• My Dinner With Marc Andreessen

    From Ben Collver@21:1/5 to All on Mon Jul 1 13:18:10 2024
    My Dinner With Andreessen
    Billionaires I have known: Part One of a three-part series

    by Rick Perlstein
    April 24, 2024

    Marc Andreessen and Laura Arrillaga-Andreessen arrive at the tenth
    Breakthrough Prize Ceremony on April 13, 2024, at the Academy Museum
    of Motion Pictures in Los Angeles.

    Recently, I read about venture capitalist Marc Andreessen putting his 12,000-square-foot mansion in Atherton, California, which has seven
    fireplaces, up for sale for $33.75 million. This was done to spend
    more time, one supposes, at the $177 million home he owns in Paradise
    Cove, California; or the $34 million one he bought beside it; or the
    $44.5 million one in a place called Escondido Beach. Upon reading
    this, I realized it was time to stop procrastinating and tell you all
    a story I've been meaning to set down for a long time now about the
    time I visited that house (the cheap $33.75 million one, I mean).
    Strictly on a need-to-know basis. Because you really need to know how
    deeply twisted some of these plutocrats who run our society truly are.

    <https://www.businessinsider.com/see-inside-investor-marc-andreessens- 33-million-house-for-sale-2024-3>

    <https://traded.co/deals/california/single-family-residence/sale/ 27724-pacific-coast-highway/>

    It was 2017, and a YIMBY activist invited me to talk about my book
    Nixonland with his book club, which also happened to be Marc
    Andreessen's book club. They offered a free flight and hotel; I
    accepted. We met in that house. I was vaguely aware of Andreessen as
    the guy who invented the first web browser, a socially useful
    accomplishment by any measure and a story I had long kept in the back
    of my mind as an outstanding proof text that useful invention often
    flourishes best when government subsidizes it, socialism-style--given
    that Andreessen had created it while a student at a public
    institution, the University of Illinois. Then I boned up on what he
    was up to now, courtesy of a gargantuan 13,000-word profile from two
    years earlier in The New Yorker.



    Andreessen, I learned, was "Tomorrow's Advance Man." He superintended
    the "newest and most unusual" venture capital firm on Menlo Park's
    Sand Hill Road. He "seethes with beliefs" and is "afire to reorder
    life as we know it." His enthusiasms included replacing money with cryptocurrency; replacing cooked food with a scheme called, yes,
    "Soylent," and boosting the now-invisible Oculus virtual reality

    Zero for three when it comes to picking useful inventions to reorder
    life as we know it, that is to say, though at no apparent cost to his
    power or net worth, now pegged at an estimated $1.7 billion. Along
    the way, I also learned he was a major stockholder in Facebook and a
    member of the civilian board that helped oversee the Central
    Intelligence Agency. Much later, it was in a tweet of his that I
    first saw the phrase "woke mind virus." (He's not a fan.)

    Last year, a manifesto he published on the website of his VC firm
    Andreessen Horowitz got a good deal of attention. It includes lines
    like "Technology is the glory of human ambition and achievement, the
    spearhead of progress, and the realization of our potential." (The
    residents of Nagasaki and Hiroshima might once have wished to
    disagree.) "For hundreds of years, we properly glorified this--until
    recently." (Really? I only wish I could escape the glorification for
    one goddamned day.) "We believe everything good is downstream of
    growth." (Everything?) And "there is no material problem--whether
    created by nature or by technology--that cannot be solved with more technology."


    The big idea: "Our enemy is the Precautionary Principle." Normal
    people define that as the imperative of seeking to prevent and
    contain certain potentially civilization-ending potentialities like
    nuclear holocaust and pandemic. Andreessen, conversely, calls
    precaution "perhaps the most catastrophic mistake in Western society
    in my lifetime ... deeply immoral, and we must jettison it with
    extreme prejudice."

    What ought be embraced in its stead, naturally, is markets, because
    "they divert people who otherwise would raise armies and start
    religions into peacefully productive pursuits." (The opening of
    markets, as all students know, having everywhere and always been the
    most peaceful pursuit known to humanity.)



    What stands in the way of the recognition of this so self-evident
    truth? Ideas like "sustainability," "stakeholder capitalism," "social responsibility," "tech ethics," "trust and safety," and "risk
    management," which must be eliminated--"with extreme prejudice."
    According to the logic of the piece, I suppose, this must happen in
    order to nip in the bud the armies we can expect the avatars of
    ethics and responsibility to raise any day now.

    Basically, the manifesto is an argument, dressed up in the raiment of
    morality, about power: Andreessen and people like him should get to
    make decisions to reorder life as we know it without interference
    from anyone else. Which will be quite relevant to know for the saga
    ahead, once you see the style of moral judgment this most powerful of
    human actors displays behind closed doors.

    IT WAS A NICE NORTHERN CALIFORNIA DAY. I saw from the map that a
    rideshare trip from San Francisco to Atherton would be a good bit
    cheaper if I embarked from a freeway entrance a mile or so from where
    I was. I set off on one of those glorious walks that remind you why
    you can't help loving cities, in all their unplanned and unplannable
    charm. I strolled across one of the remaining shabby parts of San
    Francisco, untouched by the gentrifiers, and my stops included a
    glorious junk shop stuffed stem to stern with ghosts of San Francisco
    past, including a pile of wooden chairs tangled from floor to ceiling
    like they came from some ancient Gold Rush; and a street corner where
    a clutch of elderly Black men were singing doo-wop.

    I arrived at my destination in a good mood, electric with a writer's
    observant curiosity. The first detail I noted in Atherton was the
    gate where I was dropped off; it informed me that an armed guard was
    on duty 24 hours a day. The second was the hulking object standing by
    the front door: a sculpture by the French modernist master Jean
    Dubuffet (1901–1985), a smaller version of a massive, beloved
    downtown public monument Chicagoans call "Snoopy in a Blender."

    <https://blockclubchicago.org/2023/07/25/snoopy-in-a-blender- sculpture-moving-from-thompson-center-to-art-institute>

    That certainly made an impression: not the sort of thing one usually
    finds on front lawns.

    I rang the bell; an Asian man in khakis and a sweater answered. I
    snapped into guest mode, introducing myself enthusiastically. He
    responded with an odd coldness. Then I realized he was not a fellow
    guest but, I guess you'd say, the butler. A hundred years ago, he
    might have been referred to as "houseboy" and greeted me in a tux.

    I met Andreessen's wife. Laura Arrillaga-Andreessen is the daughter
    of a sharp fellow who began scooping up commercial real estate in the bedraggled lands around Stanford University that became Silicon
    Valley, becoming its pre-eminent landowner, which is kind of how
    aristocracies start in the dim mists of time. I reflected, perhaps
    unfairly, that marrying off their daughters to young men of talent
    and fortune is often how such families institutionalize their power.

    She showed me around her art collection. I tried not to gawk, and
    failed. "That's an Agnes Martin! ... A Claes Oldenburg maquette! He's
    one of my favorites!" And so on. I later learned that
    Arrillaga-Andreessen made a project of classing up the "cultural
    desert" of Silicon Valley--the "pop-up gallery" she organized with a
    Manhattan powerhouse art dealer at her father's Tesla dealership was
    covered in the art press as something like a philanthropic venture.
    But progress was apparently sluggish; Arrillaga-Andreessen seemed
    absurdly grateful to finally have a guest who knew who these artists
    were. Quietly, I reflected upon how odd it is that people who claim
    to love art, and sharing it with the world, would lock masterpieces
    away for only themselves and their guests to enjoy. Among
    aristocrats, I suppose, it has ever been thus.

    <https://www.google.com/search?q=%22pace+gallery%22 +tesla+Arrillaga-Andreessen>

    There were also lots of books on many subjects, piled up in
    skyscraper-like stacks. Andreessen, you see, is an intellectual. That
    was why I was there.

    Andreessen wasn't, yet. I waited at the dining room table. A chef in
    starched whites (was there a toque?) served me something delicious.
    Then arrived in the room a "cranium so large, bald, and oblong that
    you can't help but think of words like ‘jumbo' and ‘Grade A'" (The
    New Yorker's words, not mine); and, one by one, his guests. My first
    impression of them came of their response to my small-talk
    description of my delightful afternoon. Jaws practically dropped,
    like I had dared an unaccompanied, unarmed stroll through Baghdad's
    Sadr City in the spring of 2004.


    I had been told, via email, a little about the people I would meet:
    mostly fellow investment magnates, but also an extra person added at
    the last minute. She was a woman researching life extension,
    something that, at the time, the world was just learning was a Valley
    plutocrat obsession. A woman, it was subtly emphasized. The times
    we're living in: you know.

    I can be slow, but I got it. Uber CEO Travis Kalanick was enmeshed in
    a scandal over endemic sexism, and it had suddenly seemed imperative
    to de-bro-ify the local culture a bit. Thus, this late-breaking
    ringer. She was young, very pretty, and seemed to have practically no
    spoken English.

    <https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/the-reckless-rise-and-fall-of- ubers-ceo-travis-kalanick-sml9p3q2k>

    The chef served us a lovely meal. I couldn't help but notice that he
    was treated rather like a pizza delivery guy.

    I see from a follow-up email that among the things discussed were
    David Hackett Fischer's Albion's Seed: Four British Folkways in
    America, on the geographic patterns of American political culture and
    their persistence; the anti-Enlightenment philosopher Julius Evola (I
    had just begun exploring the explicit anti-liberalism of those close
    to Trump, like Steve Bannon); 1970s New Left historiography on
    regulatory capture; Corey Robin's The Reactionary Mind; Jimmy
    Carter's embrace of austerity; the magnificent volume Strange Rebels:
    1979 and the Birth of the 21st Century (I was hard at work then on my
    book about the 1976–1980 period); and Jonathan Haidt on personality
    type and ideology (someone else must have brought him up; I can't
    stand him). I don't remember much of the discussion at all. But
    certain telling sociological details will always stick with me. My
    close friends have frequently heard me tell the tale.



    tycoon who had been awarded a lordship. He proclaimed that the
    Chinese middle class doesn't care about democracy or civil liberties.
    I was treated as a sentimental naïf for questioning his blanket

    Another attendee seemed to see politics as a collection of
    engineering problems. He kept setting up strange thought experiments,
    which I did not understand. I recall thinking it was like talking to
    a creature visiting from another solar system that did not have
    humans in it. I later conveyed my recollection of this guy to an
    acquaintance who once taught history at Stanford. He noted a
    similarity to a student of his who insisted that all the age-old
    problems historians worried over would soon obviously be solved by
    better computers, and thus considered the entire humanistic
    enterprise faintly ridiculous.

    I also remember I raised an objection to Silicon Valley's fetish for "disruption" as the highest human value, noting that healthy
    societies also recognize the value of preserving core values and
    institutions, and feeling gaslit in return when the group came back
    heatedly that, no, Silicon Valley didn't fetishize disruption at all.

    The subject of Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) came up. They rose up in
    thunderous hatred at her for blocking potential "innovation in the
    banking sector." (She'll make a similar cameo in Part Two of this
    series.) I suffered an epic case of l'esprit d'escalier at that.


    I thought it was pretty much universally understood by then that the
    fetish for "innovation in the banking sector" was what collapsed the
    world economy in 2008. Had I not been stunned into silence, I could
    have quoted Paul Volcker that the last useful innovation in banking
    was the automatic teller machine, and pointed out that it was only by strangling "innovation in the banking sector" that (as Elizabeth
    Warren always points out) the New Deal ushered in the longest period
    of financial stability in American history, and the golden age of
    global capitalism to boot. It was only when deregulation broke down
    banking's vaunted "3-6-3" rule (take deposits at 3 percent, lend them
    at 6 percent, and be on the golf course by 3 o'clock in the
    afternoon) that financial collapses returned as a regular feature of
    our lives. Silicon Valley, alas, would never learn.

    <https://nypost.com/2009/12/13/the-only-thing-useful-banks-have- invented-in-20-years-is-the-atm/>



    The evening progressed. The man with or without the toque cleared the
    plates. This is when, as I've learned at hyper-elite confabs I've
    attended, things tend to get down to brass tacks. Come with me, then,
    inside that $33 million manse and hear what this extraordinarily
    powerful individual who helped oversee the CIA and one of the most
    powerful instruments of communication in human history (Facebook,
    whose decisions the previous year had helped make Donald Trump
    president) said when the subject turned to rural America. It was like
    the first scene in an episode of Black Mirror.

    impoverished agricultural small town in Wisconsin, and despised it.
    But I certainly was not prepared for his vituperation on the subject.
    He made it clear that people who chose not to leave such places
    deserved whatever impoverishment, cultural and political neglect, and alienation they suffered.

    It's a libertarian commonplace, a version of their pinched vision of
    why the market and only the market is the truly legitimate response
    to oppressive conditions on the job: If you don't like it, you can
    leave. If you don't, what you suffer is your own fault.

    I brought up the ordinary comforts of kinship, friendship, craft,
    memory, legend, lore, skills passed down across generations, and
    other benefits that small towns provide: things that make human
    beings human beings. I pointed out that there must be something in
    the kind of places he grew up in worth preserving. I dared venture
    that it is always worth mourning when a venerable human community
    passes from the Earth; that maybe people are more than just figures
    finding their proper price on the balance sheet of life ...

    And that's when the man in the castle with the seven fireplaces said

    "I'm glad there's OxyContin and video games to keep those people

    I'm taking the liberty of putting it in quotation marks, though I
    can't be sure those were his exact words. Marc, if you're reading,
    feel free to get in touch and refresh my memory. Maybe he said
    "quiescent," or "docile," or maybe "powerless." Something, certainly,
    along those lines.

    He was joking, sort of; but he was serious--definitely. "Kidding on
    the square," jokes like those are called. All that talk about human
    potential and morality, and this man afire to reorder life as we know
    it jokingly welcomes chemical enslavement of those he grew up with,
    for the sin of not being as clever and ambitious as he.

    There is something very, very wrong with us, that our society affords
    so much power to people like this.

    From: <https://prospect.org/power/2024-04-24-my-dinner-with-andreessen/>

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From D@21:1/5 to Ben Collver on Mon Jul 1 23:37:13 2024
    This message is in MIME format. The first part should be readable text,
    while the remaining parts are likely unreadable without MIME-aware tools.

    Anyone surprised? My theory is that you don't become a billionaire by
    being cute and cuddly.

    On Mon, 1 Jul 2024, Ben Collver wrote:

    My Dinner With Andreessen
    Billionaires I have known: Part One of a three-part series

    by Rick Perlstein
    April 24, 2024

    Marc Andreessen and Laura Arrillaga-Andreessen arrive at the tenth Breakthrough Prize Ceremony on April 13, 2024, at the Academy Museum
    of Motion Pictures in Los Angeles.

    Recently, I read about venture capitalist Marc Andreessen putting his 12,000-square-foot mansion in Atherton, California, which has seven fireplaces, up for sale for $33.75 million. This was done to spend
    more time, one supposes, at the $177 million home he owns in Paradise
    Cove, California; or the $34 million one he bought beside it; or the
    $44.5 million one in a place called Escondido Beach. Upon reading
    this, I realized it was time to stop procrastinating and tell you all
    a story I've been meaning to set down for a long time now about the
    time I visited that house (the cheap $33.75 million one, I mean).
    Strictly on a need-to-know basis. Because you really need to know how
    deeply twisted some of these plutocrats who run our society truly are.

    <https://www.businessinsider.com/see-inside-investor-marc-andreessens- 33-million-house-for-sale-2024-3>

    <https://traded.co/deals/california/single-family-residence/sale/ 27724-pacific-coast-highway/>

    It was 2017, and a YIMBY activist invited me to talk about my book
    Nixonland with his book club, which also happened to be Marc
    Andreessen's book club. They offered a free flight and hotel; I
    accepted. We met in that house. I was vaguely aware of Andreessen as
    the guy who invented the first web browser, a socially useful
    accomplishment by any measure and a story I had long kept in the back
    of my mind as an outstanding proof text that useful invention often flourishes best when government subsidizes it, socialism-style--given
    that Andreessen had created it while a student at a public
    institution, the University of Illinois. Then I boned up on what he
    was up to now, courtesy of a gargantuan 13,000-word profile from two
    years earlier in The New Yorker.



    Andreessen, I learned, was "Tomorrow's Advance Man." He superintended
    the "newest and most unusual" venture capital firm on Menlo Park's
    Sand Hill Road. He "seethes with beliefs" and is "afire to reorder
    life as we know it." His enthusiasms included replacing money with cryptocurrency; replacing cooked food with a scheme called, yes,
    "Soylent," and boosting the now-invisible Oculus virtual reality

    Zero for three when it comes to picking useful inventions to reorder
    life as we know it, that is to say, though at no apparent cost to his
    power or net worth, now pegged at an estimated $1.7 billion. Along
    the way, I also learned he was a major stockholder in Facebook and a
    member of the civilian board that helped oversee the Central
    Intelligence Agency. Much later, it was in a tweet of his that I
    first saw the phrase "woke mind virus." (He's not a fan.)

    Last year, a manifesto he published on the website of his VC firm
    Andreessen Horowitz got a good deal of attention. It includes lines
    like "Technology is the glory of human ambition and achievement, the spearhead of progress, and the realization of our potential." (The
    residents of Nagasaki and Hiroshima might once have wished to
    disagree.) "For hundreds of years, we properly glorified this--until recently." (Really? I only wish I could escape the glorification for
    one goddamned day.) "We believe everything good is downstream of
    growth." (Everything?) And "there is no material problem--whether
    created by nature or by technology--that cannot be solved with more technology."


    The big idea: "Our enemy is the Precautionary Principle." Normal
    people define that as the imperative of seeking to prevent and
    contain certain potentially civilization-ending potentialities like
    nuclear holocaust and pandemic. Andreessen, conversely, calls
    precaution "perhaps the most catastrophic mistake in Western society
    in my lifetime ... deeply immoral, and we must jettison it with
    extreme prejudice."

    What ought be embraced in its stead, naturally, is markets, because
    "they divert people who otherwise would raise armies and start
    religions into peacefully productive pursuits." (The opening of
    markets, as all students know, having everywhere and always been the
    most peaceful pursuit known to humanity.)



    What stands in the way of the recognition of this so self-evident
    truth? Ideas like "sustainability," "stakeholder capitalism," "social responsibility," "tech ethics," "trust and safety," and "risk
    management," which must be eliminated--"with extreme prejudice."
    According to the logic of the piece, I suppose, this must happen in
    order to nip in the bud the armies we can expect the avatars of
    ethics and responsibility to raise any day now.

    Basically, the manifesto is an argument, dressed up in the raiment of morality, about power: Andreessen and people like him should get to
    make decisions to reorder life as we know it without interference
    from anyone else. Which will be quite relevant to know for the saga
    ahead, once you see the style of moral judgment this most powerful of
    human actors displays behind closed doors.

    IT WAS A NICE NORTHERN CALIFORNIA DAY. I saw from the map that a
    rideshare trip from San Francisco to Atherton would be a good bit
    cheaper if I embarked from a freeway entrance a mile or so from where
    I was. I set off on one of those glorious walks that remind you why
    you can't help loving cities, in all their unplanned and unplannable
    charm. I strolled across one of the remaining shabby parts of San
    Francisco, untouched by the gentrifiers, and my stops included a
    glorious junk shop stuffed stem to stern with ghosts of San Francisco
    past, including a pile of wooden chairs tangled from floor to ceiling
    like they came from some ancient Gold Rush; and a street corner where
    a clutch of elderly Black men were singing doo-wop.

    I arrived at my destination in a good mood, electric with a writer's observant curiosity. The first detail I noted in Atherton was the
    gate where I was dropped off; it informed me that an armed guard was
    on duty 24 hours a day. The second was the hulking object standing by
    the front door: a sculpture by the French modernist master Jean
    Dubuffet (1901–1985), a smaller version of a massive, beloved
    downtown public monument Chicagoans call "Snoopy in a Blender."

    <https://blockclubchicago.org/2023/07/25/snoopy-in-a-blender- sculpture-moving-from-thompson-center-to-art-institute>

    That certainly made an impression: not the sort of thing one usually
    finds on front lawns.

    I rang the bell; an Asian man in khakis and a sweater answered. I
    snapped into guest mode, introducing myself enthusiastically. He
    responded with an odd coldness. Then I realized he was not a fellow
    guest but, I guess you'd say, the butler. A hundred years ago, he
    might have been referred to as "houseboy" and greeted me in a tux.

    I met Andreessen's wife. Laura Arrillaga-Andreessen is the daughter
    of a sharp fellow who began scooping up commercial real estate in the bedraggled lands around Stanford University that became Silicon
    Valley, becoming its pre-eminent landowner, which is kind of how aristocracies start in the dim mists of time. I reflected, perhaps
    unfairly, that marrying off their daughters to young men of talent
    and fortune is often how such families institutionalize their power.

    She showed me around her art collection. I tried not to gawk, and
    failed. "That's an Agnes Martin! ... A Claes Oldenburg maquette! He's
    one of my favorites!" And so on. I later learned that
    Arrillaga-Andreessen made a project of classing up the "cultural
    desert" of Silicon Valley--the "pop-up gallery" she organized with a Manhattan powerhouse art dealer at her father's Tesla dealership was
    covered in the art press as something like a philanthropic venture.
    But progress was apparently sluggish; Arrillaga-Andreessen seemed
    absurdly grateful to finally have a guest who knew who these artists
    were. Quietly, I reflected upon how odd it is that people who claim
    to love art, and sharing it with the world, would lock masterpieces
    away for only themselves and their guests to enjoy. Among
    aristocrats, I suppose, it has ever been thus.

    <https://www.google.com/search?q=%22pace+gallery%22 +tesla+Arrillaga-Andreessen>

    There were also lots of books on many subjects, piled up in
    skyscraper-like stacks. Andreessen, you see, is an intellectual. That
    was why I was there.

    Andreessen wasn't, yet. I waited at the dining room table. A chef in
    starched whites (was there a toque?) served me something delicious.
    Then arrived in the room a "cranium so large, bald, and oblong that
    you can't help but think of words like ‘jumbo' and ‘Grade A'" (The
    New Yorker's words, not mine); and, one by one, his guests. My first impression of them came of their response to my small-talk
    description of my delightful afternoon. Jaws practically dropped,
    like I had dared an unaccompanied, unarmed stroll through Baghdad's
    Sadr City in the spring of 2004.


    I had been told, via email, a little about the people I would meet:
    mostly fellow investment magnates, but also an extra person added at
    the last minute. She was a woman researching life extension,
    something that, at the time, the world was just learning was a Valley plutocrat obsession. A woman, it was subtly emphasized. The times
    we're living in: you know.

    I can be slow, but I got it. Uber CEO Travis Kalanick was enmeshed in
    a scandal over endemic sexism, and it had suddenly seemed imperative
    to de-bro-ify the local culture a bit. Thus, this late-breaking
    ringer. She was young, very pretty, and seemed to have practically no
    spoken English.

    <https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/the-reckless-rise-and-fall-of- ubers-ceo-travis-kalanick-sml9p3q2k>

    The chef served us a lovely meal. I couldn't help but notice that he
    was treated rather like a pizza delivery guy.

    I see from a follow-up email that among the things discussed were
    David Hackett Fischer's Albion's Seed: Four British Folkways in
    America, on the geographic patterns of American political culture and
    their persistence; the anti-Enlightenment philosopher Julius Evola (I
    had just begun exploring the explicit anti-liberalism of those close
    to Trump, like Steve Bannon); 1970s New Left historiography on
    regulatory capture; Corey Robin's The Reactionary Mind; Jimmy
    Carter's embrace of austerity; the magnificent volume Strange Rebels:
    1979 and the Birth of the 21st Century (I was hard at work then on my
    book about the 1976–1980 period); and Jonathan Haidt on personality
    type and ideology (someone else must have brought him up; I can't
    stand him). I don't remember much of the discussion at all. But
    certain telling sociological details will always stick with me. My
    close friends have frequently heard me tell the tale.


    <https://www.amazon.com/Strange-Rebels-1979-Birth-Century-ebook/ dp/B00H6UMGVI>

    tycoon who had been awarded a lordship. He proclaimed that the
    Chinese middle class doesn't care about democracy or civil liberties.
    I was treated as a sentimental naïf for questioning his blanket

    Another attendee seemed to see politics as a collection of
    engineering problems. He kept setting up strange thought experiments,
    which I did not understand. I recall thinking it was like talking to
    a creature visiting from another solar system that did not have
    humans in it. I later conveyed my recollection of this guy to an
    acquaintance who once taught history at Stanford. He noted a
    similarity to a student of his who insisted that all the age-old
    problems historians worried over would soon obviously be solved by
    better computers, and thus considered the entire humanistic
    enterprise faintly ridiculous.

    I also remember I raised an objection to Silicon Valley's fetish for "disruption" as the highest human value, noting that healthy
    societies also recognize the value of preserving core values and institutions, and feeling gaslit in return when the group came back
    heatedly that, no, Silicon Valley didn't fetishize disruption at all.

    The subject of Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) came up. They rose up in thunderous hatred at her for blocking potential "innovation in the
    banking sector." (She'll make a similar cameo in Part Two of this
    series.) I suffered an epic case of l'esprit d'escalier at that.


    I thought it was pretty much universally understood by then that the
    fetish for "innovation in the banking sector" was what collapsed the
    world economy in 2008. Had I not been stunned into silence, I could
    have quoted Paul Volcker that the last useful innovation in banking
    was the automatic teller machine, and pointed out that it was only by strangling "innovation in the banking sector" that (as Elizabeth
    Warren always points out) the New Deal ushered in the longest period
    of financial stability in American history, and the golden age of
    global capitalism to boot. It was only when deregulation broke down
    banking's vaunted "3-6-3" rule (take deposits at 3 percent, lend them
    at 6 percent, and be on the golf course by 3 o'clock in the
    afternoon) that financial collapses returned as a regular feature of
    our lives. Silicon Valley, alas, would never learn.

    <https://nypost.com/2009/12/13/the-only-thing-useful-banks-have- invented-in-20-years-is-the-atm/>



    The evening progressed. The man with or without the toque cleared the
    plates. This is when, as I've learned at hyper-elite confabs I've
    attended, things tend to get down to brass tacks. Come with me, then,
    inside that $33 million manse and hear what this extraordinarily
    powerful individual who helped oversee the CIA and one of the most
    powerful instruments of communication in human history (Facebook,
    whose decisions the previous year had helped make Donald Trump
    president) said when the subject turned to rural America. It was like
    the first scene in an episode of Black Mirror.

    impoverished agricultural small town in Wisconsin, and despised it.
    But I certainly was not prepared for his vituperation on the subject.
    He made it clear that people who chose not to leave such places
    deserved whatever impoverishment, cultural and political neglect, and alienation they suffered.

    It's a libertarian commonplace, a version of their pinched vision of
    why the market and only the market is the truly legitimate response
    to oppressive conditions on the job: If you don't like it, you can
    leave. If you don't, what you suffer is your own fault.

    I brought up the ordinary comforts of kinship, friendship, craft,
    memory, legend, lore, skills passed down across generations, and
    other benefits that small towns provide: things that make human
    beings human beings. I pointed out that there must be something in
    the kind of places he grew up in worth preserving. I dared venture
    that it is always worth mourning when a venerable human community
    passes from the Earth; that maybe people are more than just figures
    finding their proper price on the balance sheet of life ...

    And that's when the man in the castle with the seven fireplaces said

    "I'm glad there's OxyContin and video games to keep those people

    I'm taking the liberty of putting it in quotation marks, though I
    can't be sure those were his exact words. Marc, if you're reading,
    feel free to get in touch and refresh my memory. Maybe he said
    "quiescent," or "docile," or maybe "powerless." Something, certainly,
    along those lines.

    He was joking, sort of; but he was serious--definitely. "Kidding on
    the square," jokes like those are called. All that talk about human
    potential and morality, and this man afire to reorder life as we know
    it jokingly welcomes chemical enslavement of those he grew up with,
    for the sin of not being as clever and ambitious as he.

    There is something very, very wrong with us, that our society affords
    so much power to people like this.

    From: <https://prospect.org/power/2024-04-24-my-dinner-with-andreessen/>

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Lawrence D'Oliveiro@21:1/5 to Ben Collver on Mon Jul 1 21:53:09 2024
    On Mon, 1 Jul 2024 13:18:10 -0000 (UTC), Ben Collver wrote:

    I was vaguely aware of Andreessen as the
    guy who invented the first web browser, a socially useful accomplishment
    by any measure and a story I had long kept in the back of my mind as an outstanding proof text that useful invention often flourishes best when government subsidizes it, socialism-style--given that Andreessen had
    created it while a student at a public institution, the University of Illinois.

    And what was this “web” thing that he was “browsing”? That was invented at
    CERN, also a government-funded research institution--in fact, an
    international one, dominated by countries that the US would consider “socialist”. They had their own browser, before Andreessen. He had his chicken but no egg, while CERN had both chicken and egg. That’s why it was able to spark off the popularity of this world-wide web. Then the
    Americans were able to move in and do what they do best, copy other
    people’s ideas, only on a larger scale.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Kees Nuyt@21:1/5 to bencollver@tilde.pink on Mon Jul 1 23:28:05 2024
    On Mon, 1 Jul 2024 13:18:10 -0000 (UTC), Ben Collver
    <bencollver@tilde.pink> wrote:

    My Dinner With Andreessen
    Billionaires I have known: Part One of a three-part series

    by Rick Perlstein
    April 24, 2024

    Thank you for bringing this to our attention Ben.
    Really disgusting.
    So disgusting that "Plutocrat" is a kind description.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Ben Collver@21:1/5 to nospam@example.net on Tue Jul 2 04:52:18 2024
    On 2024-07-01, D <nospam@example.net> wrote:
    Anyone surprised? My theory is that you don't become a billionaire by
    being cute and cuddly.

    "... you're a Lebowski, I'm a Lebowski, that's terrific."

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Anonymous@21:1/5 to Ben Collver on Thu Jul 4 00:15:03 2024
    Ben Collver wrote:
    My Dinner With Andreessen
    Billionaires I have known: Part One of a three-part series

    by Rick Perlstein
    April 24, 2024

    Rick Perlstein needs to STFU, as he's a left-wing kike.

    That said, Andreessen needs to become an advocate of Throne, Altar and Freehold.

    Markets are all well and good, but you need something to defend them,
    such as a solid religion that fighting men can march under. I propose
    old-style Christianity.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From D@21:1/5 to Anonymous on Thu Jul 4 12:42:22 2024
    On Thu, 4 Jul 2024, Anonymous wrote:

    Ben Collver wrote:
    My Dinner With Andreessen
    Billionaires I have known: Part One of a three-part series

    by Rick Perlstein
    April 24, 2024

    Rick Perlstein needs to STFU, as he's a left-wing kike.

    I think his left-wing "kikeness" comes through pretty clearly in the

    That said, Andreessen needs to become an advocate of Throne, Altar and Freehold.

    Markets are all well and good, but you need something to defend them,
    such as a solid religion that fighting men can march under. I propose old-style Christianity.

    I find it tragic that something like that should be necessary for people
    to lift a finger when it comes to protecting markets. For anyone rational,
    it is pretty clear that markets are the big blessing of this planet and
    the reason we are all living at the quality of life we are. Without them,
    we would be back to the middle ages or worse, like in soviet russia.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Lawrence D'Oliveiro@21:1/5 to All on Thu Jul 4 23:49:07 2024
    On Thu, 4 Jul 2024 12:42:22 +0200, D wrote:

    I find it tragic that something like that should be necessary for people
    to lift a finger when it comes to protecting markets.

    Almost as though free markets cannot remain free without regulators to
    keep them free.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Lawrence D'Oliveiro@21:1/5 to Anonymous on Thu Jul 4 23:48:28 2024
    On Thu, 4 Jul 2024 00:15:03 -0400, Anonymous wrote:

    Rick Perlstein needs to STFU, as he's a left-wing kike.

    Where are the righteous right-wingers who can contribute to Free software
    as well as expound opinions on it? There don’t seem to be any.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Andreas Eder@21:1/5 to Lawrence D'Oliveiro on Fri Jul 5 10:56:20 2024
    On Do 04 Jul 2024 at 23:49, Lawrence D'Oliveiro <ldo@nz.invalid> wrote:

    On Thu, 4 Jul 2024 12:42:22 +0200, D wrote:

    I find it tragic that something like that should be necessary for people
    to lift a finger when it comes to protecting markets.

    Almost as though free markets cannot remain free without regulators to
    keep them free.

    Free markets ten ro become oligopols, if not regulated.
    That is not gard to priive under some mild conditions.
    Go read about it, if zou can understand the math behind that.


    ceterum censeo redmondinem esse delendam

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From D@21:1/5 to Lawrence D'Oliveiro on Fri Jul 5 11:40:44 2024
    This message is in MIME format. The first part should be readable text,
    while the remaining parts are likely unreadable without MIME-aware tools.

    On Thu, 4 Jul 2024, Lawrence D'Oliveiro wrote:

    On Thu, 4 Jul 2024 00:15:03 -0400, Anonymous wrote:

    Rick Perlstein needs to STFU, as he's a left-wing kike.

    Where are the righteous right-wingers who can contribute to Free software
    as well as expound opinions on it? There don’t seem to be any.

    They exist, but generally they take two paths to nirvana. Either they are outspoken and are shunned and net-hated by the radical left. There are a
    few like Luke Smith for instance. Or they work away suffering in silence.
    I know many of the second type and benefit greatly due to offering an environment in my own company that bans politics (except perhaps a poke or
    two at the radical left) which gives them peace of mind to perform

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From D@21:1/5 to Andreas Eder on Fri Jul 5 11:44:48 2024
    On Fri, 5 Jul 2024, Andreas Eder wrote:

    On Do 04 Jul 2024 at 23:49, Lawrence D'Oliveiro <ldo@nz.invalid> wrote:

    On Thu, 4 Jul 2024 12:42:22 +0200, D wrote:

    I find it tragic that something like that should be necessary for people >>> to lift a finger when it comes to protecting markets.

    Almost as though free markets cannot remain free without regulators to
    keep them free.

    Free markets ten ro become oligopols, if not regulated.
    That is not gard to priive under some mild conditions.
    Go read about it, if zou can understand the math behind that.


    Nope, actually governments tend to create oligopolies due to being such
    big actors on the market that work according to politics and not according
    to profit motive. FANG profit handsomely by government protection.

    So yes, if you take a quick look your statement might look true, but if
    you investigate the revenue streams of the global giants that are (or have been) in some sense oligopolies, you'll see that they have received plenty
    help from the government in terms of eitehr government contracts, or regulations which protect them.

    In my country, technically I could easily start a bank, but governments
    protect them, and there you go. You have a few giants and that's it.

    I recommend Johan Norbergs The Capitalist Manifesto if you want to learn
    the truth about capitalism. A good second source is mises.org.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From D@21:1/5 to Lawrence D'Oliveiro on Fri Jul 5 11:37:56 2024
    On Thu, 4 Jul 2024, Lawrence D'Oliveiro wrote:

    On Thu, 4 Jul 2024 12:42:22 +0200, D wrote:

    I find it tragic that something like that should be necessary for people
    to lift a finger when it comes to protecting markets.

    Almost as though free markets cannot remain free without regulators to
    keep them free.

    Of course they can. You're wrong per definition, but thank you for the
    attempt. ;)

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Scott Dorsey@21:1/5 to nospam@example.net on Fri Jul 5 12:34:17 2024
    D <nospam@example.net> wrote:
    On Fri, 5 Jul 2024, Andreas Eder wrote:
    On Do 04 Jul 2024 at 23:49, Lawrence D'Oliveiro <ldo@nz.invalid> wrote:
    On Thu, 4 Jul 2024 12:42:22 +0200, D wrote:

    I find it tragic that something like that should be necessary for people >>>> to lift a finger when it comes to protecting markets.

    Almost as though free markets cannot remain free without regulators to
    keep them free.

    Free markets ten ro become oligopols, if not regulated.
    That is not gard to priive under some mild conditions.
    Go read about it, if zou can understand the math behind that.

    Nope, actually governments tend to create oligopolies due to being such
    big actors on the market that work according to politics and not according
    to profit motive. FANG profit handsomely by government protection.

    Both of these statements are true and they are in no way contradictory.

    "C'est un Nagra. C'est suisse, et tres, tres precis."

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From D@21:1/5 to Scott Dorsey on Fri Jul 5 19:09:37 2024
    On Fri, 5 Jul 2024, Scott Dorsey wrote:

    D <nospam@example.net> wrote:
    On Fri, 5 Jul 2024, Andreas Eder wrote:
    On Do 04 Jul 2024 at 23:49, Lawrence D'Oliveiro <ldo@nz.invalid> wrote: >>>> On Thu, 4 Jul 2024 12:42:22 +0200, D wrote:

    I find it tragic that something like that should be necessary for people >>>>> to lift a finger when it comes to protecting markets.

    Almost as though free markets cannot remain free without regulators to >>>> keep them free.

    Free markets ten ro become oligopols, if not regulated.
    That is not gard to priive under some mild conditions.
    Go read about it, if zou can understand the math behind that.

    Nope, actually governments tend to create oligopolies due to being such
    big actors on the market that work according to politics and not according >> to profit motive. FANG profit handsomely by government protection.

    Both of these statements are true and they are in no way contradictory. --scott

    Nope, they are contradictory. The act of regulation decreases freedom,
    hence increases oligopoly/monopoly. It is of course a spectrum and not
    binary, but the more regulation, the more monopoly and the end station is socialism where the government is the monopoly with all the power, and the citizens being slaves.

    Only less regulation and more free markets can counter that. Johan
    Norbergs book, The capitalist manifesto also proves conclusively that less regulation and more freedom is the only thing that leads to increase
    quality of life.

    Of course, if by quality of life you mean that all power should belong to
    an authoritarian leader and politicians, then that holds little persuasive powers, but then the potential you and me have such a fundamental
    difference in values and ways of looking at the worlds that any further discussion just becomes pointless.

    This is for instance the situation between Lawrence and myself, so every
    time he writes about his socialist theories, I just laugh and write some nonsense back, since I cannot even take him seriously.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Rich@21:1/5 to nospam@example.net on Fri Jul 5 18:51:37 2024
    D <nospam@example.net> wrote:

    On Fri, 5 Jul 2024, Scott Dorsey wrote:

    D <nospam@example.net> wrote:
    On Fri, 5 Jul 2024, Andreas Eder wrote:
    On Do 04 Jul 2024 at 23:49, Lawrence D'Oliveiro <ldo@nz.invalid> wrote: >>>>> On Thu, 4 Jul 2024 12:42:22 +0200, D wrote:

    I find it tragic that something like that should be necessary for people >>>>>> to lift a finger when it comes to protecting markets.

    Almost as though free markets cannot remain free without regulators to >>>>> keep them free.

    Free markets ten ro become oligopols, if not regulated.
    That is not gard to priive under some mild conditions.
    Go read about it, if zou can understand the math behind that.

    Nope, actually governments tend to create oligopolies due to being such
    big actors on the market that work according to politics and not according >>> to profit motive. FANG profit handsomely by government protection.

    Both of these statements are true and they are in no way contradictory.

    Nope, they are contradictory.

    The statements are not contradictory.

    The act of regulation decreases freedom, hence increases
    oligopoly/monopoly. It is of course a spectrum and not binary, but
    the more regulation, the more monopoly and the end station is
    socialism where the government is the monopoly with all the power,
    and the citizens being slaves.

    You are correct.

    Only less regulation and more free markets can counter that. Johan
    Norbergs book, The capitalist manifesto also proves conclusively that less regulation and more freedom is the only thing that leads to increase
    quality of life.

    Yes, and no. You may be overlooking that in a totally free market, the competitors are also completely free to purchase each other, reducing
    the overall competition. If the specific market has large market
    specific capitol costs for entry (i.e., must build a $5Bn or more
    semiconductor chip fab in order to enter and compete) then, over time, consolidation (largest competitor purchasing up smaller competitors)
    can happen faster than new entrants such that, in the limit, the result
    will also be monopoly.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Scott Dorsey@21:1/5 to rich@example.invalid on Fri Jul 5 23:37:08 2024
    In article <v69fbp$3d8jk$1@dont-email.me>, Rich <rich@example.invalid> wrote: >Yes, and no. You may be overlooking that in a totally free market, the >competitors are also completely free to purchase each other, reducing
    the overall competition. If the specific market has large market
    specific capitol costs for entry (i.e., must build a $5Bn or more >semiconductor chip fab in order to enter and compete) then, over time, >consolidation (largest competitor purchasing up smaller competitors)
    can happen faster than new entrants such that, in the limit, the result
    will also be monopoly.

    It goes beyond this. It is in the clear best interest of any business
    to have a monopoly or to at least reduce competition. This being the
    case, people in an existing business do the most they can to keep the
    market from being free.

    It is true that one of the things they do is to lobby for regulation
    to control the market, and in this regard it's true that the government
    is often involved in reducing competition.

    But with hands taken completely off the market, dominant businesses
    (especially in a market with a lot of initial capital required, such
    as telecoms or chip fab as described above) will do to most they can
    to squelch competition and the government can also prevent that to increase competition. There's nothing that -can- stop it short of regulation.

    Copyrights and patents can also reduce competition but they can also
    increase competition by promoting innovation. Too short a patent
    duration and it does little to promote innovation, too long a patent
    duration and it suppresses competition. So once again there's a fine
    line to be treaded.

    It's not as simple as Adam Smith made it out to be anymore.
    "C'est un Nagra. C'est suisse, et tres, tres precis."

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Lawrence D'Oliveiro@21:1/5 to All on Sat Jul 6 01:24:41 2024
    On Fri, 5 Jul 2024 11:40:44 +0200, D wrote:

    On Thu, 4 Jul 2024, Lawrence D'Oliveiro wrote:

    Where are the righteous right-wingers who can contribute to Free
    software as well as expound opinions on it? There don’t seem to be any.

    Either they are outspoken and are shunned and net-hated ...

    But nobody can stop them distributing their software, can they? It will
    still manage to stand or fall on its merits, just like everything in Open Source.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Lawrence D'Oliveiro@21:1/5 to All on Sat Jul 6 01:25:52 2024
    On Fri, 5 Jul 2024 11:37:56 +0200, D wrote:

    On Thu, 4 Jul 2024, Lawrence D'Oliveiro wrote:

    On Thu, 4 Jul 2024 12:42:22 +0200, D wrote:

    I find it tragic that something like that should be necessary for
    people to lift a finger when it comes to protecting markets.

    Almost as though free markets cannot remain free without regulators to
    keep them free.

    Of course they can.

    No they can’t. Left to themselves, they fall prey to anticompetitive practices, deceptive advertising, price-fixing, and just plain fraud.
    That’s why we need laws, and a Government to enforce them. Freedom
    requires order; anarchy is not freedom.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Lawrence D'Oliveiro@21:1/5 to Andreas Eder on Sat Jul 6 01:34:30 2024
    On Fri, 05 Jul 2024 10:56:20 +0200, Andreas Eder wrote:

    Free markets ten ro become oligopols, if not regulated.

    Case in point: the introduction of mobile phones. The Europeans decided
    that there had to be a common standard, rather than having every carrier
    build its own proprietary network. So they came up with a Government-
    mandated spec called “GSM”. Yes, it was a complex. bureaucratic spec, but it was a proper spec, with compliance tests and everything. So you had
    proper interoperability. The only thing that tied you to a particular
    carrier was that you got your SIM card from them. So switching carriers
    was as easy as getting a new SIM card.

    Meanwhile, in the USA, the prevailing ideology was “let the market
    decide”. So each carrier created its own proprietary network, and its customers were locked into that network.

    And so you had the interesting situation where, in Europe, you could buy
    your phone first, then decide which carrier to sign up to, whereas in the
    USA, you first chose your carrier, and then you had to buy your phone from them.

    And not only was the European system successful in Europe, it became
    popular in most of the rest of the world, too. So you had the situation,
    in the early days of Android, where a new model from Samsung or HTC or
    whomever would be available across the entire GSM-using world within a
    matter of days, while customers in the US had to wait another couple of
    weeks, for carrier-specific versions to come out for their particular

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Computer Nerd Kev@21:1/5 to Lawrence D'Oliveiro on Sat Jul 6 13:00:23 2024
    Lawrence D'Oliveiro <ldo@nz.invalid> wrote:
    On Fri, 05 Jul 2024 10:56:20 +0200, Andreas Eder wrote:
    Free markets ten ro become oligopols, if not regulated.

    Case in point: the introduction of mobile phones. The Europeans decided
    that there had to be a common standard, rather than having every carrier build its own proprietary network. So they came up with a Government- mandated spec called "GSM". Yes, it was a complex. bureaucratic spec, but
    it was a proper spec, with compliance tests and everything. So you had
    proper interoperability. The only thing that tied you to a particular
    carrier was that you got your SIM card from them. So switching carriers
    was as easy as getting a new SIM card.

    Ahh, except that the spec included SIM Locking, with which all that compatiblity can be made irrelevent for a user with a network-locked

    Worse Telstra in Australia silently clamped down the network
    locking so my new Telstra-locked 4G phone won't work with a
    Telstra-reseller's SIM (same network, resold by another
    company), even though my old 3G Telstra-locked phone does. So I
    wasted my money on that (they'll unlock it, but for more than I
    paid for the phone).

    By the way, an example of BS on Wikipedia:
    "In Australia, carriers can choose whether to SIM/Network Lock
    handsets or not, however in practice, is rarely performed except in
    limited cases. Almost all handsets available on the Australian
    market have no such restriction."

    Stores here are _full_ of locked phones and have been for decades.

    This checks out for the UK though:
    "The UK's mobile networks are to be forbidden from selling phones
    locked to their services from December 2021."

    Mobile networks banned from selling locked phones https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-54692179

    So yes governments can mandate universal SIM compatibility, though
    it looks like it's not something broadly applicable in Europe, and
    it's not just thanks to GSM. GSM clearly served the purposes of the
    network operators more than those of users, by allowing them to use
    common hardware while still restricting its usage to one company's
    network. There's also still different frequency bands which aren't
    all supported by phones.

    Here in Aus I got an unlocked Nokia instead, and I now know I can't
    buy new Telstra-locked mobile devices expecting them to work with
    my SIMs anymore. So that's market forces at work. I'm one new
    customer in the unlocked phone market, although a pretty grumpy
    one who'd have been better off in the UK. I'll get around to
    selling the locked phone on Ebay eventually.

    __ __
    #_ < |\| |< _#

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Lawrence D'Oliveiro@21:1/5 to Computer Nerd Kev on Sat Jul 6 07:10:40 2024
    On 6 Jul 2024 13:00:23 +1000, Computer Nerd Kev wrote:

    Ahh, except that the spec included SIM Locking, with which all that compatiblity can be made irrelevent for a user with a network-locked

    All the jurisdictions I’m aware of had consumer-protection regulators who
    saw to it that unlocking a locked phone was available at a reasonable
    charge. Basically, customers got a discount off buying a SIM-locked phone (compared to an unlocked one), and they had to repay some part of that
    discount when it was unlocked, depending on how long before this was done.

    Compare this to the US system, where there was no option to unlock the
    SIM, because there was no SIM.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From D@21:1/5 to Scott Dorsey on Sat Jul 6 12:20:55 2024
    On Sat, 5 Jul 2024, Scott Dorsey wrote:

    In article <v69fbp$3d8jk$1@dont-email.me>, Rich <rich@example.invalid> wrote:
    Yes, and no. You may be overlooking that in a totally free market, the
    competitors are also completely free to purchase each other, reducing
    the overall competition. If the specific market has large market
    specific capitol costs for entry (i.e., must build a $5Bn or more
    semiconductor chip fab in order to enter and compete) then, over time,
    consolidation (largest competitor purchasing up smaller competitors)
    can happen faster than new entrants such that, in the limit, the result
    will also be monopoly.

    It goes beyond this. It is in the clear best interest of any business
    to have a monopoly or to at least reduce competition. This being the
    case, people in an existing business do the most they can to keep the
    market from being free.

    It is true that one of the things they do is to lobby for regulation
    to control the market, and in this regard it's true that the government
    is often involved in reducing competition.

    But with hands taken completely off the market, dominant businesses (especially in a market with a lot of initial capital required, such
    as telecoms or chip fab as described above) will do to most they can
    to squelch competition and the government can also prevent that to increase competition. There's nothing that -can- stop it short of regulation.

    Copyrights and patents can also reduce competition but they can also
    increase competition by promoting innovation. Too short a patent
    duration and it does little to promote innovation, too long a patent
    duration and it suppresses competition. So once again there's a fine
    line to be treaded.

    It's not as simple as Adam Smith made it out to be anymore.

    I disagree. I think this article does a pretty good job of showing why
    there's no need to be afraid of monopolies:

    https://fee.org/articles/how-the-free-market-handles-monopoly/ .

    As for patents and copyrights, those are excellent examples of how we have
    even bigger and more monopolistic giants today, thanks to the governments protection, than without it.

    Do you think disney would be the woke giant it is without copyright? Or do
    you think FAANG companies would be where they are without patents?

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From D@21:1/5 to Lawrence D'Oliveiro on Sat Jul 6 12:21:32 2024
    This message is in MIME format. The first part should be readable text,
    while the remaining parts are likely unreadable without MIME-aware tools.

    On Sat, 6 Jul 2024, Lawrence D'Oliveiro wrote:

    On Fri, 5 Jul 2024 11:40:44 +0200, D wrote:

    On Thu, 4 Jul 2024, Lawrence D'Oliveiro wrote:

    Where are the righteous right-wingers who can contribute to Free
    software as well as expound opinions on it? There don’t seem to be any. >>>
    Either they are outspoken and are shunned and net-hated ...

    But nobody can stop them distributing their software, can they? It will
    still manage to stand or fall on its merits, just like everything in Open Source.

    I am not talking about distributing their software.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From D@21:1/5 to Rich on Sat Jul 6 12:18:57 2024
    On Fri, 5 Jul 2024, Rich wrote:

    D <nospam@example.net> wrote:

    On Fri, 5 Jul 2024, Scott Dorsey wrote:

    D <nospam@example.net> wrote:
    On Fri, 5 Jul 2024, Andreas Eder wrote:
    On Do 04 Jul 2024 at 23:49, Lawrence D'Oliveiro <ldo@nz.invalid> wrote: >>>>>> On Thu, 4 Jul 2024 12:42:22 +0200, D wrote:

    I find it tragic that something like that should be necessary for people
    to lift a finger when it comes to protecting markets.

    Almost as though free markets cannot remain free without regulators to >>>>>> keep them free.

    Free markets ten ro become oligopols, if not regulated.
    That is not gard to priive under some mild conditions.
    Go read about it, if zou can understand the math behind that.

    Nope, actually governments tend to create oligopolies due to being such >>>> big actors on the market that work according to politics and not according >>>> to profit motive. FANG profit handsomely by government protection.

    Both of these statements are true and they are in no way contradictory.

    Nope, they are contradictory.

    The statements are not contradictory.

    They are. One sentence says that free markets become oligopolies (which is
    not true) while the other says that government regulated markets (non-free markets) become oligopolies.

    Either free markets create them, or non-free markets. If both create them,
    this discussion is meaningless. Needless to say, I do not believe so, but
    if someone does believe it, I see no point in continuing talking.

    The act of regulation decreases freedom, hence increases
    oligopoly/monopoly. It is of course a spectrum and not binary, but
    the more regulation, the more monopoly and the end station is
    socialism where the government is the monopoly with all the power,
    and the citizens being slaves.

    You are correct.

    Only less regulation and more free markets can counter that. Johan
    Norbergs book, The capitalist manifesto also proves conclusively that less >> regulation and more freedom is the only thing that leads to increase
    quality of life.

    Yes, and no. You may be overlooking that in a totally free market, the competitors are also completely free to purchase each other, reducing
    the overall competition. If the specific market has large market
    specific capitol costs for entry (i.e., must build a $5Bn or more semiconductor chip fab in order to enter and compete) then, over time, consolidation (largest competitor purchasing up smaller competitors)
    can happen faster than new entrants such that, in the limit, the result
    will also be monopoly.

    If they raise the price, competitors will form, or alternatives will be developed. Therefore, even though a monopoly might form, prices will not
    go to infinity. And the likelihood that a monopoly will form with global
    reach, without government contracts or regulation are close to

    For a more in depth explanation have a look at this:

    https://fee.org/articles/how-the-free-market-handles-monopoly/ .

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From D@21:1/5 to Lawrence D'Oliveiro on Sat Jul 6 12:28:05 2024
    This message is in MIME format. The first part should be readable text,
    while the remaining parts are likely unreadable without MIME-aware tools.

    On Sat, 6 Jul 2024, Lawrence D'Oliveiro wrote:

    On Fri, 05 Jul 2024 10:56:20 +0200, Andreas Eder wrote:

    Free markets ten ro become oligopols, if not regulated.

    Case in point: the introduction of mobile phones. The Europeans decided
    that there had to be a common standard, rather than having every carrier build its own proprietary network. So they came up with a Government- mandated spec called “GSM”. Yes, it was a complex. bureaucratic spec, but it was a proper spec, with compliance tests and everything. So you had
    proper interoperability. The only thing that tied you to a particular
    carrier was that you got your SIM card from them. So switching carriers
    was as easy as getting a new SIM card.

    Meanwhile, in the USA, the prevailing ideology was “let the market decide”. So each carrier created its own proprietary network, and its customers were locked into that network.

    And so you had the interesting situation where, in Europe, you could buy
    your phone first, then decide which carrier to sign up to, whereas in the USA, you first chose your carrier, and then you had to buy your phone from them.

    And not only was the European system successful in Europe, it became
    popular in most of the rest of the world, too. So you had the situation,
    in the early days of Android, where a new model from Samsung or HTC or whomever would be available across the entire GSM-using world within a
    matter of days, while customers in the US had to wait another couple of weeks, for carrier-specific versions to come out for their particular carriers.

    Except that neither europe nor the US are free markets, so neither can be
    used as an example.

    In terms of european failure we can just compare european GDP (PPP) per
    capita according to IMF (58,838 USD) with the US (85,373 USD) to see that
    a more free society is a richer and more ethical society.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Andreas Eder@21:1/5 to Rich on Sat Jul 6 12:12:08 2024
    On Fr 05 Jul 2024 at 18:51, Rich <rich@example.invalid> wrote:

    D <nospam@example.net> wrote:

    On Fri, 5 Jul 2024, Scott Dorsey wrote:

    D <nospam@example.net> wrote:
    On Fri, 5 Jul 2024, Andreas Eder wrote:
    On Do 04 Jul 2024 at 23:49, Lawrence D'Oliveiro <ldo@nz.invalid> wrote: >>>>>> On Thu, 4 Jul 2024 12:42:22 +0200, D wrote:

    I find it tragic that something like that should be necessary for people
    to lift a finger when it comes to protecting markets.

    Almost as though free markets cannot remain free without regulators to >>>>>> keep them free.

    Free markets ten ro become oligopols, if not regulated.
    That is not gard to priive under some mild conditions.
    Go read about it, if zou can understand the math behind that.

    Nope, actually governments tend to create oligopolies due to being such >>>> big actors on the market that work according to politics and not according >>>> to profit motive. FANG profit handsomely by government protection.

    Both of these statements are true and they are in no way contradictory.

    Nope, they are contradictory.

    The statements are not contradictory.

    The act of regulation decreases freedom, hence increases
    oligopoly/monopoly. It is of course a spectrum and not binary, but
    the more regulation, the more monopoly and the end station is
    socialism where the government is the monopoly with all the power,
    and the citizens being slaves.

    You are correct.

    Only less regulation and more free markets can counter that. Johan
    Norbergs book, The capitalist manifesto also proves conclusively that less >> regulation and more freedom is the only thing that leads to increase
    quality of life.

    Yes, and no. You may be overlooking that in a totally free market, the competitors are also completely free to purchase each other, reducing
    the overall competition. If the specific market has large market
    specific capitol costs for entry (i.e., must build a $5Bn or more semiconductor chip fab in order to enter and compete) then, over time, consolidation (largest competitor purchasing up smaller competitors)
    can happen faster than new entrants such that, in the limit, the result
    will also be monopoly.

    That is exactly what will happen to an unregulated free market.
    The only participants remaining after some time are the ones so big -
    and almost equally big - that they are unable to purchase each other.


    ceterum censeo redmondinem esse delendam

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Scott Dorsey@21:1/5 to nospam@example.net on Sat Jul 6 13:28:36 2024
    D <nospam@example.net> wrote:
    They are. One sentence says that free markets become oligopolies (which is >not true) while the other says that government regulated markets (non-free >markets) become oligopolies.

    But they BOTH can become oligopolies.

    Either free markets create them, or non-free markets. If both create them, >this discussion is meaningless. Needless to say, I do not believe so, but
    if someone does believe it, I see no point in continuing talking.

    The natural state of the system is oligopoly. A government can resist this,
    or it can accelerate it. This is why a government controlled by an informed electorate is so important.

    "C'est un Nagra. C'est suisse, et tres, tres precis."

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Eric Pozharski@21:1/5 to 335ed481-557d-7d19-949a-fadba2016d2 on Sat Jul 6 13:40:17 2024
    with <335ed481-557d-7d19-949a-fadba2016d2f@example.net> D wrote:
    On Fri, 5 Jul 2024, Scott Dorsey wrote:
    D <nospam@example.net> wrote:
    On Fri, 5 Jul 2024, Andreas Eder wrote:
    On Do 04 Jul 2024 at 23:49, Lawrence D'Oliveiro <ldo@nz.invalid> wrote: >>>>> On Thu, 4 Jul 2024 12:42:22 +0200, D wrote:

    *SKIP* [ 37 lines 6 levels deep]
    This is for instance the situation between Lawrence and myself, so
    every time he writes about his socialist theories, I just laugh and
    write some nonsense back, since I cannot even take him seriously.

    Do you realize that you both are not distinguishable from chatgpt?

    Torvalds' goal for Linux is very simple: World Domination
    Stallman's goal for GNU is even simpler: Freedom

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Computer Nerd Kev@21:1/5 to Lawrence D'Oliveiro on Sun Jul 7 09:09:20 2024
    Lawrence D'Oliveiro <ldo@nz.invalid> wrote:
    On 6 Jul 2024 13:00:23 +1000, Computer Nerd Kev wrote:
    Ahh, except that the spec included SIM Locking, with which all that
    compatiblity can be made irrelevent for a user with a network-locked

    All the jurisdictions I'm aware of had consumer-protection regulators who
    saw to it that unlocking a locked phone was available at a reasonable
    charge. Basically, customers got a discount off buying a SIM-locked phone (compared to an unlocked one), and they had to repay some part of that discount when it was unlocked, depending on how long before this was done.

    Compare this to the US system, where there was no option to unlock the
    SIM, because there was no SIM.

    As I also mentioned there's still the problem with different
    phone networks using different frequency bands, and phones only
    supporting the bands of one network. That was a common issue with
    3G phone networks in Australia, though the bands used for 4G are
    more consistent between networks and therefore all of the used 4G
    bands are supported by most/all of the locally-sold phones.

    __ __
    #_ < |\| |< _#

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Lawrence D'Oliveiro@21:1/5 to All on Sun Jul 7 01:35:53 2024
    On Sat, 6 Jul 2024 12:28:05 +0200, D wrote:

    Except that neither europe nor the US are free markets, so neither can
    be used as an example.

    The simple fact is that mobile phones took off in lots of countries,
    reaching over 100% penetration in several of them, while the US continued
    to lag behind. What was different? Those other countries used the Government-mandated GSM standard, while the US just “let the market decide”.

    Coincidence? You be the judge.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Lawrence D'Oliveiro@21:1/5 to All on Sun Jul 7 01:37:14 2024
    On Sat, 6 Jul 2024 12:21:52 +0200, D wrote:

    On Sat, 6 Jul 2024, Lawrence D'Oliveiro wrote:

    On Fri, 5 Jul 2024 11:37:56 +0200, D wrote:

    On Thu, 4 Jul 2024, Lawrence D'Oliveiro wrote:

    On Thu, 4 Jul 2024 12:42:22 +0200, D wrote:

    I find it tragic that something like that should be necessary for
    people to lift a finger when it comes to protecting markets.

    Almost as though free markets cannot remain free without regulators
    to keep them free.

    Of course they can.

    No they can’t. Left to themselves, they fall prey to anticompetitive
    practices, deceptive advertising, price-fixing, and just plain fraud.
    That’s why we need laws, and a Government to enforce them. Freedom
    requires order; anarchy is not freedom.

    Incorrect. Read this [useless article].

    Maybe stop paying attention to content-free polemicists, and start paying attention to the reality around you.

    Consider how long your economy would last if currency counterfeiters were allowed to proliferate unchecked, just for example.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Lawrence D'Oliveiro@21:1/5 to All on Sun Jul 7 01:38:21 2024
    On Sat, 6 Jul 2024 12:21:32 +0200, D wrote:

    On Sat, 6 Jul 2024, Lawrence D'Oliveiro wrote:

    On Fri, 5 Jul 2024 11:40:44 +0200, D wrote:

    On Thu, 4 Jul 2024, Lawrence D'Oliveiro wrote:

    Where are the righteous right-wingers who can contribute to Free
    software as well as expound opinions on it? There don’t seem to be

    Either they are outspoken and are shunned and net-hated ...

    But nobody can stop them distributing their software, can they? It will
    still manage to stand or fall on its merits, just like everything in
    Open Source.

    I am not talking about distributing their software.

    If their software contributions *are* being accepted and distributed, then
    how would you say they are being “shunned”?

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Lawrence D'Oliveiro@21:1/5 to All on Sun Jul 7 04:48:49 2024
    On Sat, 6 Jul 2024 12:18:57 +0200, D wrote:

    If they raise the price, competitors will form, or alternatives will be developed.

    There are ways to stifle competition, if there are no laws to prevent it. Deceptive advertising, predatory pricing, cornering the market on
    important components, buying out competitors ... the history of capitalism
    is littered with examples of all of these.

    Remember the phrase: “power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely”. An economic monopoly is something pretty close to “absolute power”.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From D@21:1/5 to Scott Dorsey on Sun Jul 7 12:31:05 2024
    On Sat, 6 Jul 2024, Scott Dorsey wrote:

    D <nospam@example.net> wrote:
    They are. One sentence says that free markets become oligopolies (which is >> not true) while the other says that government regulated markets (non-free >> markets) become oligopolies.

    But they BOTH can become oligopolies.

    I give you this, _for a time_ but the free market is a dynamic, changing system, as technology progresses, new products, services and replacement
    parts will arrive and be developed and old monopolies and oligopolies will fall.

    At worst, you'll end up with an equilibrium, where you might have a few
    100s or 1000s of companies and where prices are quite static and balanced
    by the supply and demand.

    The consumer only benefits from this. The classic marxist idea of one
    company rising to the top and forcing everyone to live at starvation
    levels due to high prices, is impossible.

    Either free markets create them, or non-free markets. If both create them, >> this discussion is meaningless. Needless to say, I do not believe so, but
    if someone does believe it, I see no point in continuing talking.

    The natural state of the system is oligopoly. A government can resist this, or it can accelerate it. This is why a government controlled by an informed electorate is so important.

    Except that the logical failure here is that the government is a monopoly.
    So since humans act on the free market and in governments, any corruption
    or negative effects that supposedly happens on free markets, will happen
    within the government as well. That is why so often, governments just keep
    on growing. The only way to counter that, is collapse of a government or
    severe system shock.

    If we reverse the logic, if governments, as monopolies, are benevolent and kind, so are the same humans acting on behalf of monopoly companies.

    As for the natural state of the system in a free market, it is not
    oligopoly. It is a diverse set of millions and millions of companies. One company governing all of earth would collapse the same way as big
    governments (and I'm thinking world government) collapses due to
    inefficient organization.

    The free market is self organizing and decentralised, and that is the
    natural state of it, without government creating and helping the behemoths
    we have today.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From D@21:1/5 to Eric Pozharski on Sun Jul 7 12:35:02 2024
    On Sat, 6 Jul 2024, Eric Pozharski wrote:

    with <335ed481-557d-7d19-949a-fadba2016d2f@example.net> D wrote:
    On Fri, 5 Jul 2024, Scott Dorsey wrote:
    D <nospam@example.net> wrote:
    On Fri, 5 Jul 2024, Andreas Eder wrote:
    On Do 04 Jul 2024 at 23:49, Lawrence D'Oliveiro <ldo@nz.invalid> wrote: >>>>>> On Thu, 4 Jul 2024 12:42:22 +0200, D wrote:

    *SKIP* [ 37 lines 6 levels deep]
    This is for instance the situation between Lawrence and myself, so
    every time he writes about his socialist theories, I just laugh and
    write some nonsense back, since I cannot even take him seriously.

    Do you realize that you both are not distinguishable from chatgpt?

    I did not realize that. Thank you very much Eric for pointing that out. ;)

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From D@21:1/5 to Dave Yeo on Sun Jul 7 12:34:21 2024
    On Sat, 6 Jul 2024, Dave Yeo wrote:

    D wrote:
    In terms of european failure we can just compare european GDP (PPP) per
    capita according to IMF (58,838 USD) with the US (85,373 USD) to see
    that a more free society is a richer and more ethical society.

    Are you actually claiming that higher GDP equals more ethical? So Qatar and the United Arab Emirates, as well as various European nations are more ethical then America as well as China's increasing GDP is based on becoming more ethical.

    Yes, because they steal less from me in terms of taxes. Tax is theft. In
    terms of violence, war, theft etc. governments are all bad. The difference
    is the type of criminal activity, and if it is successfully hidden. So
    yes, from a tax point of view, that is my opinion.

    One thing to note though, is that I say more ethical, and not _ethical. No government is ethical. And all governments can become more and more
    ethical as they strive to abolish themselves. So no, arabia is not
    "ethical" but since they engage in less theft than for instance, sweden,
    then yes, they are more ethical than sweden.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From D@21:1/5 to Lawrence D'Oliveiro on Sun Jul 7 12:36:20 2024
    This message is in MIME format. The first part should be readable text,
    while the remaining parts are likely unreadable without MIME-aware tools.

    On Sun, 7 Jul 2024, Lawrence D'Oliveiro wrote:

    On Sat, 6 Jul 2024 12:28:05 +0200, D wrote:

    Except that neither europe nor the US are free markets, so neither can
    be used as an example.

    The simple fact is that mobile phones took off in lots of countries,
    reaching over 100% penetration in several of them, while the US continued
    to lag behind. What was different? Those other countries used the Government-mandated GSM standard, while the US just “let the market decide”.

    Coincidence? You be the judge.

    That is incorrect. See original statement.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From D@21:1/5 to Lawrence D'Oliveiro on Sun Jul 7 12:37:48 2024
    This message is in MIME format. The first part should be readable text,
    while the remaining parts are likely unreadable without MIME-aware tools.

    On Sun, 7 Jul 2024, Lawrence D'Oliveiro wrote:

    On Sat, 6 Jul 2024 12:21:32 +0200, D wrote:

    On Sat, 6 Jul 2024, Lawrence D'Oliveiro wrote:

    On Fri, 5 Jul 2024 11:40:44 +0200, D wrote:

    On Thu, 4 Jul 2024, Lawrence D'Oliveiro wrote:

    Where are the righteous right-wingers who can contribute to Free
    software as well as expound opinions on it? There don’t seem to be >>>>> any.

    Either they are outspoken and are shunned and net-hated ...

    But nobody can stop them distributing their software, can they? It will
    still manage to stand or fall on its merits, just like everything in
    Open Source.

    I am not talking about distributing their software.

    If their software contributions *are* being accepted and distributed, then how would you say they are being “shunned”?

    Read original message. Will not repeat.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From D@21:1/5 to Lawrence D'Oliveiro on Sun Jul 7 12:38:50 2024
    This message is in MIME format. The first part should be readable text,
    while the remaining parts are likely unreadable without MIME-aware tools.

    On Sun, 7 Jul 2024, Lawrence D'Oliveiro wrote:

    On Sat, 6 Jul 2024 12:18:57 +0200, D wrote:

    If they raise the price, competitors will form, or alternatives will be

    There are ways to stifle competition, if there are no laws to prevent it. Deceptive advertising, predatory pricing, cornering the market on
    important components, buying out competitors ... the history of capitalism
    is littered with examples of all of these.

    Remember the phrase: “power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely”. An economic monopoly is something pretty close to “absolute power”.

    Incorrect. Markets have customers and are based on free informed consent.
    What you describe is a government based, ultimately on a monopoly on

    Congratulations Lawrence, you just explained why governments are the
    threat and not free markets! =D

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From D@21:1/5 to Dave Yeo on Sun Jul 7 21:08:02 2024
    On Sun, 7 Jul 2024, Dave Yeo wrote:

    D wrote:

    On Sat, 6 Jul 2024, Dave Yeo wrote:

    D wrote:
    In terms of european failure we can just compare european GDP (PPP) per >>>> capita according to IMF (58,838 USD) with the US (85,373 USD) to see
    that a more free society is a richer and more ethical society.

    Are you actually claiming that higher GDP equals more ethical? So
    Qatar and the United Arab Emirates, as well as various European
    nations are more ethical then America as well as China's increasing
    GDP is based on becoming more ethical.

    Yes, because they steal less from me in terms of taxes. Tax is theft. In
    terms of violence, war, theft etc. governments are all bad. The
    difference is the type of criminal activity, and if it is successfully
    hidden. So yes, from a tax point of view, that is my opinion.

    One thing to note though, is that I say more ethical, and not _ethical.
    No government is ethical. And all governments can become more and more
    ethical as they strive to abolish themselves. So no, arabia is not
    "ethical" but since they engage in less theft than for instance, sweden,
    then yes, they are more ethical than sweden.

    Why do you pay taxes if you consider it unethical? There's country's you could move to with little government and no taxes such as Haiti, or simply stop paying taxes by not taking the fruits of those taxes.

    Sadly I have family commitment which are leveraged against me. If I could
    just stop paying taxes without jeopardising those family commitments and without risking violence I definitely would.

    So what do I do instead?

    I fight with lawyers and aggressive tax planning. I'm down to about 9% to
    14% in taxes, which is much better than the 60+% or so I used to pay, but
    the journey towards 0% continues! =) Once my family commitments are not
    holding me back, I think, as you say, that it should be quite possible to
    shave off some additional couple of % from that figure! =)

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Lawrence D'Oliveiro@21:1/5 to All on Sun Jul 7 22:06:13 2024
    On Sun, 7 Jul 2024 12:34:21 +0200, D wrote:

    Tax is theft.

    Tax pays for law enforcement. Tax pays for the roads leading to your
    house. Tax pays for keeping your water clean and your air breatheable,
    against the depredations of corporations who would happily pass on such
    costs as an “externality”.

    Imagine if you had to pay a toll just to take your car out of your
    driveway. Or pop a coin in the meter every time you turned on your water
    tap, or took a breath.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Lawrence D'Oliveiro@21:1/5 to All on Sun Jul 7 22:07:18 2024
    On Sun, 7 Jul 2024 12:36:20 +0200, D wrote:

    On Sun, 7 Jul 2024, Lawrence D'Oliveiro wrote:

    On Sat, 6 Jul 2024 12:28:05 +0200, D wrote:

    Except that neither europe nor the US are free markets, so neither can
    be used as an example.

    The simple fact is that mobile phones took off in lots of countries,
    reaching over 100% penetration in several of them, while the US
    continued to lag behind. What was different? Those other countries used
    the Government-mandated GSM standard, while the US just “let the market

    Coincidence? You be the judge.

    That is incorrect.

    That’s what really happened. This is all a matter of public record, that
    no amount of ranting polemic, no matter how loudly shouted, can erase.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Lawrence D'Oliveiro@21:1/5 to All on Sun Jul 7 22:34:27 2024
    On Sun, 7 Jul 2024 12:37:07 +0200, D wrote:

    Ahh... so you did not read?

    Appealing to such a questionable authority who has done such a good job of telling you what to think is convincing others only of how gullible you

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Anonymous@21:1/5 to Lawrence D'Oliveiro on Sun Jul 7 20:44:06 2024
    Lawrence D'Oliveiro wrote:
    On Sun, 7 Jul 2024 12:34:21 +0200, D wrote:

    Tax is theft.

    Tax pays for law enforcement.

    "Law enforcement" prevents us white people from organizing collective
    defense of our neighborhoods against blacks. They also enforce the
    current anarcho-tyranny we're forced to live under here in America.

    Tax pays for the roads leading to your
    house. Tax pays for keeping your water clean and your air breatheable, against the depredations of corporations who would happily pass on such
    costs as an “externality”.

    A small amount compared to just Medicare and Medicaid. Oh wait, tax
    doesn't pay for the majority of those, as they are currently some 80
    percent unfunded by tax receipts, and account for the vast majority,
    if not ALL of the deficit.

    Stop with your bait-and-switch.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From vallor@21:1/5 to nospam@example.net on Mon Jul 8 02:35:23 2024
    On Sun, 7 Jul 2024 12:31:05 +0200, D <nospam@example.net> wrote in <7896d979-7348-9c9c-d5a1-db664baa32fc@example.net>:

    As for the natural state of the system in a free market, it is not
    oligopoly. It is a diverse set of millions and millions of companies.
    One company governing all of earth would collapse the same way as big governments (and I'm thinking world government) collapses due to
    inefficient organization.

    The free market is self organizing and decentralised, and that is the
    natural state of it, without government creating and helping the
    behemoths we have today.

    We should also do away with referees on soccer pitches, because the games
    will self organize.

    Seriously, I have just 2 comments:

    1) The bigotry from "Anonymous" was uncalled for, and
    2) "free markets" are not to be desired. _FAIR_ markets, are.

    You can't have a fair market without fair referees...and there's the rub. _Some_ regulation is necessary.

    For example: Microsoft was adjudicated to be a monopoly at one point,
    the question was if they were using that status unfairly in the market.

    How does that look today?

    -v ASUS TUF Dash F15 x86_64 NVIDIA RTX 3060 Mobile
    OS: Linux 5.15.0-113-lowlatency Release: Mint 21.3 Mem: 15.9G
    "It is not only fine feathers that make fine birds."

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From D@21:1/5 to Lawrence D'Oliveiro on Mon Jul 8 12:17:42 2024
    This message is in MIME format. The first part should be readable text,
    while the remaining parts are likely unreadable without MIME-aware tools.

    On Sun, 7 Jul 2024, Lawrence D'Oliveiro wrote:

    On Sun, 7 Jul 2024 12:36:20 +0200, D wrote:

    On Sun, 7 Jul 2024, Lawrence D'Oliveiro wrote:

    On Sat, 6 Jul 2024 12:28:05 +0200, D wrote:

    Except that neither europe nor the US are free markets, so neither can >>>> be used as an example.

    The simple fact is that mobile phones took off in lots of countries,
    reaching over 100% penetration in several of them, while the US
    continued to lag behind. What was different? Those other countries used
    the Government-mandated GSM standard, while the US just “let the market >>> decide”.

    Coincidence? You be the judge.

    That is incorrect.

    That’s what really happened. This is all a matter of public record, that
    no amount of ranting polemic, no matter how loudly shouted, can erase.

    See original message. There you have your answer.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From D@21:1/5 to Anonymous on Mon Jul 8 12:19:28 2024
    This message is in MIME format. The first part should be readable text,
    while the remaining parts are likely unreadable without MIME-aware tools.

    On Sun, 7 Jul 2024, Anonymous wrote:

    Lawrence D'Oliveiro wrote:
    On Sun, 7 Jul 2024 12:34:21 +0200, D wrote:

    Tax is theft.

    Tax pays for law enforcement.

    "Law enforcement" prevents us white people from organizing collective
    defense of our neighborhoods against blacks. They also enforce the
    current anarcho-tyranny we're forced to live under here in America.

    Tax pays for the roads leading to your
    house. Tax pays for keeping your water clean and your air breatheable,
    against the depredations of corporations who would happily pass on such
    costs as an “externality”.

    A small amount compared to just Medicare and Medicaid. Oh wait, tax
    doesn't pay for the majority of those, as they are currently some 80
    percent unfunded by tax receipts, and account for the vast majority,
    if not ALL of the deficit.

    Stop with your bait-and-switch.

    That's Lawrence standard topic. When he is refuted, he just switches
    topic, or reframes the question, without addressing the original argument.

    It also seems he has never travelled outside the socialist paradise he currently lives in, and has no concept of for-profit, non-profit,
    volunteer, neighbourshood watches, etc. organizations which work better
    than the government and are funded without taxes (theft).

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From D@21:1/5 to vallor on Mon Jul 8 12:22:16 2024
    On Mon, 8 Jul 2024, vallor wrote:

    On Sun, 7 Jul 2024 12:31:05 +0200, D <nospam@example.net> wrote in <7896d979-7348-9c9c-d5a1-db664baa32fc@example.net>:

    As for the natural state of the system in a free market, it is not
    oligopoly. It is a diverse set of millions and millions of companies.
    One company governing all of earth would collapse the same way as big
    governments (and I'm thinking world government) collapses due to
    inefficient organization.

    The free market is self organizing and decentralised, and that is the
    natural state of it, without government creating and helping the
    behemoths we have today.

    We should also do away with referees on soccer pitches, because the games will self organize.

    You have never played football without a judge? I've played plento of self-organized football games. Some games self-organize with a judge some without.

    Seriously, I have just 2 comments:

    1) The bigotry from "Anonymous" was uncalled for, and
    2) "free markets" are not to be desired. _FAIR_ markets, are.

    See the article I sent, that shows why 1 and 2 are wrong.

    You can't have a fair market without fair referees...and there's the rub. _Some_ regulation is necessary.

    Incorrect. I've made 100s of thousands if not more without judges and
    referees. Let me guess... you are not running your own company, right?

    For example: Microsoft was adjudicated to be a monopoly at one point,
    the question was if they were using that status unfairly in the market.

    How does that look today?

    Microsoft reached its position due to deep links with and favours from the government. Without the government, Microsoft would be a shadow of itself.
    Just have a look at its income and then you subtract all the government contracts, that's only the first indication.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From D@21:1/5 to Lawrence D'Oliveiro on Mon Jul 8 12:18:09 2024
    On Sun, 7 Jul 2024, Lawrence D'Oliveiro wrote:

    On Sun, 7 Jul 2024 12:37:07 +0200, D wrote:

    Ahh... so you did not read?

    Appealing to such a questionable authority who has done such a good job of telling you what to think is convincing others only of how gullible you

    Thank you for the admission of defeat. =)

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Eric Pozharski@21:1/5 to adfeb857-31b4-142b-03f5-9d38aeb803f on Mon Jul 8 12:11:35 2024
    with <adfeb857-31b4-142b-03f5-9d38aeb803f7@example.net> D wrote:
    On Sat, 6 Jul 2024, Eric Pozharski wrote:
    with <335ed481-557d-7d19-949a-fadba2016d2f@example.net> D wrote:
    On Fri, 5 Jul 2024, Scott Dorsey wrote:
    D <nospam@example.net> wrote:
    On Fri, 5 Jul 2024, Andreas Eder wrote:
    On Do 04 Jul 2024 at 23:49, Lawrence D'Oliveiro <ldo@nz.invalid>
    On Thu, 4 Jul 2024 12:42:22 +0200, D wrote:

    This is for instance the situation between Lawrence and myself, so
    every time he writes about his socialist theories, I just laugh and
    write some nonsense back, since I cannot even take him seriously.
    Do you realize that you both are not distinguishable from chatgpt?
    I did not realize that. Thank you very much Eric for pointing that
    out. ;)

    Unability to withhold comments. This is so chatgpt thing to do.

    Torvalds' goal for Linux is very simple: World Domination
    Stallman's goal for GNU is even simpler: Freedom

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Eric Pozharski@21:1/5 to c221af53-c952-60e8-d1b8-12539a75968 on Mon Jul 8 12:04:28 2024
    with <c221af53-c952-60e8-d1b8-12539a759688@example.net> D wrote:
    On Sun, 7 Jul 2024, Dave Yeo wrote:
    D wrote:
    On Sat, 6 Jul 2024, Dave Yeo wrote:
    D wrote:

    *SKIP* [ 17 lines 5 levels deep]
    One thing to note though, is that I say more ethical, and not
    _ethical. No government is ethical. And all governments can become
    more and more ethical as they strive to abolish themselves. So no,
    arabia is not "ethical" but since they engage in less theft than for
    instance, sweden, then yes, they are more ethical than sweden.
    Why do you pay taxes if you consider it unethical? There's country's
    you could move to with little government and no taxes such as Haiti,
    or simply stop paying taxes by not taking the fruits of those taxes.
    Sadly I have family commitment which are leveraged against me. If I
    could just stop paying taxes without jeopardising those family
    commitments and without risking violence I definitely would.

    News flash! You've bee *brainwashed* into "family commintments". Move
    to Haiti while you can!

    So what do I do instead?
    I fight with lawyers and aggressive tax planning. I'm down to about 9%
    to 14% in taxes, which is much better than the 60+% or so I used to
    pay, but the journey towards 0% continues! =) Once my family
    commitments are not holding me back, I think, as you say, that it
    should be quite possible to shave off some additional couple of % from
    that figure! =)

    And that lawyering isn't taxation how?

    Also, you forgot to add "Contact me to learn more". Your lawyer is
    already disappointed.

    Torvalds' goal for Linux is very simple: World Domination
    Stallman's goal for GNU is even simpler: Freedom

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From D@21:1/5 to Eric Pozharski on Mon Jul 8 22:12:53 2024
    On Mon, 8 Jul 2024, Eric Pozharski wrote:

    with <c221af53-c952-60e8-d1b8-12539a759688@example.net> D wrote:
    On Sun, 7 Jul 2024, Dave Yeo wrote:
    D wrote:
    On Sat, 6 Jul 2024, Dave Yeo wrote:
    D wrote:

    *SKIP* [ 17 lines 5 levels deep]
    One thing to note though, is that I say more ethical, and not
    _ethical. No government is ethical. And all governments can become
    more and more ethical as they strive to abolish themselves. So no,
    arabia is not "ethical" but since they engage in less theft than for
    instance, sweden, then yes, they are more ethical than sweden.
    Why do you pay taxes if you consider it unethical? There's country's
    you could move to with little government and no taxes such as Haiti,
    or simply stop paying taxes by not taking the fruits of those taxes.
    Sadly I have family commitment which are leveraged against me. If I
    could just stop paying taxes without jeopardising those family
    commitments and without risking violence I definitely would.

    News flash! You've bee *brainwashed* into "family commintments". Move
    to Haiti while you can!

    So what do I do instead?
    I fight with lawyers and aggressive tax planning. I'm down to about 9%
    to 14% in taxes, which is much better than the 60+% or so I used to
    pay, but the journey towards 0% continues! =) Once my family
    commitments are not holding me back, I think, as you say, that it
    should be quite possible to shave off some additional couple of % from
    that figure! =)

    And that lawyering isn't taxation how?

    Also, you forgot to add "Contact me to learn more". Your lawyer is
    already disappointed.

    Lawyering is not taxation, correct.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From D@21:1/5 to Eric Pozharski on Mon Jul 8 22:13:11 2024
    On Mon, 8 Jul 2024, Eric Pozharski wrote:

    with <adfeb857-31b4-142b-03f5-9d38aeb803f7@example.net> D wrote:
    On Sat, 6 Jul 2024, Eric Pozharski wrote:
    with <335ed481-557d-7d19-949a-fadba2016d2f@example.net> D wrote:
    On Fri, 5 Jul 2024, Scott Dorsey wrote:
    D <nospam@example.net> wrote:
    On Fri, 5 Jul 2024, Andreas Eder wrote:
    On Do 04 Jul 2024 at 23:49, Lawrence D'Oliveiro <ldo@nz.invalid> >>>>>>> wrote:
    On Thu, 4 Jul 2024 12:42:22 +0200, D wrote:

    This is for instance the situation between Lawrence and myself, so
    every time he writes about his socialist theories, I just laugh and
    write some nonsense back, since I cannot even take him seriously.
    Do you realize that you both are not distinguishable from chatgpt?
    I did not realize that. Thank you very much Eric for pointing that
    out. ;)

    Unability to withhold comments. This is so chatgpt thing to do.


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From vallor@21:1/5 to nospam@example.net on Mon Jul 8 21:50:14 2024
    On Mon, 8 Jul 2024 12:22:16 +0200, D <nospam@example.net> wrote in <1da9000c-47f2-06ff-3bab-9ebad5d2e6ba@example.net>:

    On Mon, 8 Jul 2024, vallor wrote:

    On Sun, 7 Jul 2024 12:31:05 +0200, D <nospam@example.net> wrote in

    As for the natural state of the system in a free market, it is not
    oligopoly. It is a diverse set of millions and millions of companies.
    One company governing all of earth would collapse the same way as big
    governments (and I'm thinking world government) collapses due to
    inefficient organization.

    The free market is self organizing and decentralised, and that is the
    natural state of it, without government creating and helping the
    behemoths we have today.

    We should also do away with referees on soccer pitches, because the
    will self organize.

    You have never played football without a judge? I've played plento of self-organized football games. Some games self-organize with a judge

    Seriously, I have just 2 comments:

    1) The bigotry from "Anonymous" was uncalled for, and
    2) "free markets" are not to be desired. _FAIR_ markets, are.

    See the article I sent, that shows why 1 and 2 are wrong.

    So you condone the bigotry. Ad hominem fallacy #1.

    You can't have a fair market without fair referees...and there's the
    _Some_ regulation is necessary.

    Incorrect. I've made 100s of thousands if not more without judges and referees. Let me guess... you are not running your own company, right?

    So you refer to my personal circumstances as if it had any bearing on
    my arguments. Ad hominem fallacy #2.

    Now, it's true that my business partner and I started a company in 1994
    that is still going strong after 30 years, one with over 750 employees
    last time I checked. And it's true that I speak from experience,
    because we are an ISP fighting two "elephants" in the market that
    continue their regulatory capture -- where we have fought for a
    fairer market.

    But again, referring to my personal circumstances only means you
    have a loose grasp of logic, and are prone to logical fallacies.

    I'll let you try again to make an argument without your disgusting
    bigotry or logical fallacies -- if you dare.

    And I'm not even going to approach a discussion of natural monopolies
    with respect to last-mile Internet or operating system
    standards -- at least, not with you, until you recognize
    your logical lapses.

    -v ASUS TUF Dash F15 x86_64 NVIDIA RTX 3060 Mobile
    OS: Linux 5.15.0-113-lowlatency Release: Mint 21.3 Mem: 15.9G

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Scott Dorsey@21:1/5 to ldo@nz.invalid on Tue Jul 9 00:18:31 2024
    Lawrence D'Oliveiro <ldo@nz.invalid> wrote:
    On Sat, 6 Jul 2024 12:28:05 +0200, D wrote:

    Except that neither europe nor the US are free markets, so neither can
    be used as an example.

    The simple fact is that mobile phones took off in lots of countries,
    reaching over 100% penetration in several of them, while the US continued
    to lag behind. What was different? Those other countries used the >Government-mandated GSM standard, while the US just “let the market >decide”.

    It's true that the cellphone companies in the US lobbied congress for a
    number of regulations that stifled competition and stifled the growth
    of the industry, such as the Electronic Communication Privacy Act of 1986
    which remains a stumbling block for all kinds of things.

    "C'est un Nagra. C'est suisse, et tres, tres precis."

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From D@21:1/5 to vallor on Tue Jul 9 12:09:35 2024
    On Mon, 8 Jul 2024, vallor wrote:

    On Mon, 8 Jul 2024 12:22:16 +0200, D <nospam@example.net> wrote in <1da9000c-47f2-06ff-3bab-9ebad5d2e6ba@example.net>:

    On Mon, 8 Jul 2024, vallor wrote:

    On Sun, 7 Jul 2024 12:31:05 +0200, D <nospam@example.net> wrote in

    As for the natural state of the system in a free market, it is not
    oligopoly. It is a diverse set of millions and millions of companies.
    One company governing all of earth would collapse the same way as big
    governments (and I'm thinking world government) collapses due to
    inefficient organization.

    The free market is self organizing and decentralised, and that is the
    natural state of it, without government creating and helping the
    behemoths we have today.

    We should also do away with referees on soccer pitches, because the
    will self organize.

    You have never played football without a judge? I've played plento of
    self-organized football games. Some games self-organize with a judge

    Seriously, I have just 2 comments:

    1) The bigotry from "Anonymous" was uncalled for, and
    2) "free markets" are not to be desired. _FAIR_ markets, are.

    See the article I sent, that shows why 1 and 2 are wrong.

    So you condone the bigotry. Ad hominem fallacy #1.

    You can't have a fair market without fair referees...and there's the
    _Some_ regulation is necessary.

    Incorrect. I've made 100s of thousands if not more without judges and
    referees. Let me guess... you are not running your own company, right?

    So you refer to my personal circumstances as if it had any bearing on
    my arguments. Ad hominem fallacy #2.

    Now, it's true that my business partner and I started a company in 1994
    that is still going strong after 30 years, one with over 750 employees
    last time I checked. And it's true that I speak from experience,
    because we are an ISP fighting two "elephants" in the market that
    continue their regulatory capture -- where we have fought for a
    fairer market.

    But again, referring to my personal circumstances only means you
    have a loose grasp of logic, and are prone to logical fallacies.

    I'll let you try again to make an argument without your disgusting
    bigotry or logical fallacies -- if you dare.

    And I'm not even going to approach a discussion of natural monopolies
    with respect to last-mile Internet or operating system
    standards -- at least, not with you, until you recognize
    your logical lapses.

    Sorry, you are incorrect. Not much we can do here.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From D@21:1/5 to Eric Pozharski on Tue Jul 9 12:10:55 2024
    On Tue, 9 Jul 2024, Eric Pozharski wrote:

    with <92b78f54-c980-13f9-8eb6-37385e3349a3@example.net> D wrote:
    On Mon, 8 Jul 2024, Eric Pozharski wrote:
    with <c221af53-c952-60e8-d1b8-12539a759688@example.net> D wrote:
    On Sun, 7 Jul 2024, Dave Yeo wrote:
    D wrote:
    On Sat, 6 Jul 2024, Dave Yeo wrote:
    D wrote:

    *SKIP* [ 30 lines 5 levels deep] # connectivity is lost
    Lawyering is not taxation, correct.

    Are you talking to yourself that early?


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From D@21:1/5 to Scott Dorsey on Tue Jul 9 12:10:41 2024
    On Tue, 9 Jul 2024, Scott Dorsey wrote:

    Lawrence D'Oliveiro <ldo@nz.invalid> wrote:
    On Sat, 6 Jul 2024 12:28:05 +0200, D wrote:

    Except that neither europe nor the US are free markets, so neither can
    be used as an example.

    The simple fact is that mobile phones took off in lots of countries,
    reaching over 100% penetration in several of them, while the US continued
    to lag behind. What was different? Those other countries used the
    Government-mandated GSM standard, while the US just ???let the market

    It's true that the cellphone companies in the US lobbied congress for a number of regulations that stifled competition and stifled the growth
    of the industry, such as the Electronic Communication Privacy Act of 1986 which remains a stumbling block for all kinds of things.

    Thank you for a good example Scott.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Eric Pozharski@21:1/5 to 92b78f54-c980-13f9-8eb6-37385e3349a on Tue Jul 9 08:34:19 2024
    with <92b78f54-c980-13f9-8eb6-37385e3349a3@example.net> D wrote:
    On Mon, 8 Jul 2024, Eric Pozharski wrote:
    with <c221af53-c952-60e8-d1b8-12539a759688@example.net> D wrote:
    On Sun, 7 Jul 2024, Dave Yeo wrote:
    D wrote:
    On Sat, 6 Jul 2024, Dave Yeo wrote:
    D wrote:

    *SKIP* [ 30 lines 5 levels deep] # connectivity is lost
    Lawyering is not taxation, correct.

    Are you talking to yourself that early?

    Torvalds' goal for Linux is very simple: World Domination
    Stallman's goal for GNU is even simpler: Freedom

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From vallor@21:1/5 to nospam@example.net on Tue Jul 9 12:28:28 2024
    On Tue, 9 Jul 2024 12:09:35 +0200, D <nospam@example.net> wrote in <a53335e6-987e-c786-9ad4-2ac963f2f340@example.net>:

    On Mon, 8 Jul 2024, vallor wrote:

    On Mon, 8 Jul 2024 12:22:16 +0200, D <nospam@example.net> wrote in

    On Mon, 8 Jul 2024, vallor wrote:

    On Sun, 7 Jul 2024 12:31:05 +0200, D <nospam@example.net> wrote in

    As for the natural state of the system in a free market, it is not
    oligopoly. It is a diverse set of millions and millions of
    One company governing all of earth would collapse the same way as
    big governments (and I'm thinking world government) collapses due to >>>>> inefficient organization.

    The free market is self organizing and decentralised, and that is
    the natural state of it, without government creating and helping the >>>>> behemoths we have today.

    We should also do away with referees on soccer pitches, because the
    will self organize.

    You have never played football without a judge? I've played plento of
    self-organized football games. Some games self-organize with a judge

    Seriously, I have just 2 comments:

    1) The bigotry from "Anonymous" was uncalled for, and 2) "free
    markets" are not to be desired. _FAIR_ markets, are.

    See the article I sent, that shows why 1 and 2 are wrong.

    So you condone the bigotry. Ad hominem fallacy #1.

    You can't have a fair market without fair referees...and there's the
    _Some_ regulation is necessary.

    Incorrect. I've made 100s of thousands if not more without judges and
    referees. Let me guess... you are not running your own company, right?

    So you refer to my personal circumstances as if it had any bearing on
    my arguments. Ad hominem fallacy #2.

    Now, it's true that my business partner and I started a company in 1994
    that is still going strong after 30 years, one with over 750 employees
    last time I checked. And it's true that I speak from experience,
    because we are an ISP fighting two "elephants" in the market that
    continue their regulatory capture -- where we have fought for a fairer

    But again, referring to my personal circumstances only means you have a
    loose grasp of logic, and are prone to logical fallacies.

    I'll let you try again to make an argument without your disgusting
    bigotry or logical fallacies -- if you dare.

    And I'm not even going to approach a discussion of natural monopolies
    with respect to last-mile Internet or operating system standards -- at
    least, not with you, until you recognize your logical lapses.

    Sorry, you are incorrect.

    That is not an argument.

    Not much we can do here.

    This much is true. You run into an actual 1%-er -- one who
    thinks you're full of crap -- and you run for the hills.

    You were wrong on rasw, and you're wrong here, too.

    But for someone who likes to say "we have nothing to talk about"
    so much, you sure do like to shoot your mouth off, Bigot.

    p.s. The article in the OP was excellent, and relatable by
    anyone with a conscience.

    -v ASUS TUF Dash F15 x86_64 NVIDIA RTX 3060 Mobile
    OS: Linux 5.15.0-113-lowlatency Release: Mint 21.3 Mem: 15.9G
    "Ok, I pulled the pin. Now what? Where are you going?"

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From D@21:1/5 to vallor on Wed Jul 10 12:31:21 2024
    On Tue, 9 Jul 2024, vallor wrote:

    On Tue, 9 Jul 2024 12:09:35 +0200, D <nospam@example.net> wrote in <a53335e6-987e-c786-9ad4-2ac963f2f340@example.net>:

    On Mon, 8 Jul 2024, vallor wrote:

    On Mon, 8 Jul 2024 12:22:16 +0200, D <nospam@example.net> wrote in

    On Mon, 8 Jul 2024, vallor wrote:

    On Sun, 7 Jul 2024 12:31:05 +0200, D <nospam@example.net> wrote in

    As for the natural state of the system in a free market, it is not >>>>>> oligopoly. It is a diverse set of millions and millions of
    One company governing all of earth would collapse the same way as
    big governments (and I'm thinking world government) collapses due to >>>>>> inefficient organization.

    The free market is self organizing and decentralised, and that is
    the natural state of it, without government creating and helping the >>>>>> behemoths we have today.

    We should also do away with referees on soccer pitches, because the
    will self organize.

    You have never played football without a judge? I've played plento of
    self-organized football games. Some games self-organize with a judge

    Seriously, I have just 2 comments:

    1) The bigotry from "Anonymous" was uncalled for, and 2) "free
    markets" are not to be desired. _FAIR_ markets, are.

    See the article I sent, that shows why 1 and 2 are wrong.

    So you condone the bigotry. Ad hominem fallacy #1.

    You can't have a fair market without fair referees...and there's the
    _Some_ regulation is necessary.

    Incorrect. I've made 100s of thousands if not more without judges and
    referees. Let me guess... you are not running your own company, right?

    So you refer to my personal circumstances as if it had any bearing on
    my arguments. Ad hominem fallacy #2.

    Now, it's true that my business partner and I started a company in 1994
    that is still going strong after 30 years, one with over 750 employees
    last time I checked. And it's true that I speak from experience,
    because we are an ISP fighting two "elephants" in the market that
    continue their regulatory capture -- where we have fought for a fairer

    But again, referring to my personal circumstances only means you have a
    loose grasp of logic, and are prone to logical fallacies.

    I'll let you try again to make an argument without your disgusting
    bigotry or logical fallacies -- if you dare.

    And I'm not even going to approach a discussion of natural monopolies
    with respect to last-mile Internet or operating system standards -- at
    least, not with you, until you recognize your logical lapses.

    Sorry, you are incorrect.

    That is not an argument.

    Not much we can do here.

    This much is true. You run into an actual 1%-er -- one who
    thinks you're full of crap -- and you run for the hills.

    So? I know 1%-er who agree with me.

    You were wrong on rasw, and you're wrong here, too.


    But for someone who likes to say "we have nothing to talk about"
    so much, you sure do like to shoot your mouth off, Bigot.

    p.s. The article in the OP was excellent, and relatable by
    anyone with a conscience.

    The fee article was excellent.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Lawrence D'Oliveiro@21:1/5 to Dave Yeo on Wed Jul 10 22:32:13 2024
    On Wed, 10 Jul 2024 08:57:24 -0700, Dave Yeo wrote:

    On Tue, 9 Jul 2024, Scott Dorsey wrote:

    Lawrence D'Oliveiro <ldo@nz.invalid> wrote:

    The simple fact is that mobile phones took off in lots of countries,
    reaching over 100% penetration in several of them, while the US
    continued to lag behind. What was different? Those other countries
    used the Government-mandated GSM standard, while the US just ???let
    the market decide???.

    It's true that the cellphone companies in the US lobbied congress for
    a number of regulations that stifled competition and stifled the
    growth of the industry, such as the Electronic Communication Privacy
    Act of 1986 which remains a stumbling block for all kinds of things.

    It is a good example of capitalism in action, using capital to acquire
    more capital, in this case by buying government.

    Which they did very well, to their own benefit, but not to that of their customers who were supposed to be paying for all of this.

    The Europeans managed to create a much more competitive free market.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From D@21:1/5 to Dave Yeo on Thu Jul 11 11:20:19 2024
    On Wed, 10 Jul 2024, Dave Yeo wrote:

    D wrote:

    On Tue, 9 Jul 2024, Scott Dorsey wrote:

    Lawrence D'Oliveiro <ldo@nz.invalid> wrote:
    On Sat, 6 Jul 2024 12:28:05 +0200, D wrote:

    Except that neither europe nor the US are free markets, so neither can >>>>> be used as an example.

    The simple fact is that mobile phones took off in lots of countries,
    reaching over 100% penetration in several of them, while the US
    to lag behind. What was different? Those other countries used the
    Government-mandated GSM standard, while the US just ???let the market

    It's true that the cellphone companies in the US lobbied congress for a
    number of regulations that stifled competition and stifled the growth
    of the industry, such as the Electronic Communication Privacy Act of 1986 >>> which remains a stumbling block for all kinds of things.

    Thank you for a good example Scott.

    It is a good example of capitalism in action, using capital to acquire more capital, in this case by buying government.
    Why do you hate capitalism?

    In situations like these, I always recommend the calm and collected
    reading of Johan Norbergs The Capitalist Manifesto (https://www.amazon.com/Capitalist-Manifesto-Global-Market-World/dp/1838957928/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&sr=).

    Enjoy! =)

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)