• MIDI 2.0

    From Lawrence D'Oliveiro@21:1/5 to All on Fri Mar 8 22:50:50 2024
    I suppose you’ve heard that, just about three dozen years after MIDI 1.0
    was published, a new version 2.0 of the MIDI spec came out in 2020.

    This remains backward-compatible with MIDI 1.0, via the existing DIN connectors, which continue to work as they always have. The new protocol
    offers bidirectionality and option negotiation, named properties (instead
    of cryptic parameter numbers), a greater range of channel numbers, higher parameter resolution, more accurate timing ... loads of goodies (provided
    you are communicating with a peer that supports them).

    The official specs don’t include any explicit mention of a new transport. Seems nowadays most MIDI users are connecting their devices via USB,
    anyway (where they have actual hardware, as opposed to virtual software instruments). The USB-MIDI encapsulation is being updated to cater for
    MIDI 2.0.

    I found an overview of the new spec here: <https://www.moforte.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/MIDI-2.0.pdf>

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