Title: OpenVMS E9.2 on x86 now available
Author: Thom Holwerda
Date: Fri, 06 May 2022 18:55:49 +0000
We are excited to announce the availability of VSI OpenVMS E9.2 for x86-64[1]
, field test version of the upcoming V9.2 release. This is the next step in
the journey to migrate OpenVMS to the x86-64 platform. The E9.2 release
allows you to use the operating system with some of the most commonly-used hypervisors and includes a host of newly migrated applications.
VSI has been porting OpenVMS to x86-64 for a while now, and it seems they’re getting quite close to general availability. E9.2 is focused on x86 hypervisors, and the porting effort as a whole should provide a future upgrade path for VMS users for a long time to come.
https://vmssoftware.com/about/openvmsx86/ (link)
Port 80 is overrated.
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