0: in tts
    ani ttyda
    jz ri2 ; Data is ready
    call delay ; Delay 1.0 ms.
    dcr h
    jnz ri0
    ri1: xra a
    stc ; Set Carry indicating EOF
    pop h
    ret ; Return

    ri2: in tti
    ora a ; Clear Carry
    pop h
    ret ; Return

    ri3: cpi rptr ; PTR routine
    jnz ri6
    mvi a,ptrgo ; Start PTR
    out ptrc
    mvi a,ptrno ; Stop PTR
    out ptrc
    mvi h,tout ; Set reader TimeOUT timer
    ri4: in ptrs
    ani ptrda
    jnz ri5
    call delay
    dcr h
    jnz ri4
    jmp ri1

    ri5: in ptri ; Get the data
    ora a
    pop h
    ret ; Return

    ri6: pop h
    cpi Ruse1
    jz R1loc
    jmp R2loc

    ; Get character from reader, mask off parity bit

    rix: call ri
    jc Ler ; Reader timeout error
    ani 01111111B
    ret ; Return

    ; Restart 1 code (programmed breakpoint)
    ; This routine is entered via a Restart 1 (RST 1) instruction
    ; The instruction is encountered either in the user program
    ; (as a breakpoint) or is input via a console interrupt.
    ; This routine saves the state of the calling process, and
    ; turns control over to the Monitor.

    restart:push h ; Save machine state
    push d
    push b
    push psw
    call MemSiz ; HL = new Stack Pointer
    fetch 10 ; Compute original Stack Pointer
    mvi b,04h ; Count for transfer of machine state
    ; to storage (move the Stack).
    rst0: dcx h
    mov m,d
    dcx h
    mov m,e
    pop d
    dcr b
    jnz rst0
    pop b ; Get old PC = BC, old HL = DE
    dcx b ; Decrement to point at trapped code
    sphl ; New Stack value
    fetch Tloc
    mov a,m ; Test if this is a programmed restart
    sub c ; or a console restart.
    inx h
    jnz rst1
    mov a,m
    sub b
    jz rst3
    rst1: inx h
    inx h
    mov a,m
    sub c
    jnz rst2
    inx h
    mov a,m
    sub b
    jz rst3
    rst2: inx b
    rst3: fetch Lloc
    mov m,e
    inx h
    mov m,d ; Save old HL
    inx h
    inx h
    mov m,c ; Save old PC
    inx h
    mov m,b
    push b
    mvi c,star
    call co
    pop h ; Retrieve old PC for display
    call Ladr ; Display PC
    fetch Tloc ; Clear traps
    mvi d,02h ; Set count for 2 traps
    rst4: mov c,m ; Get LSB of address
    mvi m,00h ; Clear memory
    inx h
    mov b,m ; Get MSB of address
    mvi m,00h
    inx h
    mov a,c
    ora b ; Test for valid trap
    jz rst5 ; Address = 0, no trap to restore
    mov a,m ; Get opcode byte
    stax b ; Replace it
    rst5: inx h ; Point to next trap address
    dcr d
    jnz rst4 ; Repeat for trap 2
    jmp start

    ; Input from console, echoed and returned in A

    ti: call ci
    ani 01111111B
    push b
    mov c,a
    call co
    mov a,c
    pop b
    ret ; Return

    ; Master I/O device table
    ; 4 bytes/entry
    ; Byte 0 = identifying character
    ; Byte 1 = logical device mask
    ; Bytes 2,3 = subordinate physical device table

    Ltbl: db 'C',Cmsk ; C - console
    dw act
    db 'R',Rmsk ; R - reader
    dw art
    db 'P',Pmsk ; P - punch
    dw apt
    db 'L',Lmsk ; L - list
    dw alt

    ; I/O system physical device tables
    ; 2 bytes/entry
    ; Byte 0 = identifying character
    ; Byte 1 = device select bit pattern

    act: db 'T',ctty ; Console = TTY
    db 'C',ccrt ; Console = CRT
    db 'B',batch ; Batch mode console = Read, List
    db '1',Cuse ; User-defined console device

    art: db 'T',rtty ; Reader = TTY
    db 'P',rptr ; Reader = PTR
    db '1',Ruse1 ; User-defined reader device 1
    db '2',Ruse2 ; User-defined reader device 2

    apt: db 'T',ptty ; Punch = TTY
    db 'P',pptp ; Punch = PTP
    db '1',Puse1 ; User-defined punch device 1
    db '2',Puse2 ; User-defined punch device 2

    alt: db 'T',ltty ; List = TTY
    db 'C',lcrt ; List = CRT
    db '1',Luse1 ; User-defined list device 1
    db '2',Luse2 ; User-defined list device 2

    ; Exit code template, to be executed in RAM
    ; db E pop D ; Monitor work stack origin
    ; db D
    ; db C pop B
    ; db B
    ; db Flags pop PSW
    ; db A
    ; db SPL pop H
    ; db SPO SPHL

    exit: ; Monitor stack origin
    pop d ; Restore DE
    pop b ; Restore BC
    pop psw ; Restore A and Flags
    pop h ; Restore original stack value
    ei ; Enable Interrupts
    lxi h,$-$ ; Restore HL
    HLx EQU $-2
    jmp $-$ ; Return to interrupted code
    PCx EQU $-2

    t1a: dw 0000h ; Trap 1 Address
    db 00h ; Trap 1 value
    dw 0000h ; Trap 2 Address
    db 00h ; Trap 2 Value

    ; Displacement of register location from SP (level 0)

    Aloc EQU 5
    Bloc EQU 3
    Cloc EQU 2
    Dloc EQU 1
    Eloc EQU 0
    Floc EQU 4
    Hloc EQU HLx-exit+9
    Lloc EQU HLx-exit+8
    Ploc EQU PCx-exit+9
    Sloc EQU 7
    Tloc EQU t1a-exit+8

    ; Table for accessing registers
    ; Table contains:
    ; (1) Register identifier
    ; (2) Stack Pointer displacement
    ; (3) Precision

    actbl: db 'A', Aloc, 1
    db 'B', Bloc, 1
    db 'C', Cloc, 1
    db 'D', Dloc, 1
    db 'E', Eloc, 1
    db 'F', Floc, 1
    db 'H', Hloc, 1
    db 'L', Lloc, 1
    db 'M', Hloc, 2
    db 'P', Ploc, 2
    db 'S', Sloc, 2
    db -1

    ; End of program


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