• [LINK] "The Way Things Were": How the Association for Computing Machine

    From Computer Nerd Kev@21:1/5 to All on Wed May 25 09:06:51 2022
    "The Way Things Were": How the Association for Computing Machinery
    Is Opening the Doors to Its Archives
    By Ernie Smith, May 18, 2022
    - https://associationsnow.com/2022/05/the-way-things-were-why-open-access-to-the-acm-digital-library-matters/

    "The computing industry has changed significantly over the past 75
    years, and the Association for Computing Machinery was there for
    all of it.

    Over that time, the educational and scientific group
    representing nearly 100,000 members across 190 countries has
    collected a number of published works within its archives, many of
    which discuss fundamental work within the world of computers-for
    example, the first mention of UNIX, a groundbreaking operating
    system that has deeply influenced modern computing, in 1973, or an
    in-depth interview with Steve Jobs from 1989.

    Once, this
    information-immensely valuable to historians and researchers
    alike-might have been locked behind a paywall. But as a part of its
    landmark campaign for its 75th anniversary celebrations, ACM is
    opening up a large portion of its archives, making the first 50
    years of its published records-more than 117,500 documents dating
    from 1951 to 2000-accessible to the public without a login." ...

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